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Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 16:50

~ OshO ~

In a cinema hall, you look at the screen, you never look at the back - the projector is at the back. The film is not there really on the screen; it is just a projection of shadow and light. The film exists just at the back, but you never look at that. And the projector is there.

Your mind is at the back of the whole thing, and the mind is the projector. But you always look at the other, because the other is the screen. When you are in love the person seems beautiful, no comparison. When you hate, the same person seems the ugliest, and you never become aware of how the same person can be the ugliest and the same person can be the most beautiful.... So the only way to reach to truth is to learn how to be immediate in your vision, how to drop the help of the mind. This agency of the mind is the problem, because mind can create only dreams....

Through your excitement the dream starts looking like reality. If you are too excited then you are intoxicated, then you are not in your senses. Then whatsoever you see is just your projection. And there are as many worlds as there are minds, because every mind lives in his own world ...

* Nam Myoho Renge Kyo *

________ love n light_

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 16:55

~ OshO ~

All that this world needs is a good cleansing of the heart of all the inhibitions of the past. And laughter and tears can do both. Tears will take out all the agony that is hidden inside you and laughter will take all that is preventing your ecstasy. Once you have learned the art you will be immensely surprised."

Out of that aloneness - the experience of God. There is no other way; there has never been any and there is never going to "be.

* Nam Myoho Renge Kyo *

________ love n Light_

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 16:59

~ OshO ~

The most important need of humanity today is to be made aware that its past has betrayed it; that there is no point in continuing the past, it will be suicidal; that a new humanity is absolutely and urgently needed. And the new humanity will not be s society in the old sense where individuals are only parts of it.

The new humanity will be a meeting of individuals, where individuals are the masters and the society is to serve them. It will have many different aspects to it. It will not have so many religions; it will have only a religious consciousness. It will not have a despot God as a creator because that implies slavery of man. It will have godliness as a quality of ultimate achievement, a quality of enlightenment. Godliness will be spread all over – in everything, in every being.

_______love n light __

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 17:04

~ OshO ~

If you are not yourself, how can you be happy ?

The whole existence is blissful because the rock is rock, the tree is tree, the river is river the ocean is ocean. Nobody is bothering to become somebody else; otherwise they would all go nuts. And that’s what has happened to man.

You are being taught from the very childhood not to be yourself, but the way it is said is very clever, cunning. They say, “ You have to become like Krishna like Buddha, “ and they paint Buddha and Krishna in such a way that a great desire arises in you to be a Buddha, to be a Jesus, to be a Krishna. This desire is the root cause of your misery.

I was also told the same things that you have been told, but from my very childhood I made it a point that whatsoever the consequence I was not going to be deviated from myself. Right or wrong I am going to remain myself. Even if I end up in hell I will have at least the satisfaction that I followed my own course of life. If it leads to hell, then it leads to hell.

Following others ‘ advice and ideals and disciplines, even if I end up in paradise I will not be happy there, because I will have been forced against my will.

Try to understand the point. If it is against your will, even in paradise you will be in hell. But following your natural course of being, even in hell you will be in paradise.

Paradise is where your real being flowers.

Hell is where you are crushed and something else is imposed on you.

________ love n light_

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 17:27

~ OshO ~

I cannot conceive how it is possible for anybody to go to the prayer without going through love, so don't be scared of love.

Die into love so that you can be reborn. LOSE YOURSELF INTO LOVE so that you can become again fresh and young. Otherwise there is no possibility of prayer.

AND DON'T FEEL HOPELESS ABOUT LOVE, because that is the only hope. Says Jesus, "If the salt loses its saltiness, then how it can be salted again?" And I say unto you: IF LOVE BECOMES HOPELESS, THEN THERE IS NO HOPE, because love is the only hope. Then where you will get the hope again?

Through love, many new hopes will arise, because love is the seed of the ultimate hope -- that is God. MAKE EVERY EFFORT; don't settle in that hopelessness. It may be arduous but it is worth, because without it you are stuck; and YOU WILL BE THROWN BACK AND BACK AGAIN INTO LIFE UNLESS YOU LEARN THE LESSON OF LOVE. And once love is learned, prayer is so easy. In fact, there is no need to learn prayer; it comes by itself if you love.

________ love n light_

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 17:36

Arise Consciousness; Arise

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 17:50

~ OshO ~

I have been misunderstood perhaps more than anyone else ever, but it has not affected me, for the simple reason that there is no desire to be understood. It is their problem if they don't understand, it is not my problem. If they misunderstand, it is their problem and their misery. I am not going to waste my sleep because millions of people are misunderstanding me.

I am not here to give you a dogma. A dogma makes one certain. I am not here to give you any promise for the future - any promise for the future makes one secure. I am here simply to make you alert and aware. That is: to be herenow - with all the insecurity that life is; with all the uncertainty that life is; with all the danger that life is.

_______love n light __

Редактирано от vidiya на 25.05.11 17:51.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано26.05.11 16:32

~ OshO ~

Give your children your love, but don’t give your ideologies.
Don’t make them Catholics and communists; that is poisoning them.
Don’t make them Hindus and Jainas and Buddhists; that is very destructive.

Give your love, give your loving nourishment, and give them strength enough to inquire who they are, what this reality is all about.

Give them every support so they can go on in life with an adventurous spirit.

Then you are helping them; then you are really educating them.
Ordinarily, whatsoever existsin the name of education is nothing but mis-education.

Real education is helping the person to be himself.
It is possible only if you love the person for his own sake, for no other motive.
If there is a motive, your love is contaminated.
Then you are not a real father or a real mother ...

_______love n light __

Тема СТОП и танцуване [re: vidiya]  
Автор Mиpo1Модератор ()
Публикувано27.05.11 15:52

След СТОП танцуването е много подходящо. Както и след танцуването - СТОП. Хм, докато СТОПа се появи повреме на самото танцуване, а пък в самия СТОПа разцъфне танцуване. Може би като това по-долу.

Тема Re: СТОП и танцуване [re: Mиpo1]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано27.05.11 22:31

...Веднъж, при един мъдрец, дошъл човек и казал:
"О, мъдри човече, научи ме, как да различавам истината от лъжата, красотата от безобразието.Научи ме на радостите от живота".
Помислил мъдрецът и научил човека да танцува.

а за танцуването, предпочитам 5-те ритъма на Габриела Рот, градска шаманка и Ошо-ученичка..., с една дума-в темата

"Енергията се движи с вълни.Вълните стават патерни.Патерните образуват ритми.Човекът е само това - енергия, вълни, патерни, ритми.Нищо повече, но и нищо друго.Танц." (Габриела Рот)

Ако няма да танцуваш своят собствен танц, кой тогава ще го изтанцува?

Редактирано от vidiya на 27.05.11 22:54.

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