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   >> Madonna
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Тема all the Kylies in the crowd...нови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано21.08.04 20:59

Сестри Миноуг щракнати на концерт на Мадона в Лондон.

Други колеги,посетили Мадона в Лондон до тук са U2,George Michael,Geri Halliwell,Westlife,Стела Макартни и др.

Тема Geri Halliwell gets her Re-Inventionнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано21.08.04 21:35

Тема Баща и:"Мадона беше ад на колела"!нови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано24.08.04 18:17

from contactmusic:

Pop legend MADONNA's father SILVIO CICCONE is proud that his daughter has changed her ways and settled down with a family.

But Ciccone still finds it hard to believe the middle-aged mother-of-two is the same girl that he raised in Michigan.

Ciccone says, "It's true, she's a good wife. When I see her with GUY (RITCHIE), I can't get it in my head that she's the same girl I raised. She was hell on wheels when she was younger.

"Now she's got this marriage and I'm proud that she's been able to keep it going this long."

Тема Rupert Everettнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано24.08.04 18:56

British actor Rupert Everett has leapt to the defence of famous friend Madonna over her conversion to the controversial Kabbalah faith.
Madonna began studying the controversial offshoot of Judaism in 1997 and has managed to encourage her film director husband to embrace the mystical teachings.
Her attempts to convert the spiritually confused Britney Spears seem to have failed, but Madonna's Next Best Thing co-star and pal Everett can see the positive affect her new found faith has had on the MUSIC superstar.
He says, "It's made her much, much softer."

Тема Агнета от АББА пред сп."Капитал"нови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано25.09.04 16:55

Agnetha Feltskog from ABBA on Madonna:

Agnetha:"Madonna is a part of the generation of artists, that started their career after the end of Abba.In the years of my post ABBA career she was part of the serious competition.I admit that at the beginning I wasnt impressed by her vocal potentialities and was wondering how she sold so much records.But time passed and Madonna prooved she is an artist and a character that can develop,seek and provoke.I went to one of her concerts and i was amazed by her energy,her power on stage.And musically I think she became better with the thimes.I loved her work with Orbit on "Ray of Light" cause the compositions are melodious and at the same time modern,the words are full with life and emotion.I think she is one of the biggest artists of our time.She managed easily to enter into the new millenium.She has a strong charachter and I ve respect for her resistence and her will to go on despite the disappointments"[/]

taken from Bulgarian Magazine"Capital"

Тема Re: Агнета от АББА пред сп."Капитал"нови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор madlight (the big fan)
Публикувано25.09.04 18:29

в списанието е на български-защо реши че на англииски е по итересно?

Тема Re: Агнета от АББА пред сп."Капитал"нови [re: madlight]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано25.09.04 18:54

Имам информацията от един фен сайт.Копнах я директно.Не съм виждал "Капитал"

Тема E TOVA NEMOJAH DA SE STARPIA....нови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор song (RidE iT!)
Публикувано27.09.04 21:11


Тема Gwen Stefanyнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано03.10.04 21:14

For her first solo album called Love, Angel, Music, Baby, out on November 23, Gwen Stefani worked with different producers.
Among them Dallas Austin (Madonna's Secret and Your Honesty) and Nellee Hooper (Madonna's Bedtime Story)

"I knew exactly what my influences were". Gwen told Rolling Stone Magazine. "Club Nouveau, Lisa Lisa, Prince, New Order, the Cure and early Madonna".

Тема Рупърт:"Елтън нарани Мадона"нови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано28.10.04 18:17

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