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   >> Madonna
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Тема Каризманови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik (exboytoy)
Публикувано14.07.02 23:13


Любима музика: r&b; soul; jazz; funk; Обичам Кайли Миноуг, заради силата и увереността й "Can't get u out of my head" е любимият ми сингъл в момента. Maddie, разбира се. Maddie - какво би била музиката без история... Като заговорих за история, Jacko и безценните години на "Jackson 5". Научих се да пея с тях и Elia - The Golden Voice. Last but not least - Babygirl - Aaliah - най-слънчевото същество - обичам я с цялата си любов, на която е способен един фен. Мир на праха й!


Любима музика: В момента съм на "Daft punk" и Roger Sanches... Завръщането на Jacko ме прави щастлив... R.E.M. са завинаги... Депеш са по-велики от всякога... Мадона е кралицата.

Тема Бой Джордж се разсъска отновонови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik (exboytoy)
Публикувано19.07.02 01:13

Старата дама така и не можа да прости на Мадона, че стана най- голямата звезда в музиката- място, което бедния траверс бе запазил за себе си:

George Brands Cosmetic Injections 'Botox'

With celebrities clamouring to get their Botox injections left, right and centre, ageing popstar Boy George has said he's got no intention of ending-up on the tip of a skin-rejuvinating prick!

In fact, based on some of the Botox-filled stars he's seen, George has opined he'd rather grow old gracefully.

"I was at a Versace party a couple of weeks ago and Madonna walked in," the flamboyant star told The Mail, remebering, "She had sunglasses on and there was no motion in her face whatsoever. I prefer to grow old gracefully. I'm 41, I've got great skin. I don't need it!" Ouch!

Тема Niki Haris talks ...нови [re: nik]  
Автор floranse (PussyCat)
Публикувано19.07.02 12:15

Edno ot poslednite interviuta na Niki v koeto tq razkazva interesni neshtica za Mo

Eto go i nego:
You've performed this Saturday at the Kaufleuten, today you will sing at "Marians Jazzroom" in Bern. Is there still some time for shopping?
No, not at all. Especially not after the Drowned World Tour with Madonna - I have done enough shopping. My closet is full with new clothes!

How did you get to know Madonna?
It was back in 1986. At that time I was a background singer with several different bands. Madonna's agent called me and invited me to a rehearsal. Honestly, I wasn't a big fan of Madonna at that time but when they told me how much money I would get I couldn't resist. So I thought to myself: 'Let's give it a try!'.

And after that?
I had to learn 19 songs - by heart! And then there were 200 girls at the rehearsal! I somehow managed to be the first to sing and got the job at the very moment. I got along great with Madonna from the very beginning. With the years, we became great friends.

So, how is it to be one of Madonna's best friends?
It's very exhausting! But I'm just kidding: We are a great match - we're both macho-women! But we don't see eachother that often since she's living in London, unfortunately. But I can tell you: Madonna is very, very happy with her family!

Are you married?
No, and I'm desperately looking for a husband! I finally want to have a ring at my finger!

Тема Sashaнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik (exboytoy)
Публикувано07.08.02 19:07

Genius UK DJ Sasha, who did some production work with Madonna in 2000 for her Music record (which never made it onto the album) has credited Madonna with a 'thank you' in his sleeve notes for his superb long awaited new album 'airdrawndagger'...

In a recent interview with DJ magazine he said that the final track on the album 'Wavy Gravy' was one of the tracks he was working on for Madonna - but he kept it back for his own album as it was more his style than what she was doing at the time. He also said when he was working with Madonna he drove her 'crazy' as it took him over a week to come up with some work for her once they started work.

Тема Pinkнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik (exboytoy)
Публикувано25.08.02 21:47

Pink Plans To Oust Madonna
Singer Pink wants to replace Madonna at the top of the pop charts -after years of worshipping the Material Girl.

The Get The Party Started hitmaker says she used to be Madonna's number one fan, but now she believes the pop queen should make way for younger stars.

She says, "She was definitely my role model. When I was eight I thought I was her. I went into my mom's closet and did my best to look like her but, you know, everybody has their time and I think I'm into more hardcore stuff now." She adds, "I'm out to make people forget about Madonna."

Тема Гуйнетнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik (exboytoy)
Публикувано27.08.02 11:11

The Material Girl and the girl who always finds good material are
still thick as thieves.

Yes, the friendship between Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow is still on
for those keeping score. "I adore her," says Paltrow who stars
in "Possession." "However, the press exaggerates all aspects of our

In the interest of clearing things up, Paltrow tells us, "Madonna and
I are friends. We sometimes hang out. We sometimes do yoga together.
We sometimes have a girls' dinner with a couple of friends."

So what don't they do together? "Reporters ask me, 'Are you living
with Madonna?' and I'm like, 'No,' " says Paltrow. "We're not
roommates. I think people tend to exaggerate that whole thing."

One wonders what draws the Detroit homegirl and the uptown fashion
queen toward each other. "We are friends because she is a
fantastically interesting woman," Paltrow says. "She's very powerful
within herself.

"Plus, we are on similar paths in our lives in what we eat and our
yoga--stuff like that."

Not so similar was the English press' reaction to their recent
theater debuts.

Paltrow got raves for the London version of "Proof" and Madonna was
basically panned for her play "Up For Grabs." Does that kind of thing
hurt a friendship? Paltrow pooh-pooh's the idea. "I don't read the
papers in London and Madonna doesn't read any papers either, so the
reviews didn't matter to either of us," she insists.

Тема Рупърт не съжалява за The Next Best Thingнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik ()
Публикувано07.09.02 19:34

From September 2002 issue of Attitude:- Where's the closest eclipse between Rupert Everett on screen and you? I suppose in a way it was The Next Best Thing though it wasn't my most successful movie. Have you any regrets about making that film? Not really. There's..{thinks long and hard}..no,no regrets. I regret that it didn't turn out to be the movie that I wanted it to be. It was the first film that I started off in total control of. I was too naive to know how to work and play with the system, the production house, the studio. ...But I was still pleased with it. Some people will find that unbelievable can you explain why? When my mum saw it I couldn't believe her reaction and that almost make it worthwhile in itself. It was like watching what she wished was reality. She couldn't think of anything better than me getting together with Madonna. And waatching her watch the film I could tell that she's decided she ws watching a home-movie. She cried and cried and cried. All the way through.... Has she met Madonna? Yes she has actually.......It was great for me as well. I mean who wouldn't want to be in a film with Madonna? Just as a piece of history. I'm pleased that I got to sing with her on American Pie as well, as a result.

Тема Салмето Хайекнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор nik ()
Публикувано14.09.02 11:13

Salma Hayek has said the film portraying the life of Mexican artist Frida Khalo would never have been made without Madonna. Madonna fought hard to bring her story to the silver screen and although she didn't end up winning the role Hayek says she has no doubt if Madonna had not shown any interest it would not have gone ahead."

Тема Dirty Vegas-MTV "The Fridge"нови [re: nik]  
АвторBobby (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано29.09.02 13:14

"Силно поласкани сме от поканата да миксираме "Die Another Day" на Мадона.Специално благодарим на Мисис Ричи за това.Как звучи самото парче ли?It's absolutley gorgeous,it's amazing,it's huge!"

Тема Thunderpuss горди да миксират Мадона отновонови [re: Bobby]  
АвторBobby (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано02.10.02 22:52

Chris Cox of remixing/producing team Thunderpuss has told of his delight at being asked to remix 'Die Another Day'.

In a brief interview with Launch.com he said:
"The big news this week is we actually just remixed her new single. 'Die Another Day' is the single and it's for the 007 movie. She did the opening theme for it, and we got the chance to remix that. I mean, obviously it's an honor and a pleasure to remix Madonna, so that was very cool that we got a chance to get invited back to that party".

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