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Страници по тази тема: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | (покажи всички)
Тема Re: Спадна тинови [re: Lady Likes Sex]  
Автор paзбиpaм (перде)
Публикувано19.02.10 12:19

Аз не пиша ли?

Много пиша даже, особено предвид заетостта, ама съм си любител на кратките словесни форми, знаеш ме.

Не гледайте как изглежда, разберете какво Е

Тема Re: Вземане-даваненови [re: Taдж-aлл]  
Автор Lady Likes Sex (по мъж)
Публикувано19.02.10 12:23

защо се случва след този момент, явно много силен и каква е неговата нужда, потребност и прочее.

има едни такъв сходен миг или момент на "отваряне", далечно познато ми звучи обърканото ти послание.. Обаче съм на мнение, че е по-скоро душевно, емоционално състояние, или емоционална превъзбуда, някакъв душевен праг на отдаване се преминава..
.. не точно сексуална възбуда... ако това значи "оня момент на възбуда".

Тема Re: Спадна тинови [re: paзбиpaм]  
Автор prolet8O (непознат )
Публикувано19.02.10 12:24

Дали се заблуждавам, или този форум се е превърнал на място, където оределена група хора си говорят помежду си, без значение за какво става въпрос и каква е поредната тема в която пишат....мноооо жалко

а аз изнамерих едно страхотно стихотворение, което мислих да пусна по темата, но май май тц

Тема Re: Спадна тинови [re: paзбиpaм]  
Автор Lady Likes Sex (по мъж)
Публикувано19.02.10 12:25

Айде ся, дарлинг, да не си слагаме заестостите на теглилките...

Аз ти вярвам сто процента, и то от личен опит, ама го смятам за проява на лош вкус

И главно, "ма мискинко", си любител на чуждите кратки словесни форми..

Тема Оф данови [re: prolet8O]  
Автор Lady Likes Sex (по мъж)
Публикувано19.02.10 12:27

прав/а си, извинявай...

проява на лош вкус е да се пише оф тема

Тема Re: Оф данови [re: Lady Likes Sex]  
Автор prolet8O (непознат )
Публикувано19.02.10 12:34

Dobre, eто и стихотворението, попаднах случайно в един друг форум на него,

La Mort et la Petite Mort… Смъртта и малката смърт...

О, Море, срещу Смъртта възправено! Каква безчислена любов
към твойта орда крачи... Една единствена вълна на гребена си. Ти,
Господарю, който повеляваш, ти знаеш как си служим с нашето
оръжие. И само любовта възпира, задържа на стъблото й надвиснало
вълната гладка и извита, разкрила шия с цвят на кобра.

И няма азиатска флейта, надула своята кратунка, да укроти раздулата
се твар. Ала език с език и дъх със дъх, задъхана! С лице, обляно в пот,
с очи разядени, сама издържаща безмилостния сблъсък – Любимата
настръхнала, която се отдръпва, която се извива като лък и втурва се
насреща, издава своето свистене на жрица и любима...

Ще поразиш ли, копие божествено? Отсрочката за мен е милост на
тварта, и още по-пронизващо е нетърпението... Смъртта с заострена
глава, любовта с заоблена глава, пронизва многократно със езика си.
Неспирност е името й, невинност часът й. Чуй как живее смъртта със
песента си на щурец...

Ще поразиш, обет! – По-бърз е, Господарю, твоят отговор и твойто
повеляване по-властно! По-гръмко говори, деспоте, и по-настойчиво
ме превземай: възбудата достига своя връх! Търси навътре, царствена
Змиорко, тъй както мълния в морето търси канията на кораба...

Ти порази, светкавице божествена! Кой в мен надава този страшен вик
на жена неутолена? О, блясък! О, тъга! И този гребен на Безсмъртна,
разресващ слънчевата пяна! И този връх, който се сгромолясва,
разресан в злато!... За миг помислих, че живея в самата приказка, в
самото забранено.

Ти, боже, госте мой, ти, който беше тук, съхрани в мен жива
спиралата на своето насилие. И да ни грабне викът безкраен на душа
неизкрещяна!... Смъртта, блестяща и суетна, си тръгва с крачката на
мим, да почете постелите на други. А чуждото Море, понесло плод от
пяна, ражда надалеч, на други брегове, конете си парадни...

“Сълзите ти, любима, не бяха сълзи на смъртна жена.”

Сен Жон Персе (Saint-John Perse), “Ориентири”. Превод на Доротея Табакова

Тема Анови [re: prolet8O]  
Автор Lady Likes Sex (по мъж)
Публикувано19.02.10 12:42

Съвсем по темата. Явно и преди векове са я коментирали в този формат...

Дай го на френски силвупле?

Отивам да търся оргазма на лейди Чатърли
на беге и на английски

Те хората са си го написали ..

Тема Re: Спадна тинови [re: Lady Likes Sex]  
Автор paзбиpaм (перде)
Публикувано19.02.10 12:42

з ти вярвам сто процента, и то от личен опит, ама го смятам за проява на лош вкус
Кое, бе?

Не гледайте как изглежда, разберете какво Е

Тема Чатърли едно - само вземането...нови [re: prolet8O]  
Автор Lady Likes Sex (по мъж)
Публикувано19.02.10 12:56

He shut the door, and lit a tiny light in the hanging hurricane lamp. `One time we'll have a long time,' he said.

He put the blankets down carefully, one folded for her head. Then he sat down a moment on the stool, and drew her to him, holding her close with one arm, feeling for her body with his free hand. She heard the catch of his intaken breath as he found her. Under her frail petticoat she was naked.

`Eh! what it is to touch thee!' he said, as his finger caressed the delicate, warm, secret skin of her waist and hips. He put his face down and rubbed his cheek against her belly and against her thighs again and again. And again she wondered a little over the sort of rapture it was to him. She did not understand the beauty he found in her, through touch upon her living secret body, almost the ecstasy of beauty. For passion alone is awake to it. And when passion is dead, or absent, then the magnificent throb of beauty is incomprehensible and even a little despicable; warm, live beauty of contact, so much deeper than the beauty of vision. She felt the glide of his cheek on her thighs and belly and buttocks, and the close brushing of his moustache and his soft thick hair, and her knees began to quiver. Far down in her she felt a new stirring, a new nakedness emerging. And she was half afraid. Half she wished he would not caress her so. He was encompassing her somehow. Yet she was waiting, waiting.

And when he came into her, with an intensification of relief and consummation that was pure peace to him, still she was waiting. She felt herself a little left out. And she knew, partly it was her own fault. She willed herself into this separateness. Now perhaps she was condemned to it. She lay still, feeling his motion within her, his deep-sunk intentness, the sudden quiver of him at the springing of his seed, then the slow-subsiding thrust. That thrust of the buttocks, surely it was a little ridiculous. If you were a woman, and a part in all the business, surely that thrusting of the man's buttocks was supremely ridiculous. Surely the man was intensely ridiculous in this posture and this act!

But she lay still, without recoil. Even when he had finished, she did not rouse herself to get a grip on her own satisfaction, as she had done with Michaelis; she lay still, and the tears slowly filled and ran from her eyes.
He lay still, too. But he held her close and tried to cover her poor naked legs with his legs, to keep them warm. He lay on her with a close, undoubting warmth.

`Are yer cold?' he asked, in a soft, small voice, as if she were close, so close. Whereas she was left out, distant.

`No! But I must go,' she said gently.

Тема Чатърли две - съвместния оргазъмнови [re: prolet8O]  
Автор Lady Likes Sex (по мъж)
Публикувано19.02.10 12:59

He looked at her curiously, searchingly, and she hung her head a little guiltily.

‘And were you going to the hut now?’ he asked rather sternly.

‘No! I mustn’t. I stayed at Marehay. No one knows where I am. I’m late. I’ve got to run.’

‘Giving me the slip, like?’ he said, with a faint ironic smile.

‘No! No. Not that. Only —’

‘Why, what else?’ he said. And he stepped up to her and put his arms around her. She felt the front of his body terribly near to her, and alive.

‘Oh, not now, not now,’ she cried, trying to push him away.

‘Why not? It’s only six o’clock. You’ve got half an hour. Nay! Nay! I want you.’

He held her fast and she felt his urgency. Her old instinct was to fight for her freedom. But something else in her was strange and inert and heavy. His body was urgent against her, and she hadn’t the heart any more to fight.

He looked around.

‘Come — come here! Through here,’ he said, looking penetratingly into the dense fir-trees, that were young and not more than half-grown.

He looked back at her. She saw his eyes, tense and brilliant, fierce, not loving. But her will had left her. A strange weight was on her limbs. She was giving way. She was giving up.

He led her through the wall of prickly trees, that were difficult to come through, to a place where was a little space and a pile of dead boughs. He threw one or two dry ones down, put his coat and waistcoat over them, and she had to lie down there under the boughs of the tree, like an animal, while he waited, standing there in his shirt and breeches, watching her with haunted eyes. But still he was provident — he made her lie properly, properly. Yet he broke the band of her underclothes, for she did not help him, only lay inert.

He too had bared the front part of his body and she felt his naked flesh against her as he came into her. For a moment he was still inside her, turgid there and quivering. Then as he began to move, in the sudden helpless orgasm, there awoke in her new strange thrills rippling inside her. Rippling, rippling, rippling, like a flapping overlapping of soft flames, soft as feathers, running to points of brilliance, exquisite, exquisite and melting her all molten inside. It was like bells rippling up and up to a culmination. She lay unconscious of the wild little cries she uttered at the last. But it was over too soon, too soon, and she could no longer force her own conclusion with her own activity. This was different, different. She could do nothing. She could no longer harden and grip for her own satisfaction upon him. She could only wait, wait and moan in spirit as she felt him withdrawing, withdrawing and contracting, coming to the terrible moment when he would slip out of her and be gone. Whilst all her womb was open and soft, and softly clamouring, like a sea-anemone under the tide, clamouring for him to come in again and make a fulfilment for her. She clung to him unconscious in passion, and he never quite slipped from her, and she felt the soft bud of him within her stirring, and strange rhythms flushing up into her with a strange rhythmic growing motion, swelling and swelling till it filled all her cleaving consciousness, and then began again the unspeakable motion that was not really motion, but pure deepening whirlpools of sensation swirling deeper and deeper through all her tissue and consciousness, till she was one perfect concentric fluid of feeling, and she lay there crying in unconscious inarticulate cries. The voice out of the uttermost night, the life! The man heard it beneath him with a kind of awe, as his life sprang out into her. And as it subsided, he subsided too and lay utterly still, unknowing, while her grip on him slowly relaxed, and she lay inert. And they lay and knew nothing, not even of each other, both lost. Till at last he began to rouse and become aware of his defenceless nakedness, and she was aware that his body was loosening its clasp on her. He was coming apart; but in her breast she felt she could not bear him to leave her uncovered. He must cover her now for ever.

But he drew away at last, and kissed her and covered her over, and began to cover himself. She lay looking up to the boughs of the tree, unable as yet to move. He stood and fastened up his breeches, looking round. All was dense and silent, save for the awed dog that lay with its paws against its nose. He sat down again on the brushwood and took Connie’s hand in silence.

She turned and looked at him. ‘We came off together that time,’ he said.

She did not answer.

‘It’s good when it’s like that. Most folks live their lives through and they never know it,’ he said, speaking rather dreamily.

She looked into his brooding face.

‘Do they?’ she said. ‘Are you glad?’

He looked back into her eyes. ‘Glad,’ he said, ‘Ay, but never mind.’ He did not want her to talk. And he bent over her and kissed her, and she felt, so he must kiss her for ever.

At last she sat up.

‘Don’t people often come off together?’ she asked with naïve curiosity.

‘A good many of them never. You can see by the raw look of them.’ He spoke unwittingly, regretting he had begun.

‘Have you come off like that with other women?’

He looked at her amused.

‘I don’t know,’ he said, ‘I don’t know.’

And she knew he would never tell her anything he didn’t want to tell her. She watched his face, and the passion for him moved in her bowels. She resisted it as far as she could, for it was the loss of herself to herself.

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