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Тема Благодаря ти,Ошо!  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано20.01.11 00:03

Днес,в денят,в който Ошо напусна тялото си,не искам да говоря,а да помълча...Единственото,което бих искала да кажа,е:Благодаря ти ,Ошо!

Редактирано от vidiya на 20.01.11 00:34.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано20.01.11 00:10


Редактирано от vidiya на 20.01.11 00:47.

Тема Приятели на Ошо празнуватнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор MиpoМодератор ()
Публикувано20.01.11 14:22

Редактирано от Mиpo1 на 03.10.11 21:08.

Тема Re: Странната аритметика на любовтанови [re: Mиpo]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано20.01.11 17:23

"Relationship is a thing: you cling to it. Relating is a flow, a movement, a process. You meet a person, you are loving, because you have so much love to give — and the more you give, the more you have. Once you have understood this strange arithmetic of love: that the more you give, the more you have…. This is just against the economic laws that operate in the outside world. Once you have known that, if you want to have more love and more joy, you give and share, then you simply share. And whosoever allows you to share your joy with him or with her, you feel grateful to him or her. But it is not a relationship; it is a riverlike flow."

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано20.01.11 19:26

Един истински приятел като ОШО....!Без него сега нямаше да съм себе си -нямаше да съм тук и сега.......!!!!!

който търсил-намирал!

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор MиpoМодератор ()
Публикувано21.01.11 14:34

Only a person who becomes happy in every way in the worldly sense discovers for the first time that happiness has no substance. The unhappy person cannot know this. The unhappy person lives in the hope that if he can find worldly happiness then everything will be alright. The hope within an unhappy person is very alive. In the eyes of an unhappy man there is always a flame of hope. Only in the eyes of the so-called happy does this flame of hope vanish. This is why I continuously say that only the happy person, happy in the so-called worldly sense, can start off on the religious quest.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано21.01.11 16:20

"I am just myself. And I have no interpretation about myself, and there is no need. I am simply delighted in being myself! -- whatsoever that means. I am happy in being myself." - OSHO

Редактирано от vidiya на 21.01.11 17:10.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано21.01.11 17:36

"Man is a doer. Woman is a lover, not a doer. Man is the mind, woman is the heart. Man can create things, but cannot give birth to life. For that, receptivity is needed, receptivity of the earth. The seed falls into it, disappears underground, and one day a new life arises. That’s how a child is born. A womb is needed to give birth to God, OR, to give birth to yourself. You have to become a womb."
~ Osho

"To live happily with another person is the greatest challenge in the world. It is very easy to live peacefully alone, it is very difficult to live peacefully with somebody else, because two worlds collide, two worlds meet...totally different worlds. It is very difficult to be peaceful in a relationship, but that is the challenge. If you escape from that, you escape from maturity."
~ Osho

Редактирано от vidiya на 21.01.11 17:54.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Beдpocт ()
Публикувано22.01.11 00:12

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор lYl 13 (обективен)
Публикувано22.01.11 15:09

Също харесвам Ошо, но не го идеализирам и не идеализирам никого.

Когато видях тези 10 неща, които са наистина прекрасни като послания, се зарадвах спонтанно. Обаче след тях какво видях написано - Ошо, 8 април, 1970. Сякаш това не е универсално достояние на всеки, а трябва да се приписва като "Ошо"-во изобретение и авторско право.

А най-добрият вариант е да нямаше след написаното никакво име и авторство, просто Послание от Нищото!

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: Beдpocт]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано22.01.11 15:10

"The process of thought ever denies love. It is thought that has emotional complications, not love. Thought is the greatest hindrance to love. Thought creates a division between 'what is' and 'what should be', and on this division morality is based; but neither the moral nor the immoral know love. This moral structure, created by the mind to hold social relationships together, is not love, but a hardening process like that of cement.

Thought does not lead to love, thought does not cultivate love; for love cannot be cultivated as a plant in the garden. The very desire to cultivate love is the action of thought.

If you are at all aware you will see what an important part thought plays in your life. Thought obviously has its place, but it is in no way related to love. What is related to thought can be understood by thought, but that which is not related to thought cannot be caught by the mind. You will ask, then what is love?

Love is a state of being in which thought is not; but the very definition of love is a process of thought, and so it is not love. "

Редактирано от vidiya на 22.01.11 15:14.

Тема Нищо и Нещонови [re: lYl 13]  
Автор MиpoМодератор ()
Публикувано23.01.11 19:51

Не видях някой да идеализира Ошо. Нито пък Ошо учи да се идеализира.

Ако тези 10 неща са казани от Ошо, какво лошо има да се каже кой е авторът им? Ако ги кажеш ти, сложи твоето име, няма лошо. Името е практично с това, че ако нещо изказано от един човек ти е харесало, следващият път може да следиш за други негови изказвания.

А иначе всичко идва от Нищото. Включително и милионите приказки из ДИР форумите. Даже някой може да каже, че повечето от тях са самото олицетворение на нищото. Поне за мен при Ошо има и НЕЩО.

Тема Re: Нищо и Нещонови [re: Mиpo]  
Автор lYl 13 (обективен)
Публикувано24.01.11 11:03

Няма лошо да стои нечие име, но най-добрият вариант според мен е да няма. Особено след такива мъдри слова, които са малко по-непреходни от обикновените приказки.

При Ошо (и разбира се далеч не само при него) мисля, че е важно да се отбележи, че присъства силно личният елемент, гуру-центризмът, себе-възвеличаването. До голяма степен и учениците допринасят за гуру-центризма, защото имат нужда от идол, от някого, когото да следват.

Съответно и гуру-центрическите школи не са напълно коректни към човека и това трябва да се има предвид, затова и забележката ми е уместна - никой не заслужава идеализиране!

Тема Re:Благодаря, lYl 13!!!нови [re: lYl 13]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано24.01.11 18:13

Благодаря,IYI 13 !!!
Чувстваш ли се идиализиран/а ,от това,че се обръщам, с благодарност към теб,IYI 13?По същия начин,по който изказвам и благодарноста си към Ошо?Означава ли обикновената,човешка благодарност,идеализиране?
И отново-благодаря ти,IYI 13 ,че сподели мнението си тук!

Редактирано от vidiya на 24.01.11 18:31.

Тема Re:Благодаря, lYl 13!!!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор lYl 13 (обективен)
Публикувано24.01.11 18:41

Не съм писал такова нещо, нито пък съм писал и че ти конкретно идеализираш Ошо. Но култът, създаден към него, ме кара да мисля, че твърде много хора го идеализират.

Тема Re:Благодаря, lYl 13!!!нови [re: lYl 13]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано24.01.11 21:39

"Life is not a tragedy, it is a comedy.
To be alive means to have a sense of humor."
~ Osho

Редактирано от vidiya на 24.01.11 21:40.

Тема Re:Благодаря, lYl 13!!!нови [re: lYl 13]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано24.01.11 22:26

Защо не!!!!

който търсил-намирал!

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: totori]  
Автор L.L. (хилеща се котка)
Публикувано24.01.11 22:41

Много яки клипчета - благодаря!

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: L.L.]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано24.01.11 22:50

Кви са тия бойци ще се трепем ли какво

който търсил-намирал!

Тема Re:Благодаря, lYl 13!!!нови [re: totori]  
Автор Beдpocт ()
Публикувано24.01.11 23:05


Тема Re:Благодаря, lYl 13!!!нови [re: Beдpocт]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано24.01.11 23:17

И още как!!!

който търсил-намирал!

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: totori]  
Автор L.L. (хилеща се котка)
Публикувано24.01.11 23:26

ц. жа ги вррртим

Тема Re:Благодаря, lYl 13!!!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор lYl 13 (обективен)
Публикувано24.01.11 23:50

Айде де, пиши нещо от тебе, нищо че клубът се казва "Ошо". Нема се замерваме само с "негови" думи я!

Тема Re:Благодаря, lYl 13!!!нови [re: totori]  
Автор Beдpocт ()
Публикувано24.01.11 23:52

лека нощ!

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: L.L.]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано24.01.11 23:52

Бая материал събрах......

Сега е мой ред...нещо с достойнство!

който търсил-намирал!

Тема Re:Благодаря, lYl 13!!!нови [re: totori]  
Автор lYl 13 (обективен)
Публикувано24.01.11 23:54

Хм, гуру-центризмът на Ошо е бил доста по-зловещ и по-малко наивен, чист и невинен от изявите на тези дечица.

Къде ти брадатият демон-гуру с неговото гуру-позьорство, къде ти невинното излъчване на това детенце...

Тема Re:Благодаря, lYl 13!!!нови [re: lYl 13]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано24.01.11 23:59

Незнам не познавам лично ошо....познавам само неговите лекции!

който търсил-намирал!

Тема Re:Благодаря, lYl 13!!!нови [re: lYl 13]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано25.01.11 01:26

Хахах,Благодаря ти !

Редактирано от vidiya на 25.01.11 01:38.

Тема Re:Благодаря, lYl 13!!!нови [re: totori]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано25.01.11 01:30

Хахахаха..Благодаря,Тотори,за партито,което спретна...

Редактирано от vidiya на 25.01.11 02:11.

Тема Re:Благодаря, lYl 13!!!нови [re: lYl 13]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано25.01.11 02:17

Това,което искам да ти кажа,е ясно иразено в клипчето.
От своя страна,аз пак ще благодаря на Ошо,за това,което имах да ти кажа...

Редактирано от vidiya на 25.01.11 02:38.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: totori]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано25.01.11 02:21

Тема Re:Благодаря, lYl 13!!!нови [re: Beдpocт]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано25.01.11 02:39

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: L.L.]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано25.01.11 03:12

Тема Re:Osho Sky Celebrationsнови [re: lYl 13]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано25.01.11 13:24

"Особено след такива мъдри слова, които са малко по-непреходни от обикновените приказки"

Текста,в клипа ,говори сам за себе си...Дева Премал и Митен,ЛИЧНО са се докоснали до мъдроста на Ошо.По този начин,с тази песен,те изразяват любовта и благодарноста си към Ошо,към което,и аз с удоволствие се присъединявам.

Редактирано от vidiya на 25.01.11 13:49.

Тема Re: Нищо и Нещонови [re: Mиpo]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано25.01.11 14:41

Благодаря ти,Мирко!

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано25.01.11 18:03

И тези не са за изхвърляне!

който търсил-намирал!

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: totori]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано25.01.11 18:08

Наистина!Благодаря ти!

Тема Re:Благодаря, lYl 13!!!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано25.01.11 18:18


който търсил-намирал!

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано25.01.11 18:23

Е хубаво де!!!!

който търсил-намирал!

Тема Re:Благодаря, lYl 13!!!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Beдpocт ()
Публикувано25.01.11 21:27



Тема Благодаря ти, Видия!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор MиpoМодератор ()
Публикувано26.01.11 14:51

Аз съм на мнение, че е хубаво да се благодари не само на Земята, Цялото, Нещото и Нищото, но и на конкретни хора. Поименно и специално.

Благодря ти, че те има, Видия! Благодаря ти, че ме вдъхновяваш... Че мога да се оглеждам в теб... Че може да се разбираме без думи... Че може да се сливаме...

Тема Re: Благодаря Мирко,Тотори,ЛЛ,Ведрост,Иви 13 и.. !нови [re: Mиpo]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано26.01.11 19:15

Искам да споделя,едно откровение на Ошо,което,макар и тромаво,се опитах да преведа..Както винаги,Ошо е толкова красноречив,че на мен ми се иска,отново да помълча:

„....Вивек вече втори по ред живот ме обича .Ако я попитате ,защо ме обича ,няма да получите отговор.Тя може да почне да да плаче,да се смее или да танцува.Но тя няма да ви обясни,причината,защото причина,просто няма Любовта не е количествено измерение,не може да се обича много и не много.Преди няколко дни,излезе новата ми книга,първият екземпляр,винаги давам на Вивек.Аз написах:”С любов,за Вивек.”
- А защо не ,с гореща любов? – попита тя. Това не е важно-обясних и аз.Аз мога просто да обичам.Любовта-е любов.В нея няма логика,горещо или студено.Нищо не може да повика просветлението.Вие спите,аз-викам.Тия дни,Вивек ми каза:”Тази сутрин ти толкова силно викаше,че цялата треперех,нервите ми са опънати до краен предел.”Отлично,ще трябва да повикам повече,с течение на времето ,вие вече няма да успете да избягате от събуждането.
Вивек ми е толкова близка,тя е постоянно,все едно виси на креслото ми.Не може да бъде по друг начин,на нея наистина и идва тежко.Да бъде някой с мен,не е лесно.И колкото сте по-близко до мен,толкова повече ви се налага да се преобразявате.Колкото по-близко сте до мен,толкова по-големи стават отговорностите ви. Колкото по-ясно усещаш недостойнството си ,толкова по-добре чувстваш,как да станеш по-достоен,а целта изглежда съвсем недостъпна.
Вие ме питате : " Какво правиш с Вивек ?"
Аз бавно я убивам.Само така,тя може да получи ново битие,да се прероди.Ако вие сте с мен,вие все едно,че висите на креслото ми,а това не е лесно.
Иисус е бил разпънат на кръста.И така,Вивек,си изпълнява домашната работа ,това е всичко.Аз постоянно и давам нови задачи.Разбира се,че тя има да учи повече уроци, отколкото вие.
Попитайте Вивек,как тя се чувства.Преди няколко дни ,тя ми каза:”Ти си по-лош от Гурджиев”.За мен,това е прекрасен комплимент.Гурджиев се е държал много лошо с учениците си,а Вивек,утвърждава,че аз съм по-лош от него.Но аз я разбирам.Аз действително жестоко се държа с учениците си и колкото сте ми по-близки,толкова ви е по-трудно.
Гудия ( Вивек ) знае ,че аз говоря на сън.Горката Гудия!Аз говоря с нея,а тя се безпокои и мисли, защо говоря и с кого.Тя се безпокои за това,дали аз действително спя,всъщност.
Вие трябва да знаете за това:Всеки ден ,аз слушам песните на Нурихана,знаменитата певица на урд.Всекидневно,преди да дойда на лекция,аз слушам нейните песни.Тя може да ви подлуди.Аз зная,какво е това.Аз пея тези песни на Гудия ( Вивек ) ежедневно. И на нея и се налага,да ги слуша,тя не може да избегне това.
В песните,които и се налага да слуша всеки ден,и които тя ще слуша всеки ден,се казва:”ТИ-си най-красивата жена в цял свят!Аз не зная,позна ли ме или не.Наверно,ти не помниш това,но аз помня.Аз не мога да забравя това,думите,които ми прошепна.Ти ,често ми казваше,че любовта ти е безкрайна.Помниш ли още това?Навярно,не , но аз помня,не напълно,разбира се,времето помогна за това.
Аз съм полуразрушен дворец,но ако се вгледаш внимателно,ти ще видиш,че съм същия.Аз все още помня думите ти,любовта ти.Доверието ,което някога беше между нас,помниш ли го,до ден-днешен?Аз не зная,как е при теб,но аз все едно-помня.” Защо аз пея през цялото време песента на Нурихана?Това е по-своему,като бор-машина.Това не е пробиване на дупка в зъба,но това е повторяне на красотата и нейният език,е прекрасен.
Аз никога не съм благодарил,Вивек,за всякакви дребни неща.Нейното служене е по-висшо,от всяка дума.Безполезно е ,да и благодаря,думите на благодарност никога не могат да бъдат толкова дълбоки,че да бъдат истински.Последните няколко месеца бяха много сложни,беше ми много сложно,да оставам в тялото си.Много години(30),тя прекрасно ми служеше,тя беше моя сянка,правеше хиляди неща.Преди да я помоля за нещо,тя вече знаеше,какво ми е нужно.как мога да и се отблагодаря?Това е невъзможно.Английската дума за благодарност,е толкова отдалечена...
Гудия понякога се ядосва,но това не ми пречи.Тя не може по-друг начин,това е просто невъзможно за нея.Просто,всеки може да се ядоса,особенно-жена,особенно,ако и се налага да се намира двадесет и четири часа от денонощието с някакъв човек ,дори нещо повече,с такъв човек,като мен,толкова лош,толкова труден,който постоянно се опитва да прави забележки,който не ви позволява да си отидете в къщи,който постоянно ви казва:”Скачай,преди да мислиш!”

Редактирано от vidiya на 26.01.11 19:26.

Тема Re: Благодаря Мирко,Тотори,ЛЛ,Ведрост,Иви 13 и.. !нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано26.01.11 20:06


Разкарайте комплексарите от сайта

Тема Re: Благодаря Мирко,Тотори,ЛЛ,Ведрост,Иви 13 и.. !нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор L.L. (хилеща се котка)
Публикувано26.01.11 20:19

Тема Пътянови [re: vidiya]  
Автор MиpoМодератор ()
Публикувано01.02.11 14:06

"Love is a dangerous path and only those who have courage can travel it" /from "A bird on the Wing"

Love is a mirror. A real relationship is a mirror in which two lovers see each other's faces and recognize God. It is a path towards God. /from "Ah, This!"
(хм, в много други системи обичащите се трябва да гледат за Бога някъде навън, но определно не един към друг)

"THERE ARE TWO PATHS TO THE ULTIMATE TRUTH. The first is of self-cultivation and the second is of enlightenment. The first is basically wrong. It only appears to be a path; it is not. One goes on and on in circles, but one never arrives. The second does not appear to be a path because there is no space for a path when something happens instantly, when something happens immediately. When something happens without taking any time, how can there be a path?

This paradox has to be understood as deeply as possible: the first appears to be the path but is not; the second appears not to be a path but is. The first appears to be a path because there is infinite time; it is a time phenomenon But anything happening in time cannot lead you beyond time; anything happening in time only strengthens time.

Time means mind. Time IS a projection of mind. It does not exist; it is only an illusion. Only the present exists -- and the present is not part of time. The present is part of eternity. Past is time, future is time; both are non-existential. The past is only memory and the future is only imagination; memory and imagination, both are non-existential. We create the past because we cling to memory; clinging to the memory is the source of the past. And we create the future because we have so many desires yet to be fulfilled, we have so many imaginations yet to be realized. And desires need a future like a screen onto which they can be projected.

The second path -- the path of enlightenment, Zen Masters have always called the pathless path because it does not appear to be a path at all. It cannot appear as a path, but just for the purposes of communication we will call it "the second path," arbitrarily. The second path is not part of time, it is part of eternity. Hence it happens instantaneously; it happens in the present. You cannot desire it, you cannot be ambitious for it." /from "Ah, This!"

Редактирано от Mиpo1 на 03.10.11 21:22.

Тема Re: Of Time...нови [re: Mиpo]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано01.02.11 19:57

Благодаря,за мига от вечноста...

Редактирано от vidiya на 01.02.11 19:58.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Prem ()
Публикувано01.02.11 20:10

Дълбок поклон!

Тема Re: Namaste,Prem!нови [re: Prem]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано02.02.11 12:41


Редактирано от vidiya на 02.02.11 12:42.

Тема Re: My love asked me:нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано02.02.11 12:52

My love asked me:
"What is the difference between me and the sky?"
The differenc...e is that
if you laugh, my love,
I forget the sky.

Редактирано от vidiya на 02.02.11 12:53.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: Prem]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано02.02.11 13:53

♥ In the words of Beloved Master Anand Sarmad ♥

@ "G. I. Gurdjieff" and gentlemen, My most beloved Master G. I. Gurdjieff appeared in a dream to me, 30years ago, as soon as I had just have finished reading P. D. Ouspenskys book "In Search of the Miraculous". At the time I didn't have any idea about His existence but the impact of the dream was tremendous on me because I couldn't contain the meaning of the happening... ~ I was in Paris in mid '20s and I entered a cafe, as I stood in the entrance I saw Him sitting in a table, talking to His wife...A great anger arose in me and in utter desperation I screamed at Him "All those years of action and now WHAT?"!!! ...He quitely stood up and started walking towards me...as He approached, His eyes became bigger and bigger, until I was disolved in them...!

After a few months, in spring '80, my search led me to Poona where I first met Osho and fell in love with Him....

Few months later I saw Gurdjieff again in a dream, were He took the table of my house, broke it, took three of its legs and used them to make a ...wheel with three spikes, which He offered to me! Then He took me, putting His arm on my shoulders and led me outside, where He indicated to me a cart with three such wheels which had a certain difference from normal wheels...

Later I took sannyass from Osho, and He gave me the name Anand Sarmad... Still later I had certain revelations combining Gurdjieffs, Oshos and Buddhas teachings and I realised the true meaning of my name... Years later I came across ancient Sufi mystic Sarmads poems, where in the preface of the book the commentator said that the word sarmad means ...Perpetual Motion!

Since then They came several times to me and finally, they, after meeting me, left in utter joy, dancing!

The Master is always ONE still being unique!

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано02.02.11 14:49

I merged so completely with Love, and
Was so fused, that I became Love
And Love became me.

Тема Re: Seeing you... yes, I always cryнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано02.02.11 15:12

YES, WHENEVER I LOOK AT YOU. You may not see my tears, you may not hear my cry, but when I look at you the cry is always there. Because of that, I go on working on you. It is not only to help you to come out of your misery; it is to help myself also. If you come out of your misery, I will come out of my misery that is created by your misery. OSHO


YES, WHENEVER I LOOK AT YOU. You may not see my tears, you may not hear my cry, but when I look at you the cry is always there. Because of that, I go on working on you. It is not only to help you to come out of your misery; it is to help myself also. If you come out of your misery, I will come out of my misery that is created by your misery.

It is said that when Buddha reached to the door of the ultimate he stopped there; he wouldn't enter. The door was open, the devas, the gods, were ready to welcome him in, but he wouldn't enter. The DEVAS asked him, "Why are you standing there? Come in. We have been waiting for many ages. You are welcome. You have returned home."

Buddha said, "I will stay here, I will have to stay here. Until the last human being passes by me and enters the door, I cannot enter."

This is a beautiful parable. Don't take it literally....

But it is true. Once you become aware, once you become a being -- once you ARE -- infinite compassion arises in you. Buddha has made compassion the criterion of enlightenment. Once you have attained you don't suffer for yourself, but you suffer for others -- seeing the misery all around, seeing the whole absurdity of it; seeing the possibility that you can come out of it immediately, right now, and still you go on clinging.

By one hand you push it away, by another hand you pull it close. You go on creating your own prisons and still you would like to be free. Your whole effort is just contradictory. You want to come to the east and you go towards the west.

Seeing you... yes, I always cry.


An atom walks into a bar, orders a beer, takes a sip and breaks into tears.
Bartender comes over and asks "Hey pal, what's the matter?"
Atom says "I think I just lost an electron!"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm POSITIVE!"

Редактирано от vidiya на 02.02.11 15:23.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: Mиpo]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано02.02.11 15:58

That is the simple secret of happiness.
Whatever you are doing, don’t let past move your mind;
don’t let future disturb you.
Because the past is no more, and the future is not yet.
To live in the memories, to live in the imagination,
is to live in the non-existential.
And when you are living in the non-existential,
you are missing that which is existential.

Naturally you will be miserable,
because you will miss your whole life.


Редактирано от vidiya на 02.02.11 16:22.

Тема Re: Namaste,vidiya!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Prem ()
Публикувано02.02.11 23:18

Удоволствието е изцяло мое.

Тема The Last Namaste Oshoнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано03.02.11 03:15

Видеото е от януари 1990 г,два дни ,преди Ошо да напусне тялото си.

Редактирано от vidiya на 03.02.11 03:17.

Тема Ошо(на)воднениенови [re: vidiya]  
Автор MиpoМодератор ()
Публикувано04.02.11 15:14

Това с с всичките тези видеа, снимки и линкове си е истинско Ошо(на)воднение...

Ошо потоп... Даже и аз не смогвам да видя всичко... Но какво по-хубаво от това. Благодаря ти.

Тема Re: Osho-Loveнови [re: Mиpo]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано17.02.11 11:11

Тема Re: Osho-Love за всичкинови [re: vidiya]  
Автор МироМодератор ()
Публикувано17.02.11 14:29

Толкова хора заявиха в другата тема с действията си, че са заинтересовани от Ошо по един или друг начин. А някои се срамуват да му благодарят тук след като са чели и писали в клуба му с години. Ошо любовта обаче е за всички.

Тема Re: Osho-Loveнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано01.03.11 10:55

"Charity simply means an unconditional sharing. It has nothing to do with the eyes and nothing to do... with the visual world and its abandonment. It simply means you have something; you should enjoy to share it. Don’t be a miser. Don’t hold on to it because this whole life is going to end one day and you will not be able to take anything with you.

So while you are alive, why not share as much as you can? Things which can be taken away any moment …it is better that you share them. And it is a great joy to share. The man who learns the art of sharing is the richest man in the world. He may be poor, but his inner being has a quality of richness that even emperors may feel jealous of."
~ Osho


Leela Leela, this world is just a game,
Winners lose and loser...s win the game is still the same.
Leela, Leela, this life is just a play,
Those who say don't know and those who know don't say.

Честита Баба Марта!С любов и радост от живота

Редактирано от vidiya на 01.03.11 12:07.

Тема Re: Osho-мартеницанови [re: vidiya]  
Автор МироМодератор ()
Публикувано04.03.11 10:49

Бях сигурен, че ще намериш Ошо с мартеница...

Тема Re: Osho-Love за всичкинови [re: Миро]  
Автор Пpakтичнo-Poмaнтичнa (член)
Публикувано04.03.11 16:12

БЛАГОДАРЯ на ОШО за ТАНТРАТА.Тя бе 1-но от нещата,които ме върна към ЖИВОТА.

Тема Re: Osho-Loveнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Пpakтичнo-Poмaнтичнa (член)
Публикувано04.03.11 16:14

Да пратя ли обувчици за крачетата на мартеничката,та да не и е студеничко?Или терлички?

Тема Re: Osho-Loveнови [re: Пpakтичнo-Poмaнтичнa]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано12.03.11 18:47

"Nobody can teach you love. Love you have to find yourself, within your being, by raising your consciousness to higher levels. And when love comes, there is no question of responsibility. You do things because you enjoy doing them for the person you love. You are not obliging the person, you are not even wanting anything in return, not even gratitude. On the contrary, you are grateful that the person has allowed you to do something for him. It was your joy, sheer joy.~ Osho"

Споделяй, с любов и радост

Редактирано от vidiya на 12.03.11 19:00.

Тема Re: Osho-мартеницанови [re: Миро]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано12.03.11 19:06

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано12.03.11 20:53

Блгодаря му за равновесието което постигнах !

.....по терлички!

Тема Re: OSHO-THE DISTURBER OF MY SLEEPнови [re: totori]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано14.03.11 13:19

"The real mystic, the real artist, is one who knows the other meaning of self-consciousness: he is simply conscious of himself. He does not need anybody else's attention, he is enough unto himself. He can be silently sitting and enjoying himself; he does not need anybody. His life is of awareness, he moves with awareness, his each step is full of light..." - OSHO

"You too need strong electric shocks. Hence, many times I say things that give ...you a jolt, a shock. And this process that I have been calling meditation is exactly electric shock treatment. It will create so many tremors in you that you will become an earthquake—and not until you are an earthquake will you break out of your sleep….
All meditation techniques are techniques to shake you, to jolt you awake." - OSHO

Редактирано от vidiya на 14.03.11 14:22.

Тема Re: Osho-Love за всичкинови [re: Пpakтичнo-Poмaнтичнa]  
Автор МирошоМодератор ()
Публикувано17.03.11 15:06

Ще споделиш ли за това? Не знаех, че ти е била интересна тантрата на Ошо.

Тема TranZenDanceнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор МирошоМодератор ()
Публикувано17.03.11 16:11


Редактирано от Мирошо на 17.03.11 16:46.

Тема Re: OSHO-THE DISTURBER OF MY SLEEPнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано19.03.11 20:44

спец.поздрав за теб.
СЪС всеки ден аз се отдалечавам от ошо....можеби така ми е писано!
Опитвам се да върна миговете но не става....трябва да продължа пътя си към корените ...на индийската мистика!

.....по терлички!

Тема Re: TranZenDanceнови [re: Мирошо]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано19.03.11 20:47

Надявам се новият ти ник да ти напомня п

овече за ошо отколкото за дао!

.....по терлички!

Тема Re: OSHO-THE DISTURBER OF MY SLEEPнови [re: totori]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано20.03.11 13:03

Your words, those pearls of oceans deep,
turn stones into rubies and give ecstasy to everyone.

Благодаря ти,за красивата рага...
Ето ти нещо и от мен:

Happy Holi!

In our life there is a single color,
as on an artist's palette,
which provides the meaning of life and art.
It is the color of love.

Редактирано от vidiya на 20.03.11 13:39.

Тема Re: TranZenDanceнови [re: Мирошо]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано20.03.11 13:24


Тема Re: The day you can start finding me wherever youнови [re: totori]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано20.03.11 15:25

Can you say something about coming to the master and going back to the world?

Osho: You need not be worried if you have found the master in me. Then ...wherever you are you will find me very close, nearby — just following you like a shadow. But if you get lost into the world, that will also be a good experience, to understand that you have not found the master. In any case, these are the only two alternatives— either you will find me in your gratitude, in your love, in your peace, in your silence, in your meditations, in your joy, or you will forget about me in the crowd. In both of the ways it will be a beautiful experience and a beautiful test.

I want everybody here… those who are essential to run the commune should remain here; otherwise, people should come and go. They can manage it to be here for three months— be here three months and go back into the world.

The day you can start finding me wherever you are is the greatest day of your life. I would like my people to remember it: never advise unless it is your experience.

In the world, advice is the only thing which everybody gives and nobody takes, so why bother?

Everybody enjoys giving advice and nobody ever takes it, and the reason is that everybody knows that advice is meant for others—not for yourself.

I would like my people to remember: never advise, unless it has been your own authentic experience.

Then too you can simply say, "This has been my experience. It is not necessary that it will be right for you — you can experiment. If you feel that it brings more harmony to your life, more joy, you can go ahead. If you feel it is not bringing anything…because individuals are different. What fits me may not fit you, what is medicine to me may be simply poison to you."

An absolutely alert man is always alert about what advice to give and what not to give. Even if he gives advice, it is always conditional—conditional upon experiment. He says it only as a hypothesis: "You try a little bit—perhaps it works. If it works, good. If it does not work, don't go on doing it. It has helped me, that's true, but that does not mean that it will help everybody on the earth."

People are different; each individual is unique, and each individual needs a unique way that suits him.

The greatest miracle in the world is that you should dance and disappear in the dance— then let the dance do whatever it can do. That you should love and disappear in the love — then let the love do whatever it can do. You cannot claim that you are doing it— you have already disappeared. In your disappearance is the whole possibility of some miracle happening.

So please don't guess; otherwise deep inside your love will remain half-hearted— you are doing it for some purpose. And when love becomes a purpose it is no longer love. Your joy will become phony, because if you are joyful so something can happen in the world, you are not really joyful—you are using joy. And if your dance is a means towards an end, it cannot be total. Unless your dance is an end in itself, there is no possibility of its being total. And only a total dance, an authentic love, a whole-hearted joy, perhaps may create some miracles around you. But you will not be the one who has done them; you will not be the one who can brag about them. They will happen only when you are not.

God happens only when you have moved out of the way and left yourself totally empty, spacious. It is a very strange phenomenon: The guest only comes inside the house when the host disappears.

On the surface it seems everything is going perfectly well, but deep down there is great turmoil in the unconscious layers of human beings. You are not even aware of your own unconscious nightmares, but humanity is suffering as it has never suffered before. It is restless as it has never been before. It has forgotten the language of relaxation, it has forgotten the language of totality, it has forgotten the language of intensity.

And all those qualities are needed to make your meditation a revolution in your being.

It is not a question of morality, not a question of character, not a question of virtue — religions have been concerned with all those things for thousands of years, and they have not been successful in changing man. It is a totally different approach, a different dimension: the dimension of energy and the concentration of energy.

And just as atomic energy is the explosion of a small atom into its constituents of electrons, protons and neutrons — it is not visible to the eyes, but the explosion is so vast that it can destroy a great city like Nagasaki or Hiroshima— exactly parallel is the inner explosion of the living cell.

The atomic energy is outside and destructive— objective and destructive. The inner energy, the subjective cell of your being, has the same qualities, the same tremendous power once it explodes — but it is creative.

It is a chain reaction: one cell inside you explodes, and then other cells inside you start exploding in a chain.

The whole life becomes a festival of lights. Every gesture becomes a dance; every movement becomes sheer joy….

I am trying to change the whole pattern of religious thinking.

I am trying to say to you: This is your home; this very moment is your paradise.

It all depends on you.

You do not need to be virtuous to dance totally; you do not need to be learned to dance totally; you do no need to be pious to dance totally. To dance totally, all that is needed is that we accept the reality only of this moment. We will accept the reality of the next moment when it arrives, but we will not be waiting for it. All the religions have been teaching you to wait. I am teaching to live, to love, to dance, to sing—and don't wait.

I used to be very hopeful. Still, I go on hoping against hope that perhaps, in a very dangerous situation, man may awaken. But there seems to be a sadness in my heart because I can see that if nothing is done, then this century is going to be our end. And not only our end, but the end of the whole of existence's dream of creating consciousness…

My sadness is not about myself.

I am absolutely contented.

Death cannot take anything from me.

My sadness is concerned with the whole of humanity, because their death will take away any opportunity of their becoming enlightened, of their becoming blissful, of their knowing meaning and significance.

They have lived in darkness.

Are they going to die in darkness too?

I would like my people, at least, not to waste time in postponing their own growth, because politicians are absolutely prepared to destroy each other — to destroy all and everything. Their lust for power has come to the climax. Before they succeed in committing a global suicide, at least you should have known the god that exists within you. You should spread your joy and your silence and your laughter to anybody you come in contact with. You cannot give a better gift to your friends, to your acquaintances, to your lovers, to your children. The time is very short and the work is tremendous, but if you have courage, the challenge can be accepted.

Don't depend on politicians; they cannot do anything; they are not even aware of where they have been leading humanity—into what darkness….

I was hopeful, but as the days have passed and I have become more and more acquainted with the stupidity of man… I still hope but just out of old habit; really my heart has accepted the fact that only a few people can be saved.

The whole of humanity is determined to destroy itself.

And these are the people… if you tell them how they can be saved, they will crucify you. They will stone you to death.

Going around the world, I still laugh, but there is a subtle sadness in it.

I still dance with you but it is no longer with the same enthusiasm as it was ten years ago.

It seems that the higher powers of consciousness are helpless against the lower and ugly powers of politicians. The higher is always fragile, like a roseflower; you can destroy it with a stone. That does not mean that the stone becomes higher than the roseflower; it simply means the stone is unconscious of what it is doing.

The crowds are unconscious of what they are doing, and the politicians belong to the crowd. They are their representatives. And when blind people are leading other blind people, it is almost impossible to wake them up; because the question is not only that they are asleep—they are blind too.

There is not time enough to cure their eyes.

There is time enough to wake them but not enough time to cure their eyes.

So now I have confined myself completely to my own people.

That is my world, because I know those who are with me may be asleep, but they are not blind.

They can be awakened. Enlightenment is the greatest revolution you can conceive of because it destroys all fictions, all rituals, all gods, all traditions, all scriptures. It leaves you with only the essential consciousness of your own being. Its trust in consciousness is so total that there is no need of anything else. It has not been said as clearly as I am putting it…

I want to make it absolutely clear that the very idea of enlightenment is against all religions.

Or, in other words, the only authentic religion is that of enlightenment.

All other religions are part of the marketplace; they are businesses exploiting human helplessness, exploiting human weakness, exploiting human limitations.

Enlightenment is a rebellion against all traditions, against all priests, against all religions, because it declares that there is nothing higher than man's consciousness. And man is not suffering because some stupid man in the past disobeyed a fictitious God; man is not suffering because of millions of lives of evil acts. Man is suffering for the simple reason that he does not know himself. His ignorance about himself is the only cause of his suffering, misery, torture.

Enlightenment brings everything to a very simple and scientific conclusion. It pinpoints that all that you need is to learn the art of awareness….

Enlightenment is the key, the only key which opens all the realities and all the blessings and all the potentials which have been hidden within you.

You are a seed: enlightenment is nothing but finding the right soil and waiting for the spring to come.

Enlightenment is such a radical standpoint. It is not another religion. It is the only religion. All other religions are pseudo….

Enlightenment is the very essence of human dignity, human grandeur. It is certainly the key…. It is the golden key. And for anybody in the world who really wants to be religious, except enlightenment there is no other way.

"Be ready to die; only then can you be reborn into an altogether different dimension.

That dimension is the dimension of the divine. Don’t protect yourself — your protection is your undoing; don’t try to safeguard.

Near a master be insecure because he is your security.

Be unsafe, leave everything to him and wait for his hit; any moment it can descend on you.

But if you have not surrendered it will not descend, because no master is interested in hitting you, no master is interested in killing you.

Masters are interested only in making you fully enlightened, and that can happen only when your death and your awareness meet — a very difficult, very rare combination."


Редактирано от vidiya на 20.03.11 15:25.

Тема Re: OSHO-THE DISTURBER OF MY SLEEPнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано20.03.11 16:23

Пращам ти спокойствие от природни звуци....

.....по терлички!

Тема Re: OSHO-THE DISTURBER OF MY SLEEPнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано20.03.11 16:25

Ще доживея ли тази целувка........!

.....по терлички!

Тема Re: The day you can start finding me wherever youнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано20.03.11 16:27

Коя книга на ошо най много се доближава до теб!

.....по терлички!

Тема Re: OSHO-THE DISTURBER OF MY SLEEPнови [re: totori]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано20.03.11 17:03

Веднага ти връщам едно клипче,което много харесвам

Тема Re: OSHO-THE DISTURBER OF MY SLEEPнови [re: totori]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано20.03.11 17:05

Истински ме разсмя...

Разбира се,че ще....

Тема Re: OSHO-THE DISTURBER OF MY SLEEPнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано20.03.11 17:15

След този клип да се чудя какво да ти пусна....

.....по терлички!

Тема Re: OSHO-THE DISTURBER OF MY SLEEPнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано20.03.11 17:17

Последното неможах да го прочета....би ли се оточнила плс.

.....по терлички!

Тема Re: The day you can start finding me wherever youнови [re: totori]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано20.03.11 17:20

"Когато обувките не стискат","Празната лодка","Радоста.Щастието, което идва от вътре","Неведомото пътешествие зад границите на последното табу"....

Редактирано от vidiya на 20.03.11 17:40.

Тема Re: The day you can start finding me wherever youнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано20.03.11 17:26

АЗ съм по ограничен...книга на тайните.за творчеството.възгледът на тантра.тук и сега.
СТРАННОТО Е че не всички книги му възприемам.....макар че авторът е все ТОЙ!

.....по терлички!

Тема Ошо/Даонови [re: totori]  
Автор MиpoшoМодератор ()
Публикувано20.03.11 22:29

Не бъди ревнив

. Всъщност, това му е хубавото на Ошо, че не е бил такъв. Сигурно би казал, че този, който се доближава до него, се доближава и до Дао.

П.П. Никът е просто някаква думичка. Не й се връзвай.

Тема Re: Happy Ostara, Osho!Be Blessed!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано21.03.11 14:24

Happy Ostara to all! The time of happy changes!Be Blessed!

Редактирано от vidiya на 21.03.11 14:33.

Тема Re: OSHO-THE DISTURBER OF MY SLEEPнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано23.03.11 14:08

I've spent my life, my heart
And my eyes this way.
I used to think that love
And beloved are different....
I know now they are the same.
...I was seeking two in one.

Тема Re: Osho-Loveнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано23.03.11 14:29

The garden of Love is green
without limit and yields many fruits other than sorrow or joy.
Love is beyond either condition:
without spring, without autumn, it is always fresh.

Редактирано от vidiya на 23.03.11 14:31.

Тема Re: Osho-Loveнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Пpakтичнo-Poмaнтичнa (член)
Публикувано30.03.11 23:26

Все при Гугъла тичкам

да превежда с този английски

Тема Re: Ошо/Даонови [re: Mиpoшo]  
Автор Пpakтичнo-Poмaнтичнa (член)
Публикувано30.03.11 23:29

Заратустра ми харесва повече.
Защо пък точно ДАО?

Тема Re: Osho-Loveнови [re: Пpakтичнo-Poмaнтичнa]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано31.03.11 09:47

Тема Re: Ошо/Даонови [re: Пpakтичнo-Poмaнтичнa]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано31.03.11 18:45

Щото Мирошо-дао-тайдзи...го казва!Тук е така или си ошодао или си извън играта.....!

.....по терлички!

Тема Re: Osho-Loveнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Пpakтичнo-Poмaнтичнa (член)
Публикувано01.04.11 12:35

А така-хубавичко ме "насади"-целувка.
Как да го преведа сега?Ще се опитам да помисля малко

Тема Re: Ошо/Даонови [re: totori]  
Автор Пpakтичнo-Poмaнтичнa (член)
Публикувано01.04.11 12:37

Обикалям-....................."Пускам,пускам кърпа,кучето я дърпа,котката я шие.................."
Няма пък

Тема Re: Ошо/Даонови [re: Пpakтичнo-Poмaнтичнa]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано01.04.11 18:06

Изхвърли си пепелника скъпа че е пълен!

.....по терлички!

Тема Re: TranZenDanceнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Beдpocт ()
Публикувано01.04.11 19:29

Ще се видим ли по Великден?...танцува ми се..

Тема Re: Ошо/Даонови [re: totori]  
Автор Пpakтичнo-Poмaнтичнa (член)
Публикувано02.04.11 23:23

Аааааааааааааааааа-още не е прелял

Тема Osho - all my love I give to youнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано27.04.11 08:57

Тема Re: Osho - all my love I give to youнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано27.04.11 20:30

май това клубче опустя окончателно...как мислиш!

.....по терлички!

Тема Re: Osho - all my love I give to youнови [re: totori]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано28.04.11 12:46

Baby, that is really great! Just groovy.
I don’t believe in my own statements either!
We are in perfect agreement.
I trust myself, I trust you, because I trust love.
...Trust is of the heart, belief is of the mind.
They are diametrically opposite, they never meet.
They can run parallel to each other, but they will never meet.
Belief will remain hollow, without any content,
and trust is overflowing with joy,

Ще ти отговоря с думите на Ошо:Who cares?(На кой му пука?)

Бъди в Любовта!

Ма Прем Шуньо, Марко и Анандо

И една любима техника, която не се нуждае от превод(сигурно я има и на бг...)
Техника Медитации «Вхождение в Смерть»

Величайшее несчастье, приключившееся с человеческим умом, состоит в том, что он — противник смерти. Если вы противитесь смерти, вы утрачиваете величайшее таинство.

Если вы противитесь смерти, вы утрачиваете и саму жизнь, ибо они тесно переплетены друг с другом; они неотделимы. Жизнь — это рост, смерть — ее цветение. Путешествие и цель не отделены друг от друга — путешествие заканчивается целью.)

Шива сказал: Сосредоточься на огне, восходящем в твою форму от ступней вверх, пока тело не сгорит дотла, но не ты.

Будда очень любил эту технику медитации, он посвящал в нее своих учеников.

Всякий раз, когда Будда кого-нибудь посвящал, он, прежде всего, советовал посвящаемому пойти к месту кремации и посмотреть, как сжигают мертвые тела. В течение трех месяцев он ничего не должен был делать, просто сидеть там и смотреть.

Будда говорил: «Не думай об этом. Просто смотри». А это трудно, трудно не думать, что рано или поздно твое тело тоже будет сожжено. Три месяца — долгий срок, и постоянно, днем и ночью, всякий раз, когда сжигали чье-то тело, искатель должен был медитировать. Рано или поздно он начинал видеть на погребальном костре свое собственное тело. Он видел, что сгорает сам.

Если вы очень боитесь смерти, вы не сможете выполнить эту технику, потому что страх преградит вам путь. Вы не сможете войти в нее. Или же представите все, лишь на самой поверхности, ваша глубочайшая сущность не будет вовлечена, и с вами ничего не произойдет.

Запомните: боитесь вы смерти или нет, смерть — это единственный безусловный факт. В жизни нет ничего безусловного, за исключением смерти. Все неопределенно, только смерть является безусловным фактом. Все остальное случайно — оно может случиться, а может и не случиться — одна смерть не случайна. Но взгляните на человеческий ум. Мы всегда говорим о смерти так, будто она — случайность. Всякий раз, когда кто-нибудь умирает, мы говорим, что его смерть была преждевременной, мы говорим, что это как бы случайность. Но смерть не есть случайность — одна лишь смерть. Все остальное случайно. Смерть абсолютно определенна. Вы должны умереть.
Когда я говорю, что вы должны умереть, вам кажется, что это произойдет в далеком будущем, очень нескоро. Это не так — вы уже умерли. Вы умерли в тот момент, когда родились. С рождением смерть стала неизбежностью. Одна часть этой неизбежности уже случилась — рождение, теперь должна случиться вторая, заключительная часть. Поэтому вы уже мертвы, полумертвы, ибо, родившись, человек вступает в царство смерти, входит в него. Теперь ничто уже этого не изменит, изменить ничего невозможно. Вы вошли в смерть. Вы полумертвы с рождения.

Запомните: смерть произойдет не в конце жизни, она уже происходит. Смерть — это процесс. Как и жизнь, она является процессом, смерть — это тоже процесс. Мы создаем двойственность, однако, жизнь и смерть — это как бы две ваши ступни, две ноги. Жизнь и смерть образуют единый процесс. Вы умираете ежесекундно.

Позвольте мне объяснить это следующим образом: всякий раз, когда вы вдыхаете, — это жизнь, и всякий раз, когда выдыхаете, — это смерть.

Первое, что делает новорожденный, — он вдыхает. Ребенок не может сначала выдохнуть. Сначала он вдыхает. Он не может выдохнуть, потому что в его легких еще нет воздуха, он должен вдохнуть. Первое действие — вдох. А последним действием умирающего старика будет выдох. Умирая, вы не можете вдохнуть — это вам известно? Когда вы умираете, вы не можете вдохнуть. Последнее действие не может быть вдохом, последнее действие — выдох. Первое действие — вдох, последнее — выдох. Вдох — это рождение, выдох — смерть. Каждую секунду вы делаете то одно, то другое — вдыхаете и выдыхаете. Вдох — это жизнь, выдох — смерть.

Возможно, вы этого не замечали, однако попробуйте за этим понаблюдать. Всякий раз, когда вы делаете выдох, вы становитесь более мирным. Сделайте глубокий выдох — и вы почувствуете внутри себя некоторое спокойствие. А всякий раз, когда вы делаете вдох, вы напрягаетесь, становитесь напряженным. Напряженность вдоха создает в вас напряжение. И естественный акцент всегда делается на вдохе. Если я советую вам глубоко дышать, вы обязательно начнете с вдоха.

На самом деле мы боимся выдоха. Вот почему дыхание стало таким мелким. Вы никогда не выдыхаете, вы только вдыхаете. Лишь ваше тело выдыхает, потому что тело не может существовать на одном вдохе. Ему необходимо и то, и другое: и жизнь, и смерть.
Шаг первый:

Попробуйте проделать один эксперимент. В течение целого дня, как только вспомните об этом, глубоко выдыхайте и не вдыхайте. Пусть тело вдыхает, вы же только выдыхайте. И вы почувствуете глубокое спокойствие, ибо смерть — это спокойствие, смерть — это безмолвие. Если вы станете уделять выдоху больше внимания, вы почувствуете себя неэгоистичным. При вдохе вы почувствуете себя более эгоистичным, при выдохе — менее эгоистичным. Уделяйте выдоху больше внимания. В течение целого дня, как только вспомните об этом, глубоко выдыхайте и не вдыхайте. Позвольте вдыхать телу, а сами этого не делайте.

Акцент на выдохе поможет вам в выполнении эксперимента, ибо вы готовы будете умереть. Необходима готовность к смерти, в противном случае эта техника не принесет особой пользы. А вы будете готовы к смерти только в том случае, если уже неким образом вкусили ее. Глубоко выдыхайте — и вы ощутите ее вкус. Он прекрасен.

Смерть восхитительна, ибо ничто не подобно смерти — такой безмолвной, расслабляющей, тихой, спокойной. Но мы боимся смерти. А почему? Откуда в нас страх смерти? Мы боимся смерти не из-за самой смерти — ведь она нам неизвестна. Как можно бояться того, с чем вы еще не сталкивались? Как можно бояться того, что вам неизвестно? Чтобы бояться чего-то, вы должны, по крайней мере, это знать. Так что на самом деле вы боитесь не смерти; ваш страх — нечто другое. На самом деле вы никогда не жили — вот что вызывает страх смерти.

Страх появляется из-за того, что вы еще не жили, поэтому и боитесь: «Я еще не жил, и если придет смерть, то что же тогда? Не испытав удовлетворения от жизни, совсем не пожив, я уже умру». Страх смерти появляется только у тех, кто недостаточно жив. Если вы живы, вы радушно примете смерть. В этом случае никакого страха нет. Вы познали жизнь, теперь хотели бы познать и смерть. Но мы так боимся жизни, что не познаем ее, не входим в нее глубоко. Это и порождает страх смерти.

Если вы хотите войти в эту технику медитации, вы должны осознать свой глубинный страх. Этот страх нужно отбросить, нужно освободиться от него, лишь тогда вы сможете войти в эту технику. Вот что вам поможет: уделяйте больше внимания выдоху. В течение всего дня вы будете чувствовать себя расслабленным, возникнет внутреннее безмолвие.

Шаг второй:

Вы углубите это чувство, если проделаете еще один эксперимент. Ежедневно в течение пятнадцати минут глубоко выдыхайте. Сядьте на стул или на землю и глубоко выдыхайте. Во время выдоха закрывайте глаза. Когда воздух выходит наружу, входите внутрь. Теперь позвольте телу вдохнуть, и когда воздух будет входить внутрь, открывайте глаза и идите наружу. Затем сделайте наоборот: когда воздух выходит наружу, двигайтесь внутрь; когда воздух входит внутрь, выходите наружу.

Когда вы делаете выдох, внутри вас освобождается некоторое пространство, ибо дыхание — это жизнь. Когда вы глубоко выдыхаете, вы становитесь пустым, жизнь выходит наружу. В некотором смысле вы мертвы, на мгновение вы мертвы. В этом безмолвии смерти входите внутрь. Воздух выходит наружу: закройте глаза и двигайтесь внутрь. Там есть пространство, и вы можете легко войти в него.

Прежде чем выполнять описываемую ниже технику, проделайте этот эксперимент в течение пятнадцати минут, чтобы быть готовым, — и не только готовым, но и приглашающим, восприимчивым. Страх смерти исчезает, теперь смерть выглядит как расслабление, как глубокий отдых.

Шаг третий:

Лягте наземь. Вообразите себя мертвым; вообразите, что ваше тело — это труп. Лягте наземь и сосредоточьте свое внимание на пальцах ног. С закрытыми глазами двигайтесь внутрь. Сосредоточьте свое внимание на пальцах ног и почувствуйте, как оттуда поднимается вверх огонь, все сжигая на своем пути. По мере того как огонь поднимается все выше, ваше тело постепенно исчезает. Начните с пальцев ног и двигайтесь вверх.

Почему следует начинать с пальцев ног? Так будет легче, потому что пальцы ног очень далеко от вашего «я», от вашего эго. Ваше эго находится в голове. Вы не сможете начать с головы, это очень трудно, поэтому начинайте с отдаленной точки, а пальцы ног — это точка, наиболее удаленная от эго. Начинайте ощущать огонь оттуда. Почувствуйте, что пальцы ног уже сгорели, что от них остался только пепел, а затем понемногу двигайтесь вверх, сжигая все, что огонь встретит на своем пути. Все части тела, ноги, бедра будут постепенно исчезать.

Постарайтесь увидеть, как они превращаются в пепел. Огонь поднимается вверх, и тех частей тела, по которым он прошел, больше нет; они превратились в пепел. Продолжайте двигаться вверх, в конце концов, исчезнет и голова. Вы станете наблюдателем на холме. Тело останется, но мертвое, сожженное, превращенное в пепел, а вы будете наблюдателем, вы будете свидетелем. У свидетеля нет эго.

Эта техника очень полезна для достижения неэгоистичного состояния. Почему? Потому что она воздействует на очень многое. Она только кажется простой, но на самом деле далеко не проста. Ее внутренний механизм очень сложен. Первое: ваши воспоминания — это часть вашего тела. Память материальна, – вот почему она может быть записана в клеточках мозга. Они материальны, они — часть тела. Ваши клеточки мозга можно прооперировать, и если некоторые клетки удалить, у вас исчезнут и определенные воспоминания.

Вот что необходимо понять и запомнить: если память существует, значит, существует и тело, и значит, вы дурачите самих себя. Если вы действительно глубоко чувствуете, что тело мертво, сожжено, что огонь полностью уничтожил его, тогда никакой памяти у вас нет. В этот момент никакого наблюдения ума нет. Все остановится — не будет ни одного движения мысли, будет просто наблюдение, видение того, что произошло.

Пройдя это, вы сможете пребывать в этом состоянии постоянно. Однажды вы поймете, что можете отделять себя от тела, и эта техника станет методом отделения себя от тела, методом создания зазора между вами и телом, методом пребывания в течение нескольких минут вне тела. Если она вам удастся, вы сможете оставаться в теле и в то же время пребывать вне тела. Вы будете жить так же, как жили раньше, но тем же самым вы уже не будете.

На эту технику уйдет не менее трех месяцев. Продолжайте ее. За один день успеха не добиться, но если вы будете практиковать ее один час в день на протяжении трех месяцев, то однажды ваше воображение внезапно поможет вам, возникнет зазор, и вы действительно увидите свое тело, превращенное в пепел. Тогда вы сможете наблюдать.

А наблюдая, вы постигнете одно очень глубокое явление — что эго есть нечто фальшивое, не существующее. Оно существовало лишь потому, что вы отождествляли себя с телом, с мыслями, с умом. Вы — не то и не другое, не ум и не тело. Вы отличаетесь от всего того, что окружает вас; вы отличаетесь от своей периферии.


Редактирано от vidiya на 28.04.11 13:31.

Тема Re: Osho - all my love I give to youнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано28.04.11 16:59

прави си я ти тази техника.....аз каквото съм намерил за себе си от ошо вече ми е свършило работа.....сега си вървя по своята си пътека и съм доволен от резултата!


.....по терлички!

Тема Re: Osho - all my love I give to youнови [re: totori]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано04.05.11 15:31

THE greatest miracle in life is love,
and it is the greatest mystery also;
grea...ter than life itself,
because love is the very essence for which life exists.

Love is the source, and love is the end also.
So one who misses love misses all.


Тема техниката по самоизгаряненови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Mиpo1Модератор ()
Публикувано05.05.11 22:18

от Книга на тайните е чудесна и благодаря, че ми я припомни. От много време не се бях пепелил...

В съседната тема, в която писах, има техники при които се набляга на вдишване, а тази тук набляга на издишването... Много е хубаво да се балансират нещата.


Тема Re: Love Will Find A Wayнови [re: Mиpo1]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.05.11 13:00

lets dance.... ...and........


Just one quality of the buddha has to be remembered.

It consists only of one quality: witnessing.

This small word `witnessing' contains the whole of spirituality.

Witness that you're not the body.

Witness that you're not the mind.

Witness that you're only a witness.

As the witnessing deepens,

you start becoming drunk with the divine.

This is what is called ecstasy.

"The whole art of ecstasy, samadhi, meditation, is:

How to become one with the rhythm of the universe.

When it exhales, you exhale.

When it inhales, you inhale.

You live in it, are not separate, are one with it".

Meet everyone and everything through stillness rather than mental noise.

There are no laws, there are no rules, just grab your friend and love him.

Редактирано от vidiya на 06.05.11 14:16.

Тема Re: Osho - all my love I give to youнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.05.11 13:11

Osho on Life, Osho Sutras to Transform Life

Osho – Once it happened, I was in the mountains with a few friends. We went to see a point known as the echo point; it was a beautiful spot, very silent, surrounded by hills. One of the friends started barking like a dog. All the hills echoed it — the whole place appeared as if full of thousands of dogs.

Then, somebody else started chanting a Buddhist mantra: “Sabbe sanghar anichcha. Sabbe dhamma anatta. Gate, gate, para gate, para sangate. Bodhi swaha.” The hills became Buddhist; they reechoed it. The mantra means: “All is impermanent, nothing is permanent; all is flux, nothing is substantial. Everything is without a self. Gone, gone, finally gone, everything gone — the word, the knowledge, the enlightenment too.”

I told the friends who were with me that life is also like this echo point: you bark at it, it barks at you; you chant a beautiful mantra, life becomes a reflection of that beautiful chanting. A life is a mirror. Millions of mirrors around you — every face is a mirror; every rock is a mirror; every cloud is a mirror. All relationships are mirrors. In whatsoever way you are related with life, it reflects you. Don’t be angry at life if it starts barking at you. You must have started the chain.

You must have done something in the beginning to cause it. Don’t try to change life; just change yourself, and life changes. These are the two standpoints: one I call the communistic which says, “Change life, only then can you be happy”; the other I call religious which says, “Change yourself, and life suddenly becomes beautiful.” There is no need to change the society, the world. If you move in that direction you are moving in a false direction which will not lead you anywhere.

In the first place, you cannot change it — it is so vast. It is simply impossible. It is so complex and you are here only for a while; and life is very ancient and life is going to be for ever and ever. You are just a guest; an overnight stay and you are gone: gate, gate — gone, gone forever. How can you imagine to change it?

Sheer stupidity, which says life can be changed, but there is much appeal in it. The communistic standpoint has a deep appeal in it. Not because it is true — the appeal comes from some other source: because it does not make you responsible, that is the appeal. Everything else is responsible except you; you are a victim. “The whole of life is responsible. Change life” — this is appealing for the ordinary mind because no mind wants to feel responsible.

Whenever you are in misery you like to throw the responsibility on somebody. Anybody will do, any excuse will do, but then you are unburdened. Now you know you are miserable because of this man or that woman, or this type of society, this government, this social structure, this economy — something — or, finally, God is responsible or fate. These are all communistic standpoints. The moment you throw the responsibility on others, you have become a communist; you are no longer religious.

Even if you throw the responsibility on God, you have become a communist. Try to understand me, because communists don’t believe in God, but the whole standpoint of throwing responsibility on somebody else is communistic — then God has to be changed.

That’s what people go on doing in temples: they go and pray to change God. Those people are all communists. They may be hiding in religious garbs; they are communist. What are you praying? You are saying to God, “Do this, don’t do that”; “My wife is ill, make her healthy.” You are telling the whole, “You are responsible.” You are complaining; deep down your prayer is a complaint. You may be talking very politely, but your politeness is false. You may even be buttering him up, but deep down you are saying, “You are responsible — do something!”

This attitude I call the communist attitude; by it I mean the attitude that “I am not responsible; I am a victim. The whole of life is responsible.” The religious attitude says, “Life simply reflects.”

Life is not a doer; it is a mirror. It is not doing anything to you, because the same life behaves with Buddha in a different way. The life is the same; it behaves with you in a different way. The mirror is the same, but when you come before the mirror it reflects your face. And if your face is not that of a Buddha, what can the mirror do? When Buddha comes before the mirror, it reflects Buddhahood.

When I say this to you I say so because that’s how I have experienced. Once your face changes, the mirror changes; because a mirror has no fixed standpoint. The mirror is just echoing, reflecting. It does not say anything. It simply shows — it shows you. If life is miserable you must have started the chain. If everybody is against you, you must have started the chain. If everybody feels enmity, you must have started the chain.

Change the cause. And you are the cause. Religion makes you responsible — and that’s how religion makes you free because then it is your freedom to choose. To be miserable or to be happy — it is up to you. Nobody else has anything to do with it. The world will remain the same; you can start dancing, and the whole world dances with you.

They say when you cry you cry alone, when you laugh the whole world laughs with you. No, that is also not true. When you cry the whole world reflects that; when you laugh then too the whole world reflects that. When you cry the whole world feels like crying.

When you are sad, look at the moon — the moon looks sad; look at the stars — they look like very great pessimists; look at the river — it doesn’t seem to flow, gloomy, dark. When you are happy then look at the same moon — it is smiling; and the same stars — dancing; and the same river — flowing with a song, all gloom has disappeared.

There are no hells and no heavens. When you have a heaven within you, this world…. And this is the only world there is! Remember, there is no other. When you are filled with heaven within, the world reflects it. When you are filled with hell, the world can’t help, it reflects it.

If you feel responsible yourself, you have started moving in a religious direction. Religion believes in individual revolution. There is no other — all others are false, pseudo-revolutions. They look like they are changing; they change nothing. They create much fuss about changing — nothing changes. It is not possible to change anything unless you have changed.

Source: from Osho Book “Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 6

Редактирано от vidiya на 06.05.11 13:29.

Тема Re: Osho - all my love I give to youнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.05.11 13:17

The Mind Mechanism

Every one is born fresh. For an Infant every thing is new and unknown. The Infant does not have any idea about things and cannot distinguish between things. The Infant is not even aware of its own Body.

Slowly with mother’s touch the Infant starts recognizing its body. Then the Infant starts recognizing the Mother, father and then after some time it starts recognizing its own name given by the parents. With time the Child gets identified with more things like - this is my body, these are my toys, these things are good and these things are bad and so on. Slowly a belief system is formed which defines good and bad for the child. Society, Parents, Religion and upbringing plays an important role in shaping the belief system of the child.

This belief system act as a protection for the innocent and pure child. Because if we act according to the society then we are accepted otherwise we have to face their criticism. E.g. small Children often play and suck their thumbs, explore their genitals and eat sand. But mothers stop them from doing so. So the child comes to know that these things are not allowed. This information forms the belief system of the child. In a subtle way every child is programmed to act in a certain way. Every Child goes through this programming and starts functioning as per the programming. This programming is our Mind.

For understanding we can compare our Mind with operating system of our Computer. But this programming done in our childhood is not the only factor which shapes our mind. Many beliefs we carry from our past lives also. These Past lives tendencies can be compared with “Read only memory” of computer.

In fact our mind is a Biological Computer. Our actions are decided by our Programming. No person is a fool to do any thing wrong. Even criminals have a valid reason to commit the crime. For a criminal that is not the crime because in his belief system that is the right thing to do. Every moment Mind works in the background and makes us to do things. Even while reading this article our Mind is acting as a Judge.

Mind has many layers of conditioning. Suppose some one dies after falling from a high building in previous life then in this life that person will be afraid of heights. Every experience adds one layer to our mind. It’s like a wall which is being painted with different color every moment.

Our mental state or Mind is always in Flux state, with many emotions keeping on coming and going. Emotions start with a thought. Idea of doing any thing also starts with a thought. Our Mind is always full of thoughts. In spiritual world Mind is recognized as the ‘thinking mechanism’. Thought is a door to Mind or thought is Mind. Twenty four hours a day we are thinking and dreaming. One thought comes, then next thought comes which is always related with the previous thought. Those who practice meditation say that “thoughts are always related. One thought leads to another thought. It’s like a continuous Traffic of thoughts in which one thought is followed by another thought”.

Mind is a Limitation which limits the Man to mediocrity, otherwise if Man works from its source then Man has an infinite potential. Meditation is one device which brings us closer to our source. Any action done with meditation is authentic and is not influenced by Mind. Meditation liberates man from the slavery of Mind. With meditation what ever we do is as fresh as a new Born Baby. All that corruption which Mind has done to us loses its strength against Meditation. Meditation is the only medication.

As of now all our actions are controlled by Mind. Mind has become our master and it’s not so easy to get rid from the slavery of mind. Even if we come to know of this slavery then also Mind is going to deceive us. Mind is very cunning and plays subtle games with us. First step towards becoming more authentic is to be aware of the Mind games. Thinking is the door through which Mind enter again and again all the time fooling us, making us do things which we feel we ourselves have decided to do and all the time creating misery for us and then rationalizing every thing and every action which we have done. Mind deceives us through various ways.


Тема Re: Osho - all my love I give to youнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.05.11 13:24


Conditioning is something forced from the outside upon you against your will, against your consciousness.

It is to destroy you, it is to manipulate you. It is to create a pseudo personality so that your essential man is lost.

The society is very much afraid of your reality.

The church is afraid, the state is afraid, everybody is afraid of your essential person, your essential being, because the essential being is rebellious, intelligent. It cannot be easily reduced to slavery. It cannot be exploited. Nobody can use your essential being as a means; your essential being is an end unto itself.

Hence the whole society tries in every possible way to disconnect you from your essential core, and it creates a false, plastic personality around you and it forces you to become identified with it. That's what it calls education. It is not education; it is mis-education. It is destructive, it is violent.

This whole society, up to now, has been very violent with the individual. It does not believe in the individual; it is against the individual. It tries in every possible way to destroy you for its own purposes. It needs clerks, it needs stationmasters, deputy-collectors, policemen, magistrates, it needs soldiers. It does not need human beings.

We have failed, up to now, in creating a society which needs human beings, simple human beings.

The society is interested that you should be more skillful, more productive, and less creative.

It wants you to function like a machine, efficiently, but it does not want you to become awakened.

It does not want buddhas and christs -- Socrates, Pythagoras, Lao Tzu. No, these people are not needed at all by the society. If sometimes they happen, they don't happen because of the society; they happen in spite of the society.

It is a miracle how a few people have been able sometimes to escape from this great prison.

The prison is so great, it is so difficult to escape out of it. And even in escaping from one prison you will enter into another because the whole earth has become a prison.

You can become a Mohammedan from a Hindu or you can become a Christian from a Mohammedan or you can become a Hindu from a Christian, but you are simply changing your prison. You can become a German from being an Indian or you can become a Chinese from being an Italian, but you are simply changing prisons -- political, religious, social prisons. Maybe for a few days the new prison would look like freedom -- only because of its newness; otherwise it is not freedom.

Free society is still an idea that has to be materialized. This whole slavery of man depends on conditioning. And conditioning starts even when you are in your mother's womb.

Now they have found ways to condition the child in the mother's womb. In Russia they have developed certain kinds of belts which the pregnant woman can wear. Those belts press certain points in the growing child's brain and that pressure will create a robot. He will be born like a machine. He will be always obedient, faithful to the state, faithful to communism, faithful to the communist holy trinity -- or unholy trinity -- Marx, Engels, Lenin. He will believe in DAS KAPITAL, just as others believe in the Bible. Nobody reads the Bible, nobody reads DAS KAPITAL.

But conditioning starts from the mother's womb or, at the most, the moment you are born. You are circumcised and you become a Jew. You are baptized and you become a Christian, and so on, so forth. You are taken to the church and to the temple and to the mosque, and you are being brought up in a certain atmosphere where you will find all are Mohammedans or all are Christians or all are Hindus. And naturally the child is bound to follow the people who are around him.

By the time he is twenty-five and comes back from the university he is utterly conditioned, and so deeply conditioned that he will not be even aware of the conditioning.

Everything has been fed into his biocomputer. And the society punishes those who are reluctant, resistant to these conditionings. It rewards those, with gold medals, prizes, even Nobel Prizes; it rewards those who are very willing to be slaves, who are willing to serve the vested interests. The teachers, the lecturers, the professors, they are the instruments, subtle instruments of conditioning people. The priests, the psychoanalysts, they are very clever and very efficient people at conditioning; they know the whole strategy of it. They know how to manipulate, distort, how to give you a pseudo personality and take away your essential core.

Avoid all conditioning situations. Avoid people who condition you, even though they say it is for your own sake; even though they say it is for your own good, beware of all those poisoners. They have done enough harm to humanity. It is because of these people that real humanity has not yet been born.

My whole effort here is to bring a new human being on the earth: free, alert, conscious, responsible, doing things according to his own inner feelings, likings, leanings, not serving somebody else's purpose, living his life according to his own light.

OSHO_______love n light __ . . .

Редактирано от vidiya на 06.05.11 13:28.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.05.11 13:53

I don't see any point of dividing the outer and the inner. I have been poor, I have lived in utter poverty, I have lived in richness. And believe me, richness is far better than poverty. I am a man of very simple interests: I am utterly satisfied with the best of anything, I don't ask for more.

It is not just accidental that priests are against me, politicians are against me, parents are against me, the whole establishment is against me; it is not accidental. I can understand the absolutely clear logic of it. I am trying to undo what they have done. I am sabotaging the whole pattern of this slave society.

_______love n light __~ OshO ~


I don't know.
Only in deep silence... Something of me enters you, and something of you enters me....


Редактирано от vidiya на 06.05.11 14:37.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.05.11 15:16

The question is how deep you have loved the
Master, not how long you lived with... the Master -- how intensely, passionately
you have become involved with the Master...not the length of time,
but the depth of your feeling. Then a single moment of Awareness, of
heart wakefulness, a single moment of Silence...and theTransmission,
the Transmission beyond all Scriptures.

My work is to make you more and more thirsty -- so thirsty that one day, you ta...ke a jump into your own nothingness, and disappear. Your disappearance is your enlightenment.
~ Osho ~
Remain choisless, aware,
and whenever you see
that your bicycle is going
lean to the other side.
Gring the balance again.
and this is how one moves.
Life is bicycling.

Love & Joy

Редактирано от vidiya на 06.05.11 15:18.

Тема Re: Osho-Разликата между предаване и зависимостнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано12.05.11 20:11

Ошо, как можем да разберем разликата между предаването и зависимоста, не само в отношенията си с теб, но и с всички, които срещаме в живота си?
ВИРИШВАР, разликата е абсолютно толкова ясна, че веднъж изпитала опита от предаването, ти никога няма да изпуснеш разбирането за това, какво е предаване и какво е зависимост.
Предаването е израз на любов, зависимоста е израз на страх.
Зависимоста е отношение, в което вие страстно искате нещо, желаете нещо; има мотив.Вие сте готови да станете зависими – ето защо се стремите да плащате нещо.Предаването не се стреми към това.Това е чиста любов, това е доверие, това е немотивираност.
Това е подобно на влюбването.И именно това влюбване – и любов, незнаеща граници, тази любов напълно се отличава от онова, което вие обикновенно наричате любов.Вашата любов винаги е вид зависимост.Вие ставате зависим от човека, когото обичате, защото вие несъмнено, не обичате, вие просто търсите някой, за да се вкопчите.Иначе се чувствате много самотни.Вие искате да избегнете вашата самота;вие искате някой, който да запълни вашата вътрешна черна дупка, вашата празнота.
Но реалната любов — не е бягство от самотата. Истинската любов е преливаща през краищата си самота.Тя е толкова щастлива в тази самота, че може да бъде споделена.
Щастието винаги иска да бъде сдподелено.То е толкова много, то не може да бъде задържано, както цветето не може да удържи аромата си; то трябва да бъде освободено.
Предаването – е висшата форма на любовта, най-чистата форма на любовта.Вие няма да почувствате зависимост, защото в нея няма вкопчване.И вие няма да усетите зависимост, защото, това, че сте се предали няма да бъде израз на самота.Ако сте се предали от самота, то това изобщо няма да бъде предаване, тогава това е нещо друго.
Следващото нещо: предаването винаги се случва, това не е действие.Как можете да направите предаване?Ако вие правите това, то това не е предаване.Вие сте правещ- а когато има правещ, то това може да се повтори във всеки един момент.
Предаването се случва; правещия не е основа.Вие просто се разтваряте в някой, в нещо.Вие можете да се разтворите в залеза и това ще бъде предаване.Вие можете да се разтворите в звездната нощ, и това е предаване.Вие можете да се разтворите в жена или мъж, и това е предаване.Предаването има много измерения, но вкусът му е един и същ: вие просто се разтваряте.Вас просто ви няма; вие чувствате отсъствието на егото си.
Вас ви има... Несъмнено,вас ви има толкова много, и все пак ви няма.Присъствие и отсъствие, и двете едновременно – предаването е парадоксално.Присъствие, защото егото го няма, т.к. вие сте –осъзнание; и отсъствие, защото егото го няма т.к. вие не можете да кажете:”Аз съм”.
Виришвар, зависимоста е безобразна, предаването е прекрасно. Зависимоста ви прави уязвими, предаването ви дава сила и разширение .Зависимоста създава желание за бунт.Предаването носи все повече и повече доверие.
Но разликата е много малка, финна, деликатна.Веднъж познато, не е трудно, но ако вие все още не сте го преживели, то предаването ще изглежда като зависимост, защото зависимоста – е това, което познавате.
Аз не мога да ви обясня това, мога да ви дам само няколко указания.Сутрин, когато слънцето изгрява, седнете мълчаливо на брегата на реката.Наблюдавайте го.Не правете нищо, просто мълчаливо стойте и го наблюдавайте.И веднъж, в един прекрасен момент, това ще се случи: няма да има наблюдател и няма да има наблюдаем.Наблюдателя ще стане наблюдаем.Не, вие няма да бъдете отделени от слънцето – вие сте слънцето.
Седнете до дърво, просто затворете очи, почувствайте дървото.Прегърнете дървото, просто бъдете в едно с него, все едно, че сте с любим човек.И веднъж...а това е непредсказуемо; аз не мога да кажа, че това ще се случва всеки път.Само от време на време, това ще се случва – защото това трябва да се случва въпреки вас, ето защо, само от време на време.
Или, обичайки любимата си, се разтваряйте в нея.Забравете за секунда своята сексуалност, забравете за секунда всичко, което продължава в главата ви, във вашата фантазия.За секунда , просто се разтворете в реалната жена.Не влачете в главата си никаква порнография, не превръщайте сексуалноста в нещо мозъчно.Позволете на вашата сексуалност да бъде дълбока чувствителност, чувственност, сила от чувства.Разтворете се в жената, все едно сте дете, в майчината утроба.Ако не сте познали това с вашата любима, вие не познавате възлюбената си.
Детето е отново в майчината утроба, в съвършенно единство, всички разстояния са изчезнали – в този миг вие ще разберете, какво е предаването.
Но мъжкото его до някъде, създава безспокойство.Дори когато сте с вашата любима, вие се опитвате да управлявате ситуацията.В нашият език има един безобразен израз: „ правим любов”. Как можете да правите любов?Никой не може да прави любов.Но този израз е влязъл в езика, не без причина.Хората се стремят да правят любов; дори в любовта те са правещи.Изпуска се такава велика възможност за познание на предаването.
И сега, вие имате ръководство:”Как да правим любов и да постигнем тотален оргазъм?”Хората четат подобни ръководства и следват инструкциите.Аз познавам група глупави хора, които правят любов с жените си, а на леглото е закачено ръководство, и те продължават да гледат в него :”Как да правим тотален оргазъм”.
Няколко момента от живота, когато вие сте неправещ, когато сте незнаещ, когато вие просто СТЕ, и вие ще усетите вкуса.Това може да дойде чрез прекрасното, чрез музиката, чрез поезията, това може да дойде през толкова много врати.
Бог има много врати във вашия храм.
Но, Виришвар, аз чувствам, че ти познаваш само зависимоста.За това е възникнал въпроса ти.Този, който е познал предаването, не може да зададе въпрос.
Сега се отпуснете за няколко секунди – те могат да бъдат във всяка ситуация.Плувайки в реката, се отпусни заедно с реката, или, лежейки на плажа, отпусни се заедно със слънцето – не е важно.Живота е пълен с възможности.Спомни си Атиша.Той казва, че живота е пълен с възможности, живота-е удобен случай.Не чакай възможност, възможноста е вече тук.Но вие сте длъжни да се научите напълно на друг род осъзнаване - не правещо, но такова по качество осъзнаване, което просто съществува-това е просто осъзнаване, невинност.
И това се случва често с вас , докато ме слушате.В паузите, когато аз за малко спирам...това е тук.Пийте от това.
Ощо ("Книга на мъдроста.Беседи върху 7-те изкуства за трениране на ума от Атиша")

Редактирано от vidiya на 12.05.11 22:14.

Тема Re: Osho-Разликата между предаване и зависимостнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор L.L. (гхрх)
Публикувано12.05.11 22:20

Една статийка на английски:

...can u feel the kiss of summer
in the hart of winter's wind?...

Тема Re: Osho-Разликата между предаване и зависимостнови [re: L.L.]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано13.05.11 00:32

I WILL CERTAINLY BE WAITING FOR YOU. Those who have loved me -- those who have received my love -- And I will do everything -- EVEN WHEN I'VE LEFT THE BODY -- to be continuously around you. You will not be able to see me, but I WILL BE ABLE TO SEE YOU. Just remember: DON'T LET ME DOWN!


Тема Re: Osho-«Мъжът и жената. Танца на енергиите»нови [re: L.L.]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано13.05.11 00:54

Любовта на мъжа- е само част от живота му; той има много други неща , които трябв да свърши...
Любовта на жената – това е целият и живот.
За мъжете, това не е така.За мъжете, любовта – е едно от многото неща. Той би искал да пише стихове, не защото обича;той би искал да рисува картини, не защото обича – това занимание за него, има своя собствена стойност, с нищо не свързана с любовта.А когато се умори от картини, музика, той би искал да падне дълбоко в любовта и да се забрави; това е неговата почивка.
Вижте разликата: любовта на мъжа – е мястото за неговата почивка.Когато той се умори от света, от хилядата и едно неща, той иска да падне в енергията на жената, в нейната топлина и да се разтвори.
Помнете: той обича, само ако получава почивка, и тогава, може отново да рисува, да пише стихове, да съчинява музика или да танцува.За него любовта – е необходима основа, за да прави други неща.
За жената – всичко е обратно: тя ще прави други неща, защото обича.Ако тя не обича, тя престава да прави, каквото и да било изобщо..
«Мъжът и жената. Танца на енергиите.», Ошо

Редактирано от vidiya на 13.05.11 00:58.

Тема Re: Oshoнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Dark Catherine (ली&)
Публикувано13.05.11 03:14

Ошо с годините все по-малко ме очарова, но въпреки това съм му много признателна за това, че и благодарение на него интересите ми се пренасочиха от стандартната психология по-твърдо към класическата йога и психологията на растежа - това беше едно от най-силно продуктивните завъртания в живота ми до тук. Благодаря му за това :)

Няколко думи от него, които навремето много силно ми повлияха в тази посока:

Вторият въпрос: в няколко от последните си беседи говорихте за отрицанието на проблема. За несъществуването на нашите проблеми...
Какво ще кажете за всички отпечатъци оставени в мозъка, в мускулатурата на тялото?
Това е много важен въпрос - той е зададен от Джайананда. Въпросът е важен, защото демонстрира двата различни подхода по отношение вътрешната реалност на човека.
Западният подход е да се анализира проблема, да се открият неговите причини, да се разгледа неговата история, миналото на проблема, да се изкорени проблемът от самото му начало, да се деобуслови умът, да се възстанови умът, да се възстанови тялото, да се извадят всички отпечатъци. които са оставени в ума - това е западният подход. Психоанализата навлиза в паметта; тя работи тук. Отправя се в детството ти, в миналото ти; връща се назад. Търси да открие къде е възникнал проблемът - може би преди петдесет години, когато си бил дете, проблемът е възникнал в отношенията с майка ти и психоанализата се връща назад.
Петдесет години история! Много дълъг период от време. И дори и това няма да помогне много - защото съществуват хиляди проблеми. Въпросът не е само в един проблем. Можеш да навлезеш в историята на един проблем: можеш да се заровиш в биографията си и да откриеш откъде е възникнал проблемът. Може би ще отстраниш един проблем, но те са хиляди. Ако започнеш да се занимаваш с всеки проблем... за да решиш проблемите на нечий човешки живот, няма да ти стигнат хиляди живота. Нека повторя: за да решиш проблемите на нечий човешки живот, ще трябва да се раждаш отново и отново, хиляди пъти. Това е почти неприложимо. Това не може да се изпълни. И през всичките тези хиляди живота, когато ще решаваш проблемите на този живот, тези съществувания ще създават свои собствени проблеми ... и т.н.. и т.н. Ще затъваш все повече в проблеми. Това е абсурд!
Същият психоаналитичен подход се прилага и към тялото: ролфинг, биоенергетика и други методи се опитват да отстранят отпечатъците в тялото, в мускулатурата. Отново трябва да се върнеш в историята на тялото...
На запад винаги са се занимавали с проблемите - как да ги решат. На запад приемат проблемите много сериозно. Когато се впуснеш в някаква логика, която ти дава предпоставките, логиката изглежда съвършена...
Когато разсъждаваш по определен начин, самата му насока прави определени неща възможни, абсурдните неща също са възможни. Когато вземеш проблемите на човека твърде сериозно, след като започнеш да разсъждаваш за човека като за проблем, си приел определена предпоставка - направил си първата погрешна стъпка. След това можеш да се отправиш в тази посока и да продължиш да я следваш. В наше време е създадена огромна литература за феномена на ума, психоанализата; написани са хиляди трудове, книги. След като Фройд отвори вратата на тази логика, тя започна да преобладава в нашия век.
Изтокът притежава напълно различен възглед. Първо, той твърди, че нито един проблем не е сериозен. В момента, в който кажеш, че нито един проблем не е сериозен, в деветдесет и девет процента той е умъртвен. Променя се целия ти възглед за него. Второто нещо, което Изтокът твърди, е: проблемът съществува, защото ти се отъждествяваш с него. Не трябва нищо да се прави с миналото„с неговата история. Ти си отъждествен с него - това е действителността. Това е ключът за решаването на всички проблеми.
Например: ти си раздразнителен човек. Отиваш при психоаналитик, а той ти казва: "върни се в миналото... по какъв начин се е появила тази раздразнителност? При какви ситуации тя се появява и се запечатва в ума. Ще трябва да премахнем тези отпечатъци; да ги отстраним. Ще трябва да очистим напълно миналото ти."
Ако отидеш при някой източен мистик, той ще ти каже:
"Мислиш, че си нервен, отъждествяваш се с гнева - ето тук нещата не са наред. когато следващия път възникне гневът, бъди свидетел, бъди просто наблюдател. Недей да се отъждествяваш с гнева. Недей да казваш: "Аз съм гневът". Недей да казваш: "Аз съм ядосан". Само го виж как се появява, все едно се е появил на екрана на телевизора. Гледай на себе си, все едно гледаш на някой друг."
Ти си чисто съзнание, когато около тебе се появи облакът на гнева, само го наблюдавай и остани нащрек, за да не се отъждествиш с него. Цялата работа е в това, да не се отъждествиш с проблема. След като го усвоиш... тогава не стои въпроса с "толкова много проблеми" - защото ключът, същият ключ, ще отвори всички брави. Така е с гнева, така е с алчността, така е със секса: така е с всичко останало, на което е способен умът.
Изтокът казва: Просто бъди неотъждествен. Запомни -това има предвид Гюрджиев, когато казва "припомняне на себе си". Помни, че си свидетел! Бъди внимателен - това казва Буда! Внимавай за това, че покрай тебе минават облаци! Може би облаците идват от миналото. Това е без значение. Трябва да имат някакво минало - не могат да се появят просто от небето; трябва да са резултат от някаква верига от събития - това обаче е без значение. Защо да се занимаваш с тези неща? Точно сега, в този момент, можеш да се отделиш от него, можеш да прережеш връзката с него. Мостът може да бъде разрушен точно в този момент - и може да бъде разрушен единствено сега.
Връщането в миналото няма да помогне. Преди тридесет години гневът е възникнал и ти си се отъждествил с него. Не можеш да престанеш да се отъждествяваш с миналото; то не съществува повече. Но можеш да престанеш да се отъждествяваш с настоящия момент. Точно с този момент.. И след това цялата последователност от нервните избухвания от твоето минало вече не са част от тебе...
Цялата източна методология може да се сведе до една дума: наблюдаване. А цялата западна методология може да се изрази с едно нещо: анализиране. Анализирайки, непрекъснато обикаляш наоколо. Наблюдавайки, просто излизаш вън от кръга.
Анализът е затворен кръг. Ако наистина се впуснеш в анализиране, ще изпаднеш в недоумение - как е възможно това? Ако, например, се опиташ да се впуснеш в миналото, къде ще стигнеш? Къде точно? Ако се впуснеш в миналото, къде точно започва твоята сексуалност? Когато беше на четиринадесет години? Но да не е дошла от небето? Трябва да е съществувала вече в тялото. Кога тогава? Когато си се родил? Но в такъв случай, когато си бил в корема на майка си, не е ли съществувала? Кога тогава? Когато си бил заченат? А преди това? Половината от твоята сексуалност е съзряла в яйцеклетката на майка ти, а другата половина в сперматозоида на баща ти. Продължавай нататък... къде ще свършиш? Ще трябва да стигнеш до Адам и Ева. И дори и тогава не си стигнал до края: ще трябва да стигнеш до Самия Бог Отец. Защо, на първо място, е създал Адам?
Анализът винаги остава половинчат, затова не помага на никого. Не може да помогне. Прави те малко по-приспособен към действителността. Това е всичко. Той е вид приспособяване. Помага ти да се ориентираш в известна степен в своите проблеми, в техния произход, как са възникнали. Това интелектуално разбиране ти помага да се приспособиш по-добре към обществото, но си оставаш същият човек. Чрез него не се осъществява трансформация. Чрез него не настъпва радикална промяна.
Наблюдаването е революция. То е радикална промяна - от самите корени! Предизвиква появата на абсолютно нов човек, защото освобождава съзнанието от всякакви условия. Условията са в тялото и ума, но съзнанието остава необусловено. То е чисто, винаги чисто. То е девствено. Неговата девственост не може да бъде изнасилена.
Целта на източният подход е да те направи внимателен към това девствено съзнание, към тази чистота, към тази невинност. Това повтаря Сараха на царя отново и отново. Нашето ударение е върху небето, а ударението на запада е върху облаците. Облаците имат свой произход; ако наистина разбереш откъде произлизат, ще стигнеш до океана, после до слънчевите лъчи и изпарението на водата и до образуването на облаците... и можеш да продължиш нататък, но това ще е движение в кръг. Облаците се образуват, влюбват се в дърветата, изливат се върху земята, превръщат се в реки, вливат се в океана, водата се изпарява, превръща се отново в облаци, отново пада върху земята. Това продължава до безкрайност, отново и отново. Това е колело. Откъде ще излезеш от него? Едно нещо води до друго и ти ще си в колелото.
Небето няма произход. Небето не е създадено; не е произведено от нищо. Всъщност, небето е нещо крайно необходимо, съществува а priori то трябва да съществува преди каквото и да е друго да може да съществува. Можеш да попиташ християнските теолози - те казват: "Бог създаде света." Попитай ги, дали преди да създаде света, е съществувало небето или не. Ако небето не е съществувало, къде е живял Бог? На него му е необходимо пространство. Ако не е съществувало пространство, къде е създал света? Къде е поставил света? Пространството е необходимо дори за Бог, за да съществува. Не можеш да кажеш: "Бог създаде пространството." Това ще е абсурд. Защото тогава той не се нуждае от пространство, за да съществува. Пространството трябва да предхожда Бог.
Небето винаги е съществувало. Източният подход се състои в това, да обърнеш внимание на небето. Западният подход те обвързва във все по-голяма степен с облаците и ти помага съвсем малко, но не те прави осъзнат за вътрешната ти сърцевина. Периферията - да. Осъзнаваш в малко по-голяма степен периферията, но не осъзнаваш центъра. А периферията е циклон. Трябва да откриеш центъра на циклона. А това е възможно единствено чрез наблюдаването.
Наблюдаването няма да промени твоите условия. Наблюдението няма да промени мускулатурата ти. Наблюдението обаче ще ти осигури разбирането, че си над цялата мускулатура, над всички обстоятелства. В този момент на надрастване, в този момент на преодоляване, не съществуват никакви проблеми - не и за тебе.
Сега всичко зависи от тебе. Тялото продължава да носи своята мускулатура, умът продължава да е пълен с условности - но всичко зависи от тебе: ако понякога ти се прииска проблем, можеш да влезеш в тялото-ум, да се заемеш с проблема и да му се наслаждаваш. Ако не желаеш да имаш проблем, можеш да останеш отвън. Проблемът ще остане като отпечатък в ума-тяло, но ти си отстрани и свободен от него.
Това е начинът, по който работи Буда. Ти се ползваш от паметта; и Буда се ползва от паметта - но не се отъждествява с нея. Използва паметта като механизъм. Например, аз използвам езика. Когато трябва да използвам езика, използвам ума и всички впечатления, но продължавам да не съм ума - съзнанието съществува. Така че оставам шефа, умът остава подчинения. Когато умът е повикан, той се отзовава; ползата от него остава - но той не може да се налага.
Затова въпросът ти е уместен: проблемите ще останат, но ще съществуват във формата на зародиши в тялото и ума. Как можеш да промениш миналото си? В миналото си бил католик; ако в продължение на четиридесет години си бил католик, как можеш да промениш тези четиридесет години и да не си католик? Не. Тези четиридесет години ще останат като част от твоя живот на католик. Не, но можеш да се изплъзнеш от това. Сега знаеш, че то е било само отъждествяване. Тези четиридесет години не могат да бъдат унищожени и не е необходимо да бъдат унищожавани. Ако си господарят на къщата, това не е необходимо. Дори и тези четиридесет години можеш да използваш по определен начин, по съзидателен начин. Дори и налудничавото образование може да се използва по един съзидателен начин.
"Какво ще кажете за всички отпечатъци, останали в ума и мускулатурата на тялото?"
Ще останат, но като зародиши: ще съществуват като възможност. Ако се чувстваш прекалено самотен и искаш проблеми, можеш да ги имаш. Ако се чувстваш прекалено нещастен без нещастието си, можеш да го имаш. То винаги ще е налице, но няма да е необходимо да го преживяваш. Изборът ще е твой.
Бъдещото човечество ще трябва да решава, дали да върви по пътя на анализа или да излезе на пътя на свидетеля. Аз използвам и двата метода. Използвам анализа, по-специално за тези от търсещите, които идват от запад - събирам ги в групи. Тези групи са аналитични, тези групи са резултат от психоанализата. Те са се развили. Фройд няма да ги познае, ако ги види; или първичната терапия - ще му е трудно да я разбере - какво става? Не са ли полудели всички тези хора? Но те се дължат на неговата работа; той е пионерът; без него нямаше да има първична терапия. Той е започнал цялата игра.
Когато при мене идват хора от запад, аз ги събирам на групи. Това е добре за тях. Трябва да започнат с това, което е най-лесно за тях. След това малко по малко, бавно, ги променям. Най-напред отиват в групите за катарзис, в групите за срещи, първичната терапия, а след това ги насочвам на пътя на интензивното просветление, след това е випасана. Випасана е свидетелстването. Между срещите в групата и випасана лежи значителен синтез. Когато се придвижваш от срещите към випасана, се придвижваш от Запада към Изтока.

Тема Re: What are the qualities of a master...нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано13.05.11 08:55

People have wondered down the ages, "What are the qualities of a master? How to define the master? How to decide who is the right master? Who is just pretending to be a master and who is really and authentically a master?" They have come to many definitions and many qualities and many attributes -- and they are all of the logical mind. None of them is of any significance.

I would like to tell you that only one thing decides a true master, and that is that his presence can make your dormant mind suddenly alive; it can put you on fire.

It can make you blossom into thousands of flowers in just a single moment. The moment becomes so intense that it is almost equal to eternity. This is the only way to decide-everything else is meaningless...

Neither the master does anything nor are you expected to do anything. It is simply a happening.

That's why I call it synchronicity.

It is just that the master is full of it, and you are silent and available: That fullness is going to fill you. But you have to be empty. All that is needed of you is that you have to be empty.

And remember, I repeat again: the master cannot do anything. Yes, much happens in his presence -- he is a catalytic agent. It can happen while he is speaking, it can happen while he is silent, it can happen in any moment.

All that is needed is your availability.

The real master creates masters, not followers.

The real master throws you back to yourself...


Тема Re: Oshoнови [re: Dark Catherine]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано13.05.11 09:04

Тема Re: Osho-«Мъжът и жената. Танца на енергиите»нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор L.L. (гхрх)
Публикувано13.05.11 11:22

Нещо е сбъркано в системата, значи.
Може и само в моята, но защо любовта никога не ми е била достатъчна? И защо съм в състояние да я "резна", ако ми е на пътя и ми "пречи", образно казано? Всъщност, като жена, изразът "любовта ми пречи" не би трябвало да съществува в речника ми, но е факт. Друг въпрос за любов ли говорим или за романтизъм, но ...да, да му се не види, мога да изхвърля розите барабар с все вазата, ако ми пречат да си сложа книгите на масата... това не е типично женско, май...или поне не би трябвало да бъде, според ошовската гледна точка

...can u feel the kiss of summer
in the hart of winter's wind?...

Тема Re: Osho-«Мъжът и жената. Танца на енергиите»нови [re: L.L.]  
Автор Dark Catherine (ली&)
Публикувано13.05.11 21:22

Знаех си: Лилит, а не Ева

Тема Re: Osho-«Мъжът и жената. Танца на енергиите»нови [re: L.L.]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано13.05.11 22:09

Мда , този цитат от въпросната книжка, наистина буди доста интересни заключения в и-нетното пространство (уви, не бг).., и от жени, и от мъже
А "според ошовската гледна точка", ще си позволя да ти напомня един известен негов цитат:
Ошо, Твоите видимо противоречиви възгледи към любовта ме объркват..
Аз използвам противоречието като средство.Аз казвам едно;по стар навик вие се вкопчвате в това: на следващия ден, аз казвам противоположното.Когато аз казвам противоположното, вие трябва да го отхвърлите.Но вие можете да се вкопчвате в нови неща, казани от мен: и аз ще трябва отново да им противореча.
И така, Нели, ти ще трябва да се примириш с мен, ти ще трябва да търпиш моите противоречия.Те ще се окажат противоречиви само за теб.От своя страна, аз просто говоря за тайни, а тайните са обречени да бъдат нелогични.
И ето, още нещо, от същата книжка:
Позволете на любовта да стане състояние на вашето същество.Вие не се влюбвате, вие просто пребивавате в любовта.Тя е просто част от вашата природа.За вас любовта е аромата на вашето същество.Дори в самотата си, вие сте окръжени от енергията на любовта.Дори, когато се докосвате до мъртва вещ, например, до масата, вашата ръка излива любов и не е важно към кого.Състоянието на любовта не е адресирано към никого.Любовта – не е отношение.Двама човека могат да бъдат много обичащи се заедно...Колкото повече те са обичащи, толкова по-малка е възможноста за изискване, за всякакво доминиране, за всякакво очакване.Където и да се намирате, вие разпространявате аромата на любовта.Където и да се намирате, вие разпространявате своя свеж бриз, предавате своето отпускащо спокойствие.И вие чувствате -невероятна свобода.(Ошо.Мъжът и жената.Танца на енергиите)

А ето и класическото взаимодействие между мъжа и жената:

Редактирано от vidiya на 13.05.11 23:20.

Тема Re: Osho-«Мъжът и жената. Танца на енергиите»нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Dark Catherine (ली&)
Публикувано13.05.11 22:17

Ух, старият разбойник

Тема Re: Osho-«Мъжът и жената. Танца на енергиите»нови [re: Dark Catherine]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано13.05.11 23:04


Редактирано от vidiya на 13.05.11 23:44.

Тема Re:Ошо, аз искам да се оженя.Моля ви, дайте ми свонови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано13.05.11 23:13

Ошо, аз искам да се оженя.Моля ви, дайте ми своята благословия.
ПРАБХАТ, ти сигурно съвсем си полудял?
Любвта е достатъчна; бракът не обещава нищо да добави към нея.И наистина, защо толкова бързате да завършите такова прексрасно преживяване?Чакайте.Когато видите, че любовта свършва, може да се жените.
Свещенник получил това благодарствено писмо, от младоженеца:” Многоуважаеми, искам да ви благодаря, за прекрасният начин, по който доведохте моето щастие към неговия край.”
Прабхат, ти си толкова млад, ти си само на 22.Брак трябва да се сключва само тогава, когато си достатъчно мъдър.Бракът не е за младите.За младите, това е пълна глупост.Бракът е за онези, които са усетили живота по много начини, които са видели всичките му цветове, целият му спектър, и сега са готови да се определят.
Моето собственно убеждение се състои в това, че никой не трябва да встъпва в брак до 42 години.Когато сте прекарали първия си инфаркт, тогава встъпвайте в брак.Преди това- е прекалено рано и глупаво.Но въпроса ти възникна, сигурно, защото си само на 22 и си глупав.
Петгодишният Стивън: «Ти невинна ли си?» Четиригодишната Сюзън: «Не, още не».
Това изисква време.Ти си толкова млад:почакай малко.Когато се умориш – когато се умориш от приключения, когато се умориш от свободата си, когато се умориш от отвореноста си към живота и неговите милионни възможности – тогава можеш да се жениш.Но защо, сега?
Студент в планините, търси работа за лятото:
«Имате ли излишна работа?».
Фермер: «Е, можеш да опиташ, да издоиш бика ».
Така ще бъде по-добре, Прабхат. Търсиш си излишна работа.
Обичай и обичай толкова дълбоко, доколкото това е възможно.И ако любовта сама се превърне в брак, това е друга работа, съвсем друго.Ако любовта, сама по себе си стане такава здрава интимност, това е друга работа и това не е официално оформяне.
Официалните оформления са необходими само когато се страхувате.Вие знаете, че вашата любов не е достатъчна; вие се нуждаете в официална поддръжка.Вие знаете съвършенно точно, че вие може да избягате или жената може да избяга, за това ви трябва полицай, който да ви задържи заедно.Но това е безобразно, ако е нужен полицай, за да бъдете заедно.Ето какво е –брак!
Аз мога да благословя вашата любов, но не мога да благословя вашия брак.Ако вашата любов, сама по себе си е брак, тогава всички мои благословии са с вас.Ако това не е така, почакай,не бързай.По-добре почакай, отколкото после да се разкайваш.
Ошо."Книгата на мъдроста".

Брак трябва да се сключва, само тогава, когато е свършил меденият месец.Когато двама човека, добре се познават и за това, решават да живеят заедно – в това вече няма завоевания.В това няма ефекта на новото.Те решават да сключат брак, не защото искат да се опознаят един друг, те решават да сключат брак, защото те вече са се опознали.Това е съвършенно друго нещо.
ОШО „Мъжът и жената.танца на енергиите”

Редактирано от vidiya на 14.05.11 00:37.

Тема Re: Osho-«Мъжът и жената. Танца на енергиите»нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Dark Catherine (ली&)
Публикувано14.05.11 01:27

'Буда твърде много обичал отрицателното - поради определена причина. Когато описваш съществуването с положителни термини, положителните термини внасят определени граници. Всички положителни термини притежават граници. Отрицателните термини нямат граници; отрицателното е неограничено. Например, ако наречеш съществуването "всичко, Бог, Абсолют", тогава поставяш известна граница. В момента, в който го наречеш "Абсолют", възниква определена представа, че нещата са приключени; няма по-нататъшен процес на развитие. Наричаш го "Брама" и с това, като че ли е постигнато съвършенството; няма къде повече да се върви...
Затова Буда е избрал отрицателното. Той го нарича шуниям - нищото, нула. Чуй само думата: нищото. Опитай я, обърни я на всички страни: В нея не можеш да откриеш някакви граници - нищото. Тя е неограничена...'

Maha Kali, dark mother dance for me
Let the purity of your nakedness awaken me
Yours are the fires of deliverance which shall bring me bliss
Yours is the cruel sword which shall set my spirit free

Devourer of life and death who rule beyond time
In thy name I shall fullfil my destiny divine
Maha Kali, formless one, destroyer of illusion
Your songs forever sung, the tunes of dissolution

Тема Re: Osho-«Мъжът и жената. Танца на енергиите»нови [re: Dark Catherine]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано14.05.11 08:15

Редактирано от vidiya на 14.05.11 09:14.

Тема Re:To live with this moment great courage is needeнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано22.05.11 19:18

To live with this moment great courage is needed, great awareness and great intelligence.
To recognize the fact that there is no improvement in the world, that the world is not going anywhere, that there is no goal to it, in fact no purpose, no meaning . . . . It is simply here now, it is a celebration. It has nothing like business in it, it is play- what Hindus call leela. It is a play.

* Once you understand this, the whole ego trip stops and suddenly you are thrown back to this moment with nowhere to go, no space to move in, no time to move in. The desire for the future creates time; times gives you space to move. Suddenly this moment is all, and there is nothing else. To live with this moment great courage is needed, great awareness and great intelligence....

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 15:36

If you love, you will have to drop all the conceptions that you have about yourself.
If you love, you CANNOT be the ego because the ego will not allow love.

~ OshO ~

Love always creates fear because love is death, a greater death than the ordinary death you know of. In an ordinary death the body dies, but that is not death at all. Body is just like a dress: when it is tatty and old you change for a new one.

It is not death, it is just a change: a change of a dress, or a change of a house or abode. But you continue, the mind continues -- just the same old mind in new bodies, just the same old wine in new bottles. The form changes but not the mind, the shape changes but not the mind.
So the ordinary death is not a real death; love is a real death: the body does not die but the mind dies, the body continues to be the same but the ego disappears.

If you love, you will have to drop all the conceptions that you have about yourself.
If you love, you CANNOT be the ego because the ego will not allow love.
They are antagonistic.
If you choose the ego you will not be able to choose love.
If you choose love you will have to drop the ego.
Hence, the fear....

_______love n light __

Редактирано от vidiya на 25.05.11 15:37.

Тема Re: Mind Is Drunkнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 15:41

The disciples ask Jesus about the future. How will the meeting be possible? How will they encounter him? And these are disciples, what about the masses?

He said to them: What you expect has come, but you know it not.

What you expect has come… The dead are resurrected, they have attained to repose. The new world has entered, it is already here, but you don’t know. Jesus is speaking about himself: “I am the new world, I am the dead resurrected, I am the life, the very center of life. And I am here, standing before you, and you know it not. You ask questions about the future and the future is here.”

He said to them:

What you expect has come, but you know it not.

In eternity there is no future. The future is part of the present, but because of our narrowness of mind we cannot see the whole. We are just like a man who has been locked in a room and he looks through the keyhole: he cannot see the whole. Through the keyhole you cannot see the whole, unless you have taken hashish! Otherwise, through the keyhole you cannot see the whole.

I will tell you a story:

Once it happened that three men came to a city when the sun was setting. They tried in every way to reach it before sunset, they ran, because the doors would be closed; the moment the sun went down the doors would be closed, and the whole night they would have to remain outside the wall. And it was dangerous, wild animals and murderers and everything. They ran, but they couldn’t reach the city in time. When they reached it the doors were closed, the sun had set.

One of them started beating his heart and crying loudly so that the doorkeepers who were behind the wall might hear. He cried loudly, he beat on the door, his hands started bleeding, and he fell in a faint. Another started to search around the wall. There might be some other small door, a back door or some place through which he could enter, or a drainage system or something. The third was a hashish smoker: he simply smoked his hashish, then he looked through the keyhole and he said, “Behold! No need to go anywhere, we can enter through the keyhole!”

That’s what happens when you are on a drug trip. This happens: the keyhole seems to be so big that you feel you can even enter the kingdom of God through the keyhole. Nobody can enter the kingdom of God through a keyhole. You will remain outside, and when you come to your senses you will laugh about the whole thing.

Osho, The Mustard Seed, Chapter 20

Редактирано от vidiya на 25.05.11 16:17.

Тема Re: A Hope-less Hip-Hop Hippie Hopi says: We Are tнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 15:46

A Hope-less Hip-Hop Hippie Hopi says: We Are the Ones We've Been Waiting For
"I have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.

Now I must tell the people that this is the Hour.

And there are things to be considered:

Where are you living? ................

What's your thinking, feeling, living enviroment? Do you think according to your past, projecting into the future? Do you feel according to your fear, your hopes and desires? Have you build your enviroment according to the above out of insecurity? Or you're present, in accordance to the now?

What are you doing? ..................

How do you live your days, is it fear and desire that govern your moods and dictate your actions?

Or you're free from the past and the desire for the future, enjoying your being now-here?

What are your relationships? ......

Are they people to whom you're depended out of insecurity or real people whom you love?

Are you in right relation? ........

Are you contented in your self and share your being with your beloved, or you're tethered in mutual bondage with your mate?

Where is your water? ..................

Where is your spring of life, your very being or the thousand broken mirrors around you, yearning for the reflection of your self-made image?

Know your garden. .......................

Do you know your essencial qualities and live according and through them or you feed upon ephemeral satisfactions and mutual exploitations?

It is time to speak your Truth. ........

Dare to be yourself, drop the empty behaviour, don't just "chat" unconsciously out of habit, regain your responce ability that you had as a child, fearless and innocent. ..."The King is naked!"

Create your community. ...............

Be with like thinking, feeling, living people.

Be good to each other.

Not goody-goody, not just polite, but really compassionate to eachother.

And do not look outside yourself for the leader.

Do not give up your responsibility to anyone, for any reason, in any field of your life.

Listen attentively to what the other says, but evaluate it in your heart.

This could be a good time!

It's perfect time for re-birth!

There is a river flowing now very fast. ................

Events are happening very fast... Everybody can feel the acceleration of events leading towards the "Zero Point", the point of no-return for humanity and each individual the same...

It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. .....

The events are so overwhelming, that many will be utterly afraid...

They will try to hold on to the shore. ..............

They will try to hold on the past... Their "safety", their "knowledge", their belongings and everydays habitual thinking, the old perception...

They will feel they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly. ...

They will lose everything that they are attached to, and they will suffer greatly.

Know the river has its destination. ..........

Know that the torrent of events is pushing towards an altered state of consciousness.

The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. ...

Be available to the Unknown... Let go of the past AND the future - the two shores of the river of life, be aware, conscious, alert and do not be taken by emotions.

See who is in there with you and celebrate.

Share your joy, dancing with those in the same state.

At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally. ............

Nothing of the events to others or to anything...

Least of all, ourselves. ................

You're not what you know. Anything that you see, hear, sense. Anything you think, anything you feel, anything that happens, anything.... You are not your body, meaning you are not your looks.

You are not your age. You are not your illness nor are you your health.

You are not your habits. You are not your thinking. You are not your character and the picture you have of your self, good, bad, indifferent.

You do know you are not your fingernail, and yet ALL that that you may presently think is you amounts to no more than a fingernail.

Who you are is irrelevant to your perceived suffering and your perceived happiness.

Who you are is irrelevant to your success and your failure.

Who you are is irrelevant to your comfort or discomfort.

Who you are is irrelevant to your position in the world, irrelevant to your relationships with your family, irrelevant to your loneliness.

All that transpires is irrelevant next to who you are.

All the world’s plaudits are irrelevant.

All the wealth or all the poverty.

All the understanding or misunderstanding.

All the caring or not caring.

All the ease and all the difficulty.

All the knowledge and all the ignorance.

All the fame as well as being overlooked.

All the A’s and all the E’s. They are all the same. They have nothing to do with you.

What does anything have to do with you? Nothing has anything to do with you. Nothing at all.

The you that you may think you are has nothing to do with you.

The you that is you is untouchable, pristine and pure, it is unbounded and timeless spaciousness.

Even if you happen to die, don't take it personally... The you that you really are is never born and never gonna die. You are eternal homeness.

For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves!

Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.

Just let go, flow with the river...

All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

We are the ones we've been waiting for."

Редактирано от vidiya на 25.05.11 16:22.

Тема Re: Truth is not my property, I am not its owner..нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 15:54

Question - Osho, you were saying that the new will be victorious. Will it really be the new, or will it be the old polished up here and there. There are publications now in germany that use you. Some mention you in the list of literature as the source, but others use you and don’t mention you — or they even condemn you. I am really afraid of those people. What is their intention? Can you please take away that fear?

Osho : There is no need to be afraid of those people. That is happening in every language all over the world. People are taking my statements and not mentioning my name. There is no harm in it, because my name is not important; what is important is the statement. Even if these people are stealing, there is no harm. That statement may start something in somebody which these people cannot fulfill. That statement may trigger a process in somebody who will have to come to the original source.

They are not mentioning my name for two reasons. One reason is, they would like to appear original. Secondly, they are afraid that if they mention my name they will be condemned — then their book is not going to be praised, respected.

But don’t be afraid of these people, whatever their reason. Anything taken from me is fire, and it does not matter in what way the fire reaches to somebody’s heart. These people who are doing such things cannot be great writers, poets, creative thinkers; otherwise they would not do such an act of stealing. These people are third rate.

So if they have stolen something from me it is going to stand out in their whole book as separate, unrelated, out of context. Anybody who has a little intelligence, will see that this part has not come from the same man who has written the book, because the book has a third class flavor; there is no originality, there is no understanding of the deeper problems of life, and there is no courage to say the truth as it is.

So anything that they have stolen to decorate their books, to make their books valuable, unknowingly that very part is going to destroy their whole book. They have stolen fire and put it into their book. In India, one radio station was reading my statements every day, for ten minutes in the morning, without mentioning my name — but passages from books, stories.

Hundreds of letters came to me saying, “These people are stealing from your books.” I said, “Don’t be worried. My name is not significant, my message is. They are cowards, or perhaps they love me but they are government servants.” In India radio is owned by the government, television is owned by the government. If they use my name, they may lose their jobs. And certainly during that series, which was continuing for six months, even ministers, cabinet ministers and the prime minister, were quoting from those statements, thinking that they have nothing to do with me.

But the people who were listening knew that those statements were not coming from Indira Gandhi — they could not be, they had no relevance with the person — they were stolen. And they started searching for the place from where the statements had been stolen. Finally I met the person, the director of that radio station. He was a lover of me, and he said, “I have been condemned.

Hundreds of letters are coming to me, saying, `You are stealing. You are not mentioning Osho’s name. But if I mention your name then the series will be stopped that very day. I will continue as long as they don’t discover… `”And the moment it was discovered, immediately the series was stopped and the man was removed. He told me, “It happened because of that series. People started writing letters to the prime minister saying, `This man is stealing passages from Osho.’” The prime minister herself had been stealing. Her lectures have been sent to me, and word for word, long passages have been stolen from me.

But I have always taken the standpoint: let the truth reach to people by any means, by anyone. I have been thinking that if the great powerful governments of the world are so afraid that they will not allow me entry into their country — just as a tourist for three or four weeks — if they are so impotent with all their power that they will not even allow me an overnight stay at the airport, which is legally my right…

In England my jet plane was standing at the airport, and the pilots had to rest. According to the law, after a certain period they cannot fly, so only in the morning would they be able to fly. I had every right to stay in the lounge at the airport, but they refused — as if with me there are different laws!

One of my friends who was traveling with me just happened to see the file of the man who was preventing me, because he went to the bathroom, leaving the file on the table. And my friend just looked and was surprised, because there were government instructions….

I had just arrived, but the file was ready, saying that if I try to stay even overnight I should not be allowed to stay in the first class lounge, but I should be put in jail; I am a dangerous person. In the airport lounge, from where I cannot get into the country… there is no way to get into the country from the lounge. Every instruction was there about how they had to treat me.

In England we had to stay for one night in jail, without any crime — just because the pilots could not fly overtime. And the government was ready beforehand. It was not a spontaneous decision, it was well-planned.

Now there are countries who have decided in their parliaments that I should not be allowed into their country. And they have a certain European parliament… Just the other day I was informed that now they are considering in the European parliament — which is just a combined body of all the parliaments of Europe — a decision that I should not be allowed even to land my plane at any airport in Europe.

Today they will be doing this in Europe — America has done it already. Tomorrow they will be doing it in Asia, in Australia, in Africa. It is possible, very possible, that if they are so much afraid of me, they will start banning my books.

And it may become necessary that my books go without my name, or with any name — like Holy Ghost!

The name does not matter. But the message has to reach. It is unprecedented. The whole world against a single man — a man who has no power, no nuclear weapons, who cannot do any harm to anybody. The whole world is at war with a single person. It simply shows that I am hitting at their very roots.

You need not be worried. If somebody has taken some passage, that passage will prove more important than his whole book. And I would like more and more writers, poets, film makers to steal as much as they can, because truth is not my property, I am not its owner. Let it reach in any way, in anybody’s name, in any form, but let it reach.
Source – from Osho book “Beyond Psychology”

Тема ~ OshO ~ If you enter into yourself, you will be sнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 16:34

~ OshO ~ If you enter into yourself, you will be surprised -- entering into yourself you have entered into the immortality of life. You will find your ancestors, your forefathers, and you will also find your children's children, hand in hand, dancing within you. Life is spread on both sides -- the past and the future -- and the present moment in you contains both. If you can be just here and now, without any thought, any disturbance, totally centered, in that very centering you will find that you are only a link between an eternal life. The chain goes backwards, containing all your forefathers from the very beginning, and it goes forwards, containing those children who have not yet been born -- but their seeds are there. To know the present is to know the past and it is to know the future. And then you will be able to say: THERE ARE NO GRAVES HERE.... There is only life eternal. Graves exist because of our ignorance, because we have never entered into our own life. We have remained always outside of our own life -- that's why the graves exist; otherwise there will be no graves. I started telling my people that when some sannyasin leaves the body there is no need to be sad and sorry, rather dance and celebrate. Celebrate even the death, because death is false; celebrate that one friend has passed into the future, into a new body. But nobody dies, nobody has ever died. That's the meaning... when Jesus was asked, "Will you say something about Abraham, the oldest, the most ancient father of humanity?" And Jesus said, "Before Abraham was, I was." He is not saying anything about Abraham; he is saying, "Even before Abraham" -- and Abraham was almost two thousand years before Jesus -- he says, "Even before Abraham was, I was." The same can be said... even before my children's children and their children will be, I will be. I am spread all over existence. Where can there be graves? There are no graves ... _______love n light __ . . .

Редактирано от vidiya на 25.05.11 16:35.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 16:39

100 things to do, before your BODY-VANISH!

· 1 - Awake
· 2 - awake
· 3 - awake
· 100 - AWAKE

Редактирано от vidiya на 25.05.11 16:40.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 16:46

~ OshO ~

People become aware only at the time of death of what they have missed, because death comes like a fisherman, pulling you out of the ocean of life. As you are pulled out of life, suddenly you realize, "My God! I have been alive, and I never became aware of it. I could have danced, I could have loved, I could have sung -- but now it is too late."

People become aware only at the time when they are dying, that they have been continuously surrounded by the eternal energy of life, but they never participated in it. Your daily life is your temple, and your religion. Act in awareness, act consciously, and naturally many things will start changing ...

_______love n light __

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 16:50

~ OshO ~

In a cinema hall, you look at the screen, you never look at the back - the projector is at the back. The film is not there really on the screen; it is just a projection of shadow and light. The film exists just at the back, but you never look at that. And the projector is there.

Your mind is at the back of the whole thing, and the mind is the projector. But you always look at the other, because the other is the screen. When you are in love the person seems beautiful, no comparison. When you hate, the same person seems the ugliest, and you never become aware of how the same person can be the ugliest and the same person can be the most beautiful.... So the only way to reach to truth is to learn how to be immediate in your vision, how to drop the help of the mind. This agency of the mind is the problem, because mind can create only dreams....

Through your excitement the dream starts looking like reality. If you are too excited then you are intoxicated, then you are not in your senses. Then whatsoever you see is just your projection. And there are as many worlds as there are minds, because every mind lives in his own world ...

* Nam Myoho Renge Kyo *

________ love n light_

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 16:55

~ OshO ~

All that this world needs is a good cleansing of the heart of all the inhibitions of the past. And laughter and tears can do both. Tears will take out all the agony that is hidden inside you and laughter will take all that is preventing your ecstasy. Once you have learned the art you will be immensely surprised."

Out of that aloneness - the experience of God. There is no other way; there has never been any and there is never going to "be.

* Nam Myoho Renge Kyo *

________ love n Light_

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 16:59

~ OshO ~

The most important need of humanity today is to be made aware that its past has betrayed it; that there is no point in continuing the past, it will be suicidal; that a new humanity is absolutely and urgently needed. And the new humanity will not be s society in the old sense where individuals are only parts of it.

The new humanity will be a meeting of individuals, where individuals are the masters and the society is to serve them. It will have many different aspects to it. It will not have so many religions; it will have only a religious consciousness. It will not have a despot God as a creator because that implies slavery of man. It will have godliness as a quality of ultimate achievement, a quality of enlightenment. Godliness will be spread all over – in everything, in every being.

_______love n light __

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 17:04

~ OshO ~

If you are not yourself, how can you be happy ?

The whole existence is blissful because the rock is rock, the tree is tree, the river is river the ocean is ocean. Nobody is bothering to become somebody else; otherwise they would all go nuts. And that’s what has happened to man.

You are being taught from the very childhood not to be yourself, but the way it is said is very clever, cunning. They say, “ You have to become like Krishna like Buddha, “ and they paint Buddha and Krishna in such a way that a great desire arises in you to be a Buddha, to be a Jesus, to be a Krishna. This desire is the root cause of your misery.

I was also told the same things that you have been told, but from my very childhood I made it a point that whatsoever the consequence I was not going to be deviated from myself. Right or wrong I am going to remain myself. Even if I end up in hell I will have at least the satisfaction that I followed my own course of life. If it leads to hell, then it leads to hell.

Following others ‘ advice and ideals and disciplines, even if I end up in paradise I will not be happy there, because I will have been forced against my will.

Try to understand the point. If it is against your will, even in paradise you will be in hell. But following your natural course of being, even in hell you will be in paradise.

Paradise is where your real being flowers.

Hell is where you are crushed and something else is imposed on you.

________ love n light_

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 17:27

~ OshO ~

I cannot conceive how it is possible for anybody to go to the prayer without going through love, so don't be scared of love.

Die into love so that you can be reborn. LOSE YOURSELF INTO LOVE so that you can become again fresh and young. Otherwise there is no possibility of prayer.

AND DON'T FEEL HOPELESS ABOUT LOVE, because that is the only hope. Says Jesus, "If the salt loses its saltiness, then how it can be salted again?" And I say unto you: IF LOVE BECOMES HOPELESS, THEN THERE IS NO HOPE, because love is the only hope. Then where you will get the hope again?

Through love, many new hopes will arise, because love is the seed of the ultimate hope -- that is God. MAKE EVERY EFFORT; don't settle in that hopelessness. It may be arduous but it is worth, because without it you are stuck; and YOU WILL BE THROWN BACK AND BACK AGAIN INTO LIFE UNLESS YOU LEARN THE LESSON OF LOVE. And once love is learned, prayer is so easy. In fact, there is no need to learn prayer; it comes by itself if you love.

________ love n light_

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 17:36

Arise Consciousness; Arise

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 17:50

~ OshO ~

I have been misunderstood perhaps more than anyone else ever, but it has not affected me, for the simple reason that there is no desire to be understood. It is their problem if they don't understand, it is not my problem. If they misunderstand, it is their problem and their misery. I am not going to waste my sleep because millions of people are misunderstanding me.

I am not here to give you a dogma. A dogma makes one certain. I am not here to give you any promise for the future - any promise for the future makes one secure. I am here simply to make you alert and aware. That is: to be herenow - with all the insecurity that life is; with all the uncertainty that life is; with all the danger that life is.

_______love n light __

Редактирано от vidiya на 25.05.11 17:51.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано26.05.11 16:32

~ OshO ~

Give your children your love, but don’t give your ideologies.
Don’t make them Catholics and communists; that is poisoning them.
Don’t make them Hindus and Jainas and Buddhists; that is very destructive.

Give your love, give your loving nourishment, and give them strength enough to inquire who they are, what this reality is all about.

Give them every support so they can go on in life with an adventurous spirit.

Then you are helping them; then you are really educating them.
Ordinarily, whatsoever existsin the name of education is nothing but mis-education.

Real education is helping the person to be himself.
It is possible only if you love the person for his own sake, for no other motive.
If there is a motive, your love is contaminated.
Then you are not a real father or a real mother ...

_______love n light __

Тема СТОП и танцуваненови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Mиpo1Модератор ()
Публикувано27.05.11 15:52

След СТОП танцуването е много подходящо. Както и след танцуването - СТОП. Хм, докато СТОПа се появи повреме на самото танцуване, а пък в самия СТОПа разцъфне танцуване. Може би като това по-долу.

Тема Re: СТОП и танцуваненови [re: Mиpo1]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано27.05.11 22:31

...Веднъж, при един мъдрец, дошъл човек и казал:
"О, мъдри човече, научи ме, как да различавам истината от лъжата, красотата от безобразието.Научи ме на радостите от живота".
Помислил мъдрецът и научил човека да танцува.

а за танцуването, предпочитам 5-те ритъма на Габриела Рот, градска шаманка и Ошо-ученичка..., с една дума-в темата

"Енергията се движи с вълни.Вълните стават патерни.Патерните образуват ритми.Човекът е само това - енергия, вълни, патерни, ритми.Нищо повече, но и нищо друго.Танц." (Габриела Рот)

Ако няма да танцуваш своят собствен танц, кой тогава ще го изтанцува?

Редактирано от vidiya на 27.05.11 22:54.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано31.05.11 18:50

~ OshO ~
THOSE who give you goals are your enemies. Those who tell you what to become and how to become it, are the poisoners. The real master simply says, “There is nothing to become. You are already that, it is already the case. Stop running after shadows. Sit silently and BE ... Buddha says: Learn sitting silently — become a mirror. Silence makes a mirror out of your consciousness, and then you function moment to moment. You reflect life. You don’t carry an album within your head. Then your eyes are clear and innocent, you have clarity, you have vision, and you are never untrue to life. This is authentic living ...
________love n light_ . . .

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано02.06.11 07:52

~ OshO ~

The real question is not whether life exists after death!
The real question is wether you are alive before death ...

________love n light_

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано02.06.11 07:57

Creation springs from love. It is nourished by love. It moves towards love and eventually merges with love. And you ask me why I say love is God! This is why.

The Long, the Short and the All

Редактирано от vidiya на 02.06.11 07:58.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано03.06.11 18:02

Whenever you close your eyes, you will find me beating within your heart. If you need me I will be here until your need is fulfilled. And even if I am gone, if your love is deep enough I will be present for you. Whenever you close your eyes, you will find me beating within your heart. I have sown the seed. It is only a question of when the spring will come – and it always comes. Just remain open, available.I will be here to help you. If I am not in the body, still I can be here to help you. In fact, I can be of more help when I am freed from the body. Then my consciousness will be spread all over. Those who have loved me – they will become part of me. They have already started melting and merging with me. So the only question that should be important to you is: not to hinder the process of your merging and your melting. Whether I am in the body or not, you should not wait for tomorrows. Today is the day. This moment is the moment. And this is my promise: I will try to linger on this shore as long as possible. And even when my ship is gone, whenever your tears will call me, or your laughter, I will be with you. And whenever you will dance and sing, you will find my shadow also present there. ~ Osho

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано10.06.11 06:29

~ OshO ~

The process of becoming innocent is not really a process of becoming, it is a process of discovering your being. It is a discovery, not an achievement. You don't attain to something new, you simply attain to that which you have always been.

It is a forgotten language.

________love n light_

Редактирано от vidiya на 10.06.11 06:33.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано10.06.11 07:51

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.06.11 11:18

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано13.06.11 19:17

I Am Here, Beloved. I Wait. I Know You Are Near, My Love.
I Sense Your Nearness, I Feel The Wave of You.
My Senses Are Aroused; the Kalidescope of Our Dance Begins.
Oh! My Darling, You Wash Over Me! Yes, Yes, and Yes!
Do You See Me, Beloved? Do You Feel Me, Beloved?
Look, Feel With Your Senses, You Will Find Me ... Yes!
Close Your Eyes, and Use the Other Inner Eye, Love.
Now! Now! Now! Now, We Are One Dance.
Our World Is Color. Our World is Beauty. We Are Love.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано15.06.11 19:34

"You shout and the valleys shout, or you sing and the valleys sing. Each heart is a valley. If you pour love into it, it will respond. The first lesson of love is not to ask for love, but just to give. Become a giver. And people are doing just the opposite. Even when they give, they give only with the idea that love should come back. It is a bargain. They don't share, they don't share freely. They share with a condition. They go on watching out of the corner of their eye whether it is coming back or not. Very poor people... They don't know the natural functioning of love." ~ Osho

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано15.06.11 19:41

"When I say to you that you are free, I mean that you are responsible. You cannot throw responsibility on anybody else, you are alone. And whatsoever you do, it is your doing. You cannot say that somebody else forced you to do it — because you are free; nobody can force you! Because you are free, it is your decision to do something or not to do something. With freedom comes responsibility. Freedom IS responsibility. But the mind is very cunning, the mind interprets in its own way: it always goes on listening to that which it wants to listen to. It goes on interpreting things in its own way. The mind never tries to understand what really is the truth. It has taken that decision already." ~ Osho

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано15.06.11 19:54

"Mind is repetitive, mind always moves in circles. Mind is a mechanism: you feed it with knowledge, it repeats the same knowledge, it goes on chewing the same knowledge again and again. No-mind is clarity, purity, innocence. No-mind is the real way to live, the real way to know, the real way to be." ~ Osho

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано15.06.11 20:09

"The man who is without love is narcissistic, he is closed. He knows only himself. And how much can he know himself if he has not known the other, because only the other can function as a mirror? You will never know yourself without knowing the other. Love is very fundamental for self-knowledge too. The person who has not known the other in deep love, in intense passion, in utter ecstasy, will not be able to know who he is, because he will not have the mirror to see his own reflection." ~ Osho

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано15.06.11 20:16

Whenever you close your eyes, you will find me beating within your heart.

If you need me I will be here until your need is fulfilled. And even if I am gone, if your love is deep enough I will be present for you. Whenever you close your eyes, you will find me beating within your heart.

I have sown the seed. It is only a question of when the spring will come – and it always comes. Just remain open, available.I will be here to help you. If I am not in the body, still I can be here to help you. In fact, I can be of more help when I am freed from the body. Then my consciousness will be spread all over.

Those who have loved me – they will become part of me. They have already started melting and merging with me. So the only question that should be important to you is: not to hinder the process of your merging and your melting.

Whether I am in the body or not, you should not wait for tomorrows.

Today is the day.

This moment is the moment.

And this is my promise: I will try to linger on this shore as long as possible. And even when my ship is gone, whenever your tears will call me, or your laughter, I will be with you. And whenever you will dance and sing, you will find my shadow also present there.

~ Osho

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано15.06.11 20:53

On 26 September, 1970 Osho started his Neo-Sannyas movement in Manali, India. Above is the photo of first rebels who took Sannyas from Osho:

A. Ma Laxmi
Oshos first secretary; she found the location where the current Osho Puna resort is situated.

B. Ma Dharam Jyoti
She regularly conducts meditation camps at Oshodham and Osho Nisarga. She has written a small book containing 100 stories about the time she spend with Osho, appropriately called One Hundred Tales for Ten Thousand Buddhas. It can be read online here and here.

L. Swami Chaitanya Bhart
He conducts meditation camps in India and is presently busy founding an Ashram in Mysore. His website: DhyanLeela. He is one of few people who have announced their enlightenment. He was the first one to leave the Osho Puna Ashram in 1992 over the controversies surrounding the Ashram's management.

M. Ma Anand Madhu
She is said to prefer spending time in isolation at Haridwar, North-India, not interacting with anyone, preferring to live in silence.

N. Swami Yog Chinmaya
He also prefers to live in solitude, keeping far from the limelight. He has an Ashram at Bagheswar in India. Swami Yog Chinmaya has a yoga background and had a small following when he started listening to Osho. Over time Swami Yog Chinmaya put a few intellectual questions to Osho and was consequently hammered by Osho for his seriousness.

Редактирано от vidiya на 15.06.11 20:54.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано15.06.11 21:06

"If you love, you will know that everything begins and everything ends, and there is a time for beginning and there is a time for ending, and there is no wound in it. One is not wounded, one simply knows the season is over. One is not in despair, one simply understands, and one thanks the other: "You gave me so many beautiful gifts. You gave me new visions of life, you opened a few windows I might never have opened on my own. Now the time has come that we separate and our ways part." Not in anger, not in rage, not with a grudge, not with any complaint, but with tremendous gratitude, with great love, with thankfulness in the heart. If you know how to love, you will know how to separate." Osho

Тема Re: Благодаря ти, vidiya!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Mиpo1Модератор ()
Публикувано20.06.11 14:09

Благодяра ти, vidiya! Честит Рожден Миг!

Тема Re: Благодаря ти, vidiya!нови [re: Mиpo1]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано20.06.11 18:17

Благодаря, за МИГА!

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано20.06.11 18:23

"Look at the situation! The whole of humanity pretends to love, and still there is no love. You don’t feel the fragrance of love, you don’t see the joy of love. And everybody is a lover! If so many millions of people were loving the world would become a paradise. But it is not; it is a hell! And the reason is that nobody is courageous enough to be free from the expectations of others."
~ Osho

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано20.06.11 18:26

"Don't wait for some great bliss to descend on you. It never happens. Great bliss is nothing but small pleasures accumulating in your being. The total of all the small pleasures is the great bliss. Eating, enjoy it. Drinking, enjoy it. Taking a bath, enjoy it. Walking, enjoy it. Such a beautiful world, such a beautiful morning, such beautiful clouds...

What else do you need to celebrate? The sky full of stars... What more do you need to be prayerful? The sun rising from the east... What more do you need to bow down? And amidst a thousand and one thorns a small roseflower arises, opening its buds, so fragile, so vulnerable, yet so strong, so ready to fight with the wind, with the lightning, with the thunderings. Look at the courage... What more do you need to understand trust? ~ Osho

Тема Re: AM I -- Innocent !нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано24.06.11 09:00

AM I -- Innocent !

~ OshO ~

Innocence is there, you have simply forgotten it -- you have been made to forget it. Society is cunning. For centuries man has learned that you can survive in this society only if you are cunning; the more cunning you are, the more successful you will be. That's the whole game of politics: be cunning, be more cunning than others. It is a constant struggle and competition as to who can be more cunning. Whosoever is more cunning is going to succeed, is going to be powerful.

After centuries of cunningness man has learned one thing: that to remain innocent is dangerous, you will not be able to survive. Hence parents try to drive their children out of their innocence. Teachers, schools, colleges, universities exist for the simple work of making you more cunning, more clever. Although they call it intelligence it is not intelligence.

Intelligence is not against innocence, remember. Intelligence is the flavor of innocence, intelligence is the fragrance of innocence. Cunningness is against innocence; and cunningness, cleverness are not synonymous with intelligence. But to be intelligent needs a tremendous journey inwards. No schools can help, no colleges, no universities can help. Parents, priests, the society, they are all extrovert; they cannot help you to go inwards. And buddhas are very rare, few and far between. Not everybody is fortunate enough to find a buddha. Only a buddha can help you to be an intelligent person, but you cannot find so many buddhas who want to become primary school teachers and high school teachers and university professors; it is impossible.

The society prepares you to be cunning so that you are capable of competing in this struggle for existence, the struggle to survive. It is a cut-throat competition, everybody is after everybody else's throat. People are ready to do anything to succeed, to be famous, to climb the ladder of success, name and fame. They are ready to use you as stepping-stones. Unless you are also cunning you will be simply used, manipulated. Hence the society trains every child to be cunning, and these layers of cunningness are hiding your innocence.

Innocence has not to be achieved, it is already there. Hence it is not a question of becoming, it is your being. It has only to be discovered -- or rediscovered. You have to drop all that you have learned from others, and you will immediately be innocent. Hence my antagonism towards all knowledge that is borrowed. Don't quote the Bible, don't quote the Gita. Don't behave like parrots. Don't just go on living on borrowed information. Start seeking and searching for your own intelligence.

A negative process is needed; it is to be achieved through VIA NEGATIVA. That is the Buddha's way. You have to negate all that has been given to you. You have to say, "This is not mine; hence I have no claim over it. It may be true, it may not be true. Who knows? Others say it is so; unless it becomes my experience I cannot agree or disagree. I will not believe or disbelieve. I will not be a Catholic or a communist, I will not be a Hindu or a Mohammedan. I will simply not follow any ideology." Because, whoever you follow, you will be gathering dust around yourself. Stop following.

Here, being with me, you are not my followers, remember it. Friends certainly, but not followers. You are in a love affair with me, but it is not a question of following. And my work here is not to teach you something, but to help you to discover yourself. Just drop all knowledge. It hurts because you have carried that knowledge for so long and you have been bragging so much about that knowledge -- your degrees, M.A.s and Ph.D.s and D.Litt.s, and you have been bragging about all those degrees. And suddenly I am saying to you: Drop all that nonsense.

Just be as simple as a child. Just be again a child as you were born, as God sent you into this world. In that mirrorlike state you will be able to reflect that which is. Innocence is the door to knowing. Knowledge is the barrier and innocence is the bridge.

________love n light_

Тема Re: I don't know why I am here !нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано24.06.11 09:05

I don't know why I am here !

~ OshO ~

Nobody knows. There is no way to know it, and there is no need to know it. This constant questioning - why am I here? why am I doing this? - this constant hankering for the why is a disease of the mind. No answer is going to satisfy you, because the why can be asked again. If I say something, "You are here because of this..." the why will be pushed back a little, that's all. You will again ask why. The why is nonending.

Once you understand it, you drop it. The why is ridiculous. Rather than asking, Why am I here? it is better to use the opportunity, it is better to flower, it is better to exist authentically. And this is the beauty of it, that once you start existing authentically, truly, once you stop all nonsense thinking and you start delighting in life, once you are no longer a philosopher, the why is answered. But it is not answered by anyone from the outside, it is answered by your own life energy.

For centuries man has asked millions of questions; not a single question has been solved by speculation, thinking, logic, or reason. Not even a single question has been solved. On the contrary, whenever people have tried to answer a question, the answer has created a thousand and one more questions.

Who created the world? - and it has been answered: God created the world. And then immediately the question arises: Who created God? or, Why did he create the world? When did he create the world? And why did he create such a world? - so miserable, so helllike? The one who was answering you that God created the world must have been thinking that your question would drop; but out of one answer a thousand and one questions arise. Mind is a question-creating mechanism.

Why are you here? - who can answer it? And if it can be answered, you will no longer be a man, you will become a mechanism. This mike is here and there is a reason for it; the why can be answered. The car is there in the porch; the why can be answered. If your why also can be answered, you become a mechanism like a mike or a car; you become a utility, a commodity. But you are a man, not a machine.

My effort is not to answer your questions, but to make you aware that out of a hundred questions, ninetynine are simply foolish. Drop them! And once you have dropped the foolish questions - they took very philosophical - the one question remains. And that question is no longer concerned about irrelevant, nonessential things. That one question is concerned about Existence, about you, your being. Not why you are here, not about the purpose of your being here, but about your being here - who you are: Who am I?

This can be known, because for it to be known there is no need to go to anybody else; you can go inside. For it to be known, there is no need to look in the scriptures, you can took withinwards. For it to be known, you have just to close your eyes and move into inner silence. And you can feel it: who you are. You can taste the flavor of who you are; you can smell it, you can touch it. This is existential questioning. But why you are here, I don't know. And there is no need to know about it.

________love n light_

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано24.06.11 09:10

BE proud being a living energy - Watch your thoughts , not your lips !

~ OshO ~

If only two hundred people are enlightened, then there is no way the world can be destroyed ...

Тема Re: The answers? are here, WITHINнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано24.06.11 09:32

The answers? are here, WITHIN .

~ OshO ~

God is your inner voice. No priest is needed, you need not have any instructions from anybody about your life. But one thing has to be done, you have to move inwards so that you can hear the still, small voice. Once it is heard, once you know how it can be heard, your whole life is transformed. Then whatever you do is right.

Socrates says knowledge is virtue. By knowldege he does not mean knowledgeability, by knowldege he means intuitive insight, knowing. His statement is tremendously significant. Intuitive knowing is virtue. He does not say what is virtue and what is sin; intitutive knowing is virtue, because the man who knows intuitively, the man who can hear his own innermost core, is bound to be virtuous, he cannot be otherwise. It is inevitable. Once heard you cannot go against it because nobody can be so foolish, it is unimaginable.

I am not giving you a discipline, I just have to help you listen to your own center and then to follow your own heart. That will be virtue, and that is real character, that is real morality. But it comes from your innermost core; it is nothing imposed from the outside ...

________love n light_

Редактирано от vidiya на 24.06.11 09:33.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано24.06.11 09:37

People, many people, consciously or unconsciously, are here to find some kind of consolation — some kind of consolation so they don’t feel guilty, so that they don’t feel unworthy.

I am not here to give you consolations. Why give consolations when I can give you the real thing? Why give you plastic toys when I can help you to grow into a soul?

Try to understand: I am not here to console you. If there is anything that I am here for, it is to transform you. Consolation is worthless; it is a trick of the mind. Don’t settle for it. It is just like a mother who doesn’t want to give her breast to the child, and she gives the child anything, just his own thumb in his mouth, to console him. That gives him a certain consolation, but no nourishment. He is simply deceived. Or you can get pacifiers from the market and give the child a pacifier. Just a rubber breast — he goes on sucking it thinking and believing that something is going to come out of it. Nothing comes out of it. Consolation is a pacifier, it is not real nourishment.

I am here; be nourished by me. Eat me, drink me; be nourished by me. Let me become a part of your being, then I will be available forever and forever. There is no other way...

________love n light_

Редактирано от vidiya на 24.06.11 09:38.

Тема Re: OSHO THOUGHTSнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано03.07.11 03:11

Let the music from your heart flow and you shall purify from within..
"Their hearts are no longer separate, their beats are no longer separate, they have become a melody, a harmony. It is the greatest music possible, all other musics are just faint things compared to it, shadow things compared to it."
"Compose music, play on the guitar or on the flute,
because it is easier to stir the heart of the people,
to wake it up through music than through words.
Dance, but dance in a new way so
your dance becomes a teaching of meditation.
Dance in such a way that the one who looks at you
starts feeling that it is not only a dance
but something more,
something plus;
so that he starts feeling the vibe of meditation
that is happening inside you.
------ Osho"

Тема Re: I'll see you again... Someday..нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано03.07.11 13:58

Always you will be part of me
And I will forever feel your strength
When I need it most
You're gone now, gone but not forgotten
I can't say this to your face
But I know you hear

I'll see you again
You never really left
I feel you walk beside me
I know I'll see you again
Someday I'll see you again...

When I'm lost, when I'm missing you like crazy
I tell myself I'm so blessed
To have had you in my life, my life
You never really left
I feel you walk beside me
I know I'll see you again

Someday I'll see you again

I'll see you again
You never really left
I feel you walk beside me
I know I'll see you again

I miss you like crazy
You're gone but not forgotten
I'll never forget you
I feel you walk beside me
Gone but not forgotten
I feel you by my side
No this is not goodbye
I'll See You Again.

Редактирано от vidiya на 03.07.11 14:01.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано03.07.11 14:14

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано03.07.11 19:50

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано03.07.11 19:54

"Love changes the whole climate of your inner being-and with that change the whole existence is changed. Nothing is changed on the outside - but once you are full of love you have a totally different existence available to you." ~ Osho

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано03.07.11 19:59

"For love, mind has created substitutes which are not love. Sometimes you call your possessiveness your love; sometimes you call your attachment your love; sometimes you call your domination your love -- these are ego games. Love has nothing to do with them. In fact, because of these games, love is not possible." ~ Osho

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано03.07.11 20:02

"Put everything at stake. Be a gambler! Risk everything, because the next moment is not certain, so why bother? Why be concerned? Live dangerously, live joyously. Live without fear, live without guilt. Live without any fear of hell, or any greed for heaven. Just live." ~ Osho

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор L.L. (гхрх)
Публикувано04.07.11 10:54

For those who fight for it, life has a flavor the sheltered will never know...

"За тези, които се борят животът има вкус,... който никога няма да усетим, заради глазурата." - реплика от Sucker Punch.

...can u feel the kiss of summer
in the hart of winter's wind?...

Редактирано от L.L. на 04.07.11 10:59.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор L.L. (гхрх)
Публикувано04.07.11 10:55

...can u feel the kiss of summer
in the hart of winter's wind?...

Тема Re: How to calm your mindнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано04.07.11 15:05

'I have no peace of mind,' said Hui-k'o. Please, pacify my mind'.

'Bring your mind before me,' replied Bodhidharma, 'and I will pacify it.'

"But when I seek my own mind,' said Hui-k'o, 'I cannot find it.'

'There!' snapped Bodhidharma, 'I have pacified your mind.'

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: L.L.]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано04.07.11 15:17

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: L.L.]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано04.07.11 15:26

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано04.07.11 15:41

"Women have to learn karate, aikido, judo — they have to learn all sorts of such subtle techniques — which are feminine techniques but which can make women tremendously strong. Women are not as tall as men, they are not as hard as men, but there is no need — there are softer and tremendously powerful ways." ~ Osho

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано04.07.11 15:53

"When you love a flower deeply, you love its withering away also: When you love a woman deeply, you love her getting old also, you one day love her death also. That is part, part of the woman. The old age has not happened from the outside, it has come from the inside. The beautiful face has become wrinkled now — you love those wrinkles also. They are part of your woman. You love a man and his hair has grown white — you love those hairs also. They have not happened from the outside; they are not accidents. Life is unfolding. Now the black hair has disappeared and the grey hair has come. You don’t reject them, you love them, they are a part. Then your man becomes old, becomes weak — you love that too. Then one day the man is gone — you love that too. Love loves all. Love knows nothing else than love." ~ Osho

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано04.07.11 16:00

"Friendship has a coolness in it. Love has heat, hence it goes high, low; sometimes everything is beautiful and sometimes everything is ugly. Love changes. Friendship has a more eternal quality to it; it doesn’t change. Let love be the first step and friendship the climax." ~ Osho

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано04.07.11 16:19

"Love never dies through separation, never. If it dies at all, it dies through too much togetherness; never by separation. Life is a relationship. So allow people to come close to you… become vulnerable. It will give you much happiness; it will give you many painful experiences. It will make you in some moments tremendously depressed. But both are needed – one becomes enriched. Then move in your aloneness and you will feel good." ~ Osho

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано04.07.11 16:31

Тема вдъхновениенови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Mиpo1Модератор ()
Публикувано04.07.11 20:58

Някой/нещо сигурно те е вдъхновил(o) последните дни за да ни обсипеш и ти на свой ред сега с вдъхновението си.

Тема Re: вдъхновениенови [re: Mиpo1]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано04.07.11 22:17

Love is my message — let it be your message too. Osho

Everything comes in its own time.

Everything comes when you are ripe.

Everything comes when you deserve it — this is my experience.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано04.07.11 22:54

Society has been dominated by the man for too long, and he has reduced the woman to a commodity. Now it cannot be done anymore. The woman has equal rights with any man; and she has to be respected -- she is a human being and nobody's property!

At the most, the husband and the wife are friends -- not more than that. And don't take her for granted, because nobody can take anybody for granted. One cannot be certain about the tomorrow.

Tomorrow she may be yours, she may not be yours. This risk has to be accepted; only then can there be joy in relationship. When relationship is free, when there is freedom in it, there is joy, because freedom is the ultimate value; nothing is higher than that.

If your love leads you towards freedom, then your love will be a blessing; if it leads towards slavery it is not a blessing, it is a curse.

If you are a husband you cannot be happy. The very word "husband" is ugly; it comes from husbandry. The wife is thought to be like a field and you are the farmer; you have to sow the seeds -- the wife is just like a field. You are the owner, the sower of the seeds, the reaper of the crops, and she is just the earth. We should change our language. Very ugly words still go on being used. "Husband" is an ugly word; it should be dropped from all languages.

The wife and the husband should come to a better understanding. They are together to make life a joy; they are together not to quarrel, not to nag, not to destroy each other but to enhance each other in every possible way -- physical, psychological, spiritual. Love should be a journey, a pilgrimage towards the ultimate.

Love is not a demand, love is a deep understanding. One cannot ask for it; one should give for the sheer joy of giving. Certainly it comes, a thousandfold it comes, but it has not to be asked for.


Тема How to reach to your innermost center.нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.07.11 01:01

An old man and a young man are traveling with a donkey. They have reached near a town; they both are walking with their donkey. School children passed them and they giggled and they laughed and they said,

”Look at these fools: they have a healthy donkey with them and they are walking. At least the old man can sit on the donkey.”

Listening to those children the old man and the young man decided, ”What to do? - because people are laughing and soon we will be entering the town, so it is better to follow what they are saying.” So the old man sat on the donkey and the young man followed.

Then they came near another group of people and they looked at them and said, ”Look! - the old man is sitting on the donkey and the poor boy is walking. This is absurd! The old man can walk, but the boy should be allowed to sit on the donkey.” So they changed: the old man started walking and the boy was allowed to sit.

Then another group came and said, ”Look at these fools. And this boy seems to be too arrogant. Maybe the old man is his father or his teacher and he is walking, and he is sitting on the donkey - this is against all rules!”

So what to do? They both decided that now there is only one possibility: that they both should sit on the donkey; so they both sat on the donkey. Then other groups came and they said, ”Look at these people, so violent! The poor donkey is almost dying - two persons on one donkey. It would have been better if they carried the donkey on their shoulders.”

So they again discussed, and then there was the river and the bridge. They had now almost reached the boundary of the town, so they thought: ”It is better to behave as people think in this town, otherwise they will think we are fools.” So they found a bamboo; on their shoulders they put the bamboo and hung the donkey by his legs, tied it in the bamboo and carried him.

The donkey tried to rebel, as donkeys are they cannot be forced very easily. He tried to escape because he is not a believer in society and what others are saying. But the two men were too much and they forced him, so the donkey had to yield. Just on the bridge in the middle a crowd passed and they all gathered and they said,

”Look, these fools! We have never seen such idiots - a donkey is to ride upon, not to carry on your shoulders. Have you gone mad?”

Listening to them - and a great crowd gathered - the donkey became restless, so restless that he jumped and fell from the bridge down into the river - died. Both men came down - the donkey was dead. They sat by the side and the old man said,

”Now listen... just like this donkey you will be dead if you listen to people too much. Don’t bother what others say, because there are millions of others and they have their own minds and everybody will say something; everybody has his opinions and if you listen to opinions this will be your end.

Don’t listen to anybody, you remain yourself. Just bypass them, be indifferent. If you go on listening to everybody, everybody will be prodding you to this way or that. You will never be able to reach your innermost center."

Тема Freedom is choiceless...нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.07.11 01:12

Beloved Osho, You say freedom is the greatest value for you. You also say your attitude to life is that of let-go. It seems to me that you have used your freedom to choose to give up the freedom to decide anything, in favour of letting existence take care of you. Is the ultimate in freedom actually total enslavement?

- No, I have not chosen anything.

I have not chosen, out of my freedom, to allow the existence to take care of me. Freedom is choiceless. In freedom I have discovered, not chosen.

With the eyes free, with the consciousness free, I have discovered that let-go is the way existence functions. There was no question of choice -- whether to be with existence or not. It was not either/or, but just the realization that this is the only way existence works. I relaxed with it.

The people who are not living a life of let-go are choosers, because they are going against nature, against existence; they have to choose. The ego is a chooser. When you are completely free of ego, of self, when you are simply freedom, you see it happening that the fight is disappearing and let-go is taking its place. You are nothing more than a watcher. If you choose it, then it is not let-go. How can it be let-go if you choose it?

It happened that one man came to Gautam Buddha, and he wanted to surrender himself unto Buddha's feet. Buddha looked at him and said, "You cannot surrender."

He said, "Why? Everybody else is allowed, and I am not allowed -- what is my disqualification?"

Buddha laughed and he said, "There is no question of disqualification. Just the nature of surrender is such that you cannot do it -- it happens. If you do it, it is your doing; it is not surrender. And if you do it, you can take it back. It is never total; you are outside of it. It was your action, so you can decide any moment: no more surrender! But if it happens then it takes all of you, the whole of you, leaving nothing behind which can ever do anything against it."

Simple things... but they become complicated because our mind is accustomed only to doing. And these are not mind things. Surrender, let-go -- these are not mind things. For the mind it is impossible to think of them. It can agree to surrender, it can agree to let-go, but it has to be the master, doing it, and it has to be an act -- and that's where everything goes wrong.

Surrender is once and forever; let-go is once and forever -- just as death is once and forever, because nothing is left that can change the course of things. All has been taken in. You are no longer there to have a second thought.

Just the other day I was shown a statement of Rajen, one of our therapists, who is doing as much damaging work as possible. His statement was, "Up to now I was helping Osho's work through surrender; now he has given me freedom. I will still continue to do his work but my work will be different. My work will be to help people to be free of Osho."

Now, in the first place if he was really surrendered, then there is no going back: you cannot do anything about it anymore. It has happened, and you are dissolved in it.

Secondly, I cannot give you freedom, because if I give you freedom I can take it back. Freedom has to be your realization -- and that would have come through surrender, on its own. Surrender flowers into freedom, because in surrender the self is gone, and all the hell that the self creates is gone. Your whole energy is now available to blossom.

I cannot give freedom to anyone.

Freedom is not a commodity that I can hand over to you; it has to happen at the innermost core of your being. Surrender only removes the hindrances. You surrender only that which is blocking the way for freedom to come to you.

So on the second point also he is wrong. And then on the third he goes really stupid, saying that now his work will be to help people to be free of Osho. The whole world is free of me -- that is not helping them! But what he means... He is now persuading sannyasins not to be sannyasins. And he thinks he is helping people to be in a state of freedom.

There are things which only happen.

Let-go is not an action on your part, but just an understanding of the fact that this is the only way the universe functions, and if you are not functioning in this way, you are going to remain in misery. You are not being punished, you are simply being foolish. The old religions have given the idea to people that if you do wrong, you will be punished; if you do right, you will be rewarded -- because they were all dependent on doing, and that's their basic fallacy.

Religion begins when you cross the boundary of doing and enter into the world of happening. Then let-go happens, because you see that this is the only way things work. If you go against it, you are miserable.

Nobody is punishing you; you are simply being stupid. If you try to get out through the wall and hit your head, do you think it has been a punishment? And there is the door, always available for you to get out. Knowing about the door, you try to get out through the wall and smash your face. Old religions call it punishment. It is not punishment, it is simple foolishness. And the person who goes out of the door into the garden, in the sun, in the air, is not being rewarded; he is just being intelligent.

So if you ask me, I will say intelligence is the reward; unintelligence is the punishment. In its ultimate form: unintelligence is hell, intelligence is heaven.


Beyond Psychology

Редактирано от vidiya на 06.07.11 01:15.

Тема A Smile in His Lifetimeнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.07.11 01:19

Mokugen was never known to smile until his last day on earth. When his time came to pass away he said to his faithful ones: 'You have studied under me for more than ten years. Show me your real interpretation of Zen. Whoever expresses this most clearly shall be my successor and receive my robe and bowl.'

Everyone watched Mokugen's severe face but no one answered. Encho, a disciple who bad been with his teacher for a long time, moved near the bedside. He pushed forward the medicine cup a few inches. This was his answer to the command.

The teacher's face became even more severe. 'Is that all you understand?' he asked. Encho reached out and moved the cup back again.

A beautiful smile broke ova the features of Mokugen. ‘You rascal,' he told Encho. ‘You worked with me ten years and have not yet seen my whole body. Take the robe and bowl. They belong to you.'

Everything in the end is a big joke, The cup of medicine is the teaching... The body, the material body can be sick, but the being-body is never sick... The whole treatment was a joke if looked from the end... Encho was trully enlightened...

Pushing the medicine cup forward, he meant that he can provide the teaching, the cure... But the Master had to test the disciple if he was serious about his role OR if he really got the spirit of the transmission... The Master, being serious towards his disciples, was just pushing them, forcing them to recognise their true nature, which is always healthy, whole...

That's the ultimate joke... You are Eternal Being, Perfect, Whole, Infinite...But asleep... And you feel sick the moment you realise the futility of your dreams, you feel sick and you go to the doctor - which is the Master... You take his medicine and when you wake up from your dream, you laugh, because everything was just a joke!

Taking back the cup, means that he knows it was not really medicine, it was a placebo! The whole Teaching is a placebo! Because nothing is to be cured, you are perfect always, just a little trick is needed to wake you up...

And Encho is not just enlightened, but he is a Master... He can transpire...

There are people who got to know, but they cannot act energetically, they cannot express it... In fact it cannot be expressed and they know it, that's why they don't speak...

You may can get it, just by sitting near them, getting into their silence, their aura, their atmosphere... But they cannot communicate, they cannot make devices so you can awaken...

It depends on their culture.. If they are cultured, they also know that it cannot be expressed, but they create devices... The Master is a cook, he is always cooking devices so you can go energetically into the path...

Mastery is an art, the highest... Either you have it or you don't... But you, ...if you are sensitive enough, you can get it just by siiting besides a mystic...

Silence is the "teaching" of the mystic... Absolute silence...Only in absolute silence you re-cognise your true nature...

The master creates much noise... He speaks and acts in a way that you are finally pushed to fall into That Silence...

Mokugen smiled for the first time the moment he realised that his work will be continued, his disciple was worthy of his disquising robe and his precious empty bowl...

Тема "Love hurts"...нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.07.11 01:42


The urge to come near me, is not in the physical plane...

The desire to see me, is not really "to see me", but to"see" yourself, your totality...

Love is the bridge of the gap of separation...

Love is the unceasant striving to regain unity...

Love unites, while the mind separates...

Love is a pull, the unitys force...

Osho says that love is the Doorsteps of the Temple of God...

God is nothing but the totality of the appearing different dimencions...

The objectivity in love hurts... that's why the say "Love hurts"...

The other hurts, as he remains "the other", the object of love...

But that pain, that agony creates energy, which intensifies the pull...

In reality, the other is but a mirror to whom we project our deepest desire to re-cognise ourselves...

The fear that you may feeling, is just the resistance of the door which leads to freedom from all objects... Freedom from all objects equals to the totality of the Self... Don't get discouraged by the resistance of that door, it resists just because it has not opened for thousands of lives, so it's a bit rusty, love is the best lubricant for that door...

When the object of your love is the Master, the one who has become one with the whole, then your destiny is to re-cognise your true nature, to become one with the whole...

In the deepest level of love, one loses his identity, his ego, the very cause of separation... One becomes one with the beloved... And when ones love expands so that it becomes all-encompassing, he becomes one with the Whole - otherwise named God...

Beloved, spread your love around more and more, the ego dies in love and you, by and by, come closer to unity... And meditation prepares you to do so more efficiently... Burn your torch from both sides, love and meditation...

Love & Light

Редактирано от vidiya на 06.07.11 01:49.

Тема Re: ~ HERE ~ NOW ~нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.07.11 15:17

“Sitting silently, doing nothing, the spring comes and the grass grows by itself...”

________love n light __

Тема Re: ~ HERE ~ NOW ~нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.07.11 15:23

~ OshO ~

_" Love is not a relationship between two persons. It is a state of mind within yourself. If you are loving, you are loving to everybody — not only to persons, but to things as well. Love moves from you to objects also. Even when you are alone, when no one is there, you are loving.

It is just like breathing. If I take an oath that I will breathe only when I am with you, only death can follow. Breathing is not relationship; it is not tied to any relationship. And for the etheric body, love is just like breathing. It is its breath.

________love n light __

Редактирано от vidiya на 06.07.11 15:28.

Тема Re: ~ HERE ~ NOW ~нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.07.11 15:33

** Lao Tzu **

"Chanting is no more holy than listening to the murmur of a stream, counting prayer beads no more sacred than simply breathing…If you wish to attain oneness with the Tao, don't get caught up in spiritual superficialities."

________love n light _

Тема Re: ~ HERE ~ NOW ~нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.07.11 15:41

~ OshO ~

You will have to bring the heart back. You will have to be aware again of nature. You will have to learn to watch roses, lotuses again. You will have to make a few contacts with the trees and the rocks and the rivers. You will have to start a dialogue with the stars again. Otherwise God cannot be brought back to humanity, and without God humanity is doomed, is lost.

Man had always lived with nature. To live with nature is to live with God in an indirect way, because nature reflects God in a thousand and one ways. The growing trees and the faraway call of the cuckoo and the winds in the pine trees and the rivers moving towards the ocean and the proud mountains standing in the sun and the starry night, and it is impossible not to be reminded of some invisible hands.

It is impossible not to see that existence is not dead but alive. The ocean heaves, breathes; the whole existence is a growing phenomenon. It is not dead, it cannot be dead. Everything is growing...

________ love n light_

Тема Re: ~ HERE ~ NOW ~нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.07.11 15:46

~ Zen poet is saying ~

“What is this butterfly? It must be a fallen leaf which is returning to the source ...”

~ OshO ~

In these word-paintings, Zen poets have said so much.

A fallen leaf returning to the branch? Butterfly.

A fallen leaf becomes a butterfly and returns again to the branch.

Everything returns to the source: that is the meaning of the haiku. You may take your time, but one has to return to the source. At the source you are the buddha. At the source you are one with the cosmos, and perhaps bigger than the cosmos.

________ love n light_

Тема Re: ~ HERE ~ NOW ~нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.07.11 15:51

~ OshO ~

You are not accidental. Existence needs you. Without you something will be missing in existence and nobody can replace it. Thats what gives you dignity, that the whole existence will miss you. The stars and sun and moon, the trees and birds and earth - everything in the universe will feel a small place is vacant which cannot be filled by anybody except you.

This gives you a tremendous joy, a fulfillment that you are related to existence, and existence cares for you. Once you are clean and clear, you can see tremendous love falling on you from all dimensions.

________ love n light_

Тема Re: ~ HERE ~ NOW ~нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.07.11 15:54

~ Buddha said ... ~

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books.
Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.
Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.

But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.

"The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart.

________ love n light_

Тема Re: ~ HERE ~ NOW ~нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.07.11 15:57

~ OshO Said ... ~

This is the peak of Heraclitus’ consciousness. Let it go deep in you. Let it circulate in your blood and in your heart. Let it become a beat.


Many things are implied. One: you need not make much effort. Even making much effort may be a barrier because nothing can come before its season — all things come in their due seasons. Too much effort can be dangerous. Too much effort may be an effort to bring things when the season is not ripe.

That doesn’t mean don’t make any effort… because if you don’t make any effort, then they may not come even in their due season. Just the right amount of effort is needed.

What does a gardener do? He watches the seasons in the sky: now it is time to sow, he sows — never before it, never after it. A farmer simply watches for the right moment, then he sows; then he waits, then he sings. Then in the night he sleeps and watches — and waits. Whatsoever is to be done, he does it, but there is no hurry.

________ love n light_

Тема Re: ~ HERE ~ NOW ~нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.07.11 16:07

* Lao Tzu *

The highest good is like water.
For water benefits the ten thousand things without striving.
It settles in places that people avoid and so is like the Tao.
In choosing your home look to the land.
In preparing your heart go deep.
In associating with others value gentleness.
In speaking exhibit good faith.
In governing provide good order.
In the conduct of business be competent.
In action be timely.
Then there is no strife, nothing goes amiss.

________love n light __

Тема Re: ~ HERE ~ NOW ~нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.07.11 16:09

* Lao Tzu *

All under heaven see beauty as beauty only because they also see ugliness.

All announce that good is good only because they also denounce what is bad.

Therefore, something and nothing give birth to one another.

Difficult and easy complete one another.

Long and short fashion one another.

High and low arise from one another.

Notes and tones harmonise with one another.

Front and back follow one another.

Thus, the True Person acts without striving and teaches without words.

Deny nothing to the ten thousand things.

Nourish them without claiming authority,

Benefit them without demanding gratitude,

Do the work, then move on.

And, the fruits of your labour will last forever.

________love n light __

Тема Re: ~ HERE ~ NOW ~ нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.07.11 16:18

'Music' & 'Meditation' are the two aspects of the same phenomena-
without 'Music', 'Meditation' lacks something;
without 'Music', 'Meditation' is a little dull, Unalive;
without 'Meditation', 'Music' is simply noise; harmonious, but noise;
without 'Meditation', 'Music' is only entertainment;

~ Osho ~

Редактирано от vidiya на 06.07.11 17:33.

Тема ~ OshO ~ My Master My Love ~нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.07.11 16:29

~ OshO ~

A fool is one who goes on trusting; a fool is one who goes on trusting against all his experience. You deceive him, and he trusts you; and you deceive him again, and he trusts you; and you deceive him again, and he trusts you.

Then you will say that he is a fool, he does not learn. His trust is tremendous; his trust is so pure that nobody can corrupt it. Be a fool in the Taoist sense, in the Zen sense. Don't try to create a wall of knowledge around you. Whatsoever experience comes to you, let it happen, and then go on dropping it. Go on cleaning your mind continuously; go on dying to the past so you remain in the present, herenow, as if just born, just a babe. In the beginning it is going to be very difficult. The world will start taking advantage of you...let them.

They are poor fellows. Even if you are cheated and deceived and robbed, let it happen, because that which is really yours cannot be robbed from you, that which is really yours nobody can steal from you. And each time you don't allow situations to corrupt you, that opportunity will become an integration inside. Your soul will become more crystallized."

________ love n light_

Тема Re: ~ OshO ~ My Master My Love ~нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.07.11 16:33

~ OshO ~

The real life has to be natural, and the real life has to go one day beyond nature. But nature has to become its foundation — not against nature, not hiding it, but discovering the innermost core of nature. Then is the transcendence, and that is the most beautiful experience. It beautifies you, your body, your mind, your soul. It not only beautifies you, it beautifies even people who come in contact with you. This beauty belongs to the beyond; it is called grace. Something descends from the above and floods you.

It is up to you to make whatsoever you want out of your life. An enlightened consciousness makes even death beautiful. An unenlightened consciousness makes even life ugly. For an enlightened consciousness, only beauty exists — only beauty; only bliss exists — only bliss.

_______love n light __

Редактирано от vidiya на 06.07.11 16:34.

Тема Re: ~ OshO ~ My Master My Love ~нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.07.11 16:38

~ OshO ~

The world is against individuality. It is against your being just your natural self. It wants you just to be a robot, and because you have agreed to be a robot you are in trouble. You are not a robot. That was not the intention of nature, to make a robot of you.

So because you are not what you were meant to be, what you were destined to be, you are constantly looking: "What is missing? Perhaps better furniture, better curtains, a better house, a better husband, a better wife, a better job..." Your whole life you are trying and rushing from one place to another. But the society has distracted you from the very beginning. My effort is to bring you back to yourself, and you will suddenly find all that discontent has disappeared. There is no need to be more -- you are enough. Everybody is enough.

_______love n light __

Тема Search for your original face !нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 00:23

~ OshO ~

... This is what Jesus means by conversion. A Hindu can becom a Mohammedan, a Mohammedan can become a Christian, a Christian can become a Hindou - that is not conversion. That is again changing masks. When a Christian becomes religious, a Hindou becomes religious, when a Mohammedan becomes religious, then it is conversion. It is not moving between one religion and another, because there are not two religions in the world. There cannot be two: religion is ONE!

Religiousness is a quality; it has nothing to do with sects and doctrines and dogmas, churches and temples and mosques. If you are in a mosque and you become religious, you will no longer be a Mohammedan ... you will simply become a pure being who has no adjective attached to him. If you are praying in a temple and the temple disappears, you are no longer a Hindou ... you have become religious. This is conversion.

What Zen masters says: "Search for your original face," is the meaning of "Repent ye." - drop all the masks. It is not a question between you and others, it is a question between you and your God. "Repent ye" means drop all the masks and stand before God in your original face - the way he has made you.

Let that be your only face - the way he wanted you to be.
Let that be your only being.
Return to the original source, come back to your deepest core of being.

Repentance is returning back; it is one of the greatest spiritual turnings ...

________love n light __

Тема Re: YOU are also, the ONLY begotten son of God !нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 00:27

~ OshO ~

That's what i mean when I say Buddha is aslo the only begotten son, you are also. Everybody in this world is unique. Once you attain to your inner realization you are the only begotten son of God - as if the whole existence exists for you and only for you. The trees flower for you and the birds sing for you and the rivers flow for you and clouds gather together for you. You become the sole center of existence when you attain ...

Try to understand this, you can be graceful only when you are true!

The gospel catches the exact point of Jesus' being: truth and grace. He was true, profoundly true to the very core - utmost, utterly true. That's how he got into trouble. To live with a society which is absolutely untrue, to live with it with utter truthfulness, is to get into trouble.

And the grace ... He was not a politician and he was not a priest. He simply loved life and lived it. He was not here to preach anything, he had no dogma to inculcate, he had no ideas to force on people. In fact, he lived a pure, graceful, flowing life, and he was infectious. This man was a child, an innocent child. People were attracted. People left their houses, their jobs - they simply started following him ...

Jesus ... a breeze from the unknown ... nobody knows from where it comes, nobody knows where it goes: a penetration of eternity into time ... the entry of the mysterious into the known!

________love n light __

Тема Re: YOU are also, the ONLY begotten son of God !нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 00:31

~ OshO ~

If you can go happily to a pub, that is better than going unhappily to a temple - because finally, one comes to discover that happiness IS THE TEMPLE!

Be happy and you are virtues; be unhappy and you are commiting what religious people have called sin!

________love n light

Тема Never neglect the little thingsнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 00:47

“Never neglect the little things. Never skimp on that extra effort, that additional few minutes, that soft word of praise or thanks, that delivery of the very best that you can do. It does not matter what others think, it is of prime importance, however, what you think about you. You can never do your best, which should always be your trademark, if you are cutting corners and shirking responsibilities. You are special. Act it. Never neglect the little things.”

Тема How can one go dancing towards the grave?нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 00:52

~ OshO ~

The bird will go on singing, and die, and will not be aware even for a single moment that death is coming.
But if you are not aware of death, how can you be aware of life?
Awareness of life is at a cost; the cost has to be paid.
That cost is the fear of death.
If you are aware of life, you are bound to be aware of death.
And how can you be at ease?
Alive, something is dying, continuously.
Alive, you are moving towards the grave.
How can you celebrate and dance?
How can one go dancing towards the grave?

With awareness humanity enters into the world.
But with awareness enters anxiety and anguish.
And this will be so unless you again become one.
Duality is the anxiety.
Hence Sufis, Vedantists, Zen people, all the mystics of all the ages, insist only on one thing, and that is: transcend duality, become ADVAITA, become nondual.

Become one again.

You WERE one, because you have been a tree, and you have been a river, and you have been a rock in the Himalayas, and you have been a million types of birds and animals, and you have lived all kinds of lives -- vegetable lives, mineral lives, animal lives.
You have passed through existence many many times, in many many forms.
You have been one, but unconsciously one.
Now, the duality has arisen.
You have to be one again, this time CONSCIOUSLY one.

________love n light_

Редактирано от vidiya на 11.07.11 00:54.

Тема Death: The ultimate orgasm !нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 00:58

~ OshO ~

The moment of death can become the moment of enlightenment also, both are so similar. When someone becomes enlightened it is a death deeper than ordinary death; when someone becomes enlightened he comes to know that he is not the body. The attachment, the identification, disappears. For the first time he can see an unbridgeable gap. He is here, the body is there; there is an abyss between. He has never been the body and the body has never been him.

This death is deeper than ordinary death; when you die ordinarily you are still identified with the body. This death is still deeper. Not only are you unidentified with the body, your identification with the mind, with the ego, also disappears. You are left simply as an emptiness, as an inner space, boundless, you are neither the body nor the mind. In ordinary death only the body dies; the mind goes on following you like a shadow.

The mind is the problem, not the body. Through the mind you have become one with the body, and unless the mind disappears you will go on getting into newer bodies, into newer vehicles, and the wheel of life will go on and on. When you become enlightened suddenly you are not the body, you are not the mind. Only then do you come to know who you are. The body is a seed, the mind is also a seed; hidden beyond them is you.

________love n light_

Тема "The Lure of the Sirene's Call"нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 01:08

The "target" of this Game is to find Who You Really Are.

So, Who are you?

Of course you are not the object...

Who you are is irrelevant to everything that you know.

Who you are is irrelevant to everything you see,

everything you think, everything that happens, everything.

You already know you are not your body.

That you are not your body means you are not your looks.

You are not your age. You are not your illness nor are you your


You are not your habits. You are not your thinking.

You do know you are not your fingernail, and yet all that that you may

presently think is you amounts to no more than a fingernail.

Who you are is irrelevant to your perceived suffering and your

perceived happiness.

Who you are is irrelevant to your success and your failure.

Who you are is irrelevant to your comfort or discomfort.

Who you are is irrelevant to your position in the world, irrelevant to

your relationships with your family, irrelevant to your loneliness.

All that transpires is irrelevant next to who you are.

All the world’s plaudits are irrelevant.

All the wealth or all the poverty.

All the understanding or misunderstanding.

All the caring or not caring.

All the ease and all the difficulty.

All the knowledge and all the ignorance.

All the fame as well as being overlooked.

All the A’s and all the E’s. They are all the same. They have nothing to

do with you.

What does anything have to do with you? Nothing has anything to do

with you. Nothing at all.

The you that you may think you are has nothing to do with you.

The you that is you is untouchable, pristine and pure, it is unbounded

and timeless spaciousness.

The you that you really are is never born and never gonna die. You

are eternal homeness.


Тема The Masters Way of Workingнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 07:55

Once Osho was asked why do you wear a watch worth Rs. 55 lakh and why do you have 93 Rolls Royes as such things do not match or are not in conformity with what is said about an enlightened soul or sage?

Osho in reply asked the questioner, "Why and how have you come to this place, Pune?"

The visitor replied "I read your books and listened your discources. I felt I have found my Guru/Master and I got attracted, therefore I am here."

Then Osho asked "Then why are you showing interest in watch and cars? This interests of yours simply show that your mind still has more attraction towards the object of desire compared to what I am saying. Why cannot you see that your mind is making you fool."

The visitor was ashamed of his questions.

[Osho has beautifully explained all these things.]

He said "I don't need the watch as time is immaterial for me. I don't need so many cars or for that matter even a single car, as the distance between his residence and the place where discources were held was hardly 2 minutes walk."

He has explained that by keeping such objects of desire with him he was able to screen unwanted persons coming and residing in the Ashram. He wanted his own people i.e those who were interested in what he was trying to share with them. He was interested in attracting intelligent people who could understand him, people who were not interested in superficial behaviours like how he talks, what he speaks, what he eats, etc.

Intelligent people, according to him, are those people who can "understand /imagine/conceive" the "background/context" from various angles of what he was sharing. Those who can find out the positive even from something which appears to be negative on superficial level, for the benefit of his/her upliftment towards self-realisation.

For all these qualities Osho has used term "Reading in between the word/lines".

We cannot understand the Masters way of working as they are totally unpredictable, as they are true representative of life as such.

Prediction can be made only in the case of dead thing.

We should be interested in what we are looking for from that person, not in the person itself and things he has in his possesion.

This is the root cause why we generally fail is our approach.

Now you decide where you stand.

Редактирано от vidiya на 11.07.11 08:02.

Тема ARE WE REALLY FOCUSED ON TRUTH?нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 08:08

There are two incidents which I have heard Osho narrating in his discourse WHICH WILL BE ABLE TO SAY THE TRUTH.

1) After Osho finished his discourse on a christian scripture (perhaps on "Sermon on the Mount"), he instructed one of his disciple in Australia to publish those discourses in the form of a book under his (disciple) authorship .

The book was an instant hit and a number of books was sold immediately purchased by the Churches and many fanatic Christians.

After a few months or so, Osho instructed the same disciple to give an advertisement in the Newspaper that the name of the author was mistakenly printed so and so, but the fact is that the real author is Osho. The disciple did as directed by Osho.

The immediate reaction of this information in the newspaper was that the Australian Govt. immediately banned that book (perhaps "I say onto you") and all the prints of the books were ordered to be withdrawn from the shelves of the book shops and many prints were burnt publicly.

Редактирано от vidiya на 11.07.11 08:30.

Тема How can I find a master?нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 08:11


I am seeking and wandering. Tell me, how can I find a master? And how am I to be certain that he is the right master for me? What are the criteria? How to judge? How am I to know whether he is the man to lead me? How can one be certain?

This question may be the question of many. Everyone is searching. You can seek, but you cannot find. But seeking is necessary, because if you don’t seek, nothing will happen. Go on seeking, but know that just by seeking you cannot find, because it is impossible for the disciple to know who the right guru is. It is impossible for the lower to judge the higher. How can one judge “This is the master for me?” If you can judge and decide, then you have gone above the master.

The disciple can never find the master. Only the master can find the disciple.

So the disciple has to go on seeking and seeking and seeking just to be available to the masters, so that when the right man comes, he can choose you.

Only the master can choose you; you cannot choose him. In the ancient secret wisdom of Egypt it was said that when the disciple is ready the master appears. It is so. If you are ready, the master will appear. And your readiness is your availability – it is to be available.

Go on seeking. You will meet many teachers; be humble, learn with reverence and gratitude. But remember that not every teacher is your master. You will have to wait for the right master to appear. Go on, with deep humility, humbleness, receptivity. Move from teacher to teacher. You don’t know who the master is, but when you are ready, through this search the master will choose you.

And the moment someone chooses you, be courageous enough to be chosen. Don’t try to escape when someone chooses you, because that’s what happens: you may be in search of a master, but when the master chooses you and says “Okay, I accept you,” you may try to escape, because the master is like death.

I say, the master is like death. There is an old Indian saying: The master is death. Acharyo mrityuh – the master is death. He is, because he will destroy you as you are, just to create a new you. He will kill you just to give you a rebirth. He will restructure you. He’s going to give you rebirth, so death is necessary. So when the master chooses you, it appears as if death is coming. You may try to escape. Remember: you cannot find the master, but when the master finds you, be ready to die, be ready to surrender.

But there is fear: “If that man is not right… How can I know if this man is the right master for me? How am I to know if he is the right one for me and I should now surrender?” That you cannot know. To know the right man you first have to be the right man; otherwise, how can you know? You have no experience of being right, so how can you feel whether this man is right for you? If you are already a right man then there is no need for a master. Even that is not possible. So what to do?

I say it is not a question of the right man; it is a question of surrender. Surrender, even to the wrong man, is helpful.


Тема THE INNER COMPASS...нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 08:24

Beloved Master, all my life I was following my compass and now, here, in Your Presence, the needle of my compass turns around like crazy!

What's happening? Has my compass broken - am I mad, or am I in the Center?

On this journey of life, there is a compass: the thirst to be fulfilled.

We have been created this compass, it is already ours.

We have created a thirst in life so that we can seek out a way to quench it.

And the compass points and points and points.

It points within, to our heart, to our being, where clarity and joy reside.

And that is where we need to journey - Within...

And meditation is the key, the way and the destination...

There are four phases in your journey..

Birth - Baptism - Resurrection - I AM PRESENT


The moment you forget the world - the other... The moment you're left totally alone, at that moment occurs the birth of your Self...

The supreme familiar feeling of coming home!

You'll remember feelings of your infancy long forgotten, but never deleted... Never again you'll feel loneliness... Your eyes will be cleansed, becoming innocent again like a child... The world will look like a theater scene and you shall be the spectator... All the dramas will look like comedy played by actors... All encounters with people will become transparent, recognising at once the false as false and the real as real...


Then, a moment comes, where out of compassion, you'll have to step on the stage where the drama is played... There, the encounter with the unconscious players will provoke your involvement with the "drama"...

You'll have to play a role there, being aware of your Self at the same time... This interaction between the unconscious of the other and your conscious effort to make him look at the role that he's playing, produces a friction, which one day will ignite an explosion inside you, an explosion that will burn all your remaing attachments with the stage called worldly affairs... You will become an absolute individual, unwavering while sailing in the rough seas where all relation-ships are sinking...


As your meditation has become your breath and your love and compassion have matured, your devotion pushes you to share more and more, so your inner compass weakens its primal indication and again, in a differet level, service to the other becomes a slight attachment... The final one... There, Buddha says: "If you meet me on the way, cut my head immediately"... Remember the keys here are two phrases... "Laziness is a Virtue" and "Easy is Right and Right is Easy"... Once more you have to take the road from the Alone to the Alone... At that point be brave to cut ALL attachments and enjoy your freedom, until you realise that You Are Freedom itself!

Now, your watchfullness has become so sharp, that nothing whatsoever passes from the screen of your awareness... At that moment of nothing left to look upon, you become aware of the watcher, the almost imperceptible at-tension of it... There, turn away... And the Apocalypse! You are resurrected, re-erected as Timeless Spaciousness, Eternal Being... This is Enlightenment! Returning to the Source... The compass has reached the Pole of attraction!


Now you know The Secret... But the knower is there! And the motivation of the boddhisattva - the one who's dedicated to bring light wherever is absent - rules your life. ...There are situations where you become serious, you're getting involved in them, still there is action...

But as you mature in it, a distance is created within and without... You then can mix with everything without ever losing your Presence... Now you can go to the marketplace and get drunk, singing, absolutely free from everything... it's called "Beyond Enlightenment"... You are finally the Pole of attraction!

Тема Love knows to roar like a lion too.нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 10:15

Love knows to roar like a lion too.

Love is not just sweet poetry.

If love were just sweet poetry,

it could not exist in this insane world.

It has to be strong enough - stronger than hate,

stronger than anger -

it has to be a lion's roar.

Тема Споделено от ученици на Ошо..нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 10:32

tell me onething ..
what u people did for earning
while being in commune in all those days with beloved?
did u people thought even once at least about any earnings or about careers??
u people may already married at that time may having kids also na..
...Earning? Who was earning" ...I had already a flourishing career back in '80s when i met Osho, I was also married for 15 years and my career got to a stop suddenly and I got divorced too...
No woman, no friends, no money... Loneliness was painfull... For 9 months I was suffering, trying to commit suicide by meditation...
Suddenly, one night, as I was ready to go out for a walk, I saw people happy enjoying their company... I was a complete outsider there... A phrase arose in my mind "There is nothing for me out there"... Accepted... Surrendered... Next moment, a warm feeling of supreme familiarity descended... I AMness! I had to lose everything to "Earn" My Self!

Тема Meditationнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 10:38

Meditation is the "red pill", leading to "escape" from the Matrix...

Редактирано от vidiya на 11.07.11 13:42.

Тема Re: Споделено от ученици на Ошо..нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 11:04

Let-go, Alertness AND Love, bring about Happen-ness...

He was sitting in a cafe, a thousand feet above the see level, in Oia village, Santorini island...

It was late August afternoon and the atmosphere was transparent...

His view extended beyond the volcano, some seventy miles away, until Crete where he'd met again his Master four years ago...

He was smoking, drinking his iced coffee, mindless...

He'd just arrived from Athens, been invited by a friend to stay for sometime in a room offered to him...

He'd money just for a day or two in his pocket...

After his last adventure he'd no friends left, nowhere to go, nothing to do, but he had no worry nor anxiety, he was full unto himself...

The small cafe offered dinner also and few costumers had already ordered, while some others waited to order too...

Suddenly, he heard a desparate phrase in greek, coming from the kitchen, something like ..."fυcking god"!

He went to the small kitchen to see what's happening...

The guy in the kitchen was red-faced, in despair...

Trying to overturn an omelette in the pan, he'd throw it on the floor!

The whole kitchen was in a mess, dirty plates and glasses and kitchen utensils were all over...

He said: "Do you need any help?"

The guy said: "Please, I'm in a loss..."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Can you prepare some greek salads?"


He started by preparing greek salads, he washed the dishes and glasses and utensils, he made omelettes, boilled spaghettis, made coffees, juices, served ice creams, took orders and everything...

Late at night, most of the costumers had gone, while some others were still sitting enjoying their drinks, listening to the music, when the owner approached our man, thanked and gave him what was considered a good days payment, and said: "If you don't have anything else to do, please come tomorrow also"...

The next six days, he was fully occupied there cooking, washing, serving continuously from 7 am, 'till 3 o'clock after midnight...

The seventh day, early in the morning, they were drinking their coffee, smoking, when the guy said to our man:

"Dude, I have a problem..."

"What's the problem?"

"I have a very important job in Athens this week, but I can't close the cafe for a week, because it is full season and all the costumers will go away, I'll lose them... So I've been seing you... You are good, you have the skill and the ability to keep the cafe open for a week, ..can you?"

"But of course my man, do what you have to do and I will keep it running"...

"Thanks man, ...but you know.. keep a low profile.. don't overdo, just what we did, not more, ok?"

"Ok dude, say it's done..."

He gave our man a small capital for grossery and stuff, and left happy...

Next day the small cafe had completely changed it's aura!

He bought new tablecloths, put small vases with flowers on all the tables, his prefered music, put candles everywhere ...and added seven new dishes to the menu!

Three days later he had hire two girls to help him, the small cafe was overcrowded from 9 am, 'till 3 am!

Two weeks later, at 11 pm, while the small cafe was full and many costumers were waiting sitted on the stairs leading to the main path of the village, a dark silhouette appeared walking down the stairs... He came into the kitchen almost frightened, not sure where he was and asked our man:

"What's going on here?"

"Nothing special, just these days more and more people are coming..."

The guy sat thoughtfull on a chair inside the kitchen, the man offered him a glass with his favoured scotch and waited there until the cafe was empty. Then he said:

"Are there any money for me?"

Our man gave him the days sum of money, which was ten times the amount of capital that he was given and the guy was utterly fulfilled...

Next morning, at coffe time, the guy said:

""Look... I see that you manage very well and I have some more business to take care, can I leave?"

He said: "But of course, you can be sure about the business here."

He left, ...and he never came back!

When after a month, the friend of our man returned, he said to him that he'd subleted the cafe to this guy two months ago, but he knew that he was an ex-heroin addict and he must have relapsed...

They then made a deal, so our man kept the cafe and his room for the rest of the season and the whole winter, until his friend and owner was going to take it himself...

Anand Sarmad

Тема SAMATHI and THE METHOD...нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 13:08

The buddhist term SAMATHI means RIGHT CONCENTRATION...

This means that the culmination of spirituality is purity of heart which can be attained only by purity of conduct on the basis of the practice of the last three buddhist disciplines -- morality, meditation, and wisdom...

1. Morality = right speech, right action, and right livelihood...

Morality has two aspects. First, by bringing attention to the ways in which we speak, act, and live, we create the conditions needed in order to practice. Second, the way we live is the expression of what we understand through practice. Therefore, in Buddhism, morality is not a matter of observing rigid moral principles, but of giving expression to the wisdom of original mind.

Where are you living?

What's your thinking, feeling, living enviroment? Do you think according to your past, projecting into the future? Do you feel according to your fear, your hopes and desires? Have you build your enviroment according to the above out of insecurity? Or you're present, in accordance to the now?

What are you doing?

How do you live your days, is it fear and desire that govern your moods and dictate your actions?

Or you're free from the past and the desire for the future, enjoying your being now-here?

What are your relationships?

Are they people to whom you're depended out of insecurity or real people whom you love?

Are you in right relation? Are you contented in your self and share your being with your beloved, or you're tethered in mutual bondage with your mate?

Where is your spring of life, your very being or the thousand broken mirrors around you, yearning for the reflection of your self-made image?

Do you know your essencial qualities and live according and through them or you feed upon ephemeral satisfactions and mutual exploitations?

Dare to be yourself, drop the empty behaviour, don't just "chat" unconsciously out of habit, regain your responce ability that you had as a child, fearless and innocent. ..."The King is naked!"

Be with like thinking, feeling, living people. Be good to each other. Not goody-goody, not just polite, but really compassionate to eachother. Do not give up your responsibility to anyone, for any reason, in any field of your life. Listen attentively to what the other says, but evaluate it in your heart.

Be available to the Unknown... Let go of the past AND the future - the two shores of the river of life, be aware, conscious, alert and do not be taken by emotions.

Share your joy, dancing with those in the same state. And take nothing personally.

2. Meditation = Right effort, right mindfulness, and right attention..

Right effort, right mindfulness, and right attention constitute the discipline of meditation. In this context, meditation actually means stable attention. We begin with the effort of resting with the breath. We develop mindfulness first, then stable attention. Attention is the heart of Buddhist practice. Although we use formal meditation to cultivate attention, the real practice is to live in attention all the time.

3. Wisdom or understanding = a) Right cognition and b) Right view.

a) Right cognition means that we bring attention to the thinking process. We use cognitive processes to uncover and correct problems in our practice and in our lives.

b) Right view is seeing things as they actually are. By bringing attention to how we see things, we step out of the projected "realities" of conditioning.

I'll begin with the third first, with Oshos words, because for me right understanding is fundamental...

"You're not what you know. Anything that you see, hear, sense. Anything you think, anything you feel, anything that happens, anything.... You are not your body, meaning you are not your looks.

You are not your age. You are not your illness nor are you your health.

You are not your habits. You are not your thinking. You are not your character and the picture you have of your self, good, bad, indifferent.

You do know you are not your fingernail, and yet ALL that that you may presently think is you, amounts to no more than a fingernail.

Who you are is irrelevant to your perceived suffering and your perceived happiness.

Who you are is irrelevant to your success and your failure.

Who you are is irrelevant to your comfort or discomfort.

Who you are is irrelevant to your position in the world, irrelevant to your relationships with your family, irrelevant to your loneliness.

All that transpires is irrelevant next to who you are.

All the world’s plaudits are irrelevant.

All the wealth or all the poverty.

All the understanding or misunderstanding.

All the caring or not caring.

All the ease and all the difficulty.

All the knowledge and all the ignorance.

All the fame as well as being overlooked.

All the A’s and all the E’s. They are all the same. They have nothing to do with you.

What does anything have to do with you? Nothing has anything to do with you. Nothing at all.

The "you" that you may think you are has nothing to do with you.

The You that is you is untouchable, pristine and pure, it is unbounded and timeless spaciousness.

Even if you happen to die, don't take it personally... The you that you really are is never born and never gonna die. You are eternal homeness."

Second about meditation...

One thing has to be remembered about meditation; it is a long journey and there is no shortcut. Anyone who says there is a shortcut is be fooling you.

It is a long journey because the change is very deep and is achieved after many lives - many lives of routine habits, thinking, desiring. And the mind structure; that you have to drop through meditation. In fact it is almost impossible - but it happens.

A man becoming a meditator is the greatest responsibility in the world. It is not easy. It cannot be instant. So from the beginning never start expecting too much and then you will never be frustrated. You will always be happy because things will grow very slowly.

Meditation is not a seasonal flower which within six weeks is there. It is a very very big tree. It needs time to spread its roots.

"Meditation simply means becoming empty of all the contents of the mind: memory, imagination, thoughts, desires, expectations, projections, moods. One has to go on emptying oneself of all these contents. The greatest day in life is when you cannot find anything in you to throw out; all has already been thrown out, and there is only pure emptiness. In that emptiness you will find yourself; in that emptiness you find your pure consciousness.

"That emptiness is empty only as far as mind is concerned. Otherwise it is overflowing, full of being ---empty of mind but full of consciousness. So don't be afraid of the word empty; it is not negative. It negates only the unnecessary luggage, which you are carrying just from old habit, which does not help but only hinders, which is just a weight, a mountainous weight. Once this weight is removed you are free from all boundaries, you become as infinite as the sky. This is the experience of God or Buddhahood or whatever word one likes. Call it dhamma, call it Tao, call it truth, call it nirvana--they all mean the same thing."

Meditation has two parts: the beginning and the end.

The beginning is called dhyana and the end is called samadhi.

Dhyana is the seed, samadhi is the flowering.

Dhyana means becoming aware of all workings of your mind, all the layers of your mind — your memories, your desires, your thoughts, dreams — becoming aware of all that goes on inside you.

Dhyana is awareness, and samadhi is when the awareness has become so deep, so profound, so total that it is like a fire and it consumes the whole mind and all its functionings.

It consumes thoughts, desires, ambitions, hopes, dreams. It consumes the whole stuff the mind is full of.

And the finally THE METHOD...

Sit confortably in a quiet space, that you have prepared for that purpose.

See around and realise that everything you see, hear, smell or sense in any way, is not what you are searching for, because it is an object to your senses, and recognising that as a fact, close your eyes.

Feel your body from the inside... Direct your awareness to your feet, to your toes, and spend some moments feeling them one by one... Move your awareness slowly from your toes to the legs, little by little...and feel them...Move your awareness slowly upwards, feeling minutely every part of your body, ...your genitals, your belly, ...feel the pressure on your ass as you sit on it, feel your hearts beat and stay there a little longer, for it brings calmness to your system...

And then go to your head, part by part, ...your ears, your eyes from the inside, your mouth, your tongue...

And then feel your breath as it goes in and out...in...out...in...out... for it brings deeper calmness... and just "do" that, watching your breath in a certain point, wherever you prefer, in the nose, in the back of the throat, in your chest, in your belly, ...wherever feels preferable to you. If you notice that some thought is distructing you from what you are doing, realise that the thought is just an object like anything else that you are becoming aware of, and return to what you were doing, not paying much attention to the thought.

It needs your intelligence to understand clearly the concept.

"Anything that passes from the screen of my awareness, is an object, it's not what I'm searching for, it's not ME... I'm NOT interested in that" ... so, you just go on discarding whatever object appears, until a moment comes were nothing moves anymore inside you... Suddenly from the sea of the inner silence, an impulse may arise in your belly... In the beggining you may not be able to realise it as another type of object and it may unfold as a thought, -- that's why the Zen people say that we are thinking with our belly! It's true, from there the thought arises, the ignition of the thought is an impulse, ...a desire! Then as your awarenes grows, by and by you'll be able to see it as it arises, and you will not become identified, seeing it as what it is... Then a deeeep silence prevails and You are totally aware...


The moment you realise that YOU are still there, watching, ... that "you" is realised also as an object... turn away.. and ...The Revelation, ...the Apocalypse!

It is called Enlightenment... but it really is what you've always been, but you didn't knew. It's the ultimate freedom from the dreams and nightmares that we were creating, it is the ultimate reality, where harmony is the fruit of understanding beyond reason... And that is the eternal and not changeable! The center of the wheel!

Beloved, banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.

All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

We are the ones we've been waiting for.

Love & Light

Тема A LETTER TO A MIDWIFE...нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 13:23

Beloved, I see that you are a fine person functioning as a midwife and I immensely respect your approach to birth giving. You are privileged enough to witness a woman giving birth unaided... You've noticed the glistening tsunamis of waters tinged with blood that run down her plains unheeded: Then you've heard the deep primal cries she makes as she does her work, sounds that come not from her throat but from her belly as she grunts and moans and roars with her exertion...

Do you think that humanity, which is a about to give birth to the new man, still being unaware, have to stay silent and make no noise with her pains or needs pain killers?

In these conditions labour swiftly becomes unbearable and pain relief becomes a woman's only hope. "Get me some pethidine, give me an epidural, cut it out of me, anything, make it stop, please help me"... This is not the natural cry of a woman in labour bringing a child to birth, although if you have only ever witnessed childbirth in a medicalised setting you might be forgiven for thinking so. This is the screaming plea of a tethered animal in pain.

Her only hope for salvation in her cell lies in the anaesthetist who numbs the pain and the obstetrician who, finally makes it stop".

No dear, no anaesthesia is needed, in fact we have to wake up to the situation and take full responce-ability for ourselves, we have the strengh needed and you know it.

The soul of humanity is about to give birth and her mind is asleep. Pain killers have being given to her, she is tethered tightly with the needs of her essentials in inhuman conditions - "tethered to 'machines' so they cannot move"... "Let us make them stay silent and make no noise with their pains"...

Beloved, you are certainly NOT in favor of such means... So let me cry out so maybe the less asleep may feel what's happening and take their responce-ability back...

This is the Message From the Hopi Elders.

You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.

Now you must go back and tell the people that this is The Hour.

Here are the things that must be considered:

Where are you living?

What are you doing?

What are your relationships?

Are you in right relation?

Where is your water?

Know our garden.

It is time to speak your Truth.

Create your community.

Be good to each other.

And do not look outside yourself for the leader.

This could be a good time!

There is a river flowing now very fast.

It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.

They will try to hold on to the shore.

They will feel like they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.

Know the river has its destination.

The elders say we must let go of the shore,

push off toward the middle of the river,

keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.

See who is there with you and celebrate.

At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves!

For the moment we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

The time of the lonely wolf is over.

Gather yourselves!

Banish the word struggle from your attitude and vocabulary.

All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

The Elders,

Тема JE T'AIMEнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 13:58

"What is the path?", Zen Master Nansen was asked.
"Everyday life is the path", he answered.


Редактирано от vidiya на 11.07.11 15:30.

Тема Love is the Only Religion, All Else is Just Rubbisнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 15:59


Редактирано от vidiya на 11.07.11 16:00.

Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 16:09


First of all, come to know the non-self.

Know what is not the self and understand it completely.

Finally, nothing will remain; eventually, everything

that is not the self will disappear.

That is the self.

That emptiness is the self.

Only emptiness is really full.

Тема Thoughts emerge out of impulses in the belly...нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано12.07.11 08:25

"Anything that passes from the screen of my awareness,

is an object... It's not what I'm searching for, it's NOT ME...

I'm NOT interested in that..."

So, you just go on discarding whatever object appears,

until a moment comes were nothing moves anymore inside you...

Suddenly from the sea of the inner silence, an impulse may arise in your belly...

In the beggining you may not be able to realise it as another type of objectand it may unfold as a thought,

-- that's why the Zen people say that we are thinking with our belly!

It's true, from there the thought arises, the ignition of the thought is an impulse, ...a desire!

Then as your awarenes grows, by and by you'll be able to see it as it arises,

and you will not become identified, seeing it as what it is...

Then a deeeep silence prevails and You are totally aware...


The moment you realise that YOU are still there, watching,

...that "you" is realised also as an object... turn away..

and ...The Revelation, the Apocalypse!

It is called Enlightenment... But it really is what you've always been, but you didn't knew.

It's the ultimate freedom from the dreams and nightmares that we were creating,

it is the ultimate reality, where harmony is the fruit of understanding beyond reason...

And that is the eternal and not changeable! The Center of the Wheel!

Тема Your mind is like a TV screen...нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано12.07.11 23:40

Meditation is a simple method. Your mind is like a TV screen. Memories are passing, images are passing, thoughts, desires, a thousand and one things are passing; it is always rush hour. And the road is almost like an Indian road -- no traffic rules, everybody, is going in every direction. One has to watch it without any evaluation, without any judgement without any choice, simply watching unconcerned as if it has nothing to do with you, you are just a witness. That is choiceless awareness.

If you choose, if you say 'This thought is good -- let me have it', or 'It is a beautiful desire, a beautiful dream, I should enjoy it a little more, I can go into it a little deeper'... if you choose you lose your witnessing. If you say 'This is bad, this is immoral, this is a sin, I should throw it out,' you start struggling, again you lose your witnessing.

You can lose your witnessing in two ways; either being for or against. And the whole secret of meditation is to be neither for nor to be against, but unconcerned, cool, without any preference, likes, dislikes, without any choice. If you can manage even a few moments of that witnessing one will be surprised how much bliss happens, how ecstatic one becomes.

In the beginning there are only a few moments, then those moments become bigger. And as you become a true witness, without any choice, in that moment the whole traffic disappears. Suddenly the TV screen just a white screen, there are no pictures at all. And to see your mind as utterly empty is the greatest experience in life because it turns your consciousness inwards. There is nothing to see there, so the consciousness takes a turn, a one-hundred-and-eighty degree turn, an about-turn. And in that turning you encounter yourself. That is selfknowledge, and to know oneself is to know all. You have found the door to the divine.


Редактирано от vidiya на 13.07.11 00:10.

Тема Aura story – science unlocking secrets of your eneнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано12.07.11 23:50

Aura story – science unlocking secrets of your energy field
“With our intentions, with our emotions, we can directly influence our environment.
It has a very important message for all of us because we have demonstrated that positive emotions have a very strong influence for us and the same with negative emotions. In one case energy goes up, in another case it goes down, so it means if we are developing in ourself the ability to create love, to create positive emotion – we chart.com

A Russian scientist is trying to convince people they can change the world simply by using their own energy. He claims that thinking in a certain way can have a positive or negative effect on the surrounding environment.

Редактирано от vidiya на 12.07.11 23:52.

Тема I Wonder If This Could Be Loveнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано13.07.11 00:40

Тема Love! Is it real?нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано13.07.11 01:23

Beloved Master

How can I know that a woman has fallen in love in reality, not playing games?

THIS IS DIFFICULT! Nobody has ever been able to know it -- because, in fact, love is a game. That is its reality! So if you are waiting and watching and thinking and analyzing whether this woman who is in love with you is just playing a game or is in reality in love, you will never be able to love any woman -- because love is a game, the suprememost game.

There is no need to ask for it to be real -- play the game! that's its reality. And if you are too much of a seeker for reality, then love is not for you. It is a dream! It is a fantasy -- it is a fiction, it is a romance, it is a poetry. If you are too much of a seeker for reality, obsessed with reality, then love is not for you -- then meditate.

And I know the questioner is not that type. No meditation is possible, at least in this life! He has many karmas to fulfill with women. So he continuously thinks about meditation and continuously goes on moving with this woman or that. Now the women he moves with, they also come to me and they say, "Is he really in love with us?" What to do? And here comes he with a question!

But this problem comes to everybody sometime or other -- because there is no way to judge. We are such strangers -- we are strangers, and our meeting is just accidental. Just on the road suddenly we have come across each other, not knowing who we are, not knowing who the other is. Two strangers meeting on a road, feeling alone, hold each other's hands -- and think they are in love. They are in need of the other, certainly, but how to be certain that there is love?

I was reading a beautiful joke; listen to it carefully:

A woman arrived at a small midwestern town late at night, only to find there wasn't a single hotel room available. "I'm sorry," said the desk clerk, "but the last room we had was just taken by an Italian."

"What number is it?" said the woman in desperation. "Maybe I can work something out with him."

The clerk told her the room and the woman went up and knocked on the door. The Italian let her in.

"Look, mister," she said, "I don't know you and you don't know me, but I need some place to sleep desperately. I won't be any bother, I promise, if you just let me use that little couch over there."

The Italian thought for a minute and then said, "Okay." The woman curled up on the couch and the Italian went back to bed. But the couch was very uncomfortable and after a few minutes the woman tiptoed over to the bed and tapped the Italian's arm. "Look mister," she said, "I don't know you and you don't know me, but that couch is impossible to sleep on. Could I just sleep here, at the edge of the bed?"

"Okay," said the Italian, "use the edge of the bed."

The woman lay down on the bed, but after a few minutes she felt very cold. Again she tapped the Italian.

"Look mister," she said, "I don't know you and you don't know me, but it's very cold out here. Could I just get under the cover with you."

"Okay," said the Italian, "get under the cover."

The woman snuggled under, but the closeness of a male body stirred her and she started to feel a little horny. Again she tapped the Italian.

"Look mister," she said, "I don't know you and you don't know me, but how about having a little party?"

Exasperated, the Italian bolted up in the bed. "Look lady," he hollered, "I don't know you and you don't know me. In the middle of the night, who we gonna invite to a party?"

But this is how it goes: You don't know me, I don't know you -- it is just accidental. Needs are there. People feel lonely; they need somebody to fill their loneliness. They call it love. They show love because that is the only way to hook the other. The other also calls it love because that is the only way to hook you. But who knows whether there is love or not? In fact, love is just a game. Yes, there is a possibility of a real love, but that happens only when you don't need anybody -- that's the difficulty.

It is on the same lines as banks function. If you go to a bank and you need money, they will not give you any. If you don't need money, you have enough, they will come to you and they will always be ready to give you. When you don't need, they are ready to give you; when you need, they are not ready to give you.

When you don't need a person at all, when you are totally sufficient unto yourself, when you can be alone and tremendously happy and ecstatic, then love is possible. But then too you cannot be certain whether the OTHER'S love is real or not -- you can be certain about only one thing: whether your love is real. How can you be certain about the other? But then there is no need.

This continuous anxiety -- whether the other's love is real or not -- simply shows one thing: that your love is not real. Otherwise, who bothers? Why be worried about it? Enjoy it while it lasts! Be together while you can be together! It is a fiction, but you need fiction.

Nietzsche used to say that man is such that he cannot live without lies, he cannot live with truth. Truth will be too much to tolerate, to bear. You need lies. Lies, in a subtle way, lubricate your system; they are lubricants. Mm? You see a woman, you say, "How beautiful! I have never come across such a beautiful person." These are just lubricating lies -- you know it!

You have said the same thing to other women before, and you know you will say the same thing again to other women in the future. And the woman also says that you are the only person that has ever attracted her. These are lies. Behind these lies there is nothing but need. You want the woman to be with you to fill your inner hole; you want to stuff that inner emptiness with her presence. She also wants. You both are trying to use each other as a means.

That's why lovers, so-called lovers, are always in conflict -- because nobody wants to be used, because when you use a person the person becomes a thing, you have reduced him to a commodity. And every woman feels, after making love to a man, a little sad, deceived, cheated, because the man turns over and goes to sleep -- finished is finished!

Many women have told me that they cry and weep after the man, their man, has made love to them -- because after love he is no longer interested. His interest was only for a particular need; then he turns over and goes to sleep. And he is not even bothered about what has happened to the woman. And men also feel cheated. They, by and by, start suspecting that the woman loves them for something else -- for money, power, security. The interest may be economical -- but it is not love.

But it is true. This is how it can be; only this is how it can be! The way you are, living almost asleep, moving in a stupor, somnambulistic, this is the only way it is possible. But don't be worried about it, whether the woman loves you really or not. While you are asleep you will need somebody's love -- even if it is false, you will need it. Enjoy it! Don't create anxiety. And try to become more and more awake.

One day when you are really awake you will be able to love -- but then you will be certain about your love only. But that's enough! Who bothers? Because right now you want to use others. When you are really blissful on your own, you don't want to use anybody. You simply want to share. You have so much, so much is overflowing, you would like somebody to share it. And you will feel thankful that somebody was ready to receive. Finished! That is the full point.

Right now, you are worried too much whether the other loves you really -- because you are not certain about your own love. One thing. You are not certain about your worth. You cannot believe that somebody can really love you. You don't see anything in yourself. You cannot love yourself -- how can somebody else love you? It seems unreal, it seems impossible.

Do you love yourself? You have not even asked the question. People hate themselves. People condemn themselves -- they go on condemning; they go on thinking that they are rotten. How can the other love you? such a rotten person. No, nobody can love you really. The other must be befooling, cheating; there must be some other reason. She must be after something else; he must be after something else.

I have heard:

A dirty, smelly, filthy-looking old bum, sat down on a park bench next to a sweet young girl. The girl took one look at the bum and looked away in revulsion. Pretty soon she heard a noise and turned her head to see what was happening. She watched in horror as the bum took a sandwich from a brown bag and took a big bite of it. The meat was rancid, the lettuce was brown, and the bread mouldy.

Sensing the girl's eyes on him, the bum turned towards her and said, "Pardon me, miss, would you like a bite of my sandwich? I suppose to make love would be out of the question."

This is what goes on happening. You know about yourself -- love seems to be out of the question. You know your rottenness, worthlessness -- love seems to be out of the question. And when some woman comes and says she adores you, you cannot trust. When you go to a woman and you say you adore her, and she hates herself, how can she believe you? It is self-hatred that is creating the anxiety.

There is no way to be certain about the other -- first be certain about yourself. And a person who is certain about himself is certain about the whole world. A certainty achieved at your innermost core becomes a certainty about everything that you do and everything that happens to you. Settled, centered, grounded, in yourself, you never worry about such things. You accept.

If somebody loves you, you accept it because you love yourself. You are happy with yourself; somebody else is happy -- good! It does not get in your head; it does not make you madly egoistic. You simply enjoy yourself; somebody else also finds you enjoyable -- good! While it lasts, live the fiction as beautifully as possible -- it will not last forever. That too creates a problem.

When a love is finished, you start thinking it was false -- that's why it has come to an end. No, not necessarily -- not necessarily. It may have had some glimmer of truth in it, but you were both unable to keep and hold that truth. You killed it It was there -- you murdered it. You were not capable of love. You needed love, but you were not capable of it. So you meet a woman or a man; things go very well, very smoothly, fantastically beautifully -- in the beginning. The moment you have settled, things start getting sour, bitter. The more you have settled, the more conflict arises. That kills love.

As I see it, every love has in the beginning a ray of light in it, but the lovers destroy that. They jump on that ray of light with all their darknesses within -- dark continents, great Africas within. They jump on it and they destroy it. When it is destroyed they think it was false. They have killed it! It was not false -- they are false. The ray was real, true.

So don't be worried about the other; don't be worried whether the love is real or not. While it is there, enjoy it. Even if it is a dream, good to dream about it. And become more and more alert and aware so sleep is dropped.

When you are aware, a totally different kind of love will arise in your heart -- which is absolutely true, which is part of eternity. But that is not a need -- it is a luxury. And you have so much of it that you hanker for somebody to share it with.

Just like clouds when they are so full of rainwater: they would like to shower anywhere, upon anybody. And they don't bother whether it is a hilly track they are showering on, whether it is rocky ground they are showering on, or whether it is fertile soil thirsty for them -- they don't bother. They go on raining on rocks, on fertile soil, on everybody -- good and bad, thirsty, non-thirsty; needed, not needed. Because it is not a question now of whether you need; it is a question now that they are so full they have to share.

I love you -- not because I need. I love you simply because what else can I do now? It is there and I would like to shower it on you, and I go on showering -- unconditionally. It is not that you deserve it -- never think that. You know and I know that you don't deserve it, but that is not the point. What else can I do?

I have heard a very old Tibetan story:

There was a great sage who would not initiate anybody, who would not make anybody a disciple. And his fame spread far and wide, and thousands of people would come every year to his hilltop and they would touch his feet and they would cry and weep and they would say, "Accept us! Initiate us into the truth you have achieved! Open the door of your temple to us also -- we are thirsty."

But he would say, "You are not worthy, you don't deserve. First become worthy of me!" And his conditions were such that nobody was ever able to fulfill them: Be truthful for three years, not a single lie; for three years be celibate, not even a thought of a woman or a man -- and so on and so forth. Those conditions were impossible! And those conditions are such that the more you try to fulfill them, the more you will feel it is impossible. You can be a celibate if you don't bother too much about it; but if you think too much about celibacy then you will be surrounded by many, many women in your mind.

Many people had tried and nobody was successful, so nobody was initiated. Then the man was dying. Just three days before he died, many people had gathered and he told his closest people, "Now you go, and whosoever wants to be initiated I will initiate -- only three days are left!"

The people knew him well and they said, "What about your conditions?"

He said, "Forget all about those conditions! In fact, I was not ready to initiate anybody; hence, I was insisting too much on the conditions. Now I am ready! and I am full and I want to share. Now forget all about the conditions -- whosoever wants to come, fetch them! And be in a hurry because only three days are left."

He initiated any and everybody, whosoever came. People could not believe it! They asked, "What are you doing? We are sinners!"

He said, "Forget about it. I was not a saint up to now -- that was the only trouble. I had nothing to initiate you into. There was no door -- I was standing outside the door myself. But now the door has opened -- now I have to share. Now there is no question of any conditions."

When you are aware, you are not in need of love. When you are not in need of love, you become capable of love. This is the paradox. When you are in need you are not capable.

And in this sleepy state, full of needs and desires, you go on stumbling. Why bother? let me tell you one anecdote:

Two very proper English gentlemen were drunk in the pubs looking for women. They finally got lucky and were about to bed with their respective finds. As they were lurching their way through the crowded London streets, one turned to the other and said, "Look here, old man, do you mind switching bitches?"

"No, I don't mind old thing, but can you tell a fellow why?"

"Well," slobbered the first, "don't you know, between the grog and the fog and the smog, I seem to have picked up my old auntie!"

In the darkness of desire, in the madness of passion, between the grog and the fog and the smog, don't be too worried whether the other's love is real or not. Right now, as you are, the real cannot happen to you. The real happens only to real persons. Gurdjieff used to say: "Don't seek reality -- become real!" because the real happens to real persons only. To unreal persons only the unreal happens.

Osho, "A Sudden Clash of Thunder", Ch.4

When you don't need a person at all, when you are totally sufficient unto yourself, when you can be alone and tremendously happy and ecstatic, then love is possible. But then too you cannot be certain whether the OTHER'S love is real or not -- you can be certain about only one thing: whether your love is real. How can you be certain about the other? But then there is no need.

Тема Osho on Trust in Partnerнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано13.07.11 02:06

Question - Beloved Master, I very much doubt my wife. What should I do?

Osho - Narayan, the wife is not your God. You need not doubt, you need not trust. It is a game -- don't make it so serious! But you have been told to trust your wife, to trust your husband. And because of this very teaching, distrust arises. In fact, you have been told to trust. For centuries it has been known that it is very difficult to trust your own wife, very difficult to trust your own husband; it is next to impossible.

If your wife is interested in you, how can you trust her? If she is still interested in men -- and you are only a man, and there are many many men who are far more beautiful -- how can you trust your wife? If she is interested in you she must be interested in others too. She can be trusted only when she loses all interest in you too; then, of course, you can trust her. She has lost all interest in men -- she is almost dead.

You can trust your husband only if he is no longer interested in your body. If he is interested in your face, your body, your proportion, your beauty, how can he avoid being interested in other women's bodies, other women's faces, other women's beauty? It is impossible. You are asking something inhuman or something superhuman. And your poor husband is neither -- neither inhuman nor superhuman. He is just a poor husband, a poor human being... or a poor wife.

Don't demand such impossible things. It is natural; your wife is bound to fantasize about other men. It is impossible for her to dream about you, remember. I have never heard of a wife dreaming about her own husband. Who dreams about one's own husband or one's own wife? For what? Is the day not enough? Do you have to devote your night and your dreams also to the same woman, to the same man?

In dreams you are free; that is the only freedom left. In dreams you have a private world of your own. Your wife cannot peep in your dreams and say, "What are you doing? Stop!" In dreams you can have a few parties with the neighbors' wives. And nothing is wrong in it, nobody is harmed. Just, you have a good sleep and in the morning you have a smile on your face. Don't ask the impossible.

Mulla Nasruddin was saying to me, "For the whole ten years of our married life I always trusted my wife. And then we moved from Calcutta to Poona -- and I discovered we still had the same milkman!"

There is no need, Narayan, to trust or not to trust. Why bring in the question of trust? It is just a game! Play it joyfully. You make it too serious. And when you start demanding, "Be faithful to me!" you are creating a situation in which it will become impossible for the poor woman to be faithful to you. Give her total freedom; then she may be faithful to you.

Life functions in a very strange way. If you give her total freedom you are WORTH trusting. A great faith may arise in her. If a wife gives total freedom to the husband, that shows she loves him so much that she would like him to be happy in every possible way. Even if sometimes he is happy with some other woman she will feel happy because he is happy. And then a totally different quality of trust may arise. I am not saying that it is bound to arise -- it is not an inevitability. I am saying perhaps, because about human beings nothing can be predicted.

The relationship between wife and husband is a very strange relationship because these are two different worlds. The woman functions in a different way, from a different center. She is more intuitive and the man is more intellectual. That's why they are attracted to each other. Not only physiologically they are polarities, but psychologically also they are polar opposites. They are intimate enemies. There is bound to be a little conflict, and that is not bad; it keeps the relationship alive. Whenever you see that the husband and wife have stopped fighting completely, that means the marriage is really finished; nothing is left now. Even fight is not left... all is finished.

The butcher and the milkman were discussing the pros and cons of married life. "Do you really believe it is better than being single?" demanded Weiss, the butcher.

"In a way," said the milkman, who was fond of philosophizing. "After all, if it were not for marriage, we would have to do all our fighting with strangers."

Yes, that is true. It is good to fight with your own wife; at least the fight is with the friend. Otherwise you will have to do your fighting with strangers.

There is no need to demand these things -- trust, faith. Live together joyously. Make as much out of your being together as possible. Rather than doing that, people create such problems, useless problems, and destroy all their joys. The wife has no obligation to be faithful to you, neither do you have any obligation to be faithful to her. You love her, she loves you; that's enough. Don't bring faith into it. If love cannot keep you together, nothing else can keep you together. And if love cannot keep you together, then anything that can keep you together is dangerous.

Source: from Osho Book “Dhammapada Volume 10”

There is no need to demand these things -- trust, faith. Live together joyously. Make as much out of your being together as possible. Rather than doing that, people create such problems, useless problems, and destroy all their joys. The wife has no obligation to be faithful to you, neither do you have any obligation to be faithful to her. You love her, she loves you; that's enough.

Тема Osho – Love cannot live alone without understandinнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано13.07.11 13:19

[A sannyasin asks about relationships, her marriage, and whether becoming enlightened is more important.]

Osho – Love is crazy, so you cannot make it sane. Love is insane — and that is the whole beauty of it! It is not rational, it is not even reasonable. And this happens to everybody: sometimes you feel like being in it and sometimes you don’t feel like being in it. Sometimes you want to go away from the love object and sometimes you want to dissolve into the love object. Both are right — you are not to choose between these two. They are both together, two aspects of the same phenomenon.

You have to understand; it is not a question of choice, just a question of understanding. It is like day and night together. You cannot always be in love — that is difficult. Impossible! Sometimes one needs rest from love too.

So both these things will come up and down. Sometimes you are deeply in love and you don’t bother about freedom. Sometimes you need your space and you think about freedom, and you don’t bother about love. But both are true; one has to come to an understanding.

So if you are living with [him], create understanding, talk to each other, and understand that sometimes he needs his space. And this is a problem: it may not happen at the same time to both of you.

Sometimes you want to be with him and he wants to be alone — nothing can be done about it. Then you have to understand and leave him alone. Sometimes you want to be alone but he wants to come to you — then tell him that you are helpless!

So just create more and more understanding. That’s what lovers miss: love they have enough, but understanding none, not at all. That’s why on the rocks of misunderstanding their love dies. Love cannot live alone without understanding. Alone, love is very foolish; with understanding, love can live a long life, a great life — of many joys shared, of many beautiful moments shared, of great poetic experiences. But that happens only through understanding.

Love can give you a small honeymoon, but that’s all. Only understanding can give you deep intimacy. And each honeymoon is followed by depression, anger, frustration. Unless you grow in understanding, no honeymoon is going to be of any help; it is just like a drug.

So try to create more understanding with [him] too. And even some day if you separate, the understanding will be with you, will be with him, and that will be a gift of your love to each other. Lovers can separate, but the understanding that has been gained through the other, in the company of the other, will always be with you. That will remain as a gift — there can be no other gift. If you love a person, the only valuable gift that you can give to him is some quantity of understanding.

– Osho Book “From Madmen Only (Price of Admission: Your Mind"

So just create more and more understanding. That’s what lovers miss: love they have enough, but understanding none, not at all. That’s why on the rocks of misunderstanding their love dies. Love cannot live alone without understanding. Alone, love is very foolish; with understanding, love can live a long life, a great life — of many joys shared, of many beautiful moments shared, of great poetic experiences. But that happens only through understanding.

The only thing we never get enough of is love; and the only thing we never give enough of is love.

Редактирано от vidiya на 13.07.11 18:52.

Тема Game name: "The Lure of the Sirene's Call and theнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано13.07.11 18:08

Playing a computer game, you're trying to defuse all the "enemies" and all the obstacles, fighting against them in order - say - to get the treasure ...

In This game, you travel in the Magic Sea of your own Mind!

You have a device - a radar, called "The Eye of Awareness", a steering wheel called "Will", a compass indicating the "Pole of Ultimate Attraction", and you are the 'captain....

The rules of that game are a bit different from all the others... You procceed with the opposite strategy. Instead of fighting the "enemies" and trying to destroy the obstacles - the "objects", you just recognize them as such, ...and ignore them! You don't pay any attention to them...

In light of the "Eye of Awareness", every "Thing", every object in your way is dissolved, and disappears as you withdraw your attention, turning away with the steering wheel of your will ...

The "Objects", the obstacles ain't but fleeting appearences: namely, external sounds and disturbances, internal bodily sensations, thoughts and feelings, each at different intensities, visions of all kinds - even if you see God Himself, isn't but a fantasy created by the always eager for action mind...

If you carried away, sticking to them, instantly the Sea gets rough with waves of uncontrolled Thoughts and you're in trouble ...

The key here is to Watch them, observe and recognize them as what they are and leave them ... You just don't pay attention to them and continue your journey.

Your "enemies" are called "The Sirenes"... Sirenes are trying to seduce you, to disorient and draw you away to the "Island of the Lotus Eaters", luring you with material drawn from your always eager for illusions, mind!

They have the ability to "read" your secret wishes, fears and desires, and display them amplified on your screen of perception...

The attraction - the Lure of the Sirens' Call - is directly proportional to the attention that you give to them ...

You must bear in mind, that the more you fight and try to resist the temptation they're creating, the stronger they become... They feed on your attachment, they eat your energy!

The main hidden "Enemy" is called "The Parasite"!

It is the parasite that clothes itself with all the roles that you consider as yourself! This is what we call the "Ego"! The "Parasite" will challenge you with all its might, in countless ways, and you have to keep your cool at all costs.

This game is otherwise called "The Game of Inner Peace" - kind of Gandhian, as the ultimate game of zero resistance ...

"Games Over" comes, when the screen of your awareness has become absolutely empty and your attentiveness is total, then, you realise your own intensity of observation as an object too! ...Instantly, at that moment, ...surrender, turning your sight beyond...

Then The Miracle and The Mystery revealed!


The "buffs" that are "used" in this game, are the buffers or otherwise shock absorbers... I said from the beginning that this game, is a zero-resistance game ...

The sharpness of observation of the player is his key "weapon" ...

Moving progressively into the game, your power of observation and your effectiveness is growing and being refined, until it becomes like a powerful laser-beam that annihilates everything!

The "buffs" are those that neutralize the environment... Your Coolness, your Non-Identification...

In each appearance of an ob-ject, which can, in the beginning, be just a physical feeling - for examble an itch, you just recognize it as what it is - a mere object of your perception, and... you just ignore them, withdrawing your interest for them, because that's not your "goal"... You don't pay them any attention, because then you'll be-at-tencion ... The same with thoughts, feelings, etc.

Recognition > Withdrawal of interest...

At first it's a bit difficult, but after a little practice becomes easier.

In such a way - by coolness and non-identification - "buffers" are created in the games environment or otherwise called "shock absorbers", You don't get disoriented by their sudden appearances, you gather speed in non-reaction, and so, these "buffs" slowly slowly are "capitalized" in the environment of the game ...

In this way also:

1. The power and skill of the player gradually increases as a result of his adaptation to the philosophy of the game and so the stats of success are increasing too...

2. The appearances of the objects are minimized... They will appear less and less often and they will be increasingly more distinct...

Especially when you're in emotional turmoil - say that you're in a landscape with lava or fire in the virtual world - then these "buffs" are desperately needed... Composure, as you understand, is a decisive factor in the crossing of this "landscape"...

3. The speed of interests withdrawal from the object increases, as the perception of the objects nature becomes more clear...

4. A basic quality is added to the player, composure - coolness!

Those "buffs" do not create a "hate" - a negative aura - in the games environment, but despite all this, the game becomes increasingly subtle... The "environment", if you like, responds in a parallel fashion, tapering the objects that are projected increasingly as the game develops, so after a point they become more and more subtle and simultaneously more attractive!

Until that point the player should have capitalized enough "buffs" to be able to face these challenges...

Many times "de-buffs" - destabilizations will occur, that's for sure, but whenever you realise your disorientation, you have to be cool, and re-spot, as if nothing has happened... You do not give a second thought to the "failure", you treat it in the same way, ... indifference! And you continue... Otherwise, if you fall into the trap of judgement - that you have failed and stuff, you reduce respectively the stats of success, minimizing the speed of perception, you lose your cool and create ''hate" - a negative aura, in the games environment...

The "Sirens" are a kind of "nerfs", where they're destabilizing the environment of the game ... They have the ability to "read" your hidden desires and fears, and project them amplified to the screen of your perception...

Subtle feelings, powerfull visions can be created there... But their power too is directly proportional to the attention that you give to them... if you get seduced by them, you weaken, if you withdraw your attention, you're empowered...

In the final "round", the "Gamer" - The Observer is like a laser with infinite power, nothing is left to be perceived, absolutely nothing appears on the screen of his awareness, almost omniscient...

Then and There, at that moment... The intensity of the "Gamer" - the Observer becomes itself PERCEIVED!

...There, in a flash, withdraw yourself too...

And The Revelation!


Anand Sarmad

Who you are is irrelevant to your perceived suffering and your perceived happiness.

Who you are is irrelevant to your success and your failure.

Who you are is irrelevant to your comfort or discomfort.

Who you are is irrelevant to your position in the world, irrelevant to your relationships with your family, irrelevant to your loneliness.

All that transpires is irrelevant next to who you are.

All the world’s plaudits are irrelevant.

All the wealth or all the poverty.

All the understanding or misunderstanding.

All the caring or not caring.

All the ease and all the difficulty.

All the knowledge and all the ignorance.

All the fame as well as being overlooked.

All the A’s and all the E’s. They are all the same. They have nothing to do with you.

What does anything have to do with you? Nothing has anything to do with you. Nothing at all.

The you that you may think you are has nothing to do with you.

The you that is you is untouchable, pristine and pure, it is unbounded and timeless spaciousness.

The you that you really are is never born and never gonna die. You are eternal homeness.


Тема Re: ~ OshO ~ My Master My Love ~нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано14.07.11 08:51

Both Light and Shadow are The Dance of Love.
Love has no cause, it is the astrolabe of God's secrets.
Lover and Loving are inseparable and timeless.
Although I may try to describe Love,
When I experience it, I am speechless.
Although I may try to write about Love, I am rendered helpless.
My pen breaks, and the paper slips away
At the ineffable place where Lover loving and Loved are one.
Every moment is made glorious by The Light of Love....

Тема Re: ~ OshO ~ My Master My Love ~нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано14.07.11 09:02

how very close
is your soul with mine
i know for sure
everything you think
goes through my mind

i am with you
now and doomsday
not like a host
caring for you
at a feast alone

with you i am happy
all the times
the time i offer my life
or the time
you gift me your love

offering my life
is a profitable venture
each life i give
you pay in turn
a hundred lives again

in this house
there are a thousand
dead and still souls
making you stay
as this will be yours

a handful of earth
cries aloud
i used to be hair or
i used to be bones

and just the moment
when you are all confused
leaps forth a voice
hold me close

i'm love and

i'm always yours


Тема Re: ~ OshO ~ My Master My Love ~нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано14.07.11 10:02


It's dawn
The stammerings of a new day
Appears on the horizon
A thread of silver is outlined far off
Separating light from the darkness
A bird sings on a branch
Its singing is the hope of the end of the darkness
And the awakening of Your presence in my heart
A soft enjoyment embraces me
Every cell in me makes you grace
You weave a link between the human and You
Between Your Majesty and my reverence
A thread of light which goes from the spirit to the spirit,
From Your Omnidcient into the heart of Your creature
So I wake up in You,
As I fell asleep in You,
So I live in you,
I walk from You towards You,
And in you,
I am just a loan
In Your Greatness and Your unlimitedness
Be always Blessed.


Редактирано от vidiya на 14.07.11 10:27.

Тема Re: ~ OshO ~ My Master My Love ~нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано16.07.11 12:42

Rising I am Rising.
In the attitude of your love.
Falling i m falling.
In the Silent depth of your love.
Going hiigher n higher n higher
With you o Beloved Master.
Going deeper n deeper n deeper.
With you Beloved OSHO....

Тема Настройки OSHO CELEBRATIONнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано17.07.11 23:14

"People sitting, people walking — you watch. There are people who simply put off anybody; anybody who comes closer, they become afraid. And fear is energy just like love, a negative energy. A man who is feeling love bubbles up with a positive energy. When you come closer, as if a magnet is attracting you, you would like to be with this person.

If fear is your problem, then think about your personality, watch it. You must have closed your doors for love, that’s all. Open those doors. Of course there is the possibility of being rejected. But why be afraid? The other can only say no. Fifty percent possibility of no is there, but just because of fifty percent possibility of no, you choose a hundred percent life of no love." ~ Osho

Тема ~ OshO ~ My Master My Love ~нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано18.07.11 22:19

When you love, whatever you do is because you want to do it. It becomes a pleasure, it's like a game, and you have fun with it.
When you love, you don't expect something to happen; whatever happens is okay, and hardly anything disappoints you.

Тема The need of dropping the mind.нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано19.07.11 13:52

By dropping the mind we mean not that you're going to have a lobectomy...

By mind we mean the process of continuously jumping forwards - backwards in TIME, losing Beingness in the PRESENT...

The mind is the most advanced feature Existence ever procuced...

Man, as an animal, survived thanks to his mind...

Without fur for the cold, without big strong teeth and nails to hunt, not fast legs to run away from dangers, not big enough to intimidate his predators...

Fear and Need triggered his mind, fear of extinction and need for survival...

Those two were the accelerators of the evolution of his mind...

And he succeded! He succeded tremendously...

He became the king of the Earth!

But the primal ingrediens of his mind - Fear & Desire - are there,

and if he does not drop them, he will commit suicide...

Look at the world around you... Look what we've done...

What has changed from the time of the Neaterdal?

We eat each others flesh... From the nucleus of the family, to the relationship, from the work place, to the society, from the world at large, to OURSELVES!

And the problem lies in the primal ingrediens of the mind...

We've created TIME!

Fear and Desire are but a bottomless well, forming the Prison of Time...

Whirling around, you are pulled into the black hole of unconsciousness.

Dropping the mind means, you're living in the Eternal NOW...

Living in the Eternal Now means, You Are Present...

Because living with one foot in the Past and the other in the Future, you are nothing but a virtual self - kind of fantom, a ghost like entity.. a sleeper...

That's why we say Wake Up...


Тема Overstanding - a Jesus - a Master !нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано19.07.11 23:33

~ OshO ~

Jesus had lived a very ordinary life. He was just the son of the carpenter Joseph - helping his father in the workshop, doing ordinary things which were needed. Nobody knew anything about him, not even his family was aware of what he was. A shroud surrounded him, a cloud which had to be broken.

Jesus worked the same way as you feel with me, but twenty centuries have passed. The first disciples who came around him asked their lives, they felt all that they had, they moved with his man, they risked everything. It was worth it. This man was a treasure of the world, unknown. Nothing was too much. Whatsoever was asked they did. And they have had the opportunity to walk with with a god on this earth, to be in close affinity with divinity.

They crucified this man, but those who were close knew that you cannot crucify him. This man has already enterred immortality, this man had already become part of their immortal souls. You can kill the body, but not the spirit.

They had lived, walked, breathed, in the being of this man; they were transformed. It is not a question of technique. They prayed with this man, but the real thing was not prayer, the real things was just to be in presence of this man. This man had a presence.

Have you observed? - very few people have what you call presence. Rarely do you come across a person who has a presence - something indefinable around him, something that you suddenly feel but cannot indicate, something that fills you but is ineffable, something very mysterious and unknown. You cannot deny it, you cannot prove it. It is not the body because everybody has a body; it is not the mind because everybody has a mind. Sometimes a very beautiful body may be there, tremendously beautiful, but the presence is not there. Sometimes a genius mind is there, but the presence is not there; and sometimes you pass a beggar and you are filled, touched, stirred - a presence.

Those who were in the presence of Jesus, those who were in his Satsang - those who lived close, those who lived in his milieu - breathed him. If you allow me to say it, those who drank him and ate him, who allowed him to enter into their innermost shrine ... That transformed, not the prayer. Even without prayer it would have happened ...

________love n light __

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано19.07.11 23:55

You ask me how I became a madman. It happened thus: One day, long

before many gods were born, I woke from a deep sleep and found all

my masks were stolen, -- the seven masks I have fashioned an worn in

seven lives, -- I ran maskless through the crowded streets shouting,

"Thieves, thieves, the cursed thieves."

Men and women laughed at me and some ran to their houses in fear

of me.

And when I reached the market place, a youth standing on a house-top

cried, "He is a madman." I looked up to behold him; the sun kissed

my own naked face for the first time. For the first time the sun

kissed my own naked face and my soul was inflamed with love for

the sun, and I wanted my masks no more. And as if in a trance I

cried, "Blessed, blessed are the thieves who stole my masks."

Thus I became a madman.

And I have found both freedom of loneliness and the safety from

being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in


But let me not be too proud of my safety. Even a Thief in a jail

is safe from another thief.

By Kahlil Gibran

Редактирано от vidiya на 19.07.11 23:57.

Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано20.07.11 01:59

So long expected shall never comeInto Europe,

In Asia shall appear,

One Issued of the line of great Hermus

And shall be over all the Kings of the Orient.

- Nostradamus Cen: 10, Qtn: 75

The following are Quatrains from the book of Nostradamus which reveal the Truth about the coming of the Messiah in the life of OSHO . While speaking about the new religious consciousness, that this Messiah will bring about, Nostradamus predicts the following:

This new religion shall spread the world over. It teaches a new acceptance of life - A kind of magic used as a launch pad to an experience of the divine. This suggests a concept of complete surrender to belief.


He will bestow benign enlightenment on people of the world.

(Chapter 15 - C.2, Q. 29)

He will unite the Faiths, Religions and Races into One. He will strike out old traditional rock-like dogmas with his spiritual teachings.

(Chapter 15 - C.9, Q.51)

Nostradamus lists down some major clues to the character of the 'New Religion', its teachings and to the identification of the 'New Spiritual Teacher'.

The person who brings this massive change will appear in Asia.

(Chapter15 - C.10, Q. 75)

Needless to say, Osho was born in India, a part of Asia

He will have a name related to the moon.

(Chapter15 - C.2, Q. 28)

Osho real name is Rajneesh Chandra Mohan - the Lord of the Moon.

'Ears filled with ornate speeches' A great Orator He will point out the fallacies of the traditional practices of the religions, and will preach the hidden treasure of wisdom of all religions, in an easily understandable manner.

(Chapter15 - C.1, Q. 96)

Needless to say , Osho is great orator and highly intelligent man in the world as stated in CIA report to President Ronald Reegan in 1985.

"The Soft voice of the sacred friend is heard under Holy ground - the Human Flame shines for the divine voice." People would wait to hear his Golden words of Truth.

(Chapter15 - C.4, Q. 24)

Persons who are regular visitors to Osho Commune International will touch for the fact that Osho is a great Orator who delivers impromptu speeches which invariably are simple to comprehend and understand. His Soft voice so wonderfull.

He will unite the religions with 'The Mystic Rose'.

(Chapter15 - C.5, Q. 96)

He will use unorthodox devices to stir people up, disturbing the status codes of social and religious behavior in our materialistic times.

(Chapter15 - C.2, Q. 29)

He has the power to transform and liberate the individual to the TRUTH.

(Chapter15 - C.2, Q. 29)

He will travel far and wide in his drive to uplift the suffering humanity and to bring peace to the world.

(Chapter15 - C.2, Q. 28)

Osho on Nostradamus:
....Nostradamus was a great mystic with an insight into the future. And you will be surprised to know that in his predictions, I am included. Describing the teacher of the last days of the twentieth century, he gives eight indications. Krishnamurti fulfills five, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi fulfills three, Da Free John fulfills four -- and I was amazed that I fulfill all eight. In this book MILLENNIUM, they have made a chart of the teacher about whom Nostradamus is predicting -- that his people will wear red clothes, that he will come from the East, that he will be arrested, that his commune will be destroyed, that flying birds will be his symbol, that his name will mean moon.... Three hundred years ago that man was seeing something that fits perfectly with me -- my name means "the moon." And in their chart they have declared me the teacher of the last part of the twentieth century.

....Yes, all the predictions of the ancient seers, like Nostradamus, that the world is going to end by the end of this century, are true in a very different sense than has been understood. The old world is going to end, and a new world is going to begin. That is my interpretation of Nostradamus.


A: I don't have any faith in him. The fact is that the man was crazy, and what he has written can be interpreted in any way you want. I found this rational analysis and managed to look into Nostradamus, and found similarities, which was very easy. There are many books of that kind in the world. In India there is an ancient scripture thought to be written by Vyasa himself, five thousand years ago. Everything about you is written in it. You just have to go to the priest, you have to give your name, your birth time, your birth chart, and he will figure it out and find the right page where Vyasa has described you. And it is possible because in the Sanskrit language, each word has at least one dozen meanings. So looking at you, watching you, talking with you, the scholar will figure it out, and he will start reading from the scripture. And he will be very much correct. Copies of the scripture exist all over India; so you have it done in Delhi but if you are not satisfied -- who knows if it is right or wrong? -- you can go to Madras or Calcutta, and they will find the same page again. And because in the process of finding the page the clue is given by you, you can just change your name.... Go to Delhi, tell one name, one date of birth; in Madras, tell another name, another time of birth and you will know what is going on. He will not be able to find the same page. He will find some other page. But ordinarily, the type of people who go will not do this. They are immensely impressed. Nostradamus can be interpreted in any way you want. The sentences are not clear, the grammar is not correct. The words are such that you can fit them into any context you want.


A: No. I use all kinds of devices. If people are foolish, I can use even their foolishness to raise their consciousness. I don't feel any problem in it. If I was predicting on my own they would not listen to it, so I drag in Nostradamus. And that's what I have been doing my whole life. If I speak to Christians -- I have been speaking to Christians in India; they have the biggest theological college in Jabalpur where I was for twenty years -- and I was speaking on Jesus, I was simply speaking on myself. Just here and there I would have to put Jesus' name, and they were immensely happy; not only happy, they said, 'We have never heard any Christian, any theologian, finding the true meaning of Jesus." I said, "Yes, how can they find the true meaning of Jesus?"


A: I don't believe in anything. Belief is simply not part of my vocabulary. Belief simply means you don't know, yet you believe. A blind man believing in light -- what can that belief do? He does not need a prophet, a messiah; he needs medicine, a surgeon, perhaps an operation on his eyes, so that he can see. And do you believe in light? Nobody asks such questions -- you know light is there. The question of belief is asked only when the thing is non-existential. You cannot see it, you cannot touch it, you cannot feel it. God is a belief, heaven is a belief, hell is a belief The reason why you believe in these things is within your psychology; the priest is only exploiting. You have greed for immortality, you have greed for paradise and all the pleasures there. You have fear of death, you have fear of falling into the darkness of hell and all the tortures there. Naturally you start believing, because you don't want to go to hell, you want to go to heaven. It is because of this psychology that an idiot like Reverend Jim Jones managed the suicide of his whole commune. He persuaded them to die with him, because if they died with him, they would all enter into heaven. This is the logical conclusion of Jesus' telling his disciples, 'I will take you into heaven." Jim Jones went a little farther. He was really a great Christian! -- after Jesus only he is the prophet.


A: There is no God, and there is no question of his revelation. I don't see any possibility of God's existence. I can understand the existence of consciousness, because it is within me and I can experience it. And in my silent moments of awareness, I have never come across any God, any hell, any heaven.


A: No. It is a religionless religion. It is simply religiousness.


A: No. I am not so stupid. I don't consider myself in any way special, extraordinary, a messenger of God, a prophet, a messiah. No. I am just an ordinary human being like you and everybody else.

Questions by Lynn Hudson INDIA ABROAD NEW YORK

Тема Re: A Little Chat Between Friends...нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор L.L. (гхрх)
Публикувано20.07.11 09:04

...can u feel the kiss of summer
in the hart of winter's wind?...

Тема Swami Chaitanya Keerti meets Osho for the first tiнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано20.07.11 13:33

Standing before Osho's secretary Laxmi for the first time] I asked Laxmi if she could arrange a time for me to meet Osho.

"Have you heard his discourses?” she asked.

"I have been reading his books.” I replied.

"Then it would be better,” she said if you first attended his discourses in the Patkar Hall, before coming for Darshan.”

"No,” I replied, "I have read his books and feel ready to see him right away. There is no need for me to wait for some days.”

"No,” she retorted, "you can’t see him right away.”

But I was determined that I should see him there and then, so I just sat there and waited.

"Who is this secretary who is preventing me from seeing him?” I kept asking myself. "When he comes out of his room I will catch him.”

I waited until 4 o’ clock. The afternoon meeting was over. Then suddenly I had an idea.

"Please give me a note-pad,” I said to Laxmi. "I will write him a note to read.”

Laxmi gave me a note-pad and I wrote this to him in Hindi:

"Bhagwan Shree I have come from so far away and there was no problem. Now I am sitting here and you are sitting there — a few yards away. What are these walls between us? What is this distance? Why I have come, I can’t express — I won’t be able to express. I have come — this is my expression.”

I am unable to remember the exact words.

Laxmi took the message in without reading it, and very quickly returned saying, "He is calling you. Just go into that room.”

Now! The full stop to all the struggle! I was so used to the mind struggling and keep saying, "No.” I was used to it. But the mind doesn’t know how to react to a positive invitation that comes like a lightning. The mind simply stops. To me it seemed the right thing for the mind to stop before one going in to see the Master.

In that state — something the mind and no-mind I took a few steps nearer the room where the Master was sitting. Laxmi had not accompanied me. Very softly I opened the door.


The Master sitting there in his revolving chair.

There is a glass wall behind him, the sun is shining and He is aglow.

The chair is simple and small.

He is sitting in it, but he is really all over the room.

The empty room is filled, vibrating with His glowing presence.

GRACE is all there is — nothing else.

Looking at me He says softly, in a flower-like voice, "Chale Aao, Chale Aao! Main tumhara intezar kar raha tha.”("Come in! come in! Come, I was waiting for you.”)

It feels as if there is something within me has already reached him and surrendered at his feet. Very softly I take a few steps, go close to him and sit there with my head bending down looking at his feet.

"Kaise Aana Hua?” I hear him say softly. "What brought you here?”

I was looking down, unable to speak.

He asked the question again : "Kaise Aana Hua?”

I felt as if I should be saying something. In the train I had been thinking of all the things I would be asking him. But now, what happened to all those things? Where were all my questions? Mustering all my courage, I answered: "I have come to be with you”

"Here! With Me!”

There is a long pause. Then the Master laughs — I hear this laugh so loud as if filling the whole cosmos.

Then he says, "Oh you want to take Sannyas?”

"Yes,” I replied, "whatever the way to be with you......”

"Have you any responsibilities at home?” he asked.

"No, none,” I said, ‘Forget about my home.’

After asking me questions about my education and listening to my reply he called Madhu through the intercom:

"Madhu, mala lao.” ("Madhu, bring a mala.”)

He turned and took up his paper. I looked up at him, but immediately looked down as he turned back, and looking towards me. Suddenly Madhu was there with a mala. He takes it, and garlands my neck saying:

"I give you a new name, Swami Chaitanya Keerti.”

He introduces me to Ma Anand Madhu. She was coordinating the Kirtan Mandali that was due to leave the next day, travelling around Gujarat, and arriving the following month at Mount Abu for the next meditation camp."You join this group, sing and dance with this group and we will meet in Mount Abu next month,” he said.

I go to Ma Madhu to touch her feet.

"You touch only his feet.” She says.

Then after Osho has told Madhu to fetch me orange clothes I leave with her and was given instructions on how to find the Kirtan Mandali. Ma Laxmi welcomes me with a cup of chai (tea). I knew that now that I had been accepted and blessed by the Master that I was looking a different person. With the mala around my neck, my eyes had an otherworldly glow. I remember a poem to describe something of the experience:

Amazing grace!

How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me!

I once was lost, but now am found

Was blind, but now I see.

Utterly thrilled and blessed I came out of the Woodland Apartment and found the whole of Bombay celebrating... dum dum dum loud drum-beats. People were carrying Lord Ganesha idols and there were processions after processions — very crazy and very colourful.

I found myself dancing with them — I had met the ultimate in human form and my happiness knew no bounds. I was not a dancer. I was a very serious person. Osho had filled me a new consciousness that made me dance — an unknown dance.

And the journey of dance had begun.

Тема Would you like to share your first meeting with Osнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано20.07.11 13:43

Would you like to share your first meeting with Osho, Svami Anand Sarmad?
I went to Poona 5 March '80, without knowing even His name nor anything else about Him, just because somebody, whom I respected at the time, told me, that in Poona there is a man who can help me in...
I had left my home not thinking at all that I'll ever come back...

Next day, I was sitting in Buddha Hall, not knowing what's gonna happen...

And there He comes!

A bald guy, white dressed, smilling, folded hands namaste, sat down and after a while started speaking...

I must have looked like a complete idiot there!
He started speaking ...in Hindi! ...Even my english were very poor at the time and as for my Hindi... It all sounded greek to me!

...And I started crying!
I don't even now know why I was crying...
On the surface one would detect disappointment...
But it was sooo deep! The cry was so deep...

And i was shocked! I was shocked because it looked totally irrational and I couldn't stop... I was crying amongst 2,000 people, totally stranger to me, and I couldn't stop it...

When suddenly, I heard Him talking ...greek to me!

...Second shock! Even bigger!... But I couldn't stop crying either, actually the cry became louder... I was crying for two hours continuously and He was talking to me personally in plain greek!

At the 19th of March, I wrote my first - and last - question to Him...

"Bhagwan, All my life I was following my compass and now its needle goes 'round & 'round like crazy... What happened, have I gone mad or am I in the center?"...

I gave the paper with my question to the "office" at 7 o'clock in the afternoon.

The "answer" was destined to come existentially 7 years later same month, day and time!
I went to The Master thirsty,
asking for a cup of water,
and He pushed me into the Eternal Ocean...
Facing Beauty, Tears run down from my eyes...
Sometimes Great Thoughts arise through,
...and I burst with Crylaughter, like a madman!
Anand Samad

Тема A love letter...нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано20.07.11 14:22

Love letters usually are not shared with others, but this is not an ordinary love nor an ordinary letter... It has to be shared. I shed tears reading it for the beauty of it... And as an ex-artist I still have the impulse to share beauty with others, whenever I bath in it... (Sv.Anand Sarmad)

Here is the letter...

"Oh my beloved, I would never forgive myself if I embarrassed you, or brought your beautiful site any shame, but I cant deny myself the feelings of protection.

I will explain as best as I can.

Here is my beauty, my loves, my precious ones, I love you and my family of peoples brought to me through you, If I were catholic, you are my Gabriel, my st.Anthony...

What was lost was found, what was meant to be sent was delivered.

I do not care what others think of me, but I care of you.

I have been getting many letters and friend requests from peoples who are wondering or wish to share and consult, half of these are followers of Osho!!!, so a magical thing has loosened from your love for me.

I wept at the parable of the goat and the tiger. I knew to well how the tiger had really lived, for I am that creature.

You know me soo well, you understand me and things about myself I kept quiet, for I was taught and learned to admit to my differences would make my isolated life even more difficult. I wish my beloved, you knew how much liberation, how much love you have given me.

Now, my question for you.

I, as a small child, instantly fell in love with Jesus.

I saw a picture of him, with his hair flowing and a face of beauty and love.

In the picture and the little saying under was "let the children come to me".

I have not ever had that feeling of such love till I laid my eyes on Osho, and then to heighten this, I heard his voice, I watched as many of the videos as I can find, I felt so very sad when I watched a vid where he was tired, he has given soo much, and I knew when the tape was being made, he just wanted some time for rest, quiet, tea, but loved you all so much.

Why did I fall ass over tea kettle in love with this man?

Who my heart so willingly given up?

I have heard of other Holy ones, Baha'ullah, Krishna, Buddha...

But my beloved Osho is much different, and this puzzles me, yes he is charismatic, yes he is extremely handsome and all around attractive.

Osho is outspoken, and brilliant is almost insulation to express his wisdom , I could write a million reasons why I find love with this Master, but Anand, I have known many men/sages,elders and nothing has ever come close to my desire for hearing his voice, listening to every word, look at his ways of movement, he is so elegant, he is so graceful, I just am taken so back by him I have gone mad!!! A simple little woman, captivated, not by Buddha, nor Krishna, but Osho.

I am at most times a dreamy woman, but I have or had sense, now there is no return, there is no going back.

Remember the dream I had, I told you to remember for me?

A handsome man walking up cliffs, seeing my mother and father, wanting to stay with them for abit, but the the man of utmost beauty said to me as he reached down to pull me up to the next plateau said "you wanted to see where god lived"

I can still feel that excitement as I grab his hand and said yes.

I am more than aware that was a vision.

You know how I feel about Jesus, but even with my love for Christ, this love is indeed comparable, but so much richer, and so much deeper. I may sound very arrogant, but I feel and know in my depths of where love dwells, that Osho would have loved me in human form, and loves me and found me, heard my lonely spirit cry for him, and answered, he lives, he is like wind, and I am a kite without strings...

My beloved Osho can take me where ever he desires,

for it will be places of awe and wonder.

He must have much faith/love and belief in you my beloved Anand, or maybe that is the rascal Osho, for you are from him and you are with me in my heart always, and I am a challenge, I ask so much, I get angered, not showing good signs of disipline!!

Its to late for my salvation now... lol, but my love and gratitude for all you do for me, all you share with me, and how I feel, can only be from the essence of God. There is not any other explanation my mind or heart can come up with. I was at the perfect spot, at the perfect time, as were you.

All of my love my beautiful Anand

The "mad hatter"

Редактирано от vidiya на 20.07.11 14:26.

Тема The Ultimate Love Letterнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано20.07.11 14:31

A... My beloved, it is so very true! A beautiful thing has happened. Its the timing that floors me, Like I'm taken back, but I knew this was to happen, something stronger then my self will took over, something was that was covering me spiritually, I could feel being released. Shocked, but Expected.

I am not by any means my beloved, a woman of weak mind, if I were such a woman, I would never have survived as long as I have, I have never let any man, nor woman, nor society control me.

Any theory of being brainwashed by videos and readings is not true. Its just remembering something I had long long forgotten and reuniting with a family I had been separated from.

Christianity, well, Christ babysat me, much was learned, to be kind, to forgive, to love, but when the time was right for me, I was spiritually handed over to another Master, its is time for growth.

This is true because, you know I love the Bahai's, I studied with them, chummed with them, for over 10 yrs, I loved the stories and parables of both Christ and the Bab, as I love the wisdom and truth of Buddha.

Its an evolution going on here! A big spiritual evolution, and I could feel it coming on like a child waiting for a parcel.

I did not become a fundamental christian, or desire to research Baha'ullah anymore then what I had already known, my soul was not there, it was waiting and waiting, so you see how real this is! For they are lovely holy ones, blessed, beautiful, but I did not desire that, I really have been living in 2 worlds, at once, I want to stay like this for awhile for this is magical, the place of good dreams, another world, a journey of the soul.

There must be a huge spiritual happening coming on and occurring as I write... I feel this in my depths. I am not the only one who feels this energy.

I have meet now 3 people from Canada, from Toronto that are followers of Osho, I will meet Ma in the new year!

There are so many things that just seemed to fall perfectly into place, at the perfect timing. I have been so very blessed and shone upon, I am crumbled with humbleness for this gift of clarity, of seeing, of being one, yet a part of many.

There are few words I know left to tell you how much I am grateful for you, for you must see yourself, you did not have to take time for me, something bigger took your hand...

I have other friends from India, Germany, Italy who I have corresponded with, spiritual, good peoples, but have never had the talks as we do, or the sense of spiritual connection.

I cling to you very much, you are like my crossing guard, when the road was clear and safe for me to walk you said "go ahead", I will forever be connected to you, and all that is part of you, wife, family, brethren I send all of my love, all thoughts of wondrous blessings I hope drape you and warm you.

I still am marveled at how I see so clearly a move from one world to another. I am not on the same place anymore, I am half and half, like what the elders have said, one foot on this side and the other on the otherside, I know what they were saying, and I thought I knew before, but never fully experienced it, now I do.

Something much much greater is working behind the scenes, I will ride this cosmic train to where ever it takes me.

All my love,blessings to you.

S... Beloved soul sister, you were Shocked, but Expected....

You, my beautifull soul, you are ...pregnant!

There is a huge spiritual happening coming on and occurring as you write, I feel this in my depths.

Yes! You are going to re- member!

Not to live in two different worlds anymore...

Truth is not two...

The Mystery is going to unfold!

You fell perfectly into place, at the perfect timing...

That's the way it happens...

You have been so very blessed and shone upon,

you're crumbled with humbleness for this gift of clarity,

of seeing, of being one, yet a part of many...

Yes beloved, you are!

Let my tears of joy be the liquid in your belly, to support your embryo...

Редактирано от vidiya на 20.07.11 14:33.

Тема A conversation between friends...нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано20.07.11 14:37

Q. As there are so many religions, masters, paths and so many meditations, how one (The Seeker) can know for sure that the way He is taking, the Master He is following, the meditation He is doing is correct and leading Him to the right way? Please give me the answer.

A. Only the Heart knows the answer...

The true seekers destiny is reflected in the Masters presence.

And the Heart can feel it...

Q. Thanks for Ur reply. May I call U Father from now on?

Dear Father will I die without getting Enlightenment??

It is really painful for Me to think about that.

Will U plz show Me the way????

Im also a Osho Sanniyasi but I belong to Oshodhara.

A. First, a Master cannot be called a "Father"... He is just a friend, a friend who have travelled the path and returns to show the way to whomsoever asks... He is giving you guidance and courage on your way, He accompanies you on your journey 'till you arrive...

Second, you can never "get" enlightenment, because it's already the case... Enlightenment is just a re-memberance of what you really are... Making it a target and chasing it, you are just pushing it away...

Third, a sannyasin means that you don't belong to anyone, to any crowd, any mass... You are just an in-dividual on the way to re-cognition, with the guidance of a Master.

And about the way now... Meditation is the way. Osho have said everything about it!

If you still have any confusion about anything in particular, then you can ask whomever your heart trusts.

Q. Thanks for Your answer n guidance. I wanted to call U father coz my heart said me so.

My heart says that a real master is also a real Father. Though Im not Ur own Son but

...I have no words to explain n i know U know that. I have just started my journey.

I had taken Sannyas four years ago n reading Osho's books for more than 10 years.

Finally i came to know that i know nothing, im a complete novice. what i know is not my won

and it is really painful, my eyes r filled with tears right now. I"m unable to know the reason

of my own tears n my own pain. I think i have wasted my life. What is going on with me???

Sometimes my heart says that there is something pure and ......(i have no words)

is about to come.and im waiting for that day to come, though i dont know what it is...

A. A father has always being an authoritative figure, it doesn't fit with the meaning of friendship. A friendship is a relation between two equal individuals, equal in the sense that they are of the same nature.

Especially in religion the father is considered above the child, that has created much trouble in the past... And another thing is that the father is the one who is responsible of your creation... First, there is no beginning and no end to your nature, you don't have anybody responsible for your "creation"!

The spiritual friend, on the other hand, is one who has dis-covered his original nature and he can help you to dis-cover yours. It seems that you are disatisfied with your father and you are looking for a substitute... I saw that you admire a book with the title "Rich Dad - Poor Dad"! ...LOL

In that book, the ...Author(!), gives you info, how to achieve money-power... That's what a father does, he PASSES his knowledge to you... It cannot be YOUR experience, you take it by the influence of his authority...

The Master does not give you any in-formation... By sharing His experience, He helps you to walk in YOUR path, He is just a fellow traveller, who has walked the path and found His treasure and helps you to find YOURS... He is just a friend. There is no superiority, no inferiority in that relationship in any sense...

Love does not need the concept of fatherhood to be expressed, unless of course if you are missing real fatherhood in your life, but in that case it's just a psychological need, not love...

You say that you've just started your journey - but "you belong to Oshodhara"...What do you mean by "belonging"?

I've told you... "sannyasin means that you don't belong anywhere,to any crowd, any mass, any cult... You are just an in-dividual on the way to re-cognition, with the guidance of a Master"...

If there is a Master there, you don't need another, riding on two horses can be harmfull...

Each Master has His own ways... If there is not such a master there, ...then your heart cannot "belong" there...

Realising that "you know nothing", - meaning that your borrowed "knowledge" is useless - is a great step! That's where real sannyas begins... The path ends in really knowing nothing, living in the absolute Now-Here...

Your tears are your prayer.. That's the real prayer, expressed with tears and the pain that you feel, is from the longing of your heart... That pain is valuable, diving deep into that pain, will unfold your strength because on the bottom of this pain there is uplifting!

You are pregnant with Truth... and when the pain is wordless, it intensifyies 'till truth is born, and you are lifted to another dimencion!

Do not think that your life was wasted, because each single step that you have walked 'till now, was the sperm which made you pregnant... That pure thing that you are feeling inside you, is going to be born out of you, you are the mother of your own truth and the father is Existence, who provided the sperm of your trials...

"A master is a mother, he is not a father. With a father you are related only intellectually, with mother your relation is total. You have been part of your mother, you belong to her totally. The same is the case with a master in the reverse order. You have come out of the mother, you will go into the master. It is a returning back to the source."- OSHO

Love & Light

Редактирано от vidiya на 20.07.11 14:49.

Тема Lovers chatting...нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано20.07.11 14:59


i dreamed of osho last week i never dreamed of him before it was my first time and it felt so real

He always comes to lovers

i love him so so so sooo much

yes, and what happened?

u like to know my dream ?


ok i will tell u .... it was like in the pictures i see him sitting with his sanyasins i dont know about the time and we were sitting not close to him not much people then he said to the people there ...i was among them to come sit closer to me and in real i am very sensitive and show my feeling in the dream i was a bit shy to go very close on hug him and he realised as we sad close to him as i was sitting in front of him my knee touched his knee and he looked at me ... and allowed me to hug him and then there was no time no other human i was holding him and there was light undescribeable feeling even now as i am telling u i feel tears in my eyes

I feel your heart beloved, you are blessed

i told him ... i love to keep hugging u but the other people love this too ... but he said its ok u can stay ... and i stood in his arms and nobody could see ..beause time stand still i am blesseedddddd and i am so greatful of this i am so happy

YESSSSSSSSSSSS...Time stands still when love burns

osho saved me .... his love changed my life yes no time ... it was such a good feeling u know since some time i feel his presence with me all the time his love is growing inside me more and more


thankssssss i am happy thats the only thing i can say happy life is not easy ... but i am happy

thanks to you beloved for sharing

how ever it is welcome thanks for lisstening

i didnt tell anybody ...

i am nobody

dont know ... i guess i had to share with u tonight love u

beautiful love to you too

i love nobodys :):)

nobody and everybody is one the beautiful one

Редактирано от vidiya на 20.07.11 15:02.

Тема How Many Osho’s?нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано20.07.11 15:07

Beloved Friends,

In 2003 Osho´s brother Shailandra (oshodhara.com) with his wife, and a mentor, started a tradition of using the prefix “Osho” with their names. Not just that, they started some certified course of Enlightenment, and at the end of it you get an enlightenment certificate and a new name, for example, Osho ABC, or Osho XYZ.

Such is the hurry and such is the greed of this company to make an enlightened product they treat it as if it was and is a breast enhancement surgery. Maybe the guys in this particular spiritual business can feel a bit happier with their “wi wi” by becoming Osho. It is all a question of feeling good, feeling useful and, naturally, to enjoy admiration with humility.

But in these past five years, one guy has even gone further! He calls himself “Osho Rajneesh.” Is there a limit to human debauchery? Are the people who claimed to have found their original face, so dumb that they cannot get a suitable name for their firm?

“Osho or Buddha”, is not a question of copy right or trade mark, it is question of aesthetic sense, a basic question of ethics. People in the reality shows do not simply become Elton John or Madonna by singing their songs. By reading a remarkable novel, ShantaRam, is it appropriate that I Shantam Prem start selling myself as shantaRam.

At least Osho’s brother, with his 100% Osho dress and beard, and the same genetic face can claim to be playing Osho on the theatre of life. But With his attire, this new Mr. Rajneesh looks more like a carbon copy of the carbon copy of Acharya Rajneesh or Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.Though personally, if I can suggest him a name, it would be “Hannah Montana Rajneesh.” This name really has much more global potential and fits very finely with his personality. Whatsoever his wish, I request him to show a bit of common sense and stop calling his made in China watch, The Rolex!

with love Shantam

From Swami Jeevan Ekin

Тема ...Needs ironing!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано20.07.11 15:16

A woman stopped by unannounced at her recently married son's house.

She rang the doorbell and walked in. She was shocked to see her daughter-in-law lying on the couch, totally naked.

Soft music was playing; the aroma of perfume filled the room.

"What are you doing?" she asked. "I'm waiting for my husband to come home from work," the daughter-in-law answered.

"But you're naked!" the mother-in-law exclaimed.

"This is my love dress," the daughter-in-law explained.

"Love dress? But you're naked!"

"My husband loves me to wear this dress," she explained. "It excites him to no end. Every time he sees me in this dress, he instantly becomes romantic and ravages me for hours on end. He can't get enough of me."

The mother-in-law left. When she got home, she undressed, showered, put on her best perfume, dimmed the lights, put on a romantic CD and lay on the couch waiting for her husband to arrive.

Finally, her husband came home. He walked in and saw her lying there so provocatively.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"This is my love dress" she whispered, sensually.

"Needs ironing," he said.


Тема Interview with Swami Prem Chinmayaнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано20.07.11 15:36

About a week after his last Darshan, Chinmaya talked about his experience of the three months in Poona. He volunteered to share a letter he wrote to the Reverend Mother of a convent here in Poona to whom he had been referred by a friend in England, In the event of his needing accommodation.
His letter began...

I have just emerged from a 10-day meditation retreat (Vipassana isolation) and found your letter waiting. It has been an amazing experience (being in the ashram). Often painful but more often profoundly beautiful. It is a very joyous place, underlain by a deeply spiritual search, and I’m profoundly moved by the response to the personal demands this man makes on the assortment of young people to be found here.

After three months In the place, using my eyes and ears and openness to the holy spirit, I’m convinced that Osho is a very great man-an enlightened man and I will have no hesitation in guiding some of my students here after I return to Cambridge. Already two have come and have been deeply enriched.

The established church can not afford to play the Pharisee over this man. Jesus was also a controversial figure. I have never met anyone who spoke with such authority or whose presence was so authentic. He exults in Jesus and his talks on Jesus are the most beautiful, profound and yet most simple expositions I have ever heard. The church should be ever-open to all experiences, and I think this is one which will expose in it all that which is true and that which is false.

One of the most exciting aspects of this place is the complete cross-section of the people it comprises. There are bums and lay-abouts, respectable middleclass housewives with their children, college professors and qualified, very often very highly qualified professional men of every sort. People serious, people only curious, but all deeply searching for a deeper truth than the world offers.

And all this motley of people is held together, oil and water-prostitutes-I did talk to one-Republicans and very morally upright traditional people-held together by very deep bond of acceptance, quite unlike anything I have experienced in our middle-class church structure.

I imagine the followers of Jesus to have this unconventional flavour about them which caused so many’ nice people’ to question. And of course, Osho is deeply suspect hear in Poona, and my inquiries have shown that very few critics have ever been here or heard him.

A group of evangelical Christians have even abused me roundly for simply being here. When next the ashram lectures are on Jesus-and there isn’t a day goes by when Jesus is not spoken about lovingly-I should be inclined to ask the principle of the theological college to arrange for his ordination candidates-and any other Christians that matter-to hear some of them.

During my stay I have been critically Christian in my bias, and I leave knowing and loving my Lord Jesus more than ever before, and feeling a deep gratitude that such an understanding of him is to be found in this singularly prophetic man who might well be yet another of God’s lights in a very dark world.. Indeed, I’m sure he is, because my heart below glows when I meet Jesus more nearly through this man.

I would suggest-very humbly of course-that two of the Osho books would enrich your convent library: one,’ the mustard seed’, and two,’ come follow me‘-both on Jesus.

I regret we cannot meet for I leaving a few days, and that the moment until the hour of my departure, I will be again involved in the final spiritual exercise with a group of people whom I have truly come to love. Might intend to return next year with my wife, until then, with love.. ,,

P.S.I write in haste and awkwardly, but I mean all I say and more.
I just mentioned that as an introduction, because it sums up what I feel about having been here.
I asked Chinmaya how he discovered Osho in the first place.
Chinmaya: Well, I am a priest and involved in the academic life (as chaplain in Churchill College, Cambridge University). In my training I came across the Kalptaru which I later learned was and Osho centre. I went there to do encounter and other groups. I met a very interesting man there called Veeresh, and as he talked I felt very excited about him and about what he said of the ashram. One day I read a few passages out of ’ The Mustard Seed‘, took it home and read then re-read it. That’s where it all started.
Chinmaya, with the blessings of his wife, decided this was the time to visit Poona. The finances trip he sold his beloved Steinway grand piano. He’d heard rumours about Osho which only served, unwittingly, to whet his appetite!
One of the professors and two or three other lecturers-one of whom had a Bombay connection-said that this man was a phoney, a very controversial figure. His main Interest was making money, the place was licentious and they wouldn’t advise me to go. But having read his books, I knew what they had thought of as licentiousness was freedom. Was prepared to find this in error.

Also I felt that there was something controversial about this man and so he’s very Jesus-like. If they had said,’ Yes, go because he’s a very interesting man and you’ll learn a great deal from him; he’s got good teaching’, and if they’d all been for him, knowing the kind of conventional dons they were, I think I would have been turned off! But because they had very much the same attitude as I would have expected 2000 years ago of the respectable person in Palestine, it made me all the more keen to come!

So having got here I was very careful and cagey. I was trying to be unbiased, and I resisted seeing Osho for about three weeks or more. I was just listening to people, to lectures, watching, feeling the ashram, getting over my bewilderment of being here and the strangeness of it all. Yet I knew that if this were good it would prevail that if this were bull shit then I would soon discover it.

Maneesha: What were your first impressions of the ashram?

Chinmaya: My first impression was’ Gosh, maybe they are right!’ because I came to the gate and saw this great marble thing and the bottom dropped out of my belly when I saw this great chandelier dangling in the doorway. Not only was it expensive but it seemed to me so gross! (Laughter) It seemed so flamboyant .. ..as if some monkeys had seen it in they drawing room and thought,’ We’ll have one in our forest!’ (much laughter) So I began to count up’ I wonder how much this door cost with the brass things on it and all the marble and signs‘. They were out of countenance with any thing I thought was an approach to God. So really I had a negative reaction to begin with.

After a week or so my suspicion of Osho were completely gone. There was no doubt about the impact that this man made on me after the first week, but my suspicion of the ashram still remained. I felt there was some incongruity, but gradually things began to make sense to me and I saw that nothing that was happening in the ashram was in anyway
derogatory to his status as a person.

One of the things that I found about the ashram is the kind of people who come here. I have met some very fine people,very discerning, very intelligent, very committed people, and as I said in my letter, one of the exciting things about the ashram is how all the Toms and not Dicks and the Harries.. ..And I mentioned a prostitute. I met an ex-prostitute in my group and she was lovely, absolutely lovely, and we could relate as human beings. I didn’t put her in any category.

And a met a fellow colleague from another university, but I didn’t look upon him as a reader in philosophy. It was just as in Galilee where everybody was held together by this person. I make the distinction that the Church is so bloody middle-class, and you’ve got to be so good to belong to the church. You’ve got to be good, you can’t get in till your good. But here there is no need to be good, and indeed, it’s almost an advantage not to be good! (Laughter)

So everything here measured up against my expectations.. ..not my expectations-I’d like to withdraw the word-my understanding of the Gospel, because I’ve always been a rebel. I’ve got further and further away from the centre and I’m holding on to the establishment by my fingernails now.

Maneesha: What was the rebellion-that you felt the established church wasn’t Christ?

Chinmaya: Yes. Somehow Jesus has got encrusted in the system so that we’ll worship him but he’s dead. We don’t need to follow him; he’s dead. Somehow looking at Jesus from the mess of the institution, I see Jesus as being other than the Jesus was worshipped in church, whose good and blue-I had and blondehaired.

I think I can see Osho as a Jesus-even if he does have a big air-conditioned car and all this. I can see him as a Jesus-figure for this age.

Maneesha: What particularly appeals to you in what Osho says about Jesus?

Chinmaya: Osho on Jesus is superb. I was very moved, especially at a critical time in my experience as chaplain at Cambridge, about getting lost. You know, we talk about being ’the lost sheep’ but most people never really get lost. I understood through Osho for the first time what it is to really get lost, to be in a maze, to not be a pretending sinner. To be absolutely derelict and lost is something which the average Christian doesn’t want to be. He might talk about his sins but he never really gets lost. It came to me as a kind of revelation-but yes, one’s really got to be lost. That was one of the chapters in one of the books that was really indicating to me that I’ve got to go and see, and read more, about this man.

Maneesha: Can you talk about meditation and prayer?

Chinmaya: Well, I have always suspected that prayer was again an expression of the ego’ Lord, make my Mother well‘-and it could even be,’ Help me pass my examinations.’ Even praying compassionately for other people seem to me in some curious way, to be getting back to oneself. So for the last two years I have been involved in a meditation of my own making. Although I didn’t know it, I was unwittingly doing what Osho says-emptying my head of my mind. I only got that message when I came here, but this is the very essence-to empty oneself. One phrase of Osho’s is always with me like a mantra: ’When you are, God is not. When God is, you are not.’ So it seems to me that just as one creates a vacuum, and the more open the vacuum, the more air rushes in, so if one creates a vacuum in one’s head getting rid of all the bullshit, God comes in and possesses you. You are not-he is!

As a consequence of reading Osho’s books my meditation has become richer and deeper. Its even more rich now that I’ve learned a few techniques from people I’ve learned to love and respect-people like S. The fact that people like him are here is another recommendation. Where the pearl is you’ll see the merchants looking for it.

Maneesha: Can you talk about what sannyasins to you?

Chinmaya: I can see why one should dress up in this ridiculous, colour ...because it is ridiculous, but to say one surrenders without any external expression of it is awfully easy. I can see the need to change, to change direction, and changing the name is a good symbol of it. Having the mala around my neck seemed to me to be a kind of extreme egocentricity on the part of Osho, but I feel this is not so now. I can’t explain It, but being a sannyasin means in some ways, a dedication, a declaration of your own earnestness, something not to be taken lightly.

Of course I believe in the man. Let’s eliminate the word ’believe‘; I somehow know without knowing how I know, that this man speaks a great truth. And whether he’s Christ or not, I don’t care. I’ll just follow him because he’s got this richness that I want very much.

Maneesha: Do you think something on the scale and of the nature of Christianity is going to emerge from what is happening around Osho?

Chinmaya: No, I don’t think it will be like Christianity, because people are sick of Christianity, people are sick of Mohammedanism, people are sick of institutions. I don’t think there’s going to be another ’ism’ when he dies. I feel there’s no church going to emerge except a kind of incognito church, an underswell that’s going to releaven the roots.

I feel somehow that just as the Christians’ always talking about Jesus is not enough, it is not enough for sannyasins to talk about what a great man Osho is. A sannyasin has got to start being an Osho. We’ve got to be Osho’s. We have got to be disciples in the sense that we are walking Osho’s, even though in a lesser degree.

Тема Osho and Michael Jackson, a strange connection...нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано20.07.11 16:47

During the peak of Michael Jackson's career when he was performing to sold-out audiences across the globe, he releases some statements about his strange/unique experiences. One of Michael's experiences was that while he was ecstatically dancing on stage with complete full-energy, he would see the vision of a man dancing with him. The man was indian looking, had a long white beard and was wearing a long robe.

Hasya, Osho's secretary at the time was the wife of the Director who produced the Godfather series. When she read the statement, she sent Osho the message right away. Osho than told Hasya to send Michael Jackson a letter (with his photo), confirming that it was him.

Osho said that he loved creative people, and Michael Jackson was one of the most creative human beings to ever walk on Earth. He said, there has never been a person that has reached such heights of popularity and entertainment as Michael Jackson. Furthermore, the energy he created was indeed spiritual and immense, and Osho's energy was present with Micheal during his performances.

No one knows what Michael's reaction was, but he did admit earlier that he was very scared with the visions he saw while dancing.

Here is a quote from Michael Jackson on his dancing:

"The awareness is expressed through creation.
This world we live in is a dance of the creator.
The dancers appear and disappear
at a glance
but the dance still living.

On many occasions when I'm dancing,
I am touched by something sacred.
In these moments I feel my spirit is raised and
become one with all there is.
I become the winner and the subjugated,
I become the master and slave,
I become the singer and song,
I become the expert and the known.
Still dancing and then this is
the eternal dance of creation.
The creator and creation merge
in one of joy.

Still dancing ...and dancing ...and dancing,
... until there is only the dance. "

-Michael Jackson

A favorite song:


Тема Love is the New Religionнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано24.07.11 23:27

There is a strange frenzy in my head,
of birds flying,
each particle circulating on its own.
Is the one I love everywhere... love u more...

Редактирано от vidiya на 25.07.11 01:09.

Тема Pagan and proud! - Only a Pagan becomes a Buddha aнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано26.07.11 21:01

~ OshO ~

Who is a pagan? It is not what Christians go on calling a pagan. The pagan is a natural man — sincere, not a hypocrite, living life naturally without domination by the mind.

The pagan is part of existence. He is not trying to go in some other direction but is always in a let-go and moving with existence wherever it leads. There is no goal in the life of a pagan.

There is no question of any meaning in the life of a pagan. Life in itself is so beautiful that to ask the question of the meaning of life is simply nonsense. It has to be remembered — we ask about meaning only when something goes wrong. The people who ask what is the meaning of life are the people who have missed life, who are alive because they are still breathing, their heart is still beating, their pulse is still going on; otherwise they are dead. Except for these three things there is nothing in their life.

The pagan lives without any principles.The authentic pagan has no need of religion because, whatever religion can provide, he already has it. Religion gives you only hopes; the pagan has all those hopes realized herenow.

The pagan is one who has no shoulds; his life is should-free. He simply lives without any guidelines, without any principles, without any savior, prophet, messiah. He himself is his savior, his messiah, his prophet, his holy book. The pagan is really a unique individual. I have called him Zorba. The pagan goes on living peacefully in harmony with nature; and without any effort on his part, religiousness flowers in him. If a man can be authentically a Zorba he is not far away from being a Buddha. He has traveled almost half the path. And the first half is the most difficult because all the religions are against it. All the religions drag you somewhere else, away from the first half; and once you are dragged in some other direction you can never be a Buddha — because only this way goes to Buddha. Zorba is the way to Buddha.

If you are taken somewhere else — you become a Christian, a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Jaina, a Mohammedan — then there is no hope of your ever becoming a Buddha. You have been distracted from your nature; You have been taken away from the harmony between you and existence; You have been turned unnatural. A pagan is natural…as natural as trees and birds and rivers and mountains. A Zorba is a bud, a Buddha is a flower; but you can distract the bud, you can destroy the bud…and millions of buds are being destroyed all over the world. They never become flowers, they never come to know what it means to blossom. To blossom is ecstasy.

I would like you to be just yourself without any adjective. You don't need any religion; nobody does. A pagan is healthy and whole. He needs no religion, but religion comes to him. So please don't misunderstand me. I am saying he needs no religion, but religion happens to him. Without the pagan needing religion, it blossoms in him. Religion is given by those people who have no need of religion. Only a pagan can become a buddha. And only a pagan becoming a buddha releases the fragrance called religion. But it is not his need. His need is to share it. His need is to shower it on all — known, unknown, familiar, stranger, it doesn't matter. His need is that of a raincloud; just to shower ...

________love n light __

Редактирано от vidiya на 26.07.11 21:05.

Тема Re: Pagan and proud! - Only a Pagan becomes a Buddha aнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Dark Catherine (ली&)
Публикувано26.07.11 22:16

Тема Re: Pagan and proud! - Only a Pagan becomes a Buddha aнови [re: Dark Catherine]  
Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано27.07.11 01:16

Какво означава да бъдеш истински,съвременен езичник?Правилата са толкова, колкото са и изключенията....освен това, езичниците се славят с това, че игнорират правилата.
И едно паганско филмче:

Редактирано от vidiya на 27.07.11 01:50.

Тема Re: Pagan and proud! - Only a Pagan becomes a Buddha aнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Dark Catherine (ली&)
Публикувано27.07.11 02:51

Don't drink and fly!

'Пътят на Лявата Ръка винаги е съществувал паралелно на всяка институционализирана религия или култ. С каквито и прозвища да са го заклеймявали през цялата човешка история, Пътят на Лявата Ръка винаги е бил трън в очите на всички духовни и политически пастири навсякъде по света. Това са хората, които отказват да вървят в крак със Стадото — от угояване към заколение. Това са личностите, които не живеят по предписания и разписания, защото са господари на себе си и могат сами да определят съдбата си. Това са тези, които успяват да осъществят желанията и мечтите си още докато са живи. Те не служат на „Доброто“, нито на „Злото“, но могат да си служат и с двете, ако е необходимо. Те служат само на себе си — те са себе си. Те никога не са били, не са и няма да бъдат лесна плячка за „ловците на вещици“, защото съвсем не са беззащитни и могат да разпростират влиянието си доста надалеч — ръцете им са достатъчно дълги. Тяхната проста тайна е, че следват законите на собствената си природа, а не тези, измислени от хора, които дори и себе си не могат да управляват. Основната разлика между тях и останалите им човешки събратя е, че където и да се намират, те интензивно се забавляват. Въпреки някои формални ограничения, на тях определено им харесва да са на Земята.'

Из Библията

Тема Re: Pagan and proud! - Only a Pagan becomes a Buddha aнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор бeз ycилиe (обективен)
Публикувано27.07.11 06:42

Много хубаво и точно! Можеш да го пуснеш и в клуб "Езичество", ако ти се играе да го превеждаш.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Exaybachay ()
Публикувано03.09.11 21:12

Когато случайно попаднеш на ковчеже пълно с безценни съкровища, изведнъж неподвластно на твоя контрол сърцето ти почва да бие учестено и надигащия се в теб вик на радост се извисява до онзи миг, в който ти секва дъхът ......... и скритите в сандъчето прелести.

Благодаря ти Ошо, защото ..... чернее ми .... :

Предупреждавам, че клипа към, който води този линк е с крайно потресаващо съдържание и ........ жестокост !!!, за онези от вас, които все пак искат да разберат нека погледнат първо този клип на музикална група, съдържащ само снимков материал.

Благодаря ти Ошо, че ти не си затвори очите за този мрак от неосъзнатост:
(едно от най-силните му изказвания според мен, една от най-безмилостните речи, безкомпромисно поставяне на нещата такива каквито са, непречупени през никакви призми и неистини)

Благодаря ти Ошо, защото ти не си затвори очите, разкъса представите, даваш ми сам да ги разкъсам и събуди в мене, и това

...... а аз ..... наистина бях забравил ..... не знам как, но бях забравил .......

Благодаря ти Ошо за всичко ..... очите ми, ти Благодарят, защото погледа вече не е само мрачен.

..... dying ocean, dead head,
watching all the figures,
walk without soul,
without soul, without soul ........

(ще приема безропотно, ако се реши, че първия клип е неподходящ за темата и/ или клуба - просто ..... както казах вече няколко пъти, аз не съм човек, който си затваря очите и споделям открито, какво виждат те)

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: Exaybachay]  
Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано04.09.11 09:29


Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано19.01.12 10:03

Visited this Planet Earth Between
Dec.11-1931 - Jan,19.1990
Beyond the Duality of Life and Death...

Благодаря ти Ошо, че просто - СИ.

Редактирано от vidiya на 19.01.12 14:57.

Автор Пpakтичнo-Poмaнтичнa (член)
Публикувано19.01.12 14:43


Тема Възкръсването на Ошонови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Mиpo1Модератор ()
Публикувано19.01.12 18:00

О, майко моя, плането мила,
защо тъй жално, тъй милно плачеш?
Славейче, а ти, птицо чаровна,
на чий гроб там тъй красиво пееш?

Ох, зная, зная, ти плачеш, майко,
от радост и болка, от много любов,
затуй, че твоят свещен глас, майко,
е глас всепроникващ пълен със зов.

Танцувай! Там близо край град Пуна
стърчи, аз видях, просветлен,
твой син, вдъхновил мнозина,
на който не само аз съм фен.

Славеят пее нежно, омайно,
бодхито мириз разнася безкраен,
жените в сълзи танцуват горещо,
мъжете без глас пристъпват цял ден.

Времето тече си по свойте закони,
и туй едва ли е нещо лошо,
мъка и радост, в едно насъбрани,
навяват, че жив е пак Ошо.

Свами Прем Ботев

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: Exaybachay]  
Автор Exaybachay (нямам идея ....)
Публикувано12.06.12 18:22

ООООООООООООО УУУУУУУУУУУУУУУУУУУУУУ АААААААААААААААААААААААА ИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИ Б Л А Г О Д А Р Я Т И - милостиви благодаря ти, благородни буда благодаря ти, сърцето ми, съществото ми, благодаря ти, хиляди дяволи и проклети богове, благодаря ти ......... друго няма какво, не мога и не искам да казвам, благодаря ти.

обичам ти, обичам ти, обичам ти, обичам тииииииииииииииии


Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано16.06.12 22:26

Ти ми даде...МЕН
В крайна сметка, никакви други, разбира се-няма.Винаги се срещаш със себе си.

Редактирано от vidiya на 16.06.12 22:35.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Exaybachay (нямам идея ....)
Публикувано16.06.12 22:38



Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: Exaybachay]  
Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано16.06.12 22:44

Помълчи с мен...раскажи ми, с мислите си

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Exaybachay (нямам идея ....)
Публикувано16.06.12 22:59

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: Exaybachay]  
Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано16.06.12 23:12

…какъв водопад …каква река…аз бях в пелена, с жълти боти и шал, роден в Скандинавия....изпарината след теб, се държи над одеялото ми....и незнайно защо, думите остават все по-малко...днес, търся отговори....въпреки, че те са очевидни.....просто не всеки ден започваш с това, да престъпиш през нож с десен крак, а само от време на време....аз бях с теб и дадох знак.....помниш ли, едва уловимата топлина на бузата? Съннливата слана в стаята при двадесет градусовата топлина...ха!....тези ритми, освобождават...обичам да летя,...да летя, там където отсъства аромата..изпускам диханието си на земята, понякога ходя по нея с неловките си крачки.....в края на краищата, ти подарявам покоя, който .......искаше сам.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор ludiq_poet (новак)
Публикувано16.06.12 23:15

много хубаво особено това : "Each moment of life brings you two alternativies : to be miserable or to be happy ....." Питам се дали и некой много напреднал медитатор е подвластен на този закон : )

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Exaybachay (нямам идея ....)
Публикувано16.06.12 23:56

и отивам, все по-далече и далече в тук.
ритмично ...... отминаващи, отпадащи, отсъстващи ...... прелъстява дивното.

п.п. а е ще запафя цигара. (:

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: ludiq_poet]  
Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано17.06.12 14:38

"Each moment of life brings you two alternativies : to be miserable or to be happy ....."
- Какво е това, в ръката ти ?
- Щастие.
- Защо е толкова мъничко?
- То е само мое.За това пък - лъчисто и красиво.
- Да... Възхитително е!
- Искаш ли парченце?
- Навярно...
- Дай си ръчичката-Ще си го разделим.
- Ха..То ...е толкова топло ...
- Харесва ли ти?
- Да..Благодаря
- На близки хора, не се казва благодаря.
- Защо?
- Оте разбират всичко, без думи.По очите.
- А чуждите?
- Чуждите казват благодаря, на други чужди.Ще дойде време и ще разбереш.
- Знаеш ли,стана ми по-добре, когато щастието е в ръката ми...
- Винаги е така .
- А ако аз го разделя с някой ?
- Твоето ще се увеличи .
- Защо?
- И аз не знам. Само, че после, то става още по-топло.
- Аможе ли да ти изгори ръцете?
- Ръцете изгарят, от завист.не можеш да се опариш от щастие.
- Знаеш ли? Аз знам, как да споделя това чудо.
- Радвам се за това.
- Тогава...
- Именно, ще се видим пак ... Споделяй го..
На толкова много хора, то липсва..

Щастието, не идва...идва умението, да го ВИДИШ....Споделям с теб, капчица топлина...

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: Exaybachay]  
Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано17.06.12 15:18

Когато се движа от теб, към себе си, в танца на Любовта, възниква необятна свобода.Енергията е безгранична.Следвайки това, безгранично развитие, ние стигаме там, където двамата се разтваряме.Това е - Цялото...
Докосвам ... Приближавам... Отлитам и приземявам ... Сърцето пулсира от Любов...

Редактирано от vidiya на 17.06.12 15:43.

Тема Обичам те!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано17.06.12 18:48

Обичам те ласкаво, нежно, тържествено,
Обичам те тихо, треперещо, божествено,
Обичам те пазещо, сладко, вълнуващо,
Обечам те чувствено, вярно, чаруващо,
Обичам те с рима, песен, проза,
Обичам те с лилия, момина сълза, роза,
Обичам те с памет, тяло, осъзнаващо,
Обичам те с мисли, поглед, докосващо,
Обичам те огнено, звездно, немислимо,
Обичам те звънко, безумно, войнствено.
Обичам те искренно,силно,пламенно ,
Обичам те приказно, страстно, изгарящо,
Обичам те светло, безмерно, неистово,
Обичам те ярко, безбрежно, тайнствено,
Обичам те избухващо, с огън, разпалващо,
Обичам те с душа, сърце, изпепеляващо,
Обичам те тайно, неудържимо, яростно,
Обичам те явно, безоблачно, сладостно,
Обичам те грешно, с ласки, притискащи,
Обичам те свято, в молитва, прощаваща,
Обичам те! Чуваш ли?

Редактирано от vidiya на 17.06.12 19:00.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Exaybachay (нямам идея ....)
Публикувано17.06.12 21:49

deeeeeeeep satisfaction

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: Exaybachay]  
Автор Exaybachay (нямам идея ....)
Публикувано18.06.12 16:31

Шепотът на бриза, безмълвието на вълните - светкавицата оживява, придобива форма и умира за миг ............ след ехото не остава и следа.

Тема Re: Безразличието...нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано20.06.12 22:31

Любими, Ошо,
Аз знам, какво е безразличие: това са изтрити снимки, телефон,скайп- контакт, профил в социална мрежа..Когато срешнеш човек, общуваш с него, опознаваш го, все повече и повече, в крайна сметка – свикваш с него и започваш да му се доверяваш...
Точно в този миг, незабележимо за себе си, даваш парче от сърцето си...Парчето може да бъде малко, може да бъде – и голямо...Отначало, не забелязваш загубата.Тази празнота, се компенсира с внимание, загриженост,нежност..Но скоро...Скоро, същото това, вече близко ти човече...си тръгва..Отива си, и забравя да ти върне това парче...Вече няма нито внимание,нито загриженост, нито нежност..
Ти започваш да разбираш, дори понякога, физически да усещаш, че нещо не ти стига...Тогава паяците - мисли, започват да се трудят.С нишки от размисли, кърпят сърцето ти..Отначало, е ужасно болезнено..после болката утихва... Тихо...Тихо...И ето че, всичко отминава.Но сега, част от сърцето ти е – паяжина..А онова парче, което някога дадох?.. Този, на когото го даваш,все някога, ще си спомни, а може, случайно да намери, някъде в дълбочината..Далекоооо..Ще погледне, на това прашно и вече мъртво парче от твоето щастие, и ще го изхвърли, като ненужен боклук..А ти ще продължаваш да правиш грешки, докато не раздадеш на части цялото си сърце, докато на негово място, не остане малко, безжизнено топче паяжина...После хората ще те осъждат, говорейки за твоето безсърдечие...
А ти не можеш, да направиш нищо повече, колкото и да ти се иска....Ти нямаш, какво повече да дадеш...
И аз няма, какво повече да дам, в този клуб.
С тези, с които общувам извън него, контакта продължава, а на останалите, оставям думите, на Ошо:
Цялото е пълно с любов.И ако искате да се слеете с Цялото, вие трябва да обичате.Безразличието е бавно самоубийство.Обичайте дълбоко!

БлагоДаря Ви, за споделените Мигове!
С Любов и светлина

Редактирано от vidiya на 20.06.12 22:55.

Тема Re: Безразличието...нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Exaybachay (нямам идея ....)
Публикувано21.06.12 01:51

и в залеза си, слънцето е ослепително ....... (:

Редактирано от Exaybachay на 21.06.12 01:56.

Тема Можело и още...нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Mиpo1Модератор ()
Публикувано06.09.12 23:26

В много Ошо медитации в някой момент си мислиш, че не можеш повече да продължиш практиката. Я си останал без сили и дъх след активни физически действия, я пък се усещаш, че тишината те е запратила едва ли не на другия край на Вселената... Но след още малко виждаш как минаваш просто един праг. Идват изневиделица нови сили и се отварят нови неподозирани врати...

Та явно и в случая се получава така и има какво още да дадеш

. Или по-точно казано, как да се подвключиш още по-дълбоко в Кръговрата на Цялото.

П.П. При Цялото няма безразличие.

Тема Re: Можело и още...нови [re: Mиpo1]  
Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано07.09.12 09:58

Be Here


Редактирано от vidiya на 07.09.12 10:15.

Тема Re: Можело и още...нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор Mиpo1Модератор ()
Публикувано07.09.12 23:45

Be here

Тема Re: Можело и още...нови [re: Mиpo1]  
Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано08.09.12 09:05

Тема Re: Songs of Awakeningнови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано16.09.12 12:53


Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya ( I LOVE MY SELF)
Публикувано19.01.14 23:43

"Wherever you feel death, feel it. Don’t escape. Death is beautiful; death is the greatest mystery, more mysterious than life. Through life you can gain the world, the futile world - meaningless, worthless. Through death you can gain the eternal. Death is the door."

БлагоДаря ТИ, МАСТЕР !

Редактирано от vidiya на 19.01.14 23:58.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо!нови [re: vidiya]  
Автор МироМодератор ()
Публикувано20.01.14 16:52

Ако на някой около теб, независимо дали възрастен или бебе, му се случи да е близо около смъртта, спомни си думите на Ошо, които си цитирала. Смъртта е врата...

Тема и снимки от старите лентинови [re: vidiya]  
Автор МироМодератор ()
Публикувано20.01.14 16:54

Този Ошо все напуска тялото си по това време и ... все се преражда след това.

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