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Тема Re: Osho-«Мъжът и жената. Танца на енергиите» [re: vidiya]  
Автор Dark Catherine (ली&)
Публикувано14.05.11 01:27

'Буда твърде много обичал отрицателното - поради определена причина. Когато описваш съществуването с положителни термини, положителните термини внасят определени граници. Всички положителни термини притежават граници. Отрицателните термини нямат граници; отрицателното е неограничено. Например, ако наречеш съществуването "всичко, Бог, Абсолют", тогава поставяш известна граница. В момента, в който го наречеш "Абсолют", възниква определена представа, че нещата са приключени; няма по-нататъшен процес на развитие. Наричаш го "Брама" и с това, като че ли е постигнато съвършенството; няма къде повече да се върви...
Затова Буда е избрал отрицателното. Той го нарича шуниям - нищото, нула. Чуй само думата: нищото. Опитай я, обърни я на всички страни: В нея не можеш да откриеш някакви граници - нищото. Тя е неограничена...'

Maha Kali, dark mother dance for me
Let the purity of your nakedness awaken me
Yours are the fires of deliverance which shall bring me bliss
Yours is the cruel sword which shall set my spirit free

Devourer of life and death who rule beyond time
In thy name I shall fullfil my destiny divine
Maha Kali, formless one, destroyer of illusion
Your songs forever sung, the tunes of dissolution

Тема Re: Osho-«Мъжът и жената. Танца на енергиите» [re: Dark Catherine]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано14.05.11 08:15

Редактирано от vidiya на 14.05.11 09:14.

Тема Re:To live with this moment great courage is neede [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано22.05.11 19:18

To live with this moment great courage is needed, great awareness and great intelligence.
To recognize the fact that there is no improvement in the world, that the world is not going anywhere, that there is no goal to it, in fact no purpose, no meaning . . . . It is simply here now, it is a celebration. It has nothing like business in it, it is play- what Hindus call leela. It is a play.

* Once you understand this, the whole ego trip stops and suddenly you are thrown back to this moment with nowhere to go, no space to move in, no time to move in. The desire for the future creates time; times gives you space to move. Suddenly this moment is all, and there is nothing else. To live with this moment great courage is needed, great awareness and great intelligence....

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 15:36

If you love, you will have to drop all the conceptions that you have about yourself.
If you love, you CANNOT be the ego because the ego will not allow love.

~ OshO ~

Love always creates fear because love is death, a greater death than the ordinary death you know of. In an ordinary death the body dies, but that is not death at all. Body is just like a dress: when it is tatty and old you change for a new one.

It is not death, it is just a change: a change of a dress, or a change of a house or abode. But you continue, the mind continues -- just the same old mind in new bodies, just the same old wine in new bottles. The form changes but not the mind, the shape changes but not the mind.
So the ordinary death is not a real death; love is a real death: the body does not die but the mind dies, the body continues to be the same but the ego disappears.

If you love, you will have to drop all the conceptions that you have about yourself.
If you love, you CANNOT be the ego because the ego will not allow love.
They are antagonistic.
If you choose the ego you will not be able to choose love.
If you choose love you will have to drop the ego.
Hence, the fear....

_______love n light __

Редактирано от vidiya на 25.05.11 15:37.

Тема Re: Mind Is Drunk [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 15:41

The disciples ask Jesus about the future. How will the meeting be possible? How will they encounter him? And these are disciples, what about the masses?

He said to them: What you expect has come, but you know it not.

What you expect has come… The dead are resurrected, they have attained to repose. The new world has entered, it is already here, but you don’t know. Jesus is speaking about himself: “I am the new world, I am the dead resurrected, I am the life, the very center of life. And I am here, standing before you, and you know it not. You ask questions about the future and the future is here.”

He said to them:

What you expect has come, but you know it not.

In eternity there is no future. The future is part of the present, but because of our narrowness of mind we cannot see the whole. We are just like a man who has been locked in a room and he looks through the keyhole: he cannot see the whole. Through the keyhole you cannot see the whole, unless you have taken hashish! Otherwise, through the keyhole you cannot see the whole.

I will tell you a story:

Once it happened that three men came to a city when the sun was setting. They tried in every way to reach it before sunset, they ran, because the doors would be closed; the moment the sun went down the doors would be closed, and the whole night they would have to remain outside the wall. And it was dangerous, wild animals and murderers and everything. They ran, but they couldn’t reach the city in time. When they reached it the doors were closed, the sun had set.

One of them started beating his heart and crying loudly so that the doorkeepers who were behind the wall might hear. He cried loudly, he beat on the door, his hands started bleeding, and he fell in a faint. Another started to search around the wall. There might be some other small door, a back door or some place through which he could enter, or a drainage system or something. The third was a hashish smoker: he simply smoked his hashish, then he looked through the keyhole and he said, “Behold! No need to go anywhere, we can enter through the keyhole!”

That’s what happens when you are on a drug trip. This happens: the keyhole seems to be so big that you feel you can even enter the kingdom of God through the keyhole. Nobody can enter the kingdom of God through a keyhole. You will remain outside, and when you come to your senses you will laugh about the whole thing.

Osho, The Mustard Seed, Chapter 20

Редактирано от vidiya на 25.05.11 16:17.

Тема Re: A Hope-less Hip-Hop Hippie Hopi says: We Are t [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 15:46

A Hope-less Hip-Hop Hippie Hopi says: We Are the Ones We've Been Waiting For
"I have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.

Now I must tell the people that this is the Hour.

And there are things to be considered:

Where are you living? ................

What's your thinking, feeling, living enviroment? Do you think according to your past, projecting into the future? Do you feel according to your fear, your hopes and desires? Have you build your enviroment according to the above out of insecurity? Or you're present, in accordance to the now?

What are you doing? ..................

How do you live your days, is it fear and desire that govern your moods and dictate your actions?

Or you're free from the past and the desire for the future, enjoying your being now-here?

What are your relationships? ......

Are they people to whom you're depended out of insecurity or real people whom you love?

Are you in right relation? ........

Are you contented in your self and share your being with your beloved, or you're tethered in mutual bondage with your mate?

Where is your water? ..................

Where is your spring of life, your very being or the thousand broken mirrors around you, yearning for the reflection of your self-made image?

Know your garden. .......................

Do you know your essencial qualities and live according and through them or you feed upon ephemeral satisfactions and mutual exploitations?

It is time to speak your Truth. ........

Dare to be yourself, drop the empty behaviour, don't just "chat" unconsciously out of habit, regain your responce ability that you had as a child, fearless and innocent. ..."The King is naked!"

Create your community. ...............

Be with like thinking, feeling, living people.

Be good to each other.

Not goody-goody, not just polite, but really compassionate to eachother.

And do not look outside yourself for the leader.

Do not give up your responsibility to anyone, for any reason, in any field of your life.

Listen attentively to what the other says, but evaluate it in your heart.

This could be a good time!

It's perfect time for re-birth!

There is a river flowing now very fast. ................

Events are happening very fast... Everybody can feel the acceleration of events leading towards the "Zero Point", the point of no-return for humanity and each individual the same...

It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. .....

The events are so overwhelming, that many will be utterly afraid...

They will try to hold on to the shore. ..............

They will try to hold on the past... Their "safety", their "knowledge", their belongings and everydays habitual thinking, the old perception...

They will feel they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly. ...

They will lose everything that they are attached to, and they will suffer greatly.

Know the river has its destination. ..........

Know that the torrent of events is pushing towards an altered state of consciousness.

The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. ...

Be available to the Unknown... Let go of the past AND the future - the two shores of the river of life, be aware, conscious, alert and do not be taken by emotions.

See who is in there with you and celebrate.

Share your joy, dancing with those in the same state.

At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally. ............

Nothing of the events to others or to anything...

Least of all, ourselves. ................

You're not what you know. Anything that you see, hear, sense. Anything you think, anything you feel, anything that happens, anything.... You are not your body, meaning you are not your looks.

You are not your age. You are not your illness nor are you your health.

You are not your habits. You are not your thinking. You are not your character and the picture you have of your self, good, bad, indifferent.

You do know you are not your fingernail, and yet ALL that that you may presently think is you amounts to no more than a fingernail.

Who you are is irrelevant to your perceived suffering and your perceived happiness.

Who you are is irrelevant to your success and your failure.

Who you are is irrelevant to your comfort or discomfort.

Who you are is irrelevant to your position in the world, irrelevant to your relationships with your family, irrelevant to your loneliness.

All that transpires is irrelevant next to who you are.

All the world’s plaudits are irrelevant.

All the wealth or all the poverty.

All the understanding or misunderstanding.

All the caring or not caring.

All the ease and all the difficulty.

All the knowledge and all the ignorance.

All the fame as well as being overlooked.

All the A’s and all the E’s. They are all the same. They have nothing to do with you.

What does anything have to do with you? Nothing has anything to do with you. Nothing at all.

The you that you may think you are has nothing to do with you.

The you that is you is untouchable, pristine and pure, it is unbounded and timeless spaciousness.

Even if you happen to die, don't take it personally... The you that you really are is never born and never gonna die. You are eternal homeness.

For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves!

Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.

Just let go, flow with the river...

All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

We are the ones we've been waiting for."

Редактирано от vidiya на 25.05.11 16:22.

Тема Re: Truth is not my property, I am not its owner.. [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 15:54

Question - Osho, you were saying that the new will be victorious. Will it really be the new, or will it be the old polished up here and there. There are publications now in germany that use you. Some mention you in the list of literature as the source, but others use you and don’t mention you — or they even condemn you. I am really afraid of those people. What is their intention? Can you please take away that fear?

Osho : There is no need to be afraid of those people. That is happening in every language all over the world. People are taking my statements and not mentioning my name. There is no harm in it, because my name is not important; what is important is the statement. Even if these people are stealing, there is no harm. That statement may start something in somebody which these people cannot fulfill. That statement may trigger a process in somebody who will have to come to the original source.

They are not mentioning my name for two reasons. One reason is, they would like to appear original. Secondly, they are afraid that if they mention my name they will be condemned — then their book is not going to be praised, respected.

But don’t be afraid of these people, whatever their reason. Anything taken from me is fire, and it does not matter in what way the fire reaches to somebody’s heart. These people who are doing such things cannot be great writers, poets, creative thinkers; otherwise they would not do such an act of stealing. These people are third rate.

So if they have stolen something from me it is going to stand out in their whole book as separate, unrelated, out of context. Anybody who has a little intelligence, will see that this part has not come from the same man who has written the book, because the book has a third class flavor; there is no originality, there is no understanding of the deeper problems of life, and there is no courage to say the truth as it is.

So anything that they have stolen to decorate their books, to make their books valuable, unknowingly that very part is going to destroy their whole book. They have stolen fire and put it into their book. In India, one radio station was reading my statements every day, for ten minutes in the morning, without mentioning my name — but passages from books, stories.

Hundreds of letters came to me saying, “These people are stealing from your books.” I said, “Don’t be worried. My name is not significant, my message is. They are cowards, or perhaps they love me but they are government servants.” In India radio is owned by the government, television is owned by the government. If they use my name, they may lose their jobs. And certainly during that series, which was continuing for six months, even ministers, cabinet ministers and the prime minister, were quoting from those statements, thinking that they have nothing to do with me.

But the people who were listening knew that those statements were not coming from Indira Gandhi — they could not be, they had no relevance with the person — they were stolen. And they started searching for the place from where the statements had been stolen. Finally I met the person, the director of that radio station. He was a lover of me, and he said, “I have been condemned.

Hundreds of letters are coming to me, saying, `You are stealing. You are not mentioning Osho’s name. But if I mention your name then the series will be stopped that very day. I will continue as long as they don’t discover… `”And the moment it was discovered, immediately the series was stopped and the man was removed. He told me, “It happened because of that series. People started writing letters to the prime minister saying, `This man is stealing passages from Osho.’” The prime minister herself had been stealing. Her lectures have been sent to me, and word for word, long passages have been stolen from me.

But I have always taken the standpoint: let the truth reach to people by any means, by anyone. I have been thinking that if the great powerful governments of the world are so afraid that they will not allow me entry into their country — just as a tourist for three or four weeks — if they are so impotent with all their power that they will not even allow me an overnight stay at the airport, which is legally my right…

In England my jet plane was standing at the airport, and the pilots had to rest. According to the law, after a certain period they cannot fly, so only in the morning would they be able to fly. I had every right to stay in the lounge at the airport, but they refused — as if with me there are different laws!

One of my friends who was traveling with me just happened to see the file of the man who was preventing me, because he went to the bathroom, leaving the file on the table. And my friend just looked and was surprised, because there were government instructions….

I had just arrived, but the file was ready, saying that if I try to stay even overnight I should not be allowed to stay in the first class lounge, but I should be put in jail; I am a dangerous person. In the airport lounge, from where I cannot get into the country… there is no way to get into the country from the lounge. Every instruction was there about how they had to treat me.

In England we had to stay for one night in jail, without any crime — just because the pilots could not fly overtime. And the government was ready beforehand. It was not a spontaneous decision, it was well-planned.

Now there are countries who have decided in their parliaments that I should not be allowed into their country. And they have a certain European parliament… Just the other day I was informed that now they are considering in the European parliament — which is just a combined body of all the parliaments of Europe — a decision that I should not be allowed even to land my plane at any airport in Europe.

Today they will be doing this in Europe — America has done it already. Tomorrow they will be doing it in Asia, in Australia, in Africa. It is possible, very possible, that if they are so much afraid of me, they will start banning my books.

And it may become necessary that my books go without my name, or with any name — like Holy Ghost!

The name does not matter. But the message has to reach. It is unprecedented. The whole world against a single man — a man who has no power, no nuclear weapons, who cannot do any harm to anybody. The whole world is at war with a single person. It simply shows that I am hitting at their very roots.

You need not be worried. If somebody has taken some passage, that passage will prove more important than his whole book. And I would like more and more writers, poets, film makers to steal as much as they can, because truth is not my property, I am not its owner. Let it reach in any way, in anybody’s name, in any form, but let it reach.
Source – from Osho book “Beyond Psychology”

Тема ~ OshO ~ If you enter into yourself, you will be s [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 16:34

~ OshO ~ If you enter into yourself, you will be surprised -- entering into yourself you have entered into the immortality of life. You will find your ancestors, your forefathers, and you will also find your children's children, hand in hand, dancing within you. Life is spread on both sides -- the past and the future -- and the present moment in you contains both. If you can be just here and now, without any thought, any disturbance, totally centered, in that very centering you will find that you are only a link between an eternal life. The chain goes backwards, containing all your forefathers from the very beginning, and it goes forwards, containing those children who have not yet been born -- but their seeds are there. To know the present is to know the past and it is to know the future. And then you will be able to say: THERE ARE NO GRAVES HERE.... There is only life eternal. Graves exist because of our ignorance, because we have never entered into our own life. We have remained always outside of our own life -- that's why the graves exist; otherwise there will be no graves. I started telling my people that when some sannyasin leaves the body there is no need to be sad and sorry, rather dance and celebrate. Celebrate even the death, because death is false; celebrate that one friend has passed into the future, into a new body. But nobody dies, nobody has ever died. That's the meaning... when Jesus was asked, "Will you say something about Abraham, the oldest, the most ancient father of humanity?" And Jesus said, "Before Abraham was, I was." He is not saying anything about Abraham; he is saying, "Even before Abraham" -- and Abraham was almost two thousand years before Jesus -- he says, "Even before Abraham was, I was." The same can be said... even before my children's children and their children will be, I will be. I am spread all over existence. Where can there be graves? There are no graves ... _______love n light __ . . .

Редактирано от vidiya на 25.05.11 16:35.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 16:39

100 things to do, before your BODY-VANISH!

· 1 - Awake
· 2 - awake
· 3 - awake
· 100 - AWAKE

Редактирано от vidiya на 25.05.11 16:40.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано25.05.11 16:46

~ OshO ~

People become aware only at the time of death of what they have missed, because death comes like a fisherman, pulling you out of the ocean of life. As you are pulled out of life, suddenly you realize, "My God! I have been alive, and I never became aware of it. I could have danced, I could have loved, I could have sung -- but now it is too late."

People become aware only at the time when they are dying, that they have been continuously surrounded by the eternal energy of life, but they never participated in it. Your daily life is your temple, and your religion. Act in awareness, act consciously, and naturally many things will start changing ...

_______love n light __

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