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   >> Madonna
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Тема Christina Aguileraнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано20.01.04 18:13

Christina Auguilera was on David Letterman last friday night. David asked her who, when she was young, influenced her. Christina named a few people and then said, overal and in the business aspect, Madonna. "She's a lovely woman" she said. The audience agreed by clapping.

Hey Britney

Тема Бой Джордж продължава да се ебаванови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано20.01.04 18:17

Очевидно озлобен от загубата на 10 милиона в зелено и мега-флопът на "Табу", нелицеприятния травис отново се изказа негативно за Мадона,поставяйки я на най-низшо място сред актьорите...

"One secret that I'd like to share with you. I'm not a real actor, you know. But then neither is Madonna!" – Boy George explains away his performance in the play "Taboo".

Hey Britney

Тема Adriano Giannini on Madonnaнови [re: nik]  
Автор Y_Leon (Kiss the Dawn)
Публикувано26.01.04 23:56

Adriano Giannini, co star of Swept Away, has now made a tv film with french beauty Laetitia Casta. In an interview to Italian newspaper Il corriere della sera he speaks about his friendship with Madonna. "Madonna has suprised me for her "normality". I expected her to be a diva but she is simply a woman that has children, a husband and her work. She is strict, her strictness sometimes can turn into bitchiness." He also adds that "Madonna has fascinated me for her fragility". (source: Il Corriere Della Sera, thanx to MadonnaTribe)

Bеsame mucho

Тема Re: Sheryl Crowнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор SKiN (нанкащ)
Публикувано05.02.04 19:14

Какво пък иска сега таз не мога да разбера? Преди не се ли плюнчеше цялата, когато говореше за Мадона? Уж много я уважавала.... Завижда! Само една свястна песен написа и почна да гняви....

Тема Bjorkнови [re: Bobby]  
Автор Bad_Bobby (Good Enough)
Публикувано08.02.04 19:05

" ...She(Madonna) asked for 'something Bjцrk'. She also wanted me to sing on the song, to make it a duet. I had written the song especially for her. But my intuition told me that it would be wrong for me to sing on the song. I also refused to meet her officially. When I finally meet her I want it to be totally by coincidence, when we're both drunk in a bar or something like that."

Hey Britney

Тема Tori Amosнови [re: Bad_Bobby]  
Автор armydreamer (surreal)
Публикувано09.02.04 16:21

Finally, we get to the women in her professional life. Any Madonna and Britney-type collaborations planned? Tori pauses. The next video, I ask, pushing my luck. another pause.

"You're so cute," she replies, "I think - and I'll say this to the Diva readers - the one thing we need to understand is that if you're going to French kiss another woman, it doesn't mean you're going to be an ingenue at 40. If you're 20, it doesn't mean you're going to get wisdom. You're going to get some cute lipgloss on and a yummy feeling inside, but there's a bit of a devouring going on.
When someone French kisses another woman to try and get something, that isn't passion; it's very interesting to me, an intriguing study. If you're going to French kiss somebody, French kiss a woman that can say, 'Okay, honey; okay sister, come with me and I'll show you a tongue like you've never seen before'. If you're going to walk down that road, do it! A tongue does not touch the intelligence inside another person. You know, Madonna's stayed around for 20 years, but Britney is not going to get that, and Madonna isn't going to become 20 years younger. I did not see 'I honour you' in that kiss. But that's me; that's what I saw."

Тема Re: Tori Amosнови [re: armydreamer]  
Автор SKiN (нанкащ)
Публикувано09.02.04 16:51

Доста интелигентно изказване.

Тема Re: Tori Amosнови [re: SKiN]  
Автор armydreamer (surreal)
Публикувано09.02.04 17:14

Леко объркващо - toristyle, но става.

Тема Re: Tori Amosнови [re: armydreamer]  
Автор SKiN (нанкащ)
Публикувано09.02.04 17:24

Аз смятам, че когато не можеш да разбереш един артист, то значи, че той е добър.

Тема The Donald on Madonna Kiss and Janet Boobgateнови [re: SKiN]  
Автор SKiN (нанкащ)
Публикувано09.02.04 22:35

The Donald on Madonna Kiss and Janet Boobgate

On CNN last night, Donald Trump discussed the Janet affair from the Super Bowl.

"Janet is disgusting. She knew what she was doing, it was planned and backfired, Just disgusting"
Trump said he was in the audience at the MTV Awards and felt that the kiss between Madonna and Britney was exciting and he said it was in his opinion "good shock". (source:CNN)

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