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Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано15.06.11 19:54

"Mind is repetitive, mind always moves in circles. Mind is a mechanism: you feed it with knowledge, it repeats the same knowledge, it goes on chewing the same knowledge again and again. No-mind is clarity, purity, innocence. No-mind is the real way to live, the real way to know, the real way to be." ~ Osho

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано15.06.11 20:09

"The man who is without love is narcissistic, he is closed. He knows only himself. And how much can he know himself if he has not known the other, because only the other can function as a mirror? You will never know yourself without knowing the other. Love is very fundamental for self-knowledge too. The person who has not known the other in deep love, in intense passion, in utter ecstasy, will not be able to know who he is, because he will not have the mirror to see his own reflection." ~ Osho

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано15.06.11 20:16

Whenever you close your eyes, you will find me beating within your heart.

If you need me I will be here until your need is fulfilled. And even if I am gone, if your love is deep enough I will be present for you. Whenever you close your eyes, you will find me beating within your heart.

I have sown the seed. It is only a question of when the spring will come – and it always comes. Just remain open, available.I will be here to help you. If I am not in the body, still I can be here to help you. In fact, I can be of more help when I am freed from the body. Then my consciousness will be spread all over.

Those who have loved me – they will become part of me. They have already started melting and merging with me. So the only question that should be important to you is: not to hinder the process of your merging and your melting.

Whether I am in the body or not, you should not wait for tomorrows.

Today is the day.

This moment is the moment.

And this is my promise: I will try to linger on this shore as long as possible. And even when my ship is gone, whenever your tears will call me, or your laughter, I will be with you. And whenever you will dance and sing, you will find my shadow also present there.

~ Osho

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано15.06.11 20:53

On 26 September, 1970 Osho started his Neo-Sannyas movement in Manali, India. Above is the photo of first rebels who took Sannyas from Osho:

A. Ma Laxmi
Oshos first secretary; she found the location where the current Osho Puna resort is situated.

B. Ma Dharam Jyoti
She regularly conducts meditation camps at Oshodham and Osho Nisarga. She has written a small book containing 100 stories about the time she spend with Osho, appropriately called One Hundred Tales for Ten Thousand Buddhas. It can be read online here and here.

L. Swami Chaitanya Bhart
He conducts meditation camps in India and is presently busy founding an Ashram in Mysore. His website: DhyanLeela. He is one of few people who have announced their enlightenment. He was the first one to leave the Osho Puna Ashram in 1992 over the controversies surrounding the Ashram's management.

M. Ma Anand Madhu
She is said to prefer spending time in isolation at Haridwar, North-India, not interacting with anyone, preferring to live in silence.

N. Swami Yog Chinmaya
He also prefers to live in solitude, keeping far from the limelight. He has an Ashram at Bagheswar in India. Swami Yog Chinmaya has a yoga background and had a small following when he started listening to Osho. Over time Swami Yog Chinmaya put a few intellectual questions to Osho and was consequently hammered by Osho for his seriousness.

Редактирано от vidiya на 15.06.11 20:54.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано15.06.11 21:06

"If you love, you will know that everything begins and everything ends, and there is a time for beginning and there is a time for ending, and there is no wound in it. One is not wounded, one simply knows the season is over. One is not in despair, one simply understands, and one thanks the other: "You gave me so many beautiful gifts. You gave me new visions of life, you opened a few windows I might never have opened on my own. Now the time has come that we separate and our ways part." Not in anger, not in rage, not with a grudge, not with any complaint, but with tremendous gratitude, with great love, with thankfulness in the heart. If you know how to love, you will know how to separate." Osho

Тема Re: Благодаря ти, vidiya! [re: vidiya]  
Автор Mиpo1Модератор ()
Публикувано20.06.11 14:09

Благодяра ти, vidiya! Честит Рожден Миг!

Тема Re: Благодаря ти, vidiya! [re: Mиpo1]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано20.06.11 18:17

Благодаря, за МИГА!

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано20.06.11 18:23

"Look at the situation! The whole of humanity pretends to love, and still there is no love. You don’t feel the fragrance of love, you don’t see the joy of love. And everybody is a lover! If so many millions of people were loving the world would become a paradise. But it is not; it is a hell! And the reason is that nobody is courageous enough to be free from the expectations of others."
~ Osho

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано20.06.11 18:26

"Don't wait for some great bliss to descend on you. It never happens. Great bliss is nothing but small pleasures accumulating in your being. The total of all the small pleasures is the great bliss. Eating, enjoy it. Drinking, enjoy it. Taking a bath, enjoy it. Walking, enjoy it. Such a beautiful world, such a beautiful morning, such beautiful clouds...

What else do you need to celebrate? The sky full of stars... What more do you need to be prayerful? The sun rising from the east... What more do you need to bow down? And amidst a thousand and one thorns a small roseflower arises, opening its buds, so fragile, so vulnerable, yet so strong, so ready to fight with the wind, with the lightning, with the thunderings. Look at the courage... What more do you need to understand trust? ~ Osho

Тема Re: AM I -- Innocent ! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано24.06.11 09:00

AM I -- Innocent !

~ OshO ~

Innocence is there, you have simply forgotten it -- you have been made to forget it. Society is cunning. For centuries man has learned that you can survive in this society only if you are cunning; the more cunning you are, the more successful you will be. That's the whole game of politics: be cunning, be more cunning than others. It is a constant struggle and competition as to who can be more cunning. Whosoever is more cunning is going to succeed, is going to be powerful.

After centuries of cunningness man has learned one thing: that to remain innocent is dangerous, you will not be able to survive. Hence parents try to drive their children out of their innocence. Teachers, schools, colleges, universities exist for the simple work of making you more cunning, more clever. Although they call it intelligence it is not intelligence.

Intelligence is not against innocence, remember. Intelligence is the flavor of innocence, intelligence is the fragrance of innocence. Cunningness is against innocence; and cunningness, cleverness are not synonymous with intelligence. But to be intelligent needs a tremendous journey inwards. No schools can help, no colleges, no universities can help. Parents, priests, the society, they are all extrovert; they cannot help you to go inwards. And buddhas are very rare, few and far between. Not everybody is fortunate enough to find a buddha. Only a buddha can help you to be an intelligent person, but you cannot find so many buddhas who want to become primary school teachers and high school teachers and university professors; it is impossible.

The society prepares you to be cunning so that you are capable of competing in this struggle for existence, the struggle to survive. It is a cut-throat competition, everybody is after everybody else's throat. People are ready to do anything to succeed, to be famous, to climb the ladder of success, name and fame. They are ready to use you as stepping-stones. Unless you are also cunning you will be simply used, manipulated. Hence the society trains every child to be cunning, and these layers of cunningness are hiding your innocence.

Innocence has not to be achieved, it is already there. Hence it is not a question of becoming, it is your being. It has only to be discovered -- or rediscovered. You have to drop all that you have learned from others, and you will immediately be innocent. Hence my antagonism towards all knowledge that is borrowed. Don't quote the Bible, don't quote the Gita. Don't behave like parrots. Don't just go on living on borrowed information. Start seeking and searching for your own intelligence.

A negative process is needed; it is to be achieved through VIA NEGATIVA. That is the Buddha's way. You have to negate all that has been given to you. You have to say, "This is not mine; hence I have no claim over it. It may be true, it may not be true. Who knows? Others say it is so; unless it becomes my experience I cannot agree or disagree. I will not believe or disbelieve. I will not be a Catholic or a communist, I will not be a Hindu or a Mohammedan. I will simply not follow any ideology." Because, whoever you follow, you will be gathering dust around yourself. Stop following.

Here, being with me, you are not my followers, remember it. Friends certainly, but not followers. You are in a love affair with me, but it is not a question of following. And my work here is not to teach you something, but to help you to discover yourself. Just drop all knowledge. It hurts because you have carried that knowledge for so long and you have been bragging so much about that knowledge -- your degrees, M.A.s and Ph.D.s and D.Litt.s, and you have been bragging about all those degrees. And suddenly I am saying to you: Drop all that nonsense.

Just be as simple as a child. Just be again a child as you were born, as God sent you into this world. In that mirrorlike state you will be able to reflect that which is. Innocence is the door to knowing. Knowledge is the barrier and innocence is the bridge.

________love n light_

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