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Тема Ревю на всички песни!!!  
Автор Eric Adams (5 октавен!)
Публикувано25.03.02 23:29




Writing a review of my favorite bands new cd is in this case the most easiest and most difficult job at the same time. It’s easy, because ( as a fan you’re always afraid that there has something changed in a band you would not like, and a review, even when it is from a fan, must be a bit objective at least ) I have the honor to write about the MOST ULTIMATE MANOWAR CD EVER ! But that makes it also a difficult job, because how do you write down the emotions you feel when hearing the songs ?

My husband and I had the privilege to visit the band many times while they were mixing the new album in the Galaxy Studios in Belgium. We have seen a lot of songs developing from rough mixes to the final mix. Those visits brought us unique moments : seeing Joey at work with engineer Ronald Prent … concentrated … not noticing how long they were working already, entering the studio and seeing Eric and Joey sitting together .. making notes about the song “ Fight until we die “ which Eric just had sung. It makes you realise even more what the band does to make the most perfect album for the fans.

I think MANOWAR succeeded in making the CD the fans were asking for, I see all the best moments from the band together on 1 album. I have the Cd in my player for around 4 weeks now, and it hasn’t been out of it, I haven’t heard another band since than, simply because this album blows all other bands away. After the first time we heard the final mix completely I said it already: “ this album has combined all strong moments from the band, it never will bore you “, and it’s true, it’s more than music, it’s MAGIC !

When you listen to it for the first time, I advise you to have a drink, sit down and put up the volume, than close your eyes and experience TRUE HEAVY METAL – the way it is supposed to be played:

Call To Arms
The song is a real classic Manowar song : “ I can see by the look that you have in your eyes, you came here for metal, to fight and to die, Defenders of Steel, now, we are home “. It opens with the incredible scream from Eric, which will bring you in the right mood directly ! Within 2 seconds you will bang your head, as the rythm gets you. When the band will play this song live, I can assure you the crowd will go as crazy as with “ Hail and Kill “. Brothers and Sisters will unite ! “ I swear by the Brothers who stand before me, to no man shall I kneel, when blood is upon my steel “.
Fight for Freedom
Starts of slowly with a piano – part, drums getting in and Eric singing. The drums play an important role in this song. Hearing the song, it directly brings you in a good mood.
Nessun Dorma
What to say about this song ? What to say about the master – piece Eric did ? Just close your eyes and listen, it will move you to tears.
This song is the instrumental intro for “ Swords in the Wind “, a beautifull orchestra will lead you to Valhalla ……
Swords in the Wind
This was the 1st rough mix Joey played for us, I closed my eyes and the first sentence I heard from the new album was : “ I surrender my soul, Odin hear my call, one day I’ll sit besides your throne, in Valhalla’s great hall “ …… and my first thought was “ oh my God, they DID it “, THIS is what the fans are waiting for. It’s a very emotional song, but I surely cannot compare it with any other Manowar song, not with Heart of Steel or Master of the Wind, but these songs have the same impact on you while hearing it. Halfway the song, the guitar comes in more rougly. This is a very strong, epic song !
An American Trilogy
I’m sure, none of you, just as I did, would ever expected Manowar to do a tribute to the King of Rock ‘n ‘ Roll, but who could better to this than The Kings of Metal ?! As the bio says : “Marking the 25th anniversary of Elvis Presley’s untimely death, Manowar pays tribute to the rock’s first King with "An American Trilogy", a highlight of Presley’s live shows. The song is a pastiche of U.S. Civil War battle hymns - The South’s "Dixie" and The North’s "Battle Hymn of the Republic" with a traditional prayer for war dead. Hearing Eric singing this Elvis song, is just unbelievable, it’s a real tribute, Elvis Presley would be proud with this tribute !
The March
My first sentence that comes into my mind is : “ this is Joey at his best “. How is this man capable of producing this ? The March is an instrumental tribute to Wagner. The orchestra starts slow with many instruments and than a beautifull choir comes in, than more power comes into the song and the choir gets into the song again, the power is building up in the song and ends with a big climax !
Warriors of the World United
The 1st single of this album ! This is power, this is Heavy Metal, this is what Brothers and Sisters unites all over the world ! Starts of with Scott’s drums and Joey’s bass, Karl’s guitar gets in, and than a surprisingly low voice of Eric starts the song. Cool cool rhythm ! This will BANG YOUR HEAD ! A classic MANOWAR song ! “ Brothers everywhere, raise your hands into the air “, a real song for the fans ! Listen to the great slow, but powerfull part in the middle of the song ! And Eric’s screams at the end will drive you wild !
Hand of Doom
Well, to mention a favorite song from this album is hard, but if I have to name one than it will be this one. It is also a song we heard the rough mix from already and it contains one of my favorite Manowar lyrics ever : “ I see the fear you have inside, you can run but never hide, I will hunt you down and tare you limb from limb, nothing shall remain , not you memory, your name, it will be as though you never ever lived “. It’s fast, it’s heavy, so much power ! Great guitar – line and drum parts ! If you hate somebody, play this song ! Eric rules, great screams, it will give you POWER ! Karl has a great solo near the end.
House of Death
Hand of Doom is fast, but listen to House of Death, what words to use ? It’s awesome, fast, heavy, full of power…… Karl’s guitar gets you directly into the mood of the song, and Scott brings in the tempo, FAST ! Hear the powerful voice of Eric, DIE … DIE … DIE ! You like “ The Power “ ? Than you will go crazy on this one ! Beautiful part in the middle, it gives the song a creapy spirit, and than Karl speeds it up again. The song ends with Eric singing alone, and when you sing along live, your voice will be gone !
Fight until we Die
These 3 songs at the end of the album are SO awesome, again a fast powerfull song. Eric starts of with a wild scream. As epic as you can wish for! “ Thor God of Thunder, let me die with a sword in my hand “ ! Listen to Joey’s awesome voice in the background !

The album ends with a scream from Eric, but I can assure you, it will take awhile before you return to this earth again !

This album can only be called a MASTER – PIECE! Lately, a lot of new Heavy Metal bands tried to imitate Manowar in their own ways but, not to say anything bad about these bands, The Kings of Metal show themselves how True Heavy Metal is played PERFECTLY.


Marjo Verdooren
Director of the Worldwide Web Warriors, Manowar’s Official Webring
Official Manowar Homepage www.manowar.com

We fight to the death
To the last man
To the last Breath

Тема Re: Ревю на всички песни!!!нови [re: Eric Adams]  
Автор 6969 (непознат )
Публикувано27.03.02 13:47

Абе тебе не те ли заболяха пръстите?

Тема Re: Ревю на всички песни!!!нови [re: 6969]  
Автор Eric Adams (5 октавен!)
Публикувано27.03.02 21:19

Не съм го писал аз... :)

We fight to the death
To the last man
To the last Breath

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