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Тема Вампирски лирикинови  
Автор Prof.McGonagol (устремена)
Публикувано31.01.05 10:54

Разтърсих се и открих доста парчета, посветени на вампирите. Ето тук някои от тях, а ако попаднете на нещо подходящо, знаете какво да правите! Вероятно можем да ги издирим и съберем в диск - не е ли чудесна идея? Какво ще кажете?

Тема Annie Lennox - Love Song For A Vampireнови [re: Prof.McGonagol]  
Автор Prof.McGonagol (устремена)
Публикувано31.01.05 10:59

Annie Lennox - Love Song For A Vampire

Come into these arms again
And lay your body down
Th' rhythm of this trembling heart
Is beating like a drum.
It beats for you, it bleeds for you
It knows not how it sounds.
For it is the drum of drums
It is the song of songs.

Once I had the rarest rose that
ever deigned to bloom.
Cruel winter chilled the balm,
And stole my flower too soon
O loneliness, O hopelessness
To search the ends of time,
For there is in all the world
No greater love than mine.

Love....Still falls the rain.
Be mine forever...

Let me be the only one
To keep you from the cold.
Now the floor of heav'n is laid,
Its stars of brightest glow.
They shine for you.
They shine for you.
They burn for all to see.
Come into these arms again
And set this spirit free.

Редактирано от Prof.McGonagol на 31.01.05 10:59.

Тема Ras Kass - Interview With a Vampireнови [re: Prof.McGonagol]  
Автор Prof.McGonagol (устремена)
Публикувано31.01.05 11:00

Ras Kass - Interview With a Vampire

Ras Kass:
You want to talk to God? God never sleeps.

Ras Kass: Now what came first, the chicken or the egg?
God: Armageddon.
Ras Kass: A arm a leg a leg a arm a head.
Headin in your direction.
The riddle was the answer to the question.
Born of the flesh, what is perfection

Ras Kass:
Inside my mother's womb,doomed to return to the tomb.
Or was it from the dead I was raised?
All too soon to pay, on judgement day,
Is this beginning or the ending,
Died sinning, still winning, still grinning.
This ending, verdict still pending, born pretending,
Three-hundred billion men, women, and children.
Deja vu, could be I'm dreaming,
But we all ask for divine reason,
While still breathing, and until leaving.
Who?, What?, When? Where?, How?
But most of all why?

Why what?

Ras Kass:
Do we live just to die?

The Book of Haden.
Way before the after God pitting heads.
No God for me, mathematically, in division.
My decision was all inventions.
I need not mention infinite dementions.
But the human mind's flaw was limited comprehension.
So while you try to travle to Mars and the stars,
The God manifests through the entire universe.
>From the Sun, Moon, the Earth.
I created man in my image and the black man was first.
The scientific explanation, yea I made man out of dirt.

Ras Kass:
But how can a man be first, when its the woman that's giving

Listen, single-celled organisms.
The homosapien, the albanein

Ras Kass:
What's that?

White people.

Ras Kass:
They keep the world seperate and unequal.

The teach you, right is wrong, wrong is right.
Up is down.
Teaches King Arthur's throne, is the planets that are

Ras Kass:
Can we really time travel, and is there life in outer space?

Wait, you knew all this in the first place.
You tryin to get to God.

Ras Kass:
But, I've fallen from your grace.
A billion paths to take, but which one is truly straight?


Ras Kass:
Can you walk across water or rise from the dead?
I heard he said he lived, and the son of man bled.

Its a process, shit dont just happen, I create it.
Everything you see, and shit you dont, son I made it, and
I'm the big bang theory and evolution.
Been there, done that, from revolution to prostitution.
The first and final solution.
The quaran, bible, and vedas, is only tools,
dont be confused when the medula oblagada do

Ras Kass:
Oh, so revelations is Genesis.

Three-sixty degrees are limitless.

Shit, my motherf**kin nemesis.

Ras Kass:
Who is you?

Son, I thought you knew.
Who else? Lucifer, the lie bearer stupid, the devil himself.
He the creator, we all the creations, guess i'm eternal
Got you bitches seaking your own salvation.
Who taught you how to pray?
You read it in the book, look, your bear witness to Amen Ray.
Every day when you say Amen, and then turn around and preach
worshipin false
Is an unforgettable sin.
Yea the good book is like comic books,
You take 'em too literal,
I tricked you in to believin' the power to reason,
Makes you able to live infinitely, in the physical.
Guess I'm the pawn com lyrical.
Basically I tell true lies in general, the yin and the yang
The player with a trillion years of game.

He got you sellin your spiritual, for power, monery, and fame,
I came out of tripple stage darkness, gave mortals my
But even you may be a mystery God like the lockhead,
A used sign to prove or disprove my existence.
Tryin to align this, artificial intelligence, cloned in a space
Tryin to build the tower of babylon.
But you savages stake me, when I start erasin homosapiens.
You lookin for an angel with wings,
I'm 'a bring young niggas with a ak, f**k a alien.

Ras Kass:
So what you sayin is, you the one that created sin.

What you call mother nature, was the nature of me.
What you call evil, ultimately, was the force inside of me.
Matter cant be created or destroyed it just changes shape.
One God, many people, and many faith.
And this is how I wanted to do 'em.

Ras Kass:
Wait, wait, hold up.
Father tell me, who is God's son?


I be the Jesus to your Buddah, the Chrishna at your Junah,
The big kahauna, Jehova Witnesses, suede pumas.
Zuese, Pharoah, Elohim, Saturn, Yaweh Jiah,
Arastifa Rah, Allah, the most powerful.
But then, only Adam and I.
I'm the oceans, the trees, a bumble bee, and a glock.
Earthquakes, how much money you ever take.
The reason behind every mistake mankind continually makes.

Ras Kass:
Did God create man, or did man need to create God?

The answer is both, cause how mortals look at God is odd.

You try to customize me to be comfortable.
For what you want to do, and how you choose to act.
The Roman Christians will tell you God aint black.
But to get something from nothing is physically impossible,
thats a fact.

Black is the combination of all colors

Ras Kass:
White is the lack thereof.

Darkness is beneath the ground, and in the skies up above.
The clue, is that the true illumination is me, not illuminati.
Cause I alone discriminate,
Any who be believing they can rationalize our out reason me.
Who created your creature, sutdent can never be greater than the
Wether its Adam and Eve, or atomic chemistry.
I'm the one true source of all energy.
Who will evantually destroy every enemy when I see fit.
I cant blaspheme my own name so when Goddamnit, so be it.

Thats called the wrath of God, but we gotta deal, I can chill
F**k up the whole world, and in the end,
He'll still fulfill his plan, to return man to his original
Nigga gave me some hooks, and said I gets to go fishin.

I gave man doiminion over the Earth, to master the wealth.
But most of my children dont have dominion over theyself.

Thats where I come in.
Call it original sin.
Well, who really gives a flying f**k?
I taught you how to blood suck, and ultimately self destruct.

Know the ledge, wise the dome, do the data.
I'm the alpha.

I'm the beta.

Ras Kass:
And I'm omega.
To be or not to be was man's question since conception.
I think that for our end, was man's preception.
But the birth is the ressurection.
The son of God, or God's son, that lights our entire spectrum.
You got everlasting life, long as you got day and night.
Illumination, not education, to bring the blind sight.
And what you need to know is that you'll never know it all.
I'm a lowercase g, son of the ever-living God.

Тема Atmosphere - Vampiresнови [re: Prof.McGonagol]  
Автор Prof.McGonagol (устремена)
Публикувано31.01.05 11:02

Atmosphere - Vampires

I do believe in monsters, I call them officers
I know enough to know to keep an eye on how I talk to them
Some of ya'll are peace, but even one two many
Is still a decent number for the breeding of a beast
With no release, she keeps and teaches no remorse
More resembling of a thief than a horse
Plans long range, attached to some fangs
And an arm that's strong, watch the song when they change
Nothing's strange, cause you know before you saw it
It's all the same, there ain't no such thing as flawless
But all I want is a little more security
A little more safety, a lot less uncertainty
Override the circuitry, the sun is your god(?)
Recognize the urgency, uncover your eyes
When I turn on the lights, she vanishes, hides
But I can feel here essence in the air
Acknowledge the night stalker and regard her as a hunter
Count the amount she takes from the slumber
Summer ain't as hot as you would think
Martyr(?) the child that wears the target for the teeth to sink

This world is a vampire, she eats her kids
Let's hide the bodies under the bridge
This world is a vampire, she eats her kids
Let's hide the bodies under the bridge
This country's a vampire, she eats her kids
Let's hide the bodies under the bridge
This city's a vampire, she eats her kids
Let's hide the bodies under the bridge

She lurks in the alleys with the wrong reality
Allegiance, honor, keep it all in the family
Consumes the young, blind, deaf, and the dumb
Drains the vein and puts them under the thumb
She's on the television, celebrate status quo
Energy, push mute on the remote control
Break the beats, shatter the measure to pieces
All I've left is the breath and the will to prove the thesis
It's difficult to figure out who to fear
Gettin' older by the minute, younger by the year
Will the hunger disappear, metabolism slow
World domination is the goal
Now let's gather the kids, and take em' out to the sticks
Teach em' all how to live, come take my hand and walk with me

Before the vampires lock down the Twin Cities

This world is a vampire, she eats her kids
Let's hide the bodies under the bridge
This world is a vampire, she eats her kids
Let's hide the bodies under the bridge
This country's a vampire, she eats her kids
Let's hide the bodies under the bridge
This city's a vampire, she eats her kids
Let's hide the bodies under the bridge

Through the mud of the evening she trudges
The name, the blood is tainted with traces of loveless
From up above, truth watches in bewilderment
Contemplating how he really isn't feeling it
Just another chapter of another moving picture
Another after thought looking for a new elixir
But if she goes even when she has to climb
Out the window, out of sight, out of mind
Look out for me below because I've never been on top of nothin'
Other than a stove inside a pot of water bubblin'
And boilin' between a puzzle and poison
Two games in the same toy bin
But when my times comes you better beat the drums
And aim the guns at the ones that eat the young
If we let her, she'll do whatever it takes to survive
You don't stop till you take her life

This world is a vampire, she eats her kids
Let's hide the bodies under the bridge
This world is a vampire, she eats her kids
Let's hide the bodies under the bridge
This country's a vampire, she eats her kids
Let's hide the bodies under the bridge
This city's a vampire, she eats her kids
Let's hide the bodies under the bridge

[Little Girl's Voice]
I don't wanna to go
And she's really ugly

Check the orphanage...
This world is a vampire, she eats her kids
Let's hide the bodies under the bridge
This world is a vampire, she eats her kids
Let's hide the bodies under the bridge
This world is a vampire, she eats her kids
Let's hide the bodies under the bridge
All of ya'll are vampires, you eat your kids

Тема Neil Young - Vampire Bluesнови [re: Prof.McGonagol]  
Автор Prof.McGonagol (устремена)
Публикувано31.01.05 11:03

Neil Young - Vampire Blues

Im a vampire, babe, suckin? blood from the earth
Im a vampire, baby, suckin? blood from the earth.
Well, I?m a vampire, babe, sell you twenty barrels worth.

I?m a black bat, babe, bangin? on your window pane
I?m a black bat, baby, bangin? on your window pane.
Well, I?m a black bat, babe, I need my high octane.

Good times are comin?, I hear it everywhere I go
Good times are comin?, I hear it everywhere I go.
Good times are comin?, but they sure comin? slow.

I?m a vampire, babe, suckin? blood from the earth
I?m a vampire, baby, suckin? blood from the earth.
Well, I?m a vampire, babe, sell you twenty barrels worth.

Good times are comin?...

Тема Jimmy Buffett - Vampires, Mummies & The Holy Ghostнови [re: Prof.McGonagol]  
Автор Prof.McGonagol (устремена)
Публикувано31.01.05 11:04

Jimmy Buffett - Vampires, Mummies & The Holy Ghost

Vampires, mummies, and the holy ghost
By: jimmy buffett, roger guth, jim mayer, peter mayer
"ohhhh rock ?n roll is a scary business. no hit records, no
Videos...you?ll never make it here...scary. not! let?s do it
Coral reefers...

Looked in my laptop, what did I see?
A flashin? message says today therapy
Rather walk through fire than converse with my shrink
But I?m getting better that?s what some people think

Talk about denial and dysfunctional things
Head?s like a bell somedays it dongs and it dings
My brain play tricks on me it likes to shift gears
Spend lots of money, but I?m tacklin? my fears

Vampires, mummies and the holy ghost
These are the things that terrify me the most
No aliens, psychopaths or mtv hosts
Scare me like vampires, mummies and the holy ghost

Had a dream last night took a time travellin? ride
Back to my childhood where those monsters reside
They nack on innocence and dine on self-esteem
But I like to be in touch with what makes me scream

Vampires, mummies and the holy ghost
These are the things that terrify me the most
No aliens, psychopaths or mtv host
Scares me like vampires, mummies and the holy ghost

I was never ever frightened by the murderer on our block
He nurtured orchids and raised hamsters
The neighborhood is still in shock

La la la la, la la la la....
La la la la, la la la la la la

La la la la, la la la la....
La la la la, la la la la la la

So many dragons lurking out in the fog
So many crazy people mumblin? monologues
It?s not the tales of stephen king that I?ve read
I need protection from the things in my head

Vampires, mummies and the holy ghost
These are the things that terrify me the most
No aliens, psychopath or mtv host
Scares me like vampires, mummies and the holy ghost

Vampires, mummies and the holy ghost
These are the things that terrify me the most
No aliens, psychopath or mtv host
Scares me like vampires, mummies and the holy ghost

"ohhhhhoooohoooo. it?s scary out here in the world of rock
Roll. ohooohoo. ahh haa haa haa haah, ah haa haa haaah. ahh
Haa haa, hegh achh ach.
Scared ya, didn?t i? ha ha"

Тема Concrete Blonde - Bloodletting (the Vampire Song)нови [re: Prof.McGonagol]  
Автор Prof.McGonagol (устремена)
Публикувано31.01.05 11:05

Concrete Blonde - Bloodletting (the Vampire Song)

There's a crack in the mirror
and a bloodstain on the bed-
there's a crack in the mirror
and a bloodstain on the bed-
O you were a vampire and baby
I'm walking dead
O you were a vampire and baby
I'm walking dead
I got the ways and means
to New
Orleans I'm going
down by the river
where it's warm and green
I'm gonna have a drink, and walk around
I got a lot to think about oh yeah
There's a rocking chair by the window
down the hall
I hear something in the shadow
down the hall
O you where a vampire and now I am
nothing at all
O you where a vampire and now I am
nothing at all
They used to dance in the garden in the
middle of the night
They used to dance in the garden in the
middle of the night
They were naked as the day they were
born skin all bone-china white
O you were a vampire
and I may never see the light

Тема Chino XL - Ghetto Vampireнови [re: Prof.McGonagol]  
Автор Prof.McGonagol (устремена)
Публикувано31.01.05 11:06

Chino XL - Ghetto Vampire

I don't know, I just think that's hell exploitive
You know, taking these metaphors and just butchering...
icons in the urban community. I don't know, it's
like you sucking em dry, what are you some kind of a vampire
or something? Yeah yeah that's what you are, what ahh what
a ghetto vampire, that's it.
So where'd all this come from? Think back
Try to remember... think back... try to remember...
I used to sit at the right hand of God in light and splendor
Lavishly spreading love that's all I remember
As time passes I catches miracles he taught me
everything except for some old man and breathe the breath of
I tried, to just accept he's my savior
But jealousy forced me into sacrilegous behavior
Enraged like I was no threat I hated God's laughter
Waiting for the day the apprentice becomes the master
I'm cursed and damned now to be a creature of the night
Unliving yet living off blood, fearer of the light
But I don't give a F**K right, because I live forever
I see you all come and go and die and burn
and watch the world still turn
Evil entity, time is resenting me
Thousands of years later I must conceal my identity
A vampire *echoes*
New heights, where it's so dark you need candlelights
To expose the black plague my left hand writes
Nights enveloping and developing pictures in your brain
like a darkroom, in every monestary where I spark boom
A cartoon style smile smirk, how's my emotionless killer clown
synapse behaps relax the bastard black balloon
Nocturnal, high off the herbal, crowding back streets and
Illest nigga, coolest slang dialects (dialects)
Bite marks are what you feel if you're my victim
Poisons golden seal couldn't heal from your system (from your
Nuts bust down the throats of mad crack heads
Fetal four-eye pleas, f**k it cops kill black kids
Sometimes I wish I could stop the death the pain and the sin
but I'm f**ked up create the libations that humans contain
After lightning strikes the steeple of your family church
I beg forgiveness from God, but it never works
I know my soul ain't going to heaven when I expire
Recognize... the immortal ghetto vampire
I slit your throat and watch you shake if I desire
Recognize... the immortal ghetto vampire

Bear witness to the sins of wicked messiah
Recognize... the immortal ghetto vampire
Who can I speak to God is dead and the whole earth's on fire
Recognize... the immortal ghetto vampire
Running from the sun by day it's become quite obvious
to the people surrounding me I'm the wildest
Untamable blood-luster plus the high school yearbook photos
that I took in eighty-nine, show no sign of a face of mine
Intertwined my mind is a jungle full of cobwebs and tangled
and a glass mace even my closest friends are becoming afraid
Of how I, predicting what's happening and events
Prom dates found they're punctured, blood left pleading then
That's just how I f**king express myself
When I consume your blood and leave you dead
sorry it's just to keep my health
Dark forces, police get nauseous from my trail of corpses
No stake through my heart, no holy water, and no priest with
A woman's mind gets clouded by my handsome mannerisms
Listen obsessions bigger than Jackie Gleason's aneurysms
You caught up when my piercing eyes stare right through you
Stronger than the straightest greatest ancient Haitian voodoo
My unholy presence disturbs animals and children
built a sacrifical altar behind an abandoned building
My sense of smell is heightened my sight is razor sharp
Serene that's thorazine when I remove your beating heart
*bump, bu-bump, bu-bump, bu-bump*
And then the blood starts, flowing
Now I got your soul without you even knowing
Lying in a staircase covered in piss, body decomposing
I turn on sirens and I perpetuate gang violence
I'm the devil that got Malcolm X sleeping in silence
Factual I poison anything that's natural
I kill love and I'm hope frozen up just like it's a statue
Vampires walk among us sucking life from our city
Keeping us in constant states of insecurity
The police watch em... they know me ghetto vampire
The government check em... they know me ghetto vampire
Churches and ministries... they know me ghetto vampire
Niggaz slangin that shit... they know me ghetto vampire
Money hungry bitches... they know me ghetto vampire
The whole school system... f**king ghetto vampires
The f**king media... they know me ghetto vampires
Now who's the vampire?

Тема Macabre - Vampire Of Dusseldorfнови [re: Prof.McGonagol]  
Автор Prof.McGonagol (устремена)
Публикувано31.01.05 11:11

Macabre - Vampire Of Dusseldorf

(Peter Kurtin)
I need a victim to do things sickening, I just want to make you
My knife is gashing, your blood is splashing. To see your blood
is =
what I need.
I'm going to strangle you and I'll slit your throat too.
I love to see your blood run and that's the thing that makes me
I'm going to kill you just because I want to.
I'm the Vampire of Dusseldorf and I will cut your life short.
My hands are choking, my knife is broken, an orgasm is what I
Your blood is spilling, the sight is thrilling. To cum I need to
see =
you bleed.
I'm going to strangle you and I'll slit your throat too.
I love to see your blood run and that's the thing that makes me
I'm going to kill you just because I want to.
I'm the Vampire of Dusseldorf and I will cut your life short.

Тема Cathedral - Vampire Sunнови [re: Prof.McGonagol]  
Автор Prof.McGonagol (устремена)
Публикувано31.01.05 11:12

Cathedral - Vampire Sun

Skull of god with the devils eyes
Crowned in fire sodden sky
Beaming rays of genocide
Into virtues magic lie
Illusive myth of light enslaves you
Vampire sun it drains you
Beg the sword for liberty
Fall before the king of flies
Delirium is flowing free
In our obedience disease
The gift of life is reaped of value
Vampire sun it drains you
Gaze into the face of fire
Dreams descend into the pyre
Monolithic angel
Unveil your king to this planet disabled
Mimmify the cosmos
With the vision of divinity yeah!
Electric vulture flying high
Through the universal eye
To cleanse the heavens with earth soul
The excretion of mankind
Feeding from the fangs of virtue
Vampire sun it drains you
Gaze into the face of fire
Dreams descent into the pyre

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