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Тема Re: s.s. - списъцинови [re: Бoзa Kocмaтa]  
Автор1O (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано03.10.05 23:12

140. Things That Give a Clean Feeling

An earthen cup.
A new metal bowl.
A rush mat.
The play of the light on water as one pours it into
a vessel.
A new wooden chest.

141. Things That Give an Unclean Feeling

A rat's nest.
Someone who is late in washing his hands in the
White snivel, and children who sniffle as they
The containers used for oil.
Little sparrows.
A person who does not bathe for a long time even
though the weather is hot.
All faded clothes give me an unclean feeling,
especially those that have glossy colors.

Тема 11нови [re: Бoзa Kocмaтa]  
АвторБ.K. (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано03.10.05 23:13

166. Things That Are Distant Though Near

Festivals celebrated near the Palace.
Relations between brothers, sisters, and other
members of a family who do not love each other.
The zigzag path leading up to the temple at Kurama.
The last day of the Twelfth Month and the first of
the First.

Тема 12нови [re: Бoзa Kocмaтa]  
АвторБ.K. (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано03.10.05 23:13

206. Things That Should be Short

A piece of thread when one wants to sew something
in a hurry.
A lamp stand.
The hair of a woman of the lower classes should be
neat and short.
The speech of a young girl.

Тема 13нови [re: Бoзa Kocмaтa]  
АвторБ.K. (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано03.10.05 23:14

221. Things That Fall From The Sky

Snow. Hail. I do not like sleet, but when it is
mixed with pure white snow it is very pretty.
Snow looks wonderful when it has fallen on a roof
of cypress bark.
When snow begins to melt a little, or when only a
small amount has fallen, it enters into all the
cracks between the bricks, so that the roof is
black in some places, pure white in others--most
I like drizzle and hail when they come down on a
shingle roof. I also like frost on a shingle roof
or in a garden.

Тема 14нови [re: Бoзa Kocмaтa]  
АвторБ.K. (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано03.10.05 23:15

222. The Sun

After the sun has set behind the mountain, a red
glow still lingers over the ridge and pale yellow
clouds trail into the distance. It is a very
moving sight.

223. The Moon

I am very moved when I see the thin crescent of a
pale moon hanging above the eastern hills.

224. The Stars

The Pleiads. Altair. The morning star and the
evening star.
If only there were no shooting stars to come
visiting us at night.

Тема 15нови [re: Бoзa Kocмaтa]  
АвторБ.K. (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано03.10.05 23:16

318. It Is Noon On a Summer Day

It is noon on a summer day and the weather is so
hot that one does not know what to do with oneself.
One keeps waving one's fan, but there is not a
breath of cool air; then, just as one is hurrying
to put one's hands in a bowl of iced water, a
letter arrives. It is written on a sheet of fine,
brilliantly red paper and attached to a Chinese
pink in full bloom. Without thinking, one lays
aside one's fan (which was not doing much good in
any case) and imagines how deeply one's friend must
feel to have taken all this trouble on such a
suffocating day.

Тема Re: s.s. - списъцинови [re: Бoзa Kocмaтa]  
Автор ridiculus .mus~ ()
Публикувано03.10.05 23:17

бе не е много интересно така

Тема 16нови [re: Бoзa Kocмaтa]  
АвторБ.K. (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано03.10.05 23:17

217. Letters Are Commonplace

Letters are commonplace enough, yet what splendid
things they are! When someone is in a distant
province and one is worried about him, and then a
letter suddenly arrives, one feels as though one
were seeing him face to face. Again, it is a great
comfort to have expressed one's feelings in a
letter even though one knows it cannot yet have
arrived. If letters did not exist, what dark
depressions would come over one! When one has been
worrying about something and wants to tell a
certain person about it, what a relief it is to put
it all down in a letter! Still greater is one's joy
when a reply arrives. At that moment a letter
really seems like an elixir of life.

Тема 17нови [re: Бoзa Kocмaтa]  
АвторБ.K. (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано03.10.05 23:21

207. Things That Belong In A House

A kitchen.
A servants' hall.
A new broom.
Small tables.
Sliding screens on stands.
Three-foot curtains of state.
A nicely decorated bag for carrying provisions.
A blackboard.
Small cupboards with shelves.
Vessels for warming and pouring wine.
Medium-sized tables.
Round straw cushions.
A corridor that turns at a right angle.
A brazier decorated with a painting.

Тема Re: 13нови [re: Б.K.]  
Авторпиниk (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано03.10.05 23:22

Рилейшън шип ис а бютифул!
Май майнд ис Бютифул!
Бютифул, бютифул.
Ай дон'т спик инглиш!!!!
Соу! Уай ай тинк дет ин тхис (путка майна) интернет спейс
невър спик ауър ленгуидж?
Уай еврибоди трай то (думата "изтъкнат" не я знам) ... и "себе си" не знам как се казва по английски!... Та....

Страници по тази тема: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | (покажи всички)
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