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Тема Re: January 29, 2013нови [re: Cirrus]  
Автор lenticularis ()
Публикувано30.01.13 23:52


Hello my loves,

Life is so simple. No, really, I mean it! There are endless things for you to do and all you need do is do them. Starting with breathing....you need to breathe...don't forget that part! But wait...often you forget about breathing altogether and yet you continue to breathe anyway. Curious. And then there is planning. You need to plan. Planning is important. Everyone says so. But sometimes you get so busy executing a previous plan that you forget to plan the next thing. Then what? Stuff keeps happening anyway. Sometimes you like what happens and sometimes you don't...just like the outcome of your plans.

Most important of all you must make decisions. Endless decisions. Get up or stay in bed? Go to work or the beach? Eat or fast? Exercise or lay around? Chocolate or vanilla? Save the world or read a book? You may even decide to stop making decisions. What happens then? I hate to give away the plot but in the end decisions keep getting made anyway.

Perhaps you are starting to notice a pattern is emerging here. I hope so. Because when you recognize that life is happening, the simplicity becomes obvious and there is peace. May it find you now.

With much love,

Тема Re: Thursday, March 28, 2013нови [re: Cirrus]  
Автор lenticularis (непознат )
Публикувано30.03.13 22:06

Едно от най-хубавите писма - послания на единствения жив Адвайта Учител по линията на Нисаргадатта Махарадж


Hello my loves,

Have I told you today that I love you? Well, I do.

This may seem strange coming from a nonduality/Advaita guru. Particularly if you associate nonduality/Advaita with the idea that you don't exist (a state in which love is problematic, at best). If you are convinced that you are nobody please feel free to stop reading, I have no wish to bring you back from nowhere.

If however, you are prepared to deal with the profound mystery of name, form and Unity then you are in a position to love and be loved. You can dance with me. You can whisper in my ear all your dirty little secrets and I will love you still. This love is at once beyond any possibility of personality and is intensely personal.

Our love exists not only in the archive of your experience but in the eternity of the Timeless. That I have never met you or touched your flesh in no way limits the completeness of my love for you. I speak, of course, of nothing less than the Love of Total Acceptance. To experience such love is to bathe in the radiant warmth of the fact you are perfect as you are.

May it find you now!

With Love,

Ако искате всеки месец да получавате в пощата си писма от него, идете на сайта advaita.org ако трябва се регистрирайте и се запишете да ви ги праща в пощата.
Има и директен видео контакт 2 пъти седмично, когато приема посетители при него за разговор и въпроси, където може да се включите онлайн.

В пощата получавате и най-новите книги и DVD записи от сатсанги,
както и информация за предстоящи срещи в различни градове по света, кога и къде
също отзиви, писма и по-точно стихова от последователи на адвайта
и винаги пуска по един абзац от нещо непубликувано досега от Рамеш
Този път откъса е:

(never before published)

Knowledge is not pure knowledge if it changes. People change and need to change. Methods of transmitting the knowledge may change, but pure knowledge is changeless. The external face of pure knowledge may change, but the inner factor, the What Is, can never change. What you are induced to call knowledge, based on rituals and practices, is merely a record of past method.

Редактирано от lenticularis на 30.03.13 22:22.

Тема Re: 29.04.2013нови [re: Cirrus]  
Автор lenticularis (новак)
Публикувано05.05.13 00:21

Hello my loves,

I love sex! I love the wildness of it. The way it rocks people out of their ruts. I delight in the continuing evidence that our control over it is tenuous at best. The ongoing sagas of powerful politicians, corporate and spiritual leaders brought down by lust played out in scenarios that can only be described as ludicrous. Such a perfect opportunity to witness Powerlessness, though admittedly one that very few people seem to be able to take advantage of.

Part of what makes it all so dramatic is that public attitudes towards sex diverge so dramatically from what people actually think and do sexually. There are so many "shoulds" surrounding sex.

If you love someone you should not be interested in someone else sexually.

Sex should be bound up with love. Sex "just" for fun is wrong.

You should focus your sexual energy not on sex but on attaining spiritual Enlightenment. Sex is base and unworthy of a God oriented person, or on the other side, Tantric sexual practice (with its emphasis on control) is the highest form of sex.

You shouldn't have sex for money.

You shouldn't have sex with someone of the same gender as you.

Sex should be kind, gentle and caring.

You should honor your sexual partner.

The list is nearly endless. The problem, of course, is that it flies in the face of how human beings actually ARE!

The Living Teaching points to the fact that sex is an integral aspect of Life and Life is wild and dangerous, unpredictable and uncertain. Such reality stands in stark contrast to the FSA's compulsive claim of control. In fact one of the great spiritual fantasies is that when enlightenment is attained it brings with it perfect control. Theoretically the sage controls his sexuality to the extent that, if it still continues to exist at all, its expression matches the prevailing moral code.

Life throbs, pants and pulses. It is a screaming orgasm that is equal parts pain and pleasure. In the simple Acceptance of What Is, sex however it manifests is met with Peace.

May it find you now!

Much love,

Тема Re: A LIVING GEM FROM RAMESHнови [re: lenticularis]  
Автор lenticularis (новак)
Публикувано05.05.13 00:32

(never before published)

Nature appears to be a hierarchy of many grades, corresponding to what the scientist calls “levels of magnification”. Thus, when we adjust our lenses to watch the individual cells of our organism, we see only particular successes and failures, victories and defeats in what appears to be a ruthless “dog-eat-dog” battle. But when we change the level of magnification to observe the organism as a whole, we see that what was conflict at the lower level is harmony at the higher: that the healthy, ongoing life of the organism is precisely the outcome of this microscopic turmoil. Now the expansion of consciousness is no other than extending our vision to comprehend many levels at once, and above all, to grasp those higher levels in which the discords of the lower levels are resolved.

Тема Re: October 28, 2013нови [re: Cirrus]  
Автор lenticularis (член)
Публикувано31.10.13 15:34

Hello my loves,

Have you ever had a visitor come from out of town and when you show them around you begin to re-appreciate the familiar things you have taken for granted? As your guest marvels at the plants and trees that to her are new and exotic, you start to REALLY see them again. The same is true for the quality of light in the sky and the traffic patterns and the architecture and the way strangers relate to each other as they pass on the sidewalk. You reawaken to the bird songs and the graffiti and the fashions and the smells that long ago had faded into the everyday.

The guru is simply that, a visitor from out of town, whose presence and consciousness point you to see what is HERE. The guru doesn't add anything...there is no need for him to...it is all already here.

With Grace, when the guru comes, you are able to invite him in, your heart opens and he shows you the miracles that abound everywhere you look.

May He find you now!

With love,

Тема Re: декември 2013нови [re: Cirrus]  
Автор lenticularis (член)
Публикувано27.12.13 14:19

Hello my loves,

If you are spiritually advanced you know that the past, present and future all exist in Now. Still, in our humanness we perceive time progressively and consecutively. This is a good thing. Without the perception of the linear, everything would appear to happen at once and we would be infinitely busier than we already are!

One of the qualities of the lineality of time we don't like so much is the sense that we are bound by what came before. We often yearn to break free from the past. We want to reinvent ourselves, move somewhere else, take new names, change professions and mates. It doesn't work, of course. Never has. Who we are as people is infinitely more complex than a few, readily changeable aspects. We are actually the sum total of all that we have felt, thought and done before.

If we believe we are responsible for creating our lives then this enormous collection of past experiences is a huge burden to be dragged forward. In fact the sheer weight of the past is what inspires the idea that we should cut ourselves off from it and start fresh.

There is a different possible approach. It is to realize that in our humanity we are the creations not the Creator. To accept that we are as we are, the complex summation of all that has come before. And most importantly we must realize that change is inevitable and unpredictable. We are shaped by the past but we are not bound by it. Whether evolutionary or revolutionary, change happens. The butterfly was not bound by being a caterpillar. Its past was an integral part of what it is now.

Paradoxically, when this is fully seen, we realize we, as creations, are nothing less than the Creator made manifest.

May it find you now!

With much love,

Тема Re: февруари 2014нови [re: Cirrus]  
Автор lenticularis (член)
Публикувано19.02.14 22:57

Динамичната жизненост на живота се разкрива, когато приемем несигурността и признаем нашето безсилие като "действащи лица", нашето безсилие да контролираме нещата.
Какво облекчение!

Hello my loves,

Whenever someone tells me that they like my satsangs because they feel safe here, I know it is time to get out the knives. I have no desire to be a refuge. Safety is the most cruel and insidious of drugs. It never lasts and inevitably sets up a craving for more. I was a drug dealer once but I outgrew it.

The world is not an inherently dangerous place but it IS inherently changeable. Which is to say that security is fleeting. Security is the illusion that the comfort I have now won't change. I am secure in my job means I won't be fired. I am secure in my relationship means it is going to last forever. A deep part of us knows that such feelings are built on an insubstantial foundation. Our projections of the future are fantasies. We have been wrong before and we will likely be wrong again. Of course, we have been right a few times too...so there is always hope!

The most common response to seeing the insecurity of it all is to turn around and retreat to something familiar and "predictable." If this is unavailable the next strategy is to attempt to exercise control and then more control. Unfortunately it is all a losers’ game. Like in Las Vegas, eventually the house will win. Hope always turns to fear.

Is this a bleak vision? On the surface, yes, absolutely. But the Living Teaching points us to look beyond the surface. Grace exists. Sometimes there comes the courage to stare directly into the uncertainty and accept it. Sometimes surrender comes in the recognition of our fundamental powerlessness as authoring entities. We can control nothing. We have never controlled anything! What a relief!

The dynamic vivacity of Life is revealed in this moment. Here is the Freedom. Here is the Peace.

May it find you now!

With love,

Редактирано от lenticularis на 19.02.14 23:00.

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