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Тема плюс към Съвет - отговор -забележка [re: efir]
Автор efir (бивш мецанат)
Публикувано17.08.20 02:21  

Ехо, имайте предвид И.Костов и сие, че Майкъл Чорни е човек, за когото както казват руснаците "у вас кишка тонка":

Michael Cherney (Hebrew: ... Russian: Михаил Чёрный, also Mikhail Chernoy, Mikhail Chorny or Mikhail Chernoi; born 16 January 1952) is a Uzbekistan-born Israeli entrepreneur and industrialist.He is known for his significant role in the 1990s Aluminium in Russia, and his business ventures in Israel. He is also the founder of the Michael Cherney Foundation and a sponsor of The Intelligence Summit.[1][2]

The Intelligence Summit
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The Intelligence Summit Summit-logo.jpg
Founded 2006
Founder John Loftus Chairman's name withheld for security reasons
Type Political, Intellligence, International Security, Cryptology
Focus terrorism

Washington, DC

Area served
United States
Method conferences
Key people
John Loftus, Michael Cherney
private donations (primarily from Michael Cherney)
Website www.intelligencesummit.org via Archive.org

The Intelligence Summit is an annual conference run principally by John Loftus and funded by an organization he controls, the Intelligence and Homeland Security Educational Center (IHEC). The stated purpose of these regular meetings is "to provide an opportunity for the international intelligence community to listen to and learn from each other, and to share ideas in the common war against terrorism."

According to the Intelligence Summit's website, the meetings are run by organizers (Robert Katz and John Loftus) and an Advisory Council, which includes or included in the past "two former heads of CIA, the head of British Joint Intelligence, senior officials of the Mossad, the former Director of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism, the former director of the Indian Counter Intelligence Service, generals of the US Army and Air Force intelligence services, and academic experts". Among the Advisory Council members are the author and consultant Yossef Bodansky, special operations expert Richard Marcinko, and retired generals and Fox News military analysts Paul E. Vallely and Tom McInerney.
Ron Jacobs notes that the primary sponsor of the conference, Michael Cherney, "is the subject of controversy and is currently denied entry into the United States because of his indictment on various charges in Russia and Israel." Jacobs points out that "Cherney is well-known among supporters of Israel and has contributed millions of dollars to various organizations on the right end of Israel's political spectrum, as well as several thousands to the US Republican Party."[1] The St. Petersburg Times confirms that Cherney is the main contributor to the Summit and notes that "the United States has denied Cherney a visa since 1999 because of alleged ties to the Russian mafia." Cherney is listed for organized crime and money laundering on the Interpol Red List of wanted persons.[2] Loftus counters that Cherney "was framed by [former Director of the Office of National Intelligence John] Negroponte."


И Гусин Костов да си знае, че и аз не съм за неговата уста лъжица, понеже... съм дъщеря на коравия българин Георги Полянов, не откраднал нито лев от държавата, за разлика от некои отворковци.

А също така съм собственик на регистрирания никнейм:
smocker77 (MAD MAX www.interpol.int/form/submit/10615 сигнал за ядрен тероризъм получаван в Лион в щабквартирата на Интерпол, където той е никой ... и понеже в момента 4 агенции разузнавателни ми наблюдават страницата - със сигурност САЩ, Израел, Русия и България, алармирани с години за безобразното отношение на българските власти към чужд гражданин на велика сила на територията на РБ бивша НРБ - 007)

Да си гледат пенсиите теменужките на вилата и да се молят да не започна да чета за тях усилено в интернет ... Понеже компютърът ми и всички мои търсения са под отчет на споменатите разузнавателни агенции....

Музикален поздрав от моя никнейм титаник77 с шизобан до 2042 г., който не може да пусне тук парчето на Селион Дион да го послушате сега вие, като него в Полиграфа, когато се опитахте да натопите г-н Д. Иванов, бивш шеф на 6-то Управление, собственик беше на в-к Земя (? сега не знам, от години не се интересувам), знам, че е сериозен колекционер, и г-жа Св. Шаренкова, моя бивша шефка.

И пред двамата респект. Нямат нищо общо със сектантските изпълнения. За което е писано когато трябва и на когото трябва. При описание на атаката от интернет срещу мрежата на в-к "Русия днес"

cancion de titanic en ingles y espanol
•Jan 22, 2015

приятно пеене и лека нощ

Self raised, self made
Nothing was ever handed to me
I tasted pain, the gutter hugged me
Till I stood up and embraced the flames

Always pushing, always searching
Always crossing the line
Try to hold me back
I swing the hammer of inner strength

Always the hard way
Nothing was never handed to me
Always the hard way
You taught me truth, you gave me strength
I learned everything the hard way

Helpless and crisis

Special 10x to Interpol and FBI - especially to Sir James Comey, 7th Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
In office
September 4, 2013 – May 9, 2017
for help and understanding
love, Sirs

Terror - Always The Hard Way (live @ With Full Force 2007)

Редактирано от efir на 17.08.20 03:06.

Цялата тема
* Съвет efir   16.08.20 07:33
. * Re: Съвет - отговор efir   17.08.20 00:05
. * Съвет - отговор -забележка efir   17.08.20 01:52
. * плюс към Съвет - отговор -забележка efir   17.08.20 02:21
. * отговор - забележка siropino   12.02.21 04:01
. * Re: Съвет - отговор2 efir   17.08.20 04:29
. * Re: Съвет efir   04.10.20 15:04
. * Re: Съвет funy77   07.01.21 02:48
. * Re: Съвет siropino   08.02.21 03:16
. * Съвет siropino   16.02.21 07:32
. * Съвет siropino   27.02.21 16:20
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