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Тема FWD:The Division Of Macedoniaнови  
Автор Filip ()
Публикувано14.08.00 11:31

http://network54.com/Forum/message?forumid=64646&messageid=966225769 The Division Of Macedonia And The Oppression Of The Macedonians Under Greek Occupation Nick Anastasovski On behalf of Macedonian Youth Alliance (Melbourne, Australia), 1995 http://homestead.deja.com/user.makedon/files/logo_mya.gif "I do not believe that the words autonomy, liberty, independence, hold such magic for any other people as they do for the Macedonians. To free peoples the word liberty has lost some of its real signification. They accept it as one of the appurtenances of life, as one of the necessities, like air, like water. But to the Macedonians liberty has become the highest goal for which man can strive ". Stoyan Christowe "Heroes and Assassins" New York 1935 [For fair use only] =============================================== INTRODUCTION This short pamphlet aims to provide the reader with a brief historical outline of the injustice of the partition of the Macedonian nation. Particular emphasis is made on Southern Macedonia, commonly referred to as Aegean Macedonia, which fell under the occupation of Greece as a result of the Balkan Wars (1912-13). The pamphlet examines the period leading to Macedonian partition between Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and Albania. and then provides evidence of the brutal methods used by successive Greek governments to assimilate and denationalise the Macedonians in Aegean Macedonia. It aims to correct the misconceptions brought about by Greek fabrications concerning the Macedonian people and nation. The Greek position on Macedonia involves the manipulation of historical facts designed to serve their own nationalistic ambitions. Generally, throughout the past eighty years the Greek government maintained a policy, internally and internationally, that "there are no Macedonians anywhere in the world" (1986 Papandreou, Prime Minister of Greece). Since the occupation of Aegean Macedonia Greece has gone to excessive lengths to falsify and distort the historical truth concerning the Macedonian nation and people. In recent years, the Greek propaganda campaign has taken on fanatical proportions aiming to "prove" the "Greekness of Macedonia". The purpose of this strategy is: to oppose the establishment of the Republic of Macedonia as an independent and sovereign nation (that part of Macedonia which was occupied by Serbia in 1912-13 and which became a constituent republic of the Yugoslav Federation in 1944 until the disintegration of Serbian dominated Yugoslavia in 1991); to disguise the illegitimate conquest of Aegean Macedonia; and, to conceal the truth regarding Greek treatment of the Macedonians in Aegean Macedonia. Greek violations of Macedonian national and human rights have taken on monstrous proportions and have made a mockery of the Charter of the United Nations and the dozen or so human rights agreements to which she is a signatory to. Macedonians in Aegean Macedonia are no longer prepared to endure the negation of their identity and demand that their human and national rights be respected by the Greek government. Macedonians demand that the Greek government take immediate steps towards recognising them as a distinct and separate people with their own national, cultural, and linguistic uniqueness. Macedonians appeal to all progressive democratic forces to pressure the Greek government to abide by universally accepted human rights principles, and urge Athens to fulfill its obligations under international human rights agreements. The historical truth concerning Aegean Macedonia is presented in this brief pamphlet to inform the general Australian community of the plight of the Macedonians under Greek occupation, and the continuing harassment and intimidation of Macedonians in Australia. I sincerely hope that "The Division of Macedonia and the Oppression of the Macedonians under Greek Occupation" provides the reader with a greater understanding of Macedonia and the Macedonians, and dispels the myths that surround the Macedonian issue.


Тема The Division Of Macedonia [re: Filip]  
Автор Егеец ()
Публикувано16.08.00 16:07

В началото на тази година във Воден и Съботско беше организирана партията ЧОВЕШКИ ПРАВА ЗА БЪЛГАРИТЕ В МАКЕДОНИЯ. Начело застана инж. Никола Стоянов (Nikolas Stoidis). Партията ще се бори за възрaждането на българщината в този край на Македония, останал под властта на Гърция вследствие на Букурещкия мирен договор 1913 г. Очаквайте подробности!

Тема The Division Of Macedoniaнови [re: Егеец]  
Автор Edin Shop ()
Публикувано16.08.00 17:24

S nai goliamo netarpenie:)

Тема The Division Of Macedoniaнови [re: Edin Shop]  
Публикувано16.08.00 18:14

Pozhelavam mu zhivot i zdrave i kasmet shtoto tezi grazcki zmii shte mu vidjat smetkata.

Тема The Division Of Macedoniaнови [re: Filip]  
Автор патриот ()
Публикувано16.08.00 23:44

Не мога да повярвам че са останали български патриоти в гърция! това наистина е голяма новина!

Тема The Division Of Macedoniaнови [re: патриот]  
Автор Laci ()
Публикувано17.08.00 01:27

kako ne mozhesh da poveruvash be? pa sigurno deka ostanale. kolku imalo tolku ostanale.

Тема The Division Of Macedoniaнови [re: Laci]  
Автор Dobrin ()
Публикувано17.08.00 06:19

Laci da imash problemi sas chlenuvaneto? Kolku ... tolku KolkoTO tolkoVA nali si go chuval tova chlenuvane. Tova sas VA nali si e vashe Makedonsko. Zashto ne go izpolzvash. Chakash nie li na oficialen Bulgarski da chlenuvame po Makedonski obrazec a ti se oslushvash i ne shtesh. Zapluval si v Srpski vodi. Vrashtai se barzo pri chlenuvaneto che da ne si napravim niakoi izvodi.

Тема Makedoncinja ne Bugarcinja.....нови [re: Егеец]  
Автор Makedonec ()
Публикувано17.08.00 16:40

takvi bea i takvi se. bez razlika dali se bugarizirani ili grcizirani.

Тема Naj--golemite Egejciнови [re: Filip]  
Публикувано17.08.00 17:26

Dobro, Eve ti sega najprominentnite Bugari koi poteknuvaat od Egejska Makedonija. Nema da zboruvame za Goceta i drugite od VMRO zasto za niv se znae dobro kakvi bile (vidi pismoto na Goce do Nikola Maleshevski 1901 g.) Drugi Egejci koi gi izgradia temelite na Bugarija - Prof. NIKOLA MILEV - s.Mokreni /Kostursko Dimitar BLAGOEV - osnuvac na Socialistickata partija - s. Zagoricani (Malata Sofija) , Kostursko Atanas Dalchev - golem poet - Solun Hristo Smirnenski - proleterski poet - Kukush Prof. Bazhdarov - s. Gorno Brodi , Sersko general Dqrvingov - pak od Kukush Petar Mishaikov - politik - Patele ( Lerinsko) Nikola Apostolov - politik - od istoto selo Nikola Blagoev - selo Rakita, Kajlarsko - profesor-pravnik Atanas Jaranov - Geograf - Kukush Panaret - mitropolit na Plovdiv - pak od Patele, Lerinsko Kosta Lambrev , komunisticheski lider, Visheni, Kostursko Anton Jugov, lider na BKP, Kukush i ushte mnogu drugi .... Zalko deka ne ostanale takvi vo Eejska Makedonija. Od segashnive Egejci, samo Pavle Voskopoulos znam deka ima ucheno na fakultet - zamislete - vo Belgrad. Ajde so zdrave brakja.

Тема Zapochna da zlobeesh a...нови [re: Makedonec]  
Публикувано17.08.00 17:44

...sega shte pochnesh i da pluesh

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