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Тема Re: OSHO-THE DISTURBER OF MY SLEEP [re: totori]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано20.03.11 13:03

Your words, those pearls of oceans deep,
turn stones into rubies and give ecstasy to everyone.

Благодаря ти,за красивата рага...
Ето ти нещо и от мен:

Happy Holi!

In our life there is a single color,
as on an artist's palette,
which provides the meaning of life and art.
It is the color of love.

Редактирано от vidiya на 20.03.11 13:39.

Тема Re: TranZenDance [re: Мирошо]  
Автор vidiya (минаващ)
Публикувано20.03.11 13:24


Тема Re: The day you can start finding me wherever you [re: totori]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано20.03.11 15:25

Can you say something about coming to the master and going back to the world?

Osho: You need not be worried if you have found the master in me. Then ...wherever you are you will find me very close, nearby — just following you like a shadow. But if you get lost into the world, that will also be a good experience, to understand that you have not found the master. In any case, these are the only two alternatives— either you will find me in your gratitude, in your love, in your peace, in your silence, in your meditations, in your joy, or you will forget about me in the crowd. In both of the ways it will be a beautiful experience and a beautiful test.

I want everybody here… those who are essential to run the commune should remain here; otherwise, people should come and go. They can manage it to be here for three months— be here three months and go back into the world.

The day you can start finding me wherever you are is the greatest day of your life. I would like my people to remember it: never advise unless it is your experience.

In the world, advice is the only thing which everybody gives and nobody takes, so why bother?

Everybody enjoys giving advice and nobody ever takes it, and the reason is that everybody knows that advice is meant for others—not for yourself.

I would like my people to remember: never advise, unless it has been your own authentic experience.

Then too you can simply say, "This has been my experience. It is not necessary that it will be right for you — you can experiment. If you feel that it brings more harmony to your life, more joy, you can go ahead. If you feel it is not bringing anything…because individuals are different. What fits me may not fit you, what is medicine to me may be simply poison to you."

An absolutely alert man is always alert about what advice to give and what not to give. Even if he gives advice, it is always conditional—conditional upon experiment. He says it only as a hypothesis: "You try a little bit—perhaps it works. If it works, good. If it does not work, don't go on doing it. It has helped me, that's true, but that does not mean that it will help everybody on the earth."

People are different; each individual is unique, and each individual needs a unique way that suits him.

The greatest miracle in the world is that you should dance and disappear in the dance— then let the dance do whatever it can do. That you should love and disappear in the love — then let the love do whatever it can do. You cannot claim that you are doing it— you have already disappeared. In your disappearance is the whole possibility of some miracle happening.

So please don't guess; otherwise deep inside your love will remain half-hearted— you are doing it for some purpose. And when love becomes a purpose it is no longer love. Your joy will become phony, because if you are joyful so something can happen in the world, you are not really joyful—you are using joy. And if your dance is a means towards an end, it cannot be total. Unless your dance is an end in itself, there is no possibility of its being total. And only a total dance, an authentic love, a whole-hearted joy, perhaps may create some miracles around you. But you will not be the one who has done them; you will not be the one who can brag about them. They will happen only when you are not.

God happens only when you have moved out of the way and left yourself totally empty, spacious. It is a very strange phenomenon: The guest only comes inside the house when the host disappears.

On the surface it seems everything is going perfectly well, but deep down there is great turmoil in the unconscious layers of human beings. You are not even aware of your own unconscious nightmares, but humanity is suffering as it has never suffered before. It is restless as it has never been before. It has forgotten the language of relaxation, it has forgotten the language of totality, it has forgotten the language of intensity.

And all those qualities are needed to make your meditation a revolution in your being.

It is not a question of morality, not a question of character, not a question of virtue — religions have been concerned with all those things for thousands of years, and they have not been successful in changing man. It is a totally different approach, a different dimension: the dimension of energy and the concentration of energy.

And just as atomic energy is the explosion of a small atom into its constituents of electrons, protons and neutrons — it is not visible to the eyes, but the explosion is so vast that it can destroy a great city like Nagasaki or Hiroshima— exactly parallel is the inner explosion of the living cell.

The atomic energy is outside and destructive— objective and destructive. The inner energy, the subjective cell of your being, has the same qualities, the same tremendous power once it explodes — but it is creative.

It is a chain reaction: one cell inside you explodes, and then other cells inside you start exploding in a chain.

The whole life becomes a festival of lights. Every gesture becomes a dance; every movement becomes sheer joy….

I am trying to change the whole pattern of religious thinking.

I am trying to say to you: This is your home; this very moment is your paradise.

It all depends on you.

You do not need to be virtuous to dance totally; you do not need to be learned to dance totally; you do no need to be pious to dance totally. To dance totally, all that is needed is that we accept the reality only of this moment. We will accept the reality of the next moment when it arrives, but we will not be waiting for it. All the religions have been teaching you to wait. I am teaching to live, to love, to dance, to sing—and don't wait.

I used to be very hopeful. Still, I go on hoping against hope that perhaps, in a very dangerous situation, man may awaken. But there seems to be a sadness in my heart because I can see that if nothing is done, then this century is going to be our end. And not only our end, but the end of the whole of existence's dream of creating consciousness…

My sadness is not about myself.

I am absolutely contented.

Death cannot take anything from me.

My sadness is concerned with the whole of humanity, because their death will take away any opportunity of their becoming enlightened, of their becoming blissful, of their knowing meaning and significance.

They have lived in darkness.

Are they going to die in darkness too?

I would like my people, at least, not to waste time in postponing their own growth, because politicians are absolutely prepared to destroy each other — to destroy all and everything. Their lust for power has come to the climax. Before they succeed in committing a global suicide, at least you should have known the god that exists within you. You should spread your joy and your silence and your laughter to anybody you come in contact with. You cannot give a better gift to your friends, to your acquaintances, to your lovers, to your children. The time is very short and the work is tremendous, but if you have courage, the challenge can be accepted.

Don't depend on politicians; they cannot do anything; they are not even aware of where they have been leading humanity—into what darkness….

I was hopeful, but as the days have passed and I have become more and more acquainted with the stupidity of man… I still hope but just out of old habit; really my heart has accepted the fact that only a few people can be saved.

The whole of humanity is determined to destroy itself.

And these are the people… if you tell them how they can be saved, they will crucify you. They will stone you to death.

Going around the world, I still laugh, but there is a subtle sadness in it.

I still dance with you but it is no longer with the same enthusiasm as it was ten years ago.

It seems that the higher powers of consciousness are helpless against the lower and ugly powers of politicians. The higher is always fragile, like a roseflower; you can destroy it with a stone. That does not mean that the stone becomes higher than the roseflower; it simply means the stone is unconscious of what it is doing.

The crowds are unconscious of what they are doing, and the politicians belong to the crowd. They are their representatives. And when blind people are leading other blind people, it is almost impossible to wake them up; because the question is not only that they are asleep—they are blind too.

There is not time enough to cure their eyes.

There is time enough to wake them but not enough time to cure their eyes.

So now I have confined myself completely to my own people.

That is my world, because I know those who are with me may be asleep, but they are not blind.

They can be awakened. Enlightenment is the greatest revolution you can conceive of because it destroys all fictions, all rituals, all gods, all traditions, all scriptures. It leaves you with only the essential consciousness of your own being. Its trust in consciousness is so total that there is no need of anything else. It has not been said as clearly as I am putting it…

I want to make it absolutely clear that the very idea of enlightenment is against all religions.

Or, in other words, the only authentic religion is that of enlightenment.

All other religions are part of the marketplace; they are businesses exploiting human helplessness, exploiting human weakness, exploiting human limitations.

Enlightenment is a rebellion against all traditions, against all priests, against all religions, because it declares that there is nothing higher than man's consciousness. And man is not suffering because some stupid man in the past disobeyed a fictitious God; man is not suffering because of millions of lives of evil acts. Man is suffering for the simple reason that he does not know himself. His ignorance about himself is the only cause of his suffering, misery, torture.

Enlightenment brings everything to a very simple and scientific conclusion. It pinpoints that all that you need is to learn the art of awareness….

Enlightenment is the key, the only key which opens all the realities and all the blessings and all the potentials which have been hidden within you.

You are a seed: enlightenment is nothing but finding the right soil and waiting for the spring to come.

Enlightenment is such a radical standpoint. It is not another religion. It is the only religion. All other religions are pseudo….

Enlightenment is the very essence of human dignity, human grandeur. It is certainly the key…. It is the golden key. And for anybody in the world who really wants to be religious, except enlightenment there is no other way.

"Be ready to die; only then can you be reborn into an altogether different dimension.

That dimension is the dimension of the divine. Don’t protect yourself — your protection is your undoing; don’t try to safeguard.

Near a master be insecure because he is your security.

Be unsafe, leave everything to him and wait for his hit; any moment it can descend on you.

But if you have not surrendered it will not descend, because no master is interested in hitting you, no master is interested in killing you.

Masters are interested only in making you fully enlightened, and that can happen only when your death and your awareness meet — a very difficult, very rare combination."


Редактирано от vidiya на 20.03.11 15:25.

Тема Re: OSHO-THE DISTURBER OF MY SLEEP [re: vidiya]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано20.03.11 16:23

Пращам ти спокойствие от природни звуци....

.....по терлички!

Тема Re: OSHO-THE DISTURBER OF MY SLEEP [re: vidiya]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано20.03.11 16:25

Ще доживея ли тази целувка........!

.....по терлички!

Тема Re: The day you can start finding me wherever you [re: vidiya]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано20.03.11 16:27

Коя книга на ошо най много се доближава до теб!

.....по терлички!

Тема Re: OSHO-THE DISTURBER OF MY SLEEP [re: totori]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано20.03.11 17:03

Веднага ти връщам едно клипче,което много харесвам

Тема Re: OSHO-THE DISTURBER OF MY SLEEP [re: totori]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано20.03.11 17:05

Истински ме разсмя...

Разбира се,че ще....

Тема Re: OSHO-THE DISTURBER OF MY SLEEP [re: vidiya]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано20.03.11 17:15

След този клип да се чудя какво да ти пусна....

.....по терлички!

Тема Re: OSHO-THE DISTURBER OF MY SLEEP [re: vidiya]  
Автор totori (релакс)
Публикувано20.03.11 17:17

Последното неможах да го прочета....би ли се оточнила плс.

.....по терлички!

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