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Тема "The Fracture Zone- A return to the Balkans"  
АвторBvlgari_anon (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано15.01.01 10:22

Tuku-shto prochetah knigata na Anglichanina Simon Winchester (Harper Collins Publishers @1999), za pytuvanijata mu iz Balkanite po vreme na sybitijata v Kosovo. Opisva i Makedonija, kydeto e bil po vreme na NATO invazijata v Kosovo. Vypreki che se starae da byde bezpristrasten, mezdu redovete lichat simpatiite mu kym Kosovarite. Niama da se spiram vyrhu pasazhite za Makedonija i Kosovo. Interesen mi beshe edin komentar za Bulgaria, ot kydeto toi e preminal po posoka na Istanbul.


"[...] Bulgaria is quite literally at a pivot point, a fulcrum- a buffer-state on a dividing line between Europe and Asia, between Eastern Orthodoxy and Islam, between the oppressions of the Russia lying across the Black Sea and the Turkey lying on its southern frontier, between the darkest kinds of Communism and the most rampant excesses of modern capitalism, between Ruritanian flamboyance and pretension and the high-tech modernity of the new Eurocracy.

...Bulgaria is famous on the one hand for being the world's great source of attar of roses, for horseradish (which grows on its railway embankments and was at one time bought liberally by Messrs. Cooper of Oxford, condiment makers to the gentry) and for yogurt, which was first made in the Rhodope Mountains from a culture created out of a milk-curdling ur-germ known as Bacillus bulgaricus .

Its people are renowned for being among the most agreeable in Europe, famous for their courtesy, civility, and learning. So it was perhaps not surprising that when the Turks, in the terminal decrepitude of their empire, lashed out savegely at a timid Bulgarian uprising in the late 1870s, the world's intelligentsia rushed to the victims' side, much as was to happen in the Spanish civil war half a century later. So WIlliam Ewart Gladstone, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Oscar Wilde, Ivan Turgenev, and Victor Hugo all pledged their support for the eminently decent Bulgarians." (tuk avtora e propusnal da spomene i velikija Ruski hudozhnik i prijatel na Bulgaria Ivan Konstantinovic Ajvazovski- b.m)

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