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Тема Re: Холокоста... [re: Шepифът]
Автор Шepифът (15см)
Публикувано28.01.07 04:01  


Забравих да добавя,че те са най-добри и в илюзионисткото изкуство и шаха.

Ето кои са евреи:

[92] Gary Kasparov -- (b. Harry Weinstein) Widely believed to be the strongest chess player in the history of the game
[82] Bobby Fischer -- Misfit and greatest chess player of all times
[24] Siegbert Tarrasch -- Chess grandmaster, physician, and good German
[14] Emanuel Lasker -- World champion of chess & famous mathematician
[13] Mikhail Botvinnik -- Famous Chess World Champion
[10] Wilhelm Steinitz -- The very first Chess World Champion


[174] David Blaine -- Magician in various televison specials; buried alive in 1999.
[151] David Copperfield -- one of the world's greatest illusionists
[137] Harry Houdini -- The most famous escape artist of all time.
[37] Uri Geller -- Spoon-bending magician and 'psychic'

А сега намерих и поети,писатели и сценаристи.
Гледай какво става.

[414] Shell Silverstein -- author and poet of children's stories
[274] Anne Frank -- Young Diarist, killed in Europe
[127] Miklos Radnoti -- famous Hungarian poet who was slandered cruelly by fascism and died tragically in the 'forced march'
[114] Jerzy Kosinsky -- (1933-91) Novelist: `The Painted Bird', 'Being There'
[104] Franz Kafka -- author, The Trial, The Metamorphosis
[81] Shalom Aleichem -- Yiddish short-story writer, dramatist, and humorist
[42] Efraim Sevela -- brilliant Soviet-Israeli screenwriter and author, 'Monya Tsatskes'
[41] Mordechai Richler -- Mordechai Richler was a great Canadian author who lived in Montreal and recently passed on.
[36] Primo Levi -- Italian writer and scientist, best known for his autobiographical writings on the Holocaust
[29] Arthur Miller -- Wrote 'Death of a Salesman,' 'The Crucible,' other works
[49] Elie Wiesel -- Jewish author: 'Night', winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace
[28] Yehuda Amichai -- One of the World's greatest living poets
[43] Marcel Proust -- (1871-1922) The French novelist: `Remembrance of Things Past'
[41] Chaim Grade -- Chaim Grade is a famout jewish author/poet and holocaust survivor.
[43] Philip Roth -- Pulitzer prixe-winning Author: 'Portnoy's Complaint', 'Goodbye, Columbus', 'Operaton Shylock'
[43] Chaim Potok -- Popular Jewish author: 'The Chosen', 'The Promise', 'My Name is Asher Lev'
[42] Ayn Rand -- author of 'Atlas Shrugged,' 'The Fountainhead'; philosopher: Objectivism
[40] Isaac Bashevis Singer -- Author, Nobel Prize-winner for Literature
[41] Judy Blume -- Popular children's author: 'Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing', 'Superfudge'
[40] Danielle Steele -- Award winning and popular novelist
[23] Clarice Lispector -- Universally recognised Brazilian-Ukranian writer
[38] Carl Sagan -- astronomer and popular science author; made book and TV series 'Cosmos'
[22] Mordecai Richler -- Canada's foremost novelists, a controversial and prolific journalist
[37] J.D. Salinger -- Author of 'The Catcher in the Rye'
[37] Allen Ginsberg -- Poet laureate of the Beat Generation
[20] Herman Wouk -- Author -'Winds of War', 'The Caine Mutiny', 'This is my God'
[31] Sarah Gertrude Millin -- (1889-1968) South African writer: 'God's Stepchildren'; `What Hath a Man?'; `The Dark River'
[18] Heinrich Heine -- most translated German poet
[25] Italo Svevo -- Italian Writer, Author of 'La Coscienza di Zeno' and 'As a Man Grows Older'
[17] Lion Feuchtwanger -- German-Jewish exile writer and playwrite known for his historical and Jewish themes
[17] Stefan Zweig -- Austrian biographer, poet, and novelist
[27] Neil Simon -- Producer, playwright, and screenwriter: The Odd Couple, The Goodbye Girl, Biloxi Blues
[16] Neil Gaiman -- Author of novels (American Gods, Neverwhere), Graphic Novels (Sandman). Also writes TV and movies.
[26] Elias Canetti -- Bulgarian born essayist and novelist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1981
[15] Michael Chabon -- Pulitzer-winning novelist: the Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, Wonder Boys
[15] Maurice Sendak -- author of Where the Wild Things Are
[15] Rod Serling -- writer, author, screenwriter and creator of The Twilight Zone
[15] Alberto Moravia -- jewish Italian author, writer and novelist
[23] Harlan Ellison -- Author, actor, and civil rights activist: 'A Boy and His Dog', 'Babylon 5', 'The Outer Limits'
[22] Saul Bellow -- Pulitzer Prize winning Author
[20] Walter Mosley -- Crime fiction writer: Devil in a Blue Dress, Red Death, White Butterfly, Black Betty...
[21] Emma Lazarus -- Poet, best known for the poem at the Statue of Liberty
[20] Uri Orlev -- Israeli author, Holocaust survivor
[19] David Mamet -- one of America's most important and influential playwrights
[20] Rachel -- Hebrew Poet in Palestine, 1890-1931
[18] Shmuel Yosef Agnon -- Israeli writer, winner of the 1966 Nobel Prize: 'The Bridal Canopy'; `A Guest for the Night'
[11] Mark Ames -- Author and journalist, editor of 'the eXile' (Moscow, Russia)
[11] Gertrude Stein -- highly modernistic and experimental American writer and eccentric
[17] Sol Yurick -- Author: The Warriors (before the movie), Fertig (movie: The Confession)
[18] Paul Celan -- Poet and lecturer (Paul Antschel, 1920 - 1970) born in Czernowitz,
[10] Isaac Rosenberg -- One of the greatest war poets of ww1
[10] Heinrich Heine -- Famous German romantic poet (1797-1856)
[17] Gabriela Mistral -- Nobel Prize-winning Poet from Chile
[17] Dorothy Parker -- Author and Poet: 'Laments for the Living', 'Death and Taxes'
[17] Nadine Gordimer -- South African novelist, Nobel prize-winner in Literature
[16] Henry Roth -- U.S. author: `Call It Sleep', `Mercy of a Rude Stream'
[16] Isaac Bashevis Singer -- 1978 Nobel Laureate in Literature: 'Enemies : A Love Story', 'The Golem', 'Meshugah'
[16] Dennis Prager -- Popular author, radio talk show host, Jewish leader
[15] Norman Mailer -- Author, pundit, pugilist, mayoral candidate
[15] Marcia Falk -- Poet and Hebrew/Yiddish liturgy translator
[14] Aemilia Lanyer -- Poet and proto-feminist, 1569 - 1645
[14] Ludwig Lewisohn -- U.S. writer (1883-1955): `Up Stream'; `The Island Within'
[14] Montague Glass -- (1877-1934) U.S. humorous author: `Potash and Perlmutter'
[14] Nathanael West -- dark and nihilistic novelist of California themes
[14] Bette Greene -- Award-winning Novelist: 'Summer of My German Soldier'', 'Philip Hall Likes Me, I Reckon Maybe'
[14] Bernard Malamud -- Celebrated Author: The Fixer, The Naturalist, etc.
[14] Harold Pinter -- English dramatist/playwrite: 'The Room', 'The Homecoming', 'The Pumpkin Eater '
[14] Edna Ferber -- Pulitzer Prize-winning Novelist: 'Showboat', 'So Big', 'Giant', 'Ice Palace'
[14] Nachman Krochmal -- Jewish secular historian and writer: 'Guide to the Perplexed of Our Age', 1785-1840
[8] Julian (Pesach) Stryjkowski (Stark) -- Best known Polish/Jewish writer of the 20th century. Author of The Inn, Voices in Darkness
[8] Delmore Schwartz -- poet, tormented soul - a true genius!
[8] Will Self -- British novelist, broadcaster and critic
[13] Solomon ben Yehuda ibn Gabirol -- (b. Spain 1021?-1058?) medieval Hebrew poet and philosopher
[11] Sarah Foner -- First woman to publish a Hebrew Novel
[13] Nelly Sachs -- Poet, winner of the Nobel prize in Literature
[13] Helene Cixous -- Modern french playwright, essayist, novelist, and feminist
[13] Naomi Wolf -- Feminist writer and activist
[12] Isaac Emanuilovich Babel -- Russian short-story writer: `Stories of the Red Cavalry'; `You Must Know Everything'
[12] Clifford Odets -- (1906-63) U.S. playwright: `Awake and Sing', `Paradise Lost', `The Flowering Peach'
[10] Kathy Acker -- an avant garde writer
[7] Arkady and Boris Strugatsky -- The brothers are two of the most popular science fiction writers in the former Soviet Union
[7] Hermann Broch -- One of the greatest 20.th century novelists. Ranks along Joyce or Musil.
[7] Alter Esselin -- A Yiddish Poet, author of 3 volumes of bittersweet lyrics
[12] Abraham Mapu -- Lithuanian novelist who wrote in Hebrew, 1808-67
[12] Henri Bergson -- Author/Philosopher, Nobel prize for Literature
[12] Saul Alinsky -- Civil rights activist, author, and founder of the 'Back of the Yards' Org.
[11] Herman Heijermans -- Dutch author (1864-1924) `The Good Hope'; `Rising Sun'; `The Ghetto'
[11] Immanuel Velikovsky -- Pseudoscience author: 'Worlds in Collision'
[11] Cynthia Ozick -- Fiction Writer and Essayist
[11] Waldo Frank -- novelist, social historian, and political activist (1922 - 1965)
[11] Joseph Jacobs -- Jewish writer, historian, and folklorist, 1854-1916
[11] Abraham Cahan -- Author and Journalist: founding editor of The Jewish Daily Forward
[11] Paul Johann Ludwig Heyse -- Nobel prize winner in Literature, 1830-1914
[10] Judah Leob Gordon -- (1830-1892) Russian writer and 'poet laureate of the Haskalah'
[10] Gladys Bronwyn Stern -- English novelist: `The Matriarch Chronicles'
[6] Alter Esselin -- A Yiddish Poet, author of 3 volumes of bittersweet lyrics
[6] Lion Feuchtwanger -- The German-Jewish exile writer, author of 'The Jewish War'
[6] Samuel Usque -- Portuguese Marrano chronicler wrote in 1553: 'Consolation for the Tribulations of Israel'
[6] Israel Zangwill -- English novelist on Jewish themes: author of 'The King of Schnorrers' and 'Children of the Ghetto'
[10] Alla Nazimova -- Writer, actress, producer and visionary: 'War Brides', 'Camille', ' Salome'
[10] Immanuel ben Solomon -- Hebrew-Italian poet and scholar, c.1265-c.1330
[9] Camillo Berneri -- Anarchist who wrote 'The Anti-Semitic Jew'
[9] Anna Seghers -- German-Jewish novelist, essayist, short story writer: The Seventh Cross, Transit
[9] Alexander Harkavy -- one of the most famous reseachers of Yiddish
[9] Karl Jay Shapiro -- U.S. poet, 1945 Pulitzer prize winner
[9] Fannie Hurst -- (1889-1968) U.S. author: `Lummox' ; `A President Is Born'; `Five and Ten'
[9] Leopold Dukes -- Hungarian Hebrew scholar and author, 1810-91
[5] Lawrence Schimel -- author and anthologist, editor of Kosher Meat
[] Isaac Asimov -- The award-winning and prolific science fiction author
[] Isabel Fonseca -- Internationally famous author: 'The Gypsies and their Journey'

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Цялата тема
* Холокоста... Eйч.   27.01.07 11:40
. * Re: Холокоста... Шepифът   27.01.07 12:01
. * Re: Холокоста... Шepифът   27.01.07 12:16
. * Re: Холокоста... Eйч.   27.01.07 12:57
. * Re: Холокоста... пo тeмaтa   27.01.07 16:17
. * Re: Холокоста... bg   27.01.07 20:43
. * Re: Холокоста... Eйч   27.01.07 21:04
. * Re: Холокоста... bg   27.01.07 21:25
. * Re: Холокоста... Шepифът   28.01.07 02:11
. * Re: Холокоста... .l.   28.01.07 01:29
. * Re: Холокоста... Шepифът   28.01.07 02:20
. * Re: Холокоста... Tepминaтop   28.01.07 03:18
. * Re: Холокоста... Шepифът   28.01.07 03:45
. * Re: Холокоста... Шepифът   28.01.07 03:54
. * Re: Холокоста... ease   28.01.07 04:00
. * Re: Холокоста... Tepминaтop   28.01.07 04:10
. * Re: Холокоста... ease   28.01.07 04:16
. * Re: Холокоста... Tepминaтop   28.01.07 04:21
. * Re: Холокоста... ease   28.01.07 04:35
. * Re: Холокоста... Tepминaтop   28.01.07 04:45
. * Re: Холокоста... ease   28.01.07 04:47
. * Re: Холокоста... Шepифът   28.01.07 04:23
. * Re: Холокоста... Шepифът   28.01.07 04:27
. * Re: Холокоста... Tepминaтop   28.01.07 04:35
. * Re: Холокоста... Шepифът   28.01.07 04:46
. * Re: Холокоста... ease   28.01.07 04:37
. * Re: Холокоста... Шepифът   28.01.07 04:41
. * Re: Холокоста... ease   28.01.07 04:43
. * Re: Холокоста... Шepифът   28.01.07 04:57
. * Re: Холокоста... ease   28.01.07 04:59
. * Re: Холокоста... Шepифът   28.01.07 05:02
. * Re: Холокоста... ease   28.01.07 05:05
. * Re: Холокоста... ease   28.01.07 03:52
. * Re: Холокоста... Шepифът   28.01.07 03:57
. * Re: Холокоста... Шepифът   28.01.07 04:01
. * Re: Холокоста... Tepминaтop   28.01.07 03:28
. * Еврейщината Eric   28.01.07 06:08
. * Re: Еврейщината Eйч   29.01.07 08:33
. * Re: Еврейщината Eric   29.01.07 16:39
. * Re: Еврейщината |   29.01.07 17:31
. * Re: Еврейщината |   29.01.07 15:57
. * Re: Еврейщината Eric   29.01.07 16:56
. * Re: Еврейщината |   29.01.07 17:28
. * Re: Еврейщината balgarin   30.01.07 06:17
. * Re: Еврейщината Шepифът   30.01.07 06:21
. * Re: Холокоста... ps   28.01.07 18:42
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