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   >> Madonna
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Тема Stars On Madonna  
АвторBobby (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано05.03.02 17:50

Предлагам да публикуваме интересни коментари по адрес на Мад тук.

Courtney Love'94:

"На практика имах само един сериозен разговор с нея.Тя не престана да ми обяснява 4е трябва да бъдем революционно настроени.Може и да съм продала само 2 диска на пазара,но Мадона,жената,която се 4ука и с Господ е последният 4овек,който ще ми казва каква трябва да бъда."

Sean Penn'94:

"Не си спомням нито един момент на щастие.Вси4ко ми се струва като дале4ен сън,по-скоро като кошмар."

Nick Carter (Backstreet Boys)'98:

"Madonna на 40?!?Та тя изглежда на 20 !!!"


''Madonna is my "Mother-Figure"

Praz (MTV VMA'98):

"Тук съм най-ве4е за да видя Мадона на живо"


"Предложиха ми да напиша песен за нея.Бях шокирана и поласкана едновременно.Та коя съм аз 4е да пиша песните на Мадона?!"

Britney Spears:

"За мен тя е най-великият 4овек на света.Никой не стои по-високо от нея.Тя е просто идолът ми.4есто взимам пример от нея."

Roger Waters (Pink Floyd):

"Мадона е ужасна,грозна и тъпа жена,която има успех само защото е евтина и скандална"

Меlanie C:

"Мадона е идолът ми от дете.Първият рокконцерт,който посетих беше именно нейното "Girlie Show".Бях тотално омагьосана.Една от ме4тите ми-да се срещна с нея скоро се сбъдна.Ако има някои с който бих искала да запиша дует,то това несъмнено е Мадона."

Janet Jackson'94:

"Да,моето шоу е наистина ероти4но,но вси4ки го коментират така,сякаш съм тръгнала да имитирам Мадона.Мадона умее да показва само недодялан секс,тя е истински вулгарна.Вси4ко,което върши тя на сцената е гнусно"

Christina Aguilera:

"Жени като Мадона прокараха пътя за много от нас,младите изпълнители."

Whitney Houston:

"Ако един ден децата ми прили4ат на Мадона,бих ги убила."

Geri Halliwell:

"Тя беше моят идол в тийнейджърските ми години и все още е.Спомням си 4е се къл4ех пред огледалото под звуците на "Like A Virgin".Ме4таех да съм като нея."

Boy George:

"Да сравниш Мадона с Мерилин Монро е същото като да сравниш задницата на автобус с "Кадилак".

Jon Bon Jovi:

"4ове4е,Мадона не е жена,която ще се остави да я 4укаш.Самата тя ще ти ско4и от горе и ще те 4ука."

Мерил Стрийп:

"Изпитвам желание да я гилотинирам"

Kylie Minogue:

"Когато се срещнахме зад кулисите на МТВ-наградите тя просто ми показа ти-шърта си и ме попита :"Харесва ли ти?''.По4увствах се като благословена от Папата или нещо подобно!"

Spice Girls:


Еlton John (за видеото "DW/Substitute For Love"):

"Безкрайно възмутен съм.Това си е 4исто и просто търсене на евтина популярност.Та тя изобщо не беше близка с Даяна..."


"Eдин ден ме4тая да бъда с жена като Мадона..."

Еминем (за DWT):

"Тя просто не се усеща 4е трябва да престане.Не и утива.Грозно е.Не мога да възприема това нещо по никакъв на4ин"

Sheryl Crow:

"Възхищавам и се.Невероятно е това,което е постигнала.Бих била доволна ако постигна и половината..."


Оставам на вас да продължите останалото...

Тема Re: Stars On Madonnaнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор maxlove (непознат)
Публикувано05.03.02 19:41

Мик Джагър:По един много изтънчен начин нейната музика и имиджът й характеризират онази фундаментална глупост, която е привлекателна почти за всеки.
Мориси: Мадона набляга на всичко абсурдно и обидно.Тя е безразсъдно женствена.Мадона е по-близо от организираната проституция от когото и да е било
Джон Бон Джоуви: Дали искам да чукам Мадона?Неее, човече, тя не е такава жена, дето ще се остави да я чукаш.Самата тя ще те чука!!!
Сузана Хофс (Бенгълс): Мисля, че е велика.Уважавам я и й се възхищавам и смятам, че е много талантлива!

Never Forget Who You Are Little Star

Тема Re: Stars On Madonnaнови [re: maxlove]  
Автор nik (exboytoy)
Публикувано05.03.02 22:27

Прави впечатление, че повечето негативни мнения са на хора, които са били по- силни от нея в началото на кариерата й, а сега са отдавна задминати- Елтън, Мориси, Джагър и пр. Другите негативни са от конкурентките й - Уитни, Джанет, Марая, която през 1995 каза "Спомням си времето, когата Мадона БЕШЕ популярна...тя не ми е никаква конкуренция..." (Тук имената Music и Glitter и техният успех сами се набиват в пространството).
Иначе има още доста мнения по неин адрес:

"Когато направих croach grabbing всички други започнаха да го правят- даже и Мадона" (цитирам по памет)- MJ

"Да кажа нещо хубаво за Мадона ли... нищо хубаво не може да се каже за нея"
Сюзан Вега на премиерата на "in Bed with Madonna"

"Когато почина брат ми, първият човек, който ми се обади и каза "Ако имаш нужда от мен, аза съм насреща" бе Мадона. Това наистина ме трогна"
Донатела Версаче пред Behind the Music

Има още много мнрния, които съм чувал- като ми изникне нещо, ще ви кажа

Instead of spring- it's always winter

Тема Kylieнови [re: nik]  
Автор nik (exboytoy)
Публикувано10.03.02 22:37

Кайли пак направила евалла на Мадона- в интервю казала, че ако срещне отново Мадона, разговорът им щял да бъде твърде кратък, защото тя се вцепенявала в нейно присъствие и не знаела какво да каже, Причината- Мадона бил анай- голямата звезда в света...

Instead of spring- it's always winter

Тема Re: Stars On Madonnaнови [re: nik]  
АвторBobby (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано16.03.02 19:00

Ice T:

"Много звезди и звезди4ки се изнизаха из музикаланата сцена,но малко от тях се задържаха на върха и постигнаха нещо зна4ително.Мадона израстна по възможно най-елегантния на4ин пред своята публика.Наистина ценя това."

Mariah Carey:

"Навремето бях голяма фенка на Мадона.Но след като 4ух злобни коментари по мой адрес от нейна страна,ве4е като 4уя нейна песен ми се повръща."

Lance ('N SYNC):

"Madonna е просто уникална.Тя има невероятната дарба винаги да се променя така,4е да бъде максимално интересна на публиката.По-общо казано-Мадона просто диктува модата."

Жан-Пол Готие:

"Мадона-това е модата"

Spike Lee:

"Mаркетингът е една от наи-силните ми стратегий.Единственият по-добър от мен в това отношение е Мадона."

Тема Re: Stars On Madonnaнови [re: Bobby]  
АвторBobby (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано17.03.02 15:46

Janet Jackson:

"Ме4тая за дете.В момента съм сама.Но не виждам нищо лошо в това да си сам родител.След като Мадона може,защо и аз да не мога!?"

Кристофър 4иконе:

"Мислите ли 4е има нещо по-съвършенно от сестра ми?"

Тема Re: Stars On Madonnaнови [re: Bobby]  
АвторBobby (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано17.03.02 15:57

Последният МТВ-уикенд беше посветен на "Лошите моми4ета".На Мад беше обърнато заслуженото внимание.В класацията на TRL-"Top 20 Bad Girls" №1 беше не кой да е а то4но тя.
Освен това не пропуснаха да изтъркат и без друго поостарялата лента на FANatic,при това цели 2 пъти.
Апропо:младата гилдия колежки Бритни,Кристина и Пинк за пореден път посипаха М със суперлативи...


Поредна издънка на бившата Мис Мотола:в актуално интервю прокудената от всякъде Марая Кери заявява 4е щяля дя основе своя музикална компания по примера на Мадона и нейната "Маверик",за да бъде свободна да прави каквото си иска (пази Боже!!!).Това си е 4иста 4етка за Мадона.Така Марая вместо да и избоде о4ите и изписа веждите....

Тема Re: Stars On Madonnaнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik (exboytoy)
Публикувано28.03.02 23:38

ВЪПРОС: Мислиш ли, че с големият успех на новите ти хитове ти си новата кралица на попа?
КАЙЛИ МИНОУГ: Не, Мадона е кралицата на попа! Вълнувам се само като си помисля, че мога да я срещна отново...

Instead of spring- it's always winter

Тема Re: Stars On Madonnaнови [re: nik]  
АвторBobby (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано01.04.02 20:18

Jennfer Lopez:

"Смятам Мадона за бездарна певица,тя не може да пее.Освен това мисля,че тя и Гуинет Полтроу са най-лошите актриси в цял Холивуд.Мисля,че се справям по-добре и от двете."


Тук просто не мога да се сдържа.Това е цитат от едно от първите интервюта на жената-задник,още преди да "пропее" публично.За кой по дяволите се мисли този гаден безформен бизон?!Безкрайно мразя тази надута и най-ве4е БЕЗДАРНА тъпа крава.Сега сигурно си гризе ноктаците по повод Оскара на Гуини и по повод Златната Малинка , която и беше присъдена в категория "Участие в най-досаден филм".Пък и съм убеден,че ако някой някога все пак успее да чуе това добиче да пее на живо,със сигурност ще си
помисли,че пее с гъза си.


Може би би трябвало да се чувстваме горди от статута,който придобива "Ray Of Light".След като критиката единодушно реши,че "Fever" e "Ray Of Light"-a
на Кайли , сега се задава "Ray Of Light"-a на George Michael.Bнимание:скоро очаквайте и "Ray Of Light"-a на Sheryl Crow....

Тема Celineнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik (exboytoy)
Публикувано01.04.02 23:38

''I'm very competitive,'' she asserts. ''I would go to the Olympics if I could. I'm a fighter. But I'm competing with myself and nobody else. I'm not better than Mariah or Whitney or Madonna or Alicia Keys. There's a place for all of us.''

Instead of spring- it's always winter

Тема Graig Armstrongнови [re: nik]  
Автор nik (exboytoy)
Публикувано08.04.02 13:20

Тоя човек работи върху музиката на новия филм и е работил върху Frozen. Ето коментара му за новия албум, който се записва "от сутрин до сутрин". Специално е наблегнато на това колко добър автор на песни е Чиконето:

"With someone like her, you think, 'Oh will she be in the studio?'. But actually, she is there all the time - from morning to morning. She doesn't get enough credit in my book for being a great songwriter. I've got a lot of respect for her, I mean how many albums has she done? And the quality control is pretty good. What's my favorite? Well it has to be the 'Ray Of Light' album. I worked on 'Frozen'. I put a lot of work into that and I think it came out pretty well. She's doing a new album at the moment. I asked her what it was like....What did she say?....She said it was good! Hahahaha!"

Instead of spring- it's always winter

Тема Britneyнови [re: nik]  
Автор nik (exboytoy)
Публикувано13.04.02 14:39

Някакъв фен преразказва интервю на Бритни за испанското MTV:

The guy asked her why she sing Open Your Heart instead of another song from M, like Material Girl, or Like a Virgin, or Justify My Love.

She replied that she love Justify My Love, but OYH is more related with the caracter she┤s doing.

Then the interviewer asked her to give points from 1 to 10 to the following artists:
N Sync - 5
sheryl Crow- 1
Shania Twain- 7
Madonna- 10
Britney- 5 (yes, she gave 5 points herself)

Then she told again to the interviewer how she love madonna but also said that if she had to make a duet with someone, then it would be George Michael.

Тема Re: Stars On Madonnaнови [re: nik]  
АвторBAD_GlRL (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано27.04.02 23:42


Тема Mobyнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik (exboytoy)
Публикувано03.05.02 16:39

Moby tvardi pred Top of the pops, che Madonna go e pokanila da zapishat zaedno heavy- parche za noviya i album, no toy bil na turne togava. Posle zapochnalo neynoto turne i pak ne uspeli da zapishat pesenta.
Yavno sluhovete za nov, po- tvard sound ne sa savsem naprazni...

Тема Madonna & Britney?нови [re: nik]  
АвторBobby (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано05.05.02 20:10

Бритни отново ни шашна.След като дуетът и с Мадона така и не се осъществи,
девойчето е решило да покани кака си да му покаже това-онова в предстоящия си клип "Obey Me",където щяло да бъка от кожени изрязани парцалки,корсети и разни садо-мазо-играчки...
В добра посока вървиш,Бритни,бейби,чакам те скоро да изгрееш в PLAYBOY,a
по-нататък да покажеш на какво си способна и в някой порно-филм.
Лошо няма!

Тема Белослава/ Рози О'Донълнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik (exboytoy)
Публикувано21.05.02 16:37

В "Джубокс" тя и Део коментираха разни изпълнители. Белослава каза (по памет):
"Мадона е цяла индустрия. Разбира се, за нея работят много хора, които я правят това, което е, но никой не би могъл да стигне толкова далеч без да заслужава уважение". На въпроса дали Бритни е следващата Мадона, тя каза: "Не! Трябева да си истинска личност, за да бъдештворец като Мадона. Тя е наистина явление. Бритни не е такава".
Рози обаче не мисли така. Според нея Бритни е Мадона на новото поколение- талантлива и брилянтна. Рози има доста странни вкусове...

Тема Славинови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik (exboytoy)
Публикувано28.05.02 16:32

И той, горкия, харесвал Мадона. Тя била философ, сподели Трифонов пред Всяка неделя и дори я цитира: "Не се променям аз, а отношениетъо към мен"- като съотнесе тази й мъдрост към себе си. Каза и още няколко много положителни неща за нея, но в момента не мога да цитирам...

Тема Cherнови [re: nik]  
Автор trueboy (since 1994)
Публикувано28.05.02 23:04

"I think Madonna does it better than anybody else" - Cher, 1999

"Nothing takes the past away
like the future..."

Тема Карсън Дейлинови [re: Bobby]  
АвторBobby (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано30.05.02 16:20

В MTV-Fanatic емблематичния водещ на TRL сподели,че известната личност,която най-много се е притеснявал да интервюира е именно Мадона,при гостуването и в шоуто преди 2 години.Карсън сподели,че "Мадона е човек,който е способен да каже абсолютно всичко,без да му пука от абсолютно нищо".
well done...

Тема Крейг Армстронг- отновонови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik (exboytoy)
Публикувано29.06.02 17:29

Good arrangements are the best kept secret in pop. Most pop stars can't do it themselves. So they need to get help from someone like me, and that bothers them. All of a sudden the song isn't their baby anymore. It's an ego thing. I specifically noticed it when i was working on Frozen for Madonna. The man who worked on the beats for a few hours (William Orbit) was hailed as a hero, but my contribution- that enormous orchestral arrangment- hardly seemed important. That's the American system. It's all about the star. I do however encourage the singers to get involved. Madonna surprised me that way. I thought she would simply turn up at the end and sing her lines. But she was there every minute.""

Тема Каризманови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik (exboytoy)
Публикувано14.07.02 23:13


Любима музика: r&b; soul; jazz; funk; Обичам Кайли Миноуг, заради силата и увереността й "Can't get u out of my head" е любимият ми сингъл в момента. Maddie, разбира се. Maddie - какво би била музиката без история... Като заговорих за история, Jacko и безценните години на "Jackson 5". Научих се да пея с тях и Elia - The Golden Voice. Last but not least - Babygirl - Aaliah - най-слънчевото същество - обичам я с цялата си любов, на която е способен един фен. Мир на праха й!


Любима музика: В момента съм на "Daft punk" и Roger Sanches... Завръщането на Jacko ме прави щастлив... R.E.M. са завинаги... Депеш са по-велики от всякога... Мадона е кралицата.

Тема Бой Джордж се разсъска отновонови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik (exboytoy)
Публикувано19.07.02 01:13

Старата дама така и не можа да прости на Мадона, че стана най- голямата звезда в музиката- място, което бедния траверс бе запазил за себе си:

George Brands Cosmetic Injections 'Botox'

With celebrities clamouring to get their Botox injections left, right and centre, ageing popstar Boy George has said he's got no intention of ending-up on the tip of a skin-rejuvinating prick!

In fact, based on some of the Botox-filled stars he's seen, George has opined he'd rather grow old gracefully.

"I was at a Versace party a couple of weeks ago and Madonna walked in," the flamboyant star told The Mail, remebering, "She had sunglasses on and there was no motion in her face whatsoever. I prefer to grow old gracefully. I'm 41, I've got great skin. I don't need it!" Ouch!

Тема Niki Haris talks ...нови [re: nik]  
Автор floranse (PussyCat)
Публикувано19.07.02 12:15

Edno ot poslednite interviuta na Niki v koeto tq razkazva interesni neshtica za Mo

Eto go i nego:
You've performed this Saturday at the Kaufleuten, today you will sing at "Marians Jazzroom" in Bern. Is there still some time for shopping?
No, not at all. Especially not after the Drowned World Tour with Madonna - I have done enough shopping. My closet is full with new clothes!

How did you get to know Madonna?
It was back in 1986. At that time I was a background singer with several different bands. Madonna's agent called me and invited me to a rehearsal. Honestly, I wasn't a big fan of Madonna at that time but when they told me how much money I would get I couldn't resist. So I thought to myself: 'Let's give it a try!'.

And after that?
I had to learn 19 songs - by heart! And then there were 200 girls at the rehearsal! I somehow managed to be the first to sing and got the job at the very moment. I got along great with Madonna from the very beginning. With the years, we became great friends.

So, how is it to be one of Madonna's best friends?
It's very exhausting! But I'm just kidding: We are a great match - we're both macho-women! But we don't see eachother that often since she's living in London, unfortunately. But I can tell you: Madonna is very, very happy with her family!

Are you married?
No, and I'm desperately looking for a husband! I finally want to have a ring at my finger!

Тема Sashaнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik (exboytoy)
Публикувано07.08.02 19:07

Genius UK DJ Sasha, who did some production work with Madonna in 2000 for her Music record (which never made it onto the album) has credited Madonna with a 'thank you' in his sleeve notes for his superb long awaited new album 'airdrawndagger'...

In a recent interview with DJ magazine he said that the final track on the album 'Wavy Gravy' was one of the tracks he was working on for Madonna - but he kept it back for his own album as it was more his style than what she was doing at the time. He also said when he was working with Madonna he drove her 'crazy' as it took him over a week to come up with some work for her once they started work.

Тема Pinkнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik (exboytoy)
Публикувано25.08.02 21:47

Pink Plans To Oust Madonna
Singer Pink wants to replace Madonna at the top of the pop charts -after years of worshipping the Material Girl.

The Get The Party Started hitmaker says she used to be Madonna's number one fan, but now she believes the pop queen should make way for younger stars.

She says, "She was definitely my role model. When I was eight I thought I was her. I went into my mom's closet and did my best to look like her but, you know, everybody has their time and I think I'm into more hardcore stuff now." She adds, "I'm out to make people forget about Madonna."

Тема Гуйнетнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik (exboytoy)
Публикувано27.08.02 11:11

The Material Girl and the girl who always finds good material are
still thick as thieves.

Yes, the friendship between Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow is still on
for those keeping score. "I adore her," says Paltrow who stars
in "Possession." "However, the press exaggerates all aspects of our

In the interest of clearing things up, Paltrow tells us, "Madonna and
I are friends. We sometimes hang out. We sometimes do yoga together.
We sometimes have a girls' dinner with a couple of friends."

So what don't they do together? "Reporters ask me, 'Are you living
with Madonna?' and I'm like, 'No,' " says Paltrow. "We're not
roommates. I think people tend to exaggerate that whole thing."

One wonders what draws the Detroit homegirl and the uptown fashion
queen toward each other. "We are friends because she is a
fantastically interesting woman," Paltrow says. "She's very powerful
within herself.

"Plus, we are on similar paths in our lives in what we eat and our
yoga--stuff like that."

Not so similar was the English press' reaction to their recent
theater debuts.

Paltrow got raves for the London version of "Proof" and Madonna was
basically panned for her play "Up For Grabs." Does that kind of thing
hurt a friendship? Paltrow pooh-pooh's the idea. "I don't read the
papers in London and Madonna doesn't read any papers either, so the
reviews didn't matter to either of us," she insists.

Тема Рупърт не съжалява за The Next Best Thingнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik ()
Публикувано07.09.02 19:34

From September 2002 issue of Attitude:- Where's the closest eclipse between Rupert Everett on screen and you? I suppose in a way it was The Next Best Thing though it wasn't my most successful movie. Have you any regrets about making that film? Not really. There's..{thinks long and hard}..no,no regrets. I regret that it didn't turn out to be the movie that I wanted it to be. It was the first film that I started off in total control of. I was too naive to know how to work and play with the system, the production house, the studio. ...But I was still pleased with it. Some people will find that unbelievable can you explain why? When my mum saw it I couldn't believe her reaction and that almost make it worthwhile in itself. It was like watching what she wished was reality. She couldn't think of anything better than me getting together with Madonna. And waatching her watch the film I could tell that she's decided she ws watching a home-movie. She cried and cried and cried. All the way through.... Has she met Madonna? Yes she has actually.......It was great for me as well. I mean who wouldn't want to be in a film with Madonna? Just as a piece of history. I'm pleased that I got to sing with her on American Pie as well, as a result.

Тема Салмето Хайекнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik ()
Публикувано14.09.02 11:13

Salma Hayek has said the film portraying the life of Mexican artist Frida Khalo would never have been made without Madonna. Madonna fought hard to bring her story to the silver screen and although she didn't end up winning the role Hayek says she has no doubt if Madonna had not shown any interest it would not have gone ahead."

Тема Dirty Vegas-MTV "The Fridge"нови [re: nik]  
АвторBobby (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано29.09.02 13:14

"Силно поласкани сме от поканата да миксираме "Die Another Day" на Мадона.Специално благодарим на Мисис Ричи за това.Как звучи самото парче ли?It's absolutley gorgeous,it's amazing,it's huge!"

Тема Thunderpuss горди да миксират Мадона отновонови [re: Bobby]  
АвторBobby (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано02.10.02 22:52

Chris Cox of remixing/producing team Thunderpuss has told of his delight at being asked to remix 'Die Another Day'.

In a brief interview with Launch.com he said:
"The big news this week is we actually just remixed her new single. 'Die Another Day' is the single and it's for the 007 movie. She did the opening theme for it, and we got the chance to remix that. I mean, obviously it's an honor and a pleasure to remix Madonna, so that was very cool that we got a chance to get invited back to that party".

Тема Дона ДеЛори за новата Мадонанови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik ()
Публикувано08.10.02 19:43

Pop queen Madonna has become a more relaxed person now that she's a mum, according to one of her dancers.

Donna De Lory has performed as the pop diva's backing singer and dancer on four world tours and admits that the pop star is easier to work with now she has two children to think about.

The 35-year-old singer explains, "As a boss, Madonna's great. We've worked together for so long that I'm totally relaxed around her now."

"She's the ultimate professional, even if she's ill she'll give 100 per cent. But if you're not giving 100 per cent back then, like any boss, she gets disappointed and she can be hard."

"Although, now she's a mum, she's more patient. I've met both Lola and Rocco and they're beautiful, Lola loves playing with all the dancers and hanging out with us."

for every sin I have to pay...

Тема Пиърс Броснън и страшната Мадонанови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik ()
Публикувано16.10.02 19:26

He may be James Bond, but it appears Pierce Brosnan is afraid of Madonna. "She definitely pushes your button, and I made that mistake," admits Brosnan after a run-in with Madge on the set of new Bond film Die Another Day . So what happened to ruffle Madonna's feathers? "The guys in the trailer were joking around the day that she was on set, singing Like a Virgin. I'm miles away, and I'm out there with my saber and she's all dressed up in her costume and I forget that she's there and I start singing Like A Virgin," says Brosnan. "And oh man, Jesus! That's like a red rag to a bull. She thought that I was pulling her chain. She said, 'Are you trying to dis me?' and I said, 'No, Madonna. No, for God's sake, No!' You definitely don't want to upset Madonna!" The two made up, however, and Pierce was clear to state: "Madonna is a great choice. She gets out there and struts her stuff. The song she does is great, too. She said, 'Don't worry, I won't let you down,' and I said, 'Okay,' and she hasn't." Rumour also has it that Pierce asked for Madonna to be kept away from the set when he shot his steamy love scenes with the other Bond girl, Halle Berry, although the actor has vehemently denied it: "Keep Madonna away? Oh no, dear Madonna. Listen, I'm a big fan of Madonna's before you say anything else. I think she's dynamite." This is a first - we've never seen Bond bow down to a Bond Girl before

Тема Васкуес за ремиксирането на Secretнови [re: nik]  
Автор nik ()
Публикувано16.10.02 19:28

October 16, 2002: Madonna had the hottest single in the country with "Secret," which leapt from #30 to #4 on the Billboard singles chart. To keep the song hot in dance clubs, Madonna turned the tune over to one of New York's hottest remixers, Junior Vasquez, DJ at the Sound Factory. "They sent me a cassette of the song, just to get an idea what the song was," Junior Vasquez said of the original mid-tempo cut, "and when it was 100 beats per minute I said, 'Oh god, what am I gonna do with this?' " Before tackling the club mixes, Junior and his engineers experimented with versions truer to the original. Then, in a move that had become commonplace, Junior wrote and produced all new music for the club mixes, only utilizing Madonna's original vocals for the final product. "I knew I was gonna do the house thing, but I knew right away we'd have to speed up the vocals," he said. "To do that we have to digitally manipulate her vocals, which is time compression," engineer P. Dennis Mitchell explained. "It just digitally goes in and snipes out tiny little digital slices of the actual sound and squeezes it together so that her tempo is a new tempo but her pitch stays the same. Isn't that weird?" Vasquez asked. "She sounds exactly the same but she's singing faster. "Madonna's different 'cause she's like really on top of everything," he added. "The house mix is just as important to her as what her original interpretation of the song is."

Тема Фолк-бомбата Катинови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (still Bobby)
Публикувано23.10.02 19:14

Сдобилата се с чисто ново балконче фолк-звезда Кати отговоря на неудобен въпрос относно потресаващо слабите и гласови данни с лаконичното:
"И Мадона още ходи на уроци по пеене"
Много Мадони се навъдиха във фолка-то не беше Сашка Васева,то не беше Азис,а сега и Кати...

Bitch!...Now Sit Your Ass Down!

Тема Re: Фолк-бомбата Катинови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор angels (GERIFAN)
Публикувано23.10.02 22:44


'sigmund freud -analyze this.....

i`m gonna shake up the system!

Тема Гаджето на Елтън Джоннови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (still Bobby)
Публикувано24.10.02 18:26

Дългогодишният лавър на Елтън Джон упорито отказва да режисира биографичен филм за Мадона,до колкото знам,без дори да са го поканили.Дейвид Фърниш заявява на всеослушание,че не би направил нищо за плашеща жена като Мадона,която продава душата си на преста.И още:


ELTON JOHN'S boyfriend David Furnish has hit out at Madonna, claiming she's a "frightening lady".

The Canadian produced Elton's documentary Tantrums & Tiaras as well as Scots movie Women Talking Dirty.

But he claims he'd never do anything with Madonna.

Speaking on BBC Choice's Liquid News he said: "I can't imagine anything more boring than an autobiographical film about Madonna because there's no secrets.

"I'd turn down Madonna. She's a very frightening lady. People don't seem to relax around her. I find that kind of thing intimidating because you can't be yourself."

Bitch!...Now Sit Your Ass Down!

Тема Re: Гаджето на Елтън Джоннови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Very_Bad_Girl (Die Another Day)
Публикувано24.10.02 19:14

vile valo ot HIM
,,nari4am Madonna ve4e samo Makdonna,za6toto e kato burger ot makdonalds-vkusen i s perfecten still``

I guess I`ll Die Another Day,
Its not my Time to go...

Тема Re: Гаджето на Елтън Джоннови [re: Very_Bad_Girl]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (still Bobby)
Публикувано24.10.02 20:09

David Furnish has revealed why he'd never make a documentary about Madonna. 'I can't imagine anything more boring than a film about her. She's bared her soul to the press. We've witnessed every incarnation. There's no mystery. No mystique.'


Bitch!...Now Sit Your Ass Down!

Тема Re: Гаджето на Елтън Джоннови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Very_Bad_Girl (Die Another Day)
Публикувано24.10.02 20:21

поредния неизвестен 6 без 10 който си търси слава
p.s.абсолютно нищо нямам против хомосексуалните

I guess I`ll Die Another Day,
Its not my Time to go...

Тема Еминем, копираниятнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik ()
Публикувано26.10.02 17:59

A Controversial rap star named Eminem has accused Madonna of trying to upstage him with the video for her new song 'What It Feels Like For A Girl'.
Apparently Eminem is convinced that Madonna is trying to copy his act. Kind of funny coming from a guy who has never even had a video banned.
Madonna's video, directed by husband Guy Ritchie, has been struck off MTV's play list because of its violent nature.

Тема Re: Еминем, вечно мърморещиятнови [re: nik]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (still Bobby)
Публикувано27.10.02 15:02

"Предпочитам да съм на зъболекарският стол вместо да подгрявам турнето на Мадона"

Bitch!...Now Sit Your Ass Down!

Тема Лиз отвръща на ударанови [re: Very_Bad_Girl]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (still Bobby)
Публикувано27.10.02 15:05

The following is from The New York Post....

A NICE little feud could be developing between Madonna and Elton John's lover David Furnish. The young stud made some snarky remarks about the rumor - which turned out to be untrue - that Madonna was writing a film about her life. "[Madonna] is kinda cold," Furnish told the London Sun. "I can't imagine anything more boring than a film about her because there's no secrets. She's bared her soul to the press. We've witnessed every incarnation. There's no mystery, there's no mystique." Madonna's rep, Liz Rosenberg, responded by wondering, "And the highlights of Mr. Furnish's prolific career would be . . . ? Who is he to judge anyone's soul anyway, the Dalai Lama?"

Bitch!...Now Sit Your Ass Down!

Тема Мишел Бранчнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik ()
Публикувано31.10.02 10:19

"I saw Madonna's recent play (Up For Grabs) in London. Up For Grabs was fantastic. She did a really, really good job!"

Тема Марк МакГрант от Sugar Rayнови [re: nik]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (HEбракуван)
Публикувано10.11.02 18:56

Mark McGrath from Sugar Ray have some interesting to say about Madonna: After the relatively disappointing sales of their last album, Sugar Ray are going back to the drawing board.
Singer Mark McGrath said on Monday the band's fifth release will likely include a few collaborations with red-hot producers the Neptunes.
"It's funny, you wait your whole life to have a sound ... and now it's like we gotta do something else," McGrath explained. "I think Madonna set the bar pretty high for changing yourself and metamorphosing and staying current. And we're in that position now. We've been in the same area for five years, so we're gonna pull the trigger and do something different this time."

Апропо:по едно време двамцата не се ли задиряха нещо?

Тема Пиърс Броснаннови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik ()
Публикувано15.11.02 23:28

Speaking at the MTV Europe Awards yesterday Pierce Brosnan sung Madonna's praises. The Bond actor said he was completely overwhelmed when he met her, that he was a massive fan and that she is the ultimate icon.

Тема David Arnold:DAD is the worst ever/M can't singнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Mad about Mad)
Публикувано24.11.02 16:02

From the Mail On Sunday:-

Madonna's theme song for the latest Bond movie has been rubbished by the man who created the film score. Grammy award winning composer David Arnold, a veteran of the last three Bond movies, described her synthesised, techno dance track as the worst Bond song ever. He did not use a note from her 'tune-free' composition in the rest of the score for Die Another Day.

He said: 'The studio needed maximum exposure in America and they needed a major star to guarantee radio airspace. Madonna brings that.' At the premiere when Prince Phillip heard that Madonna sang the theme tune, he asked:'Are we going to need ear plugs?'. The composer, who has written the scores of a host of blockbusters said: 'I feel sorry for that old boy having to sit through that - it was very loud. If I'd had a pair, I would have given him them.' Mr Arnold had wanted a traditional, orchestral opening number with the power of Dame Shirley's Bassey Goldfinger, which could be subtly reworked into the score at dramatic moments in the film.

But Madonna's song, which uses a Vocodor devide to give her voice a robotic tone, stands completely apart. The pop queen herself said: 'I thought it was time Bond was introduced to techno.' Mr Arnold did not. He wrote a classical score for an 85-piece orchestra and hired superstar DJ Paul Oakenfield to give it a contemporary feel. He added: 'Madonna had no place in my musical world for Bond. She has endured stinging criticism but no-one has criticised me for not working her score into the filmscore. She got three minutes, I got 92. Being asked to do Bond is a poisoned challice because you are competing with some of the greatest songs ever written. Madonna is no Shirley Bassey. People often use a Vocodor to disguise the fact that they can't sing. Can Madonna sing? No comment. Ideally I would have liked to have made some musical sense of her song but I couldn't. If you ask Bond fans they don't like it - if you ask Madonna fans they love it. I am a Bond fan.'

So there you go. People only use Vocodor's to disguise the fact that they can't sing. Is it one of the worst Bond songs ever? Or is, at least, one of Madonna's worst songs? Have your say.

On a lighter note the News of the World carry a small picture of Madonna complete with what is fast becoming her trademark flat cap and comment on how she looks like a bloke:-

Who's that girl? Well, I reckon Madonna looks more like a geezer than a bird in this get-up. She wore her true Brit-style flat cap as she left London's Mandarin Oriental hotel with hubby Guy Ritchie. An onlooker said: 'She's been living here for so long, she probably considers herself a Brit and it did look like she was trying to be one. It was OTT but then Madge has never been one for dressing down, has she?'

Тема Re: David Arnold:DAD is the worst ever/M can't singнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Very_Bad_Girl (French Kiss)
Публикувано24.11.02 18:49

tozi ili e kompleksiran ili e mnnogo zavistliv ili i 2-te
eeeh zavist 4ove6ka


Тема Shakira is the new face of world rockнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано27.01.03 16:15

Shakira is the new face of world rock

By Ramiro Burr
San Antonio Express-News

Web Posted : 01/24/2003 12:00 AM

Global superstar Shakira unleashed her new rock world order at a loud, packed SBC Center Thursday night.

In the course of her 90-minute, 18-song performance Shakira showed the scope and depth of her talent, fusing rock grooves, Arabian rhythms, reggae flavors and more into a bewitching stew that mesmerized her fans and kept them on their feet for most of the show.

Opening at about 8:45 p.m. with the exotic hit tune "Ojos Asi," the long-blond-tressed Shakira stepped out on stage beneath a towering mechanical cobra. Wearing black, skin-tight leather pants and black top, Shakira snaked across the stage in her signature move, swinging her hips and her rear like an expert bellydancer, eliciting whoops and cheers as the mostly Latino audience roared its approval.

Most stayed on their feet as Shakira ran down a hypnotizing run that included the urgent "Si Te Vas," the brutally honest "Fool" and the "Ciega Sordomuda," her paean to blind love.

She demonstrated she could also have fun when she tore into Aerosmith's "Dude (Looks Like a Lady)" and AC/DC's retro "Back in Black."

Her nine-piece backing band, which included a violin and horn player, competently segued from Arabian/pop grooves to arena rock and even reggae rhythms.

Despite the cold weather outside, hundreds of young Latinas stalked the corridors wearing skimpy tops, hip-hugger blue jeans and colorful scarves trying desperately to emulate their hero.

The vision recalled the cultural impact of an '80s icon named Madonna

The show peaked on Shakira's feverish tune "Estoy Aquн," whose intro she rearranged as a slow-tempo bluesy number before exploding into the urgent singalong choruses.

On "Octavio Dia," she unveiled another facet of her artistry -- the rare artist willing to make a political statement. While she sang, a video showed President George Bush and Saddam Hussein puppets playing a game of chess. At the end, the Grim Reaper was revealed as the puppetmaster.

Shakira, 25, is the sound and vision of the new American rock. A strange statement to make considering Shakira comes from Colombia.

But as the history books show us, rock has always been defined by the unique distillation and fusions of various influences from pop, rock, blues, to soul, metal, rap and more.

Shakira brought her new interpretation of seminal American pop/rock, wrapped with Colombia cumbia and Arabian flavors to produce a new recipe that has somehow found an appreciative world audience.

On Thursday night, Shakira reminded us of pop icons past, yet her originality still stood out.

She is not as contrived as Madonna, as prefabricated as N'Sync, or as shallow as Paulina Rubio. She has the wild rock energy of Aerosmith but with brains. Her vocals recall the yodeling Alanis Morissette, but she adds political purpose.

Shakira's inspiring concert performance demonstrated that despite the fact that she is Latina and from Colombia, (opposite the rock stereotype), she is the new face of relevant world rock today.

Тема U2's Bonoнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано31.01.03 18:42

On Madonna

"I'm interested in anything she does. The music is a little off-the-shelf for
me, but it's almost like the lack of personality in her music heightens the
personality in her voice."

Тема Мишел Бранчнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано12.02.03 19:18

Да,Мадона е моят бос.Видяхме се за първи път бекстейдж на мой концерт.Очаквах да видя едва ли не нещо неземно.Тя се оказа адски мила и земна.

Тема Къртни Лавнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано12.02.03 19:22

"Рок музиката е силна...Трябва да има китари...Много китари...И барабани...Арита Франклин е страхотна,но то това нейното не е рок...Не е...Бритни!?...Глупости!...Мадона!?...Не,това което ря прави в никакъв случай не е рок...По дяволите,нямам нито един диск на Мадона...Всъщност,какво толкова,харесвам само една нейна песен...Как и беше името...А, да,"La Isla Bonita"..."

разсъждения на Къртни що е то рок...

Тема Re: Къртни Лавнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор angels (GeriFAN)
Публикувано12.02.03 23:16



Тема Re: Мишел Бранчнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор angels (GeriFAN)
Публикувано12.02.03 23:18


Тема Alan Parker On Madonnaнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано14.02.03 20:38

Alan Parker On Madonna from Today's New York Times

Of Course,
Evita Was Gangsta

ALAN PARKER, director of "The Life of David Gale," was at the Regency Hotel to promote the film. The death row thriller stars KEVIN SPACEY, LAURA LINNEY and KATE WINSLET, all of whom Mr. Parker said, were "three great actors" and "three decent people."

"Someone like Kate Winslet thinks of herself exactly the same way as she does the cinematographer," Mr. Parker said. "When they're that nice and that easy, it just makes the process more enjoyable."

Tell us about the actors who weren't so nice.

"Oh, no," Mr. Parker said.

He gave it away in a television documentary, when he described MADONNA, whom he directed in "Evita," as "interesting and challenging."

"Madonna?" Mr. Parker said. "Oh! Madonna was very nice to me. She was horrendous to everyone else. But I mean, it wasn't her world. You know, we work ridiculous hours. We work a 14-hour day, a six-day week. And we work in incredible cold and wet conditions. It's never near as glamorous as people think."

So was he gloating when "Swept Away" was such a disaster?

Mr. Parker turned away trying to hide a smile.

"I can't be blamed," he said. "You can only blame her husband."

Тема Re: Alan Parker On Madonnaнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор angels (GeriFAN)
Публикувано15.02.03 00:53

"I can't be blamed," he said. "You can only blame her husband."

tolkova li e bil zle toq film???????????!!!!

...Love is all we need
Everything I give U
All comes back 2 me

Тема Re: Alan Parker On Madonnaнови [re: angels]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано16.02.03 16:12

Май Алън Паркър има впредвид,че режисурата е кофти.

Тема Re: Alan Parker On Madonnaнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор angels (GeriFAN)
Публикувано17.02.03 23:41


Lose Some Weight

Тема Re: How Mr Big turned down Madonnaнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор angels (GeriFAN)
Публикувано17.02.03 23:42

Lose Some Weight

Тема Коста Марковнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано20.02.03 21:02

Текст: Румен Стефанов
Музика: Ленко Драганов
Изпълнява:Коста Марков

В Холивуд мечтая да отида знай
Да си пия сладко чая с Памела и Слай.
Там дори Мадона може да сваля
Сутрин искам панталона да ми глади тя.

Холивуд, Холивуд
Тръгвам аз за Холи-Холивуд!
Холивуд, Холивуд
Купонът е във Холи-Холивуд!

Мелани ме иска пак за кавалер,
Няма да поема риска с какичката Шер.
Шарън Стоун ми праща розови писма,
А Марая Кери дава своята душа.

Зная че ме искат Синди и Селин
Много, много се натискат, но съм аз един
Там дори Мадона може да сваля
Сутрин искам панталона да ми глади тя.

Тоя чувство за хумор ли се опитва да прояви!?Като го гледам,най-много да подноси нейните панталони....

Тема Бой Джорж съска за пореден път...нови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано04.03.03 18:51

Имам усещането,че единственият метод таз мазна охлюветка Бой Джорж да привлече някакво внимание към антипатичната си персона е да оплюе Мадона:

"Madonna has had it, she is grasping at straws trying to find new things to do - The new video theme is in bad taste"

Тема Re: Бой Джорж съска за пореден път...нови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор nik ()
Публикувано04.03.03 19:21

Тоя пък не се умори и той. Добре, че едва ли някой го помни. Бедната леля Джордж така и не прости на Мадона, че, за разлика от него, нея я знаеха и през 90-те.

Тема Country Singer Looks to Madonna for Tipsнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано04.03.03 19:35

Country Singer Looks to Madonna for Tips

It's hard to imagine a country singer looking to pop star Madonna for career tips, but that's exactly what Tracy Lawrence is doing.

"I think you just have to do like Madonna's doing over the last several years, you just reinvent yourself," Lawrence told The Associated Press.

"You find how you fit into where it's going. You see how the industry is changing. Because the bottom line is I'm a musician, and I'm an entertainer. And it's in my best interest to find out how I fit into the picture. I don't know how you chase it, or whatever, but you just have to learn to adapt."

Lawrence, whose hits include "If The World Had A Front Porch," said he's in it for the long haul. And if he's going to make it, he has to be flexible.

"You just learn to change the spots on your back like a chameleon," he said. "And be a different color if you have to be. Because all I know is that this is what I'm supposed to do. I'm supposed to be making music. I've been doing it for 10 years, 11 years. And I plan on doing it for another 20 or 30. So if I'm going to keep doing this for a living, I have to adjust."

Lawrence, who is working on his 10th album, said music has taken a back seat to image.

"I don't think it's so much of the music," he said. "And I hate to say this, but if you go to a corporate meeting with radio, and you sit in there and listen to what they talk about, I guarantee you music is at the bottom of list. There are a lot more other things.

"I think I can continue to record the kind of music that I record," he continued. "It's the support team I put around me and the way that I image myself that will make the difference. And we're working on some of those things."

Lawrence is currently on the "Rockin' Roadhouse Tour" with Joe Diffie and Mark Chesnutt.


Тема Missy Elliott on MTVнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано21.03.03 17:56

Missy mentioned Madonna last night...

Missy Elliot mentioned yesterday on some MTV countdown that she just finished some Madonna remixes and that M's new song American Life is HOT!

She also said that she raps on it like we already know. Anyway......

Тема George Michaelнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано21.03.03 18:01

"In so many respects she's the perfect pop artist".

Тема Jay Lenoнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор floranse (PussyCat)
Публикувано02.04.03 18:06

Leno:"In light of the war with Iraq, Madonna has chosen not to release her new video. See, the war is paying off already!"

Тема Shakira Calls Madonna 'Spineless'нови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано01.05.03 19:24

SHAKIRA has called MADONNA"spineless" for axing the controversial anti-war video to new single 'AMERICAN LIFE'.

She says the star should have stuck with the original promo for the track, rather than putting together a new one weeks before its release because of the war in Iraq.

In the first video Madonna dresses as a soldier and throws a grenade into US President George W Bush's lap.

She told fans she had withdrawn the video out of "sensitivity and respect" to the armed forces involved in the Iraq War.

But Shakira told ananova: "I'd expect a little more backbone fromMadonna. Good pop music is always political in times of crisis."

Shakira made a strong anti-war statement by projecting images of Saddam Hussein and Bush as puppets during her tour.

But they lose control of the game and the puppeteer is revealed as the grim reaper.

Тема Madonna Sparks Eve's Fetishнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Arlina(ln Vitro) (Little Dita)
Публикувано02.05.03 12:41

Rap beauty Eve has disclosed the true inspiration behind her upcoming fashion line Fetish - pop superstar Madonna.

The rapper, whose clothing range is due to hit stores in the autumn, admits the trendsetting 44-year-old has had a huge influence on her style.

Eve says, "She always looks great, even when you see her in Adidas sweatsuits. She always looks hot."


Арлина,време е ...

Тема kelly clarckstonнови [re: Arlina(ln Vitro)]  
Автор Arlina(ln Vitro) (Little Dita)
Публикувано02.05.03 12:47

kelly clarckston said Madonna is washed up and that the only reason she is #1 is because of her success in the 80's. She also went on to say that id M tours again no one will want to go because she charges too much and plays her new songs which did not make her famous.

Арлина,време е ...

Тема Re: kelly clarckstonнови [re: Arlina(ln Vitro)]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано04.05.03 17:22

Това смешно момиченце чува ли се?Май се е барнала за голяма звезда вече.Тц тц.Нерви се момичето сигурно за това,че Мадона пооплю подбраните с конкурси като стадо овци певачици...

Тема Chrissie Hynde on Madonnaнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано04.05.03 18:19

For Hynde, rock music all is about personality. Madonna (or MacDonna, as she dismisses her) is a disco queen. "There’s nothing rock about her. But there’s everything rock about Sinead O’Connor. Joni Mitchell, too, may not sound like rock, but she’s got a rock personality."

from Scotland On Sunday

Тема PJ Harveyнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано17.05.03 19:24

"I like Madonna. I think she is a good song writer. I would like to write for her one day, but I don't think she'd be interested."

Тема Bill O'Reilly attacks Madonna, againнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано20.05.03 13:39

Bill O'Reilly:

"Madonna used to be fun to watch and listen to. Her success demonstrated the fact that in America you can make it to the top by starting at the bottom. Today, however, she is no longer fun and no longer symbolically accessible to the fans who made her a star. She is living in England and talking trash about the President while using a funny accent that would get you shoved in Detroit. Get back home, Madonna. Get back where you belong."

Тема Nicky Harris goes motherhood because of Madonnaнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано20.05.03 14:47

Madonna's maternity tips for Snap singer...

Nicky Harris from Snap has revealed to Radio 1 that she's been getting advice on babies from none other than Madonna.

Nicky, who is three months pregnant, is a good mate of Madonna as she's been one of her backing singers for years.

Snap's 'Do You See The Light', an early 90s song which has been given a makeover by Plaything, is in the shops this week.

According to Nicky, M reckons she should take it easy during all of those TV appearances:

"She gave me advice for coming here. I talked to her right before I left LA. She's there doing her new video for the Bond film."

"She said just make sure I stand very still and let the dancers dance around me. Now this is coming from a woman who did 'Evita' when she was pregnant!"

"I'm hoping for a girl so I can get a lot of hand-me-downs!"

Тема Sara Brightmanнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор SKiN (нанкащ)
Публикувано30.05.03 17:17

Във свое настояще интервю певицата споделя, че любимият и албум е "Американски живот" на Мадона. Любимите и песни били Еаsy Ride & Nothing Fails. Сара Брайтмън също така споделя, че Мадона ще бъде Кралицата на поп-музиката завинаги!

Тема Stevie Nicksнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано31.05.03 19:55

"Well, don't you think that comes out of the songs? I'm certain that a 15 year old can listen to "silver girl" and relate to it. And Madonna has the same thing. She writes incredble songs,which by the way she pulls out of the air. She is an amazing songwriter,besides being beautiful and changing constantly."

Тема Re: Stevie Nicksнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор angels (GeriMad)
Публикувано31.05.03 20:22

koi e stevie nicks?


Тема Re: Stevie Nicksнови [re: angels]  
Автор armydreamer (creature)
Публикувано31.05.03 22:57

Правилният въпрос е "Коя е Стиви Никс?"...

oh, these little earthquakes
here we go again

Тема Re: Stevie Nicksнови [re: armydreamer]  
Автор angels (GeriMad)
Публикувано01.06.03 01:35



Тема Фолкаджийката Малинанови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано08.07.03 20:57

"Още в най-ранната си фаза на създаване "Леден свят" се очертаваше като силно и динамично парче.Заедно с моят музикален продуцент Тодор Димитрив-Токича се впуснахме в смели експериментаций.Получи се нещо,което схематично се доближава до "Американски живот" на Мадона-основната тема на песента се сменя на няколко пъти,вплетен е и речитатив"

Това казва Малинчето пред специализирано фолкаджийско издание от преди около месец.По принцип в парчето и действително единственото,което би я доближило до Мадониния AL е именно това-че е записано на няколко нива и има нещо като "рап".До там.Иначе като за фолкаджийка звучи адски свежо.Като се заслушам,защо ли усещам някакви семпли от хита на Панджаби МС?

Малина "Леден Свят" тук --->

Тема Re: Фолкаджийката Малинанови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор true^boy (since_1994)
Публикувано09.07.03 00:29

Тя май беше тази с парчето "Музика" от нейната стара продукция направена по времето на "Music".Ама че е смешна

Тема Re: Фолкаджийката Малинанови [re: true^boy]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано10.07.03 12:27

МММда.Май беше попревела текста на Мадониното парче на фона на някакъв пъргав ритъм...

Тема Селин Дионнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nikname (nik)
Публикувано18.07.03 12:26

We Are Family!

Posted: 15 July 2003

Channel 4 chat show presenters, Richard and Judy told Celine Dion (chatting via satellite ) of her historical family link to Madonna.

Judy said to Celine: 'Do you know one of our British magazines found out that one of your female relatives and one of Madonnas male relatives got together in the 16th century?'

Celine replied: 'Really I didn't know this, I love Madonna and I have met her several times. She is a hard working woman and a great Mother. Lets give her a call and I can sing 'We are Family!'

Thanks to Sharon for this story.

Тема Michelle Branch on Madonnaнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано21.07.03 16:25

Michelle Branch on Madonna

The Australian magazine "Sain" had an interesting chat with Maverick artist Michelle Branch. Speaking about her boss, the young singer said: "I've met Madonna a few times and to be honest I just could not get over the fact that she was so normal. I was like wow, you're Madonna and you're just like sitting there breating like everyone else! She was just so normal and sincere and she's like, 'Dude, you made a great record. I love your record.' And she's really supportive and she's really cool. Another major Maverick Artist was very supportive as well. Alanis Morrisette said to Branch:'Great to see there are more chicks out there rocking!'"

Тема Missyнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nikname ()
Публикувано03.08.03 18:07

Rapper Missy Elliott reportedly snubbed pop superstar Madonna on the set of the commercial they shot together for clothes company GAP. According to American magazine, the New York Metro, the ‘Work It’ star kept the singer waiting while she sat in her car chatting - and then refused an invitation to spend time with the Material Girl at her Los Angeles home.

Elliott had told television reporters in America this week how honoured she felt to appear alongside Madonna in the add. She gushed, "I always dreamed of working with Madonna because I always thought that if I had any kind of connection with another artist it would be Madonna." However, according to the Metro, Missy kept Madonna waiting for 45 minutes while she spoke on the phone, and then when the singer tapped on the window to encourage her to hurry up - Elliott reportedly dismissed her with a flick of the hand. Missy then snubbed Madonna's attempts to get the pair to bond, by turning down an invitation to her swanky LA pad.

The magazine claims Elliott only cooperated with Madonna - who has been paid A$15 million to promote Gap - when handlers advised her it was in her best interests.

Тема Re: Stars On Madonnaнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nikname ()
Публикувано03.08.03 18:38

When u were working with Madonna she was nothing more than a little singer with a few hits. Like A Virgin made her an Icon.
"The first time I saw her I instantly knew she was gonna make it. She had charisma, personality and she wasn't affraid to role up her sleeves and get down 2 work. In all of showbizz I don't know anybody who works as hard as she does. And every place i took her, heads would turn. everyone wanted 2 know who that girl was sitting next 2 Nile Rodgers. 2 Me, she's the last REAL popstar. The Marlиne Dietrich of her generation. Even if she never scores another hit, people will always b interested in her."

When u listen 2 LAV, it really just sounds like another Chic album but with a different singer.
"That's true. U can say that about most of my collaborations, actually. U hear excited musicians playing their parts. Like A Virgin is probably the most simple song I ever recorded though. The whole thing was played live and recorded in one take. No studio tricks or special effects. Madonna was also a lot easier to work with than Diana Ross, who was already very much a superstar when I met her. Naturally she behaved that way, too. She had a real temper . I once told her in very polite way that her voice wasn't sounding as good as usual that day. So, she just stormed out of the studio and whe had 2 wait 2 months b4 she came back 2 finish the record."

Тема Missy, againнови [re: nikname]  
Автор SKiN (нанкащ)
Публикувано08.08.03 19:10

By NY Metro

After reading our item last week in which we reported that she and Madonna didn't hit it off right while filming their new Gap ads, Missy Elliott called us up to explain that she wasn't herself that day because of a personal crisis.

'Madonna came to me and asked what was wrong, and I told her in a roundabout way,' she told us. 'She called her spiritual adviser over the day of the shoot; he gave me, like, the red string, and he prayed for me. The rest of the shoot was fine....I would never disrespect her.

Тема Бейбифейс за създаването на Take a Bowнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nikname ()
Публикувано15.08.03 11:00


Writers: Babyface, Madonna

Producers: Babyface, Madonna

The "Erotica" album explored the darker side of her personality, Madonna contends, while "Bedtime Stories" revealed a more romantic side. "I wanted a lot more r&b feel to this record", she said. "The idea going in was to juxtapose my singing style with a hard core hip-hop sensibility and have the finished product still sound like a Madonna record. I began the process by meeting with the hip-hop producers whose work I most admired. It was important, if I were to use a variety of collaborators, that the end product sound cohesive and thematically whole. I wasn`t interested in the variety pack approach."

Her search for R&B producers led to one of the most successful writer/producer of the 90s. "I got a call from her camp wanting to set up a meeting first to see if there was any interest in working together," Babyface remembers. "I went to her record company and met with her and we got along fine." What do two superstars talk about when they first meet? "We talked about the weather, and the music we liked," the producer explains. "And we were both pleasantly surprised at each other`s surroundings, in that she didn`t have a whole gang of security and I wasn`t traveling with a major posse either. It was refreshing to not have to go through that because a lot of younger producers she worked with brought in major security and major posses. Some celebrities that I work with, it`s such a major thing to get to them. So this was far more relaxing. After that, we decided to write together. She came over to my house - she`d drive herself. We went inside my writing room and just started going for it. We ended up writing two songs."

One of the songs was based on a piece of music Babyface had already written. "I didn`t know where to take it," he confesses. "Then I played it for Madonna and she immediately heard something in it. She clearly gave the song direction. We both wrote lyrics but she was the driving force. She was a great writing partner. She`s very clever in her lyrics and very picturesque." They both agreed that the first line of the lyrics should be the title, even though the words "take a bow" were never repeated in the song.

When it came time to record the song, Babyface found he was nervous at the prospect of being in the studio with Madonna. He wondered if she would be too anal about recording, "Maybe too much of a perfectionist," he elaborates. "And you can go years into the studio if you`re an perfectionist. I`m not that kind of an writer/producer. But it was very easy. And the mix was very easy, one of the quickest I`ve done. It was a joy."

"Take A Bow" was recorded with a full orchestra. It was the first time Babyface worked with live strings. "It was her suggestion, and it was Nellee Hooper who actually arranged the strings. She had worked with them many times before, but for me, it was a new experience. So I was learning new things. I had always thought about it, but never done it."

Madonna had a good chart year in 1994, with "I`ll Remember" from the film "With Honors" spending four weeks at number two, and "Secret", the first single from "Bedtime Stories", peaking at number three. "Take A Bow" entered the Hot 100 the week of December 17, 1994, and reached the top at the end of February, 1995. It remained on top for seven weeks, easily becoming Madonna`s biggest hit to date.

By Fred Bronson from "The Billboard Book Of Number One Hits" (1997).

Тема Pink'2001 & 2003нови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано30.08.03 21:38


She was definitely my role model," Pink said of the Material Girl. "When I was eight I thought I was her. I went into my mom's closet and did my best to look like her but, you know, everybody has their time and I think I'm into more hardcore stuff now."


I'm out to make people forget about Madonna."

Тема Ashanti for the VMA'sнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано30.08.03 22:01

"Oh, my Gosh, yeah, I was shocked! Madonna, Christina and Britney, they did their thing. It was a little shocking for me. I was like, "Whoa! Hey! Oh!" But they did their thing. I guess that’s, you know, To Each His Own."

Тема Duran Duran's Simon LeBon for the VMA'sнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано30.08.03 22:02

'I wish it was me she was snogging.'

Тема Re: Duran Duran's Simon LeBon for the VMA'sнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано30.08.03 22:03

'That kiss was good, but where was mine?'

Тема Justin timberlake for the VMA'sнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано30.08.03 22:04

'I am not saying anything about it - that's how I get into trouble.'

Тема Re: Duran Duran's Simon LeBon for the VMA'sнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор floranse (PussyCat)
Публикувано30.08.03 22:04

Остана и Дамита да си сложи подобна сигнатура

Тема Fred Durstнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано30.08.03 22:34

I think they need to include me as a threesome so I can get it going

Тема JENNIFER ESPOSITOнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано30.08.03 22:35

Q : Britney, Christina and Madonna make out?
A: Love Madonna. Madonna started it for those girls, and i am so. I just love what they did and to see Madonna, the other girls are great but Madonna and Missy on stage: amazing. I love them, they are amazing so that was exciting .
Q: what video do you remember on MTV growing up?
A: Madonna, Like A Virgin, because I remember I used to try and dress like her. My mother was like, "No, that's awful". I used to keep it in my school bag and when i left the house i'd put it on for school.
Q : idol growing up?
A :Madonna, i think everybodys.

Тема JESSICA ALBA :нови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано30.08.03 22:37

Q : Who do you think looks particularly hot tonight?
A : Beyonce. I think beyonce looks amazing. Madonna looks amazing. Missy looks all hip hop and fashion. She's always her own woman. Ashanti looks really nice. Madonna looked amazing, oops I said that already, didn't I ?

Тема JESSICA SIMPSONнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано30.08.03 22:37

Q : Were you surprised by the Madonna, Britney, Christina kiss ?
A : No, cause Britney's manager and Nick's (her husband) manager are the same, so I knew about it .
Q : I thought you'd hear about that from your manager, she's managing Madonna too, no ?
A : Oh no, I don't work with Caresse anymore, nice woman though but it didn't worked out with my dad and all ........so

Тема CARSON DALYнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано30.08.03 22:38

Q : Is there anyone you're psyched to see ?
A : Madonna, I got a kiss from Madonna! My first kiss of the night came from Madonna. I'm pretty happy about that. I thought the opening number was great. Oh, I also loved eminem and crank yankers. That was funny.

Тема JASON BIGGSнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано30.08.03 22:40

Q : Who do you think looks really hot tonight ?
A : Madonna. How old is she? You think I can get a Madonna and Biggs thing going like Kutcher and Moore ? You know Demi and Ashton, Madonna and Jason ?
Q : Is there anyone you're psyched to see?
A : I was psyched to see Madonna. That was pretty outrageous! Christina Aguilera, nah. Madonna, for sure !!!!

Тема JIMMY FALLONнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Hole In My Soul)
Публикувано30.08.03 22:41

Q : What did you think of the Madonna number?
A : Oh it was awesome ! It was like a double standing ovation ! WOW was my reaction !!!

Тема Re: Duran Duran's Simon LeBon for the VMA'sнови [re: floranse]  
Автор damita (michaelized)
Публикувано31.08.03 03:29

Ако го направя хората ще станат разногледи!!!... :) И без друго стоя на твоите и на мненията на Боби по-дълго, отколкото трябва... Остана като пиша и аз да се зазяпвам в собствените си теми... ще ми отнема много време тоя дир :)))

Genius in motion!

Тема Re: Christina And Justin Comment On Britneyнови [re: floranse]  
Автор damita (michaelized)
Публикувано31.08.03 03:32

По дяволите, никой ли не е записал тези репетиции!!!!

Genius in motion!

Тема Renee Zellwegerнови [re: Bobby]  
АвторBad_Bobby (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано09.10.03 18:05

"Madonna, for example, fascinates me because she always manages to reinvent herself in her own life. Not for a particular audience or because of what people's perceptions might be. But it seems to me that she's having a really good time and experimenting with new things".

Тема Doly Partonнови [re: Bobby]  
АвторBad_Bobby (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано14.10.03 16:24

Doly Parton to Melissa Etheridge :

"Don't make me kiss you. I'm not Madonna, I'm MaDolly!"

Тема Re: PJ HARVEYнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Jupiter (воден)
Публикувано15.10.03 17:57

Ииии! Някой да каже на Мадона да направи нещо с ПиДжей! Тва определено ще ми хареса повече отколкото тва с Бритни, дето вече не го слушам...


Тема Руши Виденлиевнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор MadLover (непознат)
Публикувано23.10.03 11:46

Руши (не мисля, че на този пост тука му е мястото, защото Руши не е никаква "звезда") се оказа, че бил голям фен на Мадона. преди около 10 дена във форума на предаването Вечерна смяна по телевизия ММ, имаше възможност да се зададе въпрос към Руши. Аз зададох въпрос - какво мисли за последния албум на Мадона. Учудващото беше, че той отговори изключително компетентно. Изказа положително мнение за албума Like a Prayer и за старите й песни. Освен това каза, че "American Life е перфектен албум" и любимата му песен от него е Esay Ride. Освен това каза, че се възхищава на Мадона и като личност.
Явно Руши не е чак такъв музикален "инвалид", какъвто езглежда!!!

There is a light above my head...

Тема Aerosmith Guitarist Slams Madonnaнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор floranse (PussyCat)
Публикувано27.10.03 14:50

In an interview with The Las Vegas Review-Journal, Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry answered a question by criticizing Madonna:

Interviewer: The last time I saw you in concert, I had just seen Madonna, and Madonna wouldn't play fan favorites. But Aerosmith will play them. I'm guessing you've played "Dream On" 2,000 times.

Joe Perry: Definitely. We're not so full of ourselves that we put ourselves above the audience.

Тема Re: Aerosmith Guitarist Slams Madonnaнови [re: floranse]  
Автор SKiN (нанкащ)
Публикувано27.10.03 22:06

Не сте ли забелязали, че на рокаджиите всичко им е криво!?

Тема Tori Amosнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор nikname ()
Публикувано30.10.03 11:05

Tori Amos On Madonna

Q: As a part-time English resident, mother and lioness, you have a lot in common with Madonna. What do you think of her?

Tori: I don't know her. I'd need to be face to face with her to know. I don't believe what's written about her because that's just projection. When I see a person in front of me, I try and do what my Eastern Cherokee grandfather did; listen to what they're not saying. Then you go from there... or you don't.

Q: Do you think you'd be able to chat like girl friends?

Tori: We're both lionesses, but some lionesses work in the pride with other lionesses and some don't; some are willing to be f*cked by a lion and there are some who go hunt. Then there are some who do both but I've always said it depends on the lion.

Тема Re: Mel C on American Life albumнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Set you Free (Geri+Mad)
Публикувано01.11.03 20:07

ubiite q s kamuni!

Тема Re: Kylieнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Set you Free (Geri+Mad)
Публикувано01.11.03 20:09

Тема Re: Уитни пред "Q"нови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Set you Free (Geri+Mad)
Публикувано02.11.03 19:54

tova e ot predi nai-malko desetiletie ........

Тема Re: Уитни пред "Q"нови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Jupiter (воден)
Публикувано03.11.03 01:44

Тая смъркачка да ходи да се гръмне някъде!

Тема Re: Janet Jacksonнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор nikname ()
Публикувано08.11.03 16:59

Този невероятен успех й е донесъл продажби колкото на Бритни Спиърс.... Дори Мадона да продава от всеки свой албум от тук нататък по 5 милиона, а Джанет да удвои средните продажби на албумите си (последният й "успех" е продал 5 милиона за две години, малко повече от провала American Life за шест месеца) пак няма да са съизмерими

Тема Re: Готие на МТВ Евро-наградитенови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Jupiter (Optimus Maximus)
Публикувано09.11.03 20:47

Това и аз го гледах. Изкефи ме коментара по адрес на "модния стил" на Пуф Деди

Тема Кайлинови [re: Bobby]  
Автор MadLover (непознат)
Публикувано21.11.03 09:40

Какво е влиянието на Мадона върху музиката ти?
"В началото много се влияех от нея и все още не мога да се откъсна. Все пак тя е най-великата изпълнителка за всички времена, поп икона, която проправи пътеката пред всички модерни изпълнителки"
Ако тя те помоли много учтиво, би ли се целувала с нея на сцената?
"Не, не мисля, че бих се съгласила."

(от сп. Ритъм)

There is a light above my head...

Тема Tupacнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор nikname ()
Публикувано29.11.03 16:52

Tupac's new book RESSURRECTION
"madonna is real nice,
she's a good person she helped me a lot.She was real cool, like anyone one of my houseboy.
jusmine guy she helped.She's a good supporter"

Тема Missy Thanxнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nikname ()
Публикувано09.12.03 13:45

Missy Elliott has included Madonna on her list of good friends.
On her new album "This Is Not A Test" Missy Elliott gives thanks to many of her friends including Madonna, and then goes on to say it was a dream come true to record with Nelly, like Madonna recording with Britney!!!

Тема Missy Elliott interviewнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано31.12.03 14:04

With her weight and health now in check, Missy is hitting all the right notes and flatly denying the sour ones. Like the recent story where she reportedly snubbed Madonna during the filming of their Gap commercial.

Rappaport: "What happened there? You were supposed to be with her. Then we heard you didn't show up. What was the story with that?"

Elliot: "I want people to stop lying, right here, right now".

Rappaport: "You set the record straight".

Elliot: "Yes. Well, when my management called me and said there was something in the paper where I shooed Madonna away and I kind of laughed because I'm just picturing me, like, 'Get outta here. I'm busy'".

Rappaport: "You're not a shoo type".

Elliot: "I would never do anything like that to Madonna".

Rappaport: "Was she nice to you? Any kissing?"

Elliot: "Oh, Madonna? No, no French kissing. No, none, no kissing".

Hey Britney

Тема Пинкнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik ()
Публикувано07.01.04 17:56

Britney, move over. Pink wants to follow in your lip-steps.

The feisty singer, 24, currently promoting her third album, "Try This," admits that Madonna, 45, is one of her all-time favorite and would love the chance to buss her idol, as Britney got to do on MTV's Video Music Awards last fall.

"I love Madonna. I'm a die-hard fan. She was my god when I was eight," Pink said, as quoted by Britain's ITV. "If Madonna came to me with her mouth open, I wouldn't know what to do. ... I'd love to snog Madonna."

("Snog," of course, is a Britishism for "kiss," or, more specifically, "to neck.")

No word from the Madonna camp on Pink's offer, though the children's book author is still very much in the news in England.

The BBC reports that the ongoing dispute between Madonna and her director husband, Guy Ritchie, against trespassers who use the footpaths across from the Ritchies' $16-million, 1,200-acre Wiltshire estate will be settled by a public inquiry. No date for the meeting has been set.

The Ritchies are reportedly concerned about a new "right to roam" law that would permit the footpaths on their grounds to be used by any member of the public. (Such "trespassers" are more politely referred to as "ramblers.")

Already, the local Countryside Agency has blocked off 15 acres from the ramblers in an effort to keep them at least 100 yards from the couple's home.

Тема Christina Aguileraнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано20.01.04 18:13

Christina Auguilera was on David Letterman last friday night. David asked her who, when she was young, influenced her. Christina named a few people and then said, overal and in the business aspect, Madonna. "She's a lovely woman" she said. The audience agreed by clapping.

Hey Britney

Тема Бой Джордж продължава да се ебаванови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано20.01.04 18:17

Очевидно озлобен от загубата на 10 милиона в зелено и мега-флопът на "Табу", нелицеприятния травис отново се изказа негативно за Мадона,поставяйки я на най-низшо място сред актьорите...

"One secret that I'd like to share with you. I'm not a real actor, you know. But then neither is Madonna!" – Boy George explains away his performance in the play "Taboo".

Hey Britney

Тема Adriano Giannini on Madonnaнови [re: nik]  
Автор Y_Leon (Kiss the Dawn)
Публикувано26.01.04 23:56

Adriano Giannini, co star of Swept Away, has now made a tv film with french beauty Laetitia Casta. In an interview to Italian newspaper Il corriere della sera he speaks about his friendship with Madonna. "Madonna has suprised me for her "normality". I expected her to be a diva but she is simply a woman that has children, a husband and her work. She is strict, her strictness sometimes can turn into bitchiness." He also adds that "Madonna has fascinated me for her fragility". (source: Il Corriere Della Sera, thanx to MadonnaTribe)

Bеsame mucho

Тема Re: Sheryl Crowнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор SKiN (нанкащ)
Публикувано05.02.04 19:14

Какво пък иска сега таз не мога да разбера? Преди не се ли плюнчеше цялата, когато говореше за Мадона? Уж много я уважавала.... Завижда! Само една свястна песен написа и почна да гняви....

Тема Bjorkнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано08.02.04 19:05

" ...She(Madonna) asked for 'something Bjцrk'. She also wanted me to sing on the song, to make it a duet. I had written the song especially for her. But my intuition told me that it would be wrong for me to sing on the song. I also refused to meet her officially. When I finally meet her I want it to be totally by coincidence, when we're both drunk in a bar or something like that."

Hey Britney

Тема Tori Amosнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор armydreamer (surreal)
Публикувано09.02.04 16:21

Finally, we get to the women in her professional life. Any Madonna and Britney-type collaborations planned? Tori pauses. The next video, I ask, pushing my luck. another pause.

"You're so cute," she replies, "I think - and I'll say this to the Diva readers - the one thing we need to understand is that if you're going to French kiss another woman, it doesn't mean you're going to be an ingenue at 40. If you're 20, it doesn't mean you're going to get wisdom. You're going to get some cute lipgloss on and a yummy feeling inside, but there's a bit of a devouring going on.
When someone French kisses another woman to try and get something, that isn't passion; it's very interesting to me, an intriguing study. If you're going to French kiss somebody, French kiss a woman that can say, 'Okay, honey; okay sister, come with me and I'll show you a tongue like you've never seen before'. If you're going to walk down that road, do it! A tongue does not touch the intelligence inside another person. You know, Madonna's stayed around for 20 years, but Britney is not going to get that, and Madonna isn't going to become 20 years younger. I did not see 'I honour you' in that kiss. But that's me; that's what I saw."

Тема Re: Tori Amosнови [re: armydreamer]  
Автор SKiN (нанкащ)
Публикувано09.02.04 16:51

Доста интелигентно изказване.

Тема Re: Tori Amosнови [re: SKiN]  
Автор armydreamer (surreal)
Публикувано09.02.04 17:14

Леко объркващо - toristyle, но става.

Тема Re: Tori Amosнови [re: armydreamer]  
Автор SKiN (нанкащ)
Публикувано09.02.04 17:24

Аз смятам, че когато не можеш да разбереш един артист, то значи, че той е добър.

Тема The Donald on Madonna Kiss and Janet Boobgateнови [re: SKiN]  
Автор SKiN (нанкащ)
Публикувано09.02.04 22:35

The Donald on Madonna Kiss and Janet Boobgate

On CNN last night, Donald Trump discussed the Janet affair from the Super Bowl.

"Janet is disgusting. She knew what she was doing, it was planned and backfired, Just disgusting"
Trump said he was in the audience at the MTV Awards and felt that the kiss between Madonna and Britney was exciting and he said it was in his opinion "good shock". (source:CNN)

Тема Norah Jonesнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано13.02.04 18:44

Norah Jones says she neither expected nor desired fame, certainly not on the scale her sensational debut album, "Come Away With Me," delivered.
"Well, not since I was nine years old and wanted to be Madonna," she says, by way of qualification. "Or a princess. Or a unicorn, for that matter! When I was 12, I got into jazz, and all I wanted to do was sing these old, obscure standards - you know, play the piano and sing Cole Porter in smoky clubs. I would have never, ever in my wildest imagination have thought any of this could happen. You see what's on TV and what's very successful these days, and I'm not a good dancer, you know. And you won't be seeing my belly button any time soon."

Hey Britney

Тема Beyonce at the Garmmysнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано13.02.04 19:25

"Madonna looked so beautiful! I didn't recognize her at first sight.

Hey Britney

Тема Re: Beyonce at the Garmmysнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор SKiN (нанкащ)
Публикувано13.02.04 22:53


Тема Justin on Janet's exposeнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано20.02.04 12:20

"Whatever.Madonna has done more controversial things."

Hey Britney

Тема Paulina Rubioнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано24.02.04 16:07

"I've been compared to Madonna for years, but I see myself totally different to her. I admire her personality and how she reinvents herself all the time".

This is what Mexico's "chica dorada" Paulina Rubio declared in a recent interview to Miami's radio station Y-100.

Paulina, who has just released her new spanish album Pau Latina, had recently the chance to meet Mrs Ritchie. She was introduced to Madonna last December and the pair had an intense 15 minute chat.

Paulina and Madonna have now the same manager, the hugely talented Caresse Henry.
Pau recently talked about Caresse: "We met because she's been searching for me for some time now. Caresse's a gal who only represents two artists (Madonna and Jessica Simpson). I'm so happy I can work with a new team that envisions my music and tours all over the world".

She added: "I think Caresse and I can bring things to each other. We have the same goals and these are launching a spanish album and in May, at the latest, record a new english album and then some shows with english tracks".

Rubio also co-wrote Dame tu amor, a track of her latest album with producer Richard "Humpty" Vission, (one of Madonna's favourite remixers)

Hey Britney

Тема Kevin Costnerнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано24.02.04 16:11

Kevin Costner forgave Madonna.

Kevin Costner ought to spit and curse every time Madonna's name is mentioned.But even though she humiliated the Oscar winning star, he's still a fan.

And despite the way she ridiculed him when they met backstage in her film In Bed With Madonna, it seems the pop diva also has a soft spot for the Dances With Wolves actor.

Costner, who has saddled up as leading manand director in his latest western Open Range, exclusively revealed to the Record hehad patched up his differences with Madonna.

He admitted he had been terribly upset after she poked fun at him in her movie by pretending to gag whenhe said her pop concert was 'neat'.

'I was initially hurt by it,' said the 49-year-old actor. 'But she's a very interesting person and she did something cool, not cruel, at a concert in Los Angeles.'

Costner saw the other side to Madonna when he took his children Annie 19, Lily 17, and Joe 16 to see the singer perform.

'A lot of people thought it was strange that I'd want to go to her concert.

'But my daughter Lily is a singer and I didn't want to keep my kids from seeing Madonna because I hadmy feelings hurt, or I was semi-embarrassed or

whatever. My attitude was that I was not going to rob my kids of seeing a really good performer. I don't want to make my problems my children's problems.'

So, without making any fuss, Costner booked tickets for the gig and, when Madonna announced one of her songs, he discovered she might have regretted being so nasty to him.

'We were sitting in the audience and Madonna dedicated a song to me, he said. 'She must have known I was there and I thought it was very classy.'

Clearly Madonna's public action had a big impact on Costner, who emphasised it was something he'd never talked about before.

'This is the first opportunity that I have to talk about this. I've never talked to her about it or written her a thank-you note. So if you write this you might mention that I thought it was very brave on her part and I respected it,' he said.

'And what was really cool was that my kids heard that dedication from Madonna. My children understand a lot. They knew we were going to see someone that in one moment in time there was difficulty between us.

'So they learned that I wasn't afraid and also that a very big person can say something like that in front of thousands of people. Madonna didn't make a big deal about it but it was a big deal to me and I appreciate it. But I like her and I think she is an important person in our entertainment history.

Maybe some day we will shoot the breeze together.'

Hey Britney

Тема FeFe Dobsonнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано28.02.04 14:25

On her Island Records debut, Canadian-born FeFe Dobson manages to siphon the spirits of all her musical heroes into a truly original stew. "It’s a bunch of different influences, and different genres, pulled into one," she explains. "Everything from Nirvana… to Madonna. And it has a taste of Red Hot Chili Peppers in there, too. It really ranges."

Hey Britney

Тема George Michaelнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано02.03.04 14:35

Singer George Michael– whose comeback album Patience is due out this month – said to British PA there was no chance of him ending his pop career, despite receiving unfavourable reviews for some recent work.

“I always believed I would outlast everyone with the possible exception of Madonna. And I honestly believe that with this record, I will finally be on the same page with everybody else. I think it will be an undeniable year,” he said.

Hey Britney

Тема Brittany Murphy on Madonnaнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано06.03.04 20:56

Brittany Murphy was interviewed in March issue of UK Esquire magazine and spoke about Madonna when asked the following questions:

Q: Would you like to be famous? In what way?

B: Let's see. We'll equate fame to Madonna fame. Sure. If that's God's will, I'll try it.

Q: Were you able to wake up tomorrow in the body of someoneelse, would you do so? Whom would you pick?

B: I'd trade some time to be Madonna. She's a multi-tasker, she's powerful and she's hot. If you could give me a few minutes on stage in her skin, I think that would be a great night out.

Thanks to our forum member Ross from Singapore for bringing this to attention.

Hey Britney

Тема Бен Афлекнови [re: Figlia del Sole]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано11.03.04 19:17

Половинката от сагата "Бенифър"очевидно е лично засегнат от коментара на Мадона по въпроса...

Ben strikes back

Last night Access Hollywood showed Ben Affleck on the cover of the new Rolling Stone magazine and in it he is asked about Madonna's comment.

When interviewed from her office at Maverick last November, Madonna commented that Ben and J-Lo courted the media attention.

Journalist Pat O'Brien asked Madonna her opinion on all the media attention surrounding Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. She replied:

"To a certain extent, they courted the attention. There needs to be a part of the relationship that you keep private and I do have that with my husband. [I'm] not making a judgment call on Bennifer... I can't believe I just said that. Excuse me, Jennifer and Ben".

Ben Afflecks now replies to that comment saying:

"Isn't that like the pot and kettle. But I didn't do a book with me naked"

Hey Britney

Тема Dan Marsala She's The Bossнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Figlia del Sole (Kiss the Dawn)
Публикувано13.03.04 14:26

She's The Boss

"Madonna is a cool lady. We haven't met her actually. She doesn't really do much with the label, she just owns it. Her partner does all the other stuff. Guy Oseary, he's the actual guy at Maverick.
We haven't met her, so it's not like she really is our boss, but she really is. "

This is Dan Marsala of St. Louis band "Story Of The Year", who were scouted by Goldfinger frontman John Feldmann for Maverick Records, in an interview by ChartAttack.

From an article by Andy Lee, ChartAttack.com

Besame mucho

Тема Carmen Electra misquotes Madonna's Truth or Dareнови [re: Figlia del Sole]  
Автор Figlia del Sole (Kiss the Dawn)
Публикувано15.03.04 22:13

Many people wouldn't want a television camera following their every move. Carmen Electra wouldn't have it any other way.

The actress said she loved having MTV tape the planning of her wedding to Jane's Addiction guitarist Dave Navarro for "'Til Death Do Us Part."
Life is not worth living unless there's a camera around, for me," Electra told reporters recently. "I think Madonna said that, didn't she, in 'Truth or Dare'?"

Actually, it was the Material Girl's then-beau Warren Beatty who suggested in the 1991 movie that Madonna didn't want to live off camera.

Source: Associated Press

Besame mucho

Тема The Material Grandmom?нови [re: Figlia del Sole]  
Автор Figlia del Sole (Kiss the Dawn)
Публикувано20.03.04 21:18

The study of kabbalah - or something - must be giving Madonna miraculous powers of prophecy and extraordinary longevity.

That's one possible conclusion from the listing on ticketsolutions.com, an entertainment Web site offering seats to Madge's concert at the Los Angeles Staples Center - on Sept. 9, 2051.

"If anyone is going to still be standing in 2051, it's going to be Madonna," her rep Liz Rosenberg told me yesterday. "She's 45 and in 47 years she'll be 82. There's an old Motown song called 'Doin' the 81.' So maybe she'll be 'Doin' the 82.' "

Rosenberg was joking. And a ticketsolutions.com employee said: "I don't think that's a real concert. And we're certainly not selling tickets for it yet. Maybe someone in our Internet technology department put it up as a test."

From today's Llyod Grove's column "Lowdown", New York Daily News

Besame mucho

Тема Mixing Madonna... Above & Beyondнови [re: Figlia del Sole]  
Автор Figlia del Sole (Kiss the Dawn)
Публикувано22.03.04 18:35

"Last year, when I was in LA, I popped in to see Madonna's manager, Caresse Henry Norman, and played her some of the Above & Beyond stuff we'd been doing and asked if she would mind us doing a remix for Madonna," says Tony McGuinness.

"Numerous emails followed once I got home, and eventually she said we could do a spec mix. We did the mix, and after a month of agonizing wait, I got the call."

Madonna commissioned Above & Beyond to do a remix of the third single for her "Music" album, "What It Feels Like for a Girl." McGuinness had failed once before in trying to win the heart of Madonna. He'd done a remix that Orbit loved, but she hated.

"But this time Madonna loved it so much so she made her video to it!" muses McGuinness. "We had to do some adjustments to the mix to make it fit the video edit - 30 versions in all, with sound effects and all sorts - until we got there."

Тема She's still the Queenнови [re: Figlia del Sole]  
Автор Figlia del Sole (Kiss the Dawn)
Публикувано02.04.04 15:58

"She can be a married quasi-British matron; a mother of two; a children's book author; a devotee of the Kaballah; and even make a record not everybody's crazy about.
But just put out the word that she'll appear onstage, and it's 1984 all over again. She's still the queen."

This is Liz Smith about Madonna's re-INVENTION Tour sales, in her column in today's New York Post

Тема Gwen Stefaniнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано03.04.04 18:31

"I've met Madonna a few times. She spoke at Herb Ritt's memorial and it was very, very beautiful.".

Hey Britney

Тема Тарантинонови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано11.04.04 18:31

Entertainment Weekly: Madonna has been a conversation point in a few of your films. Are you interested in working with her?

Quentin Tarantino: I've always said that Madonna has gotten a bad rap. She was the only actor who knew what she was doing in Dick Tracy. She was my favorite in A League of Their Own. If I had something right for her, I would totally cast her.

Hey Britney

Тема Britneyнови [re: Figlia del Sole]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано15.04.04 15:37

"I love Madonna's career because she's always on the top of everything.
But I don't think i'm such a puritan - even though I may not boast about it.
I think as far as you want go, that's a personal decision and it really is up to the individual."

This is Britney Spears interviewed by OK magazine, n. 413.

Hey Britney

Тема PJ Harveyнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik ()
Публикувано04.05.04 10:06

Q:We know how you feel about the icons of the sixties & the seventies,
but what's your take on the younger genration: Pink & the lot..?

A:Honestly, I don't think of them at all. I don't feel any emotion. I don't
feel respect. I couldn't care less.For, Madonna I'm willing to make an
exception. She's been a catalyst for a lot of things. And what she does, she
always does exceptionally well. I feel a lot of admiration and respect for
the way she's able to re-invent herself every time. But her music doesn't
really touch me. The only women of my generation who I consider to be
soulmates are Bjцrk and Tori Amos. We call each other a lot and from time
to time we hang out. We even have a name: the strange women
of rock.

Тема Debi Mazarнови [re: nik]  
Автор floranse (PussyCat)
Публикувано11.05.04 10:23

Debi Mazar on working with M and their friendship... which is still on!

The following has been taken from MS NBC News:

Madonna has a reputation as a tough taskmaster — even with her friends.

Debi Mazar, the diva’s long-time friend, says she doesn’t like to work with Madonna because she’s such a hard-driving boss. “I actually hate doing videos and I really don’t even like working for Madonna because she’s such a perfectionist,” Mazar told Sharon Osbourne for an episode of her show that airs tomorrow. “The hours are long, it’s grueling, she’s ... always like, ‘Do this! Do that!’ She’s — she’s, you know, Madonna! ... She really works you to the bone.”

Mazar also blasts widespread reports that she and Madonna ended their friendship over Kabbalah. “When that...broke, I was like, ‘Wow, that’s so awful that somebody would try to make it look like we weren’t friendly,’” Mazar says on “Sharon.” “We called each other immediately when all that stuff came out. We were like, ‘Oh my God, did you see that?’ She was like, ‘Yeah,’ and she goes, ‘Oh it’s so ridiculous — please!’ It’s just another day in her life but for me, I’ve never had my name associated in a negative way with her or anybody else. I was kind of like, ‘Oh my God!’”


Тема Diamanda Galasнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор damita (michaelized)
Публикувано12.05.04 00:42

"When anyone listens to Madonna trying to sing Indian music on (the MTV Video Music Awards)...that was one of the most offensive things to Indian culture and one of the most offensive things to me. Please God, tell her to lip synch. She could have learned so much from Milli Vanilli."

Аз съм само преносител на информация, не ме убивайте...

Тема Re: Diamanda Galasнови [re: damita]  
Автор floranse (PussyCat)
Публикувано12.05.04 15:18

Коя е Diamanda Galas ?Нищо не ми говори това име , пук и изказването и е доста смешничко


Тема Re: Diamanda Galasнови [re: floranse]  
Автор damita (michaelized)
Публикувано12.05.04 21:03

Диаманда е една страшничка жена. Бивша оперна певица, която в момента се занимава с музика от ада! :) Няма откъде да я знаеш ако не си се интересувала специално. Някой път мога да ти я презентирам, но има опасност да загубиш съня си за известно време... :)

Тема Re: Diamanda Galasнови [re: damita]  
Автор MadLover (Madonna warrior)
Публикувано12.05.04 22:15

Това ми звучи примамливо... Я ми кажи името на някоя от тези нейните "Адски" песни, да я чуя

I go round and round just like a circle...

Тема Re: Diamanda Galasнови [re: MadLover]  
Автор damita (michaelized)
Публикувано13.05.04 00:22

Всяка информация за Диаманда е ценна. Какво ще получа в замяна?
Пробвай се с Iron Lady, Double-Barrel Prayer, Suplica A Mi Madre... Ако след това си още жив и искаш още, ще продължа :)

Тема Re: Diamanda Galasнови [re: damita]  
Автор MadLover (Madonna warrior)
Публикувано13.05.04 11:51

Изслушах й доста песни, и все още съм жив!!!
И дори ще кажа, че тази Диаманда ме кефи супер много!!! Тая вади ебати гласа!!! Просто е велика!!! Аз страшно много си падам по такава музика! Много харесвам разни такива странни мрчни песни!
Много ти благодаря, че ме светна за тази музика!

I go round and round just like a circle...

Редактирано от MadLover на 13.05.04 11:48.

Тема Re: Diamanda Galasнови [re: MadLover]  
Автор floranse (PussyCat)
Публикувано13.05.04 14:36

Пусни един линк да чуя за какво става въпрос


Тема Re: Diamanda Galasнови [re: floranse]  
Автор MadLover (Madonna warrior)
Публикувано13.05.04 19:08

Чуй например това, и ще видиш за какво става въпрос:
Birds of Death (ама не е цялата):

Gloomy Sunday:

Supplica A Mi Madre:

Но за жалост, други не намирам

Damita, ще пуснеш ли още няколко линка?

I go round and round just like a circle...

Редактирано от MadLover на 13.05.04 19:12.

Тема Re: Diamanda Galasнови [re: MadLover]  
Автор MadLover (Madonna warrior)
Публикувано13.05.04 19:31

Ето още един линк:
Sono L'Antichristo

I go round and round just like a circle...

Тема Re: Diamanda Galasнови [re: MadLover]  
Автор damita (michaelized)
Публикувано13.05.04 22:57

Хехе, пак заповядай Ние в клуба в съседство разбираме от хубава музика.

Тема Re: Diamanda Galasнови [re: MadLover]  
Автор damita (michaelized)
Публикувано13.05.04 23:11

Double Barrel Prayer

You Must Be Certain Of The Devil

Тема Re: Diamanda Galasнови [re: damita]  
Автор MadLover (Madonna warrior)
Публикувано14.05.04 09:52

Много ти благодаря!!! Супер много й се накефих!!!

I go round and round just like a circle...

Тема Re: Diamanda Galasнови [re: damita]  
Автор MadLover (Madonna warrior)
Публикувано14.05.04 09:56

Обедих се в това!!! Изобщо нямаше и да чуя за Диаманда Галас, ако не беше ти!

I go round and round just like a circle...

Редактирано от MadLover на 14.05.04 09:57.

Тема Re: Diamanda Galasнови [re: MadLover]  
Автор damita (michaelized)
Публикувано14.05.04 12:29

Аз се учудвам, че ти харесва, наистина. Това е една меко казано трудна...ммм... музика за слушане

Тема Re: Diamanda Galasнови [re: damita]  
Автор MadLover (Madonna warrior)
Публикувано14.05.04 15:44

Аз по принцип си се кефя точно на такива по-особени изпълнители. Страшно много харесвам също така и Бьорк - луд съм но нея!!! А Бьорк също е много трудна за слушане. Та, затова и Диаманда ми хареса толкова много!

I go round and round just like a circle...

Тема Re: Diamanda Galasнови [re: MadLover]  
Автор floranse (PussyCat)
Публикувано14.05.04 17:34

MadLover, остана да почерпиш кака си Дамита , аз пък не мога да отворя линковете


Тема Re: Diamanda Galasнови [re: floranse]  
Автор MadLover (Madonna warrior)
Публикувано14.05.04 17:48

Ма мене ми работят. Ще ги постна пак:
Gloomy Sonday:

Double Barrel Prayer:

Let My People Go:

You Must Be Certain Of The Devil:

Сега работят ли?

I go round and round just like a circle...

Тема Re: Diamanda Galasнови [re: MadLover]  
Автор floranse (PussyCat)
Публикувано14.05.04 17:59

Да току що ги отворих с RealPlayer, no mnogo trudno mi se zareжdat, чух първото изпълнение и настръхнах


Тема Re: Diamanda Galasнови [re: floranse]  
Автор MadLover (Madonna warrior)
Публикувано14.05.04 18:43

Не стаа ли по стандартния начин (десен бутон -> Safe target As...)???

Но все пак, щом си успяла да чуеш първата песен, и ти е харесала, сигурно и другите й песни ще ти допаднат

I go round and round just like a circle...

Тема Michael Seligmanнови [re: floranse]  
Автор Mer Girl (Kiss the Dawn)
Публикувано14.05.04 23:09

During more than three decades as a producer, Michael Seligman has amassed enough anecdotes to fill a book or two. Or three. While he can't reveal most of them, Seligman does recall one incident involving Madonna he can relate.
In 1990, the year of Dick Tracy, Madonna is scheduled to sing the film's Oscar-nominated song Sooner or Later (I Always Get My Man) during the "Academy Awards" broadcast. "And she worked her tail off for that song," recalled Seligman, who served as the show's supervising producer. "She worked with a choreographer. She worked for three weeks straight every day, day and night, refining this number. She's a perfectionist."
The problem is not everything works perfectly during a live broadcast. "We rehearsed everything and it went fine," said Seligman. The production calls for Madonna to rise from below the stage on a lift through a hole in the stage floor. Once Madonna is on stage, a stage engineer in the rafters will be instructed to switch on her microphone and she'll sing. "So it's time for Madonna to sing and the stage manager with his headset on tells the stage engineer to switch her mike on. But nothing happens. He repeats himself. Nothing happens. The mike doesn't go on," said Seligman. "So the stage manager tells Madonna in this nervous kind of voice that the stage engineer is not answering his call and her mike isn't being put on. 'But don't worry,' he said. 'You'll be handed a mike when you get up on stage. It'll be fine.'"
Madonna apparently disagreed. "As the lift is about to go up, she grabs the stage manager by the neck," said Seligman. "Now the lift is going up and the stage manager is going up by his throat. She finally drops him, grabs the mike and does the number perfectly." Seligman later learns that the heat from the lights in the rafters affected the engineer and he fell asleep. "He looks for me in the truck after the number and I told him that stuff happens," said the producer. "We became friends after that."
And the song that Madonna sang? It won the Oscar. (source: Daily News Transcript)

Тема Gwen on Madonnaнови [re: Mer Girl]  
Автор Mer Girl (Kiss the Dawn)
Публикувано20.05.04 16:38

UK newspaper the Sunday Mirror features an interview with No Doubt singer Gwen Stefani.
The interviewer asks about her childhood idols, such as Marilyn Monroe and Jean Harlow, and then asks about Madonna:

And what about Madonna?
I was at school when Madonna's first records came out, and to admit liking a pop idol such as Madonna was not something I did.
It was not until later that I started to appreciate what an incredibly talented person she is, and has continued to be over the years. I suppose we do have a lot in common.

Do you and Gavin (her husband) hang out with Madonna and Guy in London?
Yeah, we've had dinner together, she's great. I like it in London - I get lots of attention and better tables in restaurants.
Madonna says she says prefers her life in London because she feels more free. I know what she means. I get to have a break and family time with Gavin.

Тема Sandra Bernhard Onstage on ... Madonna and Kabbalaнови [re: Mer Girl]  
Автор Mer Girl (Kiss the Dawn)
Публикувано17.06.04 19:10

Now, a lot of people know I am studying Kabbalah and it's really changed my life. It's the spiritual essence of Judaism ... and a lot of other people are studying Kabbalah. I don't take direct responsibility for it. Madonna is studying Kabbalah, and I think it's beautiful if it's giving her some solace, some insight. I would rather run into her at a Kabbalah event than a disco in Miami.

Now recently, we had a big party for Rabbi Berg, our spiritual leader, and Madonna came and brought her little girl, Lourdes Rachel. So cute, very smart and not impressed with her mother. Keeps a real healthy distance. If I've learned one thing from Kabbalah, it's that you don't have to wish harm on anyone. What goes around comes around. Just sit back, make a big bowl of popcorn and watch the movie - it's gonna be a trip.

Sandra Bernhard

Тема Conan O'Brienнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано20.06.04 19:15

Conan O'Brien joked during his Late Night monologue on Friday night, "The New York Post reported that Madonna has changed her name to Esther. That's true. I'm not lying. This is the real part, okay? Changed her name to Esther. Yeah, when asked why she chose the name, Madonna said, 'Esther was an ancient queen, and so are most of my fans'."

Тема Jay Leno & Dennis Millerнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано20.06.04 19:16

Jay Leno joked during his Tonight Show monologue on Friday night, "Did you hear about Madonna? Madonna annound she is changing her name. Madonna is changing her name to Esther. I'm not making that up. She changed to Esther because ester is an ancient hebrew name that's in the Bible. You know, unlike 'Madonna'. That's what she told '20/20' tonight. She said she wants to go by the name Esther now. Unless, of course, she's trying to book a hotel room or dinner reservation. Then it's Madonna. Just tell them Madonna -- Esther, formerly Madonna, called."

Dennis Miller joked during his 'Tonight Show with Jay Leno' interview on Friday night: "You know, Madonna is now Esther now. She changed her name. You probably heard that. She's writing, too. She's written a kids' book. She encourages you to read to your kids at night in a pretentious fake British accent."

Тема Usherнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано05.07.04 20:38

Usher was featured on the syndicated newsmagazine show 'Entertainers with Byron Allen' on Wednesday night, where he openly criticized Justin Timberlake of *NSYNC and even took shots at Madonna, while boasting Janet Jackson. On Justin, he told Byron, "He's still got to find his own style and his own swagger - he's not on Usher's level. There can only be one Usher and I'm sitting right here." He continued, "A lot of people compare me to [Justin] and I don't understand why. I was making R&B classics when he was singing bubblegum pop and I had plenty of successful albums. I did the movies, and now he's trying to do movies. I've been in the game for 10 years now." When asked about who he'd like to do a joint tour with in the future, he said Janet Jackson. "She's an entertainer - a true entertainer. There's no one like her. Some people compare her to Madonna, but I think Janet's above that. Madonna hasn't impressed me in a decade, but musically, Janet is still setting the bar. The way I feel is, everybody wants to be Usher, everybody wants to be Janet - the problem is, we can't be duplicated."


Ужас.Това самовлюбено човече Ъшър здраво се е главозамаяло.По принцип не съм фен на Джъстин,но тук вече нещата отиват към грозни нападки.Що се отнсая до несравнимото му 10-годишно творчество-Боже!Той е рядко еднотипен!Всичките му песни звучат като една-безобразно бозави,предвидими,скучни и лигави баладки или крехки ар ен би песньовки.Няма грам развитие.Този човек спокойно може да запише 10 албума и да се пенсионира...

Тема Beastie Boysнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано05.07.04 20:49

During a press meeting in Italy, Beastie Boys talked about their new album( "To The 5 Boroughs", currently at the top of Billboard chart), Bush and...Madonna! (just tried to translate the Madonna's part for you )

Interviewer: Is D12's "Myband" hip hop?
MCA: Yeah, sure!But it's also Pop.It's not artists' fault, it depends from US radios.Rather than from someone who control them, the majors.They are all manipulated from "The powers that be"
ADROCK:when i turn the radio on, in US, I always hear the same song, the one saying "Bye Bye Miss American Pie"

I:Don McLean's American Pie.Is it the Madonna cover?
MCA:What?did Madonna sing it?When?
ADROCK:and Why?

I:It was part of the soundtrack for The next best thing movie
MCA: maybe it happened a little time ago, when we were outside the US promoting the new album.

I:No, it's from 2000.Then Madonna sang also rap in American Life
MCA: she didn't have waited so long before doin rap..she should have tried at the beginning of her career , 20 years ago,when we were her opening act during the Virgin Tour.But suddendly she was rubbed of the idea with that Holiday rap, wich was based on one of her hits
ADROCK: leave madonna alone! I'm a fan of her.The American Life rap was a bit strange...it was about yoga and nannies.

Тема Шакиранови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано09.07.04 18:04

Interviewer:" What have you learned about success from Madonna and Michael Jackson?"
Shakira: "Both are marketing geniuses and strategists. If you want this kind of career and you have that kind of ambition, you have to be a very good planner and have a strategy."
I: "Madonna or Michael?"
S: "Madonna. She's in her 40s and she's still making the top of the charts. I admire her because she always did whatever she felt like doing."

Тема Гримьорката на Мадонанови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано11.07.04 18:37

Making-up Madonna

The UK edition of hello! magazine (Issue 824 - July 13 2004) features an article on make-up artist Laura Mercier:

A meeting with famed photographer Steven Meisel meant that Laura Mercier was soon in demand in America and a move to New York soon became a necessity. 'It was also Steven who helped me to make my name,' she says. He also introduced Laura to her very first, very famous client, Madonna.
'I was so frightened of working with her that I put it off for two years, but eventually went to her New York apartment to meet her,' Laura explains. 'I was so very nervous, but you know what? She is totally professional, totally inspirational and she pushes the people around her to be as creative as she is. We ended up getting along so well that I worked with her on every video, magazine cover, album photoshoot and red-carpet event for eight years.'
Laura started working with Madonna on her Take A Bow video shoot and never looked back. 'I found her completely wonderful to work with and always so compelling.'

So when Laura decided to launch her own make-up range in 1996, she was delighted that Madonna allowed her to name a classic red lipstick after her. 'I remember I had my laboratory mix for the perfect burgundy-red lip colour for her, and then got them to pour it into an antique lip case for her birthday. She was delighted and said that I should name it after her. That was how 'M' was born. It was my gift to her, and her gift to me.'

Madonna's other gift to Laura was a supreme boost to her confidence. 'Once you have worked with her you realise that you can do your job well. But at the end of the day, it is not about the make-up artist, it is about the person being made up. And to this day I like to work with people whose company I really enjoy.'


Тема Avril Lavigneнови [re: Mer Girl]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано19.07.04 17:59

Canadian artist Avril Lavigne told the Toronto Sun that she is more a fan of Madonna "the pop icon" than the musical artist.

"I have a lot of respect for her because she has longevity and she's been around for so long and she's always changed her style and been evolving and I think she's a really strong woman and she's always surprising people," Lavigne told the Sun.

"And I think she's smart, a very smart business woman. I really like her. I'm not saying I'm a fan. I'm saying her, Madonna, what she has done, what she has accomplished, I look at that and I have a lot of respect for her. I'm curious to see what her show's like."

Тема Truth Hurts & Dr.Dre работят върху парче за Мадонанови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано21.08.04 20:36

True Hurts, recently interviewed by the Vibe magazine, asked if she will collaborate again with Dr. Dre, said:

"I will work with Dre again. As a matter of fact I have worked with him since the last project. We worked on a Madonna cut together."

Тема all the Kylies in the crowd...нови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано21.08.04 20:59

Сестри Миноуг щракнати на концерт на Мадона в Лондон.

Други колеги,посетили Мадона в Лондон до тук са U2,George Michael,Geri Halliwell,Westlife,Стела Макартни и др.

Тема Geri Halliwell gets her Re-Inventionнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано21.08.04 21:35

Тема Баща и:"Мадона беше ад на колела"!нови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано24.08.04 18:17

from contactmusic:

Pop legend MADONNA's father SILVIO CICCONE is proud that his daughter has changed her ways and settled down with a family.

But Ciccone still finds it hard to believe the middle-aged mother-of-two is the same girl that he raised in Michigan.

Ciccone says, "It's true, she's a good wife. When I see her with GUY (RITCHIE), I can't get it in my head that she's the same girl I raised. She was hell on wheels when she was younger.

"Now she's got this marriage and I'm proud that she's been able to keep it going this long."

Тема Rupert Everettнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано24.08.04 18:56

British actor Rupert Everett has leapt to the defence of famous friend Madonna over her conversion to the controversial Kabbalah faith.
Madonna began studying the controversial offshoot of Judaism in 1997 and has managed to encourage her film director husband to embrace the mystical teachings.
Her attempts to convert the spiritually confused Britney Spears seem to have failed, but Madonna's Next Best Thing co-star and pal Everett can see the positive affect her new found faith has had on the MUSIC superstar.
He says, "It's made her much, much softer."

Тема Агнета от АББА пред сп."Капитал"нови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано25.09.04 16:55

Agnetha Feltskog from ABBA on Madonna:

Agnetha:"Madonna is a part of the generation of artists, that started their career after the end of Abba.In the years of my post ABBA career she was part of the serious competition.I admit that at the beginning I wasnt impressed by her vocal potentialities and was wondering how she sold so much records.But time passed and Madonna prooved she is an artist and a character that can develop,seek and provoke.I went to one of her concerts and i was amazed by her energy,her power on stage.And musically I think she became better with the thimes.I loved her work with Orbit on "Ray of Light" cause the compositions are melodious and at the same time modern,the words are full with life and emotion.I think she is one of the biggest artists of our time.She managed easily to enter into the new millenium.She has a strong charachter and I ve respect for her resistence and her will to go on despite the disappointments"[/]

taken from Bulgarian Magazine"Capital"

Тема Re: Агнета от АББА пред сп."Капитал"нови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор madlight (the big fan)
Публикувано25.09.04 18:29

в списанието е на български-защо реши че на англииски е по итересно?

Тема Re: Агнета от АББА пред сп."Капитал"нови [re: madlight]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано25.09.04 18:54

Имам информацията от един фен сайт.Копнах я директно.Не съм виждал "Капитал"

Тема E TOVA NEMOJAH DA SE STARPIA....нови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор song (RidE iT!)
Публикувано27.09.04 21:11


Тема Gwen Stefanyнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано03.10.04 21:14

For her first solo album called Love, Angel, Music, Baby, out on November 23, Gwen Stefani worked with different producers.
Among them Dallas Austin (Madonna's Secret and Your Honesty) and Nellee Hooper (Madonna's Bedtime Story)

"I knew exactly what my influences were". Gwen told Rolling Stone Magazine. "Club Nouveau, Lisa Lisa, Prince, New Order, the Cure and early Madonna".

Тема Рупърт:"Елтън нарани Мадона"нови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано28.10.04 18:17

Тема Eric West yearning to work with Madonnaнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано28.10.04 18:19

Singer / Actor Eric West, speaking exclusively with UK's Music Week yesterday, revealed that he would love to work with the likes of Madonna, Janet Jackson, Usher, Kanye West, Fergie, Dilated Peoples, BT and Alejandro Sanz.

The model turned singer explained "My album "Half Life" was pretty much finished, a few things shifted the release date, two movies, modeling, during my breaks I began writing new songs that I seriously love. I feel that the more time we put into the album, the better it will be."

Eric also said: "Janet Jackson is an icon, I’ve been honored to meet her a few times, working with her would be amazing, though I don’t think Jermanie Dupri will like me being around his girl. I recently met Madonna, and told her I’d like to work with her, but who wouldn’t want to work with Janet or Madonna? They are the greatest female artist of my time".

The full interview will appear in Music Week.

Eric West's debut album "Half Life" is due early 2005.

Тема Френската Бритни-Лоринови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано31.10.04 18:35

" The future ? A life like Madonna's. "

"An international career... Create my own production company to help the young artists. A house, a family, children. A little like Madonna. The girl who sings, dance, makes movies, and who is also a mother. She is really a model of life and career!"

Тема Хилари Дъфнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано14.11.04 22:11

"We grew up rocking out to Madonna when we were younger.We would make up dances when we were little kids to her music" (визира себе си и сестра си по повод на предстоящия да излезе филм "Материални момичета",в чийто саундтрак ще бъде включен кавър на мадониния хит,изпълнен от двете)

Тема Елтън Джоннови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано16.12.04 22:54

"But I did put a little note on her Christmas card saying 'Grovel, grovel'!" Elton John's using Christmas to reach out to Madonna. A few weeks ago Elton suggested Madonna lip-synched on stage but now he's gone on 'The Early Show' on CBS in America and said he wished he hadn't pointed the finger at Madonna and he's hoping for forgiveness:

"I wasn't being cranky - I just said that Madonna lip-synched and I've since made my apologies to Madonna."

"Maybe I shouldn't have singled her out."

"I've only apologised to her in print, I haven't spoken to her or written to her or anything like that."

Тема DOLCE & GABBANAнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано16.12.04 22:58

DOLCE & GABBANA may have dressed some of the most famous people in the world, but they don't dress anyone. "Sometimes when pop stars ask to borrow clothes, I say no because I don't have the time or maybe because I don't like the people, I don't like the singer, I don't like the song," Stefano Gabbana told The Independent. "I asked George Michael many times if we could dress him and he said no. Not in a bad way. He said, 'No thank you, because I have everything already, I really appreciate it but I don't need it.' And on his last album, Patience, he was wearing sunglasses, and I say, 'Thank you so much!'" But there are plenty of people they have dressed. "I love Kylie, I love Lenny Kravitz, I love Sting, I love them all," he went on. "Every one of them is an icon. I love Pavarotti. We've dressed Pavarotti many times." And the Italian designer admits to being star struck only once, when Madonna requested a fitting. "She was the one singer who made me feel nervous," he said. "Me and Domenico - both of us. We love her, and we knew her from the beginning. I'd seen all her different faces, as a singer, movie star, mother, lover. She was the first pop star to ask us for something, and we loved her from a long time ago. People like that, they can make me anxious sometimes." So why is it so important for top designers to get into the celebrity wardrobe? "You become famous little by little," Gabbana goes on. "It's a good ad for us. You don't make money but you become, you know, popular."

Тема Rosie O'Donnellнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано19.12.04 18:50

Longtime Madonna galpal Rosie O'Donnell spoke about the Kaballah & Madonna in a new interview with In Touch magazine.

* On Kaballah....I actually studied it for about 5 months. I have the books and I read them. Any way you want to get to the light is all right by me. The basic premise is that one should give in order to recieve.

* On Madonna.....People make fun of Madonna (for the Kaballah stuff), and we've been friends for a very long time, but look at her - she's never been happier. She's never been this fulfilled. And it shows....You can't fake it....

Тема Lindsay Lohanнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано19.12.04 18:51

Hollywood hottie Lindsay Lohan also spoke about Madge at a press conference for her new album "Speak".....When asked who's career she would like to follow....She repiled... "Madonna....She's got it all....A great career and she has an amazing family life. She sort of works when she wants to work. That's what I want"

Тема Рупъртнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано27.12.04 20:34

Rupert Everett: It wasn't a bad movie

Madonna's The Next Best Thing film co-star and friend Rupert Everett was interviewed on Christmas Eve on BBC TV's Friday Night With Jonathan Ross - as with most interviews Madonna's name was brought up and the host Jonathan Ross asked Rupert about their 2000 movie The Next Best Thing and making a pass at Madonna:

Тема Is Gwen the new Madonna??нови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор floranse (mamadonna)
Публикувано06.01.05 11:03

Тема JLO on early Madonnaнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано05.02.05 19:36

"I was the girl who would take my dad's sweatshirt and cut it up, so it had all these straps. I remember being very young and looking at Madonna and thinking she was the coolest: her bracelets up to her elbow, her lace and gloves and tights. Seeing how music is so correlated to fashion, or even how movies are so correlated to fashion, it's something so natural to me."

Тема Стюарт Прайс за работата си с Мадонанови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано13.02.05 22:09

"She's kind of famed for using people who are good or in vogue at the time, but she drives that. If you're working with her, she can really push you to make something that you just wouldn't have bothered going that far with if you'd been on your own."

Тема Лени Кравитцнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано22.02.05 20:14

"The response at the time [ 1990 ] was enormous. I wrote the song soon after the success of "Let Love Rule". At the time I was the newest kid on the block. I wrote the song in the studio and when it was finished I thought: "This is not right for me". I didn't know Madonna at the time but I called her and said: "I have a number one hit song for you." And she said: "Oh really?" and I said: "Yes, a number one song." She asked to meet me in the studio and play the music for her.

She heard it one time, then a second time and said: "Ok let's record it."
It was crazy, it really went to number one. It was my first number one in the charts."

Тема Kylie & Danny on RITнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Love profusion (новак)
Публикувано24.02.05 10:25

Danni Minogue {Kylie's sister} was on a Australian show last night and was talking about Madonna. She was saying how when her and Kylie went to Madonna's RIT at Earles Court every single person turned and took phots of them with a camera phone, they wanted to make there entrance when lights were down, but then the lights came back on and they were sitting there for 20 mintues with people staring at them, saying hurry up Madonna.

Danni loved the show she said her and Kylie were dancing all night! Kylie was apparently blown away by the show, she said it was a masterpeice and brillent!

Poor is the man whose pleasures depend ...

Тема Britney Spearsнови [re: Bobby]  
АвторBad_Bobby (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано02.03.05 00:35

Britney Spears : what she likes

Madonna :
"She is brilliant ! I grow up listening to her music. She does what she likes and doesn't care about what people think of her. I remember that after having read a rather malicious criticism on one of my shows, one friend of mine said to me that the same thing has been written about Madonna and that she doesn't care. She is herself, and that's what I respect above all".

Britney Spears : what she hates

To be accused of copying Madonna :
"There is one and only Madonna. My goal is to have an unusually successful career too, but being what I am."

Тема Gwen Stefaniнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано06.03.05 20:26

"Madonna is an incomparable myth, and then I don't know how to dance so good like her."

Тема Britney Spears & Kabbalahнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано06.03.05 20:38

"Madonna first introduced Kabbalah to me at a time in my life when it was much needed. It has helped me get rid of a lot of negative influences that were guiding me down the wrong path. There came a point where not even my family or my advisors had the answers I needed. The answers I was looking for were all in my heart. Through Kabbalah, I was able to look within myself, clear all the negative energy and turn my life around.

Now that the chaos has subsided, I finally feel as though I have the control I've wanted over my own destiny. I'm in a place where I can take Kabbalah seriously and truly learn from it.

Whatever your religion may be, it's amazing what the power of prayer can do, it can even perform miracles!"

Тема Re: Stars On Madonnaнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор ДeбeлorъзHинджa (porn-producer)
Публикувано07.03.05 01:58

Правилно ли разбрах? Марая мнооого харесвала Мадона, но , видите ли, Мадона говорила лоши неща за мис Кери? А семейство Джаксън се излагат (както винаги). Особено Дясната Цица.

Are you ready? I don't think so...

Тема Гуен Стефанинови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано29.03.05 18:09

Pop beauty Gwen Stefani had one intention when she made her debut album Love Angel Music Baby - to filter the favourite sounds of her childhood through contemporary producers like Dr Dre.
Stefani wanted to capture the essence of dancing to Madonna and Depeche Mode in the 1980s, and decided the best way to go about that would be to enlist the talents of pals like The Neptunes' Pharrell Williams and Outkast star Andre 3000.
She says, 'I used to go dancing at Disneyland because there was a club in there and I lived across the street so I'd sneak in.'
'I love all that music even though I couldn't admit it then. Imagine, like Madonna had just come out, no-one had ever seen her before. It was like, 'Who the f**k is that?'
'I wasn't into all that at the time - Madonna and Depeche Mode - but as I grew up I realised that all that music, the stuff that was popular at the time, was the backdrop of my life.'

'So I wanted to take that music and make it into a modern record that made me feel good but make it with modern people from the clubs today like Dre and Andre 3000 and Pharrell.'

Тема Andre 3000нови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано29.03.05 18:20

Rapper-turned-actor Andre 3000 was so starstruck when Madonna paid an unexpected visit to the set of her husband Guy Ritchie's upcoming movie Revolver he was unable to continue filming.
The Outkast star - who has now turned his attention to achieving Hollywood stardom - only regained his composure after engaging Like A Virgin singer Madonna in conversation.
'After I got over it, we sat and talked for awhile. She's cool, though, real cool.'

Тема David Fosterнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор __Bobby__ (Black Or White)
Публикувано12.05.05 21:27

David Foster

It's no secret that David Foster is a legend in the music business. The musician, songwriter and producer has been nominated for a Grammy 42 times and has won 14 times.

He's worked with just about everyone you think of when you think of a "diva" -- Barbra Streisand, Celine Dion, Whitney Houston -- the list goes on. He's also helped launch the careers of a few current bright young things, including Michael Buble and Josh Groban.

Canada AM's Seamus O'Regan had a chance to sit down with Foster and his 22-acre, $70 million estate in Malibu, California. It is on that estate where Foster has worked with some of the biggest names in music in his custom-built music studio creating No. 1 albums.

Like an athlete who can remember every moment of every great game, Foster says he can remember all his great moments at his studio. Here is what the composer of " You'll See" says about Madonna.

"Madonna was great to work with because -- I never really understood her mystique although I always liked her music. We met in New York, had dinner to discuss the album. And there was something so intoxicating about her. We were just the two of us at dinner and I was looking at her going, 'Wow, she totally sucks you into her world. It's like there's nobody else in the restaurant.' She had a great work ethic. A lot of artists, they want to be co producers just because they can. She wanted to be a co producer, but she earned it. She really knows her way around a studio. She works hard."

Pain Is An Illusion.
Death Is Just The Doorway.

Тема Gwen Stefaniнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор __Bobby__ (Black Or White)
Публикувано20.05.05 22:06

Гуен рязко смени тона:

"I'm not Madonna, nor I want to be like her. I think my life is much more interesting than hers and on top of that I don't act that bad."

Pain Is An Illusion.
Death Is Just The Doorway.

Тема Розана Аркетнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор __Bobby__ (Black Or White)
Публикувано25.05.05 22:42

Старата дружка на Мадона от " Desperately seeking Susan"-Розана Аркет се показа публично с фланелка "Madonna:The Virgin Tour",благодарение на което освен в жълтата преса грейна ив основните мадонски фен-сайтове.

Pain Is An Illusion.
Death Is Just The Doorway.

Тема Hilary Duffнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор __Bobby__ (Black Or White)
Публикувано24.06.05 20:41

excerpt from the interview

THE SUN: You and Haylie just teamed up for the movie Material Girls. What was that like?

DUFF: It was a blast. It was like playing dress-up. We had instant chemistry because we are not just sisters but friends.

THE SUN: Is Madonna going to make a guest appearance in the film?

DUFF: Madonna is producing Material Girls through her company. She also produced Agent Cody Banks, but we haven't met her. We asked her to be in the music video Haylie and I are shooting but we don't have her reply yet.

THE SUN: Are you a fan of Madonna?

DUFF: Oh, definitely. I grew up listening to Madonna. It feels surreal getting to do a cover of Material Girl. It's such a great dance song.

Pain Is An Illusion.
Death Is Just The Doorway.

Тема Christina Aguileraнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор __Bobby__ (Black Or White)
Публикувано20.07.05 19:27

Pain Is An Illusion.
Death Is Just The Doorway.

Тема Daniella Issa Helayelнови [re: __Bobby__]  
Автор Mer Girl (0 degree Virgo)
Публикувано08.08.05 21:59

Madonna might have climbed into John Galliano and Alexander McQueen dresses and Louis Vuitton suits to appear in the current issue of US Vogue, but there is one London-based designer who is really celebrating the article. 'I dreamed of Madonna wearing my clothes ever since I was a little girl,' says Brazilian Daniella Issa Helayel, who designed the flying duck-printed blouse that Madge wore to be interviewed by Hamish Bowles. 'Even before I became a designer, I always wanted to make clothes for Madonna.'
With Issa dresses spreading like wild fire through A-list wardrobes (Keira Knightley, the Minogue sisters and Paris Hilton are all fans, Camilla Al Fayed is Daniella's new muse and Sharon Stone has apparently acquired no less than eight dresses for her forthcoming Basic Instinct 2 publicity tour), Daniella has been working on a line of bags and shoes to accessorise them. And after piling the fashion crowd into Annabel's last season, she's planning one of London Fashion Week's biggest dos at the hip new Dover Street venue, Automat, in September.


Тема Sharleen Spiteriнови [re: Mer Girl]  
Автор Mer Girl (0 degree Virgo)
Публикувано08.08.05 22:01

Texas frontwoman Sharleen Spiteri is impressed by Madonna's directness when she wants to get to know somebody, because she simply phones them.
The Ray Of Light superstar hates relying on celebrity parties to meet new pals - she prefers to invite stars she has admired from afar to an evening of fine cuisine and conversation, and Spiteri was on her list.
Spiteri recalls, 'Madonna just rang up and said, 'Do you want to come to dinner?' and it was either a yes or a no and I said, 'Yes.'
'That's just an easier way for her to meet people she thinks she might want to meet because there is always such a fuss around her when she is in a public place.'
'I enjoy her company, her conversation. She's lovely.


Тема Julia Roberts on COADнови [re: __Bobby__]  
Автор Love profusion (fan-atic)
Публикувано30.11.05 12:11

Julia Roberts would love to work with Madonna

From today's edition of London's daily free Tube paper ` METRO` :

Julia Roberts would love to work with Madonna. ` I got her new album - it`s amazing,` she says. ` I really respect and admire her.`


Тема Елтън:"Мадона е нещастна крава!"нови [re: Bobby]  
Автор __Bobby__ (Black Or White)
Публикувано23.12.05 22:01

Елтън този път е обиден,поради факта,че Мадона най-демонстративно обърнала гръб на кичозната му гей-сватба.Коментарът му пред "Дейли Мирър":
Madonna,the miserable cow,wouldn't do it.David asked her three times./i]

Последва коментарът на Лиз Розенбърг:Madonna wishes Elton all teh best,and hopes married life will make him a happier person

Тема LL Cool Jнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор __Bobby__ (Black Or White)
Публикувано14.03.06 18:31


Madonna has been a strong influence on me in a lot of ways. I‘ve always admired the way she‘s handled her career. They counted her out, and she‘s caught up right now.

There‘s a very what-have-you-done-for-me-lately mentality in the music business. But art and the music business are two different things, and you can never count a great artist out

Тема Mary J. Bligeнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор __Bobby__ (Black Or White)
Публикувано08.04.06 21:29

From The Sun:

She may have sold more than 20 million records, scored countless No1 hits and collaborated with music legends including U2 and Sir Elton John.

But Mary says she won’t be happy until she’s teamed up with Queen Of Pop Madonna.

She revealed: “The woman is incredible and I’m not afraid to publicly say it would be my dream to collaborate with her. To perform with her would be amazing.

“I love the way she reinvents herself constantly, she’s an inspiration. So, I guess Madonna, it’s over to you.”

Тема George Michaelнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор __Bobby__ (Black Or White)
Публикувано14.05.06 19:33

Sky News:
"George Michael is back and planning a tour to celebrate 25 years in showbiz. And what better way to do so than with a duet?
George revealed he's got just the women in mind: "I wouldn't mind a duet with Madonna. I love her new stuff and Confessions On A Dance Floor is my favorite album of hers ever."

Тема Лив Кристине (Leave's Eyes)нови [re: Bobby]  
Автор MadMaster (Angelus domini)
Публикувано20.05.06 19:01

Попаднах на едно интервю с Лив Кристине от метъл групата Leave's Eyes:

Haven’t you thought working with someone different with a bigger range of voice? Alex voice is too reminding of your previous band.

"I'd love to, I have done different projects lately with no male vocals at all, like the Italian black metal band Hordus animae, also on Black Lotus, and we did a song for the Dead Can Dance tribute. I love to work on projects. My biggest dream would be to work with Ozzy and Madonna."

Domine Jesus, dimitte nobis debita nostra

Тема Re: ма.-Донна....нови [re: song]  
Автор siropino (антифашист)
Публикувано16.01.21 04:31

I bye very interesting book about Gestapo, SS und Reichssichereheitshauptamt auf dem "Prinz-Albrecht-Gelande". Извинявам се за английския, мразя///да сменям клавиятурата и ме мързи.
За книгата ще кажа като човек антифашист, че в заглавието фигурира думата Терор.
Книгата няма цена.
Най-вече защотое с личен надпис, който гласи:
Заведох Марко Георгиев
моя сълагерник от конлагера
Дахау на територията на
гестапо и всички ръководни
ведомства на СС. Посетихме
в бившата столова на Гестапо
постоянната изложба "Топография
на терора

10.05.1992год Емил Б. Бонев

Преписах ред по ред посвещението.
Книгата е издадена в ГДР през 1987 година.

Макар че изхарчих последните си пари и следващите ще ги имам другия месец след рождения си ден тази покупка беше венецът на колекцията ми от стари книги.
Вчера купих три такива и едно мъничко списание от годината на раждане на майка ми, 1929 година, да ми е жива и здрава, като най-старото издание е с датировка 1873 година - Лондон, а руският тълковен речник на чуждите думи е оригинал от 1880 година, и те плюс пръстенът от стомана с кръста като този на ордена, с който е бил награден Василий Затурский увенчаха деня ми и разходката.

А излязох с намерение да си купя един елек и обърнах всички левове в долари.
За да не си профуквам парите. И се върнах вечерта с някакви стотинки в джоба и с три долара за късмет, една банкнота от 2 долара и една банкнота от един долар, като с последните пари, които смених за да си купя цигари, като ги преброих реших да си купя още един долар.

Абе моята е сложна. Но Остап Бендер ми диша прахта.

Понеже се върнах с книги, елек и пръстен, които ме направиха Крез.

Леб и сол
Као какао

Вчерашната разходка.
Апропо, пих шоколад, вместо кафе. Черен шоколад от автомат на Мария Луиза. Разкош.
После ме черпи приятелката и вместо кафе си поръчах пак шоколад.
Сдобих се с приятели и затвърдих приятелства от години, понеже пазарувам книги и дрехи и бижута там от периода на безизходица и безработица заради оазисите.
Чудно нещо е животът, имам безброй случайни познанства, които прерастват в приятелства.
А покрай въдворяването в оазиси изгубих онези, които смятах за дългогодишни верни приятели.
А по темата. Трябва повече да се говори и да се пише за Третия Райх.
Например като разгърнах книгата Topographe des Terrors, Verlag Villmuth Arenhovel, Kerausgegeben von Reinhard Rurup,
Alfons Arenhovel, Michael Bolle, Jutta Kindel, page 150photo Deportation niederlandischer Juden,
1942. погледът ми*****!!! се заби в черно-бяла снимка на разстрел на македонци в Панчево.
Page 154
4.6. NS-Herrschaft in Europa – andere Landen
Photo\165 ErschieBung jugoslawischer Geiseln in Pancevo bei
Belgrad, 1942.
Text 64
Vermerk uber eine Besprechung unter dem
Vorsitz Heydrich im Reichskriminalpolizei-
Amt am 3. Dezember 1941 , den Einsatz aus-
Landischer Arbeiter im Deutschen Reich be-



Post scriptum
Татяна Иванова от Профешънъл Транслейшън ми препоръча Лазарев -
дотогава не знаех за този автор.
Госпожа Иванова, която спечели конкурса за държавна поръчка за фирма, която ще превежда документацията за проекта АЕЦ Белене.
Ами Буе 44.
преводач в екипа повече от 2 години.

Reinhard Haller: Die Narzissmus-Falle
453,683 views•May 28, 2013





Търсене с ключова дума от страница 100

от книгата
des Terroes

Gestapo, SS und
and so on...

page 102
3.7 "Schutzhalt"Treffend.

Не ми пречете, ако обичате.
Отрязахте подписа...


Татяна Иванова от Профешънъл Транслейшън ми препоръча Лазарев -
дотогава не знаех за този автор.
Госпожа Иванова, която спечели конкурса за държавна поръчка за фирма, която ще превежда документацията за проекта АЕЦ Белене.
Ами Буе 44.
преводач в екипа повече от 2 години.

Reinhard Haller: Die Narzissmus-Falle
453,683 views•May 28, 2013





Търсене с ключова дума от страница 100

от книгата
des Terroes

Gestapo, SS und
and so on...

page 102
3.7 "Schutzhalt"

"Schutzhalt" und "Verbeugungshaft" fur



[url] http://clubs.dir.bg/showthreaded.php?Board=forty&Number=1951585261&page=&view=&sb=&part=[url]

Тема Stars On donnaнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор siropino (антифашист)
Публикувано20.01.21 12:12

Повторяю – повтарям и обяснявам:
Фен съм на Сър Доналд Тръмп, по убеждения съм привърженик на Републиканската партия на САЩ USA - повтарям и обяснявам:
Фен съм на Сър Доналд Тръмп, по убеждения съм привърженик на Републиканската партия на USA, което не означава, че всички демократи са гадове, нито означава, че всички републиканци са saints.
затова не ме смущава червеният цвят.
Adam died at Gotta
Germany so icon *red*got mi e* is not color.
I prefer
black and white.
*гот ми е*
The same key is for still alive people at Wikipedia - SS have plan for them sign
they have brown color*orange* but there it is only one tool orange
Sponsor of Formula 1...

And this principle is at Internet at all
10x for confirming my words, stay away!

*b*u make me blue now I only make things clear profi is stolen nickname of unregistered me - efir

krechetalo77 or krechi77

Letter is for you
I am free
*гот ми е*
Да, имах нерегистриран никнейм псевдоним профайлър на шега, защото ми хареса навремето сериала без да съм чела тъпите ви анализи.
Сега след вашите изпълнения вече не харесвам нито Никита, нито пък Хрушчов, нито неговата прословута “оттепель” и имам друго отношение към Сталин.
А вие петата колона непрекъснато хулите един гениален военачалник.
Не окултна пионка като Хитлер.
Послесловие и подпис:

убеден републиканец съм и най-вече не съм предател.
мразя лъжата и предателството.
всичко е лично.

четете темата и попивайте колко навити има да ви оправят.
аз съм само един преводач на крадена и разпродавана от вас класифицирана информация и държавни тайни на доста повече от 7 държави.
сигнал за ядрен тероризъм е подаден от мен на Интерпол още през 2012 година и вие все си въобразявате, че безпаметно паса трева.
Забавлявам се с тъпотата на доста слабоумни псевдомасони.
Минали сте покрай масоните...
Танцувайте си вашата пан-е-в-ритм-я, не ми пречите.

Тъпунгерите от Фейсбук са си тъпунгери.

Сволочите те. Пшли все в баню! Просто далеч от мен, писна ми да въртя същата плоча. Размечтали ми се те глобално да станат суперагенти... Така се ставна то с черни очила и с походка на Нео. Спретнаха ми идиотите такъв живот, че дори прототипът на агент 007 би се гръмнал. Чш, алоу... Агентите ги разпознавам от километри. Убийците също. Стига сте тормозили криминалните. Те ме харесват. Те са по-свестни от вак с вашите тъпи морални ценности.
У лево!

Имате си работа с профайлър, за какъвто мечтае всяко разузнаване. Работил цял живот за оцеляването си, личното.
Като преводач фрийлансър. Сори нещастници.
Сега ще имам правото да пиша в блога си каквото пожелая.
Никой не ми е подарил тази свобода.
Марш от пътя ми, говедари прозди. Сатанисти и сектанти, фашаги.

клуб рецепти е баш за терористични и прочее каши.
за оооо... и т.н.

Тема Re: как се прави Панкейк? [re: ooooooo]

Автор titanik77 (*)

Публикувано 22.12.14 11:37

Тема Re: как се прави Панкейк? [re: ooooooo]

Автор titanik77 (*)

Публикувано 22.12.14 11:38

много грешиш, направо нагло

сега за вас ох и АХъ.

Това отворено писмо го пазехте като доказателство за лудост може би?
Албания сокаците видях как ваят с нож конете и плюскат конско месо с кров.
Това ви е за Косово инфо.
Да понаучите за съседите си колко са мили.

Red border video is nothing.
Бързичко изтрихте написах видеата.
Allah is very angry.
Той ме опази да не полудея когато гледах Червената линия - филма за Сирия.
Споделям много лично преживяване.

Видеотеката ИДИЛи4на.

[rl] https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=258483529034895&set=pob.100046197481808[/url]

Повторяю – повтарям и обяснявам:
Фен съм на Сър Доналд Тръмп, по убеждения съм привърженик на Републиканската партия на САЩ USA - повтарям и обяснявам:
Фен съм на Сър Доналд Тръмп, по убеждения съм привърженик на Републиканската партия на USA, което не означава, че всички демократи са гадове, нито означава, че всички републиканци са saints.
затова не ме смущава червеният цвят.
Adam died at Gotta
Germany so icon *red*got mi e* is not color.
I prefer
black and white.
*гот ми е*
The same key is for still alive people at Wikipedia - SS have plan for them sign
they have brown color*orange* but there it is only one tool orange
Sponsor of Formula 1...

And this principle is at Internet at all
10x for confirming my words, stay away!

*b*u make me blue now I only make things clear profi is stolen nickname of unregistered me - efir

krechetalo77 or krechi77

Letter is for you
I am free
*гот ми е*
Да, имах нерегистриран никнейм псевдоним профайлър на шега, защото ми хареса навремето сериала без да съм чела тъпите ви анализи.
Сега след вашите изпълнения вече не харесвам нито Никита, нито пък Хрушчов, нито неговата прословута “оттепель” и имам друго отношение към Сталин.
А вие петата колона непрекъснато хулите един гениален военачалник.
Не окултна пионка като Хитлер.
Послесловие и подпис:

убеден републиканец съм и най-вече не съм предател.
мразя лъжата и предателството.
всичко е лично.

четете темата и попивайте колко навити има да ви оправят.
аз съм само един преводач на крадена и разпродавана от вас класифицирана информация и държавни тайни на доста повече от 7 държави.
сигнал за ядрен тероризъм е подаден от мен на Интерпол още през 2012 година и вие все си въобразявате, че безпаметно паса трева.
Забавлявам се с тъпотата на доста слабоумни псевдомасони.
Минали сте покрай масоните...
Танцувайте си вашата пан-е-в-ритм-я, не ми пречите.

Тъпунгерите от Фейсбук са си тъпунгери.
Сволочите те. Пшли все в баню! Просто далеч от мен, писна ми да въртя същата плоча. Размечтали ми се те глобално да станат суперагенти... Така се ставна то с черни очила и с походка на Нео. Спретнаха ми идиотите такъв живот, че дори прототипът на агент 007 би се гръмнал. Чш, алоу... Агентите ги разпознавам от километри. Убийците също. Стига сте тормозили криминалните. Те ме харесват. Те са по-свестни от вак с вашите тъпи морални ценности.
У лево!
Имате си работа с профайлър, за какъвто мечтае всяко разузнаване. Работил цял живот за оцеляването си, личното.
Като преводач фрийлансър. Сори нещастници.
Сега ще имам правото да пиша в блога си каквото пожелая.
Никой не ми е подарил тази свобода.
Марш от пътя ми, говедари прозди. Сатанисти и сектанти, фашаги.

клуб рецепти е баш за терористични и прочее каши.
за оооо... и т.н.

Тема Re: как се прави Панкейк? [re: ooooooo]

Автор titanik77 (*)

Публикувано 22.12.14 11:37

Тема Re: как се прави Панкейк? [re: ooooooo]

Автор titanik77 (*)

Публикувано 22.12.14 11:38

много грешиш, направо нагло

сега за вас ох и АХъ.

Това отворено писмо го пазехте като доказателство за лудост може би?
Албания сокаците видях как ваят с нож конете и плюскат конско месо с кров.
Това ви е за Косово инфо.
Да понаучите за съседите си колко са мили.

Red border video is nothing.
Бързичко изтрихте ведеата.

Видеотеката идилична.
[rl] https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=258483529034895&set=pob.100046197481808[/url]

Тема Re:Бой .нови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор siropino (антифашист)
Публикувано20.01.21 12:13

Повторяю – повтарям и обяснявам:
Фен съм на Сър Доналд Тръмп, по убеждения съм привърженик на Републиканската партия на САЩ USA - повтарям и обяснявам:
Фен съм на Сър Доналд Тръмп, по убеждения съм привърженик на Републиканската партия на USA, което не означава, че всички демократи са гадове, нито означава, че всички републиканци са saints.
затова не ме смущава червеният цвят.
Adam died at Gotta
Germany so icon *red*got mi e* is not color.
I prefer
black and white.
*гот ми е*
The same key is for still alive people at Wikipedia - SS have plan for them sign
they have brown color*orange* but there it is only one tool orange
Sponsor of Formula 1...

And this principle is at Internet at all
10x for confirming my words, stay away!

*b*u make me blue now I only make things clear profi is stolen nickname of unregistered me - efir

krechetalo77 or krechi77

Letter is for you
I am free
*гот ми е*
Да, имах нерегистриран никнейм псевдоним профайлър на шега, защото ми хареса навремето сериала без да съм чела тъпите ви анализи.
Сега след вашите изпълнения вече не харесвам нито Никита, нито пък Хрушчов, нито неговата прословута “оттепель” и имам друго отношение към Сталин.
А вие петата колона непрекъснато хулите един гениален военачалник.
Не окултна пионка като Хитлер.
Послесловие и подпис:

убеден републиканец съм и най-вече не съм предател.
мразя лъжата и предателството.
всичко е лично.

четете темата и попивайте колко навити има да ви оправят.
аз съм само един преводач на крадена и разпродавана от вас класифицирана информация и държавни тайни на доста повече от 7 държави.
сигнал за ядрен тероризъм е подаден от мен на Интерпол още през 2012 година и вие все си въобразявате, че безпаметно паса трева.
Забавлявам се с тъпотата на доста слабоумни псевдомасони.
Минали сте покрай масоните...
Танцувайте си вашата пан-е-в-ритм-я, не ми пречите.

Тъпунгерите от Фейсбук са си тъпунгери.

Сволочите те. Пшли все в баню! Просто далеч от мен, писна ми да въртя същата плоча. Размечтали ми се те глобално да станат суперагенти... Така се ставна то с черни очила и с походка на Нео. Спретнаха ми идиотите такъв живот, че дори прототипът на агент 007 би се гръмнал. Чш, алоу... Агентите ги разпознавам от километри. Убийците също. Стига сте тормозили криминалните. Те ме харесват. Те са по-свестни от вак с вашите тъпи морални ценности.
У лево!

Имате си работа с профайлър, за какъвто мечтае всяко разузнаване. Работил цял живот за оцеляването си, личното.
Като преводач фрийлансър. Сори нещастници.
Сега ще имам правото да пиша в блога си каквото пожелая.
Никой не ми е подарил тази свобода.
Марш от пътя ми, говедари прозди. Сатанисти и сектанти, фашаги.

клуб рецепти е баш за терористични и прочее каши.
за оооо... и т.н.

Тема Re: как се прави Панкейк? [re: ooooooo]

Автор titanik77 (*)

Публикувано 22.12.14 11:37

Тема Re: как се прави Панкейк? [re: ooooooo]

Автор titanik77 (*)

Публикувано 22.12.14 11:38

много грешиш, направо нагло

сега за вас ох и АХъ.

Това отворено писмо го пазехте като доказателство за лудост може би?
Албания сокаците видях как ваят с нож конете и плюскат конско месо с кров.
Това ви е за Косово инфо.
Да понаучите за съседите си колко са мили.

Red border video is nothing.
Бързичко изтрихте написах видеата.
Allah is very angry.
Той ме опази да не полудея когато гледах Червената линия - филма за Сирия.
Споделям много лично преживяване.

Видеотеката ИДИЛи4на.

[rl] https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=258483529034895&set=pob.100046197481808[/url]

Повторяю – повтарям и обяснявам:
Фен съм на Сър Доналд Тръмп, по убеждения съм привърженик на Републиканската партия на САЩ USA - повтарям и обяснявам:
Фен съм на Сър Доналд Тръмп, по убеждения съм привърженик на Републиканската партия на USA, което не означава, че всички демократи са гадове, нито означава, че всички републиканци са saints.
затова не ме смущава червеният цвят.
Adam died at Gotta
Germany so icon *red*got mi e* is not color.
I prefer
black and white.
*гот ми е*
The same key is for still alive people at Wikipedia - SS have plan for them sign
they have brown color*orange* but there it is only one tool orange
Sponsor of Formula 1...

And this principle is at Internet at all
10x for confirming my words, stay away!

*b*u make me blue now I only make things clear profi is stolen nickname of unregistered me - efir

krechetalo77 or krechi77

Letter is for you
I am free
*гот ми е*
Да, имах нерегистриран никнейм псевдоним профайлър на шега, защото ми хареса навремето сериала без да съм чела тъпите ви анализи.
Сега след вашите изпълнения вече не харесвам нито Никита, нито пък Хрушчов, нито неговата прословута “оттепель” и имам друго отношение към Сталин.
А вие петата колона непрекъснато хулите един гениален военачалник.
Не окултна пионка като Хитлер.
Послесловие и подпис:

убеден републиканец съм и най-вече не съм предател.
мразя лъжата и предателството.
всичко е лично.

четете темата и попивайте колко навити има да ви оправят.
аз съм само един преводач на крадена и разпродавана от вас класифицирана информация и държавни тайни на доста повече от 7 държави.
сигнал за ядрен тероризъм е подаден от мен на Интерпол още през 2012 година и вие все си въобразявате, че безпаметно паса трева.
Забавлявам се с тъпотата на доста слабоумни псевдомасони.
Минали сте покрай масоните...
Танцувайте си вашата пан-е-в-ритм-я, не ми пречите.

Тъпунгерите от Фейсбук са си тъпунгери.
Сволочите те. Пшли все в баню! Просто далеч от мен, писна ми да въртя същата плоча. Размечтали ми се те глобално да станат суперагенти... Така се ставна то с черни очила и с походка на Нео. Спретнаха ми идиотите такъв живот, че дори прототипът на агент 007 би се гръмнал. Чш, алоу... Агентите ги разпознавам от километри. Убийците също. Стига сте тормозили криминалните. Те ме харесват. Те са по-свестни от вак с вашите тъпи морални ценности.
У лево!
Имате си работа с профайлър, за какъвто мечтае всяко разузнаване. Работил цял живот за оцеляването си, личното.
Като преводач фрийлансър. Сори нещастници.
Сега ще имам правото да пиша в блога си каквото пожелая.
Никой не ми е подарил тази свобода.
Марш от пътя ми, говедари прозди. Сатанисти и сектанти, фашаги.

клуб рецепти е баш за терористични и прочее каши.
за оооо... и т.н.

Тема Re: как се прави Панкейк? [re: ooooooo]

Автор titanik77 (*)

Публикувано 22.12.14 11:37

Тема Re: как се прави Панкейк? [re: ooooooo]

Автор titanik77 (*)

Публикувано 22.12.14 11:38

много грешиш, направо нагло

сега за вас ох и АХъ.

Това отворено писмо го пазехте като доказателство за лудост може би?
Албания сокаците видях как ваят с нож конете и плюскат конско месо с кров.
Това ви е за Косово инфо.
Да понаучите за съседите си колко са мили.

Red border video is nothing.
Бързичко изтрихте ведеата.

Видеотеката идилична.
[rl] https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=258483529034895&set=pob.100046197481808[/url]

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