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Тема Info  
Автор misholena (минаващ)
Публикувано03.08.01 19:39

Occurred : 7/4/2001 21:10 (Entered as : 07/04/01 21:10)
Reported : 7/4/2001 19:14
Posted : 7/5/2001
Location : Narragansett, RI
Shape : Rectangle
AT dusk, while watching fireworks displays in the area, we were setting off a few fireworks on a cliff by the ocean shore. We observed a Roman Candle set off behind us and turned to watch it. I watched the trail of smoke emitted from it, but then immediately adjacent I saw a trapezoid-shaped, black object moving slowly and silently at an altitude of no more than 2,000 feet. I called out to my two sons, a friend, and my nephew who all watched with me as the "object" continued to move East out over the ocean in between the haze and dark clouds at a speed of no more than 50 or 60 mph. The object then accelerated to about 100-150 mph and then seemed to vanish within the clouds. We were all deeply awed, and all of us repoted seeing the exact same shape, height, and speed of this object--we all dismissed it as too large to be a "stealth fighter or bomber", or even a large dirigible. We estimate it to be about 80 or 90 feet tall and about the length of two football fields.

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