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Тема Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. [re: бaй тaнac]
Авторodof (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано07.08.09 21:11  

Колко удобно - да смятате, че всички са като вас крадци на софтуер! Наистина има хора, които ползват само легален софтуер и плащат за всичко! И вие живеете на техен гръб - без тях просто никой нямаше да се занимава да пише програми - вие бихте ли работили без пари! Точно лакомията и алчността са движещата сила при вас - защо да плащате, като може да се открадне без риск! Просташкия език и наглостта са характерни - лъха отвсякъде! Никой не ви кара да купувате - като е скъпо не купуваш!
Да кажем, че покажа фактура за всичкия софтуер - какво от това! Ще се разкаете, ще изтриете всичко, ще заплатите софтуера, глобите!
Много от вас са купили доста по-скъпи неща - купили, не откраднали, но ако можеше щяхте пак да откраднете стига да няма риск Това е манталитет и двуличие! Ето ви мнението на другата страна - не, че ще ви трогне

Hi guys, now before I start I just want to say that this post IS NOT meant to offend or target anyone in particular at all. It's just something I have been thinking about for some time and wanted to get some feedback from other users on.

I have noticed a few comments about members and people in general using illegally downloaded / cracked software and I thought it would be interesting to start a topic on it. Personally for me, there is nothing more annoying than people who blatantly download all there software and have virtually every program they need without even spending a dime. I am proud to say that I am 100% legal in every department and have purchased ALL the software, fonts, hardware and creative assets I own, at huge personal expense too. That's why it frustrates me so much when I see other creative's, forum members and especially students who seem to own every software package and every plug in. I would love to get stuck in to learning Vray for Cinema 4D and E-on Vue, but can't afford the software and therefore can't. I know there are various PLE versions available of Vue but personally I can't be bothered with these are usually you can never save any of the work you have done and everything has a watermark on it.

Now, I could easily just open up my browser and visit a torrent site where I could go shopping for all the software I need and get started ASAP, but I don't and wouldn't. Sometime though, I think it's very unfair that those of us who actually pay for software end up losing out to those who are willing to illegally download there software from torrent sites for free and therefore have more resources available to them to make more money etc. For example. I can't even begin learning or taking online courses in Vue, Vray or some of Cinema's other modules until I can afford to actually buy these items. This may take months or even years for me at the moment. Where as someone who is willing to download the software for free can simply go and start learning whenever they want.

Students tend to frustrate me the most here (Not all of them of course, as they are not all the same) as they can buy student versions of virtually all software for next to nothing providing they can prove they are taking a relevant course at a university or college, yet most still decide to download it for free anyway. Student versions of software are not supposed to be used for commercial use and after the student has completed their course, in most cases at least. However, most of us have the intelligence to realise that most students who have purchased a student version of a software package will do just that and continue using their student edition software packages for commercial use and to make money. I regulary see members on major forums posting work that everyone thinks is fantastic. However, when you look at some of there profiles it looks like they own just about every piece of software and are not even working full time. For me this sucks as in most cases you just know that they have downloaded all their software for free and illegally too. It just doesn't seem fair to me at all.

Now people in my situation who are working in the creative industry and are not a student have it the hardest, at least in my opinion anyway. The reason is that we don't get any cheap offers or deals on software and are expected to purchase the software at full cost with no reductions at all, and yet we still do. I can honestly say that after working in the industry for around 7 whole years in no less than 5 agencies. I must be the ONLY person who has actually purchased software, fonts and other creative assets out of all the other individual creative's I have worked with.Even some agencies I have worked for have used cracked software too! I find it fairly disturbing to be honest. When I tell people I buy my software they just look at me and laugh.

It would be good if there were some small business, single user versions of software you could buy at even a slightly discounted rate for freelancers or people who want the software for personal use at home etc. I want to make it clear that I think Cinema is priced extremely reasonably though and have no problem with the price of it at all. If the only software I had to buy was Cinema then I would not have a problem, but I need so many other packages for work too.

What are your feelings on such things?

Цялата тема
* Легалния софтуер за работа. CADD   19.05.09 11:17
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. филocoфa   19.05.09 12:05
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. бaбo   19.05.09 14:20
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. Legalen   19.05.09 22:34
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. haha   20.05.09 00:11
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. Vi   20.05.09 09:24
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. шишo   20.05.09 09:33
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. haha   20.05.09 10:48
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. boby   06.08.09 15:47
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. ж   26.07.09 02:01
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. F   26.07.09 02:11
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. LRN   26.07.09 08:18
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. MAX   06.08.09 16:42
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. ж   07.08.09 00:00
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. бaй тaнac   07.08.09 01:24
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. odof   07.08.09 21:11
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. тaнac   08.08.09 02:01
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. toyo   09.08.09 02:34
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. tanas   09.08.09 11:23
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. тaн   09.08.09 14:03
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. тaнac   09.08.09 17:28
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. CAD   09.08.09 20:53
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. gogo   09.08.09 20:54
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. fasa   09.08.09 20:58
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. тaнac   09.08.09 21:29
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. пak тaнac   09.08.09 21:44
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. AEAД   09.08.09 21:50
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. tanas   09.08.09 23:28
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. MBP   10.08.09 01:20
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. ДAHC   10.08.09 07:45
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. OM   10.08.09 14:34
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. tanas   10.08.09 16:01
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. Valentin   10.08.09 22:08
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. Vi   11.08.09 09:44
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. CADDesigner   09.09.09 18:45
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. se   09.09.09 21:14
. * Re: Легалния софтуер за работа. MAX   10.09.09 11:05
. * Re: Извън Темата ! Mинaвaщ   10.09.09 12:20
. * Re: Извън Темата ! MAX   10.09.09 12:58
. * Re: Извън Темата ! Mинaвaщ   10.09.09 18:23
. * Re: Извън Темата ! MAX   10.09.09 18:48
. * Re: Извън Темата ! Mинaвaщ   10.09.09 21:58
. * Re: Извън Темата ! CADDesigner   14.09.09 17:52
. * Re: Извън Темата ! MAX   14.09.09 18:45
. * Re: Извън Темата ! freo   14.09.09 22:51
. * Re: Извън Темата ! MAX   15.09.09 11:54
. * Re: Извън Темата ! Легалния софтуер за работа CADDesigner   15.09.09 15:58
. * Re: Извън Темата ! Легалния софтуер за работа MAX   15.09.09 16:53
. * Re: Извън Темата ! ta6unko   15.09.09 16:43
. * Re: Извън Темата ! fredo   15.09.09 18:53
. * Re: Извън Темата ! ta6unko   15.09.09 19:58
. * Re: Извън Темата ! dedom   15.09.09 21:15
. * Re: Извън Темата ! ta6unko   15.09.09 22:35
. * Re: Извън Темата ! moro   16.09.09 07:48
. * Re: Извън Темата ! MAX   16.09.09 15:28
. * Re: Извън Темата ! бeшe   16.09.09 16:22
. * Re: Извън Темата ! мaшo   16.09.09 16:31
. * Re: Извън Темата ! MAX   16.09.09 18:19
. * Re: Извън Темата ! мини   16.09.09 22:46
. * Re: Извън Темата ! obul   17.09.09 16:19
. * Re: Извън Темата ! mini   17.09.09 22:38
. * Re: Извън Темата ! CADDesigner   16.09.09 20:11
. * Re: Извън Темата ! ta6unko   16.09.09 23:01
. * Re: Извън Темата ! ПИPATЯ   16.09.09 23:16
. * Re: Извън Темата ! CADDesigner   22.09.09 18:40
. * Re: Извън Темата ! мaca   17.09.09 12:33
. * МАМКА ТИ И КРАДЕЦ MAX   18.09.09 18:57
. * Re: МАМКА ТИ И КРАДЕЦ mini   18.09.09 19:51
. * Re: МАМКА ТИ И КРАДЕЦ dghfhg   18.09.09 20:17
. * Re: МАМКА ТИ И КРАДЕЦ maxi   18.09.09 19:57
. * Re: МАМКА ТИ И КРАДЕЦ kиpo фakиpo   18.09.09 21:00
. * Re: МАМКА ТИ И КРАДЕЦ mini   18.09.09 23:31
. * Re: МАМКА ТИ И КРАДЕЦ kiro   19.09.09 00:28
. * Re: МАМКА ТИ И КРАДЕЦ spas   19.09.09 14:42
. * Re:Хахаха! Ц.Ц.(Дoн Цeци)   27.04.10 14:58
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