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Тема Пак за масовите екзекуциинови  
Автор ex-Pesho ()
Публикувано19.11.99 00:48

British team suspends Kosovo investigation after exhuming 508 bodies November 18, 1999 Web posted at: 11:35 a.m. EST (1635 GMT) LONDON (AP) -- British war crimes investigators said Thursday they have suspended work in Kosovo for the winter after uncovering 508 bodies, most of them elderly Albanian men who had been shot in the head. British investigators are among 14 forensic teams that have exhumed bodies at 195 gravesites in Kosovo since the end of the 78-day NATO bombing campaign. Evidence is to be turned over to the U.N. war crimes tribunal for Yugoslavia, which already has indicted five Serbians, including President Slobodan Milosevic. In one exhumation in Velika Krusa, the British team found about 40 men who had been shot in a barn and burned under a pile of hay. But the exact death toll will never be known, said John Bunn, head of Scotland Yard's forensic team, who recently returned from Kosovo. "It's just a mess. It's unidentifiable," Bunn said. "All you can do is try to retrieve bones and match the bones up." Last week, the United Nations said teams had exhumed 2,108 bodies so far. Intelligence reports and witnesses had indicated they should have found 4,266 bodies. Despite speculation that the final death toll may be lower than NATO's initial estimate of 10,000, British officials said it could even be higher. "We stand by at least 10,000," said Catherine Nettleson, Britain's war crimes coordinator. Recovery has appeared slow because most of the dead have been exhumed from smaller burial sites, unlike the mass graves of 200 or more bodies discovered after the 1992-95 war in Bosnia, Nettleton said. Many of the dead also have been disposed of in rivers, buried in existing graveyards or destroyed beyond recognition, making a count difficult, she added. Of the bodies exhumed by the British team, there were 260 males, 29 females, 20 children and 199 that could not be categorized. Most died from multiple gunshot wounds. The British team is expected to resume its work in April, once the ground in Kosovo has thawed. Copyright 1999 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. И едно допълнение към същата информация, взето от BBC: Some 508 bodies have been recovered, all of them civilians, and virtually all shot at close range. (!!!!!!) British officials say the true number of bodies in the grave sites investigated could well be higher - these are conservative figures - but the gruesome state of the human remains makes investigation difficult. All the evidence, say the investigators, points to these people having been deliberately shot. (!!!!!!) Някой тук разсъждаваше че това били жертви на бойни действия, бомбардировки на НАТО и т.н. правно-пропагандаторски упражнения.

Тема Niakoi da mi obiasni ...нови [re: ex-Pesho]  
Автор Oxygene ()
Публикувано19.11.99 02:19

... tyia kato sym oshte mlad i zelen! 1. Kakto po-doli Ex-Smesho posochva kakvo e genotsid, taka niakoi da byde dobyr da mi obiasni kakvo e masov grob( a),b),c) ...). Ex-Pesho, ne mi e blestiasht angliiskia i za tova popravi ako ne sym razbral: 1.Znachi 508 tela sa bili exhumirani ot Britantsite, no nikyde ne stava iasno kakvi sa te vsyshtnost - albantsi, serbi, tsigani, bosniatsi .. a) 260 sa bili myzhe, povecheto ot koito "Albanian shot in the head" b) 20 zheni - ne posochena natsionalnost c)29 detsa - ne posochena natsionalnost d)199 - neidetifitsiran pol i natsionalnost. 3. Ot 195 groba, se dopuska, che sa izvadeni nad 4 266 tela. Ot tiah 2 108 exhumirani ... etnicheskata im prinadlezhnost vse oshte ne se opovestviava. Mezhdudrugoto, tova za "shot in the head" i "shot at close range", me podseshta, za edni snimki koito gledah na razstreliani ot upor albantsi loialni ky Serbia, tozi pohvat e po-prisysht na AOK otkolkoto na Jugoslavskata armia. Mislia taka, zashtoto predstavi si ti si voinik tam, hem se srazhavash sreshtu dobre vyoryzheni partizani, hem ochakvash vseki moment nikoi "tsivilen" da ti zabie nozh v gyrba, hem si nashtrek ot natovskite samoleti ... sorry, ama vyobshte niama da mi e do ubiistva na zheni, a osobeno na detsa, koito pyk posle triabva da zaraviam i t.n. - ne se vryzva, pone spored men.A i vsichko se razchuva, + tova po dolu "Toi Ne E" pita kyde sa trupovete na boitsite ot AOK, ami na ubitite ot samite tiah albantsi ... ? P.S.Ne vazhi li syshtoto za komentara ot BBC, koeto Analysercho izkaza za "Tanjug", " ITAR-TASS", " Sinhaua" i t.n.?Dvoinia standart e protivno neshto!

Тема Пак за масовите екзекуциинови [re: ex-Pesho]  
Автор Българин ()
Публикувано19.11.99 03:56

Че режима на милошович е правил масови екзекуции това е не оспорим факт. Цинично е дасе спори все още за цифри. Дори да се докаже че ''нищожен брой'' са екзекутирани без съд това няма да го спаси от международния съд. Надяваме че положителните последствия от отстраняване на режима ще бъде почустван и в Б-г.

Тема Пак за масовите екзекуциинови [re: Българин]  
Автор Безродник ()
Публикувано19.11.99 10:23

1. Че режимът на Милошевич е правил масови екзакуции не е никакъв факт, а още по-малко - неоспорим. Според всички показания на очевидци убийствата на цивилни албански граждани в Косово, каквито несъмнено е имало, макар и в далеч по-скромни размери, са били дело на паравоенни банди, а не на армията и полицията. Както са факт и убийствата на лоялни към Югославия албанци, вършени от АОК. 2.Откога стана цинично да се говори за цифри? Откакто цифрите на Нато не намират потвърждение, а се оказват пропагандна лъжа. Когато медиите ни замерваха с фантастичните си цифри - първо 500 хиляди, после 100 хиляди, после 11 хиляди убити албанци - нямаше нищо цинично в броенето. 3. Това за т.н. международен съд е вярно. Когото са си избрали за военнопрестъпник, ще си го съдят. В тях е силата, в тях е правото. Ни Туджман, ни Изетбегович са набелязани за военнопрестъпници. Само като се попиташ, кой финансира Хагския триубнал, ти става ясно, чие "право" раздава. 4. След досегашните последици за България и региона от хуманитарната акция на Нато всяка нова последица може да бъде представена за положителна.

Тема Пак за масовите екзекуциинови [re: Безродник]  
Автор lucho ()
Публикувано19.11.99 10:49

По т. 4: Икономическите последствия за България се оказаха доста по-слаби от оплакванията на правителството и фирмите (нещо като статистиката за жертвите)

Тема Пак за масовите екзекуциинови [re: Безродник]  
Автор Генерал Антонеску ()
Публикувано19.11.99 11:55

Удивителна логика е това за паравоенните формирования. Все едно да твърдим че комунистическият режим и последващите правителства нямат отговорност за рекета и мутрите в България. А кой финансираше /или гарантираше самофинансирането/ чрез полугангстерско кланово управление в Белград? Чия пропаганда създаде в сръбското обществено мнение симпатия към тели "народни закрилници"?! Иначе е безспорно, цифрите са въпрос на келнерско надлъгване, дето викаше май беше Чърчил: Най-много се лъже преди избори, по време на война и след лов. Не мога да разбера това възмущение: Та кой не лъже по време на война?! Или Белград е бил абониран за истината? Естествено и и НАТО послъга, но, ей Богу, да се твърди че няма цивилни жертви в Косово, и то от много време преди войната, да се твърди, че всички избити албанци са били от АОК, това ми напомня на наивната вяра на съветските шпиони в западните страни, които са отказвали да повярват ужасите за лагерите и чистките. Та Москва е била виновна именно за атмосферата на страх и омраза, изпълнителите не са важни, в този смисъл трябва да помислим за тази "колективна вина". В това е виновен Милошевич, надали ще намерим подписан от него документ, с който той разпорежда на правителствени структури да вършат безобразия.

Тема Пак за масовите екзекуциинови [re: Генерал Антонеску]  
Автор Безродник ()
Публикувано19.11.99 15:59

Отговорност и вина са различни категории, колега. Защото отговорност за агресивния шовинизъм в Сърбия, ала и в Хърватско, в Косово и другаде, както и за бандитските формации имат и силите, сподобствували за възникването на необходимата почва и атмосфера. Например с поддържането на какви ли не санкции и блокади вече осем-девет години, и то само срещу Белград, идеален климат за мафиоти и организирана престъпност, както и с произвеждането на около един милион сръбски бежанци от цяла бивша Югославия, за които няма ни международна помощ, ни сърцераздирателно филмче по телевизията.Отговорни са и силите,подпомагали години наред организирането и въоръжаването на АОК, за да може конфликтът хубавичко да се разгори. Полека-лека се избистриха повечето от механизмите, довели до сегашното положение, и отговорните не са само в Белград. Само историята на появата и развитието на АОК е достатъчно красноречива. А иначе риториката ви не е съвсем коректна. Нато не послъга, а лънготеше, както комунисти не бях чувал да лъжат.И пордължава! Освен това никой не е твърдял, че няма цивилни жертви в Косово, нито, че всички убити албанци били жертва на АОК.

Тема За "послъгването"нови [re: Безродник]  
Автор Безродник ()
Публикувано19.11.99 16:19

Liar, Liar by George Szamuely It is hard to match the United States for mendacity and cruelty. The other day The Washington Post ran a story informing us that the "Clinton Administration increasingly sees [Kosovo’s] secession as inevitable." This was hardly a shocking revelation. To be sure, such an outcome would violate UN Security Council Resolution 1244, which speaks of the "commitment of all member states to the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia." But the United States has been violating the Resolution from the beginning. Kosovo already has its own currency (the D-mark); the border with Albania has ceased to exist; it has its own customs posts; Albanian flags hang on every building. And now, thanks to valiant U.S. efforts, the KLA has been delegated to act as the province’s official police force – to be known as the Kosovo Protection Corps. Yet thanks to our compliant media the United States continues telling fairy tales. However, the administration still felt obligated to issue a denial of the story: "Any suggestion that we have altered our policy on the question of the future status of Kosovo is wrong and incorrect," lisped the State Dept.’s Jamie Rubin. Well, that wasn’t quite the suggestion actually. "We are supporting the development of a democratic, autonomous, self-governing Kosovo under UN oversight and NATO protection," he explained. The pompous platitude is a lie. US policy has been to detach Kosovo from Serbia. In a recent article in The New York Times the loathsome Richard Holbrooke let the cat out of the bag. He referred to the people of Kosovo as having "known nothing but various forms of oppression since at least 1912." His choice of 1912 was revealing. That was when Kosovo was detached from the Ottoman Empire and became part of Serbia. Evidently, according to Holbrooke, life in pre-1912 Kosovo was pretty cool. That Kosovo’s 1910 rebellion against Turkish rule was put down savagely does not trouble him. That the Kosovo Serbs were treated with almost unimaginable cruelty during both world wars concerns him even less. In Holbrooke’s view, Muslims can commit atrocities against fellow Muslims. And they can commit atrocities against Christians in the bargain. The point of the Post story was to soften us up for the inevitable announcement that, due to circumstances beyond the administration’s control, Greater Albania is now a fact of life. We will then be told that, sadly, US policymakers have also had to give up on their commitment to create a "multiethnic Kosovo." The United States, of course, never had the slightest intention of permitting the Serbs to stay in Kosovo. Even before NATO’s arrival in Pristina, Pentagon spokesman Kenneth Bacon was telling the world: "The fact of the matter is that I don’t think Kosovo is going to be a very happy place for Serbs… As Kosovar Albanians flow back in, our assumption is that many Serbs will leave Kosovo." But the TV sitcom-addled public will apparently believe anything. The Post’s follow-up to the Kosovo "secession" story was even phonier than the initial story. The reporter described a Punch-and-Judy debate supposedly going on behind the scenes. On one side were the Europeans. They believe that "ethnic enmity can fade, and Kosovo can be pressured to remain part of Yugoslavia once [Milosevic] is removed from office." On the other side are the Americans. They have given up on "multiethnic" Kosovo. Guess who will get the better of this debate! We went through this charade last month on the issue of the KLA. The Europeans wanted the KLA to disarm. The Americans wanted to turn the KLA into the province’s security force. They split the difference and turned the KLA into the province’s security force. NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana announced that the new Kosovo Protection Corps would be "multiethnic." Now, the Corps is to be under the command of KLA Chief of Staff Agim Ceku. Ceku masterminded the worst act of ethnic cleansing since 1945 – the 1995 expulsion of 300,000 Serbs from the Krajina region of Croatia. Obviously neither European nor American officials are stupid enough to believe that Ceku has any intention of presiding over a "multiethnic" force. Once again we are being told fairy tales about that great bunch of naive, humanitarian guys–our rulers. Speaking of humanitarian guys, whatever happened to the Serb atrocities? Back in April, about a month after NATO bombs started dropping on Belgrade, the soft-spoken Jamie Rubin estimated that 100,000 Albanians had already lost their lives at the hands of the Serbs. Shortly after the arrival of the NATO troops in Kosovo, we were reliably informed that the number was 10,000. A few days ago, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia – a U.S.-run operation – announced that it had exhumed bodies from 150 mass graves in Kosovo. And there were still 350 potential sites left to examine. Moreover, the Tribunal’s spokeswoman cheerfully pointed out, "new sites are reported…on virtually a daily basis. We anticipate just as big an effort next year as we have had this year." Next year! Bosnia rides again. More than four years after the fall of Srebrenica, Tribunal investigators are still desperately digging and digging trying to find the bodies of those 8000 Bosnian Muslims supposedly killed by Serbs. So how many Albanians were killed in Kosovo? The spokeswoman replied that she would not be drawn into a "numbers game." However, she added helpfully, "we are talking about thousands." Month after month, the United States played the "numbers game." It had nothing whatsoever on which to base its wild allegations. Now that it has the free run of Kosovo and all its alleged "mass graves," suddenly it gets tongue-tied about numbers. Lying about numbers, lying about almost anything, is the driving principle of the US government. As soon as NATO hoisted the KLA into power, the province’s Serbs were being murdered and expelled. Initially, the US line was to justify this by referring to the Albanians’ understandable desire for "revenge." However, as the atrocities mounted the US had to come up with a new story. The KLA’s hands were clean, we were told. "There is no organized KLA effort to retaliate against the Serbs," a Clinton administration official announced in typically lawyerly fashion in June. The demented Wesley Clark went further: "From the leadership of the KLA, we’ve seen continuing expressions of support for multi-ethnicity…so I can’t put a finger on who is doing this." This story, too, wore thin after a while. So Clark came up with another explanation. The Serbs were responsible for the atrocities perpetrated against them. How? Apparently, Milosevic was sending in Serb paramilitaries to provoke violence. Bernard Kouchner, the UN Secretary-general’s special representative to Kosovo, parroted the story: A "lot of non-official people are coming," he rumbled ominously the other day, "Some of the incidents have been organized." Asked if he had any proof for this allegation, he admitted that he had none. However, he blustered, Milosevic "has been accused of war crimes…and if he is capable of committing war crimes then he is capable of sending people to destabilize the regime." There speaks the voice of contemporary international justice! If he is "capable" of it, then he must have done it! Kouchner, The Washington Post reported, "was initially viewed with suspicion in Washington but is now highly regarded as a valuable ally." One can see why. Though a Frenchman, he has become totally Clintonized. Wesley Clark, however, was not done yet. The other day he came up with yet another story. There had been no ethnic cleansing of Serbs. "I discovered, interestingly enough," he announced, "that a complete survey has been taken of how many Serbs remain in Kosovo. It’s not 30,000. The figure that KFOR came up with is 97,000." "Came up with" is the appropriate expression. The International Committee of the Red Cross reckons that 160,000 Serbs and Gypsies have fled Kosovo. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees also estimates that around 160,000 have left. Therefore, both organizations calculate that something like 30-40,000 Serbs and Gypsies remain in the province. Clark does not believe a word of this. "I think one has to recognize that whenever one’s dealing in the Balkans there’s always a certain amount of incorrect information put out. So there’s a lot of mythology now about this reverse ethnic cleansing." Clark is still NATO Supreme Allied Commander. The man is a mass-murderer. He clearly belongs in a straitjacket. One has to ask: Will the day ever come when Americans feel ashamed of themselves for letting a pack of liars, gangsters and lunatics speak for them? *** This article is reprinted from the New York Press

Тема За лъженето и маженетонови [re: Безродник]  
Автор ex-Pesho ()
Публикувано19.11.99 16:58

In a recent article in The New York Times the loathsome Richard Holbrooke let the cat out of the bag. He referred to the people of Kosovo as having "known nothing but various forms of oppression since at least 1912." His choice of 1912 was revealing. That was when Kosovo was detached from the Ottoman Empire and became part of Serbia. Evidently, according to Holbrooke, life in pre-1912 Kosovo was pretty cool. That Kosovo’s 1910 rebellion against Turkish rule was put down savagely does not trouble him. Очевидно твоя колега въобще не го интересува че според турските документи през 1912 година Косово се е населявала от 912 000 албанци, 215 000 сърби и 157 000 българи. Може би ако се беше заинтересувал от реалната история на региона, а не от сводките от Белград щеше и да си зададе въпроса защо само някoлко години по-късно под сръбска власт и кьорав българин не е останал в Косово. Да не говорим че неговия интелектуален капацитет така и не може да смели протоворечивия факт, че една територия населявана от една народност, но владяна от чужда на тази народност държава, изеднъж пак се оказва владяна от чужда държава, която има общо с тази територия само дотолкова доколкото само 1/5 от нейното население е от нейната си народност. Може би заради това aлбанците трябваше ръка да целуват на сърбите че ги "освободили" от турците. За останалите лакърдии вече достатъчно говорихме.

Тема За лъженето и маженетонови [re: ex-Pesho]  
Автор Безродник ()
Публикувано19.11.99 21:15

Ех, Пешо, ако знаеше колко си смешен, ама не знаеш. Ти си най-великият и най-компетентният. Като прочете "Кратката история" на Малкълм, се чувствуваш ерудиран като милиционер след прочита на "Кратка история на ВКП(б). Че и правописът ти е милиционерски, представям си, какъв ти е английския. Журналистчето на Тато... Ще взема да ти изработя една психограма, ама няма да ти помогне. Дрънкай си, че поне е весело.

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