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Тема Koincidencija ?нови  
Автор Dunek_Lozar (Dunek.mkd)
Публикувано13.12.05 10:55

A perhaps confused veteran greets General Mackensen with a Hitler salute, 1937.

Болгарский царь Борис III в Оберзальцберге 13 января 1941 г.

The famous Feldmarschal marches alongside the Fьhrer in 1935. Mackensen's early support of the Nazis was more obvious than any other officer from WWI, and lent legitimacy to the Third Reich.

" I have a dream " - UNITED MACEDONIA

Тема Re: Koincidencija ?нови [re: Dunek_Lozar]  
Автор Xилмap Kaбac (Татаро-Монгол)
Публикувано13.12.05 11:16

Hoch lebe das Regiment, das sich mit Stolz die Totenkopfreiter nennt!


Тема Re: Koincidencija ? [re: Dunek_Lozar]  
Автор haegar (викинг)
Публикувано13.12.05 11:26

Whats that for a addlepated posting? Do you have a clue about August von Mackensen?

Тема Re: Koincidencija ?нови [re: Xилмap Kaбac]  
Автор haegar (викинг)
Публикувано13.12.05 11:30

В отговор на:

Da Mackensen der Bekenndenden Kirche angehört, setzt er sich für Verfolgte wie Martin Niemöller ein.

Februar: In einem Brief an den Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres Walther von Brauchitsch verurteilt er die während des Überfalls auf Polen geschehenen Verbrechen.

I dont know what wanted the guy to express with the entry-post....

Редактирано от haegar на 13.12.05 11:32.

Тема Re: Koincidencija ?нови [re: haegar]  
Автор Xилмap Kaбac (Татаро-Монгол)
Публикувано13.12.05 11:41

Не се Знае точно, а и едва ли е от Значение.

МакенЗен си е легенда от първата световна война.

Тема Re: Koincidencija ?нови [re: Xилмap Kaбac]  
Автор haegar (викинг)
Публикувано13.12.05 11:49

Yes, I know. I have a old potrait underlined with his words:

Von Gottes Gnade bin ich, was ich bin.

Тема Re: Koincidencija ?нови [re: Dunek_Lozar]  
Автор Zaples (разсеян такъв)
Публикувано13.12.05 12:28

и генералот-советник

на Утрински од недела време не се отвара странката, може и да не го видиш

Тема Re: Koincidencija ?нови [re: haegar]  
Автор Щъpkoт (пернат)
Публикувано13.12.05 12:28

This is simply an allusion that all Bulgarians are not only "Tatars" i.e. inferior to Yugoslavs, but also Fascists per se...old trick from 1945....this was the way to eradicate all the pro-Bulgarian feelings in Vardaria....Greece had differemt approach, but allusion with Fascism (and Communism) as natural feature of the Bulgarians existed too...

Тема Re: Koincidencija ?нови [re: Щъpkoт]  
Автор haegar (викинг)
Публикувано13.12.05 15:27

Ahhh...I see. In Greece during the civil-war its was exactly the other way around. All communists where called "Bulgarians"
Unregarded that the most bulgarians activists of Greece until naturally colloborated with the axis-powers until 1944.

But just interesting that such argumentation use a person like Mackensen as example, cause he was (I dont know if you understood the german citation) a member of the part of the anti-nazi church ,so called >Bekennende Kirche< in contrast to the >Deutsche Christen< within the German Protestant Church, and also he protested against german warcrimes in Poland in WWII.

As last alive WWI-Feldmarschall after 1935 he was untouchable in the Third Reich. Of course he was old style prussian aristocrate but exactly not a nazi.

But OK, its the FYROMian way to build history, so may be I spend to much time to think about...

Тема Re: нима не разбраФтенови [re: haegar]  
Автор цakичъ (ентусиаст)
Публикувано13.12.05 17:50

Хитлер е врЪовист. Лакей на Царот....

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