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Тема Ошо: Lost Truthнови  
АвторTT (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано11.12.04 08:06

Копирам ви някои неща за болестите на Ошо, написано от Christopher Calder, живял дълго време с него:

Rajneesh's health collapsed in his early thirties. Even before reaching middle age, Rajneesh suffered reoccurring bouts of weakness. During his youthful college years, when he should have been at a peak of vigor, Rajneesh often had to sleep 12 to 14 hours a day due to his unexplained illness. Rajneesh suffered from what Europeans call myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) or what Americans call Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). His classic symptoms included the obvious fatigue, strange allergies, recurrent low grade fevers, photophobia, orthostatic intolerance (the inability to stand for a normal period of time), insomnia, body pain, and extreme sensitivity to smells and chemicals, a condition doctors now refer to as "multiple chemical sensitivity."

Rajneesh's trademark chemical sensitivity was so severe that he instructed his guards to sniff people for unpleasant odors before they were allowed to visit him in his quarters. People with Gulf War Syndrome, MS, and other neurological diseases are also often highly sensitive to chemicals and smells. Rajneesh's poor health and strange symptoms were a product of real neurological damage, not some esoteric supersensitivity caused by his enlightenment. Rajneesh also had Type II diabetes, asthma, severe back pain, and most likely fibromyalgia.

Rajneesh was constantly sick and frail from the time I first met him in 1970 until his death in 1990. He thought he was getting a different cold or flu every week. In reality, he suffered from a chronic neurological illness, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, with flu like symptoms that can last a lifetime.

Rajneesh could not stand on his feet for long periods of time without becoming lightheaded because he suffered damage to his autonomic nervous system which controls blood pressure. This neurally mediated hypotension (low blood pressure while standing) causes chronic fatigue and can lower IQ due to a lack of sufficient blood and oxygen being pumped to the brain (brain hypoxia). In the 1970s Rajneesh often complained of becoming lightheaded immediately upon standing. During his final few months alive in Poona he frequently passed out into complete unconsciousness.

Тема Re: Ошо: Lost Truthнови [re: TT]  
Автор Neon (delightful)
Публикувано11.12.04 23:56

доста време си е поживял с всички тези болести, нали
как така никой не го е видял никога да си бие инсулин, нали е страдал от диабет? или може и без? щото не съм доктор, а и той не е на земята, че да има значение.

be you a mere mortal or Gautama Buddha

Тема Re: Ошо: Lost Truthнови [re: Neon]  
АвторTT (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано12.12.04 08:44

Много неща се видяли и много неща се знае, но може би ти не ги знаеш:

Rajneesh used prescription drugs, mainly Valium (diazepam), as an analgesic for his aches and pains and to counter the symptoms of dysautonomia (dysfunction his autonomic nervous system). He took the maximum recommended dose of 60 milligrams per day. He also inhaled nitrous oxide (N2O) mixed with pure oxygen (O2) which helped his asthma and brain hypoxia, but which did nothing for the quality of his judgment. Naive about the powerful effects of Western medications and overconfident about his own ability to fight off their potentially negative effects, Rajneesh succumbed to addiction.

A number of disciples have claimed that Rajneesh was so intoxicated at his Oregon ranch in the 1980s that he sometimes urinated in the halls of his own home, just as heroin addicts and common drunks often do. I believe this to be true as the last time I saw Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh he was inebriated to the point of becoming physically ugly. He had the same washed-out look and foolish behavior I had witnessed in addicts while working at a methadone clinic in the United States. Rajneesh miraculously had the ability to leave his body at will through astral projection, but when he was in his physical body he was quite ordinarily human and unable to tolerate the devastating effects of massive doses of tranquilizers.

On top of Rajneesh's physical illness, his massive intake of Valium caused paranoia and greatly reduced reasoning power. Valium addicts often think the CIA or other unseen villains are plotting against them, so it is no surprise he imagined he was poisoned. Rajneesh actually considered moving to Russia to combine his totalitarian form of spirituality with Russian communism, an idea no sane man could possibly entertain. Historically Valium has been the drug of choice for CFS sufferers, as it masks the unnerving symptoms of dysautonomia and helps bring sleep. The now very ill Osho also suffered insomnia, yet another classic symptom of CFS.

Rajneesh was a physically ill man who became mentally corrupt. His drug addiction was a problem of his own making, not a government conspiracy. Rajneesh died in 1990 with heart failure listed as the official cause of death. It is probable that the physical decline Rajneesh experienced during his incarceration in American jails was due to a combination of withdrawal symptoms from Valium and an aggravation of his ME/CFS due to stress and exposure to allergens.

Тема Re:Christopher Calderнови [re: TT]  
Автор Mиpo ()
Публикувано12.12.04 19:51

Отдавна не бяхме отваряли дума тук за

. Когато му четях лекарските размишления, интерполации, диагностирания и умозаключения относно Ошо се чувствах особено ентусиазиран. Щом такъв толкова болен, с намаляващ IQ и дрогиран човек като Ошо може да просветне и да свърши толкова огромна и полезна духовна работа, значи за мен би трябвало да е доста по-лесно .

Обаче, като се поинтересувах да видя що за човек е този Christopher Calder и какво друго е писал и се оказа, че е достоен представител за клуб Окултизъм в ДИРа. T.е. човек който само РАЗСЪЖДАВА и УМОЗАКЛУЧАВА и въпреки, че е бил с различни учители, няма почти никакъв духовен опит и писанията му за медитации са особено ПОВЪРХНОСТНИ. Като се започне със самата дефиниция за медитация (която той търси в разни речници), мине се през напразните му търсения да намери доказателство за душата в ДНК-то и чрез телескопа Хъбъл, продължи се през абсолютни неразбиращите му забележки за Динамичната медитация, мине се през глупавите му разсъждения за Просветлението (където съди кое какво е), и се стигне като връх до теорията му за , където изписва цяла една теория, но си признава, че тя НЕ е доказана (т.е. че просто си е разсъждавал и е фантазирал). Духовният път е нещо съвсем различно ... И за това въпросният човек не разбира Ошо, интерпретира всичко според ума си и се оплита.

Та, всичките приказки на този човек са ми безинтересни. Що се отнася до болестите на Ошо има достатъчно други много по-задълбочени източници.

Тема Re:Christopher Calderнови [re: Mиpo]  
Авторaz (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано12.12.04 20:11

ти от каква позиция пък съдиш автора?
да не би то да знаеш какво е и да имаш по-голям опит? - и как го сравни?
не усещаш ли колко си вързан в своите си представи?

Тема Re:Christopher Calderнови [re: Mиpo]  
АвторTT (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано12.12.04 21:27

Фактите са си факти и има много свидетелства.

Искате ли още или предпочитете да си затваряте очите?

Тема Re:Christopher Calderнови [re: TT]  
Автор Neon (delightful)
Публикувано12.12.04 22:00

кои факти? факт е например, че ошо е просветлен. факт е, че тялото му е било в определено състояние. факт е, че твоето тяло е в определено състояние. и какво? какво общо трябва да има мнението ми за ошо със състоянието на физическото му тяло. харесвам да чета също така стивън хокинг. това, че тялото му е в инвалидна количка, прави ли го него инвалид?

be you a mere mortal or Gautama Buddha

Тема Re:Christopher Calderнови [re: Neon]  
АвторTT (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано12.12.04 22:11

ами тогава не чети повече тук
не го пускам заради вас

Тема Re: Ошо: Lost Truthнови [re: TT]  
АвторTT (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано12.12.04 22:15

When I first met Acharya Rajneesh at his Bombay apartment in December of 1970, he was only 39 years old. With long beard and large dark eyes, he looked like a painting of Lao-Tse come to life. Before meeting Rajneesh I had spent time with a number of Eastern gurus without being satisfied with the quality of their teachings. I wanted an enlightened guide who could bridge the gap between East and West and reveal the true esoteric secrets, without what I considered to be the excess baggage of Indian, Tibetan, or Japanese culture. Rajneesh was the answer to my quest for those deeper meanings. He described for me in vivid detail everything I wanted to know about the inner worlds and he had the power of immense being to back up his words. At 21 years old I was naive about life and the nature of man and assumed that everything he said must be true.

Rajneesh spoke on a high level of intelligence and his spiritual presence emanated from his body like a soft light that healed all wounds. While sitting close during a small gathering of friends, Rajneesh took me on a rapidly vertical inner journey that almost seemed to push me out of my physical body. His vast presence lifted everyone around him higher without the slightest effort on their part. The days I spent at his Bombay apartment were like days spent in heaven. He had it all and he was giving it away for free!

Rajneesh possessed the astounding powers of telepathy and astral projection, which he used nobly to bring comfort and inspiration to his disciples. Many phony gurus have claimed to have these mysterious abilities, but Rajneesh had them for real. The Acharya never bragged about his powers. Those who came near soon learned of them through direct contact with the miraculous. One or two amazing occult adventures was all it took to turn doubting Western skepticism into awed admiration and devotion.

One year earlier I had meet another enlightened teacher known to the world as Jiddu Krishnamurti. J. Krishnamurti could barely give a coherent lecture and constantly scolded his audience by referring to their "shoddy little minds." I loved his frankness and his words were true, but his subtly cantankerous nature was not very helpful in transferring his knowledge to others.

Listening to Krishnamurti speak was like eating a sandwich made of bread and sand. I found the best way to enjoy his talks was to completely ignore his words and quietly absorb his presence. Using that technique I would become so expanded after a lecture that I could barely talk for hours afterwards. J. Krishnamurti, while fully enlightened and uniquely lovable, will be recorded in history as a teacher with very poor verbal communication skills. Unlike the highly eloquent Rajneesh, however, Krishnamurti never committed any crime, never pretended to be more than he was, and never used other human beings selfishly.

Тема Re:за az [re: az]  
Автор Mиpo ()
Публикувано13.12.04 15:04

Много просто – от позицията на моя опит по въпросите, които засегнах. И забележи, не твърдя само, че имам по-голям опит от него, а и че той просто НЯМА опит в повечето от съответните направления и го замества с разсъждения.

Ако ти смяташ, че това което казвам не е вярно, заповядай с аргументите си и ще ти отговоря на всичко. А пък, ако се окаже, че не съм прав, ще ти се извиня на теб и на останалите.

Това е смисълът и призванието на един дискусионен клуб.

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