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Тема техниката по самоизгаряне [re: vidiya]  
Автор Mиpo1Модератор ()
Публикувано05.05.11 22:18

от Книга на тайните е чудесна и благодаря, че ми я припомни. От много време не се бях пепелил...

В съседната тема, в която писах, има техники при които се набляга на вдишване, а тази тук набляга на издишването... Много е хубаво да се балансират нещата.


Тема Re: Love Will Find A Way [re: Mиpo1]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.05.11 13:00

lets dance.... ...and........


Just one quality of the buddha has to be remembered.

It consists only of one quality: witnessing.

This small word `witnessing' contains the whole of spirituality.

Witness that you're not the body.

Witness that you're not the mind.

Witness that you're only a witness.

As the witnessing deepens,

you start becoming drunk with the divine.

This is what is called ecstasy.

"The whole art of ecstasy, samadhi, meditation, is:

How to become one with the rhythm of the universe.

When it exhales, you exhale.

When it inhales, you inhale.

You live in it, are not separate, are one with it".

Meet everyone and everything through stillness rather than mental noise.

There are no laws, there are no rules, just grab your friend and love him.

Редактирано от vidiya на 06.05.11 14:16.

Тема Re: Osho - all my love I give to you [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.05.11 13:11

Osho on Life, Osho Sutras to Transform Life

Osho – Once it happened, I was in the mountains with a few friends. We went to see a point known as the echo point; it was a beautiful spot, very silent, surrounded by hills. One of the friends started barking like a dog. All the hills echoed it — the whole place appeared as if full of thousands of dogs.

Then, somebody else started chanting a Buddhist mantra: “Sabbe sanghar anichcha. Sabbe dhamma anatta. Gate, gate, para gate, para sangate. Bodhi swaha.” The hills became Buddhist; they reechoed it. The mantra means: “All is impermanent, nothing is permanent; all is flux, nothing is substantial. Everything is without a self. Gone, gone, finally gone, everything gone — the word, the knowledge, the enlightenment too.”

I told the friends who were with me that life is also like this echo point: you bark at it, it barks at you; you chant a beautiful mantra, life becomes a reflection of that beautiful chanting. A life is a mirror. Millions of mirrors around you — every face is a mirror; every rock is a mirror; every cloud is a mirror. All relationships are mirrors. In whatsoever way you are related with life, it reflects you. Don’t be angry at life if it starts barking at you. You must have started the chain.

You must have done something in the beginning to cause it. Don’t try to change life; just change yourself, and life changes. These are the two standpoints: one I call the communistic which says, “Change life, only then can you be happy”; the other I call religious which says, “Change yourself, and life suddenly becomes beautiful.” There is no need to change the society, the world. If you move in that direction you are moving in a false direction which will not lead you anywhere.

In the first place, you cannot change it — it is so vast. It is simply impossible. It is so complex and you are here only for a while; and life is very ancient and life is going to be for ever and ever. You are just a guest; an overnight stay and you are gone: gate, gate — gone, gone forever. How can you imagine to change it?

Sheer stupidity, which says life can be changed, but there is much appeal in it. The communistic standpoint has a deep appeal in it. Not because it is true — the appeal comes from some other source: because it does not make you responsible, that is the appeal. Everything else is responsible except you; you are a victim. “The whole of life is responsible. Change life” — this is appealing for the ordinary mind because no mind wants to feel responsible.

Whenever you are in misery you like to throw the responsibility on somebody. Anybody will do, any excuse will do, but then you are unburdened. Now you know you are miserable because of this man or that woman, or this type of society, this government, this social structure, this economy — something — or, finally, God is responsible or fate. These are all communistic standpoints. The moment you throw the responsibility on others, you have become a communist; you are no longer religious.

Even if you throw the responsibility on God, you have become a communist. Try to understand me, because communists don’t believe in God, but the whole standpoint of throwing responsibility on somebody else is communistic — then God has to be changed.

That’s what people go on doing in temples: they go and pray to change God. Those people are all communists. They may be hiding in religious garbs; they are communist. What are you praying? You are saying to God, “Do this, don’t do that”; “My wife is ill, make her healthy.” You are telling the whole, “You are responsible.” You are complaining; deep down your prayer is a complaint. You may be talking very politely, but your politeness is false. You may even be buttering him up, but deep down you are saying, “You are responsible — do something!”

This attitude I call the communist attitude; by it I mean the attitude that “I am not responsible; I am a victim. The whole of life is responsible.” The religious attitude says, “Life simply reflects.”

Life is not a doer; it is a mirror. It is not doing anything to you, because the same life behaves with Buddha in a different way. The life is the same; it behaves with you in a different way. The mirror is the same, but when you come before the mirror it reflects your face. And if your face is not that of a Buddha, what can the mirror do? When Buddha comes before the mirror, it reflects Buddhahood.

When I say this to you I say so because that’s how I have experienced. Once your face changes, the mirror changes; because a mirror has no fixed standpoint. The mirror is just echoing, reflecting. It does not say anything. It simply shows — it shows you. If life is miserable you must have started the chain. If everybody is against you, you must have started the chain. If everybody feels enmity, you must have started the chain.

Change the cause. And you are the cause. Religion makes you responsible — and that’s how religion makes you free because then it is your freedom to choose. To be miserable or to be happy — it is up to you. Nobody else has anything to do with it. The world will remain the same; you can start dancing, and the whole world dances with you.

They say when you cry you cry alone, when you laugh the whole world laughs with you. No, that is also not true. When you cry the whole world reflects that; when you laugh then too the whole world reflects that. When you cry the whole world feels like crying.

When you are sad, look at the moon — the moon looks sad; look at the stars — they look like very great pessimists; look at the river — it doesn’t seem to flow, gloomy, dark. When you are happy then look at the same moon — it is smiling; and the same stars — dancing; and the same river — flowing with a song, all gloom has disappeared.

There are no hells and no heavens. When you have a heaven within you, this world…. And this is the only world there is! Remember, there is no other. When you are filled with heaven within, the world reflects it. When you are filled with hell, the world can’t help, it reflects it.

If you feel responsible yourself, you have started moving in a religious direction. Religion believes in individual revolution. There is no other — all others are false, pseudo-revolutions. They look like they are changing; they change nothing. They create much fuss about changing — nothing changes. It is not possible to change anything unless you have changed.

Source: from Osho Book “Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 6

Редактирано от vidiya на 06.05.11 13:29.

Тема Re: Osho - all my love I give to you [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.05.11 13:17

The Mind Mechanism

Every one is born fresh. For an Infant every thing is new and unknown. The Infant does not have any idea about things and cannot distinguish between things. The Infant is not even aware of its own Body.

Slowly with mother’s touch the Infant starts recognizing its body. Then the Infant starts recognizing the Mother, father and then after some time it starts recognizing its own name given by the parents. With time the Child gets identified with more things like - this is my body, these are my toys, these things are good and these things are bad and so on. Slowly a belief system is formed which defines good and bad for the child. Society, Parents, Religion and upbringing plays an important role in shaping the belief system of the child.

This belief system act as a protection for the innocent and pure child. Because if we act according to the society then we are accepted otherwise we have to face their criticism. E.g. small Children often play and suck their thumbs, explore their genitals and eat sand. But mothers stop them from doing so. So the child comes to know that these things are not allowed. This information forms the belief system of the child. In a subtle way every child is programmed to act in a certain way. Every Child goes through this programming and starts functioning as per the programming. This programming is our Mind.

For understanding we can compare our Mind with operating system of our Computer. But this programming done in our childhood is not the only factor which shapes our mind. Many beliefs we carry from our past lives also. These Past lives tendencies can be compared with “Read only memory” of computer.

In fact our mind is a Biological Computer. Our actions are decided by our Programming. No person is a fool to do any thing wrong. Even criminals have a valid reason to commit the crime. For a criminal that is not the crime because in his belief system that is the right thing to do. Every moment Mind works in the background and makes us to do things. Even while reading this article our Mind is acting as a Judge.

Mind has many layers of conditioning. Suppose some one dies after falling from a high building in previous life then in this life that person will be afraid of heights. Every experience adds one layer to our mind. It’s like a wall which is being painted with different color every moment.

Our mental state or Mind is always in Flux state, with many emotions keeping on coming and going. Emotions start with a thought. Idea of doing any thing also starts with a thought. Our Mind is always full of thoughts. In spiritual world Mind is recognized as the ‘thinking mechanism’. Thought is a door to Mind or thought is Mind. Twenty four hours a day we are thinking and dreaming. One thought comes, then next thought comes which is always related with the previous thought. Those who practice meditation say that “thoughts are always related. One thought leads to another thought. It’s like a continuous Traffic of thoughts in which one thought is followed by another thought”.

Mind is a Limitation which limits the Man to mediocrity, otherwise if Man works from its source then Man has an infinite potential. Meditation is one device which brings us closer to our source. Any action done with meditation is authentic and is not influenced by Mind. Meditation liberates man from the slavery of Mind. With meditation what ever we do is as fresh as a new Born Baby. All that corruption which Mind has done to us loses its strength against Meditation. Meditation is the only medication.

As of now all our actions are controlled by Mind. Mind has become our master and it’s not so easy to get rid from the slavery of mind. Even if we come to know of this slavery then also Mind is going to deceive us. Mind is very cunning and plays subtle games with us. First step towards becoming more authentic is to be aware of the Mind games. Thinking is the door through which Mind enter again and again all the time fooling us, making us do things which we feel we ourselves have decided to do and all the time creating misery for us and then rationalizing every thing and every action which we have done. Mind deceives us through various ways.


Тема Re: Osho - all my love I give to you [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.05.11 13:24


Conditioning is something forced from the outside upon you against your will, against your consciousness.

It is to destroy you, it is to manipulate you. It is to create a pseudo personality so that your essential man is lost.

The society is very much afraid of your reality.

The church is afraid, the state is afraid, everybody is afraid of your essential person, your essential being, because the essential being is rebellious, intelligent. It cannot be easily reduced to slavery. It cannot be exploited. Nobody can use your essential being as a means; your essential being is an end unto itself.

Hence the whole society tries in every possible way to disconnect you from your essential core, and it creates a false, plastic personality around you and it forces you to become identified with it. That's what it calls education. It is not education; it is mis-education. It is destructive, it is violent.

This whole society, up to now, has been very violent with the individual. It does not believe in the individual; it is against the individual. It tries in every possible way to destroy you for its own purposes. It needs clerks, it needs stationmasters, deputy-collectors, policemen, magistrates, it needs soldiers. It does not need human beings.

We have failed, up to now, in creating a society which needs human beings, simple human beings.

The society is interested that you should be more skillful, more productive, and less creative.

It wants you to function like a machine, efficiently, but it does not want you to become awakened.

It does not want buddhas and christs -- Socrates, Pythagoras, Lao Tzu. No, these people are not needed at all by the society. If sometimes they happen, they don't happen because of the society; they happen in spite of the society.

It is a miracle how a few people have been able sometimes to escape from this great prison.

The prison is so great, it is so difficult to escape out of it. And even in escaping from one prison you will enter into another because the whole earth has become a prison.

You can become a Mohammedan from a Hindu or you can become a Christian from a Mohammedan or you can become a Hindu from a Christian, but you are simply changing your prison. You can become a German from being an Indian or you can become a Chinese from being an Italian, but you are simply changing prisons -- political, religious, social prisons. Maybe for a few days the new prison would look like freedom -- only because of its newness; otherwise it is not freedom.

Free society is still an idea that has to be materialized. This whole slavery of man depends on conditioning. And conditioning starts even when you are in your mother's womb.

Now they have found ways to condition the child in the mother's womb. In Russia they have developed certain kinds of belts which the pregnant woman can wear. Those belts press certain points in the growing child's brain and that pressure will create a robot. He will be born like a machine. He will be always obedient, faithful to the state, faithful to communism, faithful to the communist holy trinity -- or unholy trinity -- Marx, Engels, Lenin. He will believe in DAS KAPITAL, just as others believe in the Bible. Nobody reads the Bible, nobody reads DAS KAPITAL.

But conditioning starts from the mother's womb or, at the most, the moment you are born. You are circumcised and you become a Jew. You are baptized and you become a Christian, and so on, so forth. You are taken to the church and to the temple and to the mosque, and you are being brought up in a certain atmosphere where you will find all are Mohammedans or all are Christians or all are Hindus. And naturally the child is bound to follow the people who are around him.

By the time he is twenty-five and comes back from the university he is utterly conditioned, and so deeply conditioned that he will not be even aware of the conditioning.

Everything has been fed into his biocomputer. And the society punishes those who are reluctant, resistant to these conditionings. It rewards those, with gold medals, prizes, even Nobel Prizes; it rewards those who are very willing to be slaves, who are willing to serve the vested interests. The teachers, the lecturers, the professors, they are the instruments, subtle instruments of conditioning people. The priests, the psychoanalysts, they are very clever and very efficient people at conditioning; they know the whole strategy of it. They know how to manipulate, distort, how to give you a pseudo personality and take away your essential core.

Avoid all conditioning situations. Avoid people who condition you, even though they say it is for your own sake; even though they say it is for your own good, beware of all those poisoners. They have done enough harm to humanity. It is because of these people that real humanity has not yet been born.

My whole effort here is to bring a new human being on the earth: free, alert, conscious, responsible, doing things according to his own inner feelings, likings, leanings, not serving somebody else's purpose, living his life according to his own light.

OSHO_______love n light __ . . .

Редактирано от vidiya на 06.05.11 13:28.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.05.11 13:53

I don't see any point of dividing the outer and the inner. I have been poor, I have lived in utter poverty, I have lived in richness. And believe me, richness is far better than poverty. I am a man of very simple interests: I am utterly satisfied with the best of anything, I don't ask for more.

It is not just accidental that priests are against me, politicians are against me, parents are against me, the whole establishment is against me; it is not accidental. I can understand the absolutely clear logic of it. I am trying to undo what they have done. I am sabotaging the whole pattern of this slave society.

_______love n light __~ OshO ~


I don't know.
Only in deep silence... Something of me enters you, and something of you enters me....


Редактирано от vidiya на 06.05.11 14:37.

Тема Re: Благодаря ти,Ошо! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.05.11 15:16

The question is how deep you have loved the
Master, not how long you lived with... the Master -- how intensely, passionately
you have become involved with the Master...not the length of time,
but the depth of your feeling. Then a single moment of Awareness, of
heart wakefulness, a single moment of Silence...and theTransmission,
the Transmission beyond all Scriptures.

My work is to make you more and more thirsty -- so thirsty that one day, you ta...ke a jump into your own nothingness, and disappear. Your disappearance is your enlightenment.
~ Osho ~
Remain choisless, aware,
and whenever you see
that your bicycle is going
lean to the other side.
Gring the balance again.
and this is how one moves.
Life is bicycling.

Love & Joy

Редактирано от vidiya на 06.05.11 15:18.

Тема Re: Osho-Разликата между предаване и зависимост [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано12.05.11 20:11

Ошо, как можем да разберем разликата между предаването и зависимоста, не само в отношенията си с теб, но и с всички, които срещаме в живота си?
ВИРИШВАР, разликата е абсолютно толкова ясна, че веднъж изпитала опита от предаването, ти никога няма да изпуснеш разбирането за това, какво е предаване и какво е зависимост.
Предаването е израз на любов, зависимоста е израз на страх.
Зависимоста е отношение, в което вие страстно искате нещо, желаете нещо; има мотив.Вие сте готови да станете зависими – ето защо се стремите да плащате нещо.Предаването не се стреми към това.Това е чиста любов, това е доверие, това е немотивираност.
Това е подобно на влюбването.И именно това влюбване – и любов, незнаеща граници, тази любов напълно се отличава от онова, което вие обикновенно наричате любов.Вашата любов винаги е вид зависимост.Вие ставате зависим от човека, когото обичате, защото вие несъмнено, не обичате, вие просто търсите някой, за да се вкопчите.Иначе се чувствате много самотни.Вие искате да избегнете вашата самота;вие искате някой, който да запълни вашата вътрешна черна дупка, вашата празнота.
Но реалната любов — не е бягство от самотата. Истинската любов е преливаща през краищата си самота.Тя е толкова щастлива в тази самота, че може да бъде споделена.
Щастието винаги иска да бъде сдподелено.То е толкова много, то не може да бъде задържано, както цветето не може да удържи аромата си; то трябва да бъде освободено.
Предаването – е висшата форма на любовта, най-чистата форма на любовта.Вие няма да почувствате зависимост, защото в нея няма вкопчване.И вие няма да усетите зависимост, защото, това, че сте се предали няма да бъде израз на самота.Ако сте се предали от самота, то това изобщо няма да бъде предаване, тогава това е нещо друго.
Следващото нещо: предаването винаги се случва, това не е действие.Как можете да направите предаване?Ако вие правите това, то това не е предаване.Вие сте правещ- а когато има правещ, то това може да се повтори във всеки един момент.
Предаването се случва; правещия не е основа.Вие просто се разтваряте в някой, в нещо.Вие можете да се разтворите в залеза и това ще бъде предаване.Вие можете да се разтворите в звездната нощ, и това е предаване.Вие можете да се разтворите в жена или мъж, и това е предаване.Предаването има много измерения, но вкусът му е един и същ: вие просто се разтваряте.Вас просто ви няма; вие чувствате отсъствието на егото си.
Вас ви има... Несъмнено,вас ви има толкова много, и все пак ви няма.Присъствие и отсъствие, и двете едновременно – предаването е парадоксално.Присъствие, защото егото го няма, т.к. вие сте –осъзнание; и отсъствие, защото егото го няма т.к. вие не можете да кажете:”Аз съм”.
Виришвар, зависимоста е безобразна, предаването е прекрасно. Зависимоста ви прави уязвими, предаването ви дава сила и разширение .Зависимоста създава желание за бунт.Предаването носи все повече и повече доверие.
Но разликата е много малка, финна, деликатна.Веднъж познато, не е трудно, но ако вие все още не сте го преживели, то предаването ще изглежда като зависимост, защото зависимоста – е това, което познавате.
Аз не мога да ви обясня това, мога да ви дам само няколко указания.Сутрин, когато слънцето изгрява, седнете мълчаливо на брегата на реката.Наблюдавайте го.Не правете нищо, просто мълчаливо стойте и го наблюдавайте.И веднъж, в един прекрасен момент, това ще се случи: няма да има наблюдател и няма да има наблюдаем.Наблюдателя ще стане наблюдаем.Не, вие няма да бъдете отделени от слънцето – вие сте слънцето.
Седнете до дърво, просто затворете очи, почувствайте дървото.Прегърнете дървото, просто бъдете в едно с него, все едно, че сте с любим човек.И веднъж...а това е непредсказуемо; аз не мога да кажа, че това ще се случва всеки път.Само от време на време, това ще се случва – защото това трябва да се случва въпреки вас, ето защо, само от време на време.
Или, обичайки любимата си, се разтваряйте в нея.Забравете за секунда своята сексуалност, забравете за секунда всичко, което продължава в главата ви, във вашата фантазия.За секунда , просто се разтворете в реалната жена.Не влачете в главата си никаква порнография, не превръщайте сексуалноста в нещо мозъчно.Позволете на вашата сексуалност да бъде дълбока чувствителност, чувственност, сила от чувства.Разтворете се в жената, все едно сте дете, в майчината утроба.Ако не сте познали това с вашата любима, вие не познавате възлюбената си.
Детето е отново в майчината утроба, в съвършенно единство, всички разстояния са изчезнали – в този миг вие ще разберете, какво е предаването.
Но мъжкото его до някъде, създава безспокойство.Дори когато сте с вашата любима, вие се опитвате да управлявате ситуацията.В нашият език има един безобразен израз: „ правим любов”. Как можете да правите любов?Никой не може да прави любов.Но този израз е влязъл в езика, не без причина.Хората се стремят да правят любов; дори в любовта те са правещи.Изпуска се такава велика възможност за познание на предаването.
И сега, вие имате ръководство:”Как да правим любов и да постигнем тотален оргазъм?”Хората четат подобни ръководства и следват инструкциите.Аз познавам група глупави хора, които правят любов с жените си, а на леглото е закачено ръководство, и те продължават да гледат в него :”Как да правим тотален оргазъм”.
Няколко момента от живота, когато вие сте неправещ, когато сте незнаещ, когато вие просто СТЕ, и вие ще усетите вкуса.Това може да дойде чрез прекрасното, чрез музиката, чрез поезията, това може да дойде през толкова много врати.
Бог има много врати във вашия храм.
Но, Виришвар, аз чувствам, че ти познаваш само зависимоста.За това е възникнал въпроса ти.Този, който е познал предаването, не може да зададе въпрос.
Сега се отпуснете за няколко секунди – те могат да бъдат във всяка ситуация.Плувайки в реката, се отпусни заедно с реката, или, лежейки на плажа, отпусни се заедно със слънцето – не е важно.Живота е пълен с възможности.Спомни си Атиша.Той казва, че живота е пълен с възможности, живота-е удобен случай.Не чакай възможност, възможноста е вече тук.Но вие сте длъжни да се научите напълно на друг род осъзнаване - не правещо, но такова по качество осъзнаване, което просто съществува-това е просто осъзнаване, невинност.
И това се случва често с вас , докато ме слушате.В паузите, когато аз за малко спирам...това е тук.Пийте от това.
Ощо ("Книга на мъдроста.Беседи върху 7-те изкуства за трениране на ума от Атиша")

Редактирано от vidiya на 12.05.11 22:14.

Тема Re: Osho-Разликата между предаване и зависимост [re: vidiya]  
Автор L.L. (гхрх)
Публикувано12.05.11 22:20

Една статийка на английски:

...can u feel the kiss of summer
in the hart of winter's wind?...

Тема Re: Osho-Разликата между предаване и зависимост [re: L.L.]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано13.05.11 00:32

I WILL CERTAINLY BE WAITING FOR YOU. Those who have loved me -- those who have received my love -- And I will do everything -- EVEN WHEN I'VE LEFT THE BODY -- to be continuously around you. You will not be able to see me, but I WILL BE ABLE TO SEE YOU. Just remember: DON'T LET ME DOWN!


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