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Тема Последното писмо от Уейн Ликерманнови  
Автор Cirrus ()
Публикувано28.05.11 02:24


Hello my loves,

Personal power is the belief that "I" have the power to make things happen. It is the sense that "I" control myself and my environment. It stems from the observation that the more power you have, the more control you can exert. The difficulty with this premise is that it continuously proves to be false. The fact is that the power is never yours. It flows through you and controls you. Deep investigation may even reveal that this power not only flows through you and controls you but it IS you.

One of the surprising gifts of the Living Teaching is to discover your own personal powerlessness. Personal powerlessness may not seem like a gift on the surface, in fact if you google the term "powerlessness" you will quickly see that the world-at-large considers powerlessness to be a condition requiring treatment. It is another of the paradoxes of the Teaching that personal strength is to be discovered in the realization of your own personal powerlessness. Personal strength comes from the relief of the burden of trying to exert power and control that is not yours to begin with. Suddenly you find yourself with all the extra energy that was formerly being poured into the fruitless attempt to make things go your way.

As with all aspects of the Living Teaching, what I am pointing to has to be seen to be believed. Consider what I am saying and test it for yourself. Look within to discover the Truth that is as close to you as your breath.

May it find you now.

With love,

Редактирано от KREDOR™ на 31.10.11 11:06.

Тема Re: Стремежът към власт и собственото безсилие [re: Cirrus]  
Автор Cirrus ()
Публикувано04.06.11 01:02

Стремежът към власт произтича от чувството, че колкото повече власт имате, толкова по-голям контрол може да упражнявате върху хората и оттам върху ситуациите и в крайна сметка, че вие дирижирате живота си.
Но дали е така?

Един изненадващ подарък на Живото Учение на новата, съвременна адвайта е, че ще откриете собственото си безсилие.

Как се случва? И защо това е подарък?
и защо е толкова важно и за йогите?

Редактирано от Cirrus на 04.06.11 01:12.

Тема Re: снимки [re: Cirrus]  
Автор Cirrus ()
Публикувано07.06.11 22:27

Тема Re: MESSAGE FROM WAYNE - визия за Любовта [re: Cirrus]  
Автор Cirrus ()
Публикувано30.10.11 16:42

Hello my loves,

Years ago there was a very popular self-help book entitled Women Who Love Too Much. I never read the book but the title continues to haunt me. Is it actually possible to love too much? I think not. It is certainly possible to expect too much. It is possible to enter into a transactional relationship and get the short end of the deal. It is possible to be cheated and disappointed when the other person fails to deliver their end of the bargain. But that is not my vision of Love.
Love to me is totally selfless and nontransactional. Love like this is known in the giving rather than the getting. Giving everything.
Including your self. It is impossible to give too much in such a relationship. It is impossible to be cheated when you expect nothing in return. To receive such Love is to be totally accepted as you are.
To give such love is to know Peace.

May it find you now.

With Love,

SATURDAY - October 29, 2011

To receive such Love is to be totally accepted as you are.
To give such love is to know Peace.


(never before published)

The ignorant man involves himself with his worldly activities all the time, and takes some time off for meditation or prayers because he feels he must; the man of understanding regards the manifested world as merely the objective expression of his only subjective true nature, and is therefore constantly in meditation even as he carries on with his normal worldly activities.


Wayne прави срещи, сатсанг по интернет на живо, може да задавате и въпроси (вижте на сайта www.advaita.org) безплатно е

Редактирано от Cirrus на 30.10.11 20:54.

Тема Re: Последното писмо от Уейн Ликерман [re: Cirrus]  
Автор Cirrus ()
Публикувано29.11.11 22:17

когато получа в мейла си писмо от Уейн Ликерман, съм най-щастлива!

и бързам да го споделя с вас


Hello my loves,

Our only obligation in life is to live it. The word obligation within the Living Teaching simply means we have to do it. We have no choice in the matter. We must live because we are the life force itself, incarnated as a particular name and form.

The most common question that arises with this is, "how do I live my life knowing I am not the author of my thoughts, feelings and actions?"

The fact that the question arises indicates that the comprehension of "I am not the author" is at the intellectual level. A good start certainly, but an indicator that there is a deepening yet to come.

As the understanding deepens there comes the intuitive recognition that we are being lived. Then the question of "how do I live" fades into the mist. It is not replaced with an answer. It is simply gone.

Spontaneous living is always happening but it is only experienced as such in the absence of the false sense of authorship (FSA). When the FSA is present it brings with it the weighty burden of personal responsibility. Personal responsibility is a much glorified concept that everyone knows from their own experience can only sporadically be observed. Still it persists as an exalted goal. The notion of personal responsibility is the most common obstacle to acceptance of the Living Teaching. It is the stronghold of the FSA. Yet as we are privileged to witness again and again, cracks can and do form in the foundations of the most formidable citadels. As the cracks widen and spread they can bring down the entire structure and when the dust settles the simple Truth is revealed.
May it find you now.

With Love,


(never before published)

Who seeks enlightenment? The very seeking implies a seeker and there is truly no such thing. All there is, is a body-mind mechanism as part of the totality of manifestation. What is present, here and now, everywhere all the time ever since the world came into existence, is consciousness. All there is, all there has ever been, all there ever will be is consciousness. The simple fact is that so long as it is a “me” illusion or concept seeking enlightenment, the illusory me can never achieve enlightenment because enlightenment is not an object to be achieved by any “me” subject. With the apperception of this fact, the “me” concept with its split-mind disappears, and what remains is enlightenment, that which has always been there – unaware of itself as subjective noumenality and aware of its presence in phenomenality which is its objective expression

Редактирано от Cirrus на 29.11.11 22:25.

Тема Поредното писмо от Уейн Лекето [re: Cirrus]  
Автор oтБpaxмaн (на Брахман)
Публикувано30.11.11 02:54

В отговор на:
Автор: Cirrus
Тема: Re: Последното писмо от Уейн Ликерман

В отговор на:

Автор: Cirrus
Тема: Re: Последното писмо от Уейн Ликерман

когато получа в мейла си писмо от Уейн Ликерман, съм най-щастлива!

Де да беше "последното" писмо от Уейн Лекето

- за съжаление е поредното писмо от Уейн Лекето който нищо не разбира от веданта!!!!!!!! Абсолютно нищо, даже точно обратното, изопачава я!!! Нито той нито неговият учител банкер Балсекар!!! И двамата са мошеници от класа!!

Ето ти един сайт в който се казва това което ти пиша по горе!! То не е само мое мнение, то е мнение на доста хора

Сайта се казва India Divine - Божествената Индия! Та в горният сайт има доста писано за тези мошеници които извръщават веданта!!! Заглавието на статията по горе е

"Avoid reading books of Wayne Liquorman and Ramesh Balsekar"
"Избягвайте да четете книги от Уейн Ликерман и Рамеш Балсекар"

След това в статията се дават доста примери за двамата мошеници не ми се превежда ама може да преведа поне два три примера по нататък...

Редактирано от oтБpaxмaн на 30.11.11 03:02.

Тема Re: Поредното писмо от Уейн Лекето [re: oтБpaxмaн]  
Автор Cirrus ()
Публикувано30.11.11 23:47


и си го знаеме тука, но модератора те търпи (като пореднопо.то по ред леке - да ме извини за откровенността)

Редактирано от Cirrus на 30.11.11 23:49.

Тема Re: Поредното писмо от Уейн Лекето [re: Cirrus]  
Автор oтБpaxмaн (на Брахман)
Публикувано01.12.11 01:57

В отговор на:
Автор: Cirrus
Тема: Re: Поредното писмо от Уейн Лекето


Прочете ли какво пише в сайта за твойте гуровци

Така е, човек се лъже, вярва в глупостите на някой тарикати, губи си времето, губи си парите и след това като му кажат истината подскача като ужилен Ти си още на нивото на подсъзнателното, не се усещаш в какво блато си потънала но чувстваш вече че има някаво противоречие... абе какво да коментирам повече Чети сайта който ти дадох дано да ти дойде ума в главата. Ти от мен няма да приемеш истината, но от други може би пък ще я схванеш!?????

Чети и се просвещавай и без да се обиждаш значи, хората ти казват истината, научи се да я преглъщаш

Редактирано от KREDOR™ на 02.12.11 10:29.

Тема Re: до "Бpaxмaн" лекето [re: oтБpaxмaн]  
Автор Cirrus ()
Публикувано03.12.11 16:29

не давай тъпите си сайтове!

сайта на съвременната адвайта,
оригиналния сайт на Уейн Ликерман, учителя му Рамеш Балсекар и техния общ учител Нисаргадатта Махадаж е ADVAITA.ORG !

Редактирано от Cirrus на 03.12.11 16:30.

Тема Re: Advaita Fellowship Newsletter - December 2011 [re: Cirrus]  
Автор Cirrus ()
Публикувано30.12.11 11:59

Hello my loves,

If you open your eyes and look around, you can't help but marvel. Life in all its amazing diversity there to behold. Like the woman who used to sit on the sidewalk at the corner of Ramesh's block in Bombay selling bananas. Amidst the filth and billowing clouds of exhaust she sat, immaculately groomed and seemingly serene, her round basket of bananas set out before her.

See the patterns the shadows make on the wall? Listen to the sound of the small plane overhead. Someone is up there looking down on where you are and to them it is but a speck, if they notice at all. A bird jumps from the fence to the ground to eat a worm and another bird darts in to steal the meal. Which one eats it is probably of little consequence to the worm, and I certainly have no preference, but the birds seem to care. The wind comes up and the bamboo clacks together in primal music. My stomach rumbles. Somewhere someone has just won the lottery and their financial problems are over, soon to be replaced with a whole set of new ones. My excited daughter calls to tell me she is pregnant again. An email comes announcing the funeral for an old friend. A pretty girl passes and my gaze follows her. Close your eyes and watch the show that plays out on the inside of your eyelids. Smell your fingers and remember where they have been.

Anywhere your attention moves there is something to be discovered. You need only lift your gaze from the demands of your "self" to realize the miracle that is life and living.

May it find you now.

With love,


(never before published)

Even if the wave on an expanse of water were endowed with sentience, its presence as a wave would still be a matter in which it had no choice. Suppose a wave wished to be a super wave, or considered its presence as a wave to be a bondage and wished to be freed of his bondage. Stupid? Man wanting to be a superman – or wanting freedom from bondage - is just as stupid.

Страници по тази тема: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | >> (покажи всички)
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