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Тема You know you are from Bulgaria when...
Авторmaria. (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано22.12.04 14:48  

Duct tape is your father's only tool next to using a kitchen knife as a screwdriver.
There is at least one relative that your family refuses to talk to.
Your mom tells you not to sit on stone or your ass will freeze.
Your parents insist that blankets with vinegar on your body is the way to cure your 40 degrees Celsius fever.
When your baba (grandma) will not accept the fact that you're not hungry.
Your parents don't allow 2 windows to be open at the same time even in the greatest heat, because the "draft" of the wind would make your back stiff.
You started to drink at the age of 12.
Your 15 year old sister can out-drink any American.
At your wedding you know only about a third of the guests.
There is a 120-gallon barrel of wine and cabbage in your garage.
When you make jokes based on your own tragedy.
When you can hear your parents talking and you are across the street.
Everyone is sure you're greek or italian.
When your father is talking to you and every second word he calls you is "budala".
You can spend 3 hrs in a Cafe drinking the same cup of coffee.
When you are never certain whether to stay abroad or return to Bulgaria.
When people still think that you are from Bolivia no matter how many times you say you're from Bulgaria.
When your parents' friends have no shame in telling you you've gained weight.

........You know You're bulgarian when You have run away from Bulgaria and still say it's the best place in the world.

Цялата тема
* You know you are from Bulgaria when... maria.   22.12.04 14:48
. * Re: You know you are from Bulgaria when... sofianka   22.12.04 15:40
. * Re: You know you are from Bulgaria when... Tepминaтop   22.12.04 15:41
. * Re: You know you are from Bulgaria when... Иrpaчът@   22.12.04 20:42
. * Re: You know you are from Bulgaria when... Sasho   22.12.04 21:56
. * Re: You know you are from Bulgaria when... tenekia   22.12.04 22:00
. * In details: You know you are from Bulgaria when... Sasho   22.12.04 22:07
. * Сърбин, а не българин чoвekoлerлoxpaнoдeн   23.12.04 01:21
. * Хм-м, перефраза или плагиатство... Bvlgari   23.12.04 03:06
. * Re: Хм-м, перефраза или плагиатство... Joy   23.12.04 05:47
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