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Тема Dhammapada  
Автор Neon (новак)
Публикувано16.02.04 23:48

ima li prevod na Dhammapada na Buddha na bg ezik i koe e izdanieto ako ima takowa

somewhen or another, a mind will discover it is not the source of reality.

Тема Re: Dhammapadaнови [re: Neon]  
Автор xyaнджи ()
Публикувано17.02.04 22:07

По памет, мисля, че излезе едноименна книжка, около 91-92 година.

Тема Re: Dhammapadaнови [re: Neon]  
Автор CИMEOH ()
Публикувано18.02.04 13:25

Мога да ти пратя Совата на Буда в електронен вид.

Тема Re: Dhammapadaнови [re: CИMEOH]  
Автор Neon (новак)
Публикувано19.02.04 08:52

идеално, трябва ми за един сайт
много съм благодарен


somewhen or another, a mind will discover it is not the source of reality.

Тема Re: Dhammapadaнови [re: Neon]  
АвторOpo (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано21.02.04 18:21

Има 1-2 превода в малки книжки които по-добре никога да не намериш......защото преводът е отвратителен и целия смисъл е буквално заличен и обезмислен....
Аз лично пусках мой точен превод тук в дира на Dhamapada преди 2-3 год. мисля в клуб "Религия" или "Философия"......порови в Архив на тези клубове. Заглавието на темата бе същото и бе серия от преведени откъси....Аз пък ще поровя при мен дали съм запазил на дискета преводите.

Тема Re: Dhammapadaнови [re: Opo]  
Автор Neon (блестящ)
Публикувано21.02.04 20:05

Ползвам един превод на Джон Ричардс преди випасана и някак съм свикнал с него като излъчване и атмосфера, която създава в мен, искаше ми се да сложа превод на сайта си, защото е определено една от трите книги подействали ми разтърсващо.
Ето малко информация за този превод:

An anthology of 423 Buddhist verses embodying ethical and spiritual precepts arranged by subject.
Translated from Pali by John Richards.

Copyright (c) 1993 John Richards, Pembrokeshire (UK)

The Dhammapada—Information
The Dhammapada is an anthology of verses, belonging to the part of the Theravada Pali Canon of scriptures known as the Khuddaka Nikaya, and consists of 423 verses.

Something like a quarter of the verses are to be found in other parts of the Pali Tipitaka, particularly in the other verse parts of the Khuddaka Nikaya such as the Sutta Nipata and the Thera- and Theri-gatha.

The Dhammapada is probably the most popular book of the Pali Canon, with the possible exception of the Satipatthana Sutta, or the Sutta on the Turning of the Wheel of the Law (Dhamma-cakka-ppavattana Sutta). It is certainly the most frequently translated portion.

There are a number of Mahayana works to which it appears to be closely related. There are in the Chinese scriptures 4 works resembling the Dhammapada. The nearest is the Fa Chu Ching, which was translated in AD 223. (translated by Beal), the first part of which seems to be a direct translation of the Pali Dhammapada. (It is intriguing to wonder how a Pali work found its way to China in those early years. The Introduction merely says it was brought from India and was translated as a joint venture by a Chinese and an Indian.) One small piece of evidence that the Chinese is a translation from the Pali is found in the verse corrsponding to the Pali verse 146. The Chinese here reads "remembering the everlasting burnings", having mistaken the word "sati", (which in the Pali is the locative case of the present participle of a verb for "being") for the noun "sati", memory, or recollection. The later part of the Chinese appears to be an anthology in its own right.

There is also a Dhammapada in the Gandhari language (edited and translated by Brough), but although it contains at least half of its verses in common with the Pali Dhammapada, the order and distribution make it fairly certain that there is no direct link between the two works.

There is another work in Sanskrit called the Udanavarga, which also has a large number of verses in common with the Dhammapada, but again seems to be a completely independent compilation. It is often most instructive though to compare some of the verses in these different collections. Sometimes they are effectively identical, but at other times they are radically different. It would be a rash man, in our present state of scholarship, who ventured to assert which is the original.

Like most anthologies of verses, the Dhammapada is very uneven. Some verses are both profound and deeply poetic. Others are awkward, and little more than a list of technical terms. The overall effect of the Dhammapada however is undoubtedly of high moral and spiritual earnestness, and a typically Buddhist gentle persuasiveness. It would be hard to point to a poetic book of a similar length in world religious literature of a correspondingly sustained level.

John Richards (19.Oct.1993)

somewhen or another, a mind will discover it is not the source of reality.

Тема Re: Dhammapadaнови [re: Neon]  
АвторOpo (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано21.02.04 21:09

Радвай се! Направих "разкопки" и открих моите преводи в клуб "Философия" .
Значи чукаш горе вдясно на "Архив" и търсиш стр.26 назад във времето. Темата се нарича "Мъдри мисли от древността" и съм писал с ник "Дид_anon"
Мисля че са 16 бр. Пейстни си ги и си ги подреди по заглавия.
Превода съм направил от една английска книжка, защото ми хареса тяхния превод от оригинала. Разбира се може да се редактира моя превод тук-там и изглади, но смисъла е велик. Ще откриеш и други мои преводи и теми като "Мъдри мисли от Индия" "Мъдри мисли от по-ново време" и т.н.
На добър час.....


*Кратък преглед
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