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Тема Sled kato e tolkova sekretno...нови  
АвторSluchaen (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано23.10.02 20:05

... i ot Отдел "Работа с клиенти" ne kazvat se obra6tam za pomo6t kam razbira4ite v DIRa :-) Molya za pomo6t ako nyakoi znae ne6to po vaprosa koito postavih na Customer Care :

Prilagam vaprosa mi i tehniyat otgovor...

---" Уважаеми г-н XXXXXX,

Съжаляваме, тази информация е конфиденциална. Вида на кодирането на разговорите в мрежата на ГлоБул не влияе пряко на качеството на провеждания разговор и няма връзка с използвания от Вас мобилнен апарат.

С уважение:
Отдел "Работа с клиенти"
"Космо България Мобайл" /ГлоБул/
----- Original Message -----
From: XXXXX xxxxx
To: help@globul.bg
Sent: 22 October, 2002 10:02 PM
Subject: Технически въпрос...

Уважаеми Г-да,

Ще Ви бъда благодарен, ако ме информирате какъв алгоритъм за кодиране на речта поддържа ГлоБул - HR half rate, FR full rate или EFR enhanced full rate ?
Като Ваш клиент (0000xxxx.00x) се интересувам от този въпрос за да реша дали да си сменя телефона с по-нов модел или е още рано...
Благодаря Ви предварително, приятен ден! "---

Тема Re: Sled kato e tolkova sekretno...нови [re: Sluchaen]  
Автор checho (клюкар)
Публикувано23.10.02 20:45

Аз съм чувал, че режимът на работа е различен за всяка клетка, и чрез някакъв код може да видиш текущия режим на телефона.
Нямам представа дали е вярно, само имам бегли проблясъци .

Тема СЕКРЕТНО ?!?!?!нови [re: Sluchaen]  
Автор Cпoмeниии (MetalMoto™)
Публикувано23.10.02 20:52


Това нещо...го пише във всяка една книга...или в материали за GSM стандарта в нета !!!!



GSM is a digital system, so speech, which is inherently analog, has to be digitised. The GSM group studied several speech coding algorithms on the basis of subjective speech quality and complexity (which is related to cost, processing delay and power consumption once implemented) before arriving at the choice of a Regular Pulse Excited - Linear Predictive Coder (RPE-LPC) with a long term predictor loop. Basically, information from previous samples, which does not change very quickly, is used to predict the current sample. The coefficients of the linear combination of the previous samples, plus an encoded form of the residual, the difference between the predicted and actual sample, represent the signal. Speech is divided into 20 (ms) samples, each of which is encoded as 260 bits, giving a total bit rate of 13Kbps (kilobits per second). This is the so-called full-rate speech coding. Recently, an enhanced full-rate (EFR) speech coding algorithm has been implemented by some North American GSM1900 operators. This is said to provide improved speech quality using the existing 13Kbps bit rate.


The overall data rate for the radio channel is 270kb/s.
This is split into B full rate or 16 half rate traffic channels, plus the signaling channels.
The coding is complex in order to have the maximum chance to detect and correct the errors encountered in a typical propagation path.
The output of the speech coder is encrypted, coded and interleaved in a sophisticated way to allow Forward Error Correction to be applied.
The data is then sent as bursts in time slots of 577µs, each containing 116 encrypted bits.
There are 8 or 16 of these time slots per TDMA frame, and the receive and transmit time slots are staggered so that the mobile station is not receiving at the same instant as it is transmitting, thus simplifying the filtering requirements.
With this scheme, there can be at least one spare slot between transmit and receive, leaving time for the synthesizer to change frequency (whether or not hopping is employed).
The receiver also monitors adjacent cell for one time slot each frame to determine their signal strength to optimize a possible handover,


GSM is a digital system, so speech which is inherently analog, has to be digitized. The method employed by ISDN, and by current telephone systems for multiplexing voice lines over high speed trunks and optical fiber lines, is Pulse Coded Modulation (PCM). The output stream from PCM is 64 kbps, too high a rate to be feasible over a radio link. The 64 kbps signal, although simple to implement, contains much redundancy. The GSM group studied several speech coding algorithms on the basis of subjective speech quality and complexity (which is related to cost, processing delay, and power consumption once implemented) before arriving at the choice of a Regular Pulse Excited -- Linear Predictive Coder (RPE--LPC) with a Long Term Predictor loop.

Conventional cellular uses an equally intimidating algorithm named Vector Sum Excited Linear Predictive speech compression. Ugh. Click here to learn about it.

Basically, information from previous samples, which does not change very quickly, is used to predict the current sample. The coefficients of the linear combination of the previous samples, plus an encoded form of the residual, the difference between the predicted and actual sample, represent the signal. Speech is divided into 20 millisecond samples, each of which is encoded as 260 bits, giving a total bit rate of 13 kbps.

This is the subject of digital signal processing.

This is the so-called Full-Rate speech coding. Recently, an Enhanced Full-Rate (EFR) speech coding algorithm has been implemented by some North American GSM1900 operators. This is said to provide improved speech quality using the existing 13 kbps bit rate.


Channel coding and modulation
Because of natural and man-made electromagnetic interference, the encoded speech or data signal transmitted over the radio interface must be protected from errors. GSM uses convolutional encoding and block interleaving to achieve this protection. The exact algorithms used differ for speech and for different data rates. The method used for speech blocks will be described below.

Radio waves are a rough medium to transmit fragile data over; we need a way to protect that information. We do so with error checking, mathematical routines that check and then double-check the integrity of our data. These methods contribute greatly to the overhead in a digital stream, adding a tremendous amount of bits, and thus dramatically cutting down on data speed. It's one reason data transfer rates are only 9.6kbs. This is a complex subject, one I haven't written much on.

Recall that the speech codec produces a 260 bit block for every 20 ms speech sample. From subjective testing, it was found that some bits of this block were more important for perceived speech quality than others. The bits are thus divided into three classes:

Class Ia 50 bits - most sensitive to bit errors
Class Ib 132 bits - moderately sensitive to bit errors
Class II 78 bits - least sensitive to bit errors
Class Ia bits have a 3 bit Cyclic Redundancy Code added for error detection. If an error is detected, the frame is judged too damaged to be comprehensible and it is discarded. It is replaced by a slightly attenuated version of the previous correctly received frame. These 53 bits, together with the 132 Class Ib bits and a 4 bit tail sequence (a total of 189 bits), are input into a 1/2 rate convolutional encoder of constraint length 4. Each input bit is encoded as two output bits, based on a combination of the previous 4 input bits. The convolutional encoder thus outputs 378 bits, to which are added the 78 remaining Class II bits, which are unprotected. Thus every 20 ms speech sample is encoded as 456 bits, giving a bit rate of 22.8 kbps.

To further protect against the burst errors common to the radio interface, each sample is interleaved. The 456 bits output by the convolutional encoder are divided into 8 blocks of 57 bits, and these blocks are transmitted in eight consecutive time-slot bursts. Since each time-slot burst can carry two 57 bit blocks, each burst carries traffic from two different speech samples.

Recall that each time-slot burst is transmitted at a gross bit rate of 270.833 kbps. This digital signal is modulated onto the analog carrier frequency using Gaussian-filtered Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK). GMSK was selected over other modulation schemes as a compromise between spectral efficiency, complexity of the transmitter, and limited spurious emissions. The complexity of the transmitter is related to power consumption, which should be minimized for the mobile station. The spurious radio emissions, outside of the allotted bandwidth, must be strictly controlled so as to limit adjacent channel interference, and allow for the co-existence of GSM and the older analog systems (at least for the time being).

Ако ти е необходима повече информация...просто се поразрови в нета!!!


Тема Re: СЕКРЕТНО ?!?!?! Thank You very much...нови [re: Cпoмeниии]  
АвторSluchaen (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано24.10.02 02:41

... za izcherpatelnoto razyasnenie! Kazhi molya te i oshte neshto:

Na telefona (M35i) kato vlyaza v serviznoto (skritoto) menyu na NetMonitora tam v configuration imam optziya "allways dual rate" - kato ya vklyu4a ne zabelyazvam vidimo podobrenie na zvuka po vreme na razgovor ==> ne znam dali Globul vaob6te poddarzhat FR & EFR (tova vsa6tnost iskah da gi pitam :-)

Ta iskam da znam ima li smisal da go vklyu4vam "allways dual rate" ponezhe mi har4i malko po barzo bateriyata ?

Тема Re: СЕКРЕТНО ?!?!?! Thank You very much...нови [re: Sluchaen]  
Авторsev (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано24.10.02 09:51

az sam probval s nokia
nqma nikakva razlika
pone spored men
taka 4e si re6i sam

Тема Re: СЕКРЕТНО ?!?!?! Thank You very much... [re: Sluchaen]  
Автор AquilaX (познат)
Публикувано24.10.02 11:53

Ами според моя Siemens:

Аудио: EEL
ver. 0048 0007
Mod 01 Vol 04


умният знае кога да говори, мъдрият знае кога да мълчи

Тема Re: СЕКРЕТНО ?!?!?! Thank You very much...нови [re: AquilaX]  
Автор Sahib (BOGA)
Публикувано25.10.02 01:53

Abe vie vsi4ki se iskarahte hackeri Mnogo razbirate ot telefoni, software, firmware i t.n. Pi40ve 6to ne ostavite horata koito naistina razbirat ot tova (za tova sa u4ili i tova im e hliaba) da se zanimavat s telefonite a ne vie da si 40vurkate po telefonite i posle da ostaviate podobni tupi postingi i da pitate "kak tova i onova", "preeba mi se tva" i "barnikah si po menuto i ne6to se precaka"
P.S. Evala na SPOMENIII negovia posting naistina e gotin i stoinosten, ta napravete kato nego "SURF DA NET"

Тема Хеххе ;)нови [re: Sahib]  
Автор Cпoмeниии (MetalMoto™)
Публикувано25.10.02 01:56

Мерси ;)) ама...не само сърф :) и ЧЕТЕНЕ !! И РАЗБИРАНЕ !!


Тема Re: Хеххе ;)нови [re: Cпoмeниии]  
Автор Sahib (BOGA)
Публикувано25.10.02 02:03

Prav si ama ot tam se po4va. Nali naroda e neuk, ta kato ne znae pita (a ne 4ete)!!!

Тема Как се влиза в сервизното менюнови [re: Sluchaen]  
Автор checho (клюкар)
Публикувано25.10.02 13:57

при M35i и C45 ???

Страници по тази тема: 1 | 2 | 3 | (покажи всички)
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