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Тема Re: off-topicнови [re: fantony]  
Автор amorpheus (admiral Stukov)
Публикувано21.05.07 23:11

Ако всички питаха учтиво и културно вероятно всички щяха да получават смислени и полезни за тях отговори.
Аз пък определено мисля че в тоя клуб почти всички ако не смислени поне културно зададени въпроси получават съответно добри отговори. Ако и да има изключения то те са изключения а не друго.
Може би това е главно на факта че огромното мнозинство от пишещите тук не са в диапазона 12-16 годишни ;)

п.с. /off Да ни е честит на всички Starcraft 2

Тема Re: Stara Planina, Rila, Pirin - starting pointsнови [re: Wojtek]  
АвторWojtek (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано22.05.07 11:53

Thank you all for your kind responds and informations.

It's a shame I can't understand bulgarian and I'm happy you gave me all these informations in english.

1. As for the propositions of walking together: I would be delighted and it really would be more interesting for me. But there are some obstacles, I suppose. I will try to explain. I'm not that young anymore, so I know that there's not enough time left to me to see so much as I would like. That's why I try to spend the most time walking. It means sometimes even 15 hours a day. I can't tell the exact day, hour or place, where I will be able to come with my car and then start walking. It would be then difficult to fix an appointment.
I will be in Bulgaria two weeks in the second half of June (I hope, the weather will be good ;) ). I know it's rather small amount of time to see that much. But still, I hope I can have a glimpse at all the mentioned mountains and I'm even thinking of one day for the Slavianka in Rodopi (I've seen photos but don't know yet, how far it would be from Pirin).

2. Pirin: if it's possible to come to Sandanski hut with the car - it's wonderful! It is really a good starting point for the ridge from Kamenica to Wihren.
I would like to visit also the northern part up to Suhodolski Preval and don't know if it's better to make the ridge from Wihren hut to Suhodolski Preval rather starting from Bansko than from the west-south.

3. Rila: For Musala the best starting point is Borovec, I believe. For the western part it seems that the Rilski Monastir is the best.

4. Stara Planina - Kaloferska: I'm thinking of a veeery long trip: Karlowo - Ravnec - Rajsko Praskalo - Botev - Goljam Kupen - Karlovo. How long would that trip be? 16 hours or more? I've heard about beauty of the Dzendem. Can it be seen from such a trip?
Stara Planina - Tetevenska: Are there any bus connections between Srednogorie - Anton - Klisura? Or only the train?
Where could I cross with the car the ridge from north to south near Tetevenska and Kaloferska Planina?
Where can I buy the maps of Stara Planina? Only in bigger towns or also in smaller ones?


Тема Re: Stara Planina, Rila, Pirin - starting pointsнови [re: Wojtek]  
Автор Orнeдишaщ (змей)
Публикувано22.05.07 22:56

Hi Wojtek,

You better be prepared to walk alone but please keep in touch. You may be lucky and find a partner. The trip would be rather easier and more informative for you.

Pirin: yes, you can get to Sandanski hut by car. I think it is all the same traversing the Northern ridge from south to north ot back. However, from north you reach the ridge faster and it seems that there are more options for getting back by another route.

Rila: what you write is correct.

Stara planina: Your estimate for the length of Karlowo - Ravnec - Rajsko Praskalo - Botev - Goljam Kupen – Karlovo is correct. Of course it depends on the person who does it. Anyway, it is long and strenuous; about 2500 m are to be climbed.
You can see some parts of the Dzhendems (they are two – North & South Dzhendem) from above but you will not see much, just some general views. Those are rather precipitous places where almost no trails exist; trying to get there "on the fly" is not advisable.
There are little busses between Srednogorie (btw, that town no longer exists, it has been divided to reestablish the former Zlatitsa and Pirdop) and Klisura but I do not know how often they travel.
The only paved pass between Tetevenska and Kaloferska Planina is Troyan pass (between Troyan and Karnare).

Good luck!

Тема Re: Stara Planina, Rila, Pirin - starting pointsнови [re: Wojtek]  
Автор balkandjiq (баир-будала)
Публикувано23.05.07 21:03

Hi Wojtek,
the your route about Kaloferska Stara Planina is beyond human’s strength for one day.Denivilation is big-how he said about 2500m.
I will recommend you if you have time to leave 2 or 3 days about this part of the mountain and some other more beautifull route-
Climbing from Sopot by lift to Dobrila hut,clumbing of Goljam Kupen and tour continues to Levski hut or Ravnetz hut
Of course you can climb to Levski hut or Ravnetz hut and from Karlovo.
On second day you can clumb Botev and depress to Rai Hut or even Kalofer.
The mountain in this part can be crossed in 2 places-
Shipka passage near Kazanlyk
or Trojan-Beklemeto-Karnare passage.
I am from Karlovo and can help you and with more info about this region-just connect to e-mail
or ICQ-338-228-560

Редактирано от balkandjiq на 23.05.07 21:04.

Тема Re: Stara Planina, Rila, Pirin - starting pointsнови [re: Wojtek]  
АвторWojtek (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано24.05.07 16:32

Is it possible to drive by car from Jakoruda to Samokov via Granicar? I have such a road on the roadmap of Bulgaria.
Is it possible (and allowed) to drive farther than to Rilski Monastir? I mean in the direction Ribni Ezera. If so, how far?
Is it allowed to walk the ridge west of Ribni Ezera - from Mramorecki Preslap by Teodosievi Karauli?

Is it allowed to drive by own car to Wihren hut?
Are there also buses? Do you know at what time goes he first one? And the last one?


Тема Re: Stara Planina, Rila, Pirin - starting pointsнови [re: Wojtek]  
Автор JWalker (оптимист)
Публикувано24.05.07 17:41

Is it possible to drive by car from Jakoruda to Samokov via Granicar? I have such a road on the roadmap of Bulgaria.
No, it isn't possible.
Is it possible (and allowed) to drive farther than to Rilski Monastir? I mean in the direction Ribni Ezera. If so, how far?
It is possible to drive several kilometers after the Rilski Monastir to the place "Kirilova Poljana". This is the endpoint of the asphalt road.

Колко малко хора знаят
за тоя чуден горе кът
и колко много долу пъплят,
невиждащи нагоре път.

Тема ...нови [re: Wojtek]  
АвторSineva (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано24.05.07 18:25

Is it possible to drive by car from Jakoruda to Samokov via Granicar? I have such a road on the roadmap of Bulgaria.

No, the section between Treshtenik and Beli Iskar dam is dirt road. As far as I remember there is a check-point on the border of Rila National Park in Nehtenitsa location and driving beyond it is restricted. Still more, the valley of Beli Iskar is reserved for office use only as a part of the dam's system, it is forbidden for citizens.

Is it possible (and allowed) to drive farther than to Rilski Monastir? I mean in the direction Ribni Ezera. If so, how far?

Yes, as far as I know it is allowed to drive to the end of the road in Tiha Rila. There is asphalt only up to Kirilova (or Partizanska) polyana.

Is it allowed to walk the ridge west of Ribni Ezera - from Mramorecki Preslap by Teodosievi Karauli?

Yes. There aren't painted markings after Rilets peak, but the ridge is passable and very impressive. The biggest trouble there is finding practicable path for descent.

Is it allowed to drive by own car to Wihren hut?


Are there also buses? Do you know at what time goes he first one? And the last one?

Yes, there are minibuses. Unfortunately I don't know anything about their time-table.

Тема Re: ...нови [re: Sineva]  
АвторWojtek (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано25.05.07 12:18

And do you know if it is allowed to drive to the хижа Вада or the Комплекс Мальовица?

And one general question: is it in Bulgaria allowed to drive on non-asphalt roads? For example, in Poland you may not drive into the forest, when there's no asphalt road, even if there aren't any additional resctriction sign. But in Romania you may. That's why my question. If the road goes farther on, but there's no more asphalt, must I stop or may I go on?


Тема Re: ...нови [re: Wojtek]  
Автор balkandjiq (баир-будала)
Публикувано25.05.07 13:43

Yes, it is allowed to drive.Of course-if there is not any restriction signs,and if the
condition of the raod allows it.Most of the non-asphalt roads here in Central Stara Planina are impassabe for car.

Тема Re: ...нови [re: Wojtek]  
Авторfuria (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано03.06.07 00:06

yes, you may reach both maloviza and vada by car.

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