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Авторs.o. (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано17.04.04 11:27

Vegetarians and Vegans Have Elevated Homocysteine Levels

According to a new study, vegetarians and vegans are at an increased risk of having elevated homocysteine levels, which has been shown in many studies to cause adverse health effects.

Researchers compared homocysteine (Hcy) levels in 62 vegetarians, 32 vegans, and 59 people consuming an omnivorous diet.

Compared to the omnivorous group, whose avg. Hcy levels were about 10.2 mmol/l, levels in the other groups were found to be:

Greater than 50% higher in the vegan group (15.8 mmol/l)

About 30% higher in the vegetarian group (13.2 mmol/l)
The authors note that the vegan diet provides essentially no vitamin B12, and people following vegetarian diets may suffer from a deficit as well, due to the lower levels in the diet.

In addition, people consuming the vegan and vegetarian diets were also not getting adequate amounts of the essential amino acid methionine, due to the lower methionine content in plant proteins versus animal proteins.

The serum vitamin B12 levels were 37% lower in the vegetarian group and 59% lower in the vegan group, compared with the omnivorous group.

Serum B12 levels:

Vegetarians - 214.8 pmol/l
Vegans - 140.1 pmol/l
Omnivores - 344.7 pmol/l
In addition, B12 levels were low enough to be considered clinically deficient in:

78% of the vegans

26% of the vegetarians

0% of the omnivores
Serum folate levels were within the normal range for all three groups, although they were significantly lower in omnivores.

The authors conclude that "The results show that the mild hyperhomocysteinemia in alternative nutrition is a consequence of vitamin B12 deficiency."

Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 2000;44:135-138

It is important to note that there are several types of B12. Most people do not absorb it well orally and intramuscular injections are preferred. However some sublingual or spray forms may be beneficial. Methylcobalamin is also far more effective than the traditionally used cynacobalamin.

Homocysteine can cause many problems in addition to heart disease. If a woman is pregnant or may possibly become pregnant, it is very important to keep homocysteine levels low, as it can cause birth defects.

One strong inhibitor of vitamin B12 absorption is the very popular drug Prilosec (omeprazole) which has been clearly shown to decrease B12 absorption (Ann Pharmacother 1999 May;33:641-3). This is possibly due to its effects on decreasing the production of intrinsic factor, which is needed for proper B12 absorption. Other medications likely have similar adverse effects as well.

Strict Vegetarians Can Develop Blindness and Brain Damage

A strict vegan diet -- defined as avoiding the consumption of all animal products -- may lead to deficiency of important vitamins that are critical to eyesight. The warning comes from the case of a French patient who lost most of his eyesight as the result of following a strict vegan diet, without taking vitamins, leading to B12 deficiency. B12 is important in maintaining the health of nerves, including the optic nerve that transmits signals from the eye to the brain.

The case report involves a 33-year-old patient who had been a vegan since the age of 20. His diet contained no eggs, dairy products, fish or animal protein. He had no history of alcohol abuse and did not smoke cigarettes, and he was not taking any vitamin supplements. At the time of examination, the patient was diagnosed with severe optic neuropathy in both eyes, with poor vision of 20/400 each eye. With no evidence of an infectious cause for this severe loss of vision, the researchers took blood samples to check for vitamin deficiencies. They found that his levels of B1, B12, A, C, D, E, zinc, and selenium were all measurably below normal.

The researchers treated the patient by giving him intramuscular and oral multivitamins until his blood levels normalized, but his eyesight did not recover. They concluded that the nutritional deficiencies in the patient's vegan diet -- particularly the insufficient amount of vitamin B12 he had been absorbing -- may be the cause for the deterioration in the optic nerves and the resulting blindness. They note that such damage to the optic nerves may prove to be irreversible

Публикувано17.04.04 14:43

ти пък да го беше превел все пак....

Авторлинrвиcт (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано17.04.04 15:46

що не знаете чужди езици бе? пише, че се получава значителен дефицит на необходимия витамин В12 и някои други неблагоприятни явления, свързани с това. Веганите особено е добре да се замислят.

Тема Re: ВЕГЕТАРИАНЦИ, ПРОЧЕТЕТЕ ТОВА ВСЕ ПАК!нови [re: линrвиcт]  
Публикувано17.04.04 16:15

това и аз го разбрах, без да съм лингвист:)
ако беше преведено сигурно щях да разбера и основанията, поради които е написано това, но както и да е... :)
нали знаеш че на подобни статии се отвръща обикновено като се цитират други статии, в които се твърди точно обратното... :) сигурно някой ще изнамери такава и ще я пусне в отговор, но според мен няма сми, щото и без това е ясно, че така ще стане :))

Авторлинrвиcт (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано17.04.04 19:22

може и да се намери такава статия някъде, но фанатизмът на вегетарианци и вегани е поразителен понякога

Тема По-спокойно!нови [re: s.o.]  
Автор AЮC (нети-нети)
Публикувано17.04.04 19:59

Спокойно, чели сме и по-страшни неща! Добре е обаче по време на четенето, пък и след това човек малко от малко и да разсъждава върху прочетеното, да има смелостта да мисли със собствената си глава. Та като помислим, какво забелязваме в тази тъй страховита статия.
Първо, изследванията са правени върху твърде малка група хора, за да бъдат статистически представителни – при хиляда и повече участници числата биха били по-различни. Оставяме обаче настрана този контрааргумент – има и други изследвания (пак върху малки групи хора, но сумарно от всички тях данните вече стават по-достоверни), които показват, че равнищата на хомоцистеина при вегетарианците наистина са по-високи. При изследване в Тайван на 45 будисти вегетарианци и 45 невегетарианци е установено съотношение 11,2 към 10,5 единици. Сходни данни са получени при изследване на 23 лактовегетарианци в Испания. Цитирам данните по книгата: Holford, Patrick and Dr. James Braly. The H factor. Homocysteine – the biggest health breakthrough of the century. London, Piatkus, 2003, p. 145, която “случайно” е на бюрото ми в момента. Статията за изследването в Тайван може да се прочете в Мрежата тук

. (ще цитирам части от нея и по-нататък).
Второ, странно впечатление обаче прави, че само се констатират тези повишени равнища и се сочат възможни рискове, без да се свързват с някакви други изследвания, които да показват, че тези хипотетични опасности наистина са се превърнали в реалност. Например тази
“Повишаването на нивото на хомоцистеина в кръвта с 10% увеличава риска от появата на исхемична болест на сърцето с 10%
За сравнение - повишаването на "лошия" холестерол с 10% увеличава риска от исхемична болест на сърцето с 20%. Следователно връзката на хомоцистеина с атеросклерозата е доста здрава, но отговорните за това механизми все още не са уточнени напълно.
На базата на лабораторни изследвания, учените предполагат, че излишъкът от този белтъчен продукт уврежда вътрешната обвивка на съдовете и улеснява отлагането на атеросклеротични плаки и образуването на запушалки.“ Следователно, би трябвало да има изследвания, които да показват, че вегетарианците в по-голяма степен се разболяват от сърдечно-съдови заболявания и смъртността при тях е по-голяма по силата на този фактор. Би трябвало да се проведат подобни изследвания, защото иначе хипотезата за връзката между високите нива на хомоцистеина и сърдечно-съдовите болести увисва. Или пък подобни изследвания вече би трябвало да са налични и сега изследванията за хомоцистеина просто да разкриват механизма, чрез който се стига до по-голям процент заболявания на сърцето при вегетарианците. Да, но такива изследвания няма (опровергайте ме!) – напротив, има твърде много данни в точно обратната посока. Вегетарианството намалява риска от сърдечно-съдови заболявания въпреки повишените нива на хомоцистеина. Затова и крайното заключение на изследването в Тайван е неизбежно противоречиво:

In conclusion, the present study demonstrates significantly higher levels of fasting plasma homocysteine in Buddhist vegetarians than in omnivores residing in Hualien, Taiwan. The mild elevation of plasma homocysteine levels is attributed in part to the net effects of high folate and of low vitamin B-12 on homocysteine levels. Other factors such as creatinine, amino acids and lifestyle may also regulate the homocysteine concentrations. Vegetarian diets have the beneficial health effects of reducing risks of heart disease, but also have the potential health risks caused by an inadequate intake of certain nutrients. It seems appropriate to recommend vitamin B-12 supplementation for our vegetarian subjects to improve the adverse effects of mild elevation of homocysteine levels.

И тук се вижда ясно основният порок на такива изследвания. Взема се един отделен фактор, изскубва се от контекста на цялостния начин на живот и така неизбежно се стига до неверни заключения. Ясно е, че подобно поведение има и своите ненаучни основания – ако не раздуваш опасностите, ако не драматизираш нещата, широката публика няма да ти обърне внимание, няма да си продадеш книгите, да те канят в телевизията и пр. Защото като се погледнат нещата по-цялостно, нещата добиват друг вид, както личи от следния откъс от същото това изследване:

Nondietary factors such as lifestyle may also affect homocysteine concentrations. DeRose et al. (9B9B9 ) recently reported that self-selected subjects participating in a vegan diet–based lifestyle program, which included moderate physical exercise, stress management, spirituality enhancement sessions, group support and abstention from caffeine, tobacco or alcohol, had significantly reduced plasma homocysteine levels from 8.66 ± 2.7 to 7.53 ± 2.1 µmol/L in 1 wk. The authors suggested that multiple factors could have contributed to the homocysteine-lowering effects observed in their study.

Същото се отнася и за витамин В12. Установили дефицит при 26% от вегетарианците – а защо го няма при останалите 74%. Ама при веганите е цели 78%! И как така, след като се сочи средно ниво от 140.1 pmol/l при положение, че според СЗО едва при нива под 80 може да се говори за дефицит. А има и доста други изследвания (мога да посоча източници), които не показват никакъв дефицит, освен в отделни случаи на вегани пушачи. Следва да си зададем и въпроса, как е изчислена нормата и защо за норма се вземат невегетарианците. Какво ще стане, ако за норма на равнищата на холестерол вземем само веганите? Ами невегетарианците, пък дори и лакто-ово-вегетарианците вкупом ще бъдат извън нормата, в смъртна опасност и т. н. Защо винаги някак се пропуска добре известния факт, че при вегетарианско хранене (с по-ниска консумация на мазнини и протеини) организмът се нуждае от по-малки количества В12 (сочат се данни от 0,5 микрограма, дори и 0,2 до 0, 25); че нивата на усвояване на В12 са по-добри при вегетарианците (невегетарианци, които приемат 10 микрограма на ден, усвояват едва 16%, докато вегани, които приемат примерно 1 микрограм, усвояват 70%); че витамин В12 се набавя не само чрез храната, ами се произвежда от бактерии в цялото тяло. Изобщо има ли необходимост да се убеждаваме в огромните адаптивни възможности на човешкия организъм?!

Тема Империята отвръща на удара (епизод 1)нови [re: s.o.]  
Автор AЮC (нети-нети)
Публикувано17.04.04 20:01

"Objective - To investigate the association of dietary habits with mortality in a cohort of vegetarians and other health conscious people."
"Subjects - 4336 men and 6435 women recruited through health food shops, vegetarian societies, and magazines."
"Main outcome measures - Mortality ratios for vegetarianism and for daily versus less than daily consumption of wholemeal bread, bran cereals, nuts or dried fruit, fresh fruit, and raw salad in relation to all cause mortality and mortality from ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, all malignant neoplasms, lung cancer, colorectal cancer, and breast cancer."
"Results - Overall the cohort had a mortality about half that of the general population. Within the cohort, daily consumption of fresh fruit was associated with significantly reduced mortality from ischaemic heart disease (rate ratio adjusted for smoking 0.76 (95% confidence interval 0.60 to 0.97)), cerebrovascular disease (0.68 (.047 to 0.98)), and for all causes combined (0.79 (0.70 to 0.90))."
"After a mean of 16.8 years of follow up (maximum 21.3 years) mortality was substantially lower than in the general population; the standarised mortality ratio for all causes of death was 0.56 (95% confidence interval 0.53 to 0.59) for men and women combined. Table 2 shows the standardized mortality ratios were significantly below one for all malignant neoplasms, cancer of the stomach, cancer of the large intestine and rectum (subsequently referred to as colorectal cancer), cancer of the bronchus and lung, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the circulatory system, diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the digestive system, and diseases of the genitourinary system. Among women, standardized mortality ratios were significantly below one for all malignant neoplasms, cancer of the bronchus and lung, diabetes mellitus, mental disorders, diseases of the circulatory system, diseases of the respiratory system, and diseases of the digestive system."
"Smoking was associated with a 52% increase in all cause mortality, increasing to 100% in people who smoked = 15 cigarettes a day."
"The low standarised mortality ratio of the cohort, 0.56 for men and women combined, is similar to that in comparable cohorts: 0.46 in the Oxford Vegetarian Study, 0.48 in a cohort of German vegetarians and health conscious people, and 0.56 in a cohort of Californian Seventh Day Adventists. The low overall mortality was mostly due to low death rates from diseases of the circulatory system, diseases of the respiratory system, and cancer of the bronchus and lung compared with the general population. This is probably mainly accounted for by the low proportion of smokers in the cohort (19% smokers overall)."
"This study was initially set up to test the hypotheses that daily consumption of wholemeal bread (as indicator of a high fibre diet) and vegetarian diet are associated with a reduction in mortality from ischaemic heart disease; the reduction in mortality associated with both of these dietary factors was not significant. We did, however, find that daily consumption of fresh fruit was associated with a significant reduction in mortality from ischaemic heart disease (24%), cerebrovascular disease (32%), and all causes of death combined (21%), and was associated with a non-significant reductions in mortality from all other cause of death examined."
"Fruit was included on the questionnaire as a possible indicator of a high fibre diet but was not part of the original hypothesis, so cause should be applied in looking at these results in isolation. Nevertheless, our findings are broadly consistent with the results of several other studies. For all cause mortality, Kahn et all reported odds ratios of 0.89 and 0.72 for frequent versus infrequent consumption of fruit or fruit juice and green salad respectively, Padley et all reported a 31% reduction with a high intake of foods rich in vitamin C and in Я carotene, and Enstrom et all reported a 23% reduction associated with a high vitamin C consumption. Fruit is an important source of vitamin C. Fruits and vegetables, carotene containing fruit and vegetables, apples, and foods rich in vitamin C and Я carotene have all been reported to protect against ischaemic heart disease. Fruit and vegetables have also been reported to protect against stroke, as have potassium and vitamin C - nutrients for which fruit is an important source."
"Of the other associations examined, only two were significant. Daily consumption of wholemeal bread was associated with a 12% reduction in all cause mortality, but the protection was much less than that for fresh fruit (21%) and became non-significant after fruit was adjusted for. Daily consumption of raw salad was associated with a 26% reduction in mortality from ischaemic heart disease, slightly greater than that for fresh fruit (24%). After each of these variables was adjusted for the other, salad was more closely associated with mortality, but the reduction in risk associated with fruit remained substantial (18%) and both these foods may have a protective effect."[1]
Author's Note:
The study speaks volumes on how a vegetarian diet reduces overall mortality by an enormous 50%. We greatly need to encourage everyone in society to avoid nutritionally poor junk foods and concentrate on healthy vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and beneficial fats.

[1] Key, Timothy J. A.; Thorogood, Margaret; Appleby, Paul; and Burr, Michael L., "Dietary habits and mortality in 11,000 vegetarians and health conscious people: results of a 17 year follow up", The British Medical Journal (BMJ), September 28, 1996, Vol. 313, pp. 775-779

Редактирано от AЮC на 17.04.04 20:03.

Тема Империята отвръща на удара (епизод 2) [re: s.o.]  
Автор AЮC (нети-нети)
Публикувано17.04.04 20:06

Vegetarians have about half the cancer risk of meat-eaters.
Phillips RL. Role of lifestyle and dietary habits in risk of cancer among Seventh-day Adventists. Cancer Res 1975;35(Suppl):3513-22.
Рискът от заболяване от рак при вегетарианците е почти наполовина по-нисък, отколкото при месоядците.

Тема Епизод 3 (to be continued)нови [re: s.o.]  
Автор AЮC (нети-нети)
Публикувано17.04.04 20:13

German researchers recently discovered that vegetarians have more than twice the natural killer cell activity of meat-eaters.
Malter M. Natural killer cells, vitamins, and other blood components of vegetarian and omnivorous men. Nutr and Cancer 1989;12:271-8.
Германски изследователи наскоро откриха, че активността на естествените клетки-"убийци" е повече от два пъти по-висока при вегетарианците в сравнение с месоядците.

Авторs.o. (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано17.04.04 23:05


Does A Vegetarian Diet Increase Longevity Or Will It Make You Flat Out Sick?

Nutrition for Longevity

Not what you may have been told

Страници по тази тема: 1 | 2 | >> (покажи всички)
Всички темиСледваща тема*Кратък преглед
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