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Тема Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! [re: Monica123]
Автор Roxan*na (GG)
Публикувано03.05.14 13:32  

Това, което вменяваш - е че фаянсаджиите могат да взимат типс и каш и други бенефити по време на работа и да не бъдат таксувани или по друг начин казано, това да не се вижда като официална статистика.

Е - ше те разочаровам - в УК има специален закон за типс и подаръци дадени поради добре свършена работа.

Не знам как е в хамериката - и не ме интересува. Ний обсъждаме тука фаянсаджия, който работи в УК - както и ВСЯКА ДРУГА ПРОФЕСИЯ В УК - ИМА СИ ЗАКОН ЗА КОЕТО.

Който не се подчини на закона - рискува да се озове в затвора и опозорен, да му заведат полицейско досие и да не бъде отново нает - камо ли банка да му даде мортгидж.

Последствията са изключително сериозни - и мисля, че за подобни случаи глобите и наказанията стигат до 10К еднократно глоба и затвор от няколко месеца - ма требе да проверя закона за да го кажасъс сигурност - но ПОДОБНО ПОВЕДЕНИЕ В РАБОТАТА ТИ Е ПРОТИВОЗАКОННО.

Един единствен случай да бъдеш докладван - и повеке работа нема да видиш....никой не иска компрометирани служители - и това бива публично разгласено. За тая цел закона предвижда официални сървейс, фиийдбакс от клиента към служителя, както и всякакъв друг легален начин да бъде доказана корупция - и последствията са ужасяващи....

Понеже аз съм селф емплойд - за мен този закон се прилага също. Ше ви искарам до последната буквичка значението му и как тоя закон само и единствено мое да ви съсипе живота - ако протегнете ръка даже само веднъж за нерегламентирано заплащане....

Any service charges, tips, gratuities and cover charges you are paid must be on top of your National Minimum Wage (NMW) rate. This applies no matter where you work.

It also doesn't matter how your employer pays you the tips, including:
cash at the end of a shift
monthly in your pay packet
weekly divided between all of the staff

You should deduct the total of any tips from your gross pay before calculating if your pay is at least the NMW rate. Your gross pay is your pay before any deductions like tax, National Insurance or student loan.



Tipping is not always expected in the UK in the way it is in the United States or Canada. All staff in the UK, must by law, be paid at least the National Minimum Wage 2013 (£6.31/hr, unless under 21) whether they receive tips or not. An employer is not allowed to use tips to top up wages to the legal minimum.Therefore, unlike in much of North America, the need and culture for tipping is much less.

Equally, British people have a reputation in the USA for not tipping, and indeed many object vociferously to the practice, arguing that the cost should be included in the price of the food. Others however feel it appropriate to tip in various scenarios.


It is not a requirement to tip in taxis, but it is customary to round up to the nearest pound on metered taxi journeys, more as a convenience to both passenger and driver than as a tip.

On an airport journey in a booked minicab you might wish to tip two or three pounds if the driver helps with your luggage. If taking a licenced London taxi cab to or from Heathrow or in London a 10% tip is the average amount, although as in the previous paragraph, it is not a requirement, nor should it be expected by the driver.

Takeaway food

If your food is delivered to your hotel or apartment, tipping is not required, but the delivery driver would obviously appreciate a pound, or some/all of the change as appropriate, as a tip. Some customers tip, some do not.

If you pick up the food from the takeaway restaurant, tipping would be inappropriate. Don't do it.

Fast food, cafes and coffee shops

No tips are ever offered in fast food restaurants.

In a cafe, you may receive waitress service to bring your tea, coffee, sausages, or whatever you have ordered to the table. In these establishments tipping is not usual. If you feel the service has been especially pleasant you can leave a pound, or your change in appreciation.

In coffee shops, such as Starbucks, there may be a tip jar on the counter, but very few customers offer tips.

In casual cafeterias, where you collect your food and place it on a tray, commonly found in tourist attractions, tipping is never appropriate.


In casual restaurants, where you pay for your order at a counter, but food is brought to your table, tipping is uncommon. You are welcome to leave a pound or two if you wish.

In restaurants where you place your order with your waiter/waitress and receive food, and your bill, at your table, it is usual to tip around 10%. The expectation does vary from place to place - in fine dining restaurants where you receive personal service, a tip would always be expected (while never compulsory, it would be considered rude unless there was a problem with the service), whereas in the most casual of restaurants tipping is not universal.

If you have been unhappy with the service, you should not leave a tip.

In some restaurants, a service charge is added to the bill, typically 10% or 12.5%. This should be noted on the menu, sometimes only for larger groups. If it is not then the restaurant is acting unlawully and it would be appropriate to object, to ask that it be removed. If you are otherwise unhappy with the service, you should also request that it be removed, explaining your unhappiness.

In any case where a service charge is added, or the menu notes 'service included', you should NOT add any further tip. Beware that in some cases a service charge may appear on your bill, and if you pay by credit card the machine may then ask if you want to add a tip. Check your bill to see if a service charge has been added before paying, and if it has, be sure not to add any more on at the machine.

In some cases a restaurant may print 'service not included' on the bill or menu. This is a request for a 'tip'! You are not obligated to offer anything, but 10% would be normal in this scenario if the service warranted any sort of tip..

Keep your voice down! The British do notice if someone's voice is raised and if other people can hear your conversation, they will think you are very rude.

Pubs and bars

Bartenders in pubs and bars do not expect to be tipped. If however you have developed a rapport with the barman you can buy him a drink, by saying 'and one for yourself', which is an offer that they buy a drink for themselves, although since this may not be permitted, they would take it as a tip of around £1. This is far from typical, and would be inappropriate for instance, on your first visit to the bar.


As with anywhere in the world, a porter bringing your bags to your room expects to receive a cash tip. Around £2 would be reasonable.

You should not tip room service bringing food/drinks to your room.

A few guests choose to leave a tip for their chambermaid, and this would be considerate especially if you have left a mess in your room, but it is not a requirement.

In smaller hotels and guesthouses tipping is not expected as they tend to be family run establishments. Such places appreciate repeat custom or positive feedback on recommendation sites.

Massage, hair and other services

In the UK the price you pay for a spa treatment is all-inclusive. You are not expected to secrete money somewhere about your person in order to tip your masseur!

If you get a hair cut, tipping is common but not universal/required. Tip around 10%, in cash, rounded to the nearest pound, if you are happy with the service.

Avoid controversial lines of conversation if you don't know the people you're talking to that well. Religion, racism, homophobia, and criticism of government are ones to avoid, the list is not limited to these, however.
Avoid the middle finger or reverse peace signal (known as the V) whilst in the UK. They are both highly insulting and could land you in serious bother if used in the wrong situation.
It should go without saying, but 'please' after you ask for something, and 'thank you' upon receipt are two phrases you should use. People generally get offended when these are not used and may not be forthcoming the second time round.
When you first meet someone a verbal greeting such as 'Hi, I'm (your name), how are you?', usually breaks the ice well and makes people amenable. A limp handshake is perceived as rude and insincere. Only in a business setting is hand shaking generally the norm. In an informal setting take your lead from those around you. To lead with a strong handshake may be seen as being over familiar.
When talking or listening to someone, eye contact is a good idea. It shows interest and sincerity in the conversation. Don't stare at people. It is considered rude and will not go unnoticed.
Don't discuss the cost of your possessions, how much your holiday cost etc. In the UK, people will get a bad impression of you and not warm to you at all.

Smoking in all indoor public places (this includes platforms at train stations) in the UK is now illegal. Do not light up unless you are outside or in a designated smoking shelter. If you do light up in a shopping mall, pub or cinema, for example, you will find yourself thrown out rather swiftly and could get yourself fined or even arrested.
Avoid talking loudly on your mobile/cell phone. It is considered highly ill-mannered, especially when in a quieter public place, such as a train, bus or library, and will probably earn you a stern rebuke mid-conversation.
Excessive hugging and kissing in public is not appreciated either. A peck on the cheek or lips and an embrace are fine when you are saying hello or goodbye to someone close to you.
The two classic signs a person would like to be left alone are reading a newspaper or listening to music through headphones. Only interrupt if you actually know the person.
In the UK, younger people like to be on first name terms almost immediately. However, do not take this as a sign of life-long friendship, it's just a way of breaking the ice and opening up discussion. Older people like a little more formality and many object to a younger person calling them by their first name.
If you are addressed as "Sir" or "Madam", it will generally indicated you are in a formal environment and you should behave as such.

When eating in the UK, it is usual to use cutlery (fork, knife and spoon) in order to get food from plate to mouth. The fork is used in the left hand and the knife in the right, there is usually no swapping the fork from the left to right hand, as in the U.S. There are some popular meals, however, that don't need cutlery. This group include sandwiches, fast food meals (burgers, chips, kebabs, souvlakis) and curries (a flatbread called a naan bread is often served. This is used to mop up the sauce and is not used to make a sandwich as this is one meal where it is acceptable just to use a fork). If unsure, observe the people around you for cues.
Belching, burping and breaking wind are considered rude during a meal. If you have to, try to do so quietly or make apology and leave the room. If it is heard, excuse yourself.

When you enter or exit a room or building and someone is following you, it is well received for you to hold the door for them. On escalators and moving pavements, stand to the right and walk to the left, as a general rule. When getting off or on a public transport vehicle, you must allow people to disembark before you board. This is a requirement of public health & safety regulations and the driver/conductor can refuse you travel on the vehicle should you not comply.
When waiting in line for an ATM, stand at least 1 metre (3ft) away from someone using the ATM to afford them privacy whilst carrying out their transaction. If you need to ask where the nearest one is you will need to use the term 'cashpoint' as ATM could result in blank stares.
Try to move with the flow of pedestrians when walking in a crowded area. If you need to cut across, try to wait for a reasonable gap.
If you are travelling on public transport, you might be asked by the driver to give up your seat if a disabled or blind passenger or a parent with small children should board. It is a matter of courtesy but not a legal requirement that you comply. The best advice is to offer your seat to these people before having to be asked.
Never share your personal and/or bank details with strangers.
Do use the proper nationality when referring to a resident of the United Kingdom. That is, remember that the nation actually comprises the English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish. Never refer to someone from say Scotland, as "English" as it is liable to offend. Either use the national origin (e.g. "Scottish") or use "British" if you're not sure, except for in Northern Ireland (where it's easier to just avoid the issue of nationality altogether).
When you join a queue, make sure you join it at the back and wait your turn. The British public do not take kindly to queue jumpers and will react in a number of different ways (from tutting and shaking their heads, to manhandling you out of the queue and, possibly, out of the establishment).
When dining out in a busy premises such as a cafe or larger restaurant, you may be required to stand at the front of house to be seated by a waiter/waitress. In 'self-service' establishments (e.g. sandwich shops, coffee shops), many consider it acceptable to ask your friends or partner to occupy the table waiting for you to arrive with your food, although some consider it rude as it may be preventing those who have already got their food from finding a table.

Section 62 ITEPA 2003

Tips and gratuities received by taxi drivers, postmen, hairdressers, waiters, etc, in respect of services they have provided are taxable as earnings within Section 62 ITEPA 2003 (see generally EIM00520 onwards).

наказанията за необявени типове и дарения са фантастични. Напълно е възможно живота ти да бъде тотално сринат от само един негативен доклад.

Аз не си позволявам НИКОГА некоректно отношение - това също се взема предвид когато аплайваш за натурализация.


В противен случай наказателните мерки са срещу служител И работодател - BOTH.


Ваште (хамерикански) разбирания, че неквалифициран персонал може да печели повече от инженер - просто не са адекватни в случая.

Робът се бори за свобода. Свободният - за съвършенство.

Цялата тема
* Страст към обувки Roxan*na   24.04.14 14:04
. * Re: Страст към обувки Biohaz   24.04.14 16:09
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   24.04.14 16:31
. * Re: Страст към обувки Monica123   24.04.14 16:41
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   24.04.14 17:40
. * Re: Страст към обувки zukary   25.04.14 04:15
. * Re: Страст към обувки Monica123   25.04.14 16:38
. * Re: Страст към обувки zukary   26.04.14 06:03
. * Re: Страст към обувки zukary   25.04.14 04:27
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   25.04.14 12:28
. * Re: Страст към обувки Monica123   25.04.14 16:46
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   25.04.14 22:32
. * Re: Страст към обувки Monica123   25.04.14 22:57
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   25.04.14 23:21
. * Re: Страст към обувки Monica123   25.04.14 23:28
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   25.04.14 23:37
. * Re: Страст към обувки Monica123   25.04.14 23:43
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   25.04.14 23:52
. * Re: Страст към обувки noTeHHEgaP   26.04.14 02:57
. * Re: Страст към обувки Terminator12   26.04.14 08:28
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   26.04.14 17:21
. * Re: Страст към обувки zukary   26.04.14 17:57
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   26.04.14 18:12
. * Re: Страст към обувки zukary   26.04.14 18:53
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   26.04.14 20:01
. * Re: Страст към обувки zukary   26.04.14 20:53
. * Re: Страст към обувки Terminator12   26.04.14 20:02
. * Re: Страст към обувки zukary   26.04.14 21:06
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   26.04.14 21:18
. * Re: Страст към обувки zukary   27.04.14 00:53
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   27.04.14 01:20
. * Re: Страст към обувки zukary   27.04.14 01:34
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   27.04.14 01:52
. * Re: Страст към обувки zukary   27.04.14 02:03
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   27.04.14 02:09
. * Re: Страст към обувки Terminator12   27.04.14 10:03
. * Re: Страст към обувки Muskat   27.04.14 12:59
. * Re: Страст към обувки TopModel   27.04.14 13:42
. * Re: Страст към обувки Muskat   27.04.14 18:44
. * Re: Страст към обувки Terminator12   27.04.14 14:37
. * Re: Страст към обувки Muskat   27.04.14 18:53
. * Re: Страст към обувки Terminator12   27.04.14 19:27
. * Re: Страст към обувки noTeHHEgaP   29.04.14 00:20
. * Re: Страст към обувки Terminator12   28.04.14 04:51
. * Re: Страст към обувки Muskat   28.04.14 22:50
. * Re: Страст към обувки Terminator12   29.04.14 05:44
. * Re: Страст към обувки Terminator12   27.04.14 14:56
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   27.04.14 01:26
. * Re: Страст към обувки zukary   27.04.14 01:46
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   27.04.14 01:58
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   27.04.14 01:30
. * Re: Страст към обувки Terminator12   26.04.14 22:35
. * Re: Страст към обувки Terminator12   26.04.14 23:22
. * Re: Страст към обувки zukary   27.04.14 01:22
. * Re: Страст към обувки Terminator12   27.04.14 05:28
. * Re: Страст към обувки Biohaz   27.04.14 18:56
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   27.04.14 19:02
. * Re: Страст към обувки Biohaz   27.04.14 19:15
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   27.04.14 19:18
. * Re: Страст към обувки Biohaz   27.04.14 20:02
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   27.04.14 20:24
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   27.04.14 20:49
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   26.04.14 20:12
. * Re: Страст към обувки Terminator12   27.04.14 16:03
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   27.04.14 18:48
. * Re: Страст към обувки Terminator12   27.04.14 19:19
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   27.04.14 19:27
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   26.04.14 20:24
. * Re: Страст към обувки Muskat   27.04.14 12:49
. * Re: Страст към обувки zukary   27.04.14 18:30
. * Re: Страст към обувки Terminator12   27.04.14 19:16
. * Re: Страст към обувки Terminator12   27.04.14 15:13
. * Re: Страст към обувки Monica123   28.04.14 20:16
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   28.04.14 21:33
. * Re: Страст към обувки Monica123   28.04.14 21:53
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   28.04.14 22:06
. * Re: Страст към обувки noTeHHEgaP   29.04.14 00:32
. * Re: Страст към обувки Monica123   29.04.14 18:47
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   28.04.14 22:08
. * Re: Страст към обувки Muskat   28.04.14 22:56
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   29.04.14 00:26
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   29.04.14 00:33
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   29.04.14 10:52
. * Re: Страст към обувки zukary   29.04.14 14:44
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   29.04.14 14:47
. * Re: Страст към обувки dorka14   29.04.14 08:35
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   29.04.14 11:27
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   29.04.14 14:06
. * Re: Страст към обувки zukary   29.04.14 15:06
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   29.04.14 22:41
. * Re: Страст към обувки Monica123   29.04.14 23:36
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   29.04.14 23:53
. * Re: Страст към обувки Monica123   30.04.14 00:31
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   30.04.14 01:00
. * Re: Страст към обувки Monica123   30.04.14 01:27
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   30.04.14 11:08
. * Re: Страст към обувки Muskat   30.04.14 21:59
. * Re: Страст към обувки Muskat   30.04.14 21:57
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   01.05.14 00:02
. * Re: Страст към обувки Muskat   01.05.14 00:15
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   01.05.14 00:26
. * Re: Страст към обувки Monica123   01.05.14 00:29
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   01.05.14 00:31
. * Re: Страст към обувки Monica123   01.05.14 00:15
. * Re: Страст към обувки zukary   01.05.14 04:44
. * Re: Страст към обувки Monica123   01.05.14 08:17
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   01.05.14 12:07
. * Re: Страст към обувки Monica123   29.04.14 23:32
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   29.04.14 23:49
. * Re: Страст към обувки Monica123   30.04.14 00:29
. * Re: Страст към обувки zukary   01.05.14 04:54
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   01.05.14 12:13
. * Рокси е Нудистка ! Monica123   01.05.14 18:46
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   01.05.14 18:55
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Monica123   01.05.14 19:20
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   02.05.14 00:01
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Monica123   02.05.14 00:32
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   02.05.14 01:02
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Monica123   02.05.14 03:39
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   02.05.14 11:49
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Terminator12   02.05.14 06:06
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   02.05.14 11:42
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Monica123   02.05.14 16:46
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Terminator12   02.05.14 16:50
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Monica123   02.05.14 17:13
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Terminator12   02.05.14 17:33
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Monica123   02.05.14 17:54
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   02.05.14 20:57
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   02.05.14 21:33
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   03.05.14 12:13
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   02.05.14 01:05
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Monica123   02.05.14 03:45
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   02.05.14 11:35
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Monica123   02.05.14 16:51
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   02.05.14 21:24
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! noTeHHEgaP   02.05.14 21:37
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   02.05.14 21:39
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Monica123   02.05.14 22:07
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   02.05.14 22:15
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   02.05.14 22:19
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   02.05.14 22:22
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   03.05.14 00:31
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Monica123   03.05.14 00:50
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   03.05.14 11:44
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Monica123   04.05.14 01:26
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   04.05.14 01:30
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   04.05.14 21:00
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Terminator12   05.05.14 19:06
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   05.05.14 21:26
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   05.05.14 21:28
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! zukary   06.05.14 05:37
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   06.05.14 12:25
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Monica123   06.05.14 16:26
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Monica123   06.05.14 16:24
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   06.05.14 23:38
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Monica123   07.05.14 00:11
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   07.05.14 12:27
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Monica123   07.05.14 21:21
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   07.05.14 23:28
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Monica123   07.05.14 23:39
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   07.05.14 23:50
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Monica123   08.05.14 00:13
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   07.05.14 23:54
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   07.05.14 23:48
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Monica123   07.05.14 23:51
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   07.05.14 23:56
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Monica123   08.05.14 00:16
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   08.05.14 11:24
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   03.05.14 13:32
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Terminator12   03.05.14 14:29
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   03.05.14 14:36
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Terminator12   03.05.14 14:50
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   03.05.14 15:00
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   03.05.14 13:45
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   03.05.14 13:58
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Terminator12   03.05.14 05:00
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Terminator12   03.05.14 05:06
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   02.05.14 14:39
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Monica123   02.05.14 16:53
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Terminator12   02.05.14 17:26
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   02.05.14 14:43
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   02.05.14 14:53
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   02.05.14 15:05
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Melany99   02.05.14 17:54
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   02.05.14 20:29
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   02.05.14 20:37
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   02.05.14 20:41
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   02.05.14 20:51
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   02.05.14 21:18
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Roxan*na   02.05.14 21:48
. * Re: Рокси е Нудистка ! Terminator12   03.05.14 04:34
. * Re: Страст към обувки zukary   29.04.14 14:55
. * Re: Страст към обувки Monica123   28.04.14 20:04
. * Re: Страст към обувки Terminator12   26.04.14 20:11
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   26.04.14 20:15
. * Re: Страст към обувки Terminator12   26.04.14 20:31
. * Re: Страст към обувки zukary   26.04.14 20:56
. * Re: Страст към обувки zukary   26.04.14 20:46
. * Re: Страст към обувки TopModel   26.04.14 20:52
. * Re: Страст към обувки zukary   26.04.14 20:55
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   26.04.14 21:04
. * Re: Страст към обувки Terminator12   26.04.14 23:15
. * Re: Страст към обувки Monica123   28.04.14 20:00
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   28.04.14 21:30
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   25.04.14 13:47
. * Re: Страст към обувки Terminator12   25.04.14 07:36
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   25.04.14 12:34
. * Re: Страст към обувки Muskat   27.04.14 12:45
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   27.04.14 18:59
. * Re: Страст към обувки Roxan*na   27.04.14 19:11
. * GYM SHOES Biohaz   30.04.14 20:56
. * Re: GYM SHOES Terminator12   01.05.14 07:29
. * Re: GYM SHOES Biohaz   01.05.14 21:20
. * Re: GYM SHOES Terminator12   03.05.14 04:54
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