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Религия и мистика
   >> Ошо
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Тема Съдържание на Ошо клуба и условия за писаненови  
Автор Oшo ()
Публикувано12.05.12 19:43

По-надолу е списък от по-важните теми, които са интересували и вълнували пишещите в клуб Ошо. Книги, аудио и видео материали относно Ошо се качват на . Понежe стана традиция клубът да дискутира и дао, тай-чи, цигун и алхимични теми, такива материали се качват на .

Всичките теми са активни за искащите да ги задълбочат. Нови споделяния, виждания и въпроси са също добре дошли за тези, които желаят да се обогатят давайки нещо от себе си на другите.

- Сърцевината на Ошо подхода
- Сърцевината на Ошо подхода 2

Медитации и практики

- Споделяния кой какво практикува

- за мантрите

от Борис Сахаров
- Самоволно движене на ръцете и спазми на тялто при медитация

- Ошо медитации в София.

Дао, тай-чи, цигун и вътрешна алхимия

Любов и взаимоотношения с другия пол
, (диаграмата е )

- Не се разбирам с жена ми...

- За любовта

- Ревността

Секс, сексуална енергия и духовност

- от клуб Йога
- За секса и Ошо медитациите

Материално и духовно

- Комерсиализация, Занко и пр.

Често срещани духовни въпроси и теми
Какво е духовност?
- Накъде водят всички религии и учения?

- Може ли да бъде променен индивида отвън?

- Просветлен ли е този, който се е привързал към чувството си за непривързаност?

- Концентрация и медитация

Нещата от живота

- Как да се справим с нежелани емоции?

- Какво съм аз тогава?!
- от БМВ към духовност ;)

- Питам се има ли смисъл от дискусиите?
- Страх

- Риалити шоу "Big Brother"

- какво е да се събудиш различен?

- Темите на Миро (заедно с част от темите от стария КК клуб)

- Един човек влюбен в Ошо

Организации, групи, ашрами...

от Румбата

Други системи и учения

Изкуство и духовност

Психоактивните и наркотични вещества, цигари и духовното израстване
- за Марихуаната

Мъдрости и текстове

Гледни точки на хора, които НЕ харесват Ошо


– Стереограми

Редактирано от Mиpo1 на 23.09.13 20:38.

Тема Всичките книги на Ошонови [re: Oшo]  
Автор Mиpo1Модератор ()
Публикувано12.05.12 21:24

Поне за мен е практично да имам всичките Ошо книги на отделни текстови файлове, защото могат лесно да бъдат четени на широкоекранни смартфони или падове. Т.е., може да имаш Ошо (пък и не само него) в джоба си.

Впрочем, за такива случаи един от най-добрите reader-и е

, който има безброй функции за почти всичко, което може да ти хрумне и е много по-удобен за четене на книги от Word или Acrobat включително и за на настолни компютри.

Ето в един ZIP от текстови файлове всичките Ошо книги на английски : . На български има .

Съдържа книгите в следните 5 раздела:

1. Discourses (190 книги-беседи по теми)
2. Darshans (63 книги със записки от даршани)
3. Hindi (32 книги в превод от хинди)
4. Miscellaneous (Разни, 18 книги)
5. Compilations (319 компилации от горните книги по различни теми)

Ето и съдържанието на тези раздели, където пред всяка книга (и в съответното име на файл) е добавена датата на лекциите.

1. Discourses
1971-06-30 - I Am the Gate
1972-01-01 - The Psychology of the Esoteric
1972-06-06 - The Ultimate Alchemy, Vol 1
1972-08-09 - The Ultimate Alchemy, Vol 2
1972-10-21 - That Art Thou
1973-03-01 - Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Vol 1
1973-04-14 - The New Alchemy: To Turn You On
1973-07-16 - The Supreme Doctrine
1973-11-08 - Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Vol 2
1974-01-19 - Vedanta: Seven Steps to Samadhi
1974-05-24 - My Way: The Way of the White Clouds
1974-06-20 - A Bird on the Wing
1974-07-20 - The Empty Boat
1974-08-20 - No Water, No Moon
1974-09-10 - The Mustard Seed: My Most Loved Gospel on Jesus
1974-10-20 - When the Shoe Fits
1974-10-30 - Hsin Hsin Ming: The Book of Nothing
1974-11-10 - And The Flowers Showered
1974-12-20 - Returning to the Source
1974-12-31 - The Hidden Harmony
1975-01-10 - Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 2
1975-02-20 - Tantra: The Supreme Understanding
1975-02-28 - The Grass Grows By Itself
1975-03-10 - Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 3
1975-04-20 - Until You Die
1975-04-30 - Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 4
1975-05-10 - Just Like That
1975-06-20 - Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 1
1975-06-30 - Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 2
1975-07-10 - Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 5
1975-08-20 - Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 3
1975-08-31 - Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 4
1975-09-10 - Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 6
1975-10-20 - The True Sage
1975-10-30 - Come Follow To You, Vol 1
1975-11-10 - Come Follow To You, Vol 2
1975-12-20 - Come Follow To You, Vol 3
1975-12-31 - Come Follow To You, Vol 4
1976-01-10 - Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 7
1976-02-20 - Nirvana: The Last Nightmare
1976-02-29 - Ancient Music in the Pines
1976-03-10 - The Search
1976-04-20 - Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 8
1976-04-30 - Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 9
1976-05-10 - Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 1
1976-05-10 - Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 10
1976-06-20 - Dang Dang Doko Dang
1976-06-30 - The Beloved, Vol 1
1976-07-10 - The Beloved, Vol 2
1976-08-20 - A Sudden Clash of Thunder
1976-08-30 - The Discipline of Transcendence, Vol 1
1976-09-10 - The Discipline of Transcendence, Vol 2
1976-10-20 - The Art of Dying
1976-10-30 - The Discipline of Transcendence, Vol 3
1976-11-10 - The Discipline of Transcendence, Vol 4
1976-12-20 - Ecstasy - The Forgotten Language
1976-12-31 - The Path of Love
1977-01-10 - The Divine Melody
1977-02-24 - Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 1
1977-03-10 - Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 2
1977-04-20 - The First Principle
1977-04-30 - The Tantra Vision, Vol 1
1977-05-10 - The Tantra Vision, Vol 2
1977-06-20 - Zen: The Path of Paradox, Vol 1
1977-06-30 - Zen: The Path of Paradox, Vol 2
1977-07-10 - Zen: The Path of Paradox, Vol 3
1977-08-26 - Sufis: The People of the Path, Vol 1
1977-09-10 - Sufis: The People of the Path, Vol 2
1977-10-20 - The Heart Sutra
1977-11-01 - I Say Unto You, Vol 1
1977-11-10 - I Say Unto You, Vol 2
1977-12-20 - This Very Body the Buddha
1977-12-31 - The Diamond Sutra
1978-01-10 - Walk Without Feet, Fly Without Wings and Think Without Mind
1978-02-20 - The Revolution
1978-03-01 - The Wisdom of the Sands, Vol 1
1978-03-10 - The Wisdom of the Sands, Vol 2
1978-04-24 - Take It Easy, Vol 1
1978-05-10 - Take It Easy, Vol 2
1978-06-20 - The Sun Rises in the Evening
1978-06-30 - The Perfect Master, Vol 1
1978-07-10 - The Perfect Master, Vol 2
1978-08-26 - The Secret of Secrets, Vol 1
1978-09-10 - The Secret of Secrets, Vol 2
1978-10-31 - The Secret
1978-11-10 - Unio Mystica, Vol 1
1978-12-20 - Unio Mystica, Vol 2
1978-12-30 - Philosophia Perennis, Vol 1
1979-01-10 - Philosophia Perennis, Vol 2
1979-03-10 - The Book of Wisdom
1979-04-25 - The Fish in the Sea is Not Thirsty
1979-05-10 - The Guest
1979-07-10 - The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 2
1979-08-21 - The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 3
1979-08-31 - The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 4
1979-09-10 - Be Still and Know
1979-10-20 - The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 5
1979-10-30 - The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 6
1979-11-10 - The White Lotus
1979-12-20 - The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 7
1980-01-02 - The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 8
1980-01-10 - Ah, This!
1980-02-20 - The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 9
1980-03-04 - The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 10
1980-04-20 - The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 11
1980-04-30 - The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 1
1980-04-30 - The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 12
1980-05-10 - Walking in Zen, Sitting in Zen
1980-06-20 - Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 1
1980-06-30 - Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 2
1980-07-10 - Zen: The Special Transmission
1980-08-25 - Theologia Mystica
1980-09-10 - Guida Spirituale
1980-10-26 - I Am That
1980-11-10 - Come, Come, Yet Again Come
1980-12-26 - Philosophia Ultima
1981-01-10 - Zen: Zest, Zip, Zap and Zing
1981-02-24 - The Wild Geese and the Water
1981-03-10 - The Goose is Out
1984-11-28 - From Unconciousness to Consciousness
1984-12-29 - From Ignorance to Innocence
1985-01-28 - From Personality to Individuality
1985-02-27 - From Misery to Enlightenment
1985-03-31 - From Darkness to Light
1985-08-01 - From the False to the Truth
1985-08-20 - The Last Testament, Vol 1
1985-09-14 - From Death to Deathlessness
1985-09-21 - The Last Testament, Vol 2
1985-10-20 - The Last Testament, Vol 3
1985-10-27 - From Bondage to Freedom
1985-12-11 - The Last Testament, Vol 4
1986-01-01 - Press Conferences
1986-02-08 - The Last Testament, Vol 5
1986-02-13 - Light on the Path
1986-02-13 - The Sword and the Lotus
1986-04-15 - Socrates Poisoned Again After 25 Centuries
1986-05-04 - Beyond Psychology
1986-05-26 - The Path of the Mystic
1986-06-18 - The Transmission of the Lamp
1986-08-13 - The Last Testament, Vol 6
1986-10-02 - The Osho Upanishad
1986-11-04 - Beyond Enlightenment
1986-12-29 - Sermons in Stones
1987-01-19 - The Messiah, Vol 1
1987-02-10 - The Messiah, Vol 2
1987-02-25 - The Rebel
1987-02-25 - The Rebellious Spirit
1987-03-12 - The Razor's Edge
1987-03-26 - The Hidden Splendor
1987-04-07 - Zarathustra: A God That Can Dance
1987-04-19 - Zarathustra: The Laughing Prophet
1987-05-31 - The Golden Future
1987-07-04 - The New Dawn
1987-07-14 - Bodhidharma: The Greatest Zen Master
1987-08-20 - The Great Zen Master Ta Hui
1987-09-05 - The Invitation
1987-10-03 - The Great Pilgrimage: From Here to Here
1987-11-21 - Satyam Shivam Sundram
1987-12-06 - Sat Chit Anand
1988-01-17 - Om Mani Padme Hum
1988-02-25 - Hari Om Tat Sat
1988-03-18 - Om Shantih Shantih Shantih
1988-04-21 - YAA-HOO! The Mystic Rose
1988-05-26 - Live Zen
1988-06-10 - This, This, A Thousand Times This: The Very Essence of Zen
1988-06-26 - Zen: The Quantum Leap From Mind to No-Mind
1988-07-11 - Zen: The Solitary Bird, Cuckoo of the Forest
1988-07-24 - Zen: The Diamond Thunderbolt
1988-08-01 - Dogen, the Zen Master: A Search and a Fulfillment
1988-08-11 - The Miracle
1988-08-25 - The Original Man
1988-08-28 - Turning In
1988-09-07 - The Language of Existence
1988-09-15 - The Buddha: The Emptiness of the Heart
1988-09-25 - Ma Tzu: The Empty Mirror
1988-10-04 - Hyakujo: The Everest of Zen, with Basho's Haikus
1988-10-14 - Nansen: The Point of Departure
1988-10-22 - Joshu: The Lion's Roar
1988-10-31 - Rinzai: Master of the Irrational
1988-12-02 - Isan: No Footprints in the Blue Sky
1988-12-06 - Kyozan: A True Man of Zen
1989-01-07 - No Mind: The Flowers of Eternity
1989-01-12 - Zen: The Mystery and The Poetry of the Beyond
1989-01-16 - One Seed Makes the Whole Earth Green
1989-01-21 - Yakusan: Straight to the Point of Enlightenment
1989-01-29 - Christianity: The Deadliest Poison and Zen: The Antidote to All Poisons
1989-02-05 - Communism and Zen Fire, Zen Wind
1989-02-12 - God is Dead, Now Zen is the Only Living Truth
1989-02-19 - I Celebrate Myself: God Is No Where, Life Is Now Here
1989-04-10 - The Zen Manifesto: Freedom From Oneself

1975-01-15 - Hammer on the Rock
1976-02-12 - Above All Don't Wobble
1976-03-12 - Nothing to Lose But Your Head
1976-04-06 - Be Realistic: Plan for a Miracle
1976-05-02 - Get Out of Your Own Way
1976-05-28 - Beloved of My Heart
1976-06-27 - The Cypress in the Courtyard
1976-07-27 - A Rose is a Rose is a Rose
1976-08-20 - Dance Your Way to God
1976-09-18 - The Passion for the Impossible
1976-10-11 - The Great Nothing
1976-11-07 - God Is Not For Sale
1976-12-03 - The Shadow of the Whip
1976-12-31 - Blessed Are the Ignorant
1977-01-31 - The Buddha Disease
1977-02-28 - What Is, Is, What Ain't, Ain't
1977-03-31 - The Zero Experience
1977-04-30 - For Madmen Only (Price of Admission: Your Mind)
1977-05-31 - This Is It
1977-06-30 - The Further Shore
1977-07-31 - Far Beyond the Stars
1977-08-31 - The No Book (No Buddha, No Teaching, No Discipline)
1977-09-30 - Don't Just Do Something, Sit There
1977-10-31 - Only Losers Can Win in This Game
1977-11-30 - The Open Secret
1977-12-31 - The Open Door
1978-01-31 - The Sun Behind the Sun Behind the Sun
1978-02-28 - Believing the Impossible Before Breakfast
1978-03-31 - Don't Bite My Finger, Look Where I'm Pointing
1978-04-30 - Let Go!
1978-05-31 - The 99 Names of Nothingness
1978-06-30 - The Madman's Guide to Enlightenment
1978-07-31 - Don't Look Before You Leap
1978-08-31 - Hallelujah!
1978-09-30 - God's Got a Thing About you
1978-10-31 - The Tongue-Tip Taste of Tao
1978-11-30 - The Sacred Yes
1978-12-31 - Turn On, Tune In and Drop the Lot
1979-01-31 - Zorba The Buddha
1979-02-28 - Won't You Join the Dance?
1979-03-31 - You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet
1979-04-30 - The Shadow of the Bamboo
1979-05-31 - Just Around the Corner
1979-06-30 - Snap Your Fingers, Slap Your Face and Wake Up!
1979-07-31 - The Rainbow Bridge
1979-09-30 - Don't Let Yourself Be Upset by the Sutra, rather Upset the Sutra Yourself
1979-10-30 - Even Bein' Gawd Ain't A Bed of Roses
1979-12-01 - Scriptures in Silence and Sermons in Stones
1980-01-31 - Dance Til the Stars Come Down From the Rafters
1980-01-31 - The Golden Wind
1980-02-29 - If You Choose To Be With Me, You Must Risk Finding Yourself
1980-03-31 - Fingers Pointing to the Moon
1980-04-30 - Eighty Four Thousand Poems
1980-05-31 - No Man is an Island
1980-06-30 - The Imprisoned Splendor
1980-08-31 - The Miracle
1980-09-30 - Just the Tip of the Iceberg
1980-10-31 - I Am Not As Thunk As You Drink I Am
1980-11-30 - Going All the Way
1980-12-31 - Is the Grass Really Greener...?
1981-01-31 - The Old Pond ... Plop
1981-02-21 - Nirvana now or never

3. Hindi
1964-06-08 - The Perfect Way
1966-12-31 - Philosophy of Non-Violence
1968-02-05 - The Inner Journey
1968-10-30 - From Sex to Superconsciousness
1969-02-27 - The Beginning of the Beginning
1969-10-31 - And Now, And Here
1969-12-31 - Revolution in Education
1969-12-31 - The Long, the Short and the All
1969-12-31 - Wings of Love and Random Thought
1970-03-31 - What is Rebellion?
1970-04-17 - Beware of Socialism
1970-07-31 - In Search of the Miraculous Vol 1
1970-07-31 - In Search of the Miraculous Vol 2
1970-10-05 - Krishna: The Man and His Philosophy
1970-10-20 - Sun of Consciousness
1970-11-16 - The Perennial Path: The Art of Living
1970-12-31 - Meditation: The Art of Ecstasy
1971-03-31 - Dimensions Beyond the Known
1971-04-10 - The Heartbeat of the Absolute
1971-10-31 - Hidden Mysteries
1971-11-08 - The Way of Tao, Volume 1
1972-02-24 - The Way of Tao, Volume 2
1972-10-21 - Finger Pointing to the Moon
1972-12-31 - The Eternal Quest
1974-06-09 - Nowhere To Go But In
1974-09-20 - The Great Path
1974-11-30 - The True Name, Vol 1
1974-12-10 - The True Name, Vol 2
1975-01-20 - The Great Secret
1975-11-20 - The Great Transcendence
1976-09-00 - The Mahageeta, Vol 1
1978-10-10 - Death is Divine

4. Miscellaneous
1967- The Earthen Lamps
1969- Early Talks
1969- Seeds of Wisdom
1970- Thy Will Be Done
1971- A Cup of Tea
1971- Letters
1971- The Great Challenge
1971- Wisdom of Folly
1972- Lead Kindly Light
1972- Thus Spake Mulla Nasruddin
1974- 202 (Jokes of Mulla Nasrudin)
1974- Meet Mulla Nasruddin
1982- Books I Have Loved
1984- Silent Period
1984- Glimpses of a Golden Childhood
1984- Notes of a Madman
1987- Jesus Crucified Again, This Time in Ronald Reagan's America
Osho Glossary.txt

Тема Ошо видеонови [re: Oшo]  
Автор Mиpo1Модератор ()
Публикувано12.05.12 21:29

С благодарност на Кайли

Тема Антология на живота на Ошо [re: Oшo]  
Автор Mиpo1Модератор ()
Публикувано12.05.12 21:49

Добри хора са направили нещо много полезно като са извадили от различните книги, писма, даршани, интервюта и прочие изказвания на Ошо в период от повече от 30 г. нещата, които касаят самия него, както и някои други специфични теми, и са ги подредили в хронологичен вид и по теми. Получило се е огромна база данни данни с над 1000 стр., която си намира тук (само в on-line вид):


Започва се с миналите му животи, минава през раждането, детството, всички периоди от живота му, смъртта му и след нея... Засегнати са най-различни негови споделяния (някои от които междувпрочем се срещат рядко в духовната литература) за неговото просветлението, какво се е променило в него, вкл. и чисто физически и т.н. Има също отделни глави със събрани изказвания за неща, които са били дискутирани тук в клуба като отношенията му по десетки най-различни теми (медитация, разни учения, любов, секс, взаимоотношения, известни духовни учители...), хората от които се е учил, откъде идват болестите му, историята с ролсовете и т.н. Въпреки, че мислех, че познавам относително добре виждането му по тези теми, открих много нови и интересни неща.

Понеже на горния линк нещата са само в он-лайн вид, който в различни случаи не е особено практичен, тези дни направих една програма, която "изсмука" всичките данни и ги компилира в два по-практични вида:
- една книга в Word формат (със съдъражние с хиперлинкове) съдържаща ВСИЧКО от горния линк;
- същата информация разбита в единини малки TXT файлове глава по глава (практично е за качвне и четене на мобилни телефони и PDA).
И двата файла, които са по около 1.7 МВ (съответно Osho's Life - Word.zip и Osho's Life - small txt.zip), са качени на в раздела книги.

П.П. По-долу е съдържанието, което се получи на въпросната книга Osho's Life.

*** PART I *** 8
Chapter 01: Osho's Past Lives 8
*** PART II 1931-1939 Kuchwada *** 12
Chapter 01: Osho’s parents’ marriage 12
Chapter 02: Unusual events while Osho is in his mother’s womb 13
Chapter 03: 1931 Osho is born in the village of Kuchwada 15
Chapter 04: Osho’s grandparents, Nani and Nana 18
Chapter 05: The family servant, Bhoora 23
Chapter 06: Osho argues with Nana's guru 26
Chapter 07: 1939 Death of Osho’s grandfather, Nana 31
*** PART III 1939-1951 Gadarwara *** 39
Chapter 01: 1939 Osho settles in Gadarwara with Nani, and his parent 39
Chapter 02: Osho’s paternal grandfather, Baba 42
Chapter 03: Osho and his father 44
Chapter 04: Swimming in the river, and early spiritual experiences 49
Chapter 05: Osho’s first day at school, and Shambhu Dube 52
Chapter 06: Osho’s early love of Books 59
Chapter 07: Osho’s early experiences with orthodox religions 60
Chapter 08: Village entertainment 74
Chapter 09: Other villagers 78
Chapter 10: Osho meets Mahatma Gandhi 81
Chapter 11: Influence of the mystic, Magga Baba 83
Chapter 12: Influence of mystics, Pagal Baba and Masto 85
Chapter 13: Osho's interest in death 92
Chapter 14: 1947 Indian Independence 95
Chapter 15: 1948 Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi 99
Chapter 16: Osho’s early experiences as story-teller and public speaker 100
Chapter 17: Osho’s growing library 103
Chapter 18: 1948 High School 105
Chapter 19: 1951 Osho leaves school, and decides to study philosophy 115
*** PART IV 1951-1957 University Student *** 118
Chapter 01: 1951 Osho moves to Jabalpur 118
Chapter 02: Osho confronts his professors 121
Chapter 03: Osho’s experiences as a Journalist 123
Chapter 04: Osho meets Poets and Musicians 124
Chapter 05: Influence of the mystic, Masto, continues 127
Chapter 06: Osho’sExperiences Leading to Enlightenment 129
Chapter 07: 1953 Osho’s enlightenment 136
Chapter 08: Osho describes Enlightenment 143
Chapter 09: Osho after his enlightenment 146
Chapter 10: Osho’s library grows 151
Chapter 11: Osho bluffs his way into D.N. Jain College 152
Chapter 12: Osho is invited to Sagar University for his MA, and is aided by vice chancellor, Dr Tripathi 153
Chapter 13: Osho excels in Public speaking 156
Chapter 14: Dr. Harisingh Gaur, the founder of Sagar University 158
Chapter 15: Osho’s professor, Dr. S.S. Roy 159
Chapter 16: Osho’s professor, Dr. S.K. Saxena 161
Chapter 17: Other professors 164
Chapter 18: Fellow Students 167
Chapter 19: 1957 Osho’s final examinations, and the gold medal 169
*** PART V 1957-1970 Teaching and Travelling *** 172
Chapter 01: Osho is appointed Professor at Sanskrit College, Raipur 172
Chapter 02: Osho visits his Family, his father wants him to marry 174
Chapter 03: Osho’s observations on Children 177
Chapter 04: Osho’s experiences in Raipur 178
Chapter 05: Osho as Professor of Philosophy, at Jabalpur University 182
Chapter 06: Colleagues and academics 189
Chapter 07: Osho’s experiences travelling in India 194
Chapter 08: Osho's Garden 204
Chapter 09: Examples of letters Osho wrote 205
Chapter 09: Examples of letters Osho wrote 207
Chapter 10: Letters to Mrs Parekh 209
Chapter 11: Rekhchand Parekh 211
Chapter 12: Osho’s experiences with: Medicine and 'Miracles' 213
Chapter 13: Hypnosis 219
Chapter 14: Remembering Past Lives 221
Chapter 15: Suicide 223
Chapter 16: Madness 224
Chapter 17: Osho explains Meditation 228
Chapter 18: Osho teaches friends meditation 231
Chapter 19: 1962 Osho opens his first Meditation Centres 234
Chapter 20: Osho holds Meditation Camps 235
Chapter 21: 1964 Ranakpur Meditation Camp 236
Chapter 22: Development of Osho's Teaching 240
Chapter 23: Osho’s interaction with: Jainas 245
Chapter 24: Hindus and gurus 250
Chapter 25: Sikhs and Punjabis 256
Chapter 26: Buddhists 257
Chapter 27: Mohammedans 260
Chapter 28: Christians 263
Chapter 29: Atheists 268
Chapter 30: Mystics and Disciples 269
Chapter 31: Aboriginals 275
Chapter 32: Gandhians and Politicians 278
Chapter 33: The Rich and The Royal 293
Chapter 34: The Poor and The Law 299
Chapter 35: 1966 Osho Resigns from the University 312
Chapter 36: Osho’s impressions on Love and marriage 315
Chapter 37: Traditional attitude to sex 319
Chapter 38: Osho’impressions on Hippies 329
Chapter 39: 1969 First Talk in English to Westerners 331
Chapter 40: Death 332
Chapter 41: Dwarka Meditation Camp Osho’s Teachings on Death 334
Chapter 42: 1970 Osho’s controversial discourse series: Beware of Socialism 336
Chapter 43: Osho’s New Chaotic Meditation Technique 341
Chapter 44: Osho attracts Controversy 350
Chapter 45: Osho stops travelling 355
*** PART VI 1970-1974 Bombay *** 357
Chapter 01: 1970 Osho moves to CCI Chambers, Bombay 357
Chapter 02: Osho begins Sannyas Initiations 358
Chapter 03: Osho’s Neo-Sannyas International Movement 370
Chapter 04: Death of Nani, Osho’s grandmother 372
Chapter 05: Osho’s discourse series: Geeta Darshan 374
Chapter 06: Osho moves to Woodlands Apartment 375
Chapter 07: Osho initiates Vivek, his long time attendant 376
Chapter 08: Old and new friends 377
Chapter 09: Osho's writing and Mulla Nasruddin 379
Chapter 10: Osho's Library 380
Chapter 11: 1971 Osho takes the controversial name Bhagwan 381
Chapter 12: Kirtan Mandali 385
Chapter 13: Early search for a New Commune 386
Chapter 14: Osho continues to lead Meditation Camps 390
Chapter 15: Dynamic Meditation 392
Chapter 16: Kirtan: devotional dance and song 396
Chapter 17: Laughing Meditation 396
Chapter 18: Tratak Meditation 397
Chapter 19: Gibberish Meditation 398
Chapter 20: Response to Meditations 399
Chapter 21: Osho’s Discourses 404
Chapter 22: Osho’s Shaktipat Experiments 405
Chapter 23: 1972 Osho’s discourse series: Vigyan Bhairava Tantra 406
Chapter 24: 1973 Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega 408
Chapter 25: Osho answers Questions: 409
Chapter 26: Questions about Meditation and Enlightenment 410
Chapter 27: Questions about Religion 412
Chapter 28: Questions about Esoterica 414
Chapter 29: People's problems 417
Chapter 30: Westerners 420
Chapter 31: Osho makes Predictions 425
Chapter 32: 1974 Osho Leaves Bombay for Poona 426
*** PART VII 1974-1981 Poona *** 428
Chapter 01: Osho goes into seclusion 428
Chapter 02: Osho’s garden 429
Chapter 03: Osho’s Discourses: My Way: The Way of the White Clouds 429
Chapter 04: Whirling Meditation 432
Chapter 05: The New Phase of Osho's Work 433
Chapter 06: Discourse Series on Many Masters 434
Chapter 07: Osho creates New Meditations-Kundalini-Nataraj-Nadabrahma-Gourishankar-Vipassana-Devavani-Mandala 438
Chapter 08: About Sannyas 441
Chapter 09: About Meditation - DM 444
Chapter 10: About Astral Projection 446
Chapter 11: About Problems 447
Chapter 12: Relationship and Sex 448
Chapter 13: About Babies 456
Chapter 14: About Children 459
Chapter 15: Conflict with Family 462
Chapter 16: Osho checks energy 464
Chapter 17: Leaving Darshans 466
Chapter 18: Sharing Osho's Vision 470
Chapter 19: Development of the Ashram 472
Chapter 20: Discourses: Hsin Hsin Ming, Nasruddin, Heraclitus, Tilopa 473
Chapter 21: 1975 Therapy and the Psychology of the Buddhas 475
Chapter 22: Osho guides group leaders 478
Chapter 23: Osho advises group participants 481
Chapter 24: Controversy about Sex & Violence in Therapy 483
Chapter 25: Osho initiates His Father into Sannyas 485
Chapter 26: Osho's Reading 486
Chapter 27: Hassids and Jews 487
Chapter 28: Music Group - Dance 488
Chapter 28: Music Group - Dance 491
Chapter 29: Celebrations - 1976 New Death Celebration 495
Chapter 30: Discourses: Zen 499
Chapter 31: Glimpses of Osho's Personal Life 499
Chapter 32: Vivek, Osho’s attendant 502
Chapter 33: Old and New Friends 504
Chapter 34: 1976 Ashram Expansion 506
Chapter 35: Reactions to Osho and his ashram 507
Chapter 36: Discourses bauls, Ashtevakra, Kabir, Saraha 510
Chapter 37: 1977 Osho develops the New Phase of His Work 512
Chapter 38: Discourses: Sufis 516
Chapter 39: The New Commune in Kutch, Gujarat 518
Chapter 40: Education in the New Commune 519
Chapter 41: Gautam Buddha's Prophesy and the Buddhafield 522
Chapter 42: 1978 Zorba the Buddha 525
Chapter 43: The New Man 526
Chapter 44: Discourses: The Secret of the Golden Flower 528
Chapter 45: Persecution by Morarji Desai 528
Chapter 46: Osho in the World Press 531
Chapter 47: Rich Man's Guru Accusation 533
Chapter 48: Osho comments on the Jonestown Massacre 535
Chapter 49: Discourses: Hakim Sanai, Pythagoras 537
Chapter 50: 1979 New Phase in Osho’s work: Energy Darshans 539
Chapter 51: Silence and the Dhammapada 541
Chapter 52: New Phase: Osho Criticizes the Masters 543
Chapter 53: Public Relations 544
Chapter 54: New Phase of Osho’s work: Mystery School 546
Chapter 55: Sannyasins are Friends not Followers 549
Chapter 56: Death of Osho's Father, and his Mahaparanirvana 550
Chapter 57: Discourses: Bodhidharma 553
Chapter 58: Osho’s First Rolls Royce 554
Chapter 59: Osho blesses Indira Gandhi 554
Chapter 60: Osho’s Jokes 555
Chapter 61: 1980 Attempted Assassination of Osho by Hindu fanatic 563
Chapter 62: Ashram Security Increases 565
Chapter 63: Local Violence against Sannyasins 565
Chapter 64: Persecution of Osho 566
Chapter 65: Discourses: The Classic of Purity, About Enlightenment, Desiderata 567
Chapter 66: New Phase: Osho Speaks His Own Truth 570
Chapter 67: Osho exposes Mother Teresa 572
Chapter 68: Religious Hostility 575
Chapter 69: Osho advises sannyasins on responding to negativity 578
Chapter 70: Osho's Books 581
Chapter 71: 1981 Death of Vimalkirti (Prince Welf), and his Mahaparanirvana 582
Chapter 72: World Expansion of Osho’s work 584
Chapter 73: Osho will go into Silence 586
Chapter 74: Osho flies to America for Medical Treatment 590
*** PART VIII 1981-1985 United States of America *** 592
Chapter 01: 1981 Osho visits New Jersey and the Commune in Oregon 592
Chapter 02: Osho enjoys Driving again 593
Chapter 03: Dental Sessions and three new books 594
Chapter 04: Osho’s personal daily life 601
Chapter 05: 1982 Osho gives darshan on the four Celebration Days 606
Chapter 06: Osho is interviewed by INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) 607
Chapter 07: Rajneeshism 609
Chapter 08: 1984 Osho advises AIDS precautions 610
Chapter 09: Osho declares twenty-one people enlightened 612
Chapter 10: Armed Guards 615
Chapter 11: Osho's deposition for a local court case 616
Chapter 12: Osho gives Discourses again after three years’ silence 617
Chapter 13: How Osho speaks 621
Chapter 14: Topics on which Osho speaks 623
Chapter 15: Osho invites scientists to set up a World Academy 629
Chapter 16: Osho gives his definition of a rebel 632
Chapter 17: Osho gives daily Press Interviews 634
Chapter 18: Osho’s interaction with reporters 638
Chapter 19: Osho's Personal Life 643
Chapter 20: Osho’s Rolls Royces 659
Chapter 21: About the Communes around the world 661
Chapter 22: Conspiracy to destroy Rajneeshpuram 667
Chapter 23: Security at the ranch increases 673
Chapter 24: International reaction to Osho and the Communes 674
Chapter 25: Osho’s secretary, Sheela leaves, and information about crimes 678
Chapter 26: Further information about crimes 684
Chapter 27: Osho exposes travesty of FBI and police agencies’ investigation 690
Chapter 28: Reaction in the Commune and the end of Rajneeshism, orange and malas 691
Chapter 29: Government and State conspiracies escalate 695
Chapter 30: Osho gives Guidelines for sannyasins 697
Chapter 31: Osho is kidnapped, tortured and ransomed by the US Government 705
Chapter 32: First Bail Hearing 711
Chapter 33: Osho is transported to Oklahoma Country Jail 713
Chapter 34: Help from the media 714
Chapter 35: Osho tortured, his experiences in jails 715
Chapter 36: Osho is transported to Portland via six airports 717
Chapter 37: Bail Hearing in Portland and bomb threat 718
Chapter 38: Portland court, Alford Plea. Ransom and order to leave the USA 719
*** PART IX 1985-1986 World Tour *** 722
Chapter 01: Cyprus overnight 722
Chapter 02: Kulu Manali, India 722
Chapter 03: Litigation against Osho 724
Chapter 04: Osho flies to Kathmandu, Nepal 726
Chapter 05: Osho announces his World Tour 728
Chapter 06: Osho and the Pope 731
Chapter 07: Threats to arrest Osho, who leaves Nepal 733
Chapter 08: Osho visits Crete 733
Chapter 09: Death of the mystic J. Krishnamurti, Osho’s tribute 735
Chapter 10: Development of Osho's work 737
Chapter 11: Osho is arrested and deported 739
Chapter 12: Osho is forced to leave, in Geneva, Sweden, London, Ireland, Spain 742
Chapter 13: American and German governments pressure Spain to refuse Osho’s visa 745
Chapter 14: Osho visits Uruguay, and creates a Mystery School 748
Chapter 15: Experiments in meditation with Hypnosis 751
Chapter 16: A few therapists betray Osho 755
Chapter 17: Osho is arrested and deported 757
Chapter 18: Osho returns to Bombay, and answers questions about his Sannyas Movement 759
Chapter 19: Osho announces his Upanishad 765
Chapter 20: Osho’s Interaction with sannyasins 774
Chapter 21: Persecution continues; Osho leaves Bombay 780
*** PART X 1987-1990 Poona-Two *** 784
Chapter 01: Policemen serve an Order to Leave 784
Chapter 02: The Police Commissioner's conditions 784
Chapter 03: American and Indian government persecution against Osho and sannyasins 787
Chapter 04: Osho's Garden 789
Chapter 05: The miracle of Osho's discourses 790
Chapter 06: Discourses: The silences 795
Chapter 07: Discourses: intimate and personal 799
Chapter 08: Osho is ill 801
Chapter 09: Growth of Osho's new commune 801
Chapter 10: Osho advises sannyasins on living in the world 805
Chapter 11: Russian Sannyasins, and Osho's prediction on Gorbachov 807
Chapter 12: Osho's Books; bad and good publicity 809
Chapter 13: Memorable discourses 813
Chapter 14: Death of Swami Maitreya, and his Mahaparanirvana 813
Chapter 15: Osho is ill again, and nearly dies 815
Chapter 16: Was Osho poisoned by the US government? 816
Chapter 17: Investigation of American persecution 818
Chapter 18: Discourses: the Mantra Series 821
Chapter 19: Buddha Hall roof and mosquito net 821
Chapter 20: Osho's personal life, and friends 822
Chapter 21: Osho is ill; he receives and comments on therapeutic bodywork 825
Chapter 22: Osho undergoes extensive dental work 827
Chapter 23: 1988 World Academy of Science for Creativity 827
Chapter 24: AIDS-Negative certificates required to enter the ashram 830
Chapter 25: Osho talks about Music 831
Chapter 26: The Mystic Rose 833
Chapter 27: Osho and a Hitler salute 834
Chapter 28: Let-go Meditation at the end of discourse and the Yaa-Hoo! Mantra salute 836
Chapter 29: Disturbances cause Osho to leave discourse 839
Chapter 30: The revolutionary new Mystic Rose Meditation 841
Chapter 31: Live Zen and drumbeat 843
Chapter 32: Gibberish and Meditation at the end of discourse 844
Chapter 33: Discourses on Zen 845
Chapter 34: Osho teases Niskriya stonehead 848
Chapter 35: This. This. A Thousand Times This 849
Chapter 36: Silence, bamboos, and cuckoos 851
Chapter 37: Haikus 853
Chapter 38: Meditation at end of discourse 854
Chapter 39: Sunglasses and the US presidential elections 857
Chapter 40: Osho's teases: Sardarji 858
Chapter 41: Osho inaugurates a Museum of Toy Gods 861
Chapter 42: Ma Tzu, and the great matter about Anando and Maneesha's jealousy 862
Chapter 43: Osho brings gifts: Zen sticks, Buddha statues, and swans 867
Chapter 44: Coleman Barks and sufism 869
Chapter 45: The Book of 300 Mystics 870
Chapter 46: Osho is ill 871
Chapter 47: Osho is recognised as Maitreya Buddha, and changes his name 872
Chapter 48: Long discourses: Osho emphasises urgency; he has not long to live 877
Chapter 49: Osho mentions his private life 879
Chapter 50: Controversy with: Buddhists 880
Chapter 51: Hindus 882
Chapter 52: Jainas 883
Chapter 53: Christians 883
Chapter 55: Communism 887
Chapter 56: Mohammedans 890
Chapter 57: Positive response to Osho around the world 891
Chapter 58: Osho's Artwork 893
Chapter 59: 1989 Osho's discourses: God is Dead: Now Zen is the Only Living Truth 894
Chapter 60: I Celebrate myself: God is No where, Life is Now Here 895
Chapter 61: The Zen Manifesto: Freedom from Oneself 896
Chapter 62: Name change to Osho Rajneesh 898
Chapter 63: Osho's last discourse series: The Zen Manifesto 898
Chapter 64: About reincarnation 898
Chapter 65: Osho gives advice about the Commune 901
Chapter 66: Osho emphasizes Zen and meditation 903
Chapter 67: Last discourse 904
Chapter 68: Notes about Osho until he leaves his body 19 Jan 1990 907
*** PART XI Epilogue *** 909
Chapter 01: Osho talks about when he leaves the body 909
Chapter 02: Osho talks about the continuation of his work 913
Chapter 03: Osho talks about his vision and books 915
Chapter 04: Advice to sannyasins who will miss him 918
Chapter 05: Further Reading 923
Chapter 06: Glossary 924
Chapter 07: Sources of Text-extracts 935

Тема Оранжевата книганови [re: Oшo]  
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Публикувано23.09.13 20:40

: Методи за медитации

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