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Тема Re: малко спешна помощ, плийз! [re: дoбpaтa фeя]
Автор чepи (йогобогиня)
Публикувано22.11.05 17:39  

благодаря за полезната информация! харесаха ми преведената песен и обясненията за ритуалите.

оказа се, че има достатъчно време - проекта им е удължен до преди Коледа, снощи ми съобщи щерката.

аз попаднах на същата снимка на празнична трапеза + още няколко. намерих описание на пловдивските обичаи, както и традиционни рецепти:


Budni Vecher (Christmas Eve) 24 December
Written by Scarlie on December 24, 2004.

Xmas Eve is the last day of the Xmas Lent, and the tradition calls for preparing 7, 9 or 12 vegetarian meals such as boiled white beans, peppers and/or cabbage leaves stuffed with rice, boiled wheat, pumpkin pie, dried plums or dried pears compotte, garlic, honey, fruits, traditional bread, banitsa (filo-pastry pie), cabbage pie. TRADITIONAL RITUALS To protect against a particularly evil spirt (Karakondjoto), kids should wear a garlic clove on a bracelet or necklace of white and red thread, which should be kept until Ivanovden on 6 Jan (frankly, most of us take our chances with Karakondjoto). Under the table, we put hay and a plough, and just before sitting down, the oldest man takes the plough with three pieces of charcoal and burns incense three times -- for full table, house, pantry, stables & hangar. The oldest woman makes the "budnik" (a young oak or pear tree, cut by a young man).. A hole is made at the bottom of the stem, and it is filled with oil, wax and incense. The stem is covered in while linen. The budnik is places in the hearth, together with the three pieces of charcoal from the plough - for wheat, wine and corn. If the pieces are covered with ash, the harvest will be good. The oldest man and woman together hold up the biggest bread and say "may the wheat be that tall". Then the bread is broken and half is placed before the Virgin's icon. The other hald is shared among the family. once you seat on the table, you don't get up until everyone is finished. The table is not cleared until next morning (so the souls of the dead and those away can feast on it during the night.) At midnight, the Koledari go out. The Koledari are young men who go from house to house and sing songs to 'bless' the households. MODERN RITUALS We do make the number of vegetarian meals with a mixture of traditional and modern recipes, and we leave the table until the next morning. The Koledari are still going out in smaller towns and villages.






Monastery style bean soup

• 200g white beans,
• 2-3 carrots,
• 1/2 a celery,
• 1 onion,
• 1-2 tomatoes,
• 1-2 peppers,
• 1-2 chillies (peppers, by choice),
• parsley,
• mint,
• sunflower oil,
• salt.
Soak the beans in cold water for 3-4 hours, drain and pour fresh water. Boil (in an earthware) pot together with oil, finely chopped carrots, onion and celery. The sliced peppers are added later; the grated tomatoes and mint, when the beans have turned tender. Salt and boil for another 15-20 min. Serve sprinkled with finely chopped parsley.



12 peppers
2 onions
2 carrots
4 spoonfuls of vegetable oil
1 coffee cupful of rice
1/2 teaspoonful of ground pepper
1 spoonful of minced parsley
1 spoonful of finely chopped leaves of celery salt to one’s liking

How to make:

There are several ways to cook the peppers. You can pour boiled water on them or put them in salted
boiling water and stew them until they grow soft. It depends on you which way you choose. If they are
dryed, they should stay in cold water for the night; this mode of processing is suitable for housewives,
who are used to thinking of their meals the day before, but also for those who prefer to somehow "stay
away" from the cooking process.
In all three cases the swollen outer covering should be peeled off (the stems and seeds are removed
first).Then stew in salted water the finely chopped onions, together with the thinly grated carrots.
When the vegetables grow soft and the water evaporates, add some vegetable oil and brown.
Add the rice, a teacupful of hot water and boil on a moderate fire until the rice absorbs the water and
swells. Take the pot off the fire and add the ground pepper, the chopped up parsley and celery leaves.
When this mixture is cooled, stuff the peeled peppers with it.
Arrange the filled peppers close to one another in a stew pan on the bottom of which put a plate (upside
down),in order to keep the rice from coming out of the peppers while boiled. Sometimes Bulgarian
housewives have a plate set over the peppers too. Add boiling water to cover the peppers and stew on
a slow fire.



2 teacupfuls of pounded (or unpounded) wheat
3 coffee-cupfuls of sugar
2 coffee-cupfuls of ground walnut kernels
5-10 gram of cinnamon

How to make:

Remove impurities from wheat and wash it. Pour cold water over it and boil till it grows soft.
Then cover the pot, where the wheat has been boiled, with a twice fold towel and let it “swell”.
Drain the remaining water. Mix the wheat with the sugar, the cinnamon and the walnuts.
It is preferable to use soft sugar. It will melt easier and faster.

Цялата тема
* малко спешна помощ, плийз! чepи   21.11.05 18:12
. * De boj po marzelivo dupe, de! Gia   21.11.05 18:49
. * ааа, sista! чepи   21.11.05 18:54
. * off topic Б.   21.11.05 18:55
. * Re: малко спешна помощ, плийз! дoбpaтa фeя   22.11.05 08:23
. * Re: малко спешна помощ, плийз! чepи   22.11.05 17:39
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