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Тема Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм [re: Biohaz]
Автор dorka14 (старо куче)
Публикувано13.12.13 02:48  

DR K: Using microarray technology .. what we found was .. the molecular products of the inflammatory cells in the autistic kids was not normal. The normal patients .. when you took those bowel biopsies and you took a look at the variety of different molecules that were produced by those cells on the biopsies, they cluster in one area. When you took the biopsies of autistic children with G.I. symptoms and inflammation on biopsies .. they clustered in a second area .. and .. when you took the bowel biopsies of non-autistic crohn's and colitis patients .. they tended to cluster in a third area .. over-lapping each other. What was very interesting was that .. although the autistic children biopsies clustered in their own region, there was significant overlap with the crohn's and ulcerative colitis. But, virtually no overlap at all with the normal non-inflamed, non autistic children.

Alert the Media: Yes, Autistic kids have a Novel Bowel Disease -

Видеото в горната връзка показва една диаграма, разгледай я.

Sphingomyelin -

As a result of the autoimmune disease multiple sclerosis (MS), the myelin sheath of neuronal cells in the brain and spinal cord is degraded, resulting in loss of signal transduction capability. MS patients exhibit upregulation of certain cytokines in the cerebrospinal fluid, particularly tumor necrosis factor alpha. This activates sphingomyelinase, an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of sphingomyelin to ceramide; sphingomyelinase activity has been observed in conjunction with cellular apoptosis.[16]

Sphingolipid -

multiple sclerosis - Guillain-Barre syndrome - fancy name for multiple sclerosis -
FLu vaccine

Sphingomyelin has been found to have a role in cell apoptosis by hydrolyzing into ceramide. Studies in the late 1990’s had found that ceramide was produced in a variety of conditions leading to apoptosis.[13] It was then hypothesized that sphingomyelin hydrolysis and ceramide signaling were essential in the decision of whether a cell dies. In the early 2000’s new studies emerged that defined a new role for sphingomyelin hydrolysis in apoptosis, determining not only when a cell dies but how.[13] After more experimentation it has been shown that if sphingomyelin hydrolysis happens at a sufficiently early point in the pathway the production of ceramide may influence either the rate and form of cell death or work to release blocks on downstream events.[13]

What is the difference between guillain-barre syndrome and multiple sclerosis?

Guillain-Barre syndrome and MS are very similar. Both are autoimmune diseases. Both involve the body's immune system attacking the myelin sheath surrounding nerve cells. And in both conditions, scientists do not know the exact cause.

The big differences are that Guillain-Barre syndrome attacks the Peripheral Nervous System, while MS attacks the Central Nervous system. As such, since the PNS regenerates, most people fully recover from Guillain-Barre. The recovery period may be as little as a few weeks or as long as a few years. About 30 percent of those with Guillain-Barre still have a residual weakness after 3 years. About 3 percent may suffer a relapse of muscle weakness and tingling sensations many years after the initial attack. Since the CNS does not regenerate, MS offers no hope of recovery. -

Геноцидът (и чрез ваксини) над хората от средния изток и Африка вече го наричат "ТАЛАНТ" Такъв е извода от въпросното тъпо стъди--->

Тъпото стъди - Human Brains Unlikely to Evolve Into a 'Supermind' as Price to Pay Would Be Too High -

Идиотите написали в тъпото стъди:

"For instance, among individuals with enhanced cognitive abilities- such as savants, people with photographic memories, and even genetically segregated populations of individuals with above average IQ, these individuals often suffer from related disorders, such as autism, debilitating synaesthesia and neural disorders linked with enhanced brain growth.

Similarly, drugs like Ritalan only help people with lower attention spans whereas people who don't have trouble focusing can actually perform worse when they take attention-enhancing drugs.

Dr Hills said: "These kinds of studies suggest there is an upper limit to how much people can or should improve their mental functions like attention, memory or intelligence.

"Take a complex task like driving, where the mind needs to be dynamically focused, attending to the right things such as the road ahead and other road users -- which are changing all the time.

"If you enhance your ability to focus too much, and end up over-focusing on specific details, like the driver trying to hide in your blind spot, then you may fail to see another driver suddenly veering into your lane from the other direction.

"Or if you drink coffee to make yourself more alert, the trade-off is that it is likely to increase your anxiety levels and lose your fine motor control. There are always trade-offs.

"In other words, there is a 'sweet spot' in terms of enhancing our mental abilities -- if you go beyond that spot -- just like in the fairy-tales -- you have to pay the price."

Дайте да ги разболеем с ваксини и посЛе ще им кажем, че са ТАЛАНТЛИВИ И


Начи, много, много си умен и си "хванал" аутизъм .... ни мой да си толкоз умен,
я бягай да сереш в памперси и да сричаш, то си има trade-offs, така де!

Редактирано от dorka14 на 13.12.13 07:10.

Цялата тема
* За потния: Практически неолиберализъм izz   11.12.13 11:26
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Biohaz   11.12.13 21:45
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм izz   11.12.13 22:40
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Biohaz   11.12.13 23:34
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм izz   11.12.13 23:35
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Biohaz   11.12.13 23:46
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм izz   11.12.13 23:56
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Biohaz   12.12.13 00:10
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм izz   12.12.13 00:11
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Biohaz   12.12.13 15:46
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Roxan*na   12.12.13 16:28
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Biohaz   12.12.13 17:48
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Roxan*na   12.12.13 18:07
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Biohaz   12.12.13 18:18
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Roxan*na   12.12.13 18:24
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм izz   12.12.13 18:46
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Biohaz   12.12.13 20:55
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Roxan*na   12.12.13 18:17
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Biohaz   12.12.13 18:37
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Roxan*na   12.12.13 18:45
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Biohaz   12.12.13 19:13
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Roxan*na   12.12.13 20:04
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Roxan*na   12.12.13 20:10
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Roxan*na   12.12.13 20:22
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Roxan*na   12.12.13 20:43
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Biohaz   12.12.13 21:22
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Roxan*na   12.12.13 22:03
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм dorka14   12.12.13 19:43
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Biohaz   12.12.13 21:05
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм dorka14   13.12.13 02:48
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм izz   12.12.13 18:45
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм dorka14   12.12.13 18:19
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Roxan*na   12.12.13 18:25
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Roxan*na   12.12.13 18:31
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм dorka14   13.12.13 07:22
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Roxan*na   13.12.13 11:52
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм dorka14   13.12.13 16:13
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм izz   13.12.13 16:17
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм dorka14   13.12.13 17:15
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Roxan*na   13.12.13 21:19
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм dorka14   13.12.13 23:08
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм Biohaz   13.12.13 18:44
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм dorka14   13.12.13 22:49
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм bg_boy   11.12.13 23:50
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм izz   11.12.13 23:59
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм bg_boy   12.12.13 00:09
. * Re: За потния: Практически неолиберализъм izz   12.12.13 00:12
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