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Компютри и Интернет
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Тема Кой ме исканови  
Авторquot;Tarikatkaquot; (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано22.04.03 09:28


Senior Software Engineer
E-mail: tanirad@bitex.com
Tel: +359 98 215-330


Over 7+ years of experience as a Software Design Engineer/System
Engineer. Expert in C and C++ design and coding, proficient in network
programming and client-server development: - TCP/IP communications
and security products and Windows low- and high-level programming
(kernel drivers, Win32 API, MFC) Seeking a position as a Senior
Software Design Engineer for advanced corporate systems and solutions.


Sept 1984 - June 1989
MASTER's Degree in Electronics and Automation Engineering
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY of Sofia, Bulgaria; Feb 1990 – June 1992:
Specialized in CS/Artificial Intelligence, major - Expert systems
Development, Faculty of Automatics, Department of Robotics,

LANGUAGES English, Russian


IBM PC (I8086/88, x486, Pentium);
Programming languages:
C, C++, Pascal, Prolog, Assembly (I8086/8088).
Microsoft Visual C++ 1.5. 4.0, 5.0, 6.0;
Microsoft C 5.0;
Turbo Pascal 5.5, 6.0;
Turbo Prolog 2.0, Arity Prolog;
Programming interfaces and libraries
Win32 API, MFC (32-bit), OLE 2 , COM,
Winsock2, IIS, WinInet, MAPI, NT/2000 DDK
Database management systems:
dBase/Clipper, SQL, MS Access, Oracle 8,9;
Operating systems:
MS-DOS, Windows 3.1x, Windows
95/98, Windows NT 3.51,
Windows NT 4.0/2000,
Novell NetWare 4.11, Unix/Linux (user level).
Software Application Tools:
MSOffice; MS Project; MS Visio;
InstallShield, WinZip;


September 2001 - Present

Position: LEAD SOFTWARE ENGINEER – Network programming.

Work for US company specialized in telecommunications, wireless and
corporate security products over the Internet. Chief of the development
at the Bulgarian office.
Project/Tools: Project and team lead in developing a secure TCP/IP
based "Instant Virtual Private Network System". The IVPN system
provides the capability to send and receive email messages
as encrypted Peer-to-Peer (P2P) email messages, open meeting rooms
(chat), instant messaging, file transfers, community white board, and
on-line document collaboration. IVPN is a corporate or business set
of client-server applications that allow small and medium sized
businesses to establish a VPN without configuring any other computer
on the network. Duties/Activities: Work specifically on IPVN system
login and Peer-to-Peer corporate E-Mail. Leads a team of 10 Software
Engineers, in charge of shipping the products on the US market.
Environment: Win2000/NT, Win 9x; Linux, Oracle DB , C/VC++,
VSS ; Duration: Sept 2001 – March 2002

April 2001 – August 2001

Position: SENIOR SOFTWARE ENGINEER - Windows OS Internals.

Company: Aivan7 Net GmbH - Germany-Bulgarian company for E-commerce
and Web Applications Development.
Project/Tools - "Coherent" – Win NT/2000 Application Development based
on IIS and Cold Fusion Web Application Server. Duties/Activities: - Work
on encryption-decryption of the product on Windows NT and Windows 2000
servers. Designed and developed an NT/2000 file system filter positioned
above the file system kernel driver to hold a control over the read/write
requests to the Cold Fusion open sources and automatically decrypt data
on–the-fly. Environment: Win NT/2000 DDK, WinDbg, Visual C++,
Windows 2000 Advanced server, Cold Fusion Web Application Server.
Duration: March 2001- July 2001

November 1998 - January 2001


Company: Sogodi Systems Ltd.- Israeli-Bulgarian company for security
systems development.
Project/Tools: - VSM ("Video-Signals Manager") a Windows based
interactive monitoring system able to manipulate video data from remote
digital cameras via a dedicated (phone) line. Duties/Activities:
Designed a module, which communicates a hardware device driver upon
a specific transmission protocol. Implemented and tested the full command
and event handling mechanism of the system, also utilizing Windows
messaging and multiple threads support API. Provided the application
with an ActiveX and database support functionality (MFC, Win32 API,
ODBC, SQL). Worked on the design and implementation of a multi-receiver
/multi-transmitter model. Implemented and tested a both-ways
communication. Worked on a module to automatically transmit over the
Internet all of the information that has been received and stored.
Environment: MS Windows 9x, Windows NT 4.0 and Visual C++ 6.0;
Duration: May 1999 - Dec 2000

Project/Tools: - "Master-Slave Software Emulator" a Windows based test
system, meant as a software simulation of the process of sending and
receiving commands and data packages (frames) from the PC to external
communication devices upon various protocols. Duties/Activities:
- Worked on a simple Windows based software protocol interpreter -
represented commands, data structures and algorithms for a
bi-directional communication. Utilized Windows messaging and API
subset to handle system events. Designed a high - level user interface to
prepare a set of test commands, lists of algorithms and data frames.
Environment: MS Windows 9x, Windows NT, and Visual C++ 6.0;
Duration: Nov 1998 - May 1999

November 1996 - October 1998

Position: SOFTWARE ENGINEER - R&D, Agricultural University
of Plovdiv, Bulgaria; Department of Computer Science / Cisco Center ;

Project/Tools: - European TEMPUS project "StaffInfo - establishing of
a fully-automated office system for students and academic staff". The
system was intended for providing the students and teachers with on-line
information – schedules, lectures, events, and bulletins, from the faculty
offices and rectory. Duties/Activities: - Worked on the object-oriented
analyses, design and program specifications. Explored the details on the
track of COM/DCOM and sockets technologies. Provided applications
with the client-server functionality - designed software components to
implement various student office services. Traced the mechanism of
making cross-process calls and the remote interaction between server
and client applications according to the COM/DCOM specification.
Environment: Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0, MS Visual C++ 4.0, 5.0;
Red Hat Linux, Novell Netware 4.11;

March 1992 – November 1996


Company: DOD - Bulgaria; Military Research Institute, AI Labs, Sofia;
Project/Tools: - "Intellect" - design and development of an AI-based
decisions support expert system for military control and
prognostication" Duties, Activities: - Research worker and efficient
algorithms designer, specialized in object-oriented analyses and
knowledge representation (movement, space-time relationships) by
hierarchical structures. Designed and implemented an Intelligent
prototype of the system in Prolog. Involved in the real system
development as a part of the Visual C++ programming team.
Interpreted the process of making the decision – =given the set of
rules and objects' characteristics at a run-time implemented the
appropriate data structures (trees, graphs) and provided algorithms for
alternate solutions or all solutions. Worked on a module which gives
an assistance in planning a collision-free trajectory of motion in a
dynamic environment. Duration: Sept 1992 - March 1996
Environment: Windows 3.11, Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51,
Visual C++ 1.5, 4.0;

February 1990 - February 1992

Position: PROGRAMMER; Company: Computer center of
"Kremikovtzi" Ltd., Headquarter: Sofia, Bulgaria Project/Duties:

- Worked on the development of a warehouse database management
system written in dBase IV and Clipper in MS-DOS networked
environment. Part-time support and administration on VM/VMS
(archives, SQL transactions).

September 1987 - June 1989


The TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY of Sofia, Microprocessors
Systems Lab., Bulgaria Project/Tools: Bulgarian-Russian research
project "ULIS – development of a real time satellite control system
for a laser ground station". Duties/Activities: - Worked on a simulation
program (in C and built-in assembler I8086/88) to describe the
trajectory of motion of a telescope. Given an azimuth and the current
position, the program computes the angular speed of the motion. Also
make calls to procedures written in Assembly to reduce the time of
calculations. Duration: Sept 1987 - Sept 1989
Environment: MS-DOS, Microsoft C/Quick C.

- "Representing space-time relations in military trainers by hierarchical
structures" – 15th AFCEA Europe Brussels Symposium & Exposition "
Partnership for Peace ", Special Issue, Section III, 1994, Belgium.
"Planning a collision - free trajectory in a dynamic environment" -
International Conference "Information theory in computer science and
technological applications", 1994.

STATUS: unused H1B visa valid 12/2003

Тема Re: Кой ме исканови [re: quot;Tarikatkaquot;]  
АвторQuestor (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано22.04.03 09:37

Искам та бааааааааааа, искам та баааааааааа :-))
Хам кви са тез думи дет ги пишеш обачи? Ти от койо село си, щот у наше такиви не ги хортувами?

Тема Re: Кой ме исканови [re: quot;Tarikatkaquot;]  
Автор pyrx (dруг)
Публикувано22.04.03 09:57

Мдаам, много добро CV! Поздравления.
Обаче, може да ти се окаже и пречка при постъпване на работа - съвсем спокойно могат да те оценят като overqualified (много работодатели обичат този термин ).

> ... STATUS: unused H1B visa valid 12/2003

По-добре е да си търсиш работи в Щатите - там със сигурност има повече възможности от тук, а и ще "уплътниш" тия няколко оставащи месеца от Н1.

Тема Re: Кой ме исканови [re: quot;Tarikatkaquot;]  
Автор Resurrector (бивш МиГ)
Публикувано22.04.03 10:17

Съвет - съкрати си CV-то поне със 70%. Това никой няма да го приеме насериозно.

Я вышел им наперерез!

Тема Re: Кой ме исканови [re: Resurrector]  
Автор ironcode ()
Публикувано22.04.03 10:30

Според мен е добро. Все пак, когато става дума за работа или (в този случай) за образование, трябва да се изреждат от най-скорошната специализация към по-отдавнашни занимания.

За съкращението - не знам. Спорно е дали трябва в CV-то да пишеш подробно project history, или можеш само да изредиш накратко работодателите, заедно със заеманите позиции и използваните технологии. Според различни източници в мрежата, CV-то, за разлика от resume-то, е в малко по-свободен формат, и може да е както 2, така и 20 страници... Но все пак е хубаво човек да се придържа към 2

Тема Ама как пропуснах да кажа!нови [re: quot;Tarikatkaquot;]  
Автор pyrx (dруг)
Публикувано22.04.03 10:43

Нещо много важно липсва към CV-тo!

Тема Re: Ама как пропуснах да кажа!нови [re: pyrx]  
Автор Colombino (Компетент)
Публикувано22.04.03 11:00

Така е. А пък мен ме домързя да го чета цялото като още в началото не видях никакви мерки. Ако ги има някъде трябва да се болднат, че не могат да се намерят от останалите качества.
P.S. Ей, да не се разсърдиш?

System Doctor Error:
Your girlfriend is pregnant.
(A)bort, (M)arry, (I)gnore?_

Тема Re: Ама как пропуснах да кажа!нови [re: Colombino]  
Автор pyrx (dруг)
Публикувано22.04.03 11:11

Едва ли ще се разсърди момичето.

По-лошото е, че тук май рядко надзъртат работодатели изтерзани от липса на добри специалисти!

Тема Re: Кой ме исканови [re: quot;Tarikatkaquot;]  
Автор Resurrector (бивш МиГ)
Публикувано22.04.03 12:17

Между другото, прати CV на шефа, ние си търсим хора.

Надявам се не си лъгала за това, което владееш, изглежда твърде подозрително за жена.

Я вышел им наперерез!

Тема Re: Кой ме исканови [re: Resurrector]  
Автор ironcode ()
Публикувано22.04.03 12:23

Ейй, хайде сега и на полове да се делим... Бива ли така?

Страници по тази тема: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | (покажи всички)
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