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Тема Document on the fight for Macedonian Macedonia  
Публикувано22.12.99 15:55

Even before comunism, Tito and related items, Macedonian protested aganist the Bulgarian Church, against the bulgarian language in schools, with an idea of forming an independent Macedonian church, wanting authonomy for Macedonia and Macedonian language in the schools. This did not start as many of you belive in 1944, but far far before that. here is one document form 1910 that shows that Bulgars were aware of those things even far far before the time that many of you belive Serbs made Macedonians. Now this is in 1910, when there was no Serb domination of Macedonia, but Serb, Bulgar and Greek propaganda only. The letter is expressing the concerns over the bulgarian cause in Macedonia, how sweet... What about the Macedonian cause in Macedonia? Just like today, made by close minded people, no one bothers to ask the Macedonians themselves about what is their opinion. Just ask, I am here for you: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- June 25, 1910 Archimandrite Neophyte in Skopje to Bulgarian Exarch Joseph in Constantinople: Starting from some time ago, as I have already informed You several times, matters in the eparchy, and especially here have not developed as they should. The Eparchy Council, which, as You know, consists of the town's elders, has decided to send You a letter in which it strongly condemns the candidature of the former Metropolitan of Skopje, Theodosius, and among other things, upon my suggestion writes the following in the protest: "Outraged, we read in the newspapers that a group of villains wishes at any cost to urge the population - the voters of the Skopje Eparchy - to bring back that typical intransigent, Theodosious, as the Metropolitan of the Skopje Eparchy. This is the same Theodosius who 17 or 18 years ago wanted to separate the Skopje Eparchy from the Exarchate and proclaim himself an independent Metropolitan. For this purpose, he then made a special seal on which he deleted the words "Bulgarian Exarchate", so sacred to us, and printed his own baptismal certificates, marriage certificates and other documents; he did not fulfill the circular letters and the orders of the Exarchate, etc. Yet, since at that time there were not such a strong anti-Bulgarian movement among the local Bulgarians, it was possible for the Exarchate to remove this dangerous schismatic in time and thereby preserve the unity of the Bulgarian Church in Turkey. Now this same schismatic, contrary to Exarchist interests, wishes to restore his eparchy and continue his dishonest business of disuniting our Bulgarian people. We protest most strongly against his nomination as Metropolitan of Skopje, because he insults the Bulgarian feeling among the population". Unfortunately, Your Grace, if the Eparchy Council has such people with common sense, this is not the case with some craftsman's circles, which have come under the influence of Mr. Petar Pop Arsov, a teacher, who has taken the idea into his head that he is a leader of the people. He constantly speaks against the Exarchate and its leadership, including myself, and urges the craftsman to support Metropolitan Theodosios' candidature, since he once suffered for defending the interests of the Macedonians. It would not be superfluous if I informed You about another problem, which, I presume, will represent a kind of plot in this whole election propaganda. I have understood from some members of the Council that Krste Petkov, who at one time started "Misirkovism", had requested from certain relative of his, living here in Skopje, that he put him in touch with this teacher, Petar Pop Arsov, in connection with collecting songs about Krale Marko in the Skopje district, and Mr. Pop Arsov was so kind as to agree immediately. I am writing this to you, Your Grace, a justified suspicion that schismatic forces are being brought to life here. The said Mr. Krste Misirkov expressed in a letter to his relative has desire to return to Macedonia, more precisely, to come to Skopje as soon as Macedonia was liberated. The man wished to be a professor at the Skopje university (?!). If this is true, and there are no reasons for lying to me, then You may conclude Yourself what danger threatens the Bulgarian idea in these historic times. Just imagine if the "Misirkovism" of Mr. Krste, the "separatism' of His Grace Theodosius and the "autonomism" of Mr. Petar Pop Arsov joined together! I am of the opinion, Your Grace, upon the basis of the protest by the Eparchy Council (which was, after all, published in the press) that the candidature of His Grace Theodosius should be withdrawn, by which a danger of as yet unseen proportions for the Bulgarian cause in Macedonia would be evaded. I remain Your Grace's younger brother in Jesus Christ and I pray for You. S. Dimevski, Diskusija - K.P. Misirkov i nacionalno-kulturniot razvoj na makedonskiot narod do Osloboduvanjeto - Zbornik Misirkov. Simpozium. Skopje, Institut za makedonski jazik, 1975, pp.338-339. 1905(?)

Тема архимандрит Неофит да го духанови [re: MAKEDONEC]  
Автор П.М. ()
Публикувано22.12.99 18:31

Абе, моето момче, гаче ли ние българите не знаем, че владика на Скопие по това време е бил сърбинът Фирмилиан? Кого ще излъжеш с тая сърбоманска бълвоч?

Тема архимандрит Неофит да го духанови [re: П.М.]  
Публикувано22.12.99 18:42

Greska si. Neofit e vo sluzba na Bugaskata Egzarhija i mu pisuva na svojot pretpostaven Egzarhot Josif koj e neli Bugarskiot Egzarh. Uste ednen dokaz deka ne znaes za sto zboruvas. Prodolzi da citas.

Тема архимандрит Неофит да го духанови [re: MAKEDONEC]  
Автор B v l g a r i ()
Публикувано22.12.99 22:30

Ohridskata Archbishopric si e Bulgarska ushte od vremeto na Vizantijskiot Imperator Vasilij II "Bulgaroubieca". "Makedonska" crkva nikoga ne e postojala, a toa kakvi celi e gonel Theodosij e druga rabota. Ne zaboravaj deka "Makedonismot" e Srbska invencija od Novakovich i t.n. So zdrave

Тема трябвало е май да прочета и второто изречениенови [re: MAKEDONEC]  
Автор П.М. ()
Публикувано23.12.99 14:12

Реших, че става дума за някоя сянка на оня, гореспоменатия Теодосий. Е, нищо, така поне става ясно, че македонската идея е защитавана от шепа хора, начело с Попарсов: СЪЩИЯ, който през '13 година пише глупавите манифести от Петербург с единствена цел - да се попречи колкото е възможно на възмогването на НЕ-русофилска България. Колкото до Мисирков, по-комична фигура едва ли някога е била определяна за "национален будител" на който и да е народ. Личи си, че на човека просто му се е щяло да стане професор, пък ако ще и в измислен университет. Архимандрит Неофит да прощава...

Тема Document on the fight for Macedonian Macedoniaнови [re: MAKEDONEC]  
Автор D-r Mengeme ()
Публикувано25.12.99 06:57

Tozi naistina e bolen mozak.Kakvo vidia v tozi tekst?Niama nisto,koeto da me navede na misalta,za 'makedonsko" antibulgarsko dvizenie.Provetohme za dvama dobre izvestni ni predateli,edinia ot koito (Misirkov) sled tova priznava che e bil izpolzvan za mrsni celi i nisto drugo.Ti naistina si brainwasned.

Тема архимандрит Неофит да го духанови [re: B v l g a r i]  
Автор D-r Mengeme ()
Публикувано25.12.99 06:59

...i deka Misirkov e ucil v Beograd pri sastia Novakovic.Toi e istinski primer za predavnik.Takav kakvto e i "MAKEDONEC".

Тема Document on the fight for Macedonian Macedoniaнови [re: D-r Mengeme]  
Публикувано27.12.99 16:15


Тема архимандрит Неофит да го духанови [re: B v l g a r i]  
Публикувано27.12.99 16:18

kogane vi se sviganesto odma se krivi Srbite, ili komunistite, ama Bugarite se sekogas vo pravo, :))) Spomnav jas deka Adam i Eva bile Bugari? Da da, ete uste eden dokaz deka site na zemjata se Bugari, ama siroti gi izlazale Srbite i komunistite da se drugo. Mnogu patite od srbo-fobija, za zal.

Тема Srbofobijaнови [re: MAKEDONEC]  
Автор B v l g a r i ()
Публикувано28.12.99 06:30

Nie mozhi i da patime od srbofobija, no vie patite trojno povekje od Srbo-filija. Takova Srbo-poklonichestvo ne sum videl drugade, stalno ve pravi naj golemo udovolstvo da "lizhete" Srpski gazove. Ne e stranno da se chue vo MK deka Srbite ve bile Oslobodili i tem podobni gluposti. Chudno li e posle deka u Makedonija se chitat Srpski vesnici i se slusha Srpska muzika pogolovno?

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