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Публикувано30.09.03 00:57  

Official: Atkins diet can be deadly

Jo Revill, health editor
Sunday September 21, 2003
The Observer

The first official warning about the dangers of the Atkins diet has been issued by the Government amid concern about the rising number of people opting for the high-fat, high-protein regime.
The Food Standards Agency, which is responsible for all the Government's nutritional guidance, has published a statement alerting the public to the health risks of low-carbohydrate diets, including Atkins, claiming that they are linked to heart disease, cancer and even obesity.

In the past two months senior nutritionists have held talks with the Department of Health about the slimming fad and were asked to investigate the full risks of the diet.

But Ministers, who did not want to be accused of running a 'nanny state' by issuing the warning themselves, decided that it would be best if they were distanced from the advice, by letting it come from food experts.

The dangers are clearly spelt out on the agency's website, without actually naming the Atkins diet, which has been tried by more than three million people in Britain.

'Cutting out starchy foods, or any food group, can be bad for your health because you could be missing out on a range of nutrients,' the statement says. 'This type of diet also tends to be unrealistic and dull, and not palatable enough to be tolerated for a long time.'

It adds: 'High-fat diets are also associated with obesity, which is increasing in the UK. People who are obese are more likely to develop conditions such as diabetes and some cancers. Low-carb diets tend to be high in fat, too, and eating a diet that is high in fat could increase your chances of developing coronary heart disease.'

The advice, compiled in a question-and-answer style by senior nutritionist Sam Church, states that rather than trying to avoid carbohydrates, it is better to base your meals on them so they make up one-third of your diet.

But she does not include a warning about the possible risk of kidney or liver disease for anyone who spends a long time on the diet, possibly because of lack of reliable research to back such claims.

Dr Atkins' Diet Revolution toppled Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix off the number one spot during the summer; it now stands at six the UK bestseller list, having sold more than half a million copies in the past year.

Supermarkets report a surge in meat and cheese sales and a slump in pasta and rice. The price of eggs has risen by 9 per cent, bringing fears of a shortage because devotees of the diet are using the food as a way of ensuring their daily fix of protein. Some sandwich bars are also offering 'Atkins-friendly' meals, such as chicken and salad, to respond to demand and counteract the fall in sandwich sales, as bread is on the banned list.

A spokeswoman for the Atkins company argued that research showed it was consumption of large amounts of carbohydrates with a high-glycemic index, such as white bread, white rice or white potatoes, which increased the risk of coronary heart disease.

'At all stages of Atkins, we encourage consumption of nutrient-dense foods including plenty of vegetables, with the introduction of fruits and wholegrains later in the programme as one approaches ideal weight,' she added.

вие и това ще го изтриете ..ами виж ,то на мен не ми пука....
но ,това , което поствам е ОФИЦИАЛНОТО МНЕНИЕ НА АНГЛИЙСКИТЕ ВЛАСТИ ..щото и на село четем дет се вика преса..като приберем козите ...
пък какви са тия американци дето викат , че могат и да не са съгласни с твоето мнение ,но ще са готови да умрат , ама ще ти дадат възможност да си кажеш мнението ..то аз те знам че си от админи-те от преди това ....и шиях да те питам що така бавно се зарежда тоя dir .... ма дет се вика , то не е само дира ..inache oficialnite angliiski vlasti kazvat che ATKINS CAN BE DEADLY :)))) ..щото те имат осигурителна система на здравеопазването .. и тези сърдечни заболявания , рак и дори прекалена пълнота...да го превеждам ли ?? някои ако не го разбира да се обади ..

нищо лично

spidercho sorry , but i know you can delete it quickly ..in a case ..

Цялата тема
* ATKINS CAN BE DEADLY нищo личнo   30.09.03 00:57
. * Re: ATKINS CAN BE DEADLY malkia   30.09.03 07:58
. * Re: ATKINS CAN BE DEADLY Tz   30.09.03 08:39
. * Re: ATKINS CAN BE DEADLY нищo личнo   30.09.03 11:20
. * Re: ATKINS CAN BE DEADLY gal   30.09.03 11:29
. * Re: ATKINS CAN BE DEADLY Spidercho   30.09.03 12:38
. * aha gal   30.09.03 12:39
. * Re: зависи viper   01.10.03 12:41
. * Re: ATKINS CAN BE DEADLY _flash_   30.09.03 09:48
. * Re: ATKINS CAN BE DEADLY romburak   30.09.03 11:16
. * Re: ATKINS CAN BE DEADLY нищo личнo   30.09.03 13:59
. * Re: ATKINS CAN BE DEADLY Tz   30.09.03 14:13
. * Re: ATKINS CAN BE DEADLY nishto lichno   30.09.03 14:21
. * Re: ATKINS CAN BE DEADLY _flash_   01.10.03 11:31
. * Re: ATKINS CAN BE DEADLY Dideto   30.09.03 14:20
. * Re: ATKINS CAN BE DEADLY нищo личнo   01.10.03 23:46
. * :) Hristo   02.10.03 01:39
. * Re: ATKINS CAN BE DEADLY Dideto   02.10.03 10:04
. * Re: ATKINS CAN BE DEADLY блoнди   02.10.03 18:14
. * Това не е на британското правителство Dead End   02.10.03 18:18
. * Re: Това не е на британското правителство no_bs   02.10.03 18:35
. * Re: ATKINS CAN BE DEADLY hishto lichno   03.10.03 00:06
. * Re: ATKINS CAN BE DEADLY Tz   03.10.03 10:49
. * Re: ATKINS CAN BE DEADLY нищo личнo   04.10.03 00:52
. * Re: ATKINS CAN BE DEADLY Dideto   04.10.03 21:49
. * Re: ATKINS CAN BE DEADLY Tz   05.10.03 21:01
. * Amen, sister. Hristo   30.09.03 21:28
. * Farming lobby 'pushed for warnings on Atkins diet' Rocco Siffredi   05.10.03 18:40
. * Re: Farming lobby 'pushed for warnings on Atkins diet' Tz   05.10.03 21:12
. * Re: Farming lobby 'pushed for warnings on Atkins diet' нищo личнo   05.10.03 22:45
. * Re: Farming lobby 'pushed for warnings on Atkins diet' Tz   05.10.03 23:11
. * Съвсем лично блoнди   06.10.03 21:05
. * Re: Съвсем лично drug   07.10.03 02:07
. * Re: Съвсем лично Tz   07.10.03 08:36
. * Re: Съвсем лично нищo личнo   07.10.03 09:36
. * Re: Съвсем лично Tz   07.10.03 11:12
. * Re: Съвсем лично блoнди   07.10.03 17:26
. * Re: Съвсем лично блoнди   07.10.03 17:23
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