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Тема Info  
Автор misholena (минаващ)
Публикувано03.08.01 19:40

Occurred : 7/4/2001 23:20 (Entered as : 7/4/01 23:20)
Reported : 7/5/2001 00:03
Posted : 7/5/2001
Location : Houston, TX
Shape : Light
Houston, Texas - Red pulsating light which "dropped" another light; disappeared in the sky

I spotted a bright red light to the left of a star in the clear sky. I dismissed it as a plane since it did not move in relation to the star within 5 minutes. Another red light "dropped" from the light approximately 1 inch below the primary light and then disappeared. The primary light moved to the right slowly during a 5 minute period. I grabbed my video camera and tripod hoping that the zoom feature may shed some light on what was causing this bright red light. During the next 10 minutes, I observed the light "pulsating"- growing brighter like a light on top of a tower to almost disappearing in the clear sky then brighter again. The light then gradually moved up above the neighboring star (during several minutes) and then stayed still. The light would dim to almost nothing then appear again. Eventually, after 45 minutes, the light disappeared. Please note that the sky was clear, no clouds or wind, no rain, and the neighboring star remained constant and visible during the observation dismissing the possibility of clouds interfering with the brightness of the light. I am a college educated, drug-free, teacher who has never seen anything like this before. My husband is also drug-free ( I feel I must include that one) and very sane as well. We are VERY normal and extremely skeptical at the possibility of this being a UFO, but of course, I have no other explantation. I have been thinking about this for 2 hours now and am writing this at 1:52 a.m. the same night.

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