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Тема Re: [re: brey]
Автор Dragoness (много огнена)
Публикувано18.10.02 08:44  

Tova za suhata hrana ne e taka, bilo e taka predi okolo 15 god. Sled tova vuv Francia sa sudili edna ot firmite, proizvoditel na suhi hrani (narochno ne kazvam imeto), kachestvoto suotvetno e podobreno i veche ne krie zdravoslovni riskove, oshte poveche ASPCA, RSPCA i dr organizacii shte vdignat shum do nebeto, ako tova, koeto ti kazvash e viarno.

Cat leukemia

Feline leukemia is a disease known only to cats. Until recently, it was the single, greatest danger facing those in the cat family. Thanks to newer, stronger preventative measures, you can keep your cat virus free.


Feline leukemia is a disease which tears at the immune system of the cat, making him more susceptible to illness and disease. A cancer of the white blood cells, feline leukemia is actually a virus, which travels between cats. It does not infect dogs, humans, or any other species of animal.


Feline leukemia is transmitted between cats through saliva, mucus, urine, feces and blood. Any mutual grooming, fighting or sharing food and water dishes leaves your cat vulnerable to the devastating effects of feline leukemia.


A "leukemia test" is often performed at a veterinarian's office to find out whether or not the cat harbors the feline leukemia virus. There are three different methods to test cats, including blood tests, tear tests, and saliva tests. The earlier feline leukemia is caught, the better chance of survival your pet has.


Just because your cat may have been exposed to the virus, does not mean he will suffer its ill effects. Because this is a virus, there are several factors which can lead to positive or negative results. Often, age plays a factor in illness. Very young and very old cats who've been exposed to feline leukemia, will most likely develop the full-blown effects of the disease. Weakened immune systems, infections or the presence of other diseases also make it more likely that cats will test positive for feline leukemia.

Some cats are immune (or develop immunity) to the virus. A cat that is infected can fight the virus, experience short-lived symptoms, and completely recover, never to be challenged by the disease again. It's estimated that more than 40% of all cats will develop a natural resistance to feline leukemia.



Poor appetite

Swollen glands in neck region




There are only a small number of treatments available today to treat the infected cat. Some types of cats respond well to traditional cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, though they will continuously face the possibility of relapse. Other, more experimental treatments are now being tested, which involve boosting your cat's immune system. When considering which treatment option is best for your pet, its best to consider the current condition of your animal and whether or not treatment will be worse than the actual disease.


The easiest way to prevent feline leukemia is to have your pet vaccinated against the virus. There are several different vaccinations available today. Your veterinarian can help you decide which preventative treatment is best suited to your animal. Remember though, vaccinations are not 100% effective. It's just as important to protect your cat as it is to give him the shot.


IF your cat is an outdoor cat, it's safest to allow him only to roam in your backyard, where you're certain other cats do not travel. Veterinarians often recommend using a leash to keep cats safe.

DON'T allow other cats to share your cat's water or food dishes, litter box or toys.

IF you live in a home that has been exposed to feline leukemia, it's best to begin a disinfection process immediately. Though the virus can live outside its environment for only a short time, if you own other cats, you'll want to begin cleanup. Toss all litter boxes and food dishes immediately. Do not allow your healthy cat back into the living area until his shots have been made current and two days have passed.

DO NOT allow your cat to interact with other, unknown animals.

HAVE your cat regularly tested for the virus and immunized against it. Vaccinations should be given yearly.

BEFORE bringing in a companion pet, have him tested for feline leukemia.

See no Evil, Hear no Evil, Lay no Evil Down on Me...or I'll Toast You in Hell

Цялата тема
* koteto mnogo iade ? milenn   12.10.02 07:09
. * Re: koteto mnogo iade ? milenn   13.10.02 20:08
. * Хи-хи, nbb   13.10.02 21:34
. * Re: koteto mnogo iade ? velibarabeli   14.10.02 04:26
. * Re: koteto mnogo iade ? Dragoness   14.10.02 08:38
. * Re: koteto mnogo iade ? milenn   16.10.02 06:49
. * Re: koteto mnogo iade ? Dragoness   16.10.02 09:11
. * Re: koteto mnogo iade ? milenn   16.10.02 20:18
. * Re: Dragoness   17.10.02 09:47
. * Re: brey   17.10.02 13:55
. * Re: Dragoness   18.10.02 08:44
. * За сухата храна Димитъp Гaнчeв   19.10.02 13:16
. * Re: За сухата храна Brey   23.10.02 15:42
. * Re: За сухата храна Димитъp Гaнчeв   24.10.02 10:57
. * Днес nbb   24.10.02 23:39
. * Re: Днес Димитъp Гaнчeв   25.10.02 15:21
. * dobra ideja! Loretta   27.10.02 02:53
. * Хи-хи, nbb   27.10.02 05:38
. * Oh towa qdene... mokka   16.11.02 18:01
. * Re: Oh towa qdene... Димитъp Гaнчeв   16.11.02 19:33
. * Re: За сухата храна brei   23.10.02 15:45
. * Re: BenyB   24.10.02 13:40
. * Re: Cвeтпeн   16.11.02 19:54
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