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Тема През празното огледало...нови  
Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано02.09.11 12:32

Всеки получава това, от което има нужда.
Ошо беше , и е, едно празно парче огледало, минавайки през което, хората рано или късно, се връщат назад, към себе си.
"Ошо, как бих могъл да ти служа най-добре? "
Отговор: "Просто бъди, себе си".
Тази тема, е продължение на темата:"Благодаря ти, Ошо", която технически "натежа"..
Тук ще се опитам да систематизирам и представя, хората, които директно са се оглеждали в "огледалото", минали са през него и са намерили собствен път, към себе си.
Но преди това, да застанем пред огледалото:
- линк за сваляне,
и за гледане :

С Любов и Светлина

Редактирано от vidiya на 02.09.11 14:13.

Тема Re: През празното огледало...Krishna Prem(Michaelнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано04.09.11 21:45

Krishna Prem(Michael Mogul) - писател.
Наскоро излезе книгата му:"Gee You Are You"
Анотация към книгата:
Gee You Are You. As of right now, you no longer need to become anyone else. Or even a better you. You are perfect just the way you are. Krishna Prem has found the way to point out this essential truth that you are fine just the way you are, by using himself as the example. Krishna Prem left America over thirty years ago in search of himself. Arriving in India, he met his teacher and friend Osho, who simply said to Krishna Prem, "If you really want to know who you really are, be a joke unto yourself. Do not take yourself so seriously." Laugh with Krishna Prem and at the same time you may just find out how funny you are. Your ego is certainly a serious business. Laughter is the best medicine to move from mind to meditation. And when you finally begin to laugh at yourself from deep in your belly, you may well become aware of what is known in the East as the great "Cosmic Joke". Enjoy.

“I take my hat off to you.”
by Krishna Prem (Michael ‘the bike’ Mogul)
Видео с Кришна Прем:


Тема Re: През празното огледало...Новини от Кришна Премнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано04.09.11 21:53

For over thirty years now, I have been spending six months a year at the Osho Meditation Resort and six months a year in the West. While in India, I have always stayed in touch with my family and friends first through letters… you remember stamps, don’t you? And then by email. Now I am beginning a monthly newsletter whose sole aim is to make me a "joke unto myself".

"Buddha’s message in short is: Be a light unto yourself. And mine? Be a joke unto yourself!" - Osho.



Here is a small story to keep you warm...
When I grow up, I want to be a kid.
By Krishna Prem (Michael Mogul)
My body just turned sixty-five years old.
Thank heavens I am not my body. Or am I?
In any event, when my body was just shy of thirty I met Osho and I immediately began growing up instead of growing old.
A nice trick, picked up from a master magician.
At that time my brother Brian met his guru, Dr. Milton Erickson, of hypnosis fame. As brothers, we were always competitive, so why not have a friendly banter on whose guru knows more?
Certainly Osho won, in my humble opinion, hands down.
But one thing Milton Erickson said to my brother always stayed with me. Milton Erickson said to my bro, ''There are only three kinds of people on this earth: little sized kids, middle sized kids and big sized kids.''
For thirty years now, I have looked upon modern man trying to prove my brother's guru wrong, and shit if that guy didn't have something to say.
But after exhausting myself trying to grow up, I stumbled on an original answer.
Me… period.
Not a ‘somebody’ that grows up or down, although I guess you might call me a ‘nobody.’
In a humorous, funny sort of way, I have given this new ‘me,’ or better yet, this new ‘not me,’ the nickname Turiya.
As Osho has explained many times in his discourses, the word ‘Turiya’ refers to the fourth state of consciousness.
The first three we all know: waking sleeping and dreaming. Turiya simply means ‘the fourth,’ a humble kind of name, but with big implications, because it refers to the cosmic consciousness inside us all.
So I am now happy to announce that I have discovered a fourth kind of kid that I have nicknamed “my Turiya-sized kid.”
Yes I am still a kid, but a Turiya-sized kid. A kid who somehow ‘grew in,’ not a kid who grew up or old.
It's nice to be me now.
I am no longer growing.
I am no longer maturing.
It's simply OK.
As my friend Rahasya once said to me before she left my adopted home town of Amsterdam for Mill Valley, ''I don't know and I don't need to know.''
When Rahasya said this to me, almost matter-of-factly, over a beer at sunset in the Vondel Park, the penny dropped for me.
I actually don't know what she meant, but what I heard, in my inner gut, was, "Krishna Prem, when are you going to stop giving up the here-and-now, while you wait for a rosy future?"
And if you don't understand my gibberish, well, the old KP might have been sad about that, seeing how grown-up language just can’t convey what he really means.
But, as my Turiya-sized kid, I only need to throw you a bucket and spade and say, “Hey, there’s plenty of room in the sand box.”
That's how I feel. I am just a kid playing in the unknowable sand box.
I wear many hats of a big-sized kid.
I pay the rent.
I drive a car.
I act mature.
But as soon as I can, I take my hats off and relax.
In a sense, my ego is a hat – a hat that is really useful and practical these days as a bucket to fill with sand to make castles with.
What size kid are you? One that’s busy growing, busy postponing, waiting for the golden future, or the one that knows how to play?
Love, Krishna “The Turiya Sized Kid” Prem
Ps … It’s never too late to have a happy childhood. Or as George Bernard Shaw put it, "We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."

"And remember, and always keep it in your heart: truth, love, life, meditation, ecstasy, bliss, all that is true and beautiful and good, always exists as a paradox: in the world, and not of it; with people, yet alone; doing everything, and being inactive; moving and not moving; living an ordinary life, and yet not being identified with it; working as everybody else is working, yet remaining aloof deep down."

"Being in the world and not of the world, that is the paradox. And when you attain this paradox, the greatest peak happens to you: the peak experience."

Finally, I want to leave you with old joke about myself . . .

A man walking along a California beach was deep in prayer. All of a sudden, he said out loud, "Lord grant me one wish." Suddenly the sky clouded above his head and in a booming voice… The Lord said, "Because you have TRIED to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish."

The man said, "Build a bridge to Hawaii, so I can drive over anytime I want." The Lord said, "Your request is very materialistic. Think of the enormous challenges for that kind of undertaking. The supports required to reach the bottom of the Pacific! The concrete and steel it would take! I can do it, but it is hard for me to justify your desire for worldly things. Take a little more time and think of another wish, a wish you think would honor and glorify me."

The man thought about it for a long time. Finally he said "Lord, I wish that I could understand women. I want to know how they feel inside, what they are thinking when they give me the silent treatment, why they cry, what they mean when they say ’nothing’, and how I can make a woman truly happy."

The Lord replied, "You want two lanes or four on that bridge?"

Редактирано от vidiya на 04.09.11 22:06.

Тема Re: През празното огледало...Новини от КП 5нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Exaybachay ()
Публикувано04.09.11 23:49

ППППППАХАХАХХАХАХАХАХХАХАХАХАХА извинявай, че ще ти наруша темата, но с този последния пост наистина така ми направи настроението, че не знам кога ще ме хване сън тази нощ.
Та нека ти споделя един виц - не знам защо, но снимките ме сетиха за него.

Един го заболяло зъб и колегата му го посъветвал да си повтаря "не ме боли, не ме боли". Пробвал нашия и:
-Брей, работи, бе! - установил с изненада.
Оправил му се зъба и вечерта в къщи,след вечеря "посетил" жена си един път, втори, трети път ... тя много изненадана и доволна, но се учудила защо след всеки "път" съпруга й излиза на балкона за малко, та надникнала скришом и чула мъжа си да си говори:
... не е мойта, не е мойта, не е мойта

Редактирано от Exaybachay на 04.09.11 23:50.

Тема Re: През празното огледало...Новини от КП 5нови [re: Exaybachay]  
Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано05.09.11 00:01

Хахр споко....Това не е моя тема, а НАША!!!Добре си дошъл!!!

Тема Ошо цунаминови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Mиpo1Модератор ()
Публикувано05.09.11 02:09

Ти си като цунуми. Тиха спокойна, медитативна и ...изведнъж като ни залееш с толкова хубави неща... Хм, трябва време да ги пийна... Ще кажеш „Какво е това време?” И с право. Празното огледало е тук и сега и хайде да се хвърлим в него.

Тема Re: Ошо цунаминови [re: Mиpo1]  
Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано05.09.11 02:19

Хах, ти си опитен гмуркач и нямаш нужда от спасителен пояс...

Тема Re: През празното огледало...Новини от КП 7нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано05.09.11 02:47

Tiger or Cheetah...The Truth About
Relationships - продължение на страницата...

“As far as I am concerned and my concept of the new man and new woman is concerned, there should be equal opportunity for both. Not that you are the master and your woman is your slave; that she can remain satisfied with you, and you can go, once in a while, fooling around the neighborhood. She has every right to fool around in the same neighborhood! And there is no need to feel guilty; you have to help her not to feel guilty. It is a very strange phenomenon that woman's liberation will be man's liberation, too; their slavery is together. Because you don't allow your woman to be free, how can she allow you to be free? Freedom has to be, from both sides, a precious value -- loved, recognized, respected.”


Love and laughter, from Krishna Prem, the only ‘snow’ man you can trust!

Тема Re: Ошо цунами [re: Mиpo1]  
Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано05.09.11 12:01

Krishna Prem: Osho?
Osho: Yes?
KP: Can I ask you something?
Osho: Of course!
KP: What is a million years for you?
Osho: A second.
KP: And a million dollars?
Osho: A penny.
KP: Osho, Can you give me a penny?
Osho: Wait a second.

Тема Re: През празното огледало...Новини от КП 9 [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано06.09.11 10:28

“Nowhere is Now Here”

In the West, I am always in a rush. When I am in India, I am always waiting for a rush. No matter what, this very moment remains illusive. How about you...are you here now? Please take a moment to answer this simple quiz to see if you are living in the moment.

You are driving in a car at a constant speed. On your right side is a 'drop off ' (the ground is 18-20 inches below the level you are traveling on), and on your left side is a fire engine traveling at the same speed as you. In front of you is a galloping horse which is the same size as your car and you cannot overtake it. Behind you is another galloping horse. Both horses are also traveling at the same speed as you. What must you do to safely get out of this highly dangerous situation?

For the answer, click and drag your mouse from star to star.
“Have you seen a bullock-cart moving? The wheel moves goes on moving, but at the center of the wheel something remains permanent. On that permanent hub the wheel moves. On that unmoving hub the wheel's movement exists. Exactly like that, you have a hub -- that hub is unmoving; and you have a wheel-like personality that goes on moving. You have traveled far, thousands of miles and thousands of lives, and the wheel knows many roads and many paths, but the hub has remained where it is. Now you can look at reality in two ways: either from the wheel -- then everything is changing every moment; or from the hub -- then nothing is changing.”

“How to find this hub of life? -- by becoming a witness, one finds it. Somebody insults you, anger arises; you remain a witness. The insult comes from outside, the anger arises on the periphery, and you remain at the center, watching. Yes, somebody has done something, provoked your periphery, and there is anger on the periphery, and the anger is surrounding you like a smoke cloud, but you are at the hub, watching. You are not identified with the periphery. Then the insult is outside, and the anger is also outside of you. Both are separate and far away. Both are different from you.”

“When this awareness grows, dreaming stops, by and by. When this awareness grows, the wheel moves slower and slower. One day it happens: the wheel is as silent, as unmoving as the hub. That is the point when enlightenment happens.”


My feeling is that most of us deep meditators are in a rush because we agree with the Mayan Calendar that says the world is coming to an abrupt end 2012. Well I now have conclusive proof that the Mayans are from Venus and Men are from Mars.

“The past is yours, the future is yours, and the present is God's. We divide time into three tenses -- past, present, future -- but that division is not right. Time can be divided between the past and the future but the present is not part of time, it is part of eternity.”


Even God is concerned about the end of the world and has begun placing billboards on the super highways in America and the autobahn in Germany to improve his image in these most difficult times.

If you don't believe me, ask God. I overheard a scientist insisting, "Lord, we don't need you anymore. Science has finally figured out a way to create life out of nothing. In other words, we can now do what you did in the beginning. "

"Oh, is that so? Tell me..." replies God.

"Well", says the scientist, "we can take dirt and form it into the likeness of you and breathe life into it, thus creating man."

"Well, that's interesting. Show Me."

So the scientist bends down to the earth and starts to mold the soil.

"Oh no, no, no..." interrupts God, "get your own dirt."

Speaking of the inside dirt...I love this parable I recently received as an email over the innernet.

There once was a wise woman traveling in the mountains who found a precious
stone in a stream. The next day she encountered a traveler who was very
hungry and she opened her bag to share her food. The hungry traveler
seeing the precious stone asked if she would give it to him. She did so
without hesitation.

The traveler left, rejoicing in his good fortune. He knew that
the stone was worth enough to give him security for a lifetime.
But after only a few days, he returned to give the stone back to the woman.

I have been thinking, he said, I know how valuable the stone is, but I am
giving it back in the hope that you can give me something even more

What would that be? asked the woman.

I want you to give me what you have within you that enabled you to give me the stone.

Love is, Krishna Prem

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