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Религия и мистика
   >> Магия
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Тема Един новaк питa:  
Автор Byclops ()
Публикувано25.02.02 18:11

Сиществувa ли мaгия или всичко е в глaвaтa? Или и двете?

Не се сърдете aко е идиотски въпросa, но aз съм мaлко... око дa види, ръкa дa пипне:))

2 Y's U R
2 Y's U B
2 Y's 4 me

Тема What is magick?нови [re: Byclops]  
АвторSilver (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано25.02.02 19:30

Dano polzvash angliiski!:)


The inherent power, one with which we are all born- that is the force, we often call “magick”.
Anyone and anything has its own personal energy- human beings, animals, plants and stones. The life-force of our world, elemental world /elementals, faeries, gnoms, Elements themselves/ and all the other planes of existence/ “worlds-one-step-from ours”/ combine themselves to create the Divine- The Everlasting Light, Energy in which we live and of which we all are made, Eternal force connecting everything throughout the Universe. It is that primal force of creation that cannot vanish, only changed from one form to another.
And that is exactly what magick does- changes what we call “reality”- the world we live in, our personal concept of enviroment.
Some of the vocabulary- given definitions of word “magick” are:
1.The art that purports to control or forecast natural events, effects or forces by invoking the supernatural.
2.The practice of using spells, charms, or rituals in seeking or pretending to cause supernatural effects or to control events in nature, or govern certain natural or supernatural forces.
3.any misterious, seemingly inexplicable, or extraordinry power or quality.
4.The charms, spells and rituals so used.
This is a good description, but needs some more explanations.
Magick is energy which can be created by anyone. The potential lays in all of us- not only of certain “special”people. Although it is true that some people seem more able than others to produce power to change things, through practice we all can wake up the sleeping sparkle of Divine in ourselves.
To make successful magick there are three things that are necessary :
Desire and need give the spark of imagination that fires the emotions to drive the spell. Magickal knowledge tells what to do to make the magick .Belief focuses thoughts and creates the reality that is brought to the physical world.
Seems to be simple, but the important thing here is to distinguish ‘need” from “desire”. Desire-no matter how badly - is fleeting, some sort of caprice, that could be easy replaced by something else. It passes through us like a tremble- easy come and easy gone. Need is the deep feeling inside- not only on mental, but also on spiritual level, that tells us what we MUST do to be ourselves, to live our own concept of ourselves and the world around us.
If the magician is not emotionally involved, worried or excited all the spells in the world won’t help.
That is the reason why when you are asked to do magick for someone else- sometimes it doesn’t work. All the words and gestures, all the magical correspondences seem to be right, but nothing happens, or at least not quite. It is because you just can't feel the need and emotion that fills the petitioner.
It is a system of techniques, theories and your own trained abilities- the results from your own magickal experience. Magick is very serious thing, because when you do magick, you touch the very essence of the Universe and you must know exactly what you are doing.
Speaking of knowledge… prayer contains more magick than people can possibly imagine. Wax drawns the energy of words and thoughts and through the light of the candle it’s sent to the Universe. In prayer you tell God what you need and thank the Divine for what you get in your life. Precisely the positive confirmations we make create the reality we want to experience. It happens what we think will happen- our greatest dream or our most terrible nightmare- all we think of or pray for is drawn into our world here and now. That is why we must be very careful how we direct our thoughts and how we use what we know.
To work magick is to take the responsibility. Magick WILL change your reality and WILL make something happen. That is why you must confirm with the one your magick influence.
Magick is some sort of a tool- just like the knife. You could use it to kill somebody, but also to heal a wound. It is the same when you manipulate someone’s free will and this is the difference between “black” and “white” magick. Actually there’s no such thing as “white”, “black” or “gray” magick. Some people say that when you hurt somebody with your magick – it is “black” magick, when you do something good to him because he asked you- it is “white” magick, and when you do something for his good, but without telling him- it is “gray” magick. These definitions are not accurate.
Your freedom ends where begins the freedom of the person next to you and if you break his free will with your magick, no matter how good you think it is for him- you are doing bad, “black” magick. Every spell, every magick, which includes someone who didn’t ask for it, is black.
Magicians believe that what is sent out, comes back to you. Those who has knowledge in Old Misteries and the Balance in the Universe are more guilty of doing black magick because they broke the rules absolutely deliberately, knowing all consequences in this world and the astral. That is why “what sent out” will come to them three times over.
Things are getting interesting when it comes about healing magick. Magician /word means ‘man” or “woman”/ attempt to change the person who needs the healing. Is it right to do it without a permission? What if the soul of this person choose suffering because of some lesson that needs to be learned or some character it wants to train? Some magicians make an exeption from the prohibitions about breaking a free will, and say that you could do healing magick even if this person didn’t ask for it or even didn’t want it. They believe that if the soul doesn’t want the body to be healed, it will block the energy, that is sent and nothing will happen. Others say that you should always ask for permission. It seems that everything depends on how the healer understands “free will”.
Magickal ethic could be generalized:
1.Do what thou wilt, yet harm none.
2.Never work magick to inhibit another’s free will
3.Ever mind the rule of three- what sent out comes back three times to thee
4.Take what you need and pay for it
5.Ever walk your talk
6.Help others when they ask without seek no regards
7.Never threaten or scare anyone with your magick
8.Embrace balance- respect change

Тема Не бих казалнови [re: Byclops]  
Автор Elrond (елф)
Публикувано26.02.02 17:21

...че магията е плод на въображението.Акупунктурата и хомеопатията
които широко се използват в медицината са именно магия-200%ова.

Всички си задаваме подобни въпроси.Но с практиката човек се научава да отсява сеното от плявата-кое идва от по-висшите реалности и кое е
нашето собствено его...

Тема Това е без значение. Научни теории:нови [re: Byclops]  
Автор voin na svetlinata!!! (духовен екстаз)
Публикувано27.02.02 18:22

Дори всичко да е в главата това е без значение...
Защото е доказано колективното несъзавано или подсъзнание....
оттук следва, че ако убедиш главата си в нещо, то можеш да убедиш и другите и оттам магията да стане реалност не само за теб, но и за всички хора...
доказана е и ползата за увереността... съвременните техники на приложната психология свързани с подсъзнанието се наричат позитивни утвърждения и са част от Кабалистичната магия и произлизат не от някои психолог, а от още от Парацелс. Всичките им книги днес той е обобщил в едно изречение.

От тук има и множество експериментални доказателства за реалността на вуду магията или магията на образа (онова с восъчните кукли)....
всеки добър медиум може да те убеди в съществуването на духовния свят
а всеки добър хипнотерапевт ще ти помогне и да си го припомниш...
всичко това ти дава сто процентвоа увереност: магията не просто съществува, но тя е нбапълно естествена и ти я практикуваш недодялоно всеки ден... въпроса е да се научиш да я правиш добре... тя е наричачана ИЗкуството...

Доброто е семе на щастието, както злото - на страданието!

*Кратък преглед
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