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Тема Men in Blackнови  
Автор smyrfa (непознат )
Публикувано23.12.00 00:26

Ne si mislete che psotaviam vyprosa za filma.
Poneje vijdam che tuka mnogo se govori za pravitelstveni agenti bih iskal da pitam:
1. Myjete v4erno --- twa li sa pravitelstvenite agenti?
2. Niakoi vijdal li gi e ?

Тема Отг: Men in Blackнови [re: smyrfa]  
Автор C.S.l.R. (новак)
Публикувано24.12.00 01:55

Syvsem na skoro stanaha na vypros!!!

Luksozna kola spira krai incident v blizko selo i otnema veshtestveni dokazatelstva, vkluchitelno i video lenti, foto lenti .. etc.

Nie sme im po sledite, no uvi tezi "prizraci" se poqvqvat ot dyjd na vqtyr. I to nai veche kogato ne gi ochakvash.

Vyprosa e : Ot kyde znaqt za sybitieto, kato edva edin oshashaven svidetel ima, koito oshte ne e progovoril na nikogo !!!!

Tova e, pomisli :))

Center for Scientific Investigation & Research
Varna 2000

Тема Отг: Men in Blackнови [re: C.S.l.R.]  
Автор smyrfa (непознат )
Публикувано24.12.00 22:31

Emi Fan,
spored mene imat u6i na vsiakyde.
No kakvi u6i imat neznam dali vnedreni hora ili niakva tehnika neznam.

P.S. Neviarvashtite nikoga nema da vidiat

Тема Отг: Men in Blackнови [re: smyrfa]  
Автор Pushachat1 (новак)
Публикувано27.12.00 10:32

Те са не само в черно, а и в други цветове, но да - и този го използват. Те са почти навсякъде. И ако използвам едно заглавие по този повод ще кажа че "Може би са...те".

P.S. Все пак не се отчайвай, надежда винаги има.
P.P.S. Честит имен ден Стефане(или Смърф, както искаш)

Redaktirano ot Pushachat1 na 27.12.00 10:35.

Тема Отг: Men in Blackнови [re: Pushachat1]  
Автор smyrfa (непознат )
Публикувано28.12.00 22:37

Kaji nekoi slu4ai za teh.
Az iz bylgariq za tiah mnogo ne sym 4uwal.

P.S. Mersi 4e se seti

Тема Отг: Men in Blackнови [re: smyrfa]  
Автор LEO (новак)
Публикувано29.12.00 10:10

Разбира се, не за филма... Виж, пращам ти още едно обяснение за тези мъже - да кажем, че са извънземни същества, или по-скоро транспланти, които си обитават Земята заедно с нас....така де, защо пък не?!? Обаче, защо не можем да ги открием, или защо ако случайно някой ги види
Men in Black
The Men in Black have received a lot of press as their visits are in the consciousness of humans. These entities are allowed to make these visits, as they are in the same density as humans and are not in quarantine. Where do they come from? They are not extraterrestrial at all, but live underground, in tunnels and caverns. Their townships exist in isolation, as they very seldom travel from one township to another, being at risk of exposure to humans in so doing. They fear the Awakening, as humans will then be informed of their presence. Where the eventual outcome of the Transformation, a Service-to- Others world, is not feared by them, they fear the transition. When the Transformation has taken place, this race will continue in 3rd Density, underground. They will then be in quarantine, and will not mix with the eventual inhabitants of the surface world. As they have a steady source of food and reliable shelter that will in the main survive the cataclysms, they fear being inundated after the cataclysms. These fears are not grounded, but nevertheless they have tried to slow the Awakening, in their own way, for these reasons.
The Men in Black have constructed cities underground, structures with multiple stories and tram systems run by electricity, but these are in natural caverns and are not connected to one another unless natural passageways exist. The Men in Black do not generate their electricity from any means that humans are familiar with - rushing water, windmills, steam turbines run by heat generated from controlled nuclear activity or by burning any number of fossil fuels. The electrical energy the Men in Black use is chemically generated, a method learned on their home planet prior to their transplantation to Earth. Their home planet did not have the wealth of fossil fuels that the Earth provides, nor land masses with changes in altitude that allow water to tumble, nor even very much water. Frustration is the mother of invention, as you say, and they worked with what they had. Their electrical energy is not abundant, and would hardly support the average United States homeowner with her many electrical appliances.
If the Men in Black live in natural underground caverns, then how have they escaped the eyes of eager explorers, who pass up no opportunity to discover new underground passageways and caverns? Spelunkers have thoroughly mapped every known crevasse under the surface of the Earth, delighting in every minute of it, as spelunking is an exploration. There are no new lands to discover and explore, as the continents are known and teeming with humanity. Outer space seems out of reach in these days of budget cuts. But spelunking still offers the chance to discover something the eyes of man have never seen. Do spelunkers assume that they have discovered all the caverns and passageways that abound under the crust of the Earth? There are a thousand times more caverns and passageways than they have yet come upon, or even suspect, many far deeper than man has even probed. The Men in Black, being unable to live on the surface, established themselves underground when they first arrived on Earth, in a technologically advanced state. Long, long before humans became proficient at spelunking, the Men in Black were erecting their defenses.
Why have the Men in Black not been found? Look to what clues spelunkers that new passageways exist - air currents, air quality, and sounds such as rushing water. When things are dead still, the assumption is that only solid rock is about. The Men in Black have architect and engineer types who devise ways to test the isolation of their caverns and passageways. Prior to building there, they run a test which essentially pulls the air upward to a vent at the roof. If there are air leaks, connections to other underground passageways, there is air current inward, and this is detectable. Oops, not a good home.
The Men in Black have not been found because of the vulnerability and fearfulness of these hominoids, who do not have the bomb, do not have tanks and bazookas, and in fact do not even have jails and prisons. Why? There is no need. They are not violent, as humans are by nature, but they're scared silly of being discovered by humans. Being no less intelligent than humans, they have spent no small amount of time devising ways to keep from being discovered, like a rat in a hole with no back door. The issue to focus on is not whether the Men in Black have threatened humans, but whether they have acted. When you speak to your dog, whom you wish to impress, what do you do? You act like a top dog! Dogs respond to domination that they cannot overcome by groveling and avoidance. Dogs respond to weakness that they can overcome by either tearing the throat out of a rival that resists or snarling a warning to a rival that turns belly up. The Men in Black have analyzed their co-habitants, and correctly understand what impresses them. Power without the ability to decimate and destroy is ignored. Therefore, threaten.

Subterranean Life

Humans are not alone on Earth as intelligent species. Where only one intelligent species is developed, per planet, for 3rd Density existence, the Earth has some transplants. You are familiar with Bigfoot, who lives on the surface, and the Men in Black, transplants who live underground, who are hominoid groups and are in 3rd Density as are humans. Little known is that a 3rd Density reptilian race also lives underground, in the caverns and waterways that occur naturally. This reptilian race, if seen by humans, would not be recognized as an intelligent species, as they carry none of the trappings of civilization. Do they have technology, structures, computers? Yes and no. Where their IQ is less than humans and they are not as dexterous nor upright, they nonetheless can maneuver their surroundings. Socially, their 3rd Density existence is not that much different from humans. They both care for and murder each other. We will not mention their form, nor the locations of their homes, as they would be vulnerable should humans go hunting for them, for sport, as those inclined toward the Service-to-Self orientation surely would.
These transplants to the Earth came from worlds that could no longer support them in their 3rd Density existence. There, they lived a surface existence. Both subterranean transplants arrived after man had undergone considerable genetic engineering, but before he became what you would term civilized. They understood the situation, that they would have considerable time to acclimate themselves before mankind, with its violent nature, might discover them.
The Men in Black were a secondary intelligent species on their planet of origin, the primary race having undergone a Harvest or Transformation into 4th Density. As with most Transformations, the intelligent species transforming is evolved to support 4th Density existence and is no longer available for 3rd Density existence. After the Transformation, enough fauna and flora remained in 3rd Density on this planet to support the development of yet another intelligent species. As the mass of the sun in this solar system was partially migrated to 4th Density, it was much dimmer for this second development cycle. This is why the Men in Black cannot tolerate life on the surface. They were used to dim light. The Men in Black and humans are not connected in any way except that they both are hominoid. The Men in Black in fact are not even biologically compatible with humans to the degree that offspring might be possible, a situation that occurred with the hominoid visitors from the 12th Planet. The reptilian race developed on a water planet. They also suffered from a dying sun, and were used to cold, dark conditions before they were transplanted.
Each intelligent species is on its own time cycle, during 3rd Density, the Harvest occurring periodically at regular intervals. Were your Earth not scheduled to become a home for 4th Density existence, with a Transformation that will leave the Earth essentially a dead planet in 3rd Density, continued human existence in 3rd Density would be possible, for instance. In the case of the two subterranean transplants, the timing of their cycles does not coincide with Homo Sapiens' cycle. Close, but lagging somewhat behind. Both transplant species have had several Harvests, as have Homo Sapiens, and as with Homo Sapiens this Harvest is to be the last. Those incarnating entities who have not completed their 3rd Density spiritual lesson - determining their spiritual orientation - will all be incarnated elsewhere into yet another physical form. Transplanting will not occur.
Is there any truth to the stories of fabulous cities underground, and miles of tunnels bridging the continents? Very little. The stories of fabulous tunnel systems are a fraud, designed to blunt curiosity about the underground bunkers and tunneling that some governments, the United States included, have indulged in. Underground structures? Well, it might be this alien group, or that, but certainly not your government. If these fabulous tunnel systems are so real, why hasn't the media, or the public for that matter, been invited for a tour?

Men in Black
The Men in Black have received a lot of press as their visits are in the consciousness of humans. These entities are allowed to make these visits, as they are in the same density as humans and are not in quarantine. Where do they come from? They are not extraterrestrial at all, but live underground, in tunnels and caverns. Their townships exist in isolation, as they very seldom travel from one township to another, being at risk of exposure to humans in so doing. They fear the Awakening, as humans will then be informed of their presence. Where the eventual outcome of the Transformation, a Service-to- Others world, is not feared by them, they fear the transition. When the Transformation has taken place, this race will continue in 3rd Density, underground. They will then be in quarantine, and will not mix with the eventual inhabitants of the surface world. As they have a steady source of food and reliable shelter that will in the main survive the cataclysms, they fear being inundated after the cataclysms. These fears are not grounded, but nevertheless they have tried to slow the Awakening, in their own way, for these reasons.
The Men in Black have constructed cities underground, structures with multiple stories and tram systems run by electricity, but these are in natural caverns and are not connected to one another unless natural passageways exist. The Men in Black do not generate their electricity from any means that humans are familiar with - rushing water, windmills, steam turbines run by heat generated from controlled nuclear activity or by burning any number of fossil fuels. The electrical energy the Men in Black use is chemically generated, a method learned on their home planet prior to their transplantation to Earth. Their home planet did not have the wealth of fossil fuels that the Earth provides, nor land masses with changes in altitude that allow water to tumble, nor even very much water. Frustration is the mother of invention, as you say, and they worked with what they had. Their electrical energy is not abundant, and would hardly support the average United States homeowner with her many electrical appliances.
If the Men in Black live in natural underground caverns, then how have they escaped the eyes of eager explorers, who pass up no opportunity to discover new underground passageways and caverns? Spelunkers have thoroughly mapped every known crevasse under the surface of the Earth, delighting in every minute of it, as spelunking is an exploration. There are no new lands to discover and explore, as the continents are known and teeming with humanity. Outer space seems out of reach in these days of budget cuts. But spelunking still offers the chance to discover something the eyes of man have never seen. Do spelunkers assume that they have discovered all the caverns and passageways that abound under the crust of the Earth? There are a thousand times more caverns and passageways than they have yet come upon, or even suspect, many far deeper than man has even probed. The Men in Black, being unable to live on the surface, established themselves underground when they first arrived on Earth, in a technologically advanced state. Long, long before humans became proficient at spelunking, the Men in Black were erecting their defenses.
Why have the Men in Black not been found? Look to what clues spelunkers that new passageways exist - air currents, air quality, and sounds such as rushing water. When things are dead still, the assumption is that only solid rock is about. The Men in Black have architect and engineer types who devise ways to test the isolation of their caverns and passageways. Prior to building there, they run a test which essentially pulls the air upward to a vent at the roof. If there are air leaks, connections to other underground passageways, there is air current inward, and this is detectable. Oops, not a good home.
The Men in Black have not been found because of the vulnerability and fearfulness of these hominoids, who do not have the bomb, do not have tanks and bazookas, and in fact do not even have jails and prisons. Why? There is no need. They are not violent, as humans are by nature, but they're scared silly of being discovered by humans. Being no less intelligent than humans, they have spent no small amount of time devising ways to keep from being discovered, like a rat in a hole with no back door. The issue to focus on is not whether the Men in Black have threatened humans, but whether they have acted. When you speak to your dog, whom you wish to impress, what do you do? You act like a top dog! Dogs respond to domination that they cannot overcome by groveling and avoidance. Dogs respond to weakness that they can overcome by either tearing the throat out of a rival that resists or snarling a warning to a rival that turns belly up. The Men in Black have analyzed their co-habitants, and correctly understand what impresses them. Power without the ability to decimate and destroy is ignored. Therefore, threaten.
Subterranean Life

Humans are not alone on Earth as intelligent species. Where only one intelligent species is developed, per planet, for 3rd Density existence, the Earth has some transplants. You are familiar with Bigfoot, who lives on the surface, and the Men in Black, transplants who live underground, who are hominoid groups and are in 3rd Density as are humans. Little known is that a 3rd Density reptilian race also lives underground, in the caverns and waterways that occur naturally. This reptilian race, if seen by humans, would not be recognized as an intelligent species, as they carry none of the trappings of civilization. Do they have technology, structures, computers? Yes and no. Where their IQ is less than humans and they are not as dexterous nor upright, they nonetheless can maneuver their surroundings. Socially, their 3rd Density existence is not that much different from humans. They both care for and murder each other. We will not mention their form, nor the locations of their homes, as they would be vulnerable should humans go hunting for them, for sport, as those inclined toward the Service-to-Self orientation surely would.
These transplants to the Earth came from worlds that could no longer support them in their 3rd Density existence. There, they lived a surface existence. Both subterranean transplants arrived after man had undergone considerable genetic engineering, but before he became what you would term civilized. They understood the situation, that they would have considerable time to acclimate themselves before mankind, with its violent nature, might discover them.
The Men in Black were a secondary intelligent species on their planet of origin, the primary race having undergone a Harvest or Transformation into 4th Density. As with most Transformations, the intelligent species transforming is evolved to support 4th Density existence and is no longer available for 3rd Density existence. After the Transformation, enough fauna and flora remained in 3rd Density on this planet to support the development of yet another intelligent species. As the mass of the sun in this solar system was partially migrated to 4th Density, it was much dimmer for this second development cycle. This is why the Men in Black cannot tolerate life on the surface. They were used to dim light. The Men in Black and humans are not connected in any way except that they both are hominoid. The Men in Black in fact are not even biologically compatible with humans to the degree that offspring might be possible, a situation that occurred with the hominoid visitors from the 12th Planet. The reptilian race developed on a water planet. They also suffered from a dying sun, and were used to cold, dark conditions before they were transplanted.
Each intelligent species is on its own time cycle, during 3rd Density, the Harvest occurring periodically at regular intervals. Were your Earth not scheduled to become a home for 4th Density existence, with a Transformation that will leave the Earth essentially a dead planet in 3rd Density, continued human existence in 3rd Density would be possible, for instance. In the case of the two subterranean transplants, the timing of their cycles does not coincide with Homo Sapiens' cycle. Close, but lagging somewhat behind. Both transplant species have had several Harvests, as have Homo Sapiens, and as with Homo Sapiens this Harvest is to be the last. Those incarnating entities who have not completed their 3rd Density spiritual lesson - determining their spiritual orientation - will all be incarnated elsewhere into yet another physical form. Transplanting will not occur.
Is there any truth to the stories of fabulous cities underground, and miles of tunnels bridging the continents? Very little. The stories of fabulous tunnel systems are a fraud, designed to blunt curiosity about the underground bunkers and tunneling that some governments, the United States included, have indulged in. Underground structures? Well, it might be this alien group, or that, but certainly not your government. If these fabulous tunnel systems are so real, why hasn't the media, or the public for that matter, been invited for a tour?

Be good.....

Тема Отг: От LEO [re: smyrfa]  
Автор LEO (новак)
Публикувано29.12.00 10:17

Пуснах предишния постинг инцидентно, без да е завършен. На всичкото отгоре има повторение на единия материал Men in Black. Всъщност там ще прочетеш любопитни неща - какво става ако някой случайно ги види тези "мъже" (те са от нашето измерение)и откъде идват всички спекулации на техен гръб. Вторият материал, Subterrenian life е за други извънземни, които също си обитават Земята заедно с нас. Под слънцето има място за всички.....

Be good.....

Тема Отг: От LEO нови [re: LEO]  
Автор smyrfa (непознат )
Публикувано03.01.01 02:14

Mersi man za infoto. Makar4e s moia angliiski zor 6te si go preveda no 6te se postaraq.

P.S. I want to Believe...:0)

Тема Отг: Men in Blackнови [re: smyrfa]  
Автор misholena (новак)
Публикувано03.01.01 08:16

Няма точно Men in black. Това филмче е отвратителна дезинформация. Има ЦРУ и MJ - 12,но сигурно са променили името на проекта,след встъпването на Клинтън като президент. В тазигрупа участват само учени с военна подготовка и са толкова незабележими,че може да живеят срещу вас!

Тема Отг: Men in Black- za Misholenaнови [re: misholena]  
Автор LEO (минаващ)
Публикувано03.01.01 10:00

Hi, ako iska6, vij malko po-gore kakva info ima ot men za Smyrfa. 6te mi se da vidq tvoq komentar!!!!!

Be good.....

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