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   >> Michael Jackson
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Тема 14 милиона гледат Living with MJ!!!нови  
Автор damitaМодератор (michaelized)
Публикувано04.02.03 22:34

Гледали са го повече от 14 млн души!!! Това е един от най-гледаните телевизионни спешъли с 53,9 % аудитория. Към края на предаването цифрата е достигнала 60%! Да се чуди човек, обаче, дали това е за добро или лошо... Май реакциите няма да са особено ласкави... разбирам, че Майкъл е искал да бъде откровен, но защо му е трябвало да казва, че спи с деца в леглото си? Това само налива масло в огъня... Хората не приемат такива неща... Уффф... Лордм, кога ще можеш да пратиш копие насам, че да се успокоя/разочаровам?

Тема Re: 14 милиона гледат Living with MJ!!!нови [re: damita]  
Автор damitaМодератор (michaelized)
Публикувано04.02.03 23:22

Имам чувството, че този спешъл ще се окаже в голяма вреда за Майкъл... :((( Сега пък ITV питат дали Майкъл има право да отглежда децата си... :(

Тема The Sun и NY Postнови [re: damita]  
Автор damitaМодератор (michaelized)
Публикувано04.02.03 23:26

Тема Living with MJ в още две странинови [re: damita]  
Автор damitaМодератор (michaelized)
Публикувано04.02.03 23:29

Програмата ще бъде излъчена и в Израел, и във Франция (по M6 на 25-ти февруари).

Тема ...и в Южна Африканови [re: damita]  
Автор damitaМодератор (michaelized)
Публикувано06.02.03 11:20

Ще бъде излъчено и там още днес.

Тема USA Today reviewнови [re: damita]  
Автор damitaМодератор (michaelized)
Публикувано06.02.03 11:35

'Jackson' shocks and saddens
By Robert Bianco, USA TODAY

Watching a lot of TV these days, you don't know whether to laugh or cry. Or whether you should even be watching.

Jackson says he used a black surrogate mother for his baby, but he doesn't identify her.
By Frazer Harrison, Reuters

Certainly, with disaster in the headlines and war clouds on the horizon, spending two prime-time hours Living With Michael Jackson seems like less than the best use of our time. But interest goes where it goes, and there's no denying that Jackson has always managed to command the nation's interest, which is why ABC paid good money to bring this British news special over to America.

TV review

Living With Michael Jackson
(3 1/2 out of four)
ABC, Thursday, 8 ET/PT

In TV terms, at least, it looks like a smart purchase. Indeed, it's hard to imagine a more thorough, fascinating or disquieting celebrity documentary than Living, which ABC will repackage as a 20/20 special. (Only the British version was available for preview, but ABC says any changes will be minor.) Following Jackson over eight months — from the mind-boggling Neverland Ranch to Las Vegas to that infamous balcony in Berlin — reporter Martin Bashir has constructed not so much an interview as a mini-biography in which the biographer is an active participant and commentator.

Making good use of his unprecedented access, Bashir continually presses the notoriously shy and not particularly introspective Jackson to dig deeper. Bashir's style can be unduly intrusive, but in the end he serves as our surrogate, as uneasy and perplexed around Jackson as viewers are likely to be.

The major sound bites march by in mad procession. Jackson acknowledges having plastic surgery twice, but only on his nose. He says he used a black surrogate mother for his baby, but he doesn't identify her. He defends holding the baby over that balcony, and he sees nothing wrong with cutting his other children off from their mom or in making them wear masks whenever they're in public.

Nor does he see any problem with continuing to share his bedroom — though not, he says, his bed — with children. Bashir asks, "Can you understand why people would worry about that?" And Jackson replies, "Because they're ignorant."

What emerges is a picture of a man who is so odd that he doesn't appear to know how odd he is. Surely, if most of us decided to share a story about running out of the hospital with a newborn baby still covered in the placenta, we would at least acknowledge that the behavior was a bit strange.

You get no such sense of self-awareness from Jackson. The tragedy is not that Jackson has demons, but that he seems unable to confront them; it's why he hasn't grown as an artist, despite his talent.

There are moments in Living that call out for gasping mockery. But ultimately, the isolation and freakishness on display here is heartbreaking. This is a 44-year-old man who yearns to be Peter Pan and who apparently has no one in his life who can tell him that's both impossible and unhealthy.

Тема Michael Jackson Beats Saddam in British Rating Warнови [re: damita]  
Автор damitaМодератор (michaelized)
Публикувано06.02.03 11:45

Michael Jackson Beats Saddam in British Ratings War
Wed Feb 5, 8:27 AM ET

LONDON (Reuters) - Most Britons may be opposed to war in Iraq, but when it comes to watching television, they'd rather listen to Michael Jackson (news) than Saddam Hussein (news - web sites).

Figures released Wednesday showed a television documentary on Jackson attracted 10 times as many viewers as an exclusive interview with the Iraqi leader -- despite the threat of imminent war.

The controversial interview, conducted by Labor politician Tony Benn and broadcast Tuesday, boosted the audience figures for Channel 4 news by 500,000 to 1.5 million, a spokesman for the program said.

But while ratings for the interview peaked at 1.7 million, the Jackson show broadcast on rival channel ITV Monday drew an audience of 15 million.

A Channel 4 spokesman said program bosses were nevertheless pleased with the response from viewers.

"For us it was a really good result. Considering it was a difficult watch and we didn't have time to trailer the interview, we were pleased with the figures," he said.

Тема ...и в Русиянови [re: damita]  
Автор damitaМодератор (michaelized)
Публикувано06.02.03 12:00

Скоро и в Русия по РТР. Още дна възможност за българските фенове.

Тема Зрителите... [re: damita]  
Автор damitaМодератор (michaelized)
Публикувано06.02.03 12:11

На сайта на ITV реакцията е почти изцяло положителна:

Тема Кайли Миноугнови [re: damita]  
Автор damitaМодератор (michaelized)
Публикувано06.02.03 12:14

Kylie: 'I feel sorry for Jacko'
By TV Plus reporters

Pop queen Kylie Minogue says she feels sorry for Michael Jackson but suggests he needs counselling.

Speaking in London as she launched her new lingerie range the 34-year-old singer discussed Monday night's Tonight Special.

"I thought it was fascinating. There were things I was surprised by in a kind of pleasant way - and other things where it all fell apart. I really feel for the guy," she said.

Kylie was spellbound by the Michael Jackson exclusive on ITV1. She said the billionaire oddball needs sympathy.

"I think he deserves some, definitely. The question I ended up having was whether he'd really ever have any psychological help. He may not have because he has created this world to avoid that.

"I think the documentary shows it is all about immortality."


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