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Тема Re: I don't know why I am here ! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано24.06.11 09:05

I don't know why I am here !

~ OshO ~

Nobody knows. There is no way to know it, and there is no need to know it. This constant questioning - why am I here? why am I doing this? - this constant hankering for the why is a disease of the mind. No answer is going to satisfy you, because the why can be asked again. If I say something, "You are here because of this..." the why will be pushed back a little, that's all. You will again ask why. The why is nonending.

Once you understand it, you drop it. The why is ridiculous. Rather than asking, Why am I here? it is better to use the opportunity, it is better to flower, it is better to exist authentically. And this is the beauty of it, that once you start existing authentically, truly, once you stop all nonsense thinking and you start delighting in life, once you are no longer a philosopher, the why is answered. But it is not answered by anyone from the outside, it is answered by your own life energy.

For centuries man has asked millions of questions; not a single question has been solved by speculation, thinking, logic, or reason. Not even a single question has been solved. On the contrary, whenever people have tried to answer a question, the answer has created a thousand and one more questions.

Who created the world? - and it has been answered: God created the world. And then immediately the question arises: Who created God? or, Why did he create the world? When did he create the world? And why did he create such a world? - so miserable, so helllike? The one who was answering you that God created the world must have been thinking that your question would drop; but out of one answer a thousand and one questions arise. Mind is a question-creating mechanism.

Why are you here? - who can answer it? And if it can be answered, you will no longer be a man, you will become a mechanism. This mike is here and there is a reason for it; the why can be answered. The car is there in the porch; the why can be answered. If your why also can be answered, you become a mechanism like a mike or a car; you become a utility, a commodity. But you are a man, not a machine.

My effort is not to answer your questions, but to make you aware that out of a hundred questions, ninetynine are simply foolish. Drop them! And once you have dropped the foolish questions - they took very philosophical - the one question remains. And that question is no longer concerned about irrelevant, nonessential things. That one question is concerned about Existence, about you, your being. Not why you are here, not about the purpose of your being here, but about your being here - who you are: Who am I?

This can be known, because for it to be known there is no need to go to anybody else; you can go inside. For it to be known, there is no need to look in the scriptures, you can took withinwards. For it to be known, you have just to close your eyes and move into inner silence. And you can feel it: who you are. You can taste the flavor of who you are; you can smell it, you can touch it. This is existential questioning. But why you are here, I don't know. And there is no need to know about it.

________love n light_

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано24.06.11 09:10

BE proud being a living energy - Watch your thoughts , not your lips !

~ OshO ~

If only two hundred people are enlightened, then there is no way the world can be destroyed ...

Тема Re: The answers? are here, WITHIN [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано24.06.11 09:32

The answers? are here, WITHIN .

~ OshO ~

God is your inner voice. No priest is needed, you need not have any instructions from anybody about your life. But one thing has to be done, you have to move inwards so that you can hear the still, small voice. Once it is heard, once you know how it can be heard, your whole life is transformed. Then whatever you do is right.

Socrates says knowledge is virtue. By knowldege he does not mean knowledgeability, by knowldege he means intuitive insight, knowing. His statement is tremendously significant. Intuitive knowing is virtue. He does not say what is virtue and what is sin; intitutive knowing is virtue, because the man who knows intuitively, the man who can hear his own innermost core, is bound to be virtuous, he cannot be otherwise. It is inevitable. Once heard you cannot go against it because nobody can be so foolish, it is unimaginable.

I am not giving you a discipline, I just have to help you listen to your own center and then to follow your own heart. That will be virtue, and that is real character, that is real morality. But it comes from your innermost core; it is nothing imposed from the outside ...

________love n light_

Редактирано от vidiya на 24.06.11 09:33.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано24.06.11 09:37

People, many people, consciously or unconsciously, are here to find some kind of consolation — some kind of consolation so they don’t feel guilty, so that they don’t feel unworthy.

I am not here to give you consolations. Why give consolations when I can give you the real thing? Why give you plastic toys when I can help you to grow into a soul?

Try to understand: I am not here to console you. If there is anything that I am here for, it is to transform you. Consolation is worthless; it is a trick of the mind. Don’t settle for it. It is just like a mother who doesn’t want to give her breast to the child, and she gives the child anything, just his own thumb in his mouth, to console him. That gives him a certain consolation, but no nourishment. He is simply deceived. Or you can get pacifiers from the market and give the child a pacifier. Just a rubber breast — he goes on sucking it thinking and believing that something is going to come out of it. Nothing comes out of it. Consolation is a pacifier, it is not real nourishment.

I am here; be nourished by me. Eat me, drink me; be nourished by me. Let me become a part of your being, then I will be available forever and forever. There is no other way...

________love n light_

Редактирано от vidiya на 24.06.11 09:38.

Тема Re: OSHO THOUGHTS [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано03.07.11 03:11

Let the music from your heart flow and you shall purify from within..
"Their hearts are no longer separate, their beats are no longer separate, they have become a melody, a harmony. It is the greatest music possible, all other musics are just faint things compared to it, shadow things compared to it."
"Compose music, play on the guitar or on the flute,
because it is easier to stir the heart of the people,
to wake it up through music than through words.
Dance, but dance in a new way so
your dance becomes a teaching of meditation.
Dance in such a way that the one who looks at you
starts feeling that it is not only a dance
but something more,
something plus;
so that he starts feeling the vibe of meditation
that is happening inside you.
------ Osho"

Тема Re: I'll see you again... Someday.. [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано03.07.11 13:58

Always you will be part of me
And I will forever feel your strength
When I need it most
You're gone now, gone but not forgotten
I can't say this to your face
But I know you hear

I'll see you again
You never really left
I feel you walk beside me
I know I'll see you again
Someday I'll see you again...

When I'm lost, when I'm missing you like crazy
I tell myself I'm so blessed
To have had you in my life, my life
You never really left
I feel you walk beside me
I know I'll see you again

Someday I'll see you again

I'll see you again
You never really left
I feel you walk beside me
I know I'll see you again

I miss you like crazy
You're gone but not forgotten
I'll never forget you
I feel you walk beside me
Gone but not forgotten
I feel you by my side
No this is not goodbye
I'll See You Again.

Редактирано от vidiya на 03.07.11 14:01.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано03.07.11 14:14

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано03.07.11 19:50

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано03.07.11 19:54

"Love changes the whole climate of your inner being-and with that change the whole existence is changed. Nothing is changed on the outside - but once you are full of love you have a totally different existence available to you." ~ Osho

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано03.07.11 19:59

"For love, mind has created substitutes which are not love. Sometimes you call your possessiveness your love; sometimes you call your attachment your love; sometimes you call your domination your love -- these are ego games. Love has nothing to do with them. In fact, because of these games, love is not possible." ~ Osho

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