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   >> Michael Jackson
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Тема Пак съдят Майкълнови  
Автор damitaМодератор (michaelized)
Публикувано13.11.02 20:09

Срещите на Майкъл с Марсел Аврам не ще да са били за обсъждане на нови проекти... След няколко години слухове за съд, Аврам най-накрая действително съди Майкъл за онези несъстояли се новогодишни концерти в Австралия и Хаваите. Уф, само туй липсва...

Louis R. Miller, attorney for Marcel Avram, displays an entertainment industry advertisment in Superior Court, Tuesday, Nov 12, 2002, in Santa Maria, Calif., during opening statements of lawsuit in which Avram is suing singer Michael Jackson (news) for allegedly cancelling concerts. (AP Photo/Spencer Weiner, Pool)

Attorneys for singer Michael Jackson (news), Steve Cochran, top, and Zia F. Modabber confer during pretrial arguments in Superior Court, Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2002, in Santa Maria, Calif. Jackson is being sued by Marcel Avram for allegedly cancelling concerts. (AP Photo/Spencer Weiner, Pool)

Тема Re: Пак съдят Майкълнови [re: damita]  
Автор damitaМодератор (michaelized)
Публикувано13.11.02 20:10


SANTA MARIA, California (CNN) -- Pop star Michael Jackson is expected to take the stand in his own defense Wednesday in a $20 million breach of contract and fraud case.

Marcel Avram, a European concert promoter, sued Jackson claiming the self-proclaimed "King of Pop" backed out of two millennium concerts on New Year's Eve 1999. The trial got under way Tuesday.

The concerts were to have taken place in Sydney, Australia, and Honolulu, Hawaii.

Avram testified Tuesday he worked with Jackson on two charity concerts earlier that year, one in Seoul, South Korea, and the other in Munich, Germany.

The promoter testified that those concerts lost money and that Jackson backed out of the millennium shows, which Avram was counting on to recoup his losses.

Avram said he has also done business with Tina Turner, Eric Clapton, Frank Sinatra and Paul McCartney, among others

Тема Re: Пак съдят Майкълнови [re: damita]  
Автор damitaМодератор (michaelized)
Публикувано13.11.02 20:15

Значи и Майкъл трябва да се появи в съда... Интересно дали ще намери време за Берлин в този случай...

Mr. Jackson's coming to town

By Karen White / Senior Times Writer

SANTA MARIA -- "A deal is a deal," said an attorney for Michael Jackson, at the start of a trial Tuesday in which the superstar entertainer is charged in a contract dispute.

It fails to be a deal when the entertainer backs out, countered the lawyer representing German concert promoter Marcel Avram.

Avram is seeking $21.2 million in advanced expenses, charging Jackson failed to appear for two planned millennium concerts the last day of 1999. Jackson's side said Avram "blinked first," after the financial failure of two earlier charity concerts.

Jackson is slated to testify today through Friday. Avram testified late Tuesday, talking about his past and his work as a promoter. He will also return to the witness stand today.

The trial is being held in Santa Maria because Jackson's official home is his Neverland Ranch near Los Olivos. A northern Santa Barbara County jury of eight women and four men are considering the case, with Santa Maria Superior Court Zel Canter presiding.

The case will continue into December.

The long-debated trial lurched into session Tuesday, as opening statements, planned for 9:30 a.m., began at 1:30 p.m. after a series of legal challenges to the opening by Co-counsels for Jackson, Zia Modabber and Steve Cochran. Louis "Skip" Miller, with associates, representing Avram. The attorneys are from Los Angeles.

A juror could also be replaced. The woman juror notified Canter her aunt had died and she wanted to attend the Friday afternoon funeral in Solvang.

Whether or not she can go will depend on how the testimony of Jackson progresses, Canter said.

"We will decide Friday morning," she was told.

She could be replaced by one of the four alternates or the entire court could recess early Friday.

Canter blocked Miller from using blow-ups of what he calls the "two most important documents" in his case, two letters from Avram to Jackson. One, written on Oct. 8, 1999, is a first mention of the cancellation of the concert, he said.

Miller had to exclude them from his opening, but may be allowed to present them later.

The key issue, according to opening statements, was "who canceled" the plans for the concerts.

Both sides accuse the other in what is termed a commercial business dispute.

"It is pretty straight forward," Miller said of the case. He said that Jackson alleges he got a phone call from Avram, telling him the concerts were canceled, but Avram said he never made the call.

In January 1999 the two men signed a contract agreeing to two charity concerts, in Korea and Germany, then the two millennium concerts, in Sydney, Australia and Honolulu, with Jackson to be paid $15 million.

The two charity concerts took place, but were not financially successful because the expenses were too high, according to Miller.

Modabber argued that a "deal is a deal" despite the "risks and rewards."

He showed the original contract, and a second revised contract signed by the two men. The contracts state that Avram will take the risk by financing the concerts.

He said the evidence will show that Avram first postponed the millennium concerts when he realized he "could not live up to the huge promise ($15 million) to Mr. Jackson."

It is clear in the writings, Modabber said, stressing that Avram was an experienced businessman who wrote his own contracts.

And the contracts state that modifications can only come in writing, with the signatures of both men. This did not happen, Modabber said, even though Avram proposed chances in the deal with several letters.

"Avram's letters are not the contact in this case ... the contracts show who is supposed to pay," Modabber said.

And finally he asked "what was Jackson's motivation to cancel" with the promise of a $15 million payoff for the "biggest show in his life guaranteed."

Jackson spent the millennium relaxing at his Neverland Ranch, his attorney said, having left the recording studio only weeks before.

Тема Re: Пак съдят Майкълнови [re: damita]  
Автор Dirty Diana (непознат )
Публикувано13.11.02 21:58

shte go unishtogat tozi prekrasen chovek!

Тема Re: Пак съдят Майкълнови [re: Dirty Diana]  
Автор damitaМодератор (michaelized)
Публикувано13.11.02 22:02

Охо, имаме си нов човек на борда! Добре дошла, Diana!

Тема Re: Майкъл дава показаниянови [re: damita]  
Автор damitaМодератор (michaelized)
Публикувано14.11.02 15:40

На този сайт

можете да прочетете още за показанията на Майкъл, както и да гласувате за любимата си песен и да тестирате познанията си по Майкълогия.

Тема Още подробностинови [re: damita]  
Автор damitaМодератор (michaelized)
Публикувано14.11.02 15:46

SANTA MARIA, Calif. (AP) - Reclusive pop star Michael Jackson (news) took the witness stand Wednesday in a $21 million lawsuit by his longtime promoter that accuses the singer of backing out of two millennium concerts.

Jackson spoke softly while testifying, saying yes or no or asking for questions to be repeated. He paused frequently when asked about his business relationship with the plaintiff, concert promoter Marcel Avram.

The German-based promoter alleges he was left with hundreds of thousands of dollars in expenses after Jackson dropped out of the performances, which were to take place Dec. 31, 1999, on both sides of the international date line in Honolulu and Sydney, Australia.

Avram's attorney, Louis Miller, sought to point out discrepancies in Jackson's testimony Wednesday with what he said the entertainer told him during a deposition last June.

At one point he asked Jackson about a phone call the entertainer said he received from Avram canceling the two concerts. Avram maintains the call never took place.

"I remember being in the bathroom, it was a private call," Jackson said.

The attorney then pointed out that Jackson earlier said he wasn't sure where he took the call.

"Isn't it a fact that you don't know if you were even in the United States when you took this call?" Miller asked.

"That's wrong," Jackson replied.

Jackson wore a red shirt, sported shoulder-length hair and wore a surgical mask when entering and leaving the courtroom. The singer routinely wears a mask to protect his throat from pollution and germs, said Lee Solters, his former publicist.

About 100 cheering fans greeted the performer outside Santa Barbara County Superior Court. Some held signs reading "Free Michael."

About 30 people watched inside the courtroom after winning a lottery for seats. As Jackson left for lunch, he waved to fans and flashed the V-for-victory sign before being driven off in a black stretch sport utility vehicle escorted by five police officers on motorcycles.

Jackson owns the Neverland Ranch in nearby Los Olivos.

Avram's suit claims Jackson agreed to perform at two concerts for charity and the two millennium concerts, but only did the charity shows. The suit contends Jackson was paid a $1 million advance and had debts totaling $1.2 million covered.

Jackson's attorney, Zia Modabber, said in his opening remarks Tuesday that it was Avram who postponed the concerts when he met with Jackson's representatives in October 1999. Modabber said Avram, who had agreed to pay Jackson $15 million, realized the shows would not be as profitable as he had hoped.

"He could not live up to the huge promises he made to Mr. Jackson," Modabber said.

Miller said in his opening statement that the promoter had no motive to cancel the concerts. He had agreed to cover expenses for the benefit shows with the understanding that he would recoup his costs from the New Year's Eve concerts, Miller said.

Jackson, who spent three hours on the witness stand Wednesday afternoon, was expected to return for more questioning Thursday.

Тема снимкинови [re: damita]  
Автор damitaМодератор (michaelized)
Публикувано14.11.02 15:52

Господи, какво му има на носа!!!

Тема Re: снимкинови [re: damita]  
Автор damitaМодератор (michaelized)
Публикувано14.11.02 16:08

Тема BG пресанови [re: damita]  
Автор damitaМодератор (michaelized)
Публикувано14.11.02 16:52

от "Монитор"

Майкъл Джексън ще бъде съден от израелски промоутър за 21 млн. долара. Марчел Аврам твърди, че през 1999 г. певецът имал ангажимет да направи четири концерта в Израел, но в последния момент се отказал.

Господи! Как е възможно за толкова малко време да се получава толкова грешна информация!?!?!

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