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Тема Debunking the Paleo Myth - Dr. Barnardнови [re: Mod vege]  
Автор Mod vegeМодератор (старо куче)
Публикувано27.04.16 04:44

co-director of the laboratories of molecular anthropology and microbiome research and assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Oklahoma, will debunk the Paleo diet at the Physicians Committee’s International Conference on Nutrition in Medicine on July 29-30, 2016, in Washington, D.C.

You can find out more about the conference lineup and register at ICNM16.org.

Below, Dr. Warinner answers a few questions she’ll address in depth at the conference.

Paleolithic peoples are sometimes depicted as tireless hunters who consumed large quantities of meat. Is that accurate?

You might be surprised to learn that the clearest examples of recent dietary adaptations in humans are for starch-rich plants. Rather than our hunting habits, the thing that appears to set humans most apart from our primate relatives is our evolved dependence on cooking. Perhaps the most interesting thing about our dietary evolution is that we are effectively “cookivores.”

Modern “Paleo” diets eschew whole grains or legumes. Is there any evidence showing that Paleolithic peoples did eat these foods?

Plant microfossils from the barley family have been found on the teeth of Neanderthals, and starches from grains and tubers have been found on Paleolithic grinding stones that predate agriculture by more than 10,000 years. Humans did not discover these foods during the Neolithic—they had already been eating them, albeit in smaller quantities, for a long time.

How different are the foods we eat today from what Paleolithic peoples ate?

Do not be fooled by the advertisements—there were no Paleo protein bars or flourless chocolate cakes in the Paleolithic. And if you could magically transport yourself back in time, you would hardly recognize the ancestors of today’s lettuce, carrots, avocados, bananas, and apricots. Real Paleolithic foods are a far cry from what we may imagine, but that makes them all the more interesting.

Тема Как да замразяваме правилно!нови [re: Mod vege]  
Автор Mod vegeМодератор (старо куче)
Публикувано27.04.16 18:33

Правилното замразяване на храна е важно за здравето, за да се гарантира запазването на хранителните свойства на продуктите. Как да се замразява храната? Замразяването е метод, който може да се извърши във фризера на всяка кухня. Това е консервация, чиято цел е да се доведе храната до много ниски температури, с последващо втвърдяване на водата във вътрешността на храната, в ледени кристали.

Замразяването на храната забавя развалянето и запазва качествата, и при температура под -15 / -18 ° C позволява почти пълно блокиране на микробния растеж. Може да замръзите сварени или сурови храни, но също така и полуфабрикати, като имате предвид, че всяка категория храни има различен срок на замразяване. Изобретяването на хладилниците и фризерите със сигурност подобрява условията ни на живот: – Замразените продукти имат по-добра трайност в сравнение с тези в хладилник, тъй като ниската температура спира значително биологичния растеж.
– Замразяването помага да не се разхищава храна: каквото не се консумира може да се съхранява във фризера.

Имайте предвид, че хладилника и фризера не убиват микроорганизмите в храната, но просто забавят растежа за определен период от време!
Кои са някои от правилата за дълбоко замразяване:

От момента на закупуването на суровините или готовите продукти, сигурността на храните зависи от вас, затова трябва да вземете прости предпазни мерки, които да ограничат всякакви рискове.

– Фризера трябва да работи добре, винаги трябва да е чист и да не е препълнен.
– Замразените храни ще запазят по-дълго от тези, които се съхраняват в хладилник, но не могат да стоят там за безкрайно дълги периоди от време.
Всяка конкретна група храни има специфичен препоръчителен период на консервация и при новите фризерите можете да намерите напомнящи таблици на вратичката.
–Когато решите да замразите прясна храна е добре да бъде почистена и готова за употреба.
–Дълбоко замразените храни трябва да се съхранява във фризера, докато сте готови да ги използвате. Веднъж размразени, храните трябва да се консумират веднага или в рамките на 24 часа.

– Повторното замразяване на размразени продукти вече подпомага растежа на патогенни бактерии опасни за здравето, от леки заболявания, докато интоксикация. Следователно остатъците не трябва да бъдат при никакви обстоятелства отново замразявани.
Какви храни е най-добре да бъдат замразявани?

Можете да замрази почти всичко, като обръщате внимание на определени храни. На първо място яйца с черупки, сурови или варени яйца, никога не трябва да се замразяват. Същото важи за кремове и сосове с яйца и майонеза. Същото правило важи и за меките сирена като бри, или прясно сирене рикота.

Пресните зеленчуци и плодове, както и всички храни, които съдържат висок процент на вода (домати, краставици, маруля и др ..) се размекват след размразяването, затова е добре да се използват на смути или готвени след размразяването.
Преди съхранение на домашно приготвени ястия, е необходимо пълно охлаждане преди поставянето им във фризера.
Когато замразяваме
храна е добре да я разделим на части или парчета и поставим в чисти съдове, хранителни тарелки или пликове, върху които да поставим етикет с името на съдържанието и датата, на която е била замразена.
Добре е храната да не се размразява при стайна температура, но да се съхранява в хладилника, докато се размрази изцяло, или чрез потапяне във врящата вода, когато говорим за готвени зеленчуци.
Микробиологична стабилност на храните е гарантирана, когато опаковките са добре затворени и се съхраняват по подходящ начин, за максимално допустимия срок.

Тема Коя храна с кое лекарство не върви?нови [re: Mod vege]  
Автор Mod vegeМодератор (старо куче)
Публикувано29.04.16 15:21

Пълен стомах, чаша мляко или сок от грейпфрут - и върху тях лекарство? Много често това е грешната комбинация. Храната може не само да блокира действието на медикаментите, но да промени това действие и дори да доведе до нежелани ефекти.
Освобождаването на активната съставка от една таблетка е по-сложно, отколкото повечето хора си представят, твърдят специалистите. Ако вземете например болкоуспокояващо хапче след обилно хранене, ще трябва да почакате по-дълго, докато то започне да действа.
Както храната, и лекарствата минават дълъг път, докато попаднат в тънкото черво и през него активното им вещество премине в кръвообращението. Докато таблетката е заклещена в пълния стомах, тя не прави нищо - просто чака на опашка.
Медикаментът минава от стомаха в тънкото черво, след като се разтвори или след като стомахът се изпразни. Мазна, тежка храна и едновременно с нея лекарство често е безсмислено. Изключение са специалните таблетки, които се разтварят добре не във вода, а в мазнина, като някои средства срещу гъбични инфекции.
Всъшност лекарството трябва да е разтворимо във вода и не бива да бъде унищожено в киселинната среда на стомашните сокове. Ако обаче е прекалено лесно разтворимо във вода и много трудно в мазнина, има проблем: не може да премине мазния слой на стената на тънкото черво, за да попадне в кръвта. Ефектът е бавно и непълно приемане в кръвообращението и забавено действие.
Същият е ефектът и ако глътенте едновременно антибиотик и чаша мляко. Доксициклинът например образува с калция в млякото, сиренето и изварата химическо съединение, което води до образуване на малки бучки. Те са обаче прекалено големи и трудно разтворими в мазнина, за да могат да преминат през стената на тънкото черво. Така антибиотикът остава в червото и се изхвърля абсолютно неупотребен.
Подобни са образуванията и при взаимодействието на лекарства срещу остеопороза с калция в млечните продукти. И богата на варовик вода също не е подходяща за приемане на тези медикаменти - най-добра е меката чешмяна вода.
Кафето не се понася с много лекарства - учудва ли ви? Ако пиете хапчета с желязо със сутрешното кафе, трябва да знаете, че те почти няма да ви повлияят. Танинът в кафето и чая също образува бучки с някои вещества в стомаха и те са трудно разтворими, затова не могат да преминат в кръвообращението. Невролептиците, предписвани при психози, действат далеч по-слабо, ако се приемат с черен чай.
А с алкохола винаги трябва да се внимава. Известно е, че той усилва действието на успокоителни и антидепресанти. Възможно е дори отравяне с алкохол и определени лекарства. Комбинация от парацетамол и ракия или водка може да нанесе вреди на черния дроб.
Други храни са в състояние да усилят действието на някои лекарства - в нездравословен смисъл. Сок от грейпфрут забавя разграждането на лекарствата. Така в тялото се натрупват големи количества лекарства и действието им може да се усили многократно. Особено опасно е при някои медикаменти за кръвно налягане. Дори една чаша сок от грейпфрут на ден може да е опасна за хора, преживели трансплантация на бъбрек и приемащи лекарства за подтискане на имунната система.
Сирене, вино и авокадо също могат да се превърнат в риск. Тук трябва да се внимава, когато пиете лекарства срещу паркинсон или депресия. Комбинация с тирамин, който се съдържа в тези продукти, може да ви докара опасно високо кръвно.
Така че прочетете листовката в кутийката с лекарството, преди да започнете да го взимате. Или просто послушайте лекаря, когато ви казва преди или след ядене и какво да избягвате. Това, последното , да си признаем, доста често не го правим.

Тема Невероятната история на Емануил Ангелов-излекуваннови [re: Mod vege]  
Автор Mod vegeМодератор (старо куче)
Публикувано02.05.16 00:59

Тема Rifkin on Climate Change and Diet BIOSPHERE ...нови [re: Mod vege]  
Автор Mod vegeМодератор (старо куче)
Публикувано05.05.16 10:20

The economist

08:42min: "This is the beginning of a new generation, that understands the connctivity (of the world). ... These kids are learning "biosphere consciousness". They are learning ecological foodprint. (for) your generation and mine - that would have been an annealing concept. They are understanding, that everything we do has an ecological foodprint, that affects the well-being of every other human, every other creature, every other ecosystem that we inhabit together. That we are immersed and embedded in a lifesupport system, where there is no escape, no autonomy, my well-being depends on the well-being of the rest of the biosphere. This is "biosphere consciusness".

Икономистa Рифкин:
08:42min: "Това е началото на ново поколение, което разбира свързаността (на света). Тези деца се учат на "биосферно съзнание". Те учат за екологичния отпечатък. Това щеше да бъде закалителна концепция за вашето или моето поколения. Те разбират, че всичко което правим има екологичен отпечатък, който се отразява на благосъстоянието на всеки друг човек, на всяко друго същество, на всяка друга екосистема която обитаваме заедно. Че сме потопени и закрепени в животоподдържаща система, от която не може да се избяга, където няма автономия, нашето благосъстояние зависи от благосъстоянието на останалата биосфера. Това е "биосферно съзнание"."

Редактирано от Mod vege на 05.05.16 10:21.

Тема What Every Vegan Needs to Know to Optimize theDietнови [re: Mod vege]  
Автор Mod vegeМодератор (старо куче)
Публикувано06.05.16 08:02

The American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada state that ‘properly planned vegan diets are nutritionally adequate for all stages of life, including pregnancy and lactation, and provide health benefits in the treatment and prevention of certain diseases.’ However, poorly planned vegan diets may be low in vitamin B12, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, iron, zinc, riboflavin (vitamin B2), and iodine, according to the American Dietetic Association. It’s important to note that the non-vegan diet of the average American is deficient in calcium, iodine, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, fiber, folate, and magnesium, according to USDA Food and Nutrient Intakes by Individuals in the United States. Recent studies claim that many people; both vegan and non-vegan, are Vitamin D deficient. Source
I know vegans who say 'just eat all the colors and don't worry about it; a plant-powered diet is our natural diet.' While others prefer scientific data. I am on both sides. I became vegan before personal health benefits were discovered. However, I also want to heed this scientific research and help keep the vegan community informed of possible and preventable pitfalls. Because I so want vegans to live long-term, optimally healthy lives, I've extensively researched and have put together this checklist of potential nutrient deficiencies in vegans or those who eat 100% plant-based - and the best way to overcome them. From reading scientific studies comparing vegans and nonvegans, we can gain insight and take precautions based on these findings, however we don't really know. For example, I read a study that allowed for the participants to eat animal "foods" one day a week and still be called 'vegan' for that study. Some studies combine vegetarians and vegans in one grouping. They may not be totally accurate. This post is not meant to scare anyone from vegan eating, I implore anyone to eat and live vegan. I am living proof we humans can live healthy vegan lives, long-term; and that speaks louder than anything I might read online. And I (erroneously) never took B12 or any supplement for the first 25 years (and I was vegetarian 10 years prior to becoming vegan). Nor did I eat flax or hemp seeds, or walnuts; foods that are particularly important for vegans to consume in a well-planned vegan diet. So obviously vegans thrive.

Studies have shown vegans to have a lower incidence of stroke, and a lower risk of mortality from stroke and ischemic heart disease. To learn more about the protective advantages of vegan diets, go here ~ Sadly, in real life though, I have personally known vegans to die from cardiovascular disease at too young of age, and stroke, and cancer. Vegan diets also have some nutrient disadvantages. While it is true that it might be "easier" getting some nutrients from eating other animals who made those nutrients in their bodies, vegans don't think it's reasonable to exploit, objectify, steal from, or be violent to animals, and therefore have figured out how to get our required nutrients without animal abuse.

There are world record-breaking and champion vegan athletes. There are vegans who have dreaded diseases. They are all vegans, because veganism is about respecting animals and not participating in their exploitation for food, clothing, products and practices. It stands to reason that if you stop consuming corpses and milk meant by nature for newborn calves, not humans - you are going to feel better. The majority of vegans do feel healthier once eliminating animal's milk, eggs, and flesh. Because of that, I used to believe it was a mighty cure-all until I began witnessing vegan friends and fellow advocates getting cancer, or heart failure at age 66. "Shit Happens" - to vegans and non-vegans. Not all illnesses are diet-related. Not all vegans eat an optimal or well planned diet. Some could have conditions that stemmed from their non-vegan years. Genetics could be the reason why some vegans have particular issues, and they may have been propelled longer than expected because of their vegan diet, in some cases.

I would never suggest to anyone for any reason to be nonvegan. Be vegan and be informed about vegan nutrition. Some of the following nutrients may be lacking more in a vegan's diet, while some are problematic for the general population. What scientists won't say and can't say because they don't know themselves, is that perhaps a vegan's body has different needs or requirements to that of animal eaters; who we are being compared to in blood and other tests. One study I read verified that theory. Or perhaps nutrients are being utilized by the vegan's body and therefore there is not so much in the bloodstream, but we are being compared by blood tests.

VITAMIN K2 - Vitamin K (found in dark leafy greens) is important for forming blood clots, however new discoveries of Vitamin K2 are showing that it boosts bone density, reduces calcification of arteries and helps prevent certain cancers. K2 directs calcium to bones and not arteries, and has been shown to work well with Vitamin D. It is difficult to find in plant foods. "Woefully unknown to the public and mainstream health experts alike, vitamin K2 is critical for a healthy heart and skeletal system. Among other things, it helps shuttle calcium out of your arteries (where it contributes to plaque formation) and into your bones and teeth, where it rightfully belongs." source ~ So why don't we hear about Vitamin K2 much in the vegan community? Because, like other nutrients, we convert Vitamin K1 to K2. One study concluded: "This study provided direct evidence for the absorption of vitamin K2 from the distal small bowel, supporting a definite role for bacterially synthesized vitamin K2 in contributing to the human nutritional requirements of this vitamin." In other words - we make our own K2 in our own bodies. Some are not convinced that we convert enough to cover our K2 requirements, and studies show that for bone density and cardiovascular benefits, the K2 should come directly as K2 from a food or supplement source, rather than being converted from Vitamin K1. As we age there is a reduction in vitamin K2 production, therefore it is recommended for vegans over 50 to supplement. New recommendations for vegans are to consume the following fermented foods; the only vegan food sources of K2: sauerkraut (raw, homemade is best), kefir in plant milk, unpasteurized kombucha, vegan kimchi, and natto (the best food source, if vegans could find it and learn to like it. In Japan where it is commonly eaten, studies have proven substantial benefits from consuming it.) These fermented foods (not tempeh or miso, though) are also possible sources of real Vitamin B12 and are definitely sources of beneficial bacteria or probiotics. Also, use of antibiotics can deplete the Vitamin K2 in our body. ~ If you eat a raw food vegan diet or are pregnant or raising young children, see here: this post. Vegan K2 supplement - Vegan K2 Supplement - Doctor's Best Vitamin K2 MenaQ7 food sourced from Natto - Vegan algae-derived calcium and K2 for bone health - New Research on Vitamin K2 - Country Life Strawberry flavored vegan K2

VITAMIN D – is normally produced in the body from exposure to sunlight on the skin in animal's bodies, including humans. If a vegan does not get regular sunshine exposure, they should eat fortified vegan foods, or supplement Vitamin D2 (the widely available vegan version of D). There is information stating that (usually animal sourced) D3 is better (link), but here is a medical study disproving that theory. Of recent years, more and more NEW Vegan Vitamin D3 is being marketed. This is to supply a demand for vegans who want D3, but not from an animal - and don't get enough sunshine. Here are some links of Vegan Vitamin D3: Link Link Link Link Link Link ~~ The production of Vitamin D3 out of sunlight on our skin is influenced by a number of factors, such as the angle of the sun's light, the time of day, the season, as well as latitude. For example, one study in Finland showed that the sunlight in winter was insufficient to maintain adequate Vitamin D levels in vegans of that region. In some locations and in winter, supplementation is an absolute must for vegans, either from fortified foods or a vegan supplement. For optimal vitamin D production in winter, sun exposure should be midday. The closer to solar noon, the more vitamin D produced. The darker your skin the more exposure to sunlight is required. People with white skin, will need around 15 minutes of sun exposure a day whereas those with dark skin will need longer - perhaps up to 1.5 hours. At least 40% of the entire skin surface should be exposed for optimal vitamin D production, the torso being the most productive. Use of sunscreen diminishes Vitamin D3 production enormously or almost completely.

VITAMIN A - The Vegan R.D. (registered dietitian) informs us: "It’s true that the preformed active type of this vitamin is found only in animal foods. But plants are abundant in vitamin A precursors such as beta-carotene. In fact, these provitamin A compounds are important enough that the USDA measures vitamin A content of foods as “retinol activity equivalents (RAE),” which includes both preformed vitamin A and the compounds that the body turns into vitamin A. There is no separate RDA or recommendation for animal-derived pre-formed vitamin A." Source link - However, to meet requirements, vegans need to consume plenty of carotenoids or beta-carotene rich foods such as carrot juice (excellent source), dark orange colored squashes and pumpkins, carrots, and sweet potatoes. These precursors to Vitamin A are also found in lesser amounts in spinach, cantaloupe, kale, broccoli, mango, and apricots.

VITAMIN B12 – no matter where it is sourced from, Vitamin B12 is produced by microorganisms; either in the small intestines of humans or other animals - or in laboratories. Rather than killing a cow or a pig to eat him/her for the B12 stored in their gut, vegans choose to take a liquid B complex (with B12) or a liquid vegan sublingual B12 or a nugget or 'dot' (all proven effective), and sprinkle B12 fortified good tasting nutritional (savoury) yeast on their meals, drink fortified soy milks, etc. A deficiency in Vitamin B12 can result in irreversible nerve deterioration and even be fatal, however we only need minute amounts of B12. Deficiency of B12 is not just a vegan issue. "If you are over age 50, the Institute of Medicine advises that you get extra B12 from a supplement. Up to 30 percent of adults aged 50 years and older may be unable to normally absorb Vitamin B12 in food. However, they are able to absorb the vitamin B-12 added to fortified foods and supplements. Supplements and fortified foods may be the best sources of vitamin B-12 for adults older than age 50 years. ~~ A vegan diet is considered to promote health and longevity and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. One study reveals that a plant-based diet may cause the rise of plasma homocysteine concentration if B vitamins are deficient. Raised homocysteine levels are linked with heart disease. Elevated homocysteine concentration in plasma was observed in 66% of the vegans and 45-50% of the omnivores or vegetarians. The vegan subjects had significantly higher mean plasma homocysteine levels than omnivores, who also had elevated levels. Conclusion: "Thiamin and folate need not be a problem in a well-planned vegan diet. Vitamins B(12) and B(2) may need attention in the strict vegan diet, especially regarding elevated homocysteine levels in plasma." Here's a second source reporting: “But there is room for improvement in any diet, and the analysis, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, suggested that vegans who have low intakes of vitamin B12 and possibly omega-3 fats could lose out on the benefits of healthful plant-based eating. Inadequate B12 is associated with elevated levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that is linked to increased heart disease. But that's an issue only for vegans who fail to supplement with vitamin B12. Those who consume recommended amounts of B12 have healthy levels of homocysteine.” Further Reading on Vegans and Vitmain B12

CALCIUM - should not be too difficult to find in a vegan diet, but you need to ensure you consume collard greens, dried figs, tempeh, kale, dandelion leaves, turnip and mustard greens, sesame seeds, quinoa, tempeh, green soy beans cooked, blackstrap molasses, almonds, broccoli, bok choy, Navy and other beans, seaweeds such as kelp, wakame, and hijiki, hazelnuts and pistachio nuts, fortified plant milks and juices. Calcium absorption from these foods is excellent. It is interesting to note that cows obtain all the calcium they require for their large bodies and to feed their offspring - from a very limited plant diet. Some studies have reported vegans falling short of recommended amounts of calcium. Link

IODINE is an essential mineral that more than 30% of the worldwide population is not getting enough and vegans might be at higher risk. Scientific studies indicate vegans are falling short on iodine. Even a mild deficiency of this nutrient in children can have lifelong effects on IQ and learning ability. (source) The right amount of Iodine helps your thyroid function the way it should. Obviously iodine is missing in soils or they would not add iodine to some table salt for the general public. However many vegans don't consume iodized salt. Sea vegetables are a good source of iodine and you can even overconsume and exceed the safe levels of iodine consumption. I am a long term vegan and I never consume seaweed or iodized salt. When I took a urine test to check for iodine, I did fall slightly short of the normal. I briefly supplemented; then researched foods with iodine and include them in my diet now. Some seaweeds and cranberries are very high in iodine. Other food sources are Himalayan salt, iodized salt, Navy beans, baked potato with the skins, green (string) beans, and bananas. Iodine is essential for the thyroid gland to work properly, and I have heard of vegans with thyroid issues over the years. A deficiency can contribute to hair loss, among other problems. Sea vegetables such as kombu, arame, and hijiki are rich sources of iodine although the amount of iodine in a serving of sea vegetables is not consistent. A serving of kombu, may contain more than is considered safe for daily use. Long-term excessive iodine intake can be just as harmful as insufficient iodine. Don't overdo sea vegetables, especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. More on Vegans and Iodine

DHA/EPA - Plasma concentrations of DHA/EPA (long chain fatty acids) have been shown to be lower in vegans. It did not matter the duration of adherence to a vegan diet. Once again, here is another example of making our own nutrients within our own bodies. We can convert short chain fatty acid ALA (alpha-linoleic acid) into long chain fatty acids. The conclusion from this study suggests that when animal "foods" are wholly excluded from the diet, the endogenous production of EPA and DHA results in low but stable plasma concentrations of these fatty acids. ~~ In order for vegans to reach the omega 3 fatty acid requirements, it is recommended by some researchers to include foods rich in ALA (alpha-linoleic acid) such as, in order from containing the most to the least: chia seeds, kiwi fruit seeds, Perilla, Flax seeds, Purslane, hemp seeds and oil, and organic canola oil. Also in lesser amounts, it is found in soybeans and some green vegetables such as brussel sprouts, kale, butternut squash, spinach, etc. Walnuts have the most beneficial fatty acids in the nut kingdom. Studies reveal they are just as effective as fish. See here. Humans can directly consume the algae that the fish have consumed that made them "good sources of omega 3 fats". Many vegans are now supplementing with, non-synthetic, but algae-derived DHA / EPA, as is recommended; especially older vegans and pregnant mothers. DHA supplements should be taken with caution, as they can raise total and LDL cholesterol. For a detailed post on vegans and DHA/EPA omega 3 fats, link

IRON - Vegans are recommended to eat iron-rich foods and vitamin C daily. However in several studies, vegans were not found to suffer from iron-deficiency any more than non-vegans. "Dried beans and dark green leafy vegetables are especially good sources of iron, even better on a per calorie basis than meat. Iron absorption is increased markedly by eating foods containing vitamin C along with foods containing iron. Vegetarians do not have a higher incidence of iron deficiency than do meat eaters" says Reed Mangels, PhD and registered dietician. Many vegetables, such as broccoli, spinach and bok choy, which are high in iron, are also high in vitamin C which aids iron absorption.

TAURINE - Vegans have been shown through scientific research to have less taurine; generally found in animal tissue. Taurine is essential for cardiovascular function, and development and function of skeletal muscle, the retina, and the central nervous system. With nonvegans, diet is the main source of taurine, a sulfur-containing molecule or an amino sulfonic acid. Scientists report that smaller amounts of taurine are also synthesized endogenously in the liver from methionine and cysteine; both found in soy. We vegans seem to make our own compounds, vitamins, long-chain fatty acids and other nutrients similar to herbivorous animals. Omnivores are literally stealing the lives of other beings so they can eat the taurine and other nutrients that these animals made in their own bodies. Vegans would not be getting much if any from food, so would be relying on what they make in their own body or synthetic supplementation. Vegans don't generally supplement taurine, but they do supplement it in the diet of dogs/cats fed vegan. Vegans should eat complete protein foods such as soy, hemp seed, quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth regularly to ensure you are able to synthesize taurine from amino acids found in these foods. Adults can produce taurine by a combination of cysteine with the help of pyridoxine-Vitamin B6, methionine and vitamin C. Cysteine is found in red peppers, garlic, onions, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, oats, granola and wheat germs. B6 in whole grain products, vegetables, and nuts. High levels of methionine can be found in Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds and butter, sesame seeds, oats and a huge long list of vegan foods. However, some scientific research advises vegans to supplement taurine.

CARNITINE is a non-essential amino acid because it is synthesized in our body from other nutrients. The highest food sources are animal tissue, but the best vegan food source is tempeh, which is quite high in carnitine. Other vegan foods that have much smaller amounts, but still provide carnitine are avocado, whole wheat bread, asparagus, macaroni, rice, and peanut butter. Vegans don't generally supplement carnitine, but some do and it is supplemented in the diet of dogs fed vegan. Link

Some have mentioned ZINC and CHOLINE - but after reading the studies, it does not appear that vegans are falling short on them. This study proved my theory that vegans have different bodily processes, and may not have the same requirements as animal eaters. "Despite the apparent lower bioavailability of zinc, copper, manganese, and selenium in vegetarian diets because of the high contents of phytic acid and/or dietary fiber and the low content of flesh foods in the diet, the trace element status of most adult vegetarians appears to be adequate."

Тема Interview: Lubomir Stoyanov on Veganismнови [re: Mod vege]  
Автор Mod vegeМодератор (старо куче)
Публикувано07.05.16 00:17

(това е моя милост, интервюирана преди 6г.)

There are always questions and misconceptions surrounding vegan nutrition, so it seems that in order to help veganism become accepted on a mainstream level, it’s important to educate the public on vegan nutrition. Vegan professional Lubomir Stoyanov has an impressive educational background, and several ways in which he helps individuals understand veganism better. In particular, he focuses on the health benefits. Stoyanov is an example of how the simple act of spreading information about veganism can be an effective approach to raising awareness among the general population.

Vegan Mainstream: I know that you have studied nutrition science and bioinformatics, so I was wondering what piqued your interest in these fields? Did these areas make you aware of veganism, or were you already aware of this way of life?

Lubomir Stoyanov: I was already aware of the veggie way of life. The first reason was because of the health benefits—because of my yoga practice, but I would say the ethical reasons…are more important to me.

VM: How long have you been vegan and what does being vegan mean to you?

LS: Actually I was vegetarian six years ago, and I’m going step by step toward veganism. Now I’m nearly vegan. I think it is something that I’m doing with my whole heart, and…I think it’s very important to have such habits, because it’s just a habit for me, a very important habit.

VM: Now that vegetarian and veganism are becoming more mainstream what do you think is the best way for vegan businesses to reach individuals who aren’t vegans yet? Are facts and statistics the best approach when teaching non-vegans about this alternative way of life?

LS: I think it’s a question about marketing for [vegan businesses], but for me, I think the best way to reach the most people is through a funny way or an amusing way, but also a smart way. An example is the campaign of the Belgian organization, Ethical Vegetarian Alternative (EVA)—they have five reasons to live veggie. And the goal is to show in a simple, funny way that the veggie way can be good and tasty for you but also healthful, good for the planet, environment, animals—it could be good for many things.

VM: What do you think is the biggest misconception about a vegan diet, and how do you help people to understand it better?

LS: I always talk about the authorities. Now the science states that the vegan diet can be, if well-planned, very healthful. But I think the biggest misconceptions about the vegan diet are still the concerns about the nutritional adequacy of the veggie diet…I help people understand this better by being an active member of the Bulgarian Vegetarian Society. We [put out] a veggie magazine and [we try to make changes through that publication]. The society needs this information, and also I’m organizing some veggie forums. I’m an activist also.

VM: In the area of vegan food options, what do you think vegan consumers such as yourself would like to see more of?

LS: I think more vegan supplements and fortified foods with vitamin B 12 and long chain fatty acids—these are the DHA and EPA.

VM: In your opinion, is veganism embraced more in Europe than the U.S.? Or do you notice any differences between vegans in the U.S. from vegans in Germany?

LS: I think that veganism is an alternative answer to the extensive consumer society, which is a little bit more present in the U.S.A. than in Europe, and therefore veganism is more present in the U.S.A. But I think there are more vegetarians in Europe—the statistics show that, but I think the difference is not so big.

VM: I watched your speech at the 2009 Frankfurt Book Fair in 2009, and I was wondering how else you are helping people become more aware of the health benefits of a vegan diet.

LS: I do information activism. My speech from the Frankfurt Book Fair called “Go Vegan…Save Your Life” can be seen on YouTube. I’m an active member of the Bulgarian veggie non-profit and organizing some veggie forums—I simply help anytime I have the possibility to help.

VM: Do you feel that it is important (and/or appropriate) for vegan businesses to promote information about vegan nutrition, or do you think people should find their information about nutrition elsewhere?

LS: I’m not a businessman, but I think for me, as a vegan customer it is important…we live in a meat eating society and this information isn’t mainstream.

When it comes to reaching a mainstream audience with the vegan message, Stoyanov suggests a friendly yet informative approach. While you might want to repeat medical terminology and jargon to your potential customers to gain credibility, this approach can be overwhelming and confusing. Instead try educating them in a more informal way with the same factual information—just be creative and smart about it. If you would like more facts and statistics on the vegan diet to help you reach your customers, check out the American Dietetic Association’s (ADA) position on plant-based diets.

By MarinaHanes | May 7th, 2010

Тема Защо амишите нямат ракови заболявания ?нови [re: Mod vege]  
Автор Mod vegeМодератор (старо куче)
Публикувано07.05.16 04:25

The Reason Why The Amish Do Not Get Cancer

A recent study published in the journal Cancer Causes and Control has revealed that Amish people have virtually no cancer within their population, and are considered the most healthy people in America.

Researchers from Ohio State University originally launched a study on the Amish population to see whether rates of cancer would be higher due to their lack of conventional medical care. What they found, however, shocked them.

The Amish were found to have much lower rates of cancer than the rest of the population, so researchers decided to look more closely at their lifestyle choices and diets to find out why.

As Natural News reports:

Most Amish people do not smoke or drink and they are typically not sexually promiscuous, leading researchers to believe that these lifestyle factors play an important role in the limited number of cancer cases.

Other factors examined include the high amount of physical labor undertaken by the Amish. Most Amish people work in farming, construction, and other production jobs that require intense physical activity that keeps them healthy and in shape. While the rest of America sits in fluorescent-lit cubicles all day, the Amish work hard to produce crops, build furniture and structures, and produce useful goods, which researchers recognize contributes to their excellent health.

Another important factor not specifically examined in the study is the fact that the Amish grow and raise all their own food. They employ time-tested, organic methods that provide them with healthy fruits, vegetables, milk, meat, and other untainted foods that most Americans never get. Rich in living enzymes, vitamins, and nutrients Amish food is grown and raised the way it should be, resulting in improved health.

While some may ridicule their secluded lifestyle, the Amish commitment to simple, productive lives and clean, local food is benefiting their health in ways that the rest of America can only dream about.

When compared to a life of sitting in office buildings all day, eating processed and genetically-modified junk food, and popping prescription medications, it becomes clear which lifestyle is truly deserving of contempt.

Тема This Future Of Meat Infographic-do you want childrнови [re: Mod vege]  
Автор Mod vegeМодератор (старо куче)
Публикувано10.05.16 06:08

Compelling data on the case for developing alternative to farm reared beef from lab-grown meat and insect protein to plant based alternatives and hen-less egg whites

The demand for meat is outgrowing our ability to supply meat and has a negative impact upon the environment. At present, , and an alarming to industrialized meat production. Not only that, but the livestock farming industry is responsible for emitting 14.5% of greenhouse gasses into our atmosphere.

With the demand for meat set to rise and not fall, scientists have begun turning their attention to alternative sources of protein. In 2015, a team of Dutch researchers at Maastricht University grew the world’s first burger in a laboratory which – despite costing more than €250,000 to produce – could be cheaper than conventionally farmed beef in the long run. Other scientists have chosen to focus on insect meat as a sustainable protein alternative, with at least 2 billion people worldwide already enjoying insects as part of their diets. Other alternatives include plant-based substitutes to chicken and ground beef and egg whites without the need for hens.

To find out more about the two main contenders – lab grown meat and insect-rich diets – check out our full infographic below.

Редактирано от Mod vege на 10.05.16 06:10.

Тема КОЖАТА Е МЪРТВА / FUR IS DEAD Processionнови [re: Mod vege]  
Автор Mod vegeМодератор (старо куче)
Публикувано12.05.16 13:03

Saturday, May 28 at 5 PM in UTC+03
Sofia, Bulgaria

Шествие против производството и търговията на животински кожи

Събота 28 май 2016 г. от 17:00 ,
гр.София (точния маршрут ще бъде обявен през следващата седмица)

[ FUR IS DEAD Procession - English text below ]

Цената на коженото палто трябва да се брои в жертви, а не в пари. За едно кожено палто е нужно да се убият поне 55 норки, 18 лисици, 40 самура, 33 зайци или 100 чинчили.

Повечето животни, които се отглеждат за козината им са диви по природа и не подлежат на опитомяване от човека, затова много трудно понасят живота в плен. НОРКАТА НАПРИМЕР, ОБИКНОВЕНО ЖИВЕЕ ВЪРХУ ТЕРИТОРИЯ ОТ НАД 10 000 ДЕКАРА, А ВЪВ ФЕРМАТА ЗА КОЖА - В КЛЕТКА С РАЗМЕР 25х25х60 СМ. Стресът, който изпитва от невъзможността за достъп до вода често води до развиване на невротично поведение, непрестанно въртене в кръг, самоосакатяване, и дори канибализъм. Този тип поведение се наблюдава и при много други животни, живеещи в изолация и лишени от предпоставки за нормален живот.

Във фермите за кожа, критичните условия в които се отглеждат животните често са причина за развитието на болестни епидемии сред тях. Тъй като така или иначе предстои бъдат убити, болните и ранените животни не получават никаква помощ. Вместо това са оставени да се мъчат в клетките докато не дойде зимата – сезонът в който козината се сгъстява - времето за „реколта”.

ТЕЗИ НЕХУМАННИ ПРАКТИКИ ВИНАГИ СА БИЛИ ДЪЛБОКО ПАЗЕНИ В ТАЙНА ОТ КОЖУХАРСКАТА ИНДУСТРИЯ, ВНИМАТЕЛНО ПРИКРИВАНИ ОТ КРАЙНИЯ ПОТРЕБИТЕЛ. През последните години обаче, с масовия достъп до интернет, това вече е невъзможно: разкрития правени от активисти биват публикувани, предизвикват нови проверки и нови разкрития, и всичко това става публично достояние.

С излизането на информацията, общественото мнение започва да се променя, и възникват нови притеснения освен нехуманния характер на индустрията:
Обработката на изделия от естествена кожа изисква употребата на токсични химически вещества (канцерогени, ендокринни пертурбатори, алергени), които оказват значителни вреди върху човешкото здраве, както и околната среда. Изследвания сочат, че превишаването на законно допустимите норми за нивата на тези вещества е практика в този бизнес.


По цял свят, големи магазини, вериги и топ дизайнери се отказват от употребата на морално остарялата материя. Предвиждат се все повече промени в законодателствата, гласуват се закони и наредби за ограничаване на търговията с кожа. С влизането им в сила във все повече европейски държави, както и в САЩ (1), производителите на кожа, които не желаят да адаптират бизнеса си, започват да делокализират производството си на изток, там където стремежът към печалба често се поставя над закона. И ето - от няколко години имаме две ферми за норки в България, и проекти за още, които в момента се разглеждат.

Едната работеща ферма за норки се намира във Варненското село Любен Каравелово и е собственост на малък, местен производител. Другата е до Старозагорското село Маджерито и принадлежи на един от най-големите предприемачи в държавата. Освен най-голямата ферма за норки, Ангел Ангелов е собственик и инсвеститор в много фирми. Най-известните търговски марки, които държи са супермаркети Пикакдили, олио Бисер Олива, яйца ЕТ. Ангелов и пилета Градус. По негови собсвтвени думи е измислил страшна далавера: "Ние използваме, че норките се хранят с отпадъците от пилетата - черва, крака. И вместо да плащаме на екарисаж да ги изгаря, ние правим бизнес“(2).

Както често се случва у нас, фактът, че този бизнес функционира извън рамките на българския закон и в пряко нарушение на европейски наредби не притеснява нито производителите нито държавата. Напротив, през 2015, Ангелов получава наградата “Агробизнесмен на годината” (3), връчена лично от Цветан Димитров - заместник министър на земеделието и храните. Парадоксално, именно това министерство, заедно с министерство на околната среда и водите са институциите, които следва да осъществяват контрол върху незаконните ферми.

Подадени са множество жалби към отговорните органи, от името на различни неправителствени организации, както и отделни граждани (4). В интернет има и петиция, събрала над 20 000 подписа (5). За съжаление, получените отговори са не само неудовлетворителни, а и притеснително неадекватни. МЗХ стига дотам да твърди, че издадените от самото него наредби, които фермите за норки нарушават, всъщност са неправилни и затова няма да ги приложи.

При този категоричен отказ от страна на държавните институции да функционират като такива и да прилагат закона, производителите по-спокойно от всякога ще си правят каквото си искат, за сметка на здравето на потребителите, животните и околната среда, но в името на Печалбата. Няма да се спрат... Единственото нещо, което може да ги спре сте ВИЕ - ПОТРЕБИТЕЛИТЕ!

Защото търсенето определя пазара. Потребителят определя, какво ще се произвежда. Щом се интересуват само от Печалба, нека говорим на един език с тях.




3. РАЗПРОСТРАНЯВАЙТЕ ИНФОРМАЦИЯТА! Тези отживели практики съществуват все още, единствено защото повечето хора все още не знаят за тях. Много от тези, които обличат такива палта, никога не са се замисляли, от къде идва козината. Разкажете им! Животните нямат глас! КОЛКОТО ПОВЕЧЕ ХОРА СИ ОТВОРЯТ ОЧИТЕ, ТОЛКОВА ПОВЕЧЕ ЩЕ СПРАТ ДА БЪДАТ НЕВОЛНИ СЪУЧАСТНИЦИ В ТАЗИ НЕХУМАННА ИНДУСТРИЯ.

FUR IS DEAD Procession // Sofia // 28.05.2016 17:00
(The exact meeting point will be announced soon)

The global change in attitude towards fur farming is growing at an unprecedented pace, along with with awareness about the reality of fur farms. People are beginning to realize that with plenty of alternatives on the market, many of which are healthier, more environmentally friendly and more ethical, in the 21st century there is no real need for people to use animal skins.

Worldwide, large stores, chains and top designers are giving up the use of the obsolete material. Everywhere, changes in legislation are being planned, and an increasing number of countries is voting in laws and regulations to restrict skin trade. With their implementation in more and more European countries and in the US, fur farmers who refuse to adapt their business have started to relocate their production to the east, where the pursuit of profit is often placed above the law. This is how for several years now, we have two mink farms in Bulgaria, and projects for more that are currently being examined.

One of the existing mink farms is located in a village near Varna called Lyuben Karavelovo and is owned by small, local producers. The other one is near Stara Zagora’s village Madjerito and belongs to one of the largest developers in the country. Besides the mink farm, Angel Angelov is the owner and investor in many big Bulgarian companies. He produces sunflower oil, wine, animal feed, he is the owner of a supermarket chain and various transportation companies. He is also the largest producer of chicken meat and eggs in the country, which are being sold on the Bulgarian market, as well as exported to other countries like Germany, Greece, Poland, Romania and Russia. By installing the mink farms right next to the chicken farms (which is strictly forbidden by regulations for raising both animals, as the mink is the chicken’s natural predator and they can sense each other), he has come up with an amazing business plan: "We use that minks eat waste from chickens - intestines, feet. And instead of paying an incinerator to burn the chicken remains, we do business" (2).

As it often happens in our country, the fact that this business operates outside the Bulgarian law and in direct violation of European regulations does not bother neither fur farmers nor the state. On the contrary, in 2015, Angelov received the "Business Farmer of the Year” award (3), presented personally by Tsvetan Dimitrov - Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food. Paradoxically, The Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ministry of Environment and Waters are the institutions in charge of oversight on fur farming.

Numerous complaints were submitted to the authorities by multiple non-governmental organizations and individual citizens (4). An online petition demanding the closing of the farm in Madjerito has gathered over 20,000 signatures (5). Unfortunately, the answers we received are not only unsatisfactory but also worryingly inadequate. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food went so far as to argue that its issued regulations that deplete mink farms are actually incorrect, and therefore they simply refuse to apply them.

With this radical refusal on the part of state institutions to function as such and apply the law, fur farmers are more relaxed than ever, and have carte blanche to do whatever they want at the expense of consumers' health, animals and the environment, only for the sake of profit. They will never stop. The only thing that can stop them is you - THE CONSUMER!

Because demand determines supply. Because the consumer is the one that decides what will be produced. Since they are only interested in Profit, let’s speak their language.


1. COME TO THE PROCESSION! SHARE THE EVENT! INVITE YOUR FRIENDS! Even if you cannot make it, it is very important that the information reaches as many people as possible.

2. #НеПазарувайОтКожодери means Don’t Buy From Skinners. This is our campaign to boycott the brands and businesses of Angel Angelov, the biggest fur farmer in Bulgaria. They are:

Picadilly supermarkets / супермаркети Пикадили
Gradus chicken / пиле Градус
Biser Oliva sunflower oil / олио Бисер Олива
E.T Angelov eggs / яйца Е.Т Ангелов
Angelus Estate (Angel's) wine / вино Анжелус Естейт

3. Share this information! The outdated practice of fur farming exists in Bulgaria, because people are just starting to find out about it. Many of those who wear fur have never thought about where it comes from until now. The movement against the fur industry in Bulgaria is gaining momentum, but we will need help from the outside, to completely put an end to it. The more people open their eyes, the stronger we get!

(4) БВО:
На Ти с Природата:
Animal Hope Varna:
(5) ПЕТИЦИЯ срещу ферма за норки:

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