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Тема e-booksнови  
Автор XypodilecМодератор (тъп юзър)
Публикувано22.05.02 13:31


(404, китайски...)

- не са вече там, преди имаше редирект към:
, но там също ги няма още

ftp://ftp.leivo.ru/pub/warez/books (не бачка)

(художествена литература, мързи ме да търся компютърна)

(тук има разни линкове)

Редактирано от Xypodilec на 30.07.02 10:38.

Тема Re: e-booksнови [re: Xypodilec]  
Автор decho ()
Публикувано22.05.02 14:21

>>ftp://ftp.leivo.ru/pub/warez/books (не бачка)
bachka si i mnogo dobre daje

Тема Re: e-booksнови [re: decho]  
Автор lntel_lnside (Designed for Wi)
Публикувано31.05.02 22:09

Men ne me puska anonimno

Тема arxiv.orgнови [re: Xypodilec]  
Автор malkia (char *argv[])
Публикувано11.06.02 07:12


arXiv.org e-Print archive
Automated e-print archives nlinmathphysicscs
13 Dec 2001: Cumulative "What's New" pages. Note main site relocation.
Robots Beware: indiscriminate automated downloads from this site are not permitted.
Astrophysics (astro-ph new, recent, abs, find)
Condensed Matter (cond-mat new, recent, abs, find)
includes: Disordered Systems and Neural Networks; Materials Science; Mesoscopic Systems and Quantum Hall Effect; Soft Condensed Matter; Statistical Mechanics; Strongly Correlated Electrons; Superconductivity
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc new, recent, abs, find)
High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex new, recent, abs, find)
High Energy Physics - Lattice (hep-lat new, recent, abs, find)
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph new, recent, abs, find)
High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th new, recent, abs, find)
Mathematical Physics (math-ph new, recent, abs, find)
Nuclear Experiment (nucl-ex new, recent, abs, find)
Nuclear Theory (nucl-th new, recent, abs, find)
physics (physics new, recent, abs, find)
includes (see detailed description): Accelerator Physics; Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics; Atomic Physics; Atomic and Molecular Clusters; Biological Physics; Chemical Physics; Classical Physics; Computational Physics; Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability; Fluid Dynamics; General Physics; Geophysics; History of Physics; Instrumentation and Detectors; Medical Physics; Optics; Physics Education; Physics and Society; Plasma Physics; Popular Physics; Space Physics
Quantum Physics (quant-ph new, recent, abs, find)
Mathematics (math new, recent, abs, find)
includes (see detailed description): Algebraic Geometry; Algebraic Topology; Analysis of PDEs; Category Theory; Classical Analysis; Combinatorics; Complex Variables; Differential Geometry; Dynamical Systems; Functional Analysis; General Mathematics; General Topology; Geometric Topology; Group Theory; History and Overview; K-Theory and Homology; Linear Algebra; Logic; Mathematical Physics; Metric Geometry; Number Theory; Numerical Analysis; Operator Algebras; Optimization and Control; Probability Theory; Quantum Algebra; Representation Theory; Rings and Algebras; Scientific Computation; Spectral Theory; Symplectic Geometry
Nonlinear Sciences
Nonlinear Sciences (nlin new, recent, abs, find)
includes (see detailed description): Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems; Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases; Chaotic Dynamics; Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems; Pattern Formation and Solitons
Computer Science
Computing Research Repository (CoRR new, recent, abs, find)
includes (see detailed description): Architecture; Artificial Intelligence; Computation and Language; Computational Complexity; Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science; Computational Geometry; Computer Science and Game Theory; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Computers and Society; Cryptography and Security; Data Structures and Algorithms; Databases; Digital Libraries; Discrete Mathematics; Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing; General Literature; Graphics; Human-Computer Interaction; Information Retrieval; Learning; Logic in Computer Science; Mathematical Software; Multiagent Systems; Multimedia; Networking and Internet Architecture; Neural and Evolutionary Computing; Numerical Analysis; Operating Systems; Other; Performance; Programming Languages; Robotics; Software Engineering; Sound; Symbolic Computation


ad nauseam
some related and unrelated servers (including arXiv mirror sites)
today's usage for arXiv.org (not including mirrors)
some info on delivery type [src] and potential problems
arXiv Advisory Board
available macros and brief description
Available help on submitting and retrieving papers
Some background blurb, including invited talk at UNESCO HQ (Paris, 21 Feb '96), update Sep '96
some info on hypertex

(a) $$This archive is based upon activities supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under Agreement No. 0132355 (7/01-6/04) with Cornell University.$$
(b) Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this archive are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. National Science Foundation or Cornell University.


Тема nad 100 e-booksнови [re: Xypodilec]  
АвторFreP (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано11.06.02 18:13


Тема Re: e-booksнови [re: Xypodilec]  
Авторctrl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано26.06.02 22:34

Haide, mahai go we4e toia spisym ottuka!
Draznesht e, mamka ti! Vsi4ki znaiat powe4eto ot serverite, koito si izbroil!

Тема Re: e-booksнови [re: Xypodilec]  
Автор Resurrector (бивш МиГ)
Публикувано03.07.02 16:33

За знаещите руски една съкровищница:

Изключително много литература от всякакъв тип. Д. Кнут е там и още много неща...

Я вышел им наперерез!

Тема Re: e-booksнови [re: Xypodilec]  
Автор grouchy (чалга терорист)
Публикувано15.07.02 10:54

i poliacite imat njakoi raboti

техното е за неуспелите в поп-фолка
...стара китайска поговорка

Тема Re: e-booksнови [re: Xypodilec]  
Автор Angello (spokoen)
Публикувано30.07.02 13:09

Thanx :)

Тема Re: e-booksнови [re: Xypodilec]  
Автор zonker (наркобарон)
Публикувано10.08.02 20:11

Аз лично съм ъплоуднал към 500 МБ на http://free.evro.net/server4/LHG/ .. който иска да скива.

Страници по тази тема: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | (покажи всички)
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