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Клубове Дирене Регистрация Кой е тук Въпроси Списък Купувам / Продавам 07:36 27.09.24 
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Тема Отровите в домакинствата...
Автор DragonessМодератор (много огнена)
Публикувано14.03.05 11:02  

Тази тема е само с информативна цел. Консултацията с вет трябва да се направи незабавно.

Alkaline cleaners: laundry detergents, ammonia
If swallowed - pawing at mouth, drooling, abdominal pain
Skin contact - rolling, licking.
!!!Do not induce vomiting. Rinse mouth with milk or water. Rinse skin with cool water

Solvents or paint thinner: paint thinner, etc
Vomiting, diarrhea, ulcers on the tongue
!!! Do not induce vomiting. Wash skin and coat. Seek veterinary help immediately if ingested.

Antifreeze: garage spills, leaks
Problems with balance, collapse, convulsions
!!! If just eaten, induce vomiting and get to the vet!

Aspirin: found in in the house, incorrectly given for pain
Loss of appetite, vomiting (may contain blood), convulsions
!!! Induce vomiting and get to the vet immediately!

Anti-depressants (sedatives): found in the home or incorrectly given by owner
Staggering, loss of coordination, coma
!!! If just eaten, induce vomiting and get to the vet!

Cannabis (marijuana): found in the home
Dilated pupils, agitation, loss of coordination
!!! Confine to a quiet, dimly lit area. Contact your vet possible medication.

Carbon monoxide: car exhaust, gas leak
Loss of coordination, unconsciousness, bright red gums
!!! Fresh air, give artificial respiration if necessary

Chlorine: water treament equipment
Red eyes and mouth
!!! Flush eyes well with water. Flush mouth with water or milk.

Liquid detergents: cleaning solutions
Foaming/frothing from the mouth
!!! Wash the mouth thoroughly with clean water.

Flea repellents: flea treatments
Twitching, restlessness, excessive salivation, convulsions
!!! Seek veterinary help immediately.

Kerosene oil: heating or cleaning fluids
Stomach discomfort
!!! Do not induce vomiting. Seek veterinary advice immediately.

Lead: paint, batteries, lubricants
Vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, whining, light sensitivity
!!! If just eaten, induce vomiting and get to the vet!

Phenol: wood preservatives, disinfectants, fungicides
Staggering, twitching, depression, coma
!!! Do not induce vomiting. Give milk and vegetable oil. Get to the vet!

Slug and snail bait: may be eaten by dog
Tremors, excessive salivation, convulsions, coma - may be fatal
!!! If just eaten, induce vomiting and get to the vet!

Strychnine: pesticides
Anxiety, tension, stiffness, leading to seizures, convulsions, then death
!!! Induce vomiting and get to the vet immediately!

Tobacco: cigarettes, cigars, pipes
Causes vomiting if swallowed
!!! Charcoal tablets can be used to sooth irritation.

Warfarin: rodent bait, dead rodent
Bruising, bleeding gums, possibly fatal in small dogs
!!! If just eaten, induce vomiting and get to the vet!

See no Evil, Hear no Evil, Lay no Evil Down on Me...or I'll Toast You in Hell

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