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Тема Хомеопатия и животнинови  
Автор bushkata (любопитка)
Публикувано12.04.08 00:21

От форума на мамите ме пратиха тук

Не се оправям с търсачката на дир-а
За това пускам нова тема.
Вълнува ме темата за хомеопатията и животните.
И в частност кучета и котки.

Чувала съм теорията за съзнанието и че хомеопатията не може да им помага, защото .. хм, нямали съзнание. Поне не като нашето?

Отделно ме интересуват чисто практически неща - може ли да обеазпразитявам с хомеопатия? Хапчетата за тази цел са доста отровни и товарещи черния дроб.

Извинете, ако са ми много и объркани въпросите, просто от някъде да започна.

Тема Re: Хомеопатия и животнинови [re: bushkata]  
Автор passion flower ()
Публикувано12.04.08 12:41


нямали съзнание?!?!!? кой каза тази дивотия???

естетсвено, че имат съзнание и естетсвено, че може да им се помага с хомеопатия

има лекарства за паразити, примерно Цина-Cina...

има една жена, която се занимава изключително с животни-Румяна...забравих и фамилията.Обади се в Хомеопатично Общество, да ти я дадат.


Ето ти и статия в нета за това;

Homeopathic Medicines & Treatment for WORMS, Intestinal Worms in Humans
#Cina [Cina]
Produces a perfect picture of the wormy child. The patient is cross, irritable, has a sickly pale face with rings about the eyes, grates the teeth at night and has a tendency to convulsions; there is canine hunger or variable appetite; the child picks at its nose and cries out in its sleep; there is jerking of the hands and feet and a milky urine. It does not correspond well to pin-worms and a noticeable symptoms is a bluish color about the mouth.

#Santonine. [Sant]
The alkaloid of Cina is also a remedy for round worms. It is not a safe remedy as Cina and no more efficacious. The writer has observed convulsions produced by its use in too low potencies.

#Caladium. [Calad]
Useful when worms travel over the perineum and get into the vagina in little girls, with tendency to excite masturbation.

#Teucrium. [Teucr]
The remedy for ascarides or pin-worms; there is much irritation caused by them in the rectum. Hughes prefers the tincture or lower dilutions, saying that it rarely fails in this condition. Another remedy for pin-worms is Sinapis nigra.

Cina and Cicuta are often indicated in convulsions from worms.

#Spigelia. [Spig]
Strabismus, jerking with paleness of the face, blue rings around the eyes, faint, nauseated feeling with colic about the navel caused by the presence of worms, will indicate Spigelia. It has stools consisting of mucus, faces and worms. The tincture on a handkerchief and inhaled will frequently arrest convulsions from worms.

#Ignatia [Ign]
Is useful where the child is much excited and has tickling and creeping at the anus.

#Indigo [Indg]
Is a remedy for ascarides or thread-worms in melancholy children, with intense pain in the umbilical region, also convulsions from worms.

#Sabadilla [Sabad]
Has worm symptoms with nausea, vomiting and colic.

#Stannum. [Stann]
According to Hahnemann, Stannum so stupefies the worms that they are easily dislodged by purgatives. It has many worms symptoms; thus pale sunken face and eyes surrounded by blue rings, Sluggish disposition, general torpor, foetor of breath and passive fever. Patient prefers to lie on stomach.

#Calcarea [Calc]
Calcarea is a valuable remedy to eradicate the disposition to worms.

#Cuprum oxydatum nigrum. [Cupr-o]
Zopfy in his sixty years' practice asserts that this remedy will remove all kinds of worms, cure trichinosis, and even tapeworm. He gives it in small doses, about the 1X, in alternation with Nux vomica four or five times a day for four to six weeks, which always suffices to cure tapeworm without causing the patient any in convenience whatever.

Тема Re: Хомеопатия и животни [re: passion flower]  
Автор bushkata (любопитка)
Публикувано12.04.08 13:11


Ще се боря с английския сега.

Тема Re: Хомеопатия и животнинови [re: bushkata]  
Автор...... (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано14.04.08 06:10

Интересувам се и аз от темата,ако научиш нещо сподели.

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