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   >> Madonna
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Тема Свежо интервю от немския Playboy  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано16.01.05 22:35

At the beginning the interviewer tells the story, about MADONNA and the name "Esther " and askes her:
(Playboy Interviewer) : How do you want to be called?
MADONNA: MADONNA! Or you can call me the Queen of England. Some people call me Mrs. Ritchie (but she seems not liking that), People from Germany call me often "M" . I like this, it reminds me of Fritz Lang's movie "Metropolis"

I: You are a singer, actress and author of children books. What do you enjoy the most?
M: The most satisfying thing is creating live shows, I enjoy that even more than performing each evening on stage. I love to be the captain who is holding the whole team together. Also I enjoy writing, the stillness while doing it. On the other side writing music bores me. I've done this for a long time now. And what I don't like at all is being in a recording studio.I have to get in, but there are things far more exciting to do.

I: You said you could have avoided lots of pain and sorrow if you only knew the principles of the universe earlier. What does this mean?
M: These principles say: "All you are doing is coming back to you" it's a law of physics by Isaac Newton. He was also studying Kabbalah. Do you know this?
I: No.
M: He's a brilliant scientist. Kabbalah unites spirituality and science. Every action is causing a reaction. That's the science part, but it's happening in our human lives, too.If you do something wrong, it will come back to you. maybe in the next 5 minutes, maybe ten years later. But in the Kabbalah as well as in the quantenphysics there's no time, no space, you only see the beginning and the end.We all could live in a happier way, if we were following the rules of the universe.

I: And these rules you are following around the clock?
M: Exactly. I'm working on doing this each day. It Is an everlasting job.We should never stop to learn and to study.

I: Are you always following the principles of Kabbalah ?
M: Absolutely. We are all connected. If I lie to you, I'm lying to myself. If I'm hurting you I'm hurting myself. That's exactly what Jesus Christ is telling us: Love the other the way you love yourself!The problem is: You read it, go to church and on your way home you are cheating your wife. Studying Kabbalah gives you the tools against your animal nature.

I: Sounds interesting...And you are also studying the "72 names"?
M: Kabbalah has a system of numbers, mathematical wisdom and is in harmony with nature.
I Now it's getting confusing...
M: The whole world is based on numbers.If you talk with mathematics, astronoms or physics about numbers and the mathematical poesie of the universe, they'll tell you Kabbalah is an uniting science.

I: Is Guy Ritchie also a fan of Kabbalah?
M: He loves it the way I do. Our whole family! The kids can visit the foundation Spirituality for Kids when school is over.
I: How do you explain terror and war? Where is the better world?
M: There are always 2 sides: Bad and good, darkness and light.There are lots of people on this planet connected to the darkness. It's our aim to change this. The way to fight the darkness is to turn on the light!

I: Will you ever write a novel?
M: I'm always reading novels, but I have not enough concentration to write one by myself.But I will never say never. I never wanted to be a singer.
I: Really?
M: I wanted to be a dancer.
I: Why did you become a singer? Accident?
M: There's no accident at all. You are walking down a street, turn around and know you'll be walking on the other side!

I: What can we expect next from the artist MADONNA?
M: I'm working on a musical, a movie. All is strictly secret. But I can tell you: It's going to be really cool.
The shooting has already begun. I'm not only playing the leading role, but I'm also writing the music. Beside Jonas Akerlund did a documentary about my last tour, it's being on work right now and should be released in spring.

A special thanks to our German correspondent Martin for breaking the news and for adapting the interview into English language.

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